Log Date: 11/9/99 Log Cast: Skeezix, Altair, Han Solo, Chewbacca (NPC emitted by Han) Log Intro: Much to his overall disgust, Han has been finding his position as commander in chief of the New Republic ground forces fraught with far more political maneuvering and bickering than he's ever had to deal with before as of late. Some of his senior officers have been vigorously debating his insistence on an aggressive stance against the Empire -- and some have been dropping strong hints that they resent a man of Solo's checkered background being in charge of the New Republic's ground-based armies. To a man who is much more content at the helm of his beloved battered old freighter than at a desk or a briefing table, it's almost enough to make him want to quit trying to bother to lead an army that doesn't really want him. All that's keeping him from punting the job is the knowledge of how proud Leia had been when he'd taken it -- and thus, so far, he's gritted his teeth and coped. But Han and Chewie's effort to go to Calamari for a few hours to blow off steam and take their minds off Han's command woes has met with an unexpected snag: an emergency summons by 'Skeezix' Calhoun, their old friend, calling them back to the _Deliverance_ in Coruscant space. To the sharp dismay of both Corellian and Wookiee, Skeezix's long-standing beloved Gabrielle Veran, Captain of the special forces group Squad One and friend to both Han and Chewie, has been kidnapped. The distraught Skeezix has turned to Han and his partner for help, trusting them to keep a cooler head than he can in this crisis. Itching for something to do to distract himself from the current state of affairs between him and his officers, Han has readily agreed to help Skeezix find Gabrielle and where this might chance to take them be damned. Thus far their one lead is the witness testimony of Altair Quila, who saw the kidnapping. While the exhausted Skeezix has been catching up on some much-needed sleep, Han has sent out a message to Captain Quila to alert her that he and Calhoun would like to see her. And soon... ---------- Cargo Hold(#6365RXntFN) One of the largest rooms on the _Falcon_, this hold is clearly a center of activity of the vessel. Along the aft wall, close to the starboard ring corridor, sits the huge console controlling the hyperdrive and navigation functions; along the starboard wall, a curved, upholstered arc of couch surrounds a holo-chess board, and provides support for a single sleeping bunk. Towards the fore is open space for cargo, and just about all the remaining wall space is taken up with bulkheads, access panels, and circuits. A hatchway in the ceiling, and a larger one in the floor, allow more access to the innards of the ship. Towards the port side of the hold is visible the entrance into the other half of the ring corridor. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Chewbacca(#8946) => Cargo Computer: Millenium Falcon -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- tarboard leads to Main Ring Corridor (Starboard). Skeezix comes in from the starboard corridor. Skeezix has arrived. Skeezix enters Cargo Hold Altair comes in from the starboard corridor. Altair has arrived. Altair enters Cargo Hold Contrary to what appears to be popular belief in the NR's ground forces these days, General Han Solo does actually know how to review reports. And he's been doing so for the past few hours, too keyed up to sleep though several significant looks from Chewbacca have hinted a nap would do him some good. Resisting slumber with the same stubborn determination that's been his primary tactic in dealing with his detractors as of late, the Corellian's slouched at one end of the half-circle couch in the primary hold of his beloved ship. The deactivated holo-chess table is strewn with a number of data discs and hardcopy readouts, and Han's squinting blearily at the small screen of a datapad. It's Chewie who gets the signal that the two he and his partner have been waiting on are outside the Falcon, and it's the Wookiee who goes to let them in, looking a trifle ragged around his edges. A nap would probably do him as much good as it would Solo. *He's in here,* he rowrls to the visitors, bringing them into the hold and appending a loud yawrl of greeting to get Han's attention. Skeezix remains uncharacteristically out of uniform, though both hands are clasped behind his back. He remains quiet as he steps into the room, his dark and foreboding expression showing a sense of restlessness, curiousity, perhaps even anxiety. Altair follows the famous wookiee into the cargo hold of the Millenium Falcon, trying to look as if she is not gawking at the innards of the ship. But she is, having only heard of the vessel and having never actually set foot upon it. At the roar from Chewbacca, she shifts her gaze to Han Solo and waits quietly, bouncing up and down on her toes ever so slightly His hazel gaze snaps up at Chewbacca's greeting, and immediately after, Solo rises to his feet. Contrary to popular belief, the man _does_ have some semblance of manners when the occasion calls for it. Right now, though, his manners are all grim business. "Thank you both for coming," he says succintly, gesturing towards the couch by way of invitation to sit while his gaze sweeps across both the Falcon's visitors. To Altair, he adds gruffly, "You okay, Captain Quila?" Skeezix This man stands just under six feet in height, but still wields a commanding prescence. Dark brown, nearly black hair is cropped short in an unkept, nearly military style, with sideburns that frame vivid green eyes. His complexion is a dark tan, as if spending much time on sunlit planets. His build is stocky, and strong, though not overly gargantuous for his height. He carries himself with a solid poise. Dressed casually, the man wears a simple dark grey shirt that clings to his body tightly. Black nerfskin pants adorn his legs, gathered together by a grey belt. Most of his clothing is hidden by a modern trench-coat that falls to mid-calf. The coat is a light black or dark grey color, made of a sturdy fabric and water-proof. Dark, well worn boots adorn his feet, and a pair of dark grey latex gloves fit his hands, each finger cut off. Altair Altair stands about five and a half feet tall and has dark hair. It hangs down onto her neck, at that annoying length between long and short. The result of a hair style in the process of growing out. Her eyes are as dark blue as the sky at midnight. She has a sprinking of light freckles across her slightly upturned nose. The slim woman, who couldn't weight more than 115 lbs, has a datapad sticking out of her back pocket. As a member of the Ghost Squadron she wears a dark grey flight suit and some light armor. It has a patch designating her as a member of the squadron on her shoulder. The patch itself is a blue-grey circle containing 13 white stars, circumscribing a gold Republic insignia and a white brooding wraith. Underneath, you can discern the words "Ghost Squadron," along with a motto of some sort on a smaller, rectangular patch sewn under the round one. On it is written 4 simple, yet strangely powerful words: "To the very end."Her name tag identifies her as Altair Quila, pilot, Captain. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Light Armor => DY-255 Heavy Blaster Pistol => Lottery Ticket 03-25-78 => Lottery Ticket 4-22-2 Skeezix silently moves towards the couch, and seats himself. Altair unconciously reaches to the slightly sore area on her midsection and rests her hand on it momentarily, as if testing it. "I'm ok," she says to him. "A little sore..But ok..," she says, nodding as she finds that she is indeed still a bit sore. "Thanks," she adds. Following Skeezix's lead, she moves towards the couch as well, sitting down at the other end of it. Chewbacca settles his large furry frame in the chair by the navcomputer, while Solo resumes his own seat; this time, however, the Corellian doesn't let himself slouch. Instead, his posture alert, he glances back and forth between the other two officers and says without preamble, "Chewie and I've been going over the reports from the Lruk incident, since Calhoun says" -- and his attention swings to Altair and settles upon her -- "you might be able to make the guy who took Veran as involved in the attack upon your shuttle in the Lruk system. What can you tell us?" Skeezix turns his attention towards Altair, watching her quietly. His expression softens just a bit, losing that restless edge it had before. Altair nods towards Solo and pushes her hair out of her face before staring. "The group that attacked us en route to Lruk was led by a man all in black armor. His voice was mechanically altered.. The guy in the bar on Coruscant was also dressed all in black armor and had a mechanically altered voice." SHe pauses for a moment, as if trying to remember something. "Just before he shot me..he said something that made me think I had run itno him before..something like, "That's twice. Don't get in my way again.." She shrugs. "Something like that anyway." With that, she looks between Han and Skeezix, hoping that that is helpful. Black armor, mechanically altered voice. Chewbacca growls out in displeased tones, *Sounds like Darth Vader.* To this, Han grimaces and drawls, his glance flicking to the Wookiee, "Yeah, Chewie, but I doubt we have to worry about him coming back from the dead." Back to altair, he adds with his dark brows arched, "His armor didn't resemble Vader's, I assume." Skeezix lifts an eyebrow, turning his attention towards Chewbacca with a look of surprise. "I don't think the Force is -that- powerful," he mutters, "but don't tell Luke I said that." He looks back towards Altair, and even though his doubtful views have been expressed, he still seems.. anxious to hear her answer. Altair shakes her head. "Nah, nothing like Vader. Actually, when they attacked us, one of the men in the group had FLS marked on his armor. Since, then, Mr. Jawatha has denied any involvement in the affair." She shrugs slightly. "That's about all I can give you on the identity of the person int he bar. It was dark. And I couldn't see his face or anything." The faintest of small crooked grins is all Solo allows himself to give Skeezix at the mention of Luke; most of his attention remains on Altair. "FLS," he says then, eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "You say 'men'. How many were in the attacking party?" Chewbacca, in the meantime, subsides with a more or less relieved little whurfle; the Wookiee isn't exactly thrilled about the prospect of anyone trying to imitate the deceased Lord of the Sith that had once been the bane of the Rebellion, and a bit of tension leaves Chewie's bearing at the elimination of this as a possibility. Skeezix nods his head slowly, though his eyes narrow considerably as the prospect of a possible target flows through his mind. There is a brief hint of confusion hidden beneath, though his gaze remains on Altair as he allows Solo to ask all the questions. Altair ponders for a moment, her eyes looking up at the ceiling as she tries to picture the shuttle that night. As she mentally counts the people in her head, she ticks them off on her fingers. "Ohhh, I'd say about 5 or 6 who actually boarded. But they had a few Z-96's that knocked out our Y-wing escort aside from their boarding shuttle." "Fairly big armed party, then." Han's visage darkens at this news as he leans forward where he sits, one hand drumming fingertips on the holo-chess table before him. "And organized, from the sound of it. Any other identifying marks you can think of, on the men _or_ the ships?" Restless, he rises, starting to pace as he speaks. "The FLS stamp could be a lead, but they might also have just stolen the armor or falsely marked it. And our guy's mechanical voice also doesn't mean a damn thing, unfortunately -- anybody can speak through a filter and sound different." Chewie chimes in with a noise that sounds almost sly, and Han smiles again, very faintly. "Even Princesses," he agrees with the Wookiee. Altair nods. "He also handed us a note, signed by Mr. Jawatha, supposedly, of course, that threatened the NR for being so closely associated with OREO." She shrugs. "I'm sure it was all there in the reports," she says with a hint of a grin. "I don't know who could have kidnapped the Captain. Or why they would want to..He seemed to have her knocked out somehow." Solo turns round again, nodding, his gaze sharply musing. "Yeah, I saw 'em, I read 'em, but an eyewitness is better than a report -- and besides, you didn't talk to _me_ before." For a fraction of an instant, the Corellian looks almost smug, though he doesn't bother to point out that one of the advantages of his checkered past is being able to see motives and means behind attacks like this that the more "pure" personnel in the ranks of the New Republic might not necessarily grasp. "Notes can be forged. Our guy could have handed over a note from Palpatine himself -- doesn't make it legit." *Spoken,* whorfles Chewbacca dryly, *like a practiced forger.* Altair nods. "I am pretty convinced it was a forgery too," she says, agreeing with Solo. "I doubt he would be so bold as to attack the NR and advertise it to us so openly." She presses her lips together and cocks her head to one side. "Do you guys have any idea as to who might have done this?" she asks him. Solo shoots Chewie an unmistakable Look, but can't quite manage to pull it off, not when one side of his mouth is curling up. At the Captain's question, though, he answers, "Empire's the obvious answer -- we're at war with 'em, after all. They mighta decided to hire somebody to make an attack on us and pin the blame on somebody else, and they gotta be cranky about Caspar gettin' up close and personal with us. If Jawatha's nose is actually clean in this, somebody with a grudge against _him_ is the other obvious answer." He smiles thinly. "I can think of a dozen different lowlifes who'da pulled that kind of slime tactic on Nar Shaddaa or Tatooine, but then again, I've also been out of the game for a bit. And I ain't got too much useful intelligence on the shady side of Caspar's business." Skeezix has been seated, quietly for the last few moments, simply listening to the discussion. He turns his eyes towards Chewbacca and then Solo after the last comment, and his eyes suddenly darken with a look that almost betrays a growing wisdom inside. "Actually," he says, quietly, "It very well may not be the Empire. It may have been a bounty hunter, and I have knowledge pointing to a high level of probable cause for that assumption." Altair turns to look towards General Calhoun as he pipes up. She doesn't have much to say on teh subject, as these two men clearly have more experience in dealing with this sort of thing. This is, after all, her fist involvement in a kidnapping. The pilot leans back in the sofa and listens. Both Solo's and Chewbacca's gazes come round to the other man again. Calhoun's interjection causes a slight smirk to cross Han's face, as he drawls, "Hired thugs -- bounty hunters. Same thing." Well, mostly. Boba Fett comes to mind, but hey, he took a swan dive down the Sarlacc last the Corellian heard, so no worries there, right? "But if you've found out somethin' else, pal, let's hear it." Skeezix lets out a deep breath, his eyes gaining a rather defensive expression. "I will tell you later, Solo, but believe me. Odds are in favor that it was hunter related, as opposed to an Imperial project." He nods his head slowly, convincingly. Altair arches a brow towards the Retired General curiously. What did he know that he wasn't sharing. "Not goign to share, eh?" she says almost playfully, pressing her lips together in a tight smile. Skeezix glances towards Altair with a somewhat apologetic look. "Actually.. I'm not sure whether Gabrielle would want anybody to know why. I'd tell you otherwise, but.." He leaves it at that, a silent sigh coming from deep within. Blowing out a sigh, Solo eyes Skeezix, aware of a suspicion coursing across his nervous system but willing to chalk it up for now to the need to keep some things classified. "All right," he assents, then glances once more at Altair. "Captain, you got _anything_ else you can tell us that might help us track these guys down? Anything at all, even if it doesn't seem like much." Altair sighs heavily as she ponders. "Nothing I can think of," she says, shaking her head. She stands up from the couch, tugging on her uniform to straighten it out. "I guess if you don't need anything else...," she says, arching her eyebrow and glancing briefly towards the door. "Unless you need a pilot, of course.." she adds playfully. This brings a slight smile to Calhoun's face, even through the signs of distress written in the lines on his face. "Maybe a gunner," he replies, glancing towards Han and Chewbacca, his faint grin widening just a bit. Solo snorts aloud at the notion of any pilot being needed besides himself, thrusting a thumb at himself. "What am I, chopped bantha fodder? Don't answer that," he asides to the Wookiee, before Chewie can do more than whurflesnicker. "Seems to me, though, we oughtta make sure we know where we're goin', before we decide _who's_ goin'." Skeezix lifts his chin slightly, pointing his thumb towards the nearest doorway. "Well, we'll need to talk to Captain Silver, then. Rogue Squadron. One of my leads led straight to him." Altair nods to Skeezix and Han. "I'll send him your way if I see him," she says before walking slowly towards the door. As she reaches the exit to the room, she turns back. "If you all need anything..an escort or even just a spare pilot," she smirks slightly at that, "Give me a yell. I'll be glad to come along." The captain has a feeling that they are done with her and walks out of the ship. Skeezix looks towards Altair, rising from his own seat. "Altair, thank you. Very much." He pauses, a thoughtful look crossing his eyes. "When we get her back, we'll figure out a real nice way to thank you, again." He grins, lopsidedly. "Thanks, Captain, we will," Solo speaks up, loud enough to make sure the woman hears him as she takes her leave. Chewbacca rowlrs out an affable farewell to Altair as she goes, but neither the Wookiee nor his Corellian partner have lost any of the urgency still animating them both. Han's hazel stare returns to Calhoun, and he nods levelly at the next leg of the hunt, ready, willing, and able to take it on. "Let's go talk to Silver." [To be continued...]