Log Date: 2/24/98, 3/12, 3/14, 3/15 Log Cast: Paul Nighman, Dane Noth, Kairne Saa'thul, Urio'kosh, Shenneret Veery Log Intro: The ongoing trek of Paul and Shenner and their Mandalorian companions into the jungle has taken a turn for the worse. After five days -- hellish, for Shenner -- of trudging through unforgiving terrain, the party has been attacked by two seemingly mutated creatures. Both Kairne and Paul have been wounded, and Paul badly, enough to halt the group's journey. A frantic Shenner, increasingly unsettled by the inexplicable fits of panic that have been besieging her, has wrestled with surges of fear that circumstances have forced Urio'kosh to be the one to tend the wounded Corellian, and only Dane Noth's firm handling... and Paul's fairly prompt return to consciousness... have let Shen keep something resembling composure. But it's been a tenuous composure at best, and the trip is far from over.... ---------- The following two days were both a blessing and a curse. 48 plus hours were spent under the sweltering canopy, eyes watchful and nerves stressed. Even the constant tramping and hacking through the tenacious growth was preferable to this waiting. At least then something was being done ... progress, no matter how small, was being made. The stench of death and rotting flesh was unavoidable and potent. Fortunately the smell of blood seemed to act as more of a deterent than a draw, as if the other creatures of this forest could tell that something unkillable had been killed and didn't dare face the victors. Or perhaps the stench of the rapidly decomposing bodies was sufficiently toxic to drive away any would-be carrion eaters. Still, the expectation of another attack was always hovering just overhead like the branches and vines that enclosed the party in it's ominous embrace. Finally, Paul, through either sheer will or pure Corellian bluff, was able to convince the rest of the group that he was ready and able to travel. In the end, it really wouldn't have mattered if he was not ready. Some progress had to be made, or the supplies wouldn't last them for the journey back. Indeed, there is not sufficient food and drink to last them a return trip crippled as they are. And so, they set off once again, the respite allowing a least a portion of the group to recoup their strength if not their spirit. Paul Nighman struggles against the vicious heat and humidity, struggling against the foliage. Paul Nighman has left. Forest - Core The humidity and heat in this area are even more oppressive and unbearable. So much so that the air here is different, almost non-existant. Whereas previously, a distinction could be made between the trees, vines, shrubs and weeds, here, no such distinction can be made. All appears to have somehow been merged together, exsisting and living as one entity. With increasing frequency, fossilized and skeletal remains of a wide variety of strange creatures are found. Most are on the ground, while some can be seen hanging from the tentacle grasp of the vine-trees. Small holes, brimming with a steamed reddish watery-looking substance are occasionally found throughout this area. It is around these would be watering holes that most of the animal remains are found. Contents: Dane Kairne Urio'kosh Obvious exits: South Back Dane struggles against the vicious heat and humidity, struggling against the foliage. Dane has left. Despite the incredible heat and humidity, you somehow manage to press on. Forest - Outer Fringe Breaking through the unnatural coils of branches, vines, and trees, you come out into another clearing of sorts. This one is a little more disturbing than the first one though ... In the center of the open arena is a low stone structure, the sides of it elaborately carved with Mandalorian symbols and designs. What is disturbing isn't so much the structure, but the fact that no life has intruded upon it's environ in all of these years. The forest holds back, away from the stone walls, as if actively repelled by it. The branches of the trees reach up over the structure, burying it from the sun with their intermeshed web, vines blocking out any small chink in the floral armor. Around the area is unnaturally silent, with only echoing cries from deep in the jungle ringing out. Contents: Dane Paul Nighman Obvious exits: Back Structure Urio'kosh emerges from the heinous jungle's core, breaking suddenly into the opening. Urio'kosh has arrived. Kairne emerges from the heinous jungle's core, breaking suddenly into the opening. Kairne has arrived. Dane has but one word to say, "Wonderful..." Glancing over at the sarcastic comment, Paul stares ahead, gazing at the structure with a glimmer of hope and a leaden sense of dread. "It's awfully big for just a marker," he rasps tiredly, the journey of the day exhausting the Corellian massively. He fights to take even breaths, as deep ones hurt, his eyes narrowed as he examines the structure for a moment before pressing on and approaching it. Bringing up the rear, no one notices as Urio gazes at the structure before them with a subtle gleam of excitement in his eyes. His features remain impassive save for the slight upturning at the corner of his mouth, but his gaze is burning with a fevered quality to it, a strange juxtaposition to the cool color of his irises. This is it, huh? Shenner, having trudged out of the trees in the midst of the party's wary assembly, doesn't get an immediate good look at the sight before them, not with Paul's tall form in the way. His progress has been slower than hers, and the girl's been torn between concern for him and a niggling, selfish little relief that for once she's not the one most slowing their pace. Now, she peers around the Corellian, frowning, thinking, _I hope the hells this is karkin' worth it..._ As Shen's eyes take in the strange monolith before her, a slow sickening sensation creeps across her nerves, making a slightly nauseated feeling rise up from within. The hair along the nape of Shen's neck prickles as a cold sweat breaks out along her flesh. It isn't the same nameless fear that she's experienced occasionally before, but something of the same breed. Dane folds his arms and looks at the structure, "Well is this it?" he looks to Paul, a bit of hope coloring his tone as well as a bit of worry. Her throat suddenly feeling like a lump of plascrete has lodged within it, Shenner swallows hard. _What the hell....?!_ is all she manages to think, before she distantly realizes that her feet have started trying to move her backwards towards the greenery they've just left. Offering a one shoulder shrug, the Corellian having learned his lesson on that small count, Paul calls back, "Search me ... better be ...." Dane nods slowly and inhales, "Well..I wish Skywalker was here now..." he chuckles, "This place is erie.." Her backward motion brings her square up against Urio'kosh, who gazes down at Shen with those pale pale green eyes, the smile terrifying to the girl. "Going somewhere?" he purrs eerily. Kairne looks over to Dane, "Do you remember anything like this from lore? I haven't seen anything quite like this in a long time here on Mandalore, and even that couldn't compare to this." Dane shakes his head, "Not really..only things from tales my mother would tell to keep us in at night when we were children." As Shen glances up into Urio's gaze for a moment she flashes, seeing something else entirely. Those pale eyes are the same, but the face isn't Urio's. It is an older man, wearing elaborate armor, and his eyes are full of madness, hatred, and glee. There is a powerful surge of fear that pours through her system. Shen hears Paul and Dane's voices, but with that strange nausea roiling up in her gut, she fails to make any real sense of their exchange. Urio'kosh's purr, however, slices right into her consciousness, and she whirls around to face him, a small "Aaaaah!" escaping her. Sweat beading across her brow, trickling down past eyes going wide and dark, she staggers backwards towards the others again. Shen's abrupt cry has Paul whirling about, a soft Corellian curse biting the air as he does so a little too quickly. As he gazes though, he can't quite understand what is wrong. Urio is standing a few feet away from the girl looking rather like his usual self. As emotional as a plascrete wall. Walking back gingerly, Paul rests a hand on Shen's shoulder carefully. "Shen?" As quickly as the image appears, it is gone, replaced with Urio's usually stern countenance. The sick thrum of fear and panic continues to roil about in Shen's stomach. Dane glances back at the young woman with concern, his gaze then falling on Urio and spearing him with suspicion as he unslings his rifle and scans the area. The girl's body jerks in Paul's direction, and the gaze she snaps up to meet his is nearly grey with what looks suspiciously like terror. For an instant, she doesn't seem to register that it is in fact the Corellian who's taken her shoulder; a split second later, she blurts raggedly, "Fine. I'm... fine..." Kairne turns his head to focus his attention on the just ocurring events, wondering what the hell the girl is jumping at now. Meeting Dane's glare, Urio merely shrugs with an innocent _hey I'm just walking here_ gesture before he continues to do so, following Paul's original trajectory. Paul rubs Shen's shoulder for a moment, glancing about the surround jungle fringe and then back again. Nodding, he simply silently nods, squeezing her flesh and offering her a crooked smile to try and bolster what must be a case of flagging nerves. After the past week plus, it's no wonder she's jumpy. Paul would be too if it didn't hurt his ribs so badly. Turning, he keeps an easy palm against her back, heading toward the mysterious structure. Paul Nighman approaches what must be the lost Crypt, and is either examining the structure or searching for a way in. Paul Nighman has left. You approach what you can only assume is the lost Crypt, circling the structure in vain for an opening. Crypt - Portal The stone structure seems inpenetrable. In fact, it may simply be some kind of giant sculpture, or perhaps was once a landing surface of some kind. The carvings along the sides are merely graphic patterns and designs, indicative of a number of different clans, but signifying nothing significant. The only thing that is noteworthy is that on the side where you stand now, there is a stone marker, made of the same black and sliver stone that the statue and previous marker were made of. Contents: Paul Nighman Stone Marker Obvious exits: Forest Urio'kosh comes around, circling the structure in search for clues and the entranceway. Urio'kosh has arrived. Dane comes around, circling the structure in search for clues and the entranceway. Dane has arrived. Kairne comes around, circling the structure in search for clues and the entranceway. Kairne has arrived. _What the karking hell's wrong with me?!_ Shenner wonders wildly, letting Paul's touch propel her forward even as her feet seem bent on doing the opposite. Fighting down the queasiness in her belly, she can't help adding, _Don't wanna be here... I don't wanna be here... gotta be here... get a grip, street rat, get a grip..._ She grasps desperately at that last self-directed command, making it a mantra, repeating it over and over in her head. Get a grip, street rat. Get a grip. Dane looks around in silence, his eyes sweeping over the carvings as he tries to fathom their meaning. He glances at Paul and the young woman then to Kairne as he searches for their reactions to all of this. Stome Marker The black and sliver streaked obelisk-shaped stone gleams with a flawless polish, disturbed only by what look like three incisions, one on each of the capping pyramid's sides. Scrolled down the length of each side are the Mandalorian words, "Yendor" "Nairm" "Nigricy" - honor, courage, fidelity. Staring at the structure, Paul sighs in frustration, as walking around it offered no clues as to how to enter it ... if there even is an entrance. Once again, the best course of action seems to be in looking at the one thing that is the anomoly in this situation. Ignore the fact that everything is rather anachronistic and out of place. Turning around, Paul takes in the surrounding minutely before approaching the somewhat familiar stone marker. Dane's glance across Shenner can show him that the girl remains stark white. She stops the instant Paul leaves her side and simply stands there tensely, her green gaze pointed on the marker only because it is in her immediate line of sight and Paul is now studying it. Dane moves next to Shenner, his voice low, "Shenner..are you okay?" she glances down at her and taps her lightly on the shoulder, "You look like you've seen Death itself." "I'm fine," the youngster croaks, far too swiftly. Her head turns partly in Dane's direction, and the old warrior can see her sucking in rapid, deep gulps of air. Dane nods but is definitely unconvinced by her reply, "I'll be watching you kid." he offers a reassuring smile, "Just say something if you're not okay?" Glancing up at the pair, Paul watches Dane talk to Shen for a moment, her color and demeanor worrying the Corellian. With an effort he tears his attention away, laying his unbound hand against the marker and lowering himself down to a crouch carefully, examining the various openings thoughtfully as well as the words scrolled down the length of the three sides. Her tousled red head bobs in hasty acknowledgement, all the response Shen can manage at the moment. _Breathe,_ she orders herself. The air tastes foul -- but then again, it's tasted rather foul for days now -- but it helps combat the inexplicable nausea gripping her. Some, at any rate. She closes her eyes for a moment, and immediately flashes them open again, unsoothed by self-imposed darkness; instead, her gaze latches on Paul. She can't have the comfort of him holding her, but she'll settle for the sight of him, and she follows each motion he makes with a kind of desperation reflecting in her eyes. Random Corellian words begin to pop into her head from her studies, and she seizes each of them, mental endearments to Paul alternating in her head with her mantra. Get a grip, street rat. Isa chaiya ke amor. Get a grip... Kairne moves himself over to Paul, his first real spatial contact with him since the attack, "So, what do you make of all this Paul? There must be some similar meaning between this and all the preceding markers.." This last marker seems a little bit clearer than the last two, but has one major problem and leaning against the stone, Paul glances up to look around, calling out loud enough to be heard by the somewhat scattered group, "Folks ... we've got a problem ...." His words are tired and strained. Turning to Kairne, he murmurs, "It's another marker ... but it looks like we're missing a part of it the puzzle this time ..." As his gaze setttles on Shen he can't help but catch the intensity of her return, blinking for a moment before heading toward her slowly. Dane nods slowly, "What do we have so far?" he asks, "Maybe we can guess." A pained smile is plastered across his face at Dane's hopeful comment, but Paul merely shakes his head, laying his good arm across Shen's shoulders as he guides her with him to the stone marker. "No, I mean we're actually missing a physical piece of the puzzle." Dane says "Like????" Shen tracks Paul's approach, her gaze never leaving his face, and as he touches her, she sucks in a startled and grateful breath. The contact tips her internal struggle with herself more in her favor, and she seems to grow a little less frantic of eye as she mutely accompanies Paul to the marker. Having switched all of the most essential things for the journey from his pack and into his satchel, Paul has been able to keep what he needs near at hand, the bag slung about his torso as it has always been worn. He carefully digs into it, pulling out the two key pieces that they had and received from before. He then points to the holes, one thin and long, like the blade shaped key, the other a thin hole, like the thin rod of the keypiece offered up by the statue. "We missed a marker ... we only have two keypieces, and there is a third," he notes, pointing to the last opening, also thin, but wider than the blade-like key section. "It was written that there was a third, and this merely confirms that." His voice is tired, laced with a bone deep weariness and defeat. Dane sighs, "No way we can improvise?" the wearniess of the trip seems to be hitting the older Mandalorian now, "Or else we're going to have to hunt that other marker down." Urio'kosh slowly approaches the defeated trio, listening to Paul's description and gazing at the stone curiously. He waits patiently until there is a soft lull, Paul's gaze uncertain and skeptical at best at their chances to bluff their way past this marker without the proper key piece ... or that they will be able to find the third and missed marker. A wry smile curls his lips and the younger Mandalorian opens his mouth. "Perhaps -I- can be of some assistance here," he offers almost drolly. _Oh hells..._ Shenner closes her eyes again for a moment, lifting a hand to grasp instinctively at Paul's arm around her shoulders, not wanting to distract him yet needing to increase their contact. "M-m-maybe it's hidden around here or something," she blurts out, conscious that her words are tumbling out of her too rapidly, but unable to stop herself. "Y'know, l-like sticking your doorkey under your--" But as Urio'kosh draws near, she slams her mouth shut, jerking her gaze down to her boots. All too aware of the tight grasp of Shen's hand against his arm, Paul finds that his gaze is drawn first suspiciously toward Urio'kosh, only to flicker back to Shen. He is more disturbed by the intensity of her touch and her sudden silence and flustered reaction to Urio's presence. A frown wings across his brow as he looks over toward Urio'kosh, muttering, "Don't keep us in suspense." Dane eyes the area in silence, hoping he doesn't have to make his way back to look for yet another bizzare marker. Reaching past the collar of his shirt, still remarkably white after all this time, Urio slowly removes a chain from about his neck. Dangling on the end of it is a round circular disc with what appears to be Mandalorian words written upon it. "I believe that -this- is what you're looking for Doctor?" he purrs almost smugly. Kairne turns to Urio, "Somehow, I knew you knew and held more about all of this than you let us know.." Dane glances at Urio and then to Paul, "Is that what we need?" Glancing with amusement at Kairne, Urio'kosh laughs deeply. "I never doubted the existance of the crypt ... just in the fairy tales that the good Doctor here likes to spin." Removing the chain from about his neck, Urio takes the disc off and hands it to Paul. "I would, of course, like it back when you're done. It is, after all, mine." Pale green eyes stare down the Corellian, as if expecting a challenge. With an effort, Shenner drags her gaze up to face Urio'kosh, though the girl's features are taut and tense. A bead of sweat tracks down the side of her face. Taking the disc gingerly from Urio's grasp, Paul makes no comment on the ownership of the disc. He is merely grateful that it is here. He looks over the disc in minute detail muttering to Dane, "Let's hope so," as he gently but firmly extracts himself from Shen's side. Shen lets him go, but it's clear the girl doesn't like it very much. Still pale, she stands there stiffly, and follows Paul with a gaze gone hollow and dark. Dane walks over and stands next to Urio and Shen, his eyes focusing on the doctor for now. Walking back toward the strange pillar, Paul glances at the rest of the group, unconciously biting his lower lip. "Well, here goes nothing," he mutters roughly, and one by one he slips the key pieces into the appropriate slots. The Corellian then steps back a few steps, eyeing the stone suspiciously. The clearing is ominously silent. Dane readies his weapon again and inhales. Okay let's go..he thinks and waits for something to happen. Shen's green gaze remains locked on Paul -- his face, rather than on the actions of his hands. Her own have lowered to her sides, and are unconsciously clenched. Only when she tastes blood does she realize she's bitten down on her lower lip hard enough for her teeth to deal damage, and only then, sternly ordering herself, _Get a grip, street rat, get a grip,_ does she allow herself to close her eyes, to struggle to regain her composure. There is another moment of silence and then suddenly, almost reluctantly, there is a violent grinding noise from behind them. Paul turns, watching as one of the walls of the structure sinks down into the ground ... only to leave another wall in it's place. The Corellian nearly groans in frustration until he notices thin telltale lines indicating a door. Kairne moves himself over to Dane, readying himself as best he can with his injured shoulder as the structure begins moving. Dane watches the section decend, his weapon coming up to his shoulder just in case. After waiting for several moments he speaks, "Okay..I'll go first." Crypt - Portal The stone structure seems inpenetrable. In fact, it may simply be some kind of giant sculpture, or perhaps was once a landing surface of some kind. The carvings along the sides are merely graphic patterns and designs, indicative of a number of different clans, but signifying nothing significant. The only thing that is noteworthy is that on the side where you stand now, there is a stone marker, made of the same black and sliver stone that the statue and previous marker were made of. Contents: Paul Nighman Kairne Dane Urio'kosh Stone Marker Obvious exits: Forest No problem as far as Shen is concerned. Every nerve in her body is still hollering at her to turn around and go back the way she came, preferably at top speed... but as it happens, she's all too aware that she'll have to settle for letting at least some of the others precede her into this place. Nevertheless, she steals back over to Paul's side, unwilling to be near Urio'kosh if she can help it, and she _can't_ help flicking the young Mandalorian a wary sideways glance out of the corner of her eye. Paul turns back to the stone marker, which makes a soft *chuk* noise, the key pieces re-emerging. He carefully takes them back, relieved when the stone wall remains down. Juggling them in his left hand, his right still fairly useless and bound to his chest, Paul nods and slowly approaches the doorway, his eyes scanning the images carved there curiously, despite the unbearable exhaustion and weariness that permates his every pore. Urio allows Dane to approach the door, a self satified smirk on his face. Pale eyes sparkle with keen interest and something else less defineable. Something as ominious as the earlier silence. Kairne says, "As always.. I'll take up the rear. I don't think that anything will phase me beyond what I have already endured so far on this journey." Kairne kneels on the ground and assembles his 'sword-staff' (forgot what the hell I called it), and stands back up again, holding it in his good arm. "I suggest we don't delay any longer, who knows what will happen if we stand here for too long." Dane nods and stops near the door for a moment to listen.. All is quiet ... almost too quiet. While it is now evident that there is a huge door, there is no clear way to enter ... no handles or touch pads. There is a strange looking hole in the center though. Dane glances back, "Paul how do you open this thing? There's a hole here but no knobs, handles..pads...anything." Urio peers at Paul as well, his voice laced with subtle sarcasm as he queires, "Yes Doctor ... -how-." He's tired of this journey, tired of Urio'kosh, tired from the exertion, tired of the heat, and tired of the pain. But most of all, Paul Nighman is tired of everyone expecting him to have all the answers. "I dunno," he growls lowly. "I'm just making this up as I go along ..." "The long... thin key?" Shenner puts in hoarsely. Her gaze has flown back to Paul and stayed there, almost pleadingly. Kairne turns to Paul.. "Yes.. she has a good suggestion there Paul.." Paul sighs deeply, his gaze dropping to the three keys in his hand. There has to be more to it than that. His gaze shifts to the hole before them, which is larger than just the one thin key. He then looks once again at the newest piece of the puzzle, reading the words written there aloud ... "Stone and Courage, Fire and Flesh, Water and Sacrifice, Air and Faith. Come full circle." "Faith?" Shen whispers out raggedly. Dane inhales and ponders for a moment he shakes his head slowly and looks to Kairne, "What do you think?" "Air and Faith," Kairne says... "Perhaps breath life into it? I'm not sure... this is a most puzzling one.." Dane nods, "So it is. I wonder if we can risk being wrong...." Risking closing her eyes again, marginally relieved that she is not gripped in so strong a surge of fear now, Shenner rasps, "That thing... wouldn't just open up if we believed it would, d'ya think...?" Her gaze is still pointed at Paul, though as she speaks, she seems to steady herself enough to glance at the door itself. Kairne says "What have we really got to lose? We've come this far, and suffered much.. there is not much more.."" While the others talk softly amongst themselves, Paul starts to fiddle awkwardly with the key pieces, bringing them up close to his chest so it can at least use the fingers of his right hand. After a few moments he sighs softly and presents out with his left hand. "There." It is the key ... only all of the pieces have interlocked with one another. The first blade piece extends first, the base of it holding the disc in place. The disc is then followed by the thin rod key. "I think this may help?" Shenner blinks, flashing her regard back to Paul, and she smiles at him tremulously. Dane glances over at Paul and chuckles, "I'm glad we brought you a long.." Urio watches the proceedings, and smiles blandly when Paul offers forth the key. "Ah, but how does it work?" he interupts, putting a damper on the brief moment of success. As no one else offers, Paul approaches the doorway uncertainly. He scans the surface once again and reads a piece of Mandalorian text inscribed close to the hole. "May only the worthy and true enter herein." There is a hard swallow as the Corellian has a very bad feeling about this, but he raises up the key to the opening. Kairne says "Fear not Paul.. Fear is the mind killer." Shen's had bad feelings about this ever since she set foot on the planet. Still, the girl inches up after Paul, tension still brimming in her expression. Dane raises his weapon as Paul raises the key..he inhales and holds his breath for a moment..then lets it out slowly... Taking a deep breath, Paul nods, not paying the slightest bit of attention to Kairne as he presses the key into the opening. Or tries to. The opening abruptly closes upon the first piece with a solid click, trapping the circular disc flat against it. Paul visibly jerks at the door's reaction, swallowing once again. Looking back at the doorway, Paul's eyes narrow thoughtfully as he looks over the designs. There are symbols of the clans, but nearer to the central core, there are images of fire, water, stone, and air. There are similar markings on the circular key piece, next to each phrase. Paul gives up a quick prayer to a number of Gods and Goddesses, none of which he believes in. "Everyone ... I think you should stand back ... just in case this is a trap ..." Shen is decidedly loathe to leave Paul's side, but she reluctantly does so, creeping back a step, then two, then three. But she also glances behind her as she goes, looking to mark Urio'kosh's location, and inching away from him as well. Dane nods and needs no further prodding..he does speak up though as he starts back, "Maybe I should do it. I'm the only besides..Urio." he looks to the younger Mandalorian, "That isn't hurt." Shaking his head firmly, Paul rejects that idea right out. "All the more reason for you not to ... no point in risking an able body," he insists firmly. "Besides, I know what I'm doing ..... " the Corellian's voice dropping to barely audible as he mutters, "I hope ...." Dane nods slowly, "Okay.' he reluctantly steps quite a ways back, "You're the expert." _Be careful, Paul..._ Shenner breathes this to herself, and then, without really realizing it, whispers it aloud. The Corellian starts to turn the key, slowly. As he does so, the symbols begin to glow as each one is passed by it's match on the key. "Come full circle," he echos as he turns the key a full 360 degrees. It stops, now with each of the symbols glowing. A central eye seems to open, the light emitting from it catching Paul full in the face. There's a barely audible gasp from the redheaded girl, then, and she steps instinctively forward. Shen lifts a hand, moving it to shield her eyes if need be, and she breathes out, "Paul...?" The Corellian just stands there, eyes wide and unseeing for a moment. Then, the light suddenly snaps off, the symbols returning back to normal. Paul's knees buckle and he slumps to the ground. Kairne says "Somebody help him... now." "Paul?!" hollers Shen, frantically. She's at the Corellian's side in an instant, fumbling to support him without jostling his wounded arm. Dane moves up and grasps the Corellian's good arm, easing him back from the door, "Urio give me a hand. " he still holds the rilfe in one hand..just in case. "_No_!" insists Shenner hotly, clinging to Paul as best she can. Dane nods, "Then you give me a hand Shen.." and starts to take Paul away from the door. Urio leans over and helps to pull Paul away from the door, despite Shen's comment, without a sound. The Corellian's eyes are a little wild and he keeps blinking rapidly, his mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to say something and couldn't. Three people can't effectively haul one wounded Corellian. Shenner, much to her frustration, finds herself forced to step aside -- and she feels herself trembling with the effort to avoid tackling Urio'kosh right then and there, to demand that he take his karkin' hands off her _k'chaiya_ right NOW. She has to settle instead for scrambling around to stand anxiously before Paul, lifting her hands to cup his face once he's safely out of the way. "Paul? Paul, look at me...?" Glazed hazel eyes do manage to finally connect with Shen's emerald green, and after a few attempts, he manages to sputter, "S-ss-ss-shen." His eyes flicker closed then as he takes a deep breath. Relief floods across Shenner's expression. Momentarily forgetting the Mandalorians to either side of Paul, forgetting Kairne, and forgetting everything else, the girl fretfully smooths the Corellian's hair back from his brow and rasps huskily in his tongue, "Ke awen maxx, k'chaiya?" Are you alright, beloved? Dane looks around for Kairne, "You still alive over there? What do you think happened?" While the rest of the group clusters about the xenoarcheaologist, Urio slips away quite unnoticed, walking up to the door. He smiles wryly to himself and turns the key once again, as he observed Paul doing. The symbols once again begin to glow, each in turn, until he rotates the key full circle, causing the eye to open and gaze upon his features critically. Suddenly and without any warning there is a powerful surge, almost like electicity dancing along Shen's nerves. The hairs at the nape of her neck stand at attention and the sense of dread is physically palpable ... like a merciless hand squeezing the girls heart. Kairne says "I'm fine.. I believe.. he was not looked upon as a Mandalorian.." Dane nods slowly, "Probably.." he glances at Paul for a bit, "We better let him rest for a while." "Aaaa...aaa-aaaa..." Shenner all at once staggers backwards from Paul, looking around with a gaze gone wilder than the Corellian's had done. Her face goes stark white, and her gaze snaps in Urio'kosh's direction. "Wh... wh... whaaaa...?" Urio'kosh stands firm in the blast of light emitting from the eye. When it shuts off, he manages to hold his ground quite easily. This time the symbols surge brightly and then go out, the door parting and opening inward with a tremendous groan, stale air from forty years past breathing heavily upon the group. As the crypt reveals itself, the strange terror slips away, as if blown clear by the breath from the past. The back of Shenner's mind wails _What's wrong with me...?!_ even as the front of it cries _Noooo-oooo..._ -- only to trail off as the entrance finally reveals itself. Shaking her head violently, as if trying to clear it, the young redhead whirls back towards the others and cries hoarsely, "Paul...?" Dane looks to Shenner in confusion , "What's wrong?" he starts towards her, the sound of the door opening distracting him from her momentarily. He then moves back to her hand shakes her shoulder lightly, "What is it?" Sitting up gingerly, Paul stares before him at the open doorway, mouth open before it closes into a thin and bitter line. Urio'kosh strolls back toward the Corellian almost smugly, his hands disassembling the key into pieces. "I guess it just didn't like you, Doctor," he drolls, handing Paul the two key pieces and returning the third to the chain about his neck. "I'm... never mind me," Shenner croaks to Dane, her hands extended to Paul without her really realizing it, until Urio'kosh comes over. Only then does the girl seem to freeze, to jerk back as if someone had just thrown up a force-shield before her. Dane nods slightly and raises an eyebrow, turning towards the door, "What the hell is all this wierdness." he stars towards it with weapon raised. The ntrance hall beckons innocently, the light barely penetrating the darkness therein. _Get a grip... get a grip..._ Shenner desperately repeats her mantra, even as she grows less and less sure of her ability to keep hold of herself. With a mighty effort, she forces herself to relax; praying the others can't notice her shaking, she croaks out, "You alright, Paul?" Basic, this time, instead of Corellian. "I feel like someone took a whisk and scrambled my brains," he confesses, shaking his head slightly before concentrating on rising to his feet again. Paul doesn't even give Urio the courtesy of a response. _Obviously it didn't like me ... can't fathom why it would like -you- though._ Shen swallows hard as Paul speaks, but there's a crumb of comfort in that for her, and she gives him a shaky nod. Mutely, she offers him a hand, if he wants to take it to lever himself up. Kairne looks at the new doorway, and looks back down at Paul and the rest, "Well, since Urio has done us the favor of opening the structure.. shall we proceed?" Taking Shen's offer, because to rise up by himself is still a painful venture, Paul jerks his head in agreement. His mouth settles into a grim line and he surges forward, determined to beat this expedition, even if it kills him. Silently, Shen falls in just beside and slightly behind Paul, her heart in her throat. Her thoughts aren't nearly so focused as the Corellian's; all that's in the girl's mind as she moves to step through the portal with the others is exactly how many bad feelings she has about this.... Dane heads through the door in silence, hoping this is the easy part of thetrip but having a dreaded sense that it isn't. Urio'kosh stares for a moment as the crypt opens itself, then heads inside. Urio'kosh has left. Dane stares for a moment as the crypt opens itself, then heads inside. Dane has left. You stare in amazement as the crypt yawns open before heading inside. Crypt - Entrance Hall You stand in a moderately sized hallway. The area is void of furnishings except for some crimson colored draperies lining the walls. Tattered and torn by age, the once grand cloth flutters back and forth as hot air from the jungle pours forth into the crypt, a responding flow of dank cool air breathing back out. What was once a regal carpet, now stained and dulled, leads the way to a elaborately carved door, each section of it displaying a symbol of the various clans of Mandalore. Contents: Dane Urio'kosh Obvious exits: Carved Door Portal Paul Nighman stares for a moment before finally entering the crypt, looking about curiously. Paul Nighman has arrived. Dane holds his weapon ready..silently covering the approach of the rest of the party. Kairne stares for a moment before finally entering the crypt, looking about curiously. Kairne has arrived. Paul takes in the surroundings while reaching into his satchel for a glowstick. There isn't much light save for what comes in from the outside. He heads toward the carved doors slowly, his eyes measuring and sizing up the place ... looking for traps. Well, this is it, then... we're here, but where is here? Nervous to the point of feeling little tremors spasming back and forth through the muscles up and down her back, Shen tries to keep close by Paul. She scans the aged room, nose crinkled at the smells of the place. Dane just surveys the room, still silent. After a bit he moves further into it with a cautious walk, trying to be as slient as he can as he crosses the aged carpet. Urio'kosh has little interest in this room, barely sparing it a glance as he walks purposefully toward the carved doors. His pale eyes glitter in the slowly encompassing darkness. Without fear, or perhaps without care, he opens the door, which this time has a handle, and passes through without a word. Urio'kosh opens the immense door slowly, looking in before continuing into the next room. Urio'kosh has left. Dane mutters, "Fool.' under his breath and follows after the younger man quietly. Dane opens the immense door slowly, looking in before continuing into the next room. Dane has left. Paul Nighman opens the immense door slowly, looking in before continuing into the next room. Paul Nighman has left. You open the immensely heavy door slowly, peering into the next room as you step through. Crypt - Room of Crests Enormous. That is one word that would best describe this room. But that word alone is not enough. As you descend a grand staircase leading into the room, you can see that all around, adorning all the walls, are Clan crests of various sizes and shapes. Each crest, a priceless work of art in itself, is elaborately made in the style of artistry particular to each Clan - clearly treasured artifacts. The themes depicted on the crests range. From the Du'tracheck clan is the well-known Nortuulk, a bear-like creature of great size and strength, paws raised in attack. There is the crest of the V'r'caah Clan - a Ktynga, a giant cat creature, pouncing, fangs and claws bared. From the D'ael'mor comes the image depicting a swirling Firehawk and a raging Dragon-serpent converging on the steadfast Iron Cat. This room is a visual feast for the eyes and the imagination. Contents: Paul Nighman Dane Urio'kosh Obvious exits: Entrance Hall East Kairne opens the heavy carved door and enters the room slowly, looking about curiously. Kairne has arrived. Nothing too bad here yet, right? Right? Looks calm enough... Shenner nevertheless keeps close to Paul, though as the party makes its way into the next room, the girl's eyes almost pop out of her head at the opulent display of crests on the walls. Not even Urio'kosh can pass by this room so blithely. The younger Mandalorian stands at a full stop at the top of the staircase, looking about the room with bright and excited eyes. Dane looks around the banner filled room, noting that of his own clan amongst them. He glances back to make sure the rest of the group is still going and the slowly begins to search the area. Slowing down, Paul simply stares for a long moment, drinking in the images all about them, as if he could commit them all to memory. He slowly descends the grand staircase, his left hand drifting idly against the smooth grain of the wood, unscathed by the years. His fingers leave thin lines in the dust. "Seven hells ..." he breathes, eyes narrowing to take in the little details now with more care. Kairne looks about the room with an inquisitive eye, noticing many banners and crests that now reprint themselves on his memory. 'Gorgeous' isn't exactly the word that wants to come to Shenner's mind, though the crests before her are certainly that. The girl is too shaken to take any real appreciation in what she sees; rather, as she steps gingerly after Paul, she only finds herself feeling adrift. She knows next to nothing about Mandalore and its clans... but she knows enough to have a dim sense of History, of Tradition, of the ties of blood and honor and lineage that seem to surround this planet and its people. What place does she, a street-rat whore's daughter, have here? Dane stops before his clan's banner, eyes gazing up at it. Even old and dusty it holds and awe for him, one that he seems to pay homage to as he salutes it and murmurs something quietly in Mandalorian. His fingers momentarily trace along his right chin..then he turns and continues to look around the room. Urio'kosh moves through the hall with pride, smiling crookedly. He stands in the center of the floor, turning about. "Impressive ... very impressive," he calls out in deep tones. Kairne continues to look about the room, his eyes searching for something familiar. Finally, his eyes stop on a black banner with maroon and gold tassles, a starfield in the background. On top of the starfield sits the 'Thul crest, a purplish triskelion formed of 3 talons, each with a bright star seated in the cusp, and a final star flare in the center... Kairne points his crest out to the others, "There is the Thul crest... The warrior's trinity of Mind, Body, and Spirit, existing within one being. It's origins are from the days of the Twin's Trial..." Dane Noth can be seen to turn towards Kairne at his call, marking the other warrior's pointing out of his own clan's crest. There's a kind of respect in his expression; he smiles faintly. But his gaze also flicks round the room to take in Shenner near Paul... and Urio'kosh. Paul keeps moving, his feet inextricably drawing him to the door across the grand floor. His gaze shifts to the ground beneath his feet, beautiful and intricate patterns inlayed into the woodwork. Glancing over at Kairne's comment, he nods slightly, but clearly this room, while a treasure house of culture, does not contain what he is so intent on finding here. Shen keeps nervously just beside and behind the Corellian, even as Dane accompanies them to the door, still with his weapon at the ready. "Let me proceed," he advises. Still turning about the hall, Urio suddenly stops and drops his arms. Looking about one last time, his pale gaze fixes on the door intently, as if he were a Ciff cat and could smell fresh meat on the other side. "Shall we continue?" he asks no one in particular as he strides toward the door and the threesome gathered close by. Dane Noth slides Urio a measuring glance, then nods curtly, the edge to his expression easing only slightly as he turns back to the Corellian and the tense redhead beside him, to murmur again, "If you'll allow me." Then, the warrior is through the door. Kairne makes his way to the others, his heart instilled with new energy and hope after seeing his crest proudly displayed. "Mind, Body, and Spirit," he murmurs to himself over and over again... You cross the fantastic inlay work of this grand hall's floor, your shoes rapping sharply on the surface. You finally reach the door on the eastern side, open it, and pass through. Crypt - Corridor A long corridor stretches before you, wide and expansive enough to allow five to walk comforably abreast one another. The walls here are decorated with tapestries, once again depicting crests, as well as famous scenes from Mandalore's history. The hall slants downward, and the floor is covered in an elaborate wood inlay, the pattern one of intertwining vines and leaves, with the occasional symbol in Mandalorian. At the very end of the hall there seems to be a doorway. Obvious exits: Door Back Paul Nighman opens the door and joins you, offering a brief peek at the grand hall behind, before the door shuts once again. Paul Nighman has arrived. Urio'kosh opens the door and joins you, offering a brief peek at the grand hall behind, before the door shuts once again. Urio'kosh has arrived. Kairne opens the door and joins you, offering a brief peek at the grand hall behind, before the door shuts once again. Kairne has arrived. Dane edges ahead of Paul and Shenner, scanning the place critically, his weapon held guardedly at the ready; Shen, in the meantime, instinctively edges away from Urio'kosh, never mind what direction that takes her. "It seems safe so far," comes Dane's voice back to the others. Drawing up and past Paul and Shen, Urio'kosh, finally strolls and slows down to examine the tapestries. His gaze shifts toward their destination ... a doorway at the end of the long corridor, but he frowns slightly, his eyes dropping to the floor much as Paul's did earlier. Kairne says "I don't believe anything is safe on this journey Dane.." "Comparatively speaking," the other warrior replies, turning back towards Kairne as he addresses him -- just in time to see Urio'kosh glancing forward. Dane scowls, inwardly curses having had to abandon his armor and its benefits back at the hot springs camp, and eyes the floor as well. Shenner just sees a corridor... and she mutters sidelong to Paul, "Do... we go on?" Paul's pace slows, the others passing him as his brow knits thoughtfully. His eyes drop once again to the ground, noting the different inlay work here and wondering at the change between the two rooms. Shouldn't it have remained the same ... a continuous part of the decor, a harmonious whole? "Yeah," he murmurs to Shen, stepping forward once again. That seems to be enough for Dane Noth, who nods his head once to Paul and turns round once more to take point, heading towards the far door. Kairne follows up from behind, making sure that he is totally aware of his surroundings. Urio's mouth curls in amusement, following Dane, but curiously enough, watching the Mandalorian's feet. Stopping still for a moment, Paul's eyes drift once again to the floor, his brow dropping in puzzlement. He watches as the others pull ahead and then suddenly barks out, "Stop!" Whirling in place, Paul grabs Shen's arms, looking down at the ground beneath their feet. In turning he has taken half a step back .... which was more than sufficient. There is a fierce roar and the ground beneath the pair gives way, Paul plummeting first with Shen right behind him. The ground seals up behind them, jagged pieces of stone and masonry jutting up where the two humans had stood mere moments before. Paul Nighman vanishes from sight as the entire hallway begins the shake and rumble violently, the floor buckling under your feet. Paul Nighman has left. There is a terrifying rumbling, the hall shaking violently as the floor beneath your feet opens up and you tumble helplessly down into darkness. Crashing against a wall, you collapse on a hard stone surface, debris raining down on you. Crypt - Stone This stone pit that you have fallen into seems to be, literally, a dead end. A cave in has covered the hole from which you fell through, debris still rolling about and settling. The space is extremely small, made worse by the fact that pieces of masonry from above came down with you. Contents: Paul Nighman For one of the first times in her life that she can remember, Shenner screams, Paul's name segueing to a general wordless gasp that ends in an abrupt choked-off cry as she slams hard into rock. Her mind reels, and she can't find the breath to call out for the Corellian again -- all she can sense, for what seems like a timeless eternity, is pain. At last -- she doesn't know how long it takes her -- Shenner regains the ability to breathe, and to open her eyes. But when she does so, she finds herself wishing she hadn't, with the sight that meets her eyes: debris, stone walls, darkness. "Paul?" she croaks out, trying to push herself up, and shove bits of stone and dirt off her. "P... paul?" The space is dark ... very dark. Often what looks like open space proves to be a hard cold stone wall. There is a little light, cast from the glow stick that Paul had been carrying, but clearly it's been damaged in the fall, the light steadily dimming. In all of the commotion it's hard to recall what happened, but there is the fair recollection that Paul had cried out as well. Now it is deathly silent. _Ohhhhmigod... ohmigod..._ "Ohmigod..." Shenner doesn't realize she both thinks and utters that, as she pushes a shard of rock off her leg and manages to hoist herself up more or less to her feet. Seeing the dimming glowstick, she starts fumbling at her pockets, trying to come up with either of hers -- the stick she'd originally brought, as well as the spare that Dane had given her. And she licks her suddenly dry lips, to call out again, "Paul?! Paul, you here? Paul?" There is no response, and the frantic search turns up one glow stick, cracked. As the darkness falls, the room grows smaller and smaller. "_Shit_," groans Shenner. Clamping the end of the cracked stick she's pulled out of her pockets between her teeth, she throws herself at the nearest pile of debris, searching with her hands as well as her eyes, trying to find cloth, a boot, a limb, any sign of Paul under the rubble. The darkness blurs before her for a moment, and she can feel fear bubbling up in her gut; her thoughts turn wild, as she catches herself wondering, _Not again?!_ "Nooo, not now, not now," she orders herself sharply, unaware of the words coming out muffled between her clenched teeth as she shoves debris out of her way. The panic now is certainly more natural than the strange fits of fear that have plagued Shen throughout the journet. Still, fear is still fear. It doesn't take long, the cloth of what feels like Paul's shirt coming under Shen's questing fingers. The flesh beneath it is warm, but motionless. Shenner doesn't bother trying to discern the differences between various flavors of fear; she takes only enough time to shove _this_ panic into the back of her mind, not noting, yet, that she seems to be actually able to do so. Not with the need to search -- cloth! With a little cry, she starts moving more of the debris out of the way, calling out anxiously over and over, "Paul? K'chaiya? C-can you hear me? Paul?" When the Corellian fell, luck was not on his side ... but the floor was. The impact against his arm was excuriatingly painful, and sufficient to allow Paul one cry before blacking out. There is a beam across his legs, heavy but not immovable, and some pieces of rock and rubble. Shen can feel sweat beginning to bead across her brow, and she blinks rapidly, trying to clear it out of her vision. Her hands shaking, the girl continues the task of digging Paul free, shooting wild glances this way and that as she registers dimly that she really doesn't have too many places in which to put the rubble she's lifting aside. But at last, her heart in her throat, she kneels by Paul and holds up her dimming, cracked glowstick, to get a look at him. "Paul?" she croaks, but not loudly, not expecting him to answer her. Lying on his front, right arm strapped to his chest and beneath him, the Corellian's face is marked by streaks of dirt and blood. It doesn't seem serious ... just nicks and scrapes received on the way down. Indeed he does not respond to Shen's gentle call. Hazel eyes are closed, golden hair scattered and disheveled. With another low cry, Shen sets down the cracked glowstick and runs her hands over Paul's limp form. Her mind races, and for a few moments she makes a futile reach for first aid principles she should attempt before yielding to the urge to simply pull the man up into her arms and cradle him close. Smoothing his hair back from his face, blinking sweat out of her eyes, she breathes out his name again. It's both prayer and beckoning, and Shen keeps coughing out his name, oblivious to all else now. He has a pulse, which seems strong as far as Shen can tell, and he's breathing. Those are both reassuring facts. He also feels normal - neither overly hot nor overly cold. Ironically enough, that is one thing that is rather a relief about this crypt ... it's a great deal cooler than it was outside in the jungle. As Shen pulls Paul to her, she is rewarded by a small moan, but nothing more. That one low moan coaxes another choked little cry out of the young redhead. Cradling Paul's head on her arm, she keeps stroking his face, over and over. "That's... that's it, k'chaiya, can you hear me? P-Paul? C-can you hear me?" It seems like forever, but finally her words penetrate the depths of the Corellian's mind. Eyes flicker open dazedly as Paul swallows. He doesn't even try to say anything yet, his mind frantically running about in circles trying to figure out what is going on ... what has happened. As the glow stick reflects lightly off of the close walls, Paul's eyes start to dart about more rapidly. Paul's eyes coming open is almost enough to bring tears to Shen's. She smiles widely for a moment as relief sweeps over her, and she squeezes the Corellian in her arms, gently, anxiously. "That's it... c-come on out of it," she whispers hoarsely. "You with me, Paul?" The Corellian's chest rises and falls rapidly, but he doesn't move out of Shen's grasp. Finally, his voice hoarse, he rasps, "Shen? Where are we? What is this??" He's talking, and Shenner grasps that fact to her with as much relief as she holds Paul himself. "I ain't sure," she answers, casting another look around the place into which they've fallen, before bringing her gaze back down to her beloved's face. Her brow is furrowed, her face pale and washed-out in the glow-light. "All I know is... we were up there with the others, and the floor just... opened up, and here we are... you... you alright? I mean... anything else hurt?" Turning his head from side to side, Paul sees walls, walls, walls .... walls .... walls .... Walls ....WALLS! Gasping sharply, his eyes blurring Paul rasps suddenly, "C-can't breathe .... " But all he seems to be doing is breathing ... breathing and shaking. Shen blinks, alarmed, and asks sharply, "Paul?!" She's not startled enough that she drops him, though, and she keeps her arm steady under his head and shoulders. Her other hand comes up swiftly to check his brow for heat, and his hair for any sign of an injury beneath, though she'd done both already. "Paul, hey, Paul...? What is it? You're breathin', you're breathin'...!" A cold clammy sweat has broken out over his brow, the shaking more violent now. "C-cccan't breathe!" he insists, eyes wide and panicked. "Can't m-m-mmove ..." There is no sign of additional injury visible on Paul, but the man is shaking visibly now, his breathing coming in fast short gasps. Deeply disturbed, now, Shen stares down at her beloved, stunned. She's never heard him stammer like this before -- and his expression rips through her chest, making her features crinkle in sympathetic pain. "What the hell..." This is huskily murmured; then, all at once, she brings her free hand down to cup Paul's chin, to point his face up at her. "Look at me, Paul... look at me! Talk to me, what's wrong?" Her beloved's eyes are wide ... and terrified. He blinks repeatedly, as if trying to bring Shen into focus. She can feel the pulse in his throat against the edge of her hand ... fast and speeding up. "Ss-shen? No ... no I cc-can't ..." he gasps, eyes closing as his throat pulses in a reflexive swallow. "I ... I'm not gonna make it. I'm not gonna make it ... ," he rasps softly, not even speaking to Shen now. "Pinned ... can't move ..... can't ...cc-can't breathe!" The Corellian's breathing is now sharply erratic, Paul's head spinning as he hyperventilates. "Ohmigod," Shenner whispers, cold fear rippling through her gut once more. As Paul starts babbling -- she can't think of any other word to call it -- she hugs him closer, turning his head towards her breast, wrapping both arms around him protectively. "Hush, Paul, hush... shhhh... it's okay, I got the stuff off yah," she begins awkwardly, then picks up strength to her voice as she tries to cut through the hoarse ravings. "Shhhh! You're free... it's okay, k'chaiya! Hush...!" Paul can't really cling to Shen, one arm bound, but his free hand finds her arm and clutches with a painful grip. He closes his eyes, realizing now, that he is close to passing out. There is still a small shred of reasoning struggling beneath the panic, and Paul simply holds his breath for a moment, trying to bring some regularity to his intake of oxygen. His head swirls and for a moment he sags heavily against Shen as the rush of oxygen and then the sudden deprivation prove to be too much. Shen lets out a bit of a grunt as Paul slumps, but this convinces her to cradle him all the more gently to her. She lifts a hand to his head once more, running her fingers through his hair repeatedly, trying to soothe. "Shhh... hush, Paul, hush... it's okay... it's okay... you're not pinned... hush now... breathe, just breathe..." As consciousness trickles back in, so does a little reason. Paul can now recognize the panic within him as something that's happening without his control or consent. He can try to fight it, but the Corellian knows that it is a losing battle. Softly, from between chattering teeth, Paul manages to stutter, "K-kkkeep talking ... and find a way outta here Shen ... -h-hurry-. He still shivers violently against her, muttering to himself, "S'cold ... sooo c-ccold ...." Keep talking? Okay... Uh... Shen swallows, then blurts out, her hand still trailing through his hair, "I'm... gonna hafta get up, Paul, I'm gonna hafta let you go, you're gonna be alright, okay?" Not trusting himself to talk, fearing that he'll wail if he opens his mouth, Paul bites down on his lower lip, merely nodding in response. His entire frame tenses in expectation. Shenner squeezes Paul close once more, and presses a kiss to his brow. Then, reluctantly, she eases him down to the rock beneath them both, to let him try to move as he will. Her heart is in her throat, and even as she gets to her feet again, her gaze lingers on the man she loves. _What's happenin' to him? Is it startin' to hit him, too?!--_ No. Don't think about it. Look around instead, try to figure out where you are, street rat. What's here besides debris and wall and rock and far, far too little light? Not only is there little light, but there also seems to be little air. As Shen rises, there is an unexpected rush of dizziness. The walls seem close and rough, but as the light continues to drop, it's hard to see what they really look like. And then suddenly, the light goes out, leaving the pair in complete darkness. Paul gasps sharply in response, and reaches over with his left hand to press against his broken arm. It takes all of his strength not to cry out as he tortures the abused appendage, but the pain gives the Corellian a focus against the terror. "Search Shen ... use your fingers if you can't use your eyes ...." he rasps sharply, unaware that his shortness of breath is not merely due to the phobic reaction that is afflicting him. "Ohmigod... ohmigod... " Shenner's voice sounds out in the darkness, and she falls breathlessly silent for a moment or two, before she coughs out, "Okay... okay, I'm here, I'm here." There's the sound of something clattering, and the girl swears -- she must have tripped across one of the beams or shards of rock littering the floor. "I-I-I found a wall. I'm searchin' it..." The stone beneath the girls fumbling fingers feels rough and cold. It takes a moment before Shen can figure out how to use her fingers as eyes ... but soon it becomes clear that there are no patterns on the wall other than the natural texture of the rock. Laying on the floor, now curled into a fetal ball unbeknownst to Shen, Paul clings to himself for sanity, muttering, "Keep tt-ttalking ... tell me what you're f-ffeeling ... oh gods ...." the last comment very soft and haunted. "I got... rock, Paul... ow! Kark it... beam, I bumped my knee," Shenner rasps out, as she runs her hands over as much as she can reach of the wall. "It just... feels like rock, nothin' here... I'm movin'..." There's a few more sounds of scrabbling, followed by Shenner going on, "Can't find nothin' here, either... it's all rock...!" As Shen's hands shift, turning a corner, she still feels rock beneath her fingers, but there is something decidedly different ... it's warm. Paul, in the meanwhile, can scarcely here Shen over the pounding of his heart, his mouth so dry he can barely swallow. His eyes flicker open and another bolt of terror wings through his system as there is no difference in his field of vision. A small keening sound of fear rises up from the Corellian despite his clenched jaw. "Paul...?! Paul, I got somethin', there's somethin'... warm here!" Shen calls out, clambering across a pile of litter to get a better position. Ignoring how she must be scratching up her hands, she then pauses at that sound from the Corellian, and repeats, "Paul? Talk to me, Paul...!" "... hhh-hurry Shen ... wwhat else? ..." It's as if the Corellian has split in half. One part is screaming with terror, mind frozen and trapped four years in the past, believing that he is going to die. The other part knows that it is -not- four years past, and though his lips move and speak, he is barely aware of his rational side struggling to save them both. "... kk-keep ss-ssearr-cching ...." "Right... I'm lookin', k'chaiya, I-I'm lookin'..." There's a fairly big pile of debris under her, and Shen fumbles atop it, making something slip uncomfortably beneath her boot soles as she gets her footing. She lifts her hands to the new wall, running her palms over it. "Junk here. Had to climb. I'm here, Paul, I'm still here... we're gonna get out." As Shen runs her hands down the stone's surface, something seems different ... deliberate. Her fingers trace out what feels like something carved into the rough surface, grooves suddenly becoming lines, patterns .... purposeful. "Dammit, I wish I could see... _PAUL!_ Paul, I got somethin' here, there's lines on the wall, some kinda shapes, it's warm...." Shen sings out, voice rough but steady, for now. "You hear me?" "Yes," he manages, a small whimper following on the affirmative heels, crawling out from Paul's throat. He coughs harshly, drawing a breath desperately, his chest clogging up, refusing to draw oxygen from the air he pulls into his lungs. "What-t is-sssss it?" The air is now decidedly thin, and Shen realizes that her own breathing has become more labored in a vain effort. Shenner frowns to herself in the darkness, not liking the way her breathing has changed, and after a moment, she rasps out, "Some kinda pattern in the wall. I-I can't make it out. If it's carvin', Mandalorian... I... wouldn't be able to read it anyhow..." The girl tries to run her hands over the lines again, wrestling between the urge to keep searching -- preferably for a door or at the very least a door _control_ -- and the possibility that this might be a valuable clue under her palms. "Paul! Keep... talkin' to me, Paul, do you want me to keep lookin', do you wanna know what the lines are? Can't see... damned thing..." As Shen's fingers trace over one of the symbols, the stone gives way beneath the pressure. The symbol suddenly glows brightly, much like the doorway symbols did. It is the symbol for water, and there is a soft rushing sound at first and then a more unpleasant grinding sound. Paul twitches, forcing himself to uncurl his body to try and look. Then he feels something, his body stilling in terror. "S-sshen ... what, ww-what are the walls doing?!" The Corellian's voice is thready and high. Shen had thrown her hands up to shield her face in instinctive reaction to that sudden glare in her eyes. "Aigh!" she cries in startlement, and then after a moment, blinking half-blindedly, she blurts, "Sh... shit, oh shit... I-I dunno, I dunno, I just traced around this symbol, and... shit!" As Shen glances about her, the light from the symbol cast a dim glow upon the walls of the room. The glow seems to get brighter ... and -closer-. The grinding is growing louder as water rushes in the background, clearly triggering some kind of reaction. Paul's eyes are fixed on the wall before him, watching as it draws closer to him, rubble now shifting and pressing in on the pair. "Shen!" It seems that some sort of instinctual survival mode has kicked in, as the Corellian makes it to his knees with a pained groan. His eyes blearily try to focus on the symbols, but just won't focus. "What are the other s-ssymbols! Quick!" His breath rasps frighteningly, unnaturally deep and desperate. _Ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod..._ "Paul, I-I-I can't _read_ these things, I... karkin' hells..." As the glow dimly illumines the room, and her eyes adjust, she flashes an increasingly panicked gaze along the wall, and starts blurting out as thorough -- but terse -- a description of the remaining symbols as she can manage. There are only four ... and they are clustered together on the heated and shrinking wall. Shen recognizes the symbols from the doorway - stone, fire, water, air. They are not in Mandalorian, but pictograms. The water one continues to glow brightly, the walls now bringing the rubble in close, forcing the pair to climb on top or be crushed. "Oh...! They're... the symbols from the door, Paul, f-from the door..." Desperately, she considers her options -- poke the water symbol, maybe that'll shut off whatever she just triggered? Or... do something else? What's opposite of water? Fire? She casts a swift glance over her shoulder, to see if Paul's making it up. "Which _one_?!" she cries. Paul seems to have gotten enough of his senses together to try and prop the walls apart with a beam before he realizes the error in his judgement. His eyes are now wide as the beam begins to groan and actually bend under the impressive pressure of the walls. It doesn't take a genious to realize that soon the giant piece of wood will crack and splinter .... and when it does, it will be as deadly as a bomb. It is too well wedged in now to move but Paul desperately tries to budge it, gritting his teeth against the fire burning in his arms and chest. He doesn't respond to Shen's cry. The hell with it. This is no time for caution, Shen thinks wildly, and she stabs a finger at the Water symbol, praying breathlessly, "C'mon... c'mon...!" There is no response to Shen's panicked and frantic response. The walls continue to draw in, the air draw out. Paul is letting loose with the most impressive string of curses Shen has ever heard. If some people see their life pass before their eyes before they die, Paul must be seeing all of the languages pass before his ... cause he's cursing fluently in all of them. _Crap!_ Shen moves her hand towards the Fire symbol, ready to try her next thought -- then for an instant she stays her hand, and then changes her mind. The _door_. The door had to have the key turned, full circle, right? Circle! So instead, the girl slaps an awkward mental circle around the symbols on the wall and jabs her fingertips against each of the symbols in turn. "C'mon.... c'mon!" There is a loud groan, and the wall before Shen abruptly rises to reveal what appears to be a tunnel. Air rushes in to the void ... and suddenly the reason for the heat is apparent as flames rush forward as well along with the oxygen. "Shhhiiitttt!" Shenner scrambles backwards instinctively, falling down the pile of bunched-up rubble, only to find more rubble behind her. "_Paul_?! Ohmigod, Paul..." Paul jerks back as flames rush forward, Shen's backward scramble bringing her hard against him. The flames, after the first rush of oxygen, withdraw back again, leaving both Shen and Paul unscathed. The Corellian trembles violently, but he only knows two things ... the walls are still closing in, and that there is a tunnel. He rushes down to the opening staring through it fearfully. His thoughts are almost palpable. _Burnttodeath? Crushedtodeath? Burnttodeath? Crushedtodeath?_ Instinct kicks in, the xenoarcheaologist once again taking in the only proffered clue available and praying to all the gods that he doesn't believe in that experience will pay off. "Shen ... I'm going through ... if .... well, if it's wrong, the buttons should come back, and try picking a different one ..." He lays a hand against the wall, breathing hard as he stares down the tunnel, his desperate features lit by the fire blazing within. "Wait, no..." Shenner abruptly throws her arms around Paul's neck and kisses him, hard, passionate, pained. She pulls back from him and croaks, then, "I love you, I'm comin' too...!" Paul crushes her mouth to his fervently, drawing out the kiss for as long as he dare before she pulls back. His gaze wild, the Corellian nods brusquely. There is no time to argue. Pulling her along with him, Paul drops to his hands and knees, entering the narrow shaft first .... at least that way she has a chance to escape should he have made the wrong choice ... [To be continued....]