Log Date: 3/29/98 Log Cast: "Kiriel Andurin" (Shenneret Veery), Nelun Good Log Intro: Much to her alarm, the young musician "Kiriel" -- Shenneret Veery -- has had a second encounter with a mysterious vagabond who she knows only as Nelun. During their first encounter, she'd discovered that Nelun seemed to be suffering from some form of memory loss, and had offered to buy the lost-looking fellow a meal, only to have her efforts turned askew when in the grip of a fit of mindless fear, Nelun managed to get them both thrown out of the restaurant to which she'd taken them. Nelun had then screamed incoherently at her in the street, and ran off, leaving her to write him off as a lunatic... someone who was none of her business. Shenner has discovered, however, that Nelun is still at large on the streets of Coral City. The man has approached her again, asking her for help, and she's attempted to repeat her earlier gesture by buying him a meal. But, as before, he's stumbled into a fit of the same mindless fear he'd suffered before -- triggered as far as Shen can tell by her observation that he spoke like an educated man -- and the young bard has been forced to chase him through the Market District. The chase has resulted in Nelun inadvertantly getting himself badly wounded, and Shenner, begged by Nelun not to take him to a hospital, has taken the only other course of action she could think of: taking the wounded stranger to her own dingy little flat, and tending to his injuries herself. It is now the next morning.... ---------- Kiriel(#3773POACF) This is a young human female, of about 5'6" in height, but of a delicate enough build that there barely seems to be any substance to her. Her skin is moon-pale, her already fine-boned features made pronounced by an utter lack of extraneous flesh anywhere on her face. In stark contrast with her white complexion, her hair is a dark brown; her green eyes, large, luminous, and limned by dark brows and lashes, look out at everything she encounters with an intelligent, haunted intensity. Those eyes, incongruous with her ethereal frame, and taken along with a walk, stance, accent, and mannerisms seemingly more suited for a brash young street tough, exemplify the contradiction that anyone who observes this girl long enough can soon discover: that for all her fragile appearance, this is no delicate flower. Rather, this young human is one that burns. Her hair is currently bound up to sweep back from her face in a braid that drops to just below her shoulders, interwoven and tied off with strips of green suede; from one of these strips dangles three clear glass beads and a small brown feather. She is clad in an overlarge gray-green shirt, tied off at the waist, and open at her collar and throat to reveal a water-blue, lighter silken shirt beneath, along with the glint of a silver pendant on a chain. Her pants are a utilitarian brown, old, but of a still thick and sturdy cloth, tucked into equally utilitarian scuffed beige boots. The night had gone relatively peacefully -- or at least, as peaceful as Kiriel's nights tend to go. Nelun had slept undisturbed on the couch, and after enough observation to determine he didn't seem liable to move any time soon, the young musician had taken up his filthy coat, the length of cloth she'd sliced off his pants, and her own bloodstained black clothing, and tossed the lot of it into the cantankerous old washing unit in her tiny 'fresher room. Half-expecting the unit to choke halfway through the task, and surprised when it hadn't, she'd then washed herself up, and settled down for another night of bleary-eyed study. Only when she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer had Kiriel finally collapsed in her bedroom... and as she'd expected, she awoke about four hours later, shaking, sweating, unpleasant dreams still roiling behind her eyes. Now, she's staggered awake, tugged on other clothes -- not black, this time -- and stumbled into the kitchen area. _Coffee,_ she thinks tiredly. _Just a little coffee..._ Nelun_Good says, "Can I ask what the apartment looks like? Did you have a desc setup already?" Kiriel says, "I have a visual idea of it, yeah, though I haven't desced it anywhere. The flat's _very_ tiny. Room and a half, if you don't count the 'fresher room. The main room's got the sofa and a desk nearer to the door; towards the back, there's a rickety table on one side of the little half-wall that blocks off the kitchen area, which isn't an individual room by itself, just a corner of the main room. Off to one side is a little alcove which leads into the 'fresher room and the bedroom." Towards the living room the sounds of Kiriel's impoverished companion rustle about. His return to consciousness is violently sudden; flushing dark red shortly before sitting upright to gasp for air, the man's respiratory system circles in the flood of air it had been seeking to find for the past 10 minutes. Nightmares of unrecognizable --and now unrememberable-- sort were masked by the slow asphyxiation of a man too injured and blood-drawn to support himself properly in the small, uneven sofa he slept in."Kiriel!" Nelun's gasps. His cries and short breaths are quick-lived, but the startlement of waking up so unexpectedly leaves him dazed, if not prematurely awake. Her head snaps round, diverting her attention from the coffee she's trying to brew. "Nelun, hey, I'm here," she calls out, crossing the room in a few quick strides, coming to the side of her guest on her couch. Nelun's hand reaches out frantically for the girl's voice. He is imbalanced on the couch, and in danger of toppling over along with it onto the flat's floor. "Kir-Kiriel..." Along the entire lenght of the man's leg is a bloody red coat, caked in with his skin. "Hey... hey, I'm here..." The young musician kneels before the couch, reaching to brace Nelun, not wanting him to fall. _Looks like he didn't sleep any better than I did,_ she thinks, a look of sudden sympathy softening her drawn features. "I'm here, pal. We're safe." Nelun's eyes blink hard several times as he glances around, grabbing the arm of the sofa with his own. His face is paling down now, drifting gradualy from the flush red. "What...what happened...?" "Uh..." Kiriel tilts her dark head a little, considering the question. "What, you mean, just now, or what?" "Just...now. What--" Nelun is interrupted by the twist of pain in his leg, "Och! My leg..." "Well... sounded like you were havin' a nightmare or something," Kiriel observes. She looks her charge up and down, then rises up on her knees and slips an arm in under Nelun's shoulders, to better settle him back on the couch. "Lie still, pal. I kinda doubt you're up to getting up yet. I got more painkillers in the medikit if you need 'em." Nelun nods once, and then wishes he hadn't. Bringing his fingers up to his temple the man, glancing at the horror of his leg slowly recollects the past few hours. "Yeah...lots of painkillers." The medikit hasn't gone far. Kiriel moves to it, and takes out a dose of the painkiller she'd let Nelun have the night before. She fetches a glass of water, too, and brings that back. Settling down on the couch's edge, she offers first the pills and then the water, saying, "You can have what the label on these says you can have, and if that doesn't work, well, we'll see. Here." The glass of water does the trick. Nelun downs it sloppily after popping the pill in his mouth and swallowing noticeably. He moves his leg carefully with his right hand, yelping shortly. "Augh!" His mutterings are unheard for a few moments, until the girl suddenly realizes her name is being called, "...KirielKirielKirielKiriel..." "Ah, hells... shh... hey, it's okay..." The girl leans forward, hands moving to the man's shoulders, trying to press him gently but firmly down to lie still. "Take it easy. What can I do for ya?" The remainder of the glass is spilt along the calf of Nelun's leg, cleaning off some of the dirt and blood and being surpressed by the painkiller; Nelun's cries are not that of pain but rather of scared surprise. He points at the side of his calf skin, directly at a small, blinking orange light. Kiriel blinks, seeing first Nelun's startled expression, and then shifting where she sits to follow his frightened gaze. When she spies that light, she visibly starts, muttering, "What the hells...!" "It hurts..." Nelun grimaces, still pointing insanely at the light. Around it just a few inches above are various other scratches, bruises, and cuts. The light--or whatever is emitting the light--seems to be pushed out somewhat by the smaller injuries. "What the hells...!" the girl repeats, as she slides off the couch's edge to kneel beside it, leaning over Nelun's leg, and staring wide-eyedly at the light blinking forth from his abused flesh. Her head then snaps up, and she studies her charge's face. "Do you know what this is?" Nelun is in complete frozen terror. The red flush is most definitely gone now, having been replaced by the pale whiteness of fright. The constant switching between blood pressure is dangerously tipping the scale in a see-saw manner; quite unhealthily. Back to his leg, the dot of light suddenly begins blinking at a more repetitive rate, and a brighter flux. Nelun_Good looks at you for a moment. The girl's mind races. It's obvious she's not going to get a coherent answer out of Nelun about this, not right now, at any rate. Instead, she frowns darkly down at the winking light, and reaches round to probe gently at the flesh around it with her fingertips, trying to get a better look. "What the _hells_ is this," she murmurs. Nelun jumps, yelling, "Aaugh! It hurts!" He screams, doubling over on the front of the sofa. He crawls about the flat, knocking over the rickety table near the door and panicking. Knocked over onto the floor at the man's violent reaction, Kiriel lets out a short, breathless curse, then tries to sit up. "_Nelun_...! Nelun, calm down, pal, get a grip..." Swinging around with the lenghts of his arms, Nelun smashes his fist into the wall. The impact is loud, and there is an audible crack. Telling whether it's the sound of bone breaking or wall crackling is superseded by the sudden death of the light, which is easily seen on the back of his injured leg's calf by the man's momentary pause to feel his hand. There is a brief flicker of calm, before the light suddenly flashes, and Nelun posture arches severely. He sprawls on the floor, convulsing twice and sleeping before the light begins blinking--as normal. Still half-pinned under the man, Kiriel squirms free just as he makes it over close enough to the wall for that impact to happen. She hisses, and lunges, but is too late to prevent his hand from colliding. Letting out another curse, she has to settle for awkwardly catching him as he slumps over. "Holy..." she breathes out, warily staring down at her mysterious guest, waiting to see if he's going to suddenly rouse again. There is a distinct buzzing sound, further echoed by the claustrophobia of the flat. On the floor, Nelun's leg twitches, and the blinking light disappears underneath his leg. His weight is suddenly heavier under the girl's catch. "Holy gods," Kiriel whispers, staring down at the light vanishing under a veil of seemingly normal... if injured... skin and flesh. Then she turns her gaze towards the man slumped in her arms, and mutters at him uneasily, "Wh... what the hells happened to you?" Nelun is limp and unconscious yet again. The painkillers obviously had no effect on the area surrounding the implant. Although the light seems to be gone, a dullish-gray color formerly where the light blinked--so seemingly harmlessly--protudes off the side of his injured calf. His face appears to be flushed red once more, and his eyeslid are visibly moving in their sleep. There's a cold little knot of fear coalescing in Kiriel's gut. She notes it, and scolds herself, _This ain't Mandalore... get a grip..._ Frowning deeply, she lifts a hand, notes it's shaking, and sternly forces it to stop as she lifts it on up to smooth still-filthy hair back from Nelun's brow. "You're gonna be okay," she whispers to him. "Promise. You hear me?" Nelun's brow furrows. His eyes continue to move underneath their lids, forming some strange dream, or perhaps nightmare. The limpness of his body seems to rigidize at the moment of Kiriel's words. "Mmm...gonna be okay..." he mumbles. "Gonna be...happy. Gonna...leave Bespin. Be an Imperial..." Kiriel freezes. _Imperial_?! Her hand goes still on Nelun's hair, and she has to fight down a sudden vehement urge to drop him as though the contact of his body with her arms had scalded them. After a moment, she wrests her attention back to the matter at hand. Swallowing hard, she steadies herself, and then murmurs, "Nelun. Hey, Nelun. Can you hear me?" Nelun's dreamy ramblings continue, effectualizing his obliviousness to Kiriel. "...officer...be a biological...no, I won't let you....stop it." The girl sucks in a breath, torn between letting her charge ramble and moving him off the floor -- besides, he's heavy, slumped against her slight form. Finally, with her free hand, she shakes his shoulder a little, saying more clearly, "_Nelun_." "Muh...what?" the man says, eyes still shut closed. That's _better_. Kiriel lets out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, and says in that same clear tone, "It's Sh... Kiriel, pal. Look, we have to get you off the floor, okay?" "Muh...no. I like it." He says, rolling to his side away from the girl. "...gonna be a imperial navy..." Oof. The dark-haired girl manages to hang onto her charge before he rolls out of her grasp entirely, then closes her own eyes in a brief reeling surge of exhaustion. Then, opening them once more, she mutters, "Okay, fine, if you like the floor, you can have it..." And she starts lowering him down. With the side of his head pressed against the floor, the painkillers lulling him further into the null void, and the effects of whatever the light had done, Nelun's subconscious ramblings are thinly veiled. "I won't move...I'm an Imperial...*sigh*...scientist...officer. Rebels...New Rebels..." Once she's got Nelun safely lying down, Kiriel kneels there frowning, his mumblings disturbing her more and more. She then rises silently and paces into her bedroom, returning with her one thin, worn pillow and a blanket. Kneeling again at Nelun's side, she slips the pillow in under his head. "Mmmpf." The pillow buffs the floor from Nelun's head nicely, but garbles his words as well. With the side of his face pressed against the fluff of the pillow Nelun's ramblings are less than coherent. "Imperial scientist, huh?" murmurs Kiriel, dropping the blanket, and moving off again to fetch a few other things... a couple of ratty, ancient, but clean towels from the 'fresher room, a bowl of warm water, a washcloth. With these items gathered, she plops down next to the unconscious man. "Yeah, that's about right, the only other people that get me in as much trouble as Corellians'd hafta be Imperials. Hot karkin' damn. Well, I'll tell yah, pal..." And she goes to work, dipping the washcloth in the warm water and starting to wash off his blood-caked leg. "...Imperial or not, you're a frekkin' wreck. What the kark am I gonna do with you?" "Mmmpfh." Nelun drools. Unseen, the features of the girl who calls herself Kiriel set into a grimly exhausted mask, as she continues her task of washing away blood and grime -- she doesn't want to think about how long it must have been since this ragged man has bathed. She tucks a towel under his bare leg to catch water, and makes a few passes to the sink to refill her bowl with cleaner water when she needs to, keeping up a tired running commentary all the while. "You're playin' bloody hell with my study schedule, yah know? And how the hell am I gonna explain you to Trace? Yeah, I can hear it now, 'Yeah, I got this man in my room, and I gotta buy him some clothes'... clothes." She pauses, frowningly considering what's left of Nelun's tattered garb. The orange coat the girl had cut for extra bandages was useless. And what remained of Nelun's pants were barely modest. Once cleaned--or rather, if cleaned--the man's shirt, visibly(if not by other means) sweat-stained and grimy, might still be serviceable. New shoes, or perhaps tough boots, would need to be purchased or found, given the marred conditions of the man's poor feet. No getting around it, she supposes. Kiriel sighs, and addresses her charge, "Congratulations, pal, you get to be the second man I've ever seen with his clothes off, since I got the feeling you ain't gonna exactly be able to stand up in my shower for a little while, and damned if if I'm gonna let you keep stinkin' up my flat." Nevertheless, she's started to blush as she cautiously reaches over to start removing that stained shirt. Tricky proposition, that, and is going to require rolling him over once she's gotten it half off. "Karkin' hells, pal, didn't it ever occur to you to at least take a dip in the karkin' ocean?" "Can't...swim..." the man mumbles, arms pulled up with his shirt. Moving around in his sleep and flopping over, Nelun's mouth isn't mauled by the pillow anymore, and neither is his back. Pulled forth the shirt is actually easier to remove than thought. It's clothfoam exterior is slippery, although wheter that's because of grime or just the material is a mystery(until it's washed anyway) Huh. Well. Still blushing, her reddened cheeks incongruous with the hard little annoyed line of her mouth, Kiriel settles in to cleaning up her now shirtless charge's torso. The shirt is tossed aside, eventually destined for the 'fresher unit, and the girl peers warily up at Nelun's face as she catches his mumble. "Can't swim, huh? You with me, pal?" "Humma..." His entire upper body is covered in dirt, partly due to the fuzzy fields of brown hair trapping it. However, empty, almost reddish spots directly above his heart, and abdomen seem to stick out--literally sorely. Simple water can't quite handle the level of dirt all over Nelun's upper body, and Kiriel has to dart into her 'fresher room to grab a bar of soap to aid her task. Once she starts cleaning away some of that grime, though, the reddish spots show themselves, and the girl pauses, frowning again. "Now what..." she whispers, dabbing cautiously at the skin around those spots. Wincing slightly in his sleep, Nelun's body is cleansed and simultaneously revealed of it's battered condition. There are scars and semi-healed burns all over his chest and back. There look is deliberate, is if placed there by some blaster charge--or rather, something less lethal but equally painful. The girl's seen quite a bit in her young life, but what she finds under the layers of dirt and grime is enough to darken her eyes, to bring a deeper frown to her pale features. Finally settling Nelun back on his back, the pillow nestling his head, she dabs the washcloth along his face and asks him lowly, "What did this to you, huh? Who the hell are you?" Swallowing thirstily from the subconscious images garnered by the splash of cleaning water, Nelun refuses at first to even open his mouth. Licking his lips but remaining in his consistent delusion, Nelun utters several more words, perhaps out of some crazed dream, perhaps out of some worser memory. "Impe-imp...interrogation...No, no..." The man shifts left and right, muttering "No" against every second. Kiriel's hands go still again, that knot of fear in her gut returning. Whatever might be inspiring those mumblings, she knows for a fact that she doesn't like the sound of it. His face as clean as she can get it, she dabs at it with the other towel to get it dry, and then pats his brow with her fingertips, awkwardly. "Hey," she whispers. "Shhh... it's okay, Nelun, go on, sleep, okay? Shhh..." Shaking his head away once the girl's hands leave his face, Nelun continues, uttering repeatedly to the unknown interrogator in his dreams. "Can't sleep...can't sleep..." he mutters. His shifting eventually stops; allowing an already battered body slipping into exhaustion. _One of us,_ Kiriel tells herself obstinately, _is gonna get some sleep._ She can't exactly wash her charge's hair at the moment, but she does gently brush the washcloth along the top and sides of his head, hoping to at least get some of the surface grime off... and perhaps to just soothe him with the motions. There's a lump in her throat, though, as she murmurs, "Shhhhh, Nelun... shhh... you can sleep here, hey? It's safe. Shhhh." She reaches, too, for the blanket, to tuck it over his half-clad form. [The log ends here; Nelun and I never concluded the scene. Watch this space for further details....]