Log Date: 4/16/97 Log Cast: Blink, Han Solo, Vox, Dane Noth Log Intro: Han Solo has not been an amused man; for the past several days he has been subject to the, uh, non-voluntary hospitality of Grathix and the V'ez-tcha, in the luxury suite of the Twin Suns Hotel. Grathix has kept Han in the dark as to his intentions -- saying only that he's disappointed that Solo never showed for their intended rendezvous for a Kessel Run -- and leaving the Corellian to recover from the injuries inflicted on him during his Imperial imprisonment. But Solo has remained under heavy guard, and thus, with nothing to do except fret, rest, sleep, eat, and glare at the sentries at his door, he has gotten increasingly restless and irritable... and fed up with the idea of being imprisoned. Grathix has appointed Vox to the task of overseeing the prisoner, and the young man has attempted to be friendly to Solo, even going so far as to answer Han's sarcastic request for a holovid by bringing him one. Refusing to be friendly to anyone who cannot immediately get him free, the Corellian has not allowed Vox's overtures to mellow him, and has continued to fire his nervous restlessness into higher and higher gear.... ---------- Blink walks in, as if wanting to see if He's realy here for herself...she looks about until she spots you.. then smiles slightly Blink An elegant looking Twi'lek women is before you. Her deep red eyes glance around the room, taking in everything. Dressed entirely in a body suit entwined in long lengths of thin black leather. In fact, that seems to make up all of her clouthing. It twines up her legs stomach and breasts, concealing more than it reveals. Nothing to the imagination. Rich designes have been sewn into the back, and designs woven into the front depicting Twi'lek symbols. She wears a sword sheathed in more leather to her back, with conviently placed daggers about her person. A blaster hangs at her side. Her skin is a smooth rich cream color of white, and she smiles at you when she sees you looking. Strange, for one so well armed, her manerism is that of a more reserved women. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Sword => MB-450 Sporting Blaster The prisoner might be spotted curled up on the wide bed in his room.... and if the fitful way his head is tossing back and forth on the pillows is any indication, he is asleep, but not very easily. The bed around him is disheveled, as though he's been fretting in slumber rather vehemently. Blink watches you for a moment, takeing in hyour appearence, before picking her way over towards the bed. "Captian Solo, you have a visitor" she says in a silky smooth voice. A chair sets down a bit beside your cot, and she slips into it. Solo is rather haggard of appearance, it might be noted; he is thinner than he should be, and paler, with fading signs of bruises along the right side of his face. He does not rouse when you speak, save to mumble thickly, "Don't.... know what you want...." Blink mms.."Perhaps I can lift your spirts some.." she murmers, and moves back toward the door. After a few moment, she returns with a small stand..food sitting atop it. "Please, do sit up and eat. This is much better I'd imagine than what they have been feeding you. You look like hell" With a strangled little cry, Solo abruptly jerks awake -- or at least, his eyes snap open, and he half-sits up, braced unsteadily on his elbows, before in the next instant registering his surroundings. Hazel gaze snapping around to the newcomer in the room, he croaks, "You..." Blink sighs, "Yes me, now sit up here and eat your food, before I have those gards prop your mouth open" she sets the silverware about, obviously just a slight bit nervouse around you.."It might not be any of my concern as to why your here, but I'll see that your well treated.." Vox has arrived. Vox comes down the stairs slowly pausing to observe the occupant(s). Han_Solo's eyes narrow, and, stiffly, he sits up on the disheveled bed, staring warily at the Twi'lek and the food she's setting out. "Been gettin' treated.... well enough, for this bein' a prison," he says, roughly. Vox frowns as he notes the food. Blink glances to vox, but generaly ignores him. She offers a plesent smile in return to your snarl.."my, such plesent dinner manners..I'm supriesed the ldies just fall on there heads for you" "Left my manners in my other pants, sweetheart," Solo retorts, making no move yet for the dishes arranged before him, though he does cast a wary hazel glance at them. Blink ahhs..slowly, smileing a bit more. "Thats too bad, I was hopeing to experience that old corillian with you toss about so fluently.." she settles down into her chair, still watching you Vox speaks out loud apparently to Solo,"Was the food I had provided for you insufficient?" Vox glances to Blink,"Or have I simply been usurped by someone friendlier?" Blink looks to Vox, then shrugs slightly.."This is better taisting." she smiles slightly Han_Solo's gaze flicks sideways to his guard, and he smirks. "I wasn't aware I had a choice in the matter, kid," he barks. Then, eying Blink, the Corellian adds, "She was here when I... woke up." Blink looks back to solo.."I took the liberty apon myself..so please, eat." she motionsto the food Vox smiles almost sweetly,"In regards to everything, with the possible exception of your quarters, you are a guest and the guest , to coin a phrase,'always right'." Han_Solo eyes the food again, then, still glowering, makes his way to the edge of the bed. There he sits, hair and shirt rumpled by his apparently troubled slumber, as he starts critically inspecting the offered meal. This and that item is tasted before he sets to eating, methodically, something about his pace suggesting he's deliberately forcing himself to chew things slowly. Solo does _not_ offer any thanks, but there just might be spotted a glint of relief in his face before he viciously squelches it. Blink sits quietly, not seeming to be wanting any thanks. The food is good, and theres alot of it. with a turn of her head,she looks to Vox, thenback to solo..watching him eat..."Is it exseptable?" "Best prison food I ever ate," Solo drawls sarcastically between swallows. Vox turns on heel apparently irritated and moves noisily back up the stares. Vox has left. Blink smiles slightly, and shakes her head a bit.."be thankfull ye have it, is all I can say.." Blink says, "I'm friends of your friends..even though not so much with you" Han_Solo reaches for the glass, sniffs warily at the contents before determining that all it holds is water, which he gulps at before growling, "'Fraid I left my gratitude in the other pants with my manners. You want thanks, get me outta here." Blink mmms.."Wish I could do that, but I can't..." she sighs quietly. "If it were up to me, yes, but I don't run the V'ez-tcha, as you can clearly see" "We all got our problems, don't we?" says Solo, starting in on the soup, his motions _just_ on the edge of being _too_ fast. Blink raises an eyebrow slightly.."You seem to have had a rough timeof it lately..were were you before you cameto be with..us "Palanhi," replies the Corellian curtly, in between spoonfuls of soup. He might be forcing himself to eat slowly, but for all of that, he steadily makes his way through the food -- and might be seen to take down every crumb and drop he can. Blink watches you seemingly inhale the food.."Your amazeing.." she murmers, and then nods, "Ah..you don't seem to be in all that good condition, when I first saw you." she motuons, "Some more?" Solo sits back at last, ungracefully wiping shis sleeve across his face, and says blandly, "It'll do for now." Blink shrugs, "Ahh, I see.." she remarks simply The Corellian just smirks, gets heavily to his feet, and limps off across the room to the open door of the privy. His movements attract the eyes of the two guards, and Solo smirks at them, too, before ducking into the privy long enough to run water and splash it on his face. He emerges looking somewhat more himself, and limps back towards his visitor, before finally sinking into one of the plush chairs. Blink watches you as you move..her eyes never leaveing you, it sems. "So..tellme. Despite circomstances here pending, how are you doing? Utterly deadpan, Solo replies, while lying back in the chair he's commandeered, "I'm just peachy. Why?" Blink laughs lightly.."Just curious.." she crosses her legs, falling silent again Evidently, Solo is not very inclined to indulge your curiosity; nor would it seem is he very inclined towards conversation. His head tilts back slightly against the top of the chair's back, as surreptitiously as he can manage it, as though he might need the support but is pretending not to. "Never seen an invalid before or somethin'?" he demands testily. Blink humfs.."Nope..specialy not you.." she smiles,and riises.."Well, It was..interesting. I hope your feeling better, but I must be off to my duties. Han_Solo smirks without looking up. "Don't skip a meeting on my account, darlin'." Blink smiles lightly.."I call my own meetings, dear..they wait for me, here these days." she winks, and turns with a sway of herhips, and moves outside Blink has left. [And not very long after Blink's departure....] Vox has arrived. Vox comes out of the shadows of the stairwell,"So would you prefer a change of host to hostess Mr. Solo?" Han_Solo, still sitting in the chair he'd claimed since Blink's departure, does not lift his head off the chair back's top edge. He does growl, however, "I ain't feelin' any more sociable to you than her, kid, so if you're lookin' for witty conversation find yourself another Corellian." Vox shrugs moving towards the bed,"I don't require wit mr. Solo. I do require an answer to my question." Han_Solo snorts. "What I _prefer_ is to be the hells outta here. Next question?" Vox plops down on the bed,"I begin to feel I wouldn't mind that so much either. But that is not an option at the moment." "You ain't the one who'll get shot if you step outta this room, kid," Solo drawls. Vox responds calmly,"I may not be shot simply for walkingout of here Mr. Solo, but were I to leave you and this planet to do as I wished I would certainly be hunted down. So we are not as different as you might think. My bonds simply put are unspoken." Han_Solo still doesn't look up, nor does he open his eyes; with them closed, veiling off that sharp hazel regard, he looks slightly more worn of feature, slightly more exhausted. "You'll hafta pardon me if I don't cry." Vox smiles,"As long as you pardon me for not crying for you. I don't see why you wish to leave immediately anyway. You are well cared for and have significant healing to do. You certainly wouldn't be off downing galactic empires in your current condition." Han_Solo slits open one eye, and snaps, "Don't care how lavish a jail this is, kid, it's _still_ a jail. You got a problem understandin' why anybody would hate a jail, maybe you oughtta ask Cheerful and Sunny over there to toss you into a cell and not let you out for six months." Vox frowns and returns quietly,"I admit, to lacking the knowledge and experience of years. But I'm simply being practical. I'm sorry if I bothered you." Han_Solo's other eye snaps open, and his drawn face goes angrily white. "_Bothered_?!" he roars, making the pair of guards by the door jerk into attention, though the Corellian pays them no mind as he shouts, "You better frekkin' _believe_ I'm bothered, kid! This is the third gods-damned prison I've been in in the last six months! My best friend damned near got himself killed trying to bust me out of the first one, a gal's probably put her whole family at risk bustin' me out of the second, and _then_, _then_, when I see my wife for the first time in half a _year_, _your boss_ comes and tells me he wants me to do a frekkin' Kessel Run when my frekkin' _ship_ is _still_ impounded and probably sold off for _scrap_ by now, and that if I _don't_ do it he'll sic a few more of his charming friends on me and everybody I care about!" In the middle of this explosion, Solo surges to his feet, and finishes, thrusting his right forefinger out at you as though he's lecturing an errant child, sharply punctating his rant, "And _you_ expect me to not be _BOTHERED_!" Vox stares up at you his eyes watching, uncaring, unjudging,"Mr. Solo, I said I was sorry if I bothered you. I expect you are very disturbed by some of the things that occur in your life. BUT I also expect that when I ask you a question you will give me an answer. Obviously you fail to live up to those expectations. Now I begin to wonder what to expect, :" Vox rises to his feet,"If are quite satisifeid with your venting, I will leave you , if however you wish to continue this conversation in another vein or are not finished, then by all means continue." Han_Solo snarls, "Go kiss a Hutt, junior -- I ain't gonna sit and play Twenty Questions with a prison warden, and I don't frekkin' care how fancy the prison is! You want me to be friendly-like, get me the hell outta.... here..." Clearly working himself up for another explosive tirade, Solo then rather abruptly turns whiter, and his voice trails off with a harsh little cough. He clamps his eyes hut, and staggers, fumbling backwards with his right hand for the chair behind him. Vox stares at Solo for a long while silently,""Why is it you insist on bringing up the quality of the prison?" Vox waves his hands around,"We could place you in a normal room int he hotel I'm sure." Vox turns away from Solo,"And as for the questions , I'm merely trying to keep myself entertained. I'm trying to get out of this job but I appear to have been relegated to busy work for some of my less popular actions. Would you prefer I simply had you locked up and did not allow you company except delivery of food and water by way of guards?" Han_Solo sits down hard on the chair, gripping its arms with hands whose knuckles have gone white, and for the tiniest fraction of an instant, his arms might be seen to shake. "At least... it'd be a more... honest prison," Solo barks out hoarsely, his head bowed a little; he is no longer looking at you. Vox smiles lamost victoriously,"So your anger really stems from lack of complaint. I mean of course if you had your family and friends here there would be no complaint. But other than that and your ship, you don't really have a complaint here?" "Aside from the lack of _freedom_," Solo growls, slumping back in the chair, his eyes still clenched shut, his face colorless, "yeah, kid, the place is paradise. Happy now?" Vox sits back down,"I'm happy that you're being truthful with yourself. I don't particularly take pleasure in it but I don't understand why people try to create dissatisfaction where there is none. " Vox glances to the guard and says,"You may go upstairs until further notce." The guards glance to each other and confer briefly before finally heading up the stairs leaving the rooms two occupants alone. Han_Solo doesn't bother to answer that. He sits there for a few moments, head tilted back, as he waits for his unsteady pulse to settle down again. Vox remains seated on the bed waiting patiently for Solo to recover his breath... Han_Solo finally, snorts and says gruffly, "You're still missin' the point, kid, I'm gonna _stay_ dissatisfied until I'm _outta_ here, so if I'm bruisin' your sentiments by not bein' a gracious guest, well, I'm afraid you're just gonna hafta live with it." He doesn't shift position on the chair, though by now, some measure of color has returned to his face. Vox smiles again speaking with a bit of composure, "Good, then you stay dissatisfied and I'll stay bored out of my mind. Now that we've agreed to that is there perhaps something else we could distract ourselves with?" Tiredly, though with undiminished sarcasm, the Corellian slumped in the chair almost... laughs. "Bored, huh? Well, join the club. I'd get up and tap dance, but havin' a knife stabbed through your foot tends to discourage dancin' skills." Vox chuckles, "I wouldn't know, I've never danced." ---------- Interlude: _Damn it. Hate this hate this hate this..._ Aware that he didn't have the strength to clobber his young guard Vox with anything resembling respectable speed, Solo sat glowering and fuming in the chair he'd claimed, and put every ounce of his energy into remembering how many curses he could think of in how many languages. Vox made further overtures to try to distract him, but Han wanted none of it -- to accept such overtures from the kid would be giving in to the enemy and Han's mood about his ongoing imprisonment was _not_ improved by Vox's attempts to make it easier on him. He didn't want it to be easier. He wanted it to send him into a fine wrathful fury, the kind that put an edge to his reflexes and intuition, and furthermore, he wanted to stop being so frekkin' _tired_ so he could give a break out of this place the attention it deserved. And he wanted to sleep... _Well, you ain't sleeping, Solo, live with it!_ Maybe he'd sleep better if he could just get back to Leia... Damn it! His mood only blackened further at every word Vox tried to speak to him, and eventually, the young man left. Fuming, Solo considered bodily chasing the kid out of the room himself... and fumed all the more when he remembered the scrutiny of the guards. And then, later.... ---------- Dane_Noth has arrived. Dane_Noth looks at you for a moment. Dane_Noth walks in and glances around cautiously The room is quiet enough; two stoic-eyed underlings are manning the door, and the prisoner is slumped in one of the plush chairs, eyes closed, either asleep or deep in thought. Dane_Noth stands by the door for several minutes, helmeted visage fixed on the prisoner. If the tight, disgruntled expression on the face of the Corellian captive is any indication, Solo's mood is not particularly pleasant. Sitting where he does with the chair half-turned away from the door, he seems almost uninterested in the guards -- or anyone else -- who might happen to enter the suite; he simply sits there in the chair, eyes closed, looking rather distinctly as though he might be fighting off a migraine. Dane_Noth reaches into a belt pouch and produces a small container. One handed he tosses it into the prisoners lap. Dane_Noth Standing 6'4" this armor clad humandoid moves with a precise and efficient grace. The armor is dark green in color and slightly battered with use, it consists of a full body shell with cloth joints overall barely hindering movements. The feet are protected by form fitting calf high armored boots black in color. Facial features are obscured by by a full helmet with a thin T-shaped black visor rimmed in a deep blue. The figure wears a low slung gun rig tied to the right thigh, hand never straying far from it, his body obviously alert and ready for danger. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => 36T Blaster Carbine => Field Armor -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Armored case Dane_Noth removes a small container from a belt pouch and tosses into the prisoners lap one handed, "There, that should help your headache." Solo lifts his head, turning it to peer narrow-eyedly at the newcomer who's entered the room, taking in the armor and the helmet; then, with hazel gaze still wary, he picks up the container, and eyes it without opening it. "This is?" Dane_Noth nods, gesturing slightly to the container, "Ther're pain killers. Don't worry if we wanted you dead we wouldn't poison you." he shrugs. "Besides they're marked." The Corellian considers this, scowling faintly, before scrutinizing the container in question; the scowl flows into an equally faint smirk. "Labels can get changed, pal," he growls hoarsely, before opening the container and first eyeing, then sniffing, at its contents. Dane_Noth states plainly, "I wouldn't stain my honor by poisoning you, that" he gestures to the two guards halfheartedly, "would be beings like them." He turns slightly to glance at each in turn, "but they're under orders not to hurt you unless you try something stupid." his gaze returns to you, "I trust we can trust you not to do that." Solo scratches a fingernail into the container's contents, then tastes it -- only then is he apparently satisfied that the stuff is indeed what's claimed, a painkiller, and only then does he allow himself a dose. "I never claimed to be bright," he drawls, sardonically. Dane_Noth chuckles slightly, "So I hear." he glances to the guards again and then back to the captive, "I trust they fed you?" his hand comes to rest on his blaster casually. Kain has arrived. "Best _prison_ food I ever ate," replies Solo, leaning his head back again to the chair's back, closing his eyes, perhaps waiting for the painkiller to un-knot his head. Kain has left. Dane_Noth shrugs and glances around the room, "This is the best prison I've ever seen." he fixes his gaze back to you, "I wouldn't complain, it could be worse." Han_Solo smirks. "I've had a lot of recent experience in the area, I'm almost a conneisseur now. Funny thing, though -- a jail's still a jail." Dane_Noth chuckles, "Well maybe you should change your habits Solo, then you wouldn't have so many hosts wanting to show your their fine accomadations." Vox comes down from the stairwell slowly, as he reaches a level where he can observe the action easily he pauses watching. Dane_Noth glances back slightly at Vox and steps off to the side of the door way with the wall to his back. "I considered becomin' a monk," snorts Solo, "but I just ain't the philosophical type." Dane_Noth nods and looks Solo over, "You don't have the look of a monk, " he chuckles, "Or the temperment." "Yeah, well, pal, prolonged imprisonment makes a guy cranky, so I ain't winnin' no medals for monkish serenity contests," says Solo. His face has begun to ease, slightly; perhaps the painkiller is doing something, now. It has no effect on his peevish tone, though. Dane_Noth shrugs slightly and changes the subject, "That painkiller may put you out if you're not careful, I wouldn't take any more." "Grathix makin' you stand in for the med droid?" Solo barks, though with less force than before. Dane_Noth says, "No. I thought i'd do you a favor Solo." his glare almost visable through the helmet, "I'm sure you're wanted in good shape."" Han_Solo lets out a faint breath, attempts a scowl, and doesn't quite make it. "Yeah," he mutters, "I'm sure your boss wants me whole before he tosses me off to the Hutts or whatever the hell he has in mind." Dane_Noth chuckles, "At least you might be in a condition to escape from the Hutts.. " he says, the word Hutts dripping with contempt as it's spoken, "again.." he adds. Solo's features tighten again for a moment, before he deliberately relaxes them into an icy calm; his eyes stay closed. "Rancors, carbonite and Sarlaccs, just can't keep a Corellian down," he murmurs blandly. Dane_Noth chuckles, "Well who knows what the next Hutt will have in store for you...maybe he'll only make you a slave." he gestures slightly with his off hand, "Maybe a pitt fighter." "I'm just' quiverin' with anticipation," replies Solo, deadpan. Dane_Noth shrugs, "At least you're alive now." he pauses, "As long as you're alive there's always a chance." Dane_Noth says, "Besides someone may actually pay more for you than the Hutts." The Corellian allows this a slight smirk; his haggard face has noticeably relaxed, by now, which deprives the smirk of some of its bite. "Yeah, last I checked, the Empire and the Hutts'll hafta get into a biddin' war for my head. I'd be flattered, but, well, hey, like I said, I'm cranky." Dane_Noth says, "Maybe your friends will try and rescue you again...now that would be interesting, and a challenge." "You'll pardon me, pal, if I don't volunteer to step into a carbonization chamber," says Solo. "And I don't think my wife'll put on a slave skirt justa satisfy your curiosity." One hazel eye opens briefly, releasing a glint of weary -- though no less sharply sardonic -- humor. Dane_Noth chuckles, "Well I wouldn't worry about that too much, we're much better at keeping people hidden that the former owner of this place." Dane_Noth gestures, "This world." Dane_Noth shrugs, "Besides I don't kill women unless they're trying to kill me." "How nice for yah," Solo drawls, rather more softly now. His head ever so slightly drops to one side before he catches himself with a jerk, bringing it up again. Dane_Noth chuckles and turns for the exit, "Sleep Solo..you'll need it." he gazes back slightly, "And it looks as if you're ready to pass out." Vox heads back up the stairs. Dane_Noth glances at the guard, "Get the painkiller container from him, we don't want him doing himself any harm." and heads up the stairs. Han_Solo scowls vaguely. "'Mfine," he barks, but his eyes are glazing over. Dane_Noth chuckles, his voice echoing down from the stair way like a cold wind. Dane_Noth has left. [End log.]