Log Date: 8/20/98 Log Cast: Trinket, Han Solo, NPC Twi'lek waitress, NPC Master Technician McDaniels Log Intro: It's been something of a relief for Han Solo to actually have something to _do_ for once, even if it has been overseeing the GroundOps troops stationed on Sluis Van, restlessly biding his time while most of his friends are in the Caspar system on their diplomatic mission. The business of being an active military man has helped lessen missing Leia, but it can hardly distract him entirely -- especially when the Princess has gone out of her way to call _him_ over the HoloNet, looking tired and worn, and speaking of possible impending danger and discontent in the moods of those she's met. Worried about his wife's situation -- not to mention the presence of Luke on the ostensibly neutral world, given the trouble the young Jedi has had himself in lately -- Han has found himself more distracted than usual. Even the prospect of another round of sabacc isn't quite enough to cheer him, given the unexpected accusation of cheating he'd received from a SuppOps corporal's pint-sized droid. But nevertheless, once he reaches his off-duty hours, it's to the Hyperdrive Motivator that Solo goes, if nothing else to keep tabs on the morale of the sentients under his command and what civilians he might happen to encounter.... ---------- You turn sharply west heading for Commerce Avenue. Commerce Avenue - Sluis Van The Commercial district here seems a bit out of place with the rest of the town. The Sluissi seem to have a knack with technology, but still able to 'blend' it well with the natural environment. This place is different. Along the walls are obsidian monuments to the modern era. Tall straight buildings prickling with antenna and blinking sensors, droids whirr down the street and the local employees dressed in coveralls or business attire seem not to notice the brilliant azure sky or soft sweet scent of white flowers coming down the road. They are completely engrossed in their business of the moment. This place seems to be designed for practicality not beauty. Still engineered well, but lacking the smooth lines and bright colors of the rest of the town. To the North sits 'The Hyperdrive Motivator', a low obsidian black building set off of the road. Plenty of locals mill around outside the door and Sluissi businessmen of all sorts enter and exit discussing the daily stock news. Sluissi engineers are the most prominent here and almost everyone walking into the tavern looks like they have just finished their shift on one of the orbiting space platforms. Greasy coveralls with various shiny tools jutting out of the pockets seems to be the common dress. A low rumble of music can be heard as the doors open and close. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Trinket -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- Hyperdrive leads to The Hyperdrive Motivator - Sluis Van. Central Square leads to Central Square - Sluis Van. Striding at a pace just short of brisk, lest a certain pair of far-too-eager-to-be-helpful young ensigns somehow manage to waylay him in his off-duty hours, Han Solo comes into view as he sets himself a determined course for the door of the Hyperdrive Motivator. Trinket wanders along the fringes of the crowd, her shoulders slumped, her head cocked to the side as if she sees better with one eye or the other. Idly she brushes at some irritation on her cheek, leaving behind a soft stain of gray. She too appears to be making a direct beeline for the doors to the tavern, on a direct intersection with Han's path. Trinket Even the back of this young human woman's head might give some humans and human-sympathetics thought to pause and try to catch a glimpse of more. Fine, silky blonde hair so light in color it is almost white, falls a few inches past her waist on the rare times it is not held back in some way. Her skin is a smooth, creamy bisque ivory that reveals no flaws or marks. Large cerulean-blue eyes glance at the world with serenity, framed in thick light-colored lashes and delicately arched brows. Her lips are a light primrose, contrasting nicely with her pale skin. She stands an unassuming 5'10", her height made unintimidating by a gentle demeanor. Her frame is pleasantly proportionate, if a little on the thin side. She wears a technicians jumpsuit, a bit old and worn, as well as a good few sizes too large. It seems covered with pockets, and straps for convenient carrying of tools. Her flaxen hair is carelessly tied up with a spare scrap of fabric, a secure, if not highly fashionable, arrangement. The delicate paleness of her hands is interrupted by lines of grease underneath the shortly-trimmed fingernails, as well as soft gray smudges on her hands. The courses do indeed intersect, with the Corellian just barely avoiding bumping into the tall young woman before he reaches the door. "'Scuse me," he says gruffly, leaning back and offering with a gestured hand to let the woman precede him. Trinket nearly jumps out of her skin at Han's voice, apparently so lost in thought that she didn't even realize the near miss. Scrubbed but still-stained hands reflexively fly up to shield her face first as she takes a good few steps backwards, stepping on a passing engineer's tail. She colors crimson with embarrassment, saying nothing, but gesturing with a few elegant handsigns to the hissing and retreating Sluissi in a supplicating tone. The Corellian's dark eyebrows go up. "Hey, take it easy," he advises mildly, and reaches over to thumb the door control to hold it open for the young woman. "After you...?" Trinket glances back at Han sidelong, her blush still blooming in her cheeks. She brushes back strands of blonde that have found their way out of the messy tie in her startle, but only really succeeds in coloring her temples gray. A hesitant smile creeps into her expression, and her fingers weave intricately in the air before Han, before she places a hand to her heart and nods gracefully. With that, she turns and walks into the bar, her features extremely cautious. Trinket swings open the doors to the Tavern and enters amid the blaring of music and laughter from inside. Trinket has left. With a blast of air and loud blaring of music, you swing open the doors of the Tavern. The Hyperdrive Motivator - Sluis Van The black obsidian marble of the exterior is used quite extensively here also. The only difference is a waist high border in light grey stone around the interior walls. In the center of the Tavern a large round bar also composed of stone sits hidden by patrons milling around it laughing and talking casually. Built into the bar, in front of every stool is a waterpipe. It's contents can only be guessed, but by the effects it is having on the engineers and workmen, it must be highly intoxicating. The mood in the place is jovial but with a sizzling pent up energy normally found in blue collar places on this planet. Behind the bar are high stone shelves with racks of liquers and various sundries. Hanging above the bar at symmetrically placed intervals are hanging plants and muted lighting rails. Several Sluissi bartenders whisk silently over to patrons with trays of drinks, or kindly lighting their cigarra's or waterpipes. Along the walls and discretely placed to optimize privacy are low deep blue marble tables, flecked with gold. Comfortable booth style seating wrap around each table affording the occupants with as much privacy as could be wanted in a place such as this. Music emanates from the ceiling and the volume level is just a bit too high, but the patrons don't seem to notice. Sluissi waitresses and waiters move through the crowd on snake-like lower bodies as if crossing a gentle mountain stream, perpetual smiles on their faces as they serve customers. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Trinket -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- Commerce Avenue leads to Commerce Avenue - Sluis Van. Ambling into the bar in the young woman's wake, the Corellian peers askance at the fluttering of her hands, perhaps not quite grasping what he's seeing. Some form of sign language? Trying not to look _too_ clueless, he takes note of her facial expressions and the rest of her body language, and offers in a dry rumble as he comes in, "This place is fairly low-key. Haven't had a brawl in a week." Trinket brings her hands up in a reflexive gesture to protect herself as a waitress slithers past busily. The human glances back at Han as he speaks again, blinking slightly in surprise. She tilts her head to the side, holding up eight fingers, her smile questioning. Her face becomes that of a teasing child, as she holds up seven fingers, then shakes her head. Then holds up eight, raising a blonde brow as if seeking an answer. Both baffled enough and interested enough that he hasn't bothered to head yet to what's become his usual table, Solo lingers where he stands, his eyebrows up. He bobs a distracted nod to the waitress, recognizing her, but most of his attention is on the pale-haired young woman. "How many brawls, or how many days in a week?" he asks archly. Trinket frowns impatiently at Han, her disapproving expression as clear as if she'd put her hands on her hips. She sighs emphatically, tapping her temple a few times with a delicate index finger. She holds up seven fingers, then taps her temple again. She holds up eight fingers, then makes a fist, waggling it at Han. Her questioning smile erases the mild annoyance, apparently forgiving his ignorance. "Hey, hey, sweetheart, sorry, I don't think I know your particular sign language, is all," Solo protests, lifting his own hands, palms up. His tone's still mild, though his brow has crinkled in consternation. His hazel gaze flicks from the woman's fingers to her temple, and then to her face. Trinket looks Han up and down with close scruitiny, like a technician might examine a squeaking rotodroid. She chews at her lower lip lightly, thinking, then sighs. The long graceful fingers of one hand tap at the air lightly, as if she types on a datapad. She tilts her head to the other side, questioning once more, her expression shifting from patient maternal to waiting and trusting child. "Oh... uh, yeah, sure, hold on a sec..." The lanky ex-smuggler goes fidgeting through his pockets, and he comes up eventually with a slim, but fairly battered, little datapad. Exactly the kind of thing that tends to get foisted off onto higher-ranking officers, and although it's small, it's got a keyboard and a miniature screen. "Here ya go..." Trinket takes the little device carefully from him, turning it over a few times with cradling fingers. She flips up the miniature screen, fingers petting it, as if checking for scratches. Her expression darkens as she finds a few. She glances up at the older man with an almost hurt expression, the blue eyes sorrowful. The fingers of her free hand dance lightly over the keys. >>Don't your legs get tired?<< Indeed, that little datapad has apparently been through a lot, from the look of it; several of the characters are worn down into near-illegibility on the keys, though all the keys are at least in the right places. Han squints down at the screen, then peers at the woman. "Huh? Oh. Uh... well, I just hadn't sat down yet, is all," he says gruffly. He starts moving, then, flicking a lean hand off to a table that's already been cleared for him -- that waitress, having seen him coming, had gotten someone to ready the General's favorite spot already. "Come on, if you want..." Trinket follows absently, petting and stroking the little datapad as if it were an injured creature in need of protection from a larger, bumbling creature. She reaches up to tuck a few errant wisps of white-blond behind one ear, almost bumping into Han as he nears the table. She chews thoughtfully at her lower lip, like a worried little girl. The datapad submits to the patting, while its owner remembers his manners long enough to tug out a chair for the lady, before settling his rangy frame into the chair across the table. Glancing around to catch the eye of the waitress, he waves a hand at her to let her know she can come his way for an order when she has a moment. Then, the Corellian considers the girl who's joined him. Trinket's lips move silently, as she considers the device, examining and taking stock of every little bit of damage, apparently. She seems completely engrossed in her task, one hand reaching up to twist a lock of blond around her fingers, an almost nervous, ritualistic gesture as she concentrates. She sits on cue, apparently with subconcious awareness or trust that there's something there to sit on. After a few moments, she flicks her gaze upwards, having to look in several places before it rests on the man across from her. She smiles with girlish shyness at him, and quickly drops her gaze to the tabletop, fingers still idly twisting in her hair. "Play with it all you like," says the Corellian, gruffly, not unkindly. About then the waitress, a slender Twi'lek, reaches the table, carrying a datapad of her own to take notes of patrons' orders. "Would you like your usual tonight, General Solo?" she asks amiably. Solo inclines his head at the waitress, answering in gravelly tones, "Uh, just bring me a Corellian ale for now, yeah." He pauses, then asks of his table companion, "You want anything?" The strange young woman glances at her companion, then the waitress, nodding with a polite smile of incomprehension. She hums softly, though it doesn't quite form into words. She glances to Han beseechingly, as if requesting help. The tangled hand pulls a little more tightly against the length of flaxen hair, while the other cradles the little datapad against her, almost like a shield. She seems nervous at the Twi'lek's presence, shifting a little in her seat to almost imperceptibly scoot away. "Uh, that'll be it, then, I guess," says Solo to the bemused waitress, who nods slowly, and then heads off about her business. The Corellian then returns his hazel gaze to the woman before him, just as bemused as the Twi'lek female who's gone to fetch his ale. "Hey, it's okay," he begins, sliding his hand partway out across the table, palm up, in a gesture of harmlessness. Breathing comes a bit more shallow and rapid to the blonde woman as she watches the Twi'lek leave. A slight hint of perspiration even sparkles across the pale brow. She glances back at Solo's words, moistening her lips once, nervously. She relaxes a bit at his gesture, gracefully unentangling her fingers from her hair and weaving an intricate, beautiful, but indecipherable gesture back at him. Indecipherable, indeed. Solo muses that in at least one form of smuggler's cant he knows, those finger gestures would loosely translate to, "Pardon me, honored sentient, but your pet bantha has just tapdanced in my cargo hold" -- but he suspects that isn't what this girl has meant. He smiles puzzledly, and asks, "So, uh, well. You got a name, sweetheart?" Trinket hums softly again, an odd but pleasing melodic quality to it. Her lips part, almost forming a word, but as the sound shapes, it seems to startle her, and she slaps her free hand over her mouth, a look of surprise on the delicate features. She blinks, then the memory seems to fade. She looks at Solo a few moments more, as if she's lost her bearings. She tilts her head to the side, and moves her hand out slightly to the side, palm gracefully tilted. Repeat the question, perhaps? Solo's hazel eyes blink under uplifted dark brows, as he tries to fathom _that_ particular bizarre reaction. "Uh... your name?" he repeats. "What's your name?" Trinket ponders the question, seeming to genuinely have to rack her memory for the answer. With a firm nod of confirmation to herself, she places the cradled datapad on the table and taps her fingers lightly across the keys. >>Trinket<< She turns the screen politely to the Corellian, a suddenly proud and brilliant smile making her face radiant. The Corellian thinks, _Trinket?! What kind of a name is 'Trinket' for a grown..._ And then he catches himself. Regardless of the various implications that immediately enter his mind about such a name for this girl, that childlike delight in her face makes _his_ seasoned features soften a little. "Trinket," he states, just to let her know he read it. Then he offers her a lopsided smile of his own. "My name's Han Solo. You can call me Han." The Twi'lek waitress returns, deftly placing a clear glass full of amber liquid at the Corellian's elbow, as well as a basket of small slices of hot, steaming bread. "There you go, General," she says cheerfully. 'Han Solo' is repeated soundlessly on her lips, and she studies his face carefully, as if trying to memorize it. If she has any familiarity with the name or the face, other than the present moment, she hides it masterfully. She smiles again at him, looking away shyly, then startling as she sees the waitress. A glimpse of real fear can be seen from across the table at the twi'lek's proximity, and the girl literally freezes into place, though the self-protective, innocent smile remains on her lips. The studying gaze can take in a weathered, lean face with a scar across the chin, short-cropped but scruffy dark hair, a collar undone at his throat but with the sigils of a New Republic general glinting on either side. His eyes are hazel, more or less, some indeterminate shade between brown and gold and green, and his gaze is alert, not missing the flash of fear in Trinket's expression. He thanks the waitress, accepts his ale, then as the Twi'lek continues on about her business, Solo nudges the basket of bread towards his table companion. "Hungry?" he rumbles. The slight movement and sound of the basket across the table seems to draw her attention before the offer register. The girl relaxes visably at the waitress' departure, her breathing slowly returning to normal. She glances at the basket, a subtle flair of her nostrils and deep intake of breath perhaps indicating she's hungrier than the now-serene face lets on. She looks up at Han, once again bashful, and nods, once. "Well, go on, eat up." Han's tone is still gruff, just a touch awkward; it's apparent the man feels out of his element here. The basket duly scooted over to his strange companion, he slouches back in his chair, taking up his ale, sipping at it. Trinket glances up again, inclining her head slightly as she regards the man seated across from her. She gestures to him with an elegant turn of her hand--noticeably not pointing--then to the bread, her brow wrinked with concern. Isn't he hungry? Oh. "Thanks," says the Corellian, reaching for a bit of the bread. Thusly armed with food and drink, he finds himself flailing. He's gotten used to coming in here and starting up a sabacc game with other officers every other night or so, but tonight, there's this girl instead. And what does he say to someone for whom conversation does not appear to be a forte? "So, um. You live here, kid?" Trinket takes a slice of bread, letting it warm her pale fingertips to a rosy pink before taking a savory nibble. She shrugs slightly, a look of sorrow flashing across the face that hides nothing, as if to say she does now. She makes a pushing gesture with her free hand, a familiar gesture for being kicked out of something. Solo takes this in, and thinks he's grasped the meaning well enough. "That's rough," he commiserates brusquely, idly tearing his own bread up into little chunks before downing them, between swallows of ale. What else to say? Trinket smiles mischieviously, the smudges of metallic dust making her seem almost elfin as her eyes light up with impish delight. She feighs surprise, shaking one floppy sleeve. A soft clinking can be heard, working its way down to the cuff, and with a clatter two small mechanical components, fraught with chips and wires, spill out onto the tabletop. Solo's eyebrows wing up towards his hairline, and the loose strands of hair that dangle down along his brow. His eyes widen, and he pauses in the middle of another drink of his ale to stare at the things that have spilt forth from his odd companion's sleeve. "You into collecting spare parts, kid?" Trinket smiles shyly, ducking her head from side to side a bit. Now and then, perhaps. A real giggle bubbles up from her lips, soft and musical to the ear. The fingers of one hand idly pull at a stray strand of blonde, letting it wrap around one finger. She watches Han's reaction with a pleased grin, the fingers of her other hand idly correcting the wires, aligning the parts perfectly, without a second glance from the eyes of blue. The glass with the ale in it is still paused halfway to the Corellian's mouth. He knows where those various wires go -- he knows pieces of alluvial dampers when he sees them -- but the question is, does _she_ know what she's doing with them? Not entirely sure what to make of her intelligence so far, he decides to give her the benefit of the doubt, and asks her as casually as he can manage, "Don't tell me, leftovers from maintenance on your ship?" Trinket frowns with a rather hurt look. She shakes her head vehemently, her graceful fingers weaving in the air, at just the right angle, and the right sequences, even the exact distances needed to remove the small devices from their nest in the frame. She folds her arms, a bit crossly. Oh no. These parts didn't come from an 'extras' box. "You took 'em," Han guesses, finally remembering his ale. He slugs down a healthy swallow of it before setting it down before him, lest he drop the glass. If this girl keeps pulling hyperdrive parts out of her sleeve, he's afraid he might do exactly that. Trinket shrugs, repeating the 'cast out' gesture, the hurt expression remaining on her face from the memory. Her hand creeps back to her hair, twisting it nervously once more. She picks up the pieces, as if to tuck them back into one of the myriad of pockets that litter her jumper, but apparently decides to think better of it. She offers them to the man across from her, a sweet, guileless smile as much a part of the gift as the relatively-new parts. To this, Han actually gapes, and he has to clear his throat before being able to tell his companion, "Uhhhh..... thanks, kid." Aware that Trinket's sweet demeanor is getting in under his defenses, he nevertheless smiles crookedly, a gentler version of his earlier lopsided grin. "Next time I'm on my ship again, I'll be able to use these." Trinket nods sagely, picking up a piece of bread again, chewing with a bit more enthusiasm this time. A fair enough trade to her, perhaps. The long legs are readjusted under the table, producing the clanking of metal tools and force only knows what other ship components might be in the pockets of her jumpsuit. Solo hooks an arm up along the back of the chair, while sliding the parts into his jacket pocket. The clanks and clinks aren't lost on him, and he considers his silent companion, trying to figure out exactly what the hells he has sitting before him. Then, with a mental _If in doubt..._, he drawls, "So. What should I do with you, kid?" Trinket glances into the now empty bread basket, and forlornly shows it to the Corellian across from her. She smiles at him hopefully. Absent-mindedly she fingers a grease-rimmed slight tear at the elbow of her jumper. She hums softly again, though she doesn't attempt to form words. The cerulean eyes study the tabletop with slightly drooping eyelids. Aaaaah, the kid's still hungry. Half of his mind berating him for being such a soft touch and the rest of him already turning to signal the waitress to bring some more bread -- but then he catches himself again, remembering Trinket's reaction to the waitress. "I can ask for some more food if you want it," he offers. Trinket nods tiredly, her eyes tracking each movement of Solo's hand, as if committing those to memory as well. Apparently soothed, her hand releases her hair, her fingers coming together and lacing with the fingers of her opposite hand. Her lips move slightly, as if reciting something silently, but the downward tilt of her head prevents even lipreading. As long as the girl's looking down, Han turns to catch the eye of the Twi'lek waitress, to get her to return to his table. Once he does, he turns back to consider his companion, and what to do about her. "Uhhh, Trinket. Look, kid, so do you have any place to stay at all or what...?" Master Technician McDaniels enters from the street. Master Technician McDaniels has arrived. The simplicity of the blue eyes is striking as they flit up to meet Solo's words. She shrugs her shoulders lightly, turning her gaze to the door, She gestures towards it with another elegant wave, a graceful sweep of her fingers indicating the sky beyond perhaps. It's nice outside, isn't it? Everything will be fine. Master Technician McDaniels manages to squeeze past a group of aliens nearby the door, offering an apology as he nearly knocks one over on his way inside. He peers around the Motivator, having heard the General was frequenting the place lately. He seems to be carrying some type of datapad. A brisk, saucily-clad Twi'lek waitress is en route through the bar, but she stops near the door as she spies McDaniels's entrance. She smiles pleasantly, her head-tails hanging about her slender shoulders, and she inquires, "Good evening, just one?" And in the meantime, General Solo considers his table companion in bemusement. "Uh, well. If you're in some kinda trouble, or need some kinda help..." And he trails off, his brows winging down again. _Yeah, smooth one there, slick. Lost your touch, haven't you?_ Master Technician McDaniels shakes his head, looking over the Twi'lek's shoulder before smiling and noting aloud, "Not here to eat, thanks." He doesn't see the General right away, "I'm looking for General Solo, actually. Have you seen him?" "Ah," murmurs the Twi'lek in understanding, and she turns to gesture off across the room. "He's over there. Come with me, please..." Indeed, the Corellian might be spotted at a side table, currently looking rather bemusedly at the pale-haired young woman sitting across the table from him. Master Technician McDaniels follows, cautiously now, not wanting to trip on someone's foot and make a fool of himself for the second time today. His knuckles are nearly white, he holds the pad he was charged with delivering so tightly. o O (Wow, delivering a message to General Solo himself. Wait till mom hears!) O o . "Excuse me, General," announces the waitress as she approaches Solo's table, the technician in tow, "but this sentient wishes to speak with you." And with that, the Twi'lek retreats to a discreet distance, returning to the task of distributing drinks, though keeping an eye out in Solo's direction should he hail her again. Meanwhile, Solo blinks, his attention distracted from the girl at his table, and he rounds a half-puzzled, all-expectant gaze on the young man the waitress has brought to him. "Yes?" Master Technician McDaniels A fairly sprightly chap, he always seems pretty enthusiastic about even the most boring of tasks -- retooling hyperdrives and calibrating communications arrays included. He wears a simple technician's jumpsuit, a nametag on his breast reading simply, "McDaniels". Trinket shakes her head slightly, as if to clear it. Her hands are still clasped before her, but her energy is quickly fading, noticeable by the droop to the thin shoulders. She jumps, suddenly very awake, at the appearance of 'new' voices nearby. Her eyes turn to the young man as well, and she shrinks back slightly, her fingers tightening around each other. "Ah! Hello, General, -sir-!" The master technician's stomach drops as he wonders if he just managed to launch a bit of spittle at the General with that last word. He just /hopes/ not. "I was asked to deliver this message to you, sir! Priority one." He hands over the datapad. He notes Trinket, but doesn't make any show of it. Trinket blinks up at McDanieals, wincing and cringing at the louder last word. Her hands stop halfway to her ears, as they realize the sound is gone. Her attention is quickly captured by the jumpsuit the man wears, perking up a bit and craning her neck to get a better look. [And Han reads on the datapad: ... along with a request for him to report back to his quarters ASAP.] Han's expression doesn't change much, at least not ostensibly. But there is a subtle shift to his features, turning them entirely businesslike and alert. He nods tersely as the technician presents the pad, and in a few short moments, he's scanned the message meant for his eyes. Then he keys in a clear command to delete it from the pad's memory, hands it back, and says levelly, "Understood, technician. Thanks, I'll get right on it." Master Technician McDaniels salutes briskly and takes the datapad. "Thank you sir, good day sir." With that, he turns and makes his way through the crowd and out the door. o O (Wow, that has to be the coolest thing that will ever happen to me...) O o . Solo returns the salute, with military precision belying his rumpled attire. And with that, the Corellian scoots his chair back, moving to rise, dipping a hand into a pocket to come up with the credits to pay for his ale and the bread that'd been brought him. He pauses, though, returning his attention to his odd table companion. "Aaah, look. Trinket. I've gotta go, kid...." Trinket watches the man retreat, with a genuinely puzzled expression. The cerulean eyes flick back to Han, questioning once more. Her hands are still poised near table level...she slips them on the table to rest. Her open expression saddens, but she nods seriously nonetheless. One hand raises, in a little, child-like wave. The commander in chief of the New Republic's ground-based armed forces finds himself experiencing the oddest of mental situations. In the back of his mind, it goes something like, _Awwww...._ And with a rueful burst of insight, he grudgingly considers that if a certain Princess ever follows through on her suggestion of bringing little Worships into the galaxy, he'll be thoroughly doomed. In a pre-emptive attempt to regain some of his fleeing dignity, he fishes out a few more credits, and lays them on the table to go with the bill and tip for the Twi'lek waitress. "Get yourself a decent meal, huh kid?" he requests of Trinket gruffly. Trinket nods solemly, a hint of a smile breaking through the open sadness on her face. She takes the credits, studying the shapes and patterns of them than really finding much else of value in them, by her expression. As if they were treasured mementos, they are tucked into an arm pocket. Well okay then. Squaring his khaki-clad shoulders, Han gives the fey young woman another lopsided smile and rumbles, "See ya 'round, kid." He feels uneasy about just leaving her here, though... and as the Corellian turns to go, he does indeed flag down the Twi'lek waitress. But it's to stop her and murmur to her, gesturing surreptitiously off at Trinket, a request for her to keep an eye out for the young human. The waitress blinks her big eyes at the General, and then at the girl, but nods readily, her alien features nevertheless reflecting a kind of concern. Mission accomplished, General. Han Solo gives his strange companion of the evening one last glance, but his long strides take him swiftly out of the bar and out into the night. Odd young women or no, he's got a job to do.... [End log.]