[NOTE: Despite funky roleplay dates, this scene should be considered to be complete and all in time before any subsequent logs.] Log Date: 6/16/97, 6/24, 6/27, 7/17/97 Log Cast: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa-Solo, Han Solo, Winter, Chewbacca Log Intro: Although Han Solo has rapidly regained health of both body and mind ever since his friend Luke has helped him squelch his recurring nightmares, and Han's natural restlessness has started making him bored with quiet days of inactivity, two major problems remain with his state of existence: his missing friend Chewbacca, and his missing ship. It has been troubling Han deeply enough that fears that Chewie might really be dead, and that even if he weren't, Han wouldn't be able to accomplish anything to help him, have kept the Corellian uncharacteristically hesitant, torn between blasting off to Etti IV - and staying in safety with his wife. Leia has begun to lose a fair amount of her own stress, with her husband's improvement; she retains much concern over both him and the missing Wookiee, though, and while she has begun resuming her own normal workload, she's been surreptitiously seeking out any reports she can get on the Chewbacca situation herself. More like himself now, Han has begun to burn off energy by combing Coral City, and two encounters with Ariana Millikin, an officer who'd served under him in the strike force Han had led to Endor, have given him an opportunity to unleash a little frustration, as the young woman has proven to be perplexing and maddening in her seemingly contradictory behavior to him. He has, further, begun checking his backlogged communications, trying to reestablish his presence amongst the NR in general. But distractions are simply that, and no distraction Han's found so far has managed to keep Chewbacca and the _Falcon_ off his mind for very long.... ---------- A knock sounds on your door. Princess Leia and Han Solo's Quarters(#6069RhntA) The main room of this private suite is decorated in soft shades of white and beige, and the lighting is a subtle glow that chases off the shadows without being harshly bright. Two plush chairs surround a table of dark, refined wood that rests beside a large open window that looks out upon the oceans of Calamari. The floor is carpeted to match the decor, and to muffle footsteps throughout the suite; the center of the floor, however, is covered with a soft, shaggy rug in assorted shades of grey and tan. A side corridor leads off to the more private rooms of the suite; the most apparent exit is the door leading back out into the base. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Leia => Threepio -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- aster Bedroom leads to Master Bedroom. uest Room leads to Guest Room. ut leads to Waiting To Be Linked. The sentries keeping an eye on the Solo suite seem rather more relaxed than the last time Luke Skywalker came this way; tonight, they allow him through readily, and it doesn't take very long before the young Jedi's knock is answered by Han's voice calling out through the wall comm, "It's open." Luke enters the suite from outside. Luke has arrived. Luke looks at you for a moment. Leia steps in quietly from the bedroom as she hears the knock on the door, and as her eyes light on the face of the entrant, she exclaims with a soft smile and equally soft tone, "Luke!" Han is on his feet, and he turns to the door when it swishes open to admit his younger friend. The Corellian is clearly restless, if the subtle signs of his demeanor are any indication; he half-smiles, though, at the Jedi's arrival. "Hiya, kid," he murmurs. Luke smiles widely, nearly beaming. "You look much better Han." Instinctively he approaches Leia giving her a warm hug. They exchange a wordless glance, Luke's eyes sparkling. He turns around peering at his old friend and lets out a short chuckle, "Heck, the last time I saw you, you looked like Chew.." he catches himself, amused expression falling flat. Wincing, he makes an apologetic face. Han does stiffen, his hazel eyes flicking across the room for a moment, before he plasters on a not-quite-sincere crooked grin. "Yeah, well. I, uh, slept." Leia winces as well at Luke's verbal slip, casting a glance to Han to gauge his reaction before she turns eyes of brown back to Luke and her quiet voice inquires, "Where have you been keeping yourself? It's been a while since you stopped by or got in touch." Luke inhales audibly, "Ahh.. Ackbar had me come all the way out to Sluis Van. Only to tell me he didn't want anyone speaking with the prisoners." He shrugs, "Wasted trip if you ask me." Han lifts both his eyebrows. "What's goin' on on Sluis Van, Luke? I got some kinda message... somebody named Langston." Luke frowns, "Well, some Imperial Moff defected, or.. more realistically was brought to us. I didn't find out all of the details. Supposedly he's the guy who runs Bespin now, Lando might be interested. Lofton I think. Anyway, they had another prisoner, someone named Nerik who I met on Tatooine when we were meeting with Grathix." he eyes Han carefully, "You know him?" Leia moves over towards the couch, motioning to it while looking to Luke as if a silent suggestion that he might want to sit; with a flowing motion she softly sits upon the piece of furniture, smoothing out her robe as she does so. Han blinks, then frowns. "Don't know that particular goon, no." Still frowning, he adds, "I hear somethin' about Wedge Antilles, too, kid." Luke sits as if verbally asked, "Wedge?" he asks intrigued. Winter enters the suite from outside. Winter has arrived. The door opens with a silent sweep and a rather familar woman stands within the frame. Luke is sitting on the couch, looking curiously at Han as if waiting for him to say something. Han remains standing, and not only standing, but pacing. "All I know is this Langston guy says he's got some kind of information, kid." Hooking his thumbs in his belt, the Corellian appends, "Didn't say nothin' else." As Winter enters, though, Han looks around, startled. Winter speaks in her soft formal tone, "Hello your highness, General, Commander." She looks to the assembled with a rather reserved stature, as if not wanting terribly to disturb. Luke glances at Winter, but seems distracted by Han's words. He sighs, looking at the coffee table, "Well I asked them to send an agent to Etti.. perhaps they've found something." He looks up at the Corellian, squinting slightly, "He wouldn't tell you?" Leia sits on the couch, her gaze floating unobtrusively between brother and husband before a motion at the door causes her head to turn; the smooth motion shifts her eyes to rest upon the figure emerging and Leia offers a quiet nod of greeting to the woman who has arrived. Han flicks a distracted nod at Winter and a smirk at Luke. "No. Just claimed I might be interested. Maybe 'cause Wedge's Corellian, I dunno. Seems people I don't know're makin' a habit of sendin' me messages these days..." He scowls, at nothing in particular, and keeps pacing. Luke eyes his old friend, "..and you?" he says softly, "What are your plans Han.. I mean.." another downcast gaze. Winter inclines her head to Leia and with a silent step, enters and sits to the side of the conversation group, quietly listening to the topic she has stumbled upon. "Some kid, another one I don't know, actually asked me if I'd let him have the _Falcon's_ 'special modifications'" -- these last two words are delivered by Han in a drawl and with another smirk -- "for CorpOps vessels. I dunno, kid, I dunno..." Looking like he's not quite sure whether he wants to burst out laughing or punch something, Han pauses by the windows, glowering out into the evening. Luke stares at Han's back, then to Leia.. searching for any indication from her about Han's mental or emotional state. He mouths the words, 'Is he ok?' As the talk draws on, a cup of spiced paricha, a mug of cocoa and a cup of coffee, inbibed with a shot of Corellian whiskey appear respectively beside you. No sound is made other than a quiet "Pardon" as each is set by Winter. Leia frowns softly as she watches Han by the window; without turning her head fully to Luke she offers a slight nod that's accompanied with the most imperceivable of shrugs, her expression tightening just a bit. "Han." Luke says reaching for one of the placed mugs, "If you want to go to Etti, that would be alright you know." he takes a cautious sip, eyeing Solo over the rim. If Leia's expression had tighened before, that was nothing to how it tightened at the mention of Han and Etti. She casts a sharp glance to Luke, one clearly caught between shushing him for even mentioning the idea and knowing this might be the only way to make Han feel better, despite the large risk it would run. Winter in a very uncharacteristic moment, stiffens at the mention of that, her emerald eyes becoming almost..racked with some painful surge of emotion. Save for a sharp, quick breath, she holds from saying anything. "Me and what ship, kid?" Han asks, strangely plaintively, without turning around. "You and whatever ship we can scrounge up." Luke says, leaning toward defiantly. He sighs again, "I dunno.. I just want things to be back to normal. Ya know?" Han flicks a look over his broad shoulder, his brow furrowed under a few loose strands of his dark hair; it's gotten longer in the six months he's been away from his mate and his friends, and although he's taken the time to get himself a decent shave, he hasn't yet bothered to trim down the shaggy mop that frames his face. He frowns, and fixes his hazel gaze on Luke. "Yeah, kid," he mutters awkwardly, "I know." Leia's eyes quietly plead her brother to be cautious with his words as she continues to flicker comforting looks to her husband by the window. Luke catches Leia's look and nods silently, "Well.. you do what you have to Han." Luke replies inadequately. Winter looks to her dear childhood friend, and reads the worry and stress that has etched her royal visage in these years. A small frown falls upon her lips and she silently withdraws to the kitchen area a moment to set her teacup aside. Luke stands sipping at his cup still. He runs a hand through his hair, "I mean.. you look much better, but it's obvious to me and everyone else that you don't feel like yourself. I know you feel much -more- like yourself than before, but.." He paces a step toward Han, "We're just worried about you, that's all." he says softly. With Winter having slipped into the kitchen -- one less pair of eyes on him -- Han seems slightly less awkward. But just slightly. He plasters on a rather larger, but forced, lopsided grin, and tells Luke airily, "Hey... it's me, kid, right? Pull myself up by my Bloodstripes, and all that? I'm fine... really!" Luke sips his mug detractedly and nods, "I know Han.." he breathes out. Flicking a gaze at Leia he affords a minute shrug. Winter returns after a time from the kitchen, her visage once more set to the calm, almost cold masque. She arches a slender brow at the corellian's attempt at persuasion of everything being alright and sits once again in the shadow of Leia. The comm system of the room makes a pleasant beep as a light blinks on the console in the room. Leia glances up and makes a slight motion to any who might catch the gesture for them to stay put as she rises from the couch, pristene robes of white swirling about her frame as she moves towards the bedroom. A moment later, the blinking and insistant light on the comm steadies to a solid glow, and just a moment after that, the light goes out.. and Leia remains quietly out of sight, still yet to emerge from the bedroom she disappeared into. Threepio pipes up from his chair at the back, muttering at his lowest volume setting, "We should all just face the fact that poor Chewbacca met his untimely fate. Pity that.. I rather liked the furry beast.." Standing at the doorway into Leia and .... and Han's apartment, Chewie stps for the first time since he arrived on Calamari, as there are two guards at the door. His mind registers their presence only to the degree that he doesn't want to hurt them in his hurry to get past them. _Leia's got to be here, maybe she's heard something, hopefully she'll forgive me .... but what if she isn't? What is she hasn't? What if she has and he's ....._ The Wookiee's mind as been running in this fevered track ever since he made it off of God's forsaken planet. Running on nerves and adrenalin now, the Wookiee limps forward and takes one look at the two guards before letting out a roar of frustration, expecting them to obediently scatter like misbehaving cubs. The sentries snap both their heads up -- and gape. The blue-eyed lieutenant and the grey-eyed ensign simultaneously blurt, "Colonel!" at the Wookiee, before they do, in fact, scatter out of the way. They know a Wookiee With a Mission when they see one. And inside the suite, Han, a scowl erupting across his lean face, turns around to See Threepio, snapping his index finger forth at the droid as he barks, "Nobody asked you, Goldenrod!" Luke sighs, tossing the droid a coddling look, "Threepio, please.." Chewbacca slams his paw onto the door panel, roaring at it as well, in case the mechanical device should consider trying to delay him any further. Winter stands and looks towards Leia's movements with a growing concern. The door slides open, as if it, too, was in a hurry to get out of the Wookiee's way. The golden droid startles somewhat, "Well it's true Captain Solo.. I miss him too, he was.. delicate in his own odd way.." If droids could sigh, Threepio would. "I'll miss him..." he murmurs. Another visitor? Grumpy now, and fretful, Han whirls on the door that dares to interrupt the beginnings of what promises to be a fine little tirade at Threepio... and stops dead as the door's opening allows the latter half of Chewbacca's roar into the room. Stumbling inside, Chewbacca catches himself as the leg nearly buckles. His fangs bared, he raises his head to look around, half blazing determination, half shame and contrition. He stops, taking in the room for a moment and then blinks, confused. Luke turns sharply, hand flexing toward the hilt of his saber at the unknown enemy forcing it's way into the suite. Senses tingling, eyes wide and searching he ponders how quickly he can cut down the massive behemoth shadowing the door. As quickly as these thoughts enter his head, another one forces its way in, "Chewie!" he exclaims. Almost as suddenly as Winter moves to assist her friend, the clamor of the arrival of the Wookiee causes her to spin about in her tracks at the sound, she is quite beyond words and looks upon the long missing wookiee with a very curious, un-Winter look to her face. Threepio lets out a wail, promptly falling off of his chair to land un-ceremoniously on the floor with a series of clangs. Spotting Han above all others, all of the wear and strain drains from Chewbacca's hairy form. He rushes at the Corellian with a roar of astonishment and joy, grabbing up his partner in a hug just short of rib-cracking, letting out a wild howl. Winter calls out, "Your highness!" Luke steps out of the path of the Wookiee, beaming from ear to ear. His thoughts now on Han and the reunion he's witnessing. "Thank the Force.." he murmurs, his hand dropping from the saber hilt. He lets out a pleasant breath of relief. Han Solo remains frozen in shock by the windows, looking suddenly thirty years younger as his hazel eyes go round, his brain refusing to register who's just entered the suite. Only when he's suddenly swept up off his feet does it occur to him that he really _is_ seeing his partner, and the hugest grin Han is capable of producing makes a sudden supernova across his face. "Chewie," he croaks breathlessly. Leia cracks the door to the bedroom and glances in the room quietly with an assured and knowing smile turning the corners of her mouth, eyes of brown glittering with inner joy at watching the reunion. She takes just a step or two inside before closing the door back behind her and clasping her hands before her. Han's arms wrap around the Wookiee almost as if he'd like to hug the big being with the same force Chewie's muscular embrace has about him. "What the nine hells took you so long, pal?" he rasps out huskily, looking suspiciously damp about the eyes. And not relaxing his hold on Chewbacca in the slightest. Winter steps back from the reunion, knowing how rather dangerous an excited, angry or happy a wookiee might be inadvertantly. She looks upon the scene, etching within a memory filled with so much pain, another fleeting moment of pure, untarnished joy. A soft smile finds it way to her face and in her emerald eyes a touching glimmer of wetness. Chewbacca murfles apologetically, not releasing his friend for an instant. He wonders if he will ever be able to let go of him again. He sighs, rowling affectionately "Han, it's -you- .... you're here ... you're -here-!" Threepio clambers to his feet exclaiming, "Why Chewbacca! I -knew- you were alive!" "Shut up, Goldenrod," Han mumbles, but it's purely reflex, as the Corellian clings to his friend and copilot like a five-year-old clutching a favorite, and much larger, toy. Drawing back from Han fractionally, the Wookiee's face clouds at his friends gentle jibe. Words spoken in jest, but with deadly accuracy. "I had to get the Falcon before I could find you, right?" he grolphs, hoping that by getting the ship, perhaps he can attone in some small degree for his mistakes. Luke, smiling from ear to ear and looking for something, anything to hug, grabs his sister up, whirling her around him, "He's alive.. he's alive.." he whispers to her. He stops to watch the two and chuckle at Han's remark to Threepio. Han's head snaps up. It had perhaps seemed before that his face could not light up any further, but somehow, it manages, as his smile threatens to light up the entire room by itself, and his eyes get even more suspiciously wet. "You got 'er, pal?" he breathes. Leia has to work to keep the laugh ensuing her whirling quiet as to not disturb the reunion, a beaming smile on her face as she nods shortly a few times to her brother, whispering, "I know." His eyes still dark with traces of shame, Chewie nods slowly. "They may have a lot of guards on Etti IV, but they must not pay them much, because they couldn't guard a Bantha's netherhole if it was sitting right on 'em." The Wookiee shifts his weight to his other leg, as the broken one twinges sharply. Still, he is unwilling to sit, to even release his friend, his bright blue eyes growing slightly damp despite himself. "You're here .... you're okay ... you're," and glancing at Han, Chewie frowns, "you don't look so good partner ... any one give you a rough time while I was busy?" Winter smiles to herself, for once in a long while quite happy. She enters the kitchen and sets about preparing some food as she can see this should prove to be quite a long evening and is sure that Chewbacca is hungry. "I'm okay!" Han swears, and for the first time since he's been returned to Calamari, he actually looks it. "I'm okay, pal, I'm okay... _you_ need a bath, fuzzball! Dirty Wookiee fur, oh man...!" His words come out ragged and husky, still, though, and despite Chewbacca's obvious filthy state, Han has yet to release him. Winter with a efficient precision sets the replicators to work as well as having some fresh food brought up to the room. She returns and wrinkles her nose as the pungent odor of unkempt wookiee is noticed for the first time. Winter hmms softly to herself, "Perhaps COlonel Chewbacca would care to freshen up while I have the food brought up?" Her tone bearing that subtle charm, yet firmness that she wields so well. Chewbacca shnorfles thoughtfully. "Corinth threatened to give me a bath ... but I told her I had more important things to do ..." He gives Han a toothy grin and holds up his hand, offering fingers one at a time to enumerate. "One, get the Falcon back. Two, find you, my friend, my partner, my reason for living. Three, eat. Four, get you drunk!" The final option is released on a roar of delight and he crushes Han to him again, ruffling the scoundrel's hair furiously, knowing how much he hates to be "scruffy". Winter looks to Chewbacca with a rather uncanny understanding, "Colonel, it would be excellent for you and General Solo to get quite drunk, but I would think perhaps tending to your current state might be beneficial.." "Whoa, hey!" yelps the Corellian, around a choked burst of giddy laughter. "I got whiskey, Chewie..." Luke turns to Leia, "I think I'll let these two get reacquainted again. Like old times." Again an ear to ear smile envelopes his face. He cranes his neck at Chewbacca, "Chewie.. it's nice to see you're alright." he says gently, slipping away from Leia and flashing Han a wink as he approaches the door. "Tell me all about your adventures tomorrow?" Winter nods her head to Luke as he leaves. Casting a glance up to Luke, the Wookiee whurfles affectionately. "You got it Luke ... if you -really- want to hear about it ... pretty dull stuff, I warn you." He flashes the Jedi a fanged grin. Leia smiles and nods to Luke as he heads out, and she takes a few steps back towards the door of the bedroom, resting a hand on the knob casually without ever looking away from the three near the door. "I do." Luke says brightly. He ducks out the door quietly and pleased. Winter looks to Leia, "Goodnight your highness, I am going to take my leave as well.." Thinking nobody's looking, Han buries his face against Chewie's broad chest; only the Wookiee might be able to sense that Solo is shaking. But in startlement and release of tension, rather than any sort of fright or panic. Luke departs the suite. Luke has left. Leia turns and nods to Winter silently before opening the door to the bedroom, pausing to watch Chewbacca and Han for a moment before slipping into the bedroom and pulling the door quietly shut behind her. Winter nods to you both, sets out a bottle of aged Smugglers Brandy and with that takes her leave. Leia steps into the master bedroom. Leia has left. Winter departs the suite. Winter has left. Chewbacca feels Han's subtly trembling form, and holds the man all the closer for it, his eyes tearing up obviously as he drops his head atop his partners, so as to hide the betraying wetness. He sighs softly, releases a contented growl before murmuring, now that everyone has left, "I'm sorry ...." "They told me you were... gone, pal," Han whispers. The Wookiee rumbles thoughtfully. "I didn't know -where- you would be ... it took me so long, I made so many -stupid- decisions ... I didn't think Han, it's all my fault .... I didn't leave you, I just couldn't get to you ..." Without lifting his head from a furry chest, Han mumbles, "The Imps got me, Chewie..." The Wookiee's tall frame stiffens, recalling what happened the last time the Imperials got their hands on his friend. He lets out a soft mournful whurf. "Who's arms need to be ripped off?" he asks in a search for restitution and forgiveness. Before waiting for Han's response, the Wookiee jerks away, the pain of guilt cutting at him harshly. "I should have been there," he shnarles, self critically, turning away from the friend that he failed in his hour of need. He limps a few steps away. Han promptly steps back to the Wookiee, reaching to turn him around. "Hey," he says roughly, "don't kick yourself, pal... not now... it's okay..." His words are awkward, but his eyes broadcast well enough the message he's trying to get across. _You're back. That's all that's important._ _Later, I can kick myself more later ... do for the man what you failed to do before_ the Wookiee chastises himself, and turning with a apologetic rolph, he ducks his head, his blue gaze resting on Han with fierce joy. Dropping a paw to Han's head, he ruffles the man's hair again. "Much better," he wollers thoughtfully, with a fangful grin. "So we got the Falcon, I got you ... you mind if I devour the food that Winter brought out?" he asks in hopeful worffling tones. "You're gonna make me all scruffy," Han mutters in protest, but mildly. Then he smiles, lopsidedly. "Eat, pal. I'll get the glasses." He scoops up the bottle of brandy Winter produced, not questioning where the woman got it from -- she seems to have a knack that way, and right now he's not going to worry about the origins of any booze in the vicinity, only its eventual destination. Inside him. And Chewie. The Wookiee seats himself, eyeing the food like he hasn't eaten in a month ... cause in many respects, he hasn't. The fur hides how thin he's become. Still Chewie holds back, turning to Han first. "So what happened?" he asks carefully, angry with himself for shattering that rare and tender moment between the two of them with his own selfish concerns. He eyes the Corellian with a sharp watchful gaze. "Are you alright?" Han can put on a blustering face to many beings in the galaxy, but Chewbacca is very rarely one of them. The Corellian drops his gaze for a moment, mouth quirking as he can't quite decide whether to grin or smirk; finally, he admits, voice a little smaller than normal, "I'm fine, now!" The implication is obvious enough: that he wasn't fine before. The Wookiee narrows his gaze before rising and walking over to Han. He reaches out with both paws to grip his shoulders. He cocks his head to one side and murfling softly, murmurs, "I didn't think I was ever going to see you again ... this time things seemed so much worse than usual ... guess the odds have been stacking against us in retaliation for all those "easy" escapes we pulled in the past, huh?" Han has poured out a glass of the brandy now, and he pauses with it in one hand and the bottle in the other as Chewbacca returns to stand before him. The Corellian offers another wan grin, and answers, "We better not tell nobody. We got a rep to maintain, pal." The Wookiee considers his friend, recognizing that the moment is gone, but knowing Han, will probably resurface later on at some point. Perhaps after enough of that brandy is consumed. With a challenging grin, Chewbacca reaches, pulling the bottle out of Han's grip and clinking it against the Corellian's glass. "After I've eaten and drinken my fill, then my lips will be sealed," he promises with a shnorling chuckle. "Eat, pal," Han urges, nudging Chewie back towards the food; the smell of meat is heavy in the air. Flopping down onto the couch, he adds anxiously, "And what happened to _you_? You look worse 'n' I do!" With a graceless whump, the leg aching despite his best efforts to ignore it. He takes a generous swig from the bottle and then grabs a leg of Nerf, ripping into it with his powerful jaws and fangs. He eats less than delicately, now that the aromas are reaching his senses, his body is reminded that it is half starved. He wolfs down the meat. He occasionally stops long enough to wipe the juices from his mouth on his already stained and bedraggled pelt. "Was going down," he rolfs between bites, "bailed out, didn't use the ejector seat ... . figured it would be spotted and they'd know I survived the crash ..... broke my fall and a leg in a nearby tree." Each comment is made with a randomly casual shrug and in an uninterested voice. Indeed, it is practically as if it never happened, for now that he has Han, everything else is irrelevant. Han takes all this in, listening intently as the Wookiee alternates between barking out his replies and inhaling his meat and brandy. At last, his lopsided grin dimmed down to a ghost of a smile, Han admits, "They told me you were dead, pal..." That didn't occur to the Wookiee ... of course they would have .... but he figured that Han would still be a prisoner somewhere, if not dead himself ... he wanted the NR to think him dead, so they wouldn't try some damn fool rescue mission ... not like they were willing to do so for Han, but he'd botched things up so badly to begin with that, well, hell, it seemed like a good idea at the time! Frowning, Chewbacca wipes his arm across his mouth. "I ... I didn't think of that," he admits, "I just didn't want anyone to come looking for me, after I screwed everything up ... I didn't think, I didn't know that you would be here, that ...." He rowls uncomfortably, covering his distress at what Han must have thought, what he must have gone through. If it had been half as much as what he had experienced .... The furred arm reaches out once again to snatch up another limb, biting it with feigned gusto to hide his true emotions from his partner. Han sits there on the couch now, though, rolling the glass he holds back and forth between his palms and eying the brandy within quietly. He begins, "I'm the one who screwed up, pal..." Chewbacca surges forward, dropping the meat back onto the platter. He growls vehemently, not in anger at Han, but in frustation with himself. "It's my fault that you were captured, and if I had just been a little smarter, I could have gotten you out, but all I did was make things worse," he admits in a rush of schnarls and grfs. "Ahh, hell, pal, you just said your leg got busted, what'd you hit anyway, a mountain?" It seems to Solo that only something that big could damage the bones of his large furry friend, and he peers at Chewbacca's lower limbs plaintively. Then, jerking a thumb at himself, he adds, "I shoulda come for you the moment Ackbar told me what happened, nightmares and orders be damned!" That takes the furry co-pilot back for a moment, but he shakes his mane in response. The leg is inconsequential, so that question isn't even responded to. "For once in your life you obey orders, and I'm grateful," he rowls. "If you'd come they would have caught you for sure, then they would have known I was alive and probably have found me ... I'm wanted for murder there and you're wanted period. They would have flayed us alive." The bright blue eyes are somber in their regard and leaning over, Chewbacca drops one paw to Han's shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to suffer so my friend, so terribly sorry I brought you this pain. I'd rather cut off my arm than do so." Han looks up, hazel eyes turning suspiciously liquid. All at once he chugs down the rest of his glass's contents, then clears his throat, and confesses as straight-facedly as he can manage, "I was... a little worried about yah, yeah, pal..." The poker face doesn't work with those liquid eyes, though. The paw grips the shoulder it's resting on, tight. "I'm here, you're here, we're together. Now is all that matters," replies the Wookiee sagely. Of course it is wisdom he himself cannot quite master over his own guilt and strain, but that doesn't make the words any less true. And, hopefully, they'll be words enough to comfort and sustain his friend. "I'll drink to that," replies Han, trying to smile again. He gestures for the bottle of brandy, waving his glass at it. Chewbacca refills Han's glass and clinks the bottle against it once again, taking a hefty swallow himself. "So, you never told me what happened ..." he rumbles softly, as he takes another bite. He deliberately keeps his tone low, his mouth full, so if Han should not wish to answer, he can feign misunderstanding the Wookiees mumbled question. Han pauses in the middle of beginning to down the refill, then he deliberately inhales a huge draught of it, before lowering the glass and letting out a sigh. He attempts another lopsided grin, and tells his partner, "Well, the Authority had me for... months. Real frekkin' dull in their cells, I can tell yah, pal... they had to call in the Empire to liven up my life..." Eating at a more sedate pace, but still eating, Chewbacca nods to indicate that he is still listening, all ears, but is hesitant to interrupt for fear of causing Han to close up, to bottle all of this inside of himself. The Corellian pauses again, considering his words. Then, slugging down another swallow of brandy, he says roughly, "The Empire's got themselves another Darth Vader type, pal... he, uh, took me offa Etti IV." That stops the eating cold. Placing the food back onto the platter, Chewie bares his fangs in unconscious reaction to the thought of another "Vader". "Why .... what did he do to you?!" His growls and grolphs are low and dangerous, as all that comes to mind is what Vader did to all of his friends, especially freezing Han in carbonite like some experimental lab womprat. To his consternation, Han realizes that, ever so slightly, his hands are trembling around his glass. Annoyed at this realization, the Corellian decides to steady them by finishing off the rest of what's in his glass; only then does he allow himself to answer the Wookiee. Putting on a mirthless wisp of a grin that wouldn't fool Chewie for an instant -- and is not really intended to -- Han smirks a bit and replies, "_He_ didn't do nothing... much. Roughed me up a bit getting me from the Authority..." But he doesn't finish the sentence, and he still seems, at least subtly, deeply troubled. Refilling the Corellian's glass, Chewie finds himself at a loss for words. The rage is boiling inside of him, at the idea that something happened, something frightening enough to affect Han this way. His own hands shake, but in fury, not in fear. A low, ferocious growl manages to strangle out of his throat before he can stop it. A third of this second refill is gone before Han is braced enough to continue in an almost normal voice, "Well, so... Sabbath's pet creature took a few turns playing Pound the Corellian, before the medic they gave me finally decided she didn't really care much for that game and helped me sneak out." He smirks a little, though his eyes are somber. And he abruptly drinks down another third of the glass, adding gravely, "Amylynn risked her family getting me out of there." Chewbacca can't conceive of doing otherwise, but that is his oath and his choice. "I owe her a debt," he responds gruffly, "for doing what I could not." The Wookiee also take a swallow, which finishes the bottle. He tosses it aside carelessly and grabs the next one, opening it up and taking yet another gulp before adding more to Han's own glass. Slowly, ever so slightly, a tension begins to drain out of Han's frame. "After that... we got to Palanhi. Luke and Leia were there... Lando and Winter, too. Coupla redheads I didn't know, ah... Jessalyn. Kid named Shenner, too. And this brain-type, Nighman. Couple more I didn't know. Sabbath came after us, though, and the kid turned out to have a boss after me, too..." And Solo frowns. Chewbacca says, "Sounds complicated." Cocking his head to one side, Chewbacca growls again. "What came of the dark Jedi?"" At this, too, Han frowns, sighing heavily. "Leia says Luke went after him, 'cause he took Jessalyn. Got her out of there, but his ship blew up." "Jessalyn too?" The Wookiee remembers the lovely woman well, and his mind begins to spin with all of the connections. It feels like he was trapped on that cursed planet for a year, not just over a month. Growling impotently, he nods his head, indicating that Han should continue. "Didn't _see_ it, you understand," says the Corellian, gesturing with his glass. "The kid, Shenner, she had this boss, see." A smirk crosses Han's lean features, briefly, but his eyes are still solemn, rather more solemn than usual. "Told me the Hutts have bounties out on all of us...." That elicits a threatening growl as well. "Damn slugs, Jabba was a wart on society ... he deserved to die ... they should be grateful, now someone else in their chain of thieves can advance." Looking Han in the eye, Chewie clinks his bottle to Han's glass. "Let 'em come," he growls pridefully, "We'll salt them all." Han gives an actual grin to that, and a firm, "I'll drink to that, too!" He does. But a moment later, his grin wavers down to a rather more sheepish, plaintive expression, and he adds, "Grathix -- the kid's boss -- wanted me to do a frekkin' Kessel Run. Race him." "Without the Falcon?" roars Chewbacca, "What would be the point?!" Shaking his head bemusedly, Chewie slumps back into the couch, snatching up some kind of vegetable thing as he does so. His dark eyebrows drawing together in self-directed annoyance, Han mutters in the direction of his glass, "Knew I didn't have the ship. Couldn't think of anything else at the time but... just... I dunno. Makin' sure Luke and Leia were safe. We had the Empire on our collective behinds at the time, though, and when I didn't show up to meet the guy... Grath's goons jumped me." That brings the Wookiee forward again, his eyes darkening, his fangs bared. "Gods Han, seems like neither of us could catch a break to save our lives." Although the term is used figuratively, it has an unpleasant ring of truth literally as well. Blowing out a breath, Han half-smiles, without enthusiasm. "That jail was a hotel room, at least. Nice place, if you didn't mind the goons guarding the door. Startled the hells outta Grathix when I told him I didn't have the _Falcon_, though..." Growling discontently, like a Wookiee that didn't get to rip any arms off after a hard days work, Chewie settles back into the couch, but he doesn't look happy about it. "Prison is still a prison, no matter how pretty the cage ... what did he think he was doing? Who the hell is this Grathix anyway? If I so much as see the man, he's adding his legs to my personal collection." Solo releases a tired-sounding sigh. "Some kinda crime lord on Tatooine... that's all I know. Took me to Mos Eisley. Took Winter and Lando to get me back... and Luke." For some reason, Han suddenly looks depressed again. "Had me two weeks, I think... if I counted the time right..." And he shifts where he sits on the couch, restlessly. "Beats eating squirrels and hiding out in trees I suppose," he growls cajolingly, "'Bout time Lando earned his keep anyway, right?" Cocking his head to one side, Chewbacca lays a furry palm on Han's arm once again. "From the sounds of it, you weren't in any condition to do anything about it ... guess we should both cut ourselves a little slack, eh?" The Corellian looks up at his furry partner, and cracks a grin. "Since when did you turn psychologist, fuzzball?" That earns Han and snorting urf urf of laughter from his friend. "Somebody's gotta look out for your sanity," he schnorfles good-naturedly, "Guess I must have hit my head on that tree as well as my leg," he teases somewhat embarrassedly. Good thing Wookiees are so damn furry ... Han might be able to spot a blush otherwise. "You musta, 'cause you oughtta know I can take care of myself," retorts Han, mock-sternly, pointing a finger at the Wookiee. The urge to guffaw gracelessly is strong ... could be that Han's statement is that funny, or maybe it's just the brandy. Either way, the massive Wookiee realizes that such a reaction would most likely not be appreciated. Turning the urf urf into a cough cough, he pours Han yet another glass full of said brandy. "Take care of this," he orders the Corellian with a toothy grin. Taking that as a challenge, Han promptly takes down a few hefty swallows of the alcohol. "You still sufferin' under the delusion that you can outdrink me?" "You still under the delusion that you are better looking than me?" counters the Wookiee with a dangerous grin, and he finishes the rest of the bottle with one hefty swig. Wiping his mouth with a bedraggled arm, the Wookiee opens the third bottle with a snork. "Hey," snaps back Han briskly as he drains his glass, "I get more babes than you without even looking." He starts grinning, bigger, broader. "That's just because you're so ... so ... -obvious-," the Wookiee finishes, not being able to come back with a better word. "I have more tact, more finesse ... in other words, I'm discreet!" Then he takes a hefty slug and eyes hie friend, his brow furred, literally and figuratively. "Hey, you're not supposed to be getting babes now that you're a married man ..... " He gives Han a mock-threatening growl, lifing his paw as if to cuff a naughty cub. "Leia will fry your ass with a light saber if you're not careful." In immense satisfaction, Han says smugly, "Leia knows better things to do with my ass." His hazel eyes spark with a devilish glint. "Makin' up for six months apart...!" That elicits and satsified roar of laughter from the Wookiee. "Sure you're up to it? After all, you haven't had any practice in six months ... you're bound to be a little rusty at it." He winks, slugging back about half of the bottle of brandy clutched in his paw. That makes about two bottles worth inside the Wookiee. He can just begin to feel the warmth spreading out from his belly, easing the pain in his broken leg. He takes another swig, for medicinal purposes. "_You_ didn't see us when I got out of the shower," Han taunts, and grins yet again as memory helpfully supplies him with, "She expressed her true feelings for me!" And then he pauses momentarily, baffled. He's starting to feel _quite_ warm inside, as though a small sun had begun to kindle itself in his chest, and the sensation startles him. _How much have I had? Only a few glasses... I can't be drunk yet, can I?_ "Where have I heard that before?" muses the furry co-pilot. "'Course her true feelings are that she loves you for your mind, not your body ... poor woman." At the mention of a shower, he looks down at his bedraggled and stained condition. "Rrrrrowwwmmmmmmmm," he murmurs consideringly. "Maybe if I shower too she'll express her true feelings for me? Like that she want's me to lie in front of the fireplace and be her personal rug?" "Hey," Han protests, shooting his forefinger at his partner, "I'm the one that's supposed to be Leia's personal rug!" Chewbacca ruffles the Corellians hair again, cocking his head in an appraising look. "Nyah, you aren't furry enough ... who would want to lie on you?" His whorfling voice is full of mock disgust and bafflement. "Besides, the first person who tried to wipe their boots on you would get a blast to the head. What kind of welcome mat is that?" Batting at the Wookiee's paw in instinctive "quit it don't muss my hair!" self-defense, Han considers, then slugs down the rest of whatever's in his glass at this point -- he's not sure he remembers, and he's even less sure that he cares -- and declares, grinning, "I'm _real_ hospitable, to the right people!" The Wookiee, in the middle of swigging back the last of the current bottle gripped in his furry grasp practically spits it out all over Han, but manages to just sputter a bit. He whacks his friend and partner on the back, shaking his head smugly. He then turns, heading for Han's personal stash to get them yet another bottle. Han sways against that enthusiastic whack, ever so slightly, and squints with one eye after Chewbacca. "Ain't touched that since I got back," he says abruptly, sounding surprised. Pulling out the very last bottle, Chewie blows the accumulated dust off of the plum colored glass, his mischeivious blue eyes darkening slightly at the implications. "Well, then we're making up for lost time now," he rowls, opening the bottle with a flourish. He limps back over to Han, filling the man's glass yet again. "I say we need to go shopping," he notes gravely. "This is your last bottle .... this is practically sinful ... there should have been at least three more bottles ready and waiting for us." Looking just a trifle sheepish, Han mumbles, "Didn't exactly cross my mind, yah know?" He is most assuredly relaxing, now, at least of stance, and his expression has begun to mellow. Then he squints, switching eyes this time, and he shakes his head for a moment, surprised at himself. "Shoppin'. Yeah," he finally affirms, his voice sounding mellowed as well. "Well, if you haven't had any, how were you to know?" rationalizes the Wookiee. "Maybe Leia's developed a habit," he insinuates with a fangful grin, jabbing lightly at his friend with one elbow. "Next time we'll invite her to join us in the fun, eh?" Solo snorts back a burst of laughter. "Her Worship, imbibin'? No way..." His current glassful follows its predecessors, while the Corellian jabs back at the Wookiee, playfully now, with his other hand. "Then I think we need to introduce her Highness to the Light side of the Liquor, as it were." The Wookiee gives his partner a broad wink, just to make sure that he actually gets the joke. Chewbacca reaches out with one furry paw to grip Han's arm and begins to limp toward the doorway, tugging insistently. "Come on, we gotta re-stock!" He then turns and teeth dominate his face. "And then we can get something for your cupboards too." His wits apparently undulled by alcohol, Han snickers, but as he is tugged quickly to his feet, he stumbles in Chewbacca's wake. This, too, surprises him, but he hastily covers it as he follows his partner. "What, three bottles ain't enough for yah?" he challenges. "Gettin' ambitious, furball!" The Wookiee casts an snorfle over his shoulder. "Who's talking about -me-? This little adventure is to refill -your- depleted stock ... I'm as sober as a judge, and Leia knows what a fine and upstanding Wookiee I am." He snookers at that, giving Han's somewhat wiggly legs and knowing glance and wondering if they'll make it to the Falcon before he'll have to swing his partner over his shoulder and carry him there. Determinedly striding to the door, Han straightens, as if to demonstrate that he is quite perfectly capable of standing, thank you. "Leia likes _me_ -- you think she's a sterling judge of character?" he sallies back. Out the door, then, and past a pair of very startled sentries, to whom the Corellian bellows, "Tell Her Highness we're goin' shoppin'!" The two guards straighten, one of them nervously saluting before the other slaps his arm. They both cast twitchy gazes to Han and then to Chewbacca. Like before, neither of them feels up to countering Han Solo, and they wouldn't even dream of trying to stop the Wookiee. "Y-y-yes sir, Captain Solo sir!" The Wookiee gives them a warning growl, his cheerful face turning fierce and frightening for a moment. The expression evaporates as soon as his furry back is to the two young cadets. He worfles plaintively to Han, "You ever feel like you're the only one getting old in this army?" With that, then, his strides bearing a rather sharper than usual precision -- as if, perhaps, he's needing to pay just a little bit more attention than he might otherwise do to where he's putting his feet -- Han barrels out through the base. Not paying attention to any who might actually see him, the Corellian is perhaps also not paying attention to the huge lopsided grin that's settled itself on his face, and every third second or so he sneaks a look at his partner that suggests that Chewie's presence at his side is the most marvelous thing in the galaxy. At the question, though, his grin turns into a smirk and he promptly retorts, "I don't age. I decided I'd stay 29 forever, didn't I mention?" "Nice trick," the Wookie gurfles, noting those slight glances with pleasure and reassurance. "How come you never choose to share that little tidbit with your 200 plus pal, huh?" Chewie allows Han to take the lead, curious as to where the Corellian will choose to select some of Corellia's finest from. "Yeah, and how come _you_ never told me how you got us out of that scrape on Khilooie, huh?" fires back Han, as he and his partner exit the base in short order. The warm night air halts the Corellian momentarily, as he slows his pace in reaction to the temperature shift; in that brief instant he looks just a trifle dazed, before he shakes it off and grabs Chewbacca's arm. "C'mon, pal, I know this old squid who's got _shelves_ fulla brandy older than me, but you gotta beat him in three rounds of sabacc for it...!" "In your shape? We'll never make it. Where's that thievin' Lando when ya need him? Useless cheat, just gets us in trouble, but never out of it." Whorfling cheerfully, Chewbacca drops a companionable arm over Han's shoulders, giving him subtle support, just in case. "As for Kilhooie, you don't wanna know what I told those tech boys to get the Falcon out of quarantine without an inspection -and- to get you sprung from interrogation with nary a scratch." The Wookiee then stifles a grawluff of laughter from escaping his furry muzzle. Han protests firmly, "Whaddya mean, 'in my shape?'" He flashes Chewie a smirk and pretends that he's unaware of the Wookiee's arm. "I've done some of my best gambling drunk, you overgrown Ewok." Chewbacca says, "Eerrrr-rrr yub nub!" is Chewie's sarcastic retort. "Yeah, and I've been on the purse end of that galatically reknown drunken gambling .... like that time on Greelat, where I had to make a quick run of blacklisted parts just to cover your bet and keep the Falcon from becoming some blacklisted parts herself." Catching up his partner in a playful headlock, Chewie rubs the Corellian's hair one more time, messing it up but good. "And all the while you were drunker than an Imperial on shoreleave after five years spaceside." "Hey quit it!" Han yelps, batting at those scruffying paws, and stumbling once before he looks up and grins again, widely. "The _Falcon_," he breathes, then he turns back to the Wookiee, lifting his gaze to his befurred face. He doesn't have to ask what's on his mind. It's broadcast quite clearly in his weathered features: my ship? Catching the drift of Han's mind, Chewbacca grins down at the scruffy man at his side. "Now? or do you want to get something to christen her with on her miraculous rebirth?" Solo just smiles, hugely, eagerly. "Yeah," he says, softly at first, then more loudly, "Yeah. Let's go... c'mon, pal. I know another place....!" [To be continued....]