Log Date: 6/6/99 Log Cast: Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca (NPC emitted by Han), Mara Jade, Colby, Morganna Tazecks Log Intro: Not that he'd ever let on to Leia about it, not when the Princess has been so proud of his responsibilities as the commanding officer of the New Republic's entire ground-based armed forces, but Han has been itching for months now for a chance for a little mischief. And there are few men in the galaxy better suited to bringing mischief to Solo than Lando Calrissian. Bored enough that even one of Lando's wild schemes sounds appealing to him, Han has let his friend talk him and Chewie into a jaunt to Nar Shaddaa, to hunt down some replacement transponder components for the _Commander of Coins_, Calrissian's new capital ship. Of course, the challenge will be how they can land on the Smugglers' Moon without drawing undue attention from any number of bounty hunters out for the prices on all three of their heads placed by the Hutts _and_ the Empire... ---------- Han_Solo radios, "Millenium Falcon to the Commander of Coins. You awake over there, Calrissian?" to ship cs-3020 Communication from CS-3020 -- " "'Awake' would be one way of putting it. I took a stroll through the engineering section and found a few eye opening surprises. Are you ready?"" Han_Solo radios, "(Chewbacca's voice rowrls over the comm system, affirming his presence, and it is immediately followed by Han's lazy drawl.) We're as ready as we ever are, pal. Though Chewie here has the right idea. I might not like it much, but I'm thinking we'd better park the Falcon on the CoC. She's too well known on the Moon." to ship cs-3020 Communication from CS-3020 -- "(Lando's amused chuckle carries through the comm system before he respons.) "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've been taking lessons from Luke. I was just thinking the same thing, about the _Falcon_. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bounty on her hull like there is on our heads. Speaking of which... thanks for coming along."" Han_Solo radios, "Hey, well, can't let you have all the fun, can we? We're comin' in, sit tight..." to ship cs-3020 SF-3264 has landed on cs-3020 [And in a few moments...] You head down off the entry ramp of the _Falcon_. Landing Bay - Commander of Coins Vast would be the first word to describe this enormous Landing Area. Technicians and ship crewmen move about the cavernous area, the proportions of the hangar giving them the impression of insects scurrying about a hive. Undoubtedly, this hangar could contain and maintain dozens of some of the largest space faring vessels. In addition to its size, this hangar area gives off the impression of both wealth and taste. From the vaulted, ribbed ceiling to the highly polished and buffed floor, the duraplating of the walls has been meticulously cleaned and detailed with an embossed pattern that depicts the ship's namesake; a Sabacc card known as The Commander of Coins. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Lando => STARFIGHTER: Corellian YT-1300 -- Millennium Falcon -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- ore leads to Foyer - Commander of Coins. Han_Solo enters Landing Bay - Commander of Coins Lando Before you is a tall, dark-skinned male of average build, with short, wavy dark hair. Many would probably regard him as handsome. His brown eyes gaze coolly about the area with an air of friendliness and confidence, bordering on cockiness. A simple, short black mustache decorates a slightly angular face. Perhaps it is the set of his jaw, or perhaps it is the cocksure air about him, but he looks as if he usually would wear a knowing, maybe even arrogant, smile. A simple, black vest adorns a white, long sleeve shirt that buttons up the front. The shirt, though clean, somehow has a rumpled appearance, giving the impression of having been slept in. It is tucked into casual black pants, a yellow stripe of little or no significance running down the outside of each pantleg. Comfortable, sort souled shoes, a black belt, and holster strapped at the thigh and waiste complete the outfit, giving him the overall appearance of a scoundrel. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => DY-255 Heavy Blaster Pistol Lando leans against the bulkhead making up one of the sides of the passages leading toward's the _Commander_'s foyer. As he sees Han step out of the dilapidated freighter, he straightens and calls out, "As you can see, there's plenty of parking space." He pauses, listening to his voice echoing through the empty landing area before continuing, "Hopefully, that won't always be the case." Indeed, it doesn't take long for Solo -- and his Wookiee partner, for that matter -- to come down the landing ramp of the _Falcon_ once she's parked herself in the bay of the capital ship. With a hiss of hydraulics the ramp comes down, and Han's lanky figure with Chewie's much bigger one come into view. Lifting a hand to wave at Calrissian, the Corellian grins and says, striding over to join him, "What, a respectable businessman like you? I'm sure they'll be lining up to carry out all sorts of, ah, 'respectable business'." Behind him, armed with his favorite weaponry -- Chewbacca, a sensible Wookiee, isn't about to go to Nar Shaddaa without being armed to his formidable teeth -- Chewie rowrls a greeting of his own. A brown eyed, smiling countenance first focues on the Corellian as he speaks, then moves back to the taller, shaggier Chewbacca, favoring the Wookiee with a broad grin. He nods in response to Chewbacca's greeting and says, "It's good to see you, too." He turns back to Han with a smirk and a shake of his head as he says, "'Respectable' or not, I'm telling you... the _Commander_ is going to be my greatest success. That is, once the Imperials aren't looking for it." "And here I just thought they wanted you and your charming company," Han drawls, casting a curious hazel regard around what he can see of the vessel. "Never did get a clear story out of you as to what the hell happened when you left Caspar; how many holes in Imperial ships did you cause with this thing?" The Wookiee lets out a few soft barks of laughter, his own gaze alight with curiosity as he surveys his new surroundings. He then chimes in with the observation that for that matter, he and his Corellian partner haven't really gotten a good look at the ship itself. "Well," Lando says in the manner of one preparing to give a presentation. "We'll have plenty of time in hyperspace for a tour of the facilities," he says, his gaze shifting between Han and Chewbacca. "As to what the _Commander_ did in that escape... well, let's just say he demonstrated the better part of valor in the way only a ship this size can." The Corellian's lean rugged visage lights in a devilish grin. He can translate that comment readily enough to 'ran like a drunken bantha through an oil slick', but because this is Lando, all he says by way of reply is a wry, "Uh huh. Well, buddy, what say we get this little jaunt underway? And you can tell us your plan for how we'll stroll in under the eyes of the Hutts." Lando laughs outright at that as he turns, gesturing for Han and Chewie to preceed him into the Foyer. He says, adding a flourish to his gesture, "Plan? Well... I do have a plan, I suppose. It's just not very good." Chewbacca whorfles a loudly amused response, making Han scowl mildly. "Says who? Just because there were a few more stormtroopers waiting around the corner than I _thought_ there were doesn't mean that wasn't a good plan!" As he follows Calrissian through his vessel, then, the Corellian adds in mock long-suffering tones, "He never likes my plans." Lando heads through arched exit, leading out of this Hangar. Lando has left. You head through the arched passage leading out of the Hangar. Foyer - Commander of Coins The most striking thing in this room is how little it seems like a section of a space faring vessel. A large, bronzed sculpture of a crowned man, with angular facial features and standing with one leg on an open chest of coins must be a figurative representation of the Commander of Coins himself. Beneath the sculpture, running from wall to wall is a rich, plush carpet of a deep maroon with gold trim. An elegant chandelier of crystal and cut glass hangs from the vaulted, arched overhead, giving the room a soft illumination rather than a harsh, mechanical brightness that can usually be found on ships. Near the port-side exit, a podium made of a deep grained wood with intricate inlay has been set up, obviously for an individual to stand behind to welcome people aboard. Between the exit heading toward the Public hangars and the exit that is the docking tube hatch sits an enclosed area, decorated with potted plants of various sizes. The enclosed area has but one window, with a sign next to it stating, "Weapon Storage Facility". -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Lando => Weapons Storage Facility -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-

ort leads to Entertainment Center - Commander of Coins. tarboard leads to Storage Bay - Commander of Coins. ore leads to Security Section - Commander of Coins. ft leads to Landing Bay - Commander of Coins. atch leads to Space. Han_Solo enters Foyer - Commander of Coins With the grin of a salesman on his face, Lando enters the foyer behind Han and Chewie. He says, gesturing with his hands, "As you can see, I'm looking to try and reach a certain level of class with this vessel. Anyone can create a flying 'gambling dive'. I'm looking to create the ultimate pleasure cruiser. I'm just fortunate the Caspians were generous enough to give me the ship on loan as they have." "Loan? You're flaggin', buddy, I'da thought you'd have taken it off their hands permanent-like," come Solo's amused observation, while he and the Wookiee accompany the other man through the ship. "And gotten them to pay you to let you do it." Chewbacca whurflesnickers, while his blue gaze roams everywhere, noting with approval how a lot of the _Commander_'s equipment seems in so much better shape than that on the _Falcon_ -- but then again, the Wookiee muses, is it as much fun to fly? Lando stifles another laugh, shaking his head as he looks around the broad foyer as though inspecting it for the first time. "To tell you the truth, I'm still a bit amazed that I've got it at all, considering the circumstances by which the President and I met. It was at gun point, with her and her husband on the painful side." _That_ seizes Chewbacca's attention all over again, and Han's eyebrows climb up towards his dark disheveled hair. "You had a _gun_ drawn on Avalyshaar Laarken?" Solo asks archly. "I musta missed something, big time." Lando brings a hand up and waves it, as though threatening the lives of political leaders and their spouses were nothing. He says, with a slight shrug, "It was all a big misunderstanding, actually. I went to Caspar after hearing the rumors that they were holding Leia hostage. Using this ship just sort of came up in passing when I was apologizing to Mrs. Laarken about the incident. She's quite an amazing woman that way, really." Solo lets out a low whistle. "I'd contacted her myself," he says then, and then flicks a lopsided grin at his friend. "Y'know, buddy, we're gonna have to stop this left-hand-not-knowing-what-the-right-is-doing thing. Might wind up making us look stupid to somebody, and I get in enough of that trying to go to council meetings with Her Worship." As Chewbacca yowls his version of a groan, Solo can't quite suppress a shudder of his own at the thought of _meetings_. "What other trouble were you getting into on Caspar back around then?" "Other trouble?" Lando repeats, his eyebrows raising a bit. "Nothing major, really. Nothing that would revoke my welcome back in that system, that I'm aware of." He pauses, bringing a hand to his chin and tapping his lips with his index finger as his eyes focus on the statue in the center of the room. After a moment, he continues, "I hope my running of the Imperial blockade didn't escalate matters there. I haven't had a chance to find out." "Well," says Solo, while Chewie idly rambles about the foyer and curiously inspects everything in sight, "from the intelligence reports I got my hands on, one ship jumping the blockade probably wouldn't have made a damned bit of difference considering the way the Imps tore into the place. It's just a good thing their forces managed to rally and take back the system; last I heard, they're getting back on their feet again." Genuine relief fills Lando's features at that. He says, "That is good news. And not just because of the all the money I planned on making in that system when the _Commander_ makes its rounds there. It's winters are particularly unpleasant, but there's something about the people that I admire." His eyes move over to Chewbacca and follow his movements through the Foyer a moment before he says, "So. About that plan... do you have any ideas?" Han's eyebrows go up again. "You don't have a plan, do you?" he drawls. Lando straightens the collar of his shirt, which slowly shifts back into a not-quite-straight position around his neck. He looks down at the rest of his clothes, then back up at Han and says, "Well, you're looking at part of what I had in mind. I never did get you these clothes back, and I thought that they'd be pretty good for a disguise. Tell me... do you have a preference for a cape color?" Han stops. And stares, it only just now beginning to sink in that Lando is still wearing _his_ clothes. But that's not what makes his jaw drop. "Cape?" he echoes blankly. Lando cocks his head slightly and says, "I said you wouldn't like it. I'll be the rogue pilot this time, while you play the part of the respectable businessman, looking for a little discount on some necessary upgrades." He turns his eyes toward Chewie and says, "Unfortunately, a Wookiee doesn't really fit very well into the disguise, but if you wouldn't mine, we're going to need someone at the helm ready to take us out in a hurry, if it should come to it." Han? Play the part of the respectable businessman? Chewbacca _has_ to come back into the conversational loop for this. "This," he whorfles out smugly, "I have _got_ to see." "Wait a minute," Han says, rather more urgently, "you're suggesting I should wear _your_ clothes?" The notion rather seems to alarm the Corellian, as consternation widens his eyes. Lando sticks a thumb through a shoulder opening in the vest and lifts it a little as he says, "I'm fairly certain they'll fit. The cape will be something for you to get used to, especially when you go to sit down. If you've got a better idea, now's a good time to offer it up." His eyes flicker toward a light blinking on a small console near the weapon receiving unit, and he continues with a smirk, "Because we just entered the outskirts of the system." Ohhhhh, shit. Shiisa. And the same swear word in four other languages. "Okay, well, if it'll keep the Hutts off our backs," he grumbles, "I'll give it a shot, but I _could_ point out, bright boy, that even if we switched clothes that won't do a damned thing about our faces!" "It's been a long time since I've been to Nar Shadda," Lando says, simply. "I'm sure it's been a while for you, too. If they're not looking for us, and if we don't turn down the wrong hall at the wrong time, we probably won't run into anyone that will recognize us. With luck." "Luck," repeats Han dubiously, eying his friend as if looking for some sign that Calrissian is pulling his leg. "Yeah. Right. Okay, well, show me" -- and he can't quite repress another small shudder -- "your clothes." Over another merry yowrl from the Wookiee, the Corellian appends with a growl, "I don't wanna hear it, Chewie!" "Actually," Lando says, glancing toward that still blinking indicator. "Why don't you and Chewie get the _Falcon_ ready to take us down to the the moon. I'll get us up close enough so that the _Falcon_ won't have to be in space longer than it needs to be. I'll bring some suitable clothes to the _Falcon_, and Chewie and I can fly it down while you change there." Chewbacca, undaunted by his partner's thunderous glower, whorflechuckles his agreement and strides back off to the _Falcon_, his approval of this particular plan obvious, though he'll have a word in private with Lando about making sure Han doesn't do anything _too_ stupid... Grudgingly, Han stalks off after the Wookiee; as he goes, his voice can be heard to mutter, "I've got a _bad_ feeling about this...!" [And soon, on board the _Falcon_...] Cockpit(#6362RXnt) The cockpit of the _Falcon_ is reasonably spacious as freighter cockpits go, able to seat four with ease, and some space left over between the two rear seats and the aft hatch. Countless control panels, including the hyperdrive, steering, and power systems, a link to the navcomputer in the forward hold, and access to the weapons systems, cast assorted winks, blinks, and tiny, steady glows across this room; before the pilot's chair on the port side is a computer screen, for navigational data and other information brought up off the ship's computers. Looking towards the fore casts one's view out through the cockpit's dome window, wide and sectioned off by sturdy metal arc and line segments bracing the thick glass. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Threepio => Transponder Database => NavComp -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- ft leads to Main Ring Corridor (Starboard). Lando comes in from the corridor. Lando has arrived. Lando enters Cockpit After a short time, Lando finally hurries into the cockpit of the _Falcon_, a wardrobe bag in his arms and a smirk on his face. He says, shaking his head and his voice low, "I know I'm going to regret this," and offers the clothing to Han. "_You're_ gonna regret this?" Han drawls. But he accepts the clothing, grudgingly turning over the ship to his two friends, while he vanishes off into the back to change -- but not before Chewie rowrls a stern suggestion at him. "Yeah, yeah, I thought of that," the Corellian barks, and with that, he's gone. Lando takes a position at the helm, but it is only a gesture, really, as the skilled Wookiee takes the ship down in a casual manner. "I sure hope I know what I'm getting us into," Lando says quietly, shaking his head. Chewbacca grunts out his own opinion: "As long as you don't let Han get too impulsive, and keep your heads down, you should be fine." The Wookiee isn't exactly thrilled about being left on board to watch the ship, but he'll deal with it -- as long as his two friends do nothing rash. "Signal me when you're ready to leave." It doesn't take long for the _Falcon_ to come in for a landing. And nor does it take long before Han returns to the cockpit, looking significantly different of appearance -- between his black hair, eyes that have mysteriously turned green, and the stylish clothing Calrissian has loaned him. The only thing immediately familiar about his attire is the blaster he's stashing in a holster under his cloak, and once that's out of sight, he is at least to the casual eye unarmed. "Let's get this dealt with," he mutters as he comes back to join the others. Han_Solo(#1491POUA) This tall, rangy man moves with the loose and confident motions of a fighter, someone accustomed to getting into tight situations... and getting quickly right back out of them. Coal-black hair, cut pragmatically short, is slicked back from his forehead, giving clear view of well-defined black brows over eyes of an emerald green. His features are ruggedly handsome, weathered, and mature, and a barely detectable scar crooks across his chin. In contradiction with his rugged countenace, however, his manner is entirely smooth, almost guileless. Currently, his attire is what might be described as a uniform of some sort, made of a velvet-like material that catches the light in subtle variations of color. His dark brown trousers look as though they've been recently pressed; the loose-fitting shirt is of a color halfway between a muted green and tan, setting off the hue of his eyes. A matching cloak is draped about his shoulders, close to the hue of the shirt. On his feet are a pair of impeccably shined brown leather boots. His clothing would be doubtless described, in most systems, as expensive-looking yet tasteful; however, the most discerning of observers might surmise that this man might want to have a word with his tailor. Little subtleties in the way his garb fits him suggests it might need some adjustments. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol SF-3264 has taken off from CS-3020 In synchronous orbit wih Nal Hutta, Nar Shadda is an impressively large moon - easily the size of a small planet. Surrounding the moon is a dense field of debris, mostly derelict spacecraft or the remains thereof. By their styles and the amount of space scarring on them, some of them appear to be possibly centuries old, their hulls blasted away leaving only burnt-out husks. Encircling Nar Shadda is the faint ephemeral glimmer of the defense shield. Ships that dare enter Nar Shadda space without permission first learn a harsh lesson, their ship suffering serious if not permament damage. The faint haze of the shield makes it difficult to see any specifics of the surface, but you can determine as you draw closer that most of it appears to be covered with structures. SF-3264 has landed on m-4313 Lando rises from his temporary seat, and takes a long, measuring look of his friend. "Not bad," Lando says, nodding slowly. He turns back toward a canopy window and looks out, rubbing his hands together. Finally, he turns back to Chewbacca and says, "I'll do that." He turns back to Han and says, "I'll head out first." Chewbacca whorfles in as much contentment as he'll manage right now; the Wookiee manages to hide his concern over his partner by sweeping a glance up and down his velvet-clad frame, and smugly bearing his teeth in a teasing grin. "I _don't_," Han barks at him, thrusting a finger at him sternly, "wanna hear it. Watch the ship, Chewie! Okay, Calrissian, let's get this overwith..." And out they go. Lando heads aft towards the main corridor. Lando has left. [And in moments...] You head down off the entry ramp of the _Falcon_. Landing Pad 26 - Nar Shaddaa The moon of Nar Shaddaa is a world encased in layers upon layers of buildings - one vast city encompassing nearly the entire landscape. Communication spires and holosigns stick up like spikes and lurid graffiti from the welter of architecture. There is a large and diverse mass of ships and beings from around the galaxy milling about here - all different shapes, sizes, colors, and reputations. The only thing they all seem to have in common is the appearance of being seasoned, rugged, and not to be trifled with. The city about you is a mix of buildings, towers, glidewalks, and landing pads. It is a dirty, seedy, permacrete forest "decorated" with garish advertising holosigns and pungent odors. There are three glidewalks available from this landing pad, each heading in a different direction. Probably one of the most annoying things about getting from one place to another is that often you can -see- your destination mere meters away, and yet to -get- to it directly would require a jet pack. If you're on foot, it's long and convoluted paths you must follow till you intersect with the walkways that lead to your destination. The expression, "Can't get there from here," must have come from Nar Shaddaa. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Economic Presence -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Lando => STARFIGHTER: Corellian YT-1300 -- Millennium Falcon => Morganna => Jade => STARFIGHTER: Corellian YT-1300 -- Sable Fox => STARFIGHTER: Sienar Lambda Class Shuttle -- Death Carrier => STARFIGHTER: CEC YT-2400 -- Once Bitten => STARFIGHTER: Sardakh Class 750 Freighter -- Blaze of Glory => STARFIGHTER: Corellian YT-1300 -- Tigerclaw => STARFIGHTER: Sardakh Class 750 Freighter -- CCS Kuala Lampur -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- <1-G>lidewalk leads to Twi'lek District. <2-G>lidewalk leads to Entrance Hall - The Jewel. <3-G>lidewalk leads to Corellian Sector. Is it just her, or is her heart pounding so hard in her chest, she can't breath? Mara's gaze remains set on the ship, gazing over each and every line, every mismatched, out of place, and broken looking piece of junk the ship is made up with. Covered in oil, and gunk, and all kinds of mechanical grease, Jade's barely recognizable to anyone but those that truly know her. Even her brilliant locks of red, which stand out in any crowd, are covered in a slight film. She stands next to a pile of machinery, which continue to slightly putter next to her, a tool in one hand, the other is balled into a tight, tight fist. While Morganna moves.. She simply stands where she's at, gazing at the ship with something akin to .. shock. With a swaggering gate to his step, Lando Calrissian descends the dilapidated freighter's entry ramp. His thumbs are tucked into his belt, and a smug, self-important smirk is on his lips as he begins turning his brown eyes about the area. "I told you I'd get you here safe," Calrissian says in tones rich with machismo. "Just remember I'm going to want the other half of what you owe me before we leave, understand?" STARFIGHTER: Sardakh Kale-1 -- RS Corona arrives with a woosh and slowly settles down on the landing area. Colby walks down the ramp of STARFIGHTER: Sardakh Kale-1 -- RS Corona. Colby has arrived. A point of blue burns out of the crowd and flashes as it regards the occupants of /the/ ship descending the ramp. Morganna pauses and waits for a third figure, a large, ferocuious being covered with fur.. but when no wookie is present, Morganna continues on her journey towards the newly arrived vessel with no stealth at all. In fact, her gait is both cocky and predatorial, her mismatched Gaze rests on the dark man, and a feral grin crosses her face as she rememers the last time they met.. when she wasn't Morganna. Colby slowly steps down the ramp of his ship, looking around the spaceport a little, noticing theres atleast a little activity. If the dark man in the rumpled attire is the very picture of self-importance, the man with the black hair that follows him down the ramp is arguably the very portrait of self-possession and style. At least as far as his clothes are concerned. His face crinkled up in an expression of something that might be disdain, he murmurs smoothly and drolly to his companion, "Assuming the ship actually takes off, you'll get your money, Captain!" With one hand running through her locks of red, the one time Emperor's Hand slowly shakes herself out of her shock, expression once again returning to the deep rooted scowl that always clings to her. Jade isn't ready for this, what if -he- is there? What if he came with them? She isn't prepared, with a swift side step, her form moves behind the wall of crates, back resting against them, disappearing from the at least direct view of those around. Each step is taken with an almost graceful, and atheletic motion, as Mara's form swiftly leaves any direct 'line of sight', and almost appears to cower behind the crates. Colby puts on a Rendili cap to block the sun from his eyes as he finaly makes it completely down the ramp of his ship, still looking around the spaceport curiously. Then finaly seeing who he's looking for, after a few moments of conversation Colby looks to be getting angry, "Listen, I made quite a few jumps just to get here and close this deal on that ship that you /SO DEARLY/ wanted, now you back out of the deal?" "Oh, she'll take off," the dark skinned man says, casting a glance over his shoulder at his employer. "The _Troubidor Sundance_ may not be real fancy, or real fast, but she's reliable, I can tell you that much." He turns his gaze back to investigating the area, his eyes not actually making eye contact with anyone or looking at anyone for too long a time. Purposefully, he turns so his back is mostly towards the woman that appears to be approaching them, hoping his luck hasn't gone afoul already. A small chime comes from Morganna's pocket and a loud, muffled voice. Morganna curses and snaps up the comlink, narrowing her eyes, "What the fark is it this time?" Annoyed that her concentration is broken, Morganna listens to the comlink, "How did you lose him, you incompetent sleimo.. farkin' hell.." Morganna snaps off the comlink and changes her course from the dark skinned man to the Corellian sector, it looks like the peasents are revolting again. Morganna steps onto the Glidewalk with a slight lurch, heading toward the Corellian Sector before disappearing out of sight. Morganna has left. Colby steps onto the Glidewalk with a slight lurch, heading toward the Corellian Sector before disappearing out of sight. Colby has left. "'She'," the black-haired man in green and brown velvet sniffs, "looks as if 'she' would fall apart if you looked at 'her' cross-eyed. I hope this contact of yours is going to be rather more upscale, Captain." The disguised Solo strides after Calrissian as if negotiating his way through a minefield -- or perhaps a field full of offal from barnyard animals. Considering that this is Nar Shaddaa, either might be apt. Colby steps off the Glidewalk from the Corellian Sector. Colby has arrived. Colby steps onto the Glidewalk with a slight lurch, heading toward the Desilijic Hutt stronghold before disappearing out of sight. Colby has left. Colby steps off the Glidewalk from the direction of The Jewel. Colby has arrived. Colby steps onto the Glidewalk for the Twi'lek District with a slight lurch before disappearing out of sight. Colby has left. Through the roar of conversation, machinery, and basic hub-bub in the area, a lone red-head is left to calm herself down, and allow what emotions that normally hang around her come to life; like anger, agression, hatred, and down right violence. Hands that ball into tight fists tighten upwards, then release again, as breaths filled with smoke and fresh air are taken in, and let out slowly. Finally, Jade's form moves from behind the crates, her gaze settling on the two that left the Falcon, unsure who is who.. at least from this distance, though she knows inside, neither are Skywalker, she isn't as angry as she should be.. Lando turns and looks back at the ship they'd departed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considers. _Should have found a way to disguise the ship_, he thinks quietly to himself, bringing a hand to his chin. He takes a deep breath, then lets it out slowly as he rounds on his 'employer', saying, "Alright, I think that's enough about my ship. Let's just find you your contact and get out of here." Colby steps off the Glidewalk from the Twi'lek District. Colby has arrived. The fact that he's had to insult his own ship merely enhances the scowl of disdain upon the visage of the disguised Solo; Lando uttering the words 'my ship' twists the knife that has already been driven home, and his eyes glint for a moment with barely concealed irritation. "After you," he says imperiously, gesturing for the disguised Calrissian to proceed him. Colby basicly screams into his communit as he runs to his ship, "Alright, ON MY WAY....I'm takin the Kale-1 so it won't take very long" Colby enters in a code and enters STARFIGHTER: Sardakh Kale-1 -- RS Corona Colby has left. STARFIGHTER: Sardakh Kale-1 -- RS Corona engages its ion engines and takes off. Eyes of emerald narrow slightly, as Jade's gaze rests and remains on the two figures. Even as a the crowded spaceport thrives, and people move past the dynamic duo, those intense pools of green remain set on their actions and movements. One hand moves down to the hyperdrive she'd taken out, idly pulling lose a scrap of rust that'd built up, the tool in her left hand still tightly wrapped around her fingers, to the point of turning her knuckles white. A lock of red drifts into her face, only to be brushed away with an impatient sweep of her hand, and for the time being, she just watches, gazing from one to the other, trying to place them.. at the distance she's at.. she can't tell if it's even /them/.. perhaps.. the ship isn't the same? The error in Calrissian's plan that he'd overlooked from the beginnging suddenly becomes blatantly obvious to him. How long -had- it been since he'd been to Nar Shaddaa? Any of the contacts he had here that he could have trusted surely would all be gone now. With a frown, Lando puzzles over the dilemma a moment, his eyes continuously flicking toward the path leading toward the Corellian sector. "Your contact," Lando says in thoughtful tones. "You have plenty of choices, as far as that's concerned. It's all going to depend on what you want, really. Whatever you choose will determine which direction I take us, I can tell you that much." Reading lips has never exactly been her strong point, she can read a person's gestures, the way they act, and gain sightful intuition into the person. But when it comes to gaining what is being said by reading of lips, Jade's never been one to do so successfully. As she rises from the piece of machinery at her feet, her gaze lingers off and on towards the two individuals. The tool in her hand slips downward, *clinking* to the tookbox next to her feet, with an audible sound. With a quick motion, she nearly glides over the ground, mixing in with the natives and tourists alike, just another technician that is keeping a close watch on the two 'fellows' there.. Captain and .. 'crew'. Course, something just isn't /right/ about that picture, Jade always assumed it was Solo that owned the Falcon, perhaps he lost it to the dark skinned fellow? Calrissian wasn't it? One time owner of Cloud City? [Lando it definitely is -- but neither Calrissian nor Solo are aware of the sharp green gaze upon them as they begin a tentative foray into their surroundings. To be continued...]