Log Date: 2/6, 2/7/97 Log Cast: Shikh, Shenner, Grathix, assorted NPC Espos and NPC Espo captain Brok (run by Roark) Log Intro: Shenner's built-up tension over the Corellian Shikh has reached a breaking point, pushed there by Shikh trying just a _little_ too hard to get her to admit what's been bothering her -- and making the mistake of demanding whether it wasn't abundantly clear that he's there to take care of her. Incensed that anybody should be electing himself her personal guardian, especially a Corellian -- and most especially a Corellian who appears to be getting dangerously fond of her -- Shenner has exploded, hysterically railing at Shikh that she doesn't need him, doesn't want him, and doesn't care how handsome and charming he is. Failing to see how stunned and wounded by her outburst Shikh is, Shenner flees out into the city, heading straight for the spaceport and intending to hide on Grathix's ship if she has to -- and to demand of her boss the moment she can find him that the job needs to get done, because she wants off the planet. But much to Shenner's dismay, the _Cat's Paw_ has been impounded by the CSA. Grathix corners an Espo captain, Brok, to discover the truth behind the problem, but also has a brief confrontation with a stranger who _also_ seems interested in talking to the Espos. And after Grathix secures a promise from Brok to meet him for a drink in the Free-Flight Dance Dome, and after Grathix and his foundling settle down to wait for the ship to be liberated, Shenner's fight comes back to haunt her.... ---------- Shikh comes into the port from the Port District. Shikh has arrived. Shikh strolls into the spaceport, hands stuffed in his pockets. Looking at him closely, one would see the edge of a white bandage on one of his hands. Shenner, by contrast, might be spotted huddled in a lean against the door to docking bay 36, arms crossed in front of 'his' chest, gaze fixed on the floor. The redhead's face and frame speak loudly of tension. Shikh surveys the dwindling numbers of ships in the port then shakes his head and exhales, turning to leave. Shikh moves to the east, into the Port District. Shikh has left. [And not long after....] Shikh walks onto the landing pads once again, rubbing his bandaged hand with his unhurt one, walking carefully and looking over the ships in port. Near the doors of docking bay 36, Shenner and Grathix might be spotted, the former looking pale, tense, and shaken. Grathix remaining calm and collected, not showing any worries whatsoever. Shenner murmurs lowly to Grathix, eyeing the floor as 'he' speaks, "So you're going to go drink with the Espos?" Grathix turns to the youth and nods. "yes" Shikh cocks his head at the word 'Espos', then turns and notices Grathix and Shen by 36. He quirks his lips to one side, then grimaces a bit in contemplation. He decides to leave the pair alone apparently and turns back to the row of ships. Shenner rolls a 15 for her PERCEPTION skill. An Average roll! Shenner looks up grimly, sweeping a hard green gaze about the spaceport. Spotting the auburn-haired Corellian, though, 'he' suddenly tenses, pressing back against the bay door. Grathix sees the youth tense and asks ''him', "what's wrong?" Shenner's face goes completely taut, as 'he' hisses sidelong to Grathix, stonily, "I want this done. I want to go." The kid's green eyes turn flat and hard, and with an effort, 'he' turns from Shikh's distant figure; for a moment, that effort clearly crosses Shenner's face. Grathix leans close to the youth and whispers something. Grathix whispers, "abide your time. it will all be over soon. but what is it that has put you in such a state?" Shenner struggles to suppress a wince. The cropped red head shakes vehemently, Shen's only answer to the whisper. Grathix shakes his head and sigh. He takes the coat in his hand and places it around the Youth. Shenner doesn't meet Grathix's gaze; indeed, Shenner barely seems to notice the coat placed about 'his' shoulders. The thin features stay pale, set. Perhaps even scared. Shikh raises a brow at the security computer and walks over to give it a look Espo Squad patrols through the busy port area. Grathix sees the patrolling espo squad and tells Shenner, "Stay here..." as he begins to move towards the squad. Shenner blinks, looks up, and frowns again, warily. Grathix approaches the squad and says, "Greetings....I was wondering if the good captain was available." Shikh smacks his hand against the computer, obviously having trouble with it, then winces as he feels the pain burn his hand from under the bandage. A younger Espo glances at Grathix, warily at first, but he nods. "Finishing up some business, sir. Did you need to speak with him?" Grathix nods, "If possible. was wondering what was taking so long in retrieving my vessel." The Espo shrugs under his light armor. "I really don't know, sir, I just got on shift. The Captain should be out in a minute." Grathix nods, "Thank you..which way to his office?" The young man jerks a thumb at the Port Security office. "There, but the Captain mentioned he wasn't staying late, so I figure he'll be right out." As Grathix talks with the Espos, Shenner grudgingly glances across the bay, and then frowns, at the sight of Shikh -- and the bandage on his hand. Grathix turns an heads toward security office. The office looks, well, about as paranoid as a virgin in a Hutt lair. Grathix rapps on the door. Brok steps out of the office, talking with a junior officer. The rest of the police on duty about the entrance eye Grathix pointedly. Shenner, with another effort, jerks 'his' attention off Shikh once more, and re-rivets it to the stretch of paving immediately before him. Grathix nods to the capt. "Greetings Capt. Brok, going of duty?" Shikh turns from the computer, seeming aggravated once more. He holds his hand over the center of his chest and thumps his fist there, maikng a pained expression. Brok holds up a hand to the junior and glances over. He grins, nodding once. "On time for once, sir." Shikh Before you stands an ordinary man about six feet tall, with no outstanding traits to identify him. His auburn-brown hair is trimmed neatly to a four or five inch length, and is mostly swept back, kept there by constant maintenance, not weighed down with styling additives. Occasionally, it liberates itself somewhat and rebelliously falls forward, only to be raked back over the man's ears with large strong-appearing hands. His eyes belie sensitivity, and shine a warm caramel brown with underlying intelligence. He studies his surroundings with an expression that could only be likened to amusement, or a naive freshness, much as you would note in a child viewing something new for the first time. Looking away from his face and noting his attire, you would see a well-fitted pair of blue jeans, with a white, collared, polo-style shirt tucked in at the waist, three buttons serving as fasteners at the throat, though only the bottom two are currently closed. A double holstered belt circles his waist; a pair of sighted blasters with evident modifications snugly kept at hand in easy reach, one at each hip. A quilted black leather vest completes the conservatively comfortable outfit, accentuating the young man's medium-wide shoulders and triangular torso, the product of faithful attention to his personal fitness. Like most men his age, or more correctly of his /era/, he wears a pair of black leather boots that rise to a negotiable location somewhere between mid-calf and the knees. On his right hand is a white bandage, covering the last two knuckles. Shikh exhales heavily Grathix chuckles, "Excellent. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about my ship." Brok grunts, walking over and leaving the younger officer to look selfconscious and scuttle off. "Still? Filing must be baracaded in today. Should be first thing in the morning though." Grathix says, "Any word as to the delay?" Shenner looks up warily again, noticing the locations of the various men. Grathix grins, "First thing in the morning, eh? Enough time to down a few 'cold ones' as they say before then, right?" Brok holds up both hands, chuckling. "Not many, but certainly." Shikh raises the hand at his chest to his head, raking his fingers back through his auburn hair. He slowly makes his way back toward town, leabing the port behind. Grathix nods and allows the Capt. passage out of the office, "Thenby all means..." Shenner frowns after Shikh, tensely, then hastily looks away again. Gruffly, then, the kid speaks up, "Maybe I... better get back to the hostel. Practice." Brok nods, moving forward. "Know the place then, do you?" Grathix nods to the youth and says, "You do that, and take care of my coat." Shenner says tautly, "Sure you won't need it later? If it gets cold?" Shikh moves to the east, into the Port District. Shikh has left. Grathix chuckles, "can't keep me away from a good Ale." Brok watches the kid, looking between them with a deadpan expression. Grathix chuckles and looks at the Captain, Nothing a few dirnks won't take care of." Brok chuckles again and nods, moving through a busy rush of beings who allow him passage. Grathix head towards the city proper. Grathix moves to the east, into the Port District. Grathix has left. Brok moves to the east, into the Port District. Brok has left. Spaceport Center - Capital City (#3112RtFJ) If there were a hub of spaceport activity in the galaxy, Capital City's Spaceport on Etti IV certainly gives the impression of being just that. The flow of traffic, human, machanical, and otherwise through this area is impressively busy. The building is luxurious in the manner of the rest of the city, walls of permacite reaching up to a strong arching ceiling spotted with clear, thick glass showing a vermillion sky. Ships of all types land constantly under the ever watchful eye of Authority Security as visitors and businessbeings rush through this gateway to Corporate Sector Authority. There are many conspicuously armed Espo patrols here in a high state of paranoid alert. (OOC: Type '+lhelp' for local help.) Contents: STARFIGHTER: Lambda Class Shuttle -- Eclipse Security Computer MailBox Obvious exits: leads to Port District - Capital City . leads to Port Security Office - Spaceport . leads to Docking Bay 36 - Spaceport - Capital City . uttle leads to Landing Bay - VSD Phoenix. You move east, into the Port District. The area looks a bit darker, and you feel watched by many eyes. Port District - Capital City (#1118RLXtFJN) Though the buildings in this sprawling area of the city are low permacite structures, the general feeling of the Port District is one of foreboding menace not clearly defined. Despite this, many visitors of many races mingle here, taking in the plethora of shops, bars and nooks dotted densely throughout this place. Nothing seems to be spared style, expense, or gross display of wealth here as the scions of the business world (or criminal world) flaunt the products of their various efforts. Several Espo troopers stand out like statues among the sea of people passing through. They watch everything that goes on around them with a tight grip on their blasters, ready for anything. The Espo police presence here is normal. (OOC: Type '+lhelp' for local help.) Obvious exits: leads to Residential Avenue - Capital City . leads to Business District - Capital City . leads to Government District - Capital City . leads to Free-Flight Dance Dome - Capital City . leads to Authority Currency Exchange - Capital City . leads to Spaceport Center - Capital City . ---------- Interlude: Still shaken, partly by the unfamiliar weight of Grathix's coat on her shoulders -- and taking it off once he was gone, for it made her too warm along with her battered old flight jacket -- and mostly by the alarming development with the _Cat's Paw_, Shenner made her way back out into the relatively anonymous safety of the city streets. Almost by reflex, she searched the pockets of Grathix's garment as she pondered heading back to the hostel; in the coat's pockets, she found only several business cards, indecipherable plans of some sort, a note written in an equally indecipherable tongue, and a key. Replacing each item as she found it, Shenner finally decided to return to her room.... ---------- Shikh comes out of the Free-Flight Dance Dome. Shikh has arrived. Shikh storms out of the Dome, long strides taking him toward the Business District. Shenner creeps along the street out of the spaceport, heading for the transients' hostel. You hear a familiar string of curses following Shikh into the heart of the Etti economy. Shikh moves to the northeast, into the Business District. Shikh has left. [Startled by Shikh's passage, and the vehemence of his stride and expression, Shenner catches herself -- and before she can really stop herself, begins tracking the Corellian through the city. All the while, she tells herself she must be mad, but something nags at her to make her keep after the young man, regardless....] You move to the northeast through the crowds, entering the Business District. Business District - Capital City (#6104RLntF) While this part of the city loses none of the opulence of other sections, the style is distinctly more serious, reflecting the businesses affiliated with the Corporate Sector. The buildings are taller here, towering over the usual low structures of surrounding Capital City, and the streets cleaner and better patrolled. There is a sense of order here, as if the boardrooms and business deals laid their claim upon the air here, demanding it follow the guidelines of corporate practice. The Espo police presence here is normal. (OOC: Type '+lhelp' for local help.) (OOC: If you want to be a CSA Sponsored business, please contact Crisis. If you already are, please @mail CSA to have your building linked here.) Obvious exits: leads to Cybot Galactica -- Capital City . leads to Port District - Capital City . Cybot Galactica A bustling factory complex, Cybot Galactica headquarters here to provide for the droid needs of millions of customers. YOu walk carefully past guards and enter a factory complex. Cybot Galactica -- Capital City (#10235RLtz) This is the lobby for the Cybot Galactica factory. The room is furnished in the manner typical of most professional lobbies, (semi-comfortable furniture, several potted plants, and some Cybot Galactica advertising materials). There is a humaniod-shaped droid seated behind a desk, it appears to be the factory's receptionist, (inspect receptionist for details). There is a much larger and nastier looking droid guarding a very sturdy looking metal doorway that leads further into the factory, (inspect guard for details). Contents: Shikh CGadv1(#1894CXl) CGplt1 Jedi Duel machine Obvious exits: ut leads to Business District - Capital City . Shikh is the only one in the deserted lobby, along with a Jedi Master! After a moment or two, it's obvious the Jedi is just a holographic image Shikh growls, "Stang! I'll never get the hang of this..." Shenner, as unobtrusively as possible, creeps into this place, keeping very near the door and appearing, at any moment, to be about to bolt back into the street. Jedi Duel machine This is a holographic combat game. It allows you to duel a Jedi Master. It costs 30 credits to play, (give jedi=30). It is currently being used by Shikh. Shikh flails wildly, trying to nail the Jedi with an unfocused strike of pure emotion, "Aaarrgh!" Shikh and the Jedi Master circle each other. The Jedi master says, "Now you will learn the folly of challenging your betters." The Jedi Master points at Shikh. Lightning flies from The Jedi Master's finger in the direction of Shikh! The Jedi Master misses Shikh! Shikh says, "Whatever..." Shikh lunges at The Jedi Master. Shikh hits The Jedi Master! Shikh chuckles The Jedi Master has been injured! The Jedi Master swings at Shikh. The Jedi Master hits Shikh! Shikh has been injured! Shikh stumbles a little. Shikh grunts, taking the brunt of the holographic attack, but feeling no less pained for its falseness. Shikh and the Jedi Master circle each other. The Jedi master says, "Now you will learn the folly of challenging your betters." Shikh lunges at The Jedi Master. The Jedi Master attempts to dodge the lunge. Shikh misses The Jedi Master! Shikh says, "Stang!" The Jedi Master lunges at Shikh. The Jedi Master hits Shikh! Shenner stares. Whatever the musician had been expecting tracking the Corellian here, _this_ wasn't it; seeing Shikh clearly engrossed, Shenner keeps to the door, silent, eyes wide. The Jedi Master's attack hits a false image of Shikh that Shikh created using the power of the force. The image disappears. Shikh laughs evilly, "Can't hit me then, can you, old man?" Shikh and the Jedi Master circle each other. The Jedi master says, "Prepare to be destroyed." The Jedi Master swings at Shikh. The Jedi Master misses Shikh! Shikh giggles with glee, "Now you die..." Shikh points at The Jedi Master. Lightning flies from Shikh's finger in the direction of The Jedi Master! Shikh misses The Jedi Master! Shikh growls Shikh points at The Jedi Master. Lightning flies from Shikh's finger in the direction of The Jedi Master! Shikh hits The Jedi Master! The Jedi Master is only grazed, avoiding injury. From out of nowhere a voice whispers, "Use the Force Shikh..." Shikh frowns, "Again?" Shikh points at The Jedi Master. Lightning flies from Shikh's finger in the direction of The Jedi Master! Shikh misses The Jedi Master! Shikh rages loudly. Shikh and the Jedi Master circle each other. The Jedi master says, "Fool, I warned you. Now you will die." Shikh points at The Jedi Master. Lightning flies from Shikh's finger in the direction of The Jedi Master! Shikh misses The Jedi Master! The Jedi Master waves his lightsabre around a little, the lightsabre hums as it moves. Shikh shakes his head, "I don't think so..." The Jedi Master swings at Shikh. The Jedi Master hits Shikh! The Jedi Master's attack hits a false image of Shikh that Shikh created using the power of the force. The image disappears. Shikh lunges at The Jedi Master. Shikh hits The Jedi Master! The Jedi Master has been injured! From out of nowhere a voice whispers, "Use the Force Shikh..." The Jedi Master lunges at Shikh. The Jedi Master misses Shikh! Shikh says, "Will you go down already?!" Shikh and the Jedi Master circle each other. The Jedi master says, "Now you will learn the folly of challenging your betters." Shikh lunges at The Jedi Master. Shikh hits The Jedi Master! The Jedi Master is only grazed, avoiding injury. The Jedi Master lunges at Shikh. The Jedi Master misses Shikh! Shikh and the Jedi Master circle each other. The Jedi master says, "Prepare to be destroyed." The Jedi Master points at Shikh. Lightning flies from The Jedi Master's finger in the direction of Shikh! The Jedi Master hits Shikh! Shikh says, "That's how it's gonna be, huh?" Shikh has been injured! Shikh points at The Jedi Master. Lightning flies from Shikh's finger in the direction of The Jedi Master! Shikh misses The Jedi Master! Shikh is jolted back, "Grr." The Jedi Master lunges at Shikh. Shikh attempts to dodge the lunge. The Jedi Master hits Shikh! Shikh has been killed! Shikh lies dead at The Jedi Master's feet. The Jedi Master raises his lightsaber in victory! The holographic images flicker and disappear. Shikh fumes and tears off the heads up display, "Stang! I hate this!" Shikh mumbles, "Stupid Jedi Master..." Shenner lets out a startled yelp at the conclusion of the mock-battle... then, just as immediately, turns to flee for the door. But with haste comes less stealth than might be wanted, and battered boots make a scuffing noise as their owner tries to hurry off. Shikh drops to the floor and crosses his legs, resting his elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands, pouting. Shikh says, "Where ya going, Shen?" The figure by the door freezes. Shikh asks the question without turning, his brooding gaze boring a hole in the floor with its hot stare. Shikh waves his hand over his shoulder, "Go if you want... I'm not your keeper..." he mutters, "You made it abundantly clear you didn't want me around." Silence, still, from the door. No sound of exit -- but then again, no words, either. Shikh shakes his head, "Don't toy with me Shen, make me feel worse... if you're gonna go, go. If not, say something... please" he pleads. "You're.... hurt," comes the redhead's voice at last, sounding strained. Shikh nods, "Yeah... I finished off that mug I broke after you left, crushed it flat with my fist..." He chuckles bitterly, "Not so smart in retrospect..." Shenner cries, aghast, "What?!" as you start to speak; then, as you go on, the kid cuts off any further words, making a strange, choked little sound. Shikh shakes his head wearily, laying his hands out together side by side, broken and whole, in front of him on the ground. "I really messed up tonight, Shen... I never meant to hurt you or embarrass you. I didn't mean to suggest you can't make it on your own, you've made it this far..." He chuckles ironically, in light of his deathmask stare. Shikh says, "You're the only one I've got here..." "I..." The word comes out of the kid in a minute, strangled sob -- and oddly higher than Shenner's usual voice, as the kid had sounded back at the Dome. Shikh's shoulders slump down lower, making him seem like a Hutt sprawled out over the floor, repulsorless and immobilized. "Please..." Shenner's voice cracks, wavering between pitches. "Don't... don't get like this..." Shikh says, "Like what, Shen?" he asks, "I can't hide truth anymore than you can. You're obviously hurt, and it's my fault." He opens and closes his fists slowly, "You're hurt and it's my fault..." he repeats. "I hurt my only friend in this universe..." Shikh snorts, "No wonder I'm so alone... There comes another brief scuff of a footstep. From less of a distance, Shenner's voice, still strangely high and ragged, mumbles, "No... no, please... it's okay..." Shikh shrugs, "It'll never be okay... not until I change. When I can learn not to hurt people." Another couple of tentative footsteps. Although closer now, Shenner's voice sounds no louder, as though the redhead can barely manage to talk. "Ah... ah, hells... Shikh, don't. It's... it's not your fault..." Shikh snorts self-disgustedly, "Then how else can you explain this whole fiasco?" _Karkin' good question_, Shenner thinks wildly, staring unwillingly at Shikh's bowed head, the hair disheveled from the fight with the hologame. "I... I just got a-a real touchy temper is all, please, pal, I ain't worth getting so upset over...!" The kid's voice cracks again, strangely. Shikh shakes his head, the hair settling back into place with his diminished movements. "Why do you always sell yerself short, Shen? You really don't understand how great a kid you are, do ya?" He raises his bandaged hand to smooth back his hair, then sucks in sharply, "Guess I'll need to change a few habits, huh?" "I'm street scum," comes the hoarse denial of any alledged greatness on Shenner's part. Solemnly, Shikh asks,"Is that what you want to be?" There's a pause, before Shenner backs off a step, and mutters gruffly, "What's that got to do with anything?" Shikh sighs deeply, "Everything, Shen..." His head cocks to one side, turned as if to look at his shoulder, "What do you -want- to be?" Shenner turns towards the door, but does not flee, not yet. The kid's voice comes out sounding as though through a lump in the throat: "Ain't got no room in my life for 'want to be'..." Shikh nods slowly, then, "Know what I want to be Shen?" "What?" That word comes out of Shenner very small. Shikh shrugs, "I dunno, happy, not alone... to live someplace where I don't have to be afraid all the time and put up fronts..." He chuckles, "Know anyplace like that?" Shenner mumbles only, "Uh uh," while apparently deciding to emulate you by staring down at the floor. Shikh nods and laughs quietly, bitterly, "Me neither... but I'm sure as hell not gonna be a street rat if I -don't- want to..." He asks again, "What do you -want- to be, Shen?" Shikh adds, "Are you happy?" By way of response, and quite abruptly, Shenner sniffles. Shikh shifts around on his knees to look at Shenner, "Shen?" His dark brows knit together as he peers at the frail-looking kid. He starts to get up and move toward Shen, then goes back to kneeling, and just stares at 'him'. Shenner, looked at, can be seen to be viciously scrubbing the back of a skinny hand across 'his' eyes. "'Mokay," comes the immediate, and ragged, reply. Shikh runs his hand, his -good- hand this time, over his soft auburn hair. He looks off to one side, speaking half to himself, "I'm doing it again..." He rolls his eyes impatiently, "I don't believe this..." Shenner flicks a stricken glance over 'his' shoulder; the kid's eyes have gone enormous and liquid in that thin face, the rest of 'his' features ashen. In the night-dim lighting of this place, there's nevertheless visible a suspicious glimmer of dampness around the redhead's lashes. "No!" Shenner protests again, hotly. Shenner appends, beginning to sound desperate, "Not your fault. Not. Please don't get upset. Please!" And 'he' starts stumbling backwards towards the door. Shikh snaps his gaze back at Shenner's outburst; seeing the kid backpedalling, he speaks, "Shen, where are you..." With that little warning, he explodes into activity, sprinting somewhat clumsily for the doorway, trying to get there before Shen can make it out. Shikh rolls a 14 for his DEXTERITY skill. An Average roll! Shenner rolls a 19 for her DODGE skill. A Good roll! Shenner wails, "_Don't care about me!_" And with that, the kid bolts. The large glassteel doors silently slide open for you as you leave the Cybot Galactica factory complex. Business District - Capital City (#6104RLntF) Obvious exits: leads to Cybot Galactica -- Capital City . leads to Port District - Capital City . Shikh emerges from the Cybot Galactica factory complex. Shikh has arrived. Shikh limps to the doorway of Galactica, supporting himself in the doorway, "Shen!" Shenner pelts along the street, moving at a fast clip, but in a completely random direction. Shikh's voice falls far short of what Shen could possibly hear, "Kid, you're all I have left..." Shenner rolls a 15 for her PERCEPTION skill. An Average roll! Indeed, the fleeing figure doesn't seem to hear. Head down, sobbing, Shenner vanishes into the night. [End log.]