Log Date: 2/7/97, 2/15/97 Log Cast: Shenner, Shikh's dog Carmine, Alora, Tzu (puppet run by Roark) Log Intro: Shenner has just had a second fight with Shikh which has resulted in her fleeing his company, struggling hard to pretend she's not sobbing, to little avail. Failing to have heard his heartbroken murmur of, "You're all I've got left, kid," Shenner has bolted back to the spaceport and curled up in the first good hiding spot she could find. But, unknown to her, she's been tracked.... ---------- Carmine comes into the port from the Port District. Carmine has arrived. Carmine ambles onto the Landing Pads, sniffs around the bases of a few ships. The spaceport is a questionable place at best to hide, but Shenner does her level best at it, finding a nook behind several stacked containers of cargo into which she's ducked. Carmine breaks into a run, and nearly exhausts himself doing an impressive obstacle course over crates, around ships, and dodging Espos and worker droids. "What th--" "Whose beast is that?" "Crazy mutt, watch it -- hey!" These, and several other startled shouts, follow Carmine's course. Carmine skids to a halt and cocks his head over toward Shenner's hideaway. Comically, he sweeps his head from side to side, as i to see if anyone is watching, then his ongue lolls out and he pants over to Shen's crate, nosing into the crevasse with 'him'. Shenner jerks her head up, startled. "Wh...?" The musician's gotten wedged in there pretty good, curled up into a small ball; the intrusion of the canine's head between the cargo containers takes up a fair amount of the remaining space. Carmine reels his tongue back in, but his tail continues at a klick a minute. He noses at Shen, then sits back on his haunches, ears shifting forward. Shenner leans forward to peer warily out from her hiding place, then just as warily at the dog. "What're you doin' here?" she hisses at him. Carmine whines, then noses toward Shenner again, resting his powerful muzzle on 'his' knee. Shenner scowls, nudging at the creature. "G'way," she mumbles. ---------- Interlude: Try as she might, Shenner can't convince the dog to leave her, and at last she simply dozes off, hoping perhaps that if she doesn't pay him much attention, perhaps Carmine will get bored and go away. But the dog does not leave, and in fact stays with Shenner as she sleeps, perhaps loyally guarding, perhaps waiting.... ---------- Alora comes into the port from the Port District. Alora has arrived. Alora turns on her heel, "I cannot believe this.." she mutters as she starts to walk back the other way. Alora looks at you for a moment. Shenner is not in sight, at least not exactly; there might be spotted, though, a boot sticking out from behind a stack of cargo containers -- and, rather more obviously, the form of a large sleeping dog atop it. Alora walks into the port, cursing under her breath as she takes quick angry strides. From behind the cargo containers, Shenner stirs, stiffly, frowning at the Rottweiler who's fallen asleep in her lap and what remains of her space to get out from her hiding place. In an undertone, she hisses at the big dog, trying to get him to move, but apparently Carmine is quite, quite asleep. Alora stops in the middle of her stride as her comlink beeps. She reaches up on the sleeve of her dress and produces a very small link. "What is it?" she demands, her voice full of fustration. Shenner, grimacing, nudges the drowsing dog off her leg, only to discover that Carmine's weight has completely put that limb to sleep. With difficulty, she starts crawling out from behind the storage crates, peeking out warily to see if anyone's in range to spot her. Alora sighs. "You fools! Where is the the Grand Admiral?!" she demands. "WEll then wake him. I want to speak with him within the next ten minutes, or you forfiet your life, understand me ensign?" she barks into her link, and then snaps it off. Shenner gropes her way to her feet, only to catch the tail end of that angry bark across the way. The youngster frowns, then, warily, starts limping a track off out of the port. Starting to feel less like a good place to be, this.... Alora You turn to find a tall feminine form as walked up beside you silently. Her fiery red hair is pulled back away from her face, and is done up in an elegant bun, held in place by a long bejeweled pin. A few curls escape to fall here and there down onto her bare white shoulders. A few smaller curls fall into her eyes as they frame her creamy white face. Intense emerald eyes capture your attention as your gaze falls into hers. The green orbs seem to be able to peer into your very soul. Her rub red lips curl into a smirkor smile without needing a reason, at least one that you know of. Her shoulders are bare, the black velet of her gown starting a bit below them, the collar ofthe dresss dipping a bit, hinting at her cleavage. The material hugs herbody tightly,accenuating her curves. The material falls to her feet, forming an ebony pool on the floor around her. THe back plunges reveieling quite a bit of her soft skin. Delicate jewels hang from her ears, as a n onyx and white gold necklace lay against her collar bone. Carrying: David Wedding Ring Engagement Ring Shenner flicks a sideways and nervous glance off to the clearly angry and clearly authoritative woman, but says nothing. Just keep moving, kid. Wake the leg up. Nothing to see here, just a scruffy street rat, move along... Alora looks at you for a moment. Shenner(#9664Penc) To most if not all passing glances, this individual could be summed up as 'young male human', and certainly the walk, stance, and mannerisms seem like those a brash young man would have. The short, spiky cap of dark red hair, with a brief little comma of a forelock over the left side of the brow, is masculine in look, as is the lean, angular build and tallish height. But if this is indeed a human male, it is one with uncommonly delicate features, dominated by large, luminous, and sharply intelligent green eyes... and a closer regard may well reveal to the observer that this human's voice is a shade _too_ high to truly be a young man's tenor -- in fact, it sounds more like a young woman's contralto. This human is clad in blandly unobtrusive garb, the kind you might expect any common laborer or traveller to have on: a simple white tunic with a turned-up collar; a heavy, padded vest of dark grey, with multiple pockets; breeches of a slate-blue hue, tucked into scuffed but serviceable calf-high boots of a neutral tan suede. Over all of this is worn an overlarge brown flight jacket, big enough that it tends to obscure the utility belt at the waist -- and anything that might be stashed in it. Alora quickly walks across tohe port in a blind rage, and bumps into you. She turns to face you, glaring down at you. "What are you doing here?" Shenner staggers a bit, then regains balance on the leg the dog'd put to sleep, then blurts the first excuse that comes to mind: "Just checkin' on a ship, lady...!" The youngster's voice cracks just a bit, before settling down into a more or less tenorish register. "Sorry. My fault. I'll pay more attention to where I'm goin'..." Alora nods slightly, and looks you over. "You are from around here? I have not seen you here before." The youngster freezes, a flash of indecision crossing the lean, pale face, followed by an uneasy reply, "Just visiting..." Alora arches a slender brow. "Oh.. is that right?" "Well... yeah," the youngster says, straightening a little to a taller height, as though attempting to cover up the previous nervous look with an affronted one. A hand comes up, palm down and fingers splayed, as if to ward off further anger. "Look, lady, I'm sorry, I'm clumsy, 'kay? It won't happen again." And the redheaded youth hops off a little, turning away. Alora smiles and chuckles softly. "I see.. well at least you know enough to apologize," she says as she walks up next to you. "Now tell me honestly, for know that you can not lie to me, should I check to see if I am missing anything?" Shenner, seeing the woman match paces, slows enough to turn a wary gaze back at the other. But the kid's brow crinkles, and the tenorish voice says blankly, "What's to miss?" Then, "Lady... if you're an Espo, I swear, I'm just a street bard, I got my busking permit right here...!" A skinny hand points at a vest pocket. Alora nods slightly. "No.. I am not an Espo.. but I used to use that trick all the time to pocket creds or goods off of someeone." "Um... right," says the kid, in a 'whatever you say' tone. The lean young face is crossed with a lopsided half-smile, and the kid goes on hastily, starting to move off again, "I'll just letcha get back to your business, what say?" Alora says, "Oh.. you are going to let me?" Shenner lifts the other hand to match the first, both spread, and eyes wide, the very picture of slightly nervous harmlessness. "I just don't wanna be any more trouble, honest...." Alora smiles and laughs, as she shifts herwieght from one foot to the other. 'Oh my dear young one, you have already been that.." Shenner's green eyes flick from side to side, frightenedly, and the youngling starts backing off, all the while venturing brightly, "I'll stop now! Don't wanna inconvenience a businesswoman like yourself on, um, business, I'll just go about mine. 'Night? 'Night!" Alora smiles and chuckles. "First off I am not a businesswoman... secondly.. I know what it is like." she says, looking to you. The youngster's face twists in a sort of 'open mouth, insert foot, chew vigorously' manner, before trying again for a disarming smile. "My mistake," comes the hasty apology, and the redhead turns, picking up speed to the stride and aiming east for the way out into the streets of the city. Alora chuckles softly to herself, and watches the youngster go, but then slowly starts to track him. You move east, into the Port District. The area looks a bit darker, and you feel watched by many eyes. Port District - Capital City (#1118RLXtFJN) Though the buildings in this sprawling area of the city are low permacite structures, the general feeling of the Port District is one of foreboding menace not clearly defined. Despite this, many visitors of many races mingle here, taking in the plethora of shops, bars and nooks dotted densely throughout this place. Nothing seems to be spared style, expense, or gross display of wealth here as the scions of the business world (or criminal world) flaunt the products of their various efforts. Several Espo troopers stand out like statues among the sea of people passing through. They watch everything that goes on around them with a tight grip on their blasters, ready for anything. The Espo police presence here is normal. (OOC: Type '+lhelp' for local help.) Obvious exits: leads to Residential Avenue - Capital City . leads to Business District - Capital City . leads to Government District - Capital City . leads to Free-Flight Dance Dome - Capital City . leads to Authority Currency Exchange - Capital City . leads to Spaceport Center - Capital City . Tzu comes out of the Authority Currency Exchange. Tzu has arrived. Tzu trots out of the currency exchange, briskly, stuffing something absently into one of his belt pouches. Tzu This creature is a Tynnan. His four foot frame is slim and covered with dense brown fur of aquatic animal kind. Ears constantly swivel atop his head, as he squints myopically; whiskers twitch when he talks. His toes and fingers are connected loosely with webs of light pink skin. He is wearing a black vest that is open at the front and hangs down to the haunches of his short legs. About his waist is a belt with a number of small pouches and tools hanging off it. A slim, redheaded figure, scruffy of appearance and tense of expression, cna be seen moving at a brisk stride out of the spaceport. The figure, a human youngster, angles along the street, not quite running, but almost. Tzu glances down, trying to get a largish datapad into his pound, whiskers twitching. He's not precisely looking where he's going. Brell comes through the District from the direction of the spaceport. Brell has arrived. Brell moves through the District into the Spaceport to the west. Brell has left. Brell comes through the District from the direction of the spaceport. Brell has arrived. Brell enters the well-guarded Authority Currency Exchange. Brell has left. Brell comes out of the Authority Currency Exchange. Brell has arrived. Cosmic snickering, perhaps, as Shenner's guided to bumping into two individuals twice in one night. *whump* The human lets out a strangled yelp, then skitters backwards. "Sorry... sorry..." Tzu looks up with a squeek and tumbles, the datapad hitting the ground with a crack. He rolls, shouting with a faint lisp, "I say!" Shenner grimaces, muttering a curse, and repeating, "Sorry... sorry... my fault." The human spreads hands, palms up, and wincing at the sound of the dropped object. Tzu pulls himself up, indignant. "I seem to remember a law about reckless running." He squints at you. "Should be, rather. I'll be sure to write a report." He looks quicky around for his datapad. Shenner grunts anxiously, "Fine, sure, right, whatever." The kid ferrets through pockets, saying hastily, "Look, if it's busted, I gotta coupla credits, 'kay?" Tzu scoops up the device and inspects it, muttering, "No no...you probably can't affaord it." The creature's tone is mildly condescending. He looks up. "And just -why- are you in such a hurry, ah, child?" Shenner thrusts skinny hands into vest pockets, and whirls to stalk off down the street. "None of your karkin' business." Tzu blinks and trots forward, following, "Er, child!" He sounds insistantly, almost alarmed. The human youngling casts a glance backwards, but not at the pursuing creature -- rather, back along the street. "What?" comes an exasperated hiss. Tzu calls, "My datapad...it's well and good to leave your name and contact information, if the device -is- indeed broken!" Shenner grimaces again, peering off down the street, then steps back to the shorter being, saying gruffly and quickly, "Shenner, okay?" And the youngling names the address of a transients' hostel. With that, just as quickly, the human stalks off again. Tzu blinks again, slowing his trotting to stand still. He looks down to tap at his datapad for a moment, calling a shrill, "Thanks!" "Yeah, right, whatever..." The human's voice grows softer as the thin figure hastens off. Tzu finishes tapping and turns, trotting carefully through the crowds towards the government buildings. Tzu heads through crowds and into the Government District to the southeast. Tzu has left. ---------- Postlude: It was getting worse and worse, Shenner thought. Was it just her, or was she destined to bump into every individual on Etti IV who could cause her the most amount of trouble? She scurried back to her hostel as quickly as she could, glancing warily over her shoulder -- half-expecting that imperious woman from the spaceport to be on her tail, or else that little creature whose datapad she'd probably broken. The Tynnan probably wouldn't be a problem, but the woman, on the other hand, bothered Shenner for reasons the kid couldn't define. She wished to hells Grathix would tell her what was going on, so she could get off Etti IV.... [End log.]