Log Date: 6/10/97 Log Cast: Paul Nighman, Shenneret Veery, Mrs. Tsuma (NPC), Li Hua (NPC) Log Intro: Shenner and Paul have been holed up at the Kind Hearts and Coronets inn for the last several days in Coronet City on Corellia. Paul has immersed himself in the study of the artifacts he obtained from his father's University -- almost too deeply for Shenner's peace of mind, for her friend has seemed obsessed with his work, to the point of forgetting when to eat or sleep. She has in fact caught him passed out at his desk, and if that hadn't been enough to disturb her, the exhausted Paul further alarmed the girl by seeming to dream that he was making love with her... and confessing once she'd managed to wake him up that he'd written her a song. Ever since then, Shenner has found herself tormented, her heart insisting that Paul's fallen in love with her even as her mind refuses to believe it. Convincing herself that she must stay out of Paul's way while he works -- and hoping to use her absence at his side as a way to settle down the turmoil in her head regarding him -- Shenner begins to leave him to his work, but fails to notice as she does that he is getting ill, even as she sends out a discreet query about his behavior... ---------- [HoloNet Transmission From: Shenneret Veery To: Dr. Molari Canto Subject: About Paul] The HoloNet image comes to life in the form of Shenner's thin young face, her features set in an earnest and somewhat nervous expression. Her gaze squarely in the direction of what must have been the recorder that took her message, the girl begins: "Hiya, Dr. Canto... I, uh, guess I'm probably the last person you'd expect to get a message from, but I couldn't think of anybody else to ask this. "First off, uhm, I'm with Paul and we're on Corellia, we came here to see Paul's dad, you see." Shenner blows out a breath. "This didn't go over too well, I think, but Paul didn't say nothin' much to me about it, and I ain't buggin' him, but it's been on my mind 'cause ever since we last talked to his dad, he's been all hung up in our hotel room studyin' the artifacts we got outta the University basement." The girl's tone turns slowly, palpably more worried. "It's been four days now, sir, and Paul's kinda forgotten about when he's supposed to sleep and eat, and I kinda think he forgets I'm stayin' with him unless I actually come right up to him and make him look at me. "I'm just wonderin', since you've known Paul longer 'n' I have... is this... _normal_?" Shenner smiles anxiously and finishes, "This is where we're at so if you need to get in touch with me, I'm at the Kind Hearts and Coronets inn in Coronet City. Thanks." And the holo winks out. [HoloNet Transmission From: Dr. Molari Canto To: Shenneret Veery Subject: Re: About Paul] The HoloNet image snaps on, clearly Dr. Molari Canto, sitting in his living room. The giant eyes blink twice before he begins speaking. "Greetings Shenner. Hope all is going well with you. Yes, I was very surprised to receive your message. Surprised, but pleased," he adds pleasantly, his voice still the rich rough timbre from the last time they spoke. "As for you question, yes, Paul does frequently go into massive bouts of study, frequently at physical cost to himself. Sometimes it is harmless except for the fact that he can make himself physically ill if he is particularly bullheaded about it. In this case, however, I must admit," he adds with a hint of worry creeping into his voice, "that he may have other forces driving him. You see, I received a call from Paul's father the other day. I have been wondering about it for some time now, as it did not really make a great deal of sense to me at the time." The Mon Calamari tips his head to one side and then the other. "He made xenoarchaeology chit chat at first, but then began to ask subtle questions that ended up leading to Paul and what I knew of his business and doings. I answered honestly enough, and he signed off after awhile, with no apparent reason for his call. He did not, however, mention that he saw you and Paul at all. So, there is a possibility that something very serious passed between them, which would certainly add fuel to Paul's oft time obsessive fire. Is this normal? Well, not in my opinion? Is it unusual behavior for Paul? Unfortunately, it is not. I will warn you though my dear, that Paul does use his work to drown out his worries." He tilts his head toward the screen, his eyes blinking earnestly. "I hope that things have improved, and I apologize for the lateness of my response - I've been at a conference. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call me either at the academy, or here at my home ... the address is in the linkup." He nods then and settles back into his chair a little tiredly. "Fare well Shenner, and may the tides flow your way," he offers in closing, and the image goes dark. ---------- It had been days, he knew that much was correct. If he had been paying attention, he would have known that it had been about four days since his somewhat embarrassing scene with Shenner. Since then, he had been taking greater efforts to get more sleep than he had been, eating more regularly too. That had been successful in no small measure to Shenner, who acted like a time piece for him, showing up at mealtimes and at bedtime, but leaving him alone to work the rest of the time. He could depend on her to keep himself honest. However, despite his best intentions and her quiet support, he had to admit that he felt like shit. Leaning against the window frame, Paul took little comfort in the breeze that blew inward, sweating despite it. His eyes ached, though spots no longer formed before them in bright light situations. In fact, his whole body ached. He had taken a cold shower moments before, and was astonished to find sweat mixing in with the cold water still on his skin and in his hair. _Must have caught a bug or something_ he rationalized, slipping on his glasses for the upteenth time and reading through another document on jewelry design and metalworking. He pinched his nose, trying to stave off the headache that he could feel coming on. Perhaps he had been reading too much today? Determined to finish this paper, he concentrated on the words despite his body's warnings. The door whishes open, and Shen's quiet tenorish voice announces her arrival. Quiet, indeed; the girl's been strangely subdued for the past few days, though no sign she's given indicates that's she's upset about anything. "Paul? I'm back..." Shenner comes into the room, her carisak slung over her shoulder. Today she's forsaken the guitar in favor of the flutes, but her bag is stuffed with her datapad and holodiscs as well. The girl is windblown and beginning to tan a little from the days she's been spending outside. Finishing the last paragraph allows Paul to drop the paper with a hint of satisfaction, regardless of the cost. His head pounding and his eyes aching, he manages to smile at Shen. _That's it_ he decides. _Enough ... I'm going to just quit early for a change and give my body a chance to work through this bug_ He is still quite tan, but there is a somewhat sickly pallor shining from beneath the normally healthy color. He thinks about moving, but the idea of stepping away from the cooling breeze into the stifling hot room makes him stay put. "How did your day go?" he asks conversationally, his smile growing a little wider at his expectation of Shenner's relief when he tells her that he's going to take the rest of the night off. She may have been quiet, he may have been preoccupied, but he wasn't -completely- blind. He knows that she is worried about him, but to try to explain to her why he was compelled to push himself the way he was, well he just didn't have the time or energy to spare to do so. Shen grins crookedly as she steps her way through the sorted arrangements of items still strewn about the floor, and then she plops down on the bed, facing the Corellian. "I think I gotta grip on quadratic equations," she offers. "Somethin' went 'click' today... and it suddenly made sense. So I finished that lesson disc up." Remaining in the window frame, Paul raises one eyebrow at her, cocking his head and giving her an approving grin. "I'm impressed," he informs her. "I also have an announcement," he intones gravely. "I'm taking the rest of the night off." The young redhead's grin suddenly, momentarily, flares into a bright smile before she seems to force herself to restrain it down to a simple grin again. "Yeah? Well, good... this mean you wanna go out for food, or what?" _Out?_ Suddenly the idea of even moving seems too overwhelming to Paul. _I need a minute to pull myself together ... take something for my head and fever ..._ He puts on his best casual grin and murmurs, "Why don't we have a nice quiet dinner in? We could take out from some place fancy?" Paul says "I'll tidy up if you'll pick it up," he offers with a sly wink. "Deal," replies Shenner readily, her smile flaring up again, and her eyes brightening despite her recent quiet. She hops right back up, grinning at her friend; for a moment, though, she pauses there, peering at him in the dimming evening light. "Whatcha wanna eat?" _Feed a cold, starve a fever? Or is it the other way around?_ Well, however the rhyme goes, Paul knows two things. One, he isn't the least bit hungry, and two, if he wants to get better he'll probably need some protein. "Howsabout some Nerf?" he offers expansively. "Let's go all out." Green eyes peer a little more intently at Paul's face, but if Shenner notices anything amiss, she gives no sign of it. "Steaks? Or just sandwiches, or what?" She grins again, hopefully. "I could bring back some cider or somethin'. Maybe Li's mom'll let us use her holovid?" There is a queasy feeling in Paul's stomach that seems oddly familiar somehow. However, he nods in approval of Shen's suggestions. "Steaks," he confirms, "and yeah, cider and a holovid sound like just the ticket to me." Shen struggles a moment to hide the burst of relief and pleasure that lights up her face, and for the most part, she succeeds in simply looking pleasantly eager. "I know just where to go!" she pipes, whirling to dash out the door. "I'll be back real fast, okay?" Paul nods again and waves a little weakly. "No need to rush," he says, hoping in fact that she'll take her time and give him a chance to gather himself and clean the place up a bit. "I ain't going anywhere," he reassures her. The girl flashes a grin back over her shoulder, and with that, is gone, clearly elated at the task she's set herself. Paul places a hand on the window sill and eases himself upright slowly. It's hard to know if he had always been feeling this bad, or if it had just snuck up on him while he was concentrating on other things. Now, however, all he wants to do is curl up in bed and collapse. He begins to straighten up around the room, putting papers in tidy piles, moving artifacts out of the way, and clearing out the room. By the time he is finished, the room looks halfway decent. Paul, on the other hand is drenched in sweat, feeling alternately hot and cold. Frowning, Paul stumbles into the bathroom and splashes some cold water on his face, the rubs vigorously with a towel. He strips off his shirt and drops it in the refresher bin and then stumbles out again, heading for his luggage to pull out another shirt. A wave of dizziness catches him offguard, and he barely keeps himself from tipping over by catching himself against the bed. The loud buzzing that he thought was the printer becomes more insistent. Amidst all of this, a small sane fraction of his mind interpolates all of the incoming data and draws a conclusion. As he turns toward the bed, feeling his aching muscles give way, the last thought that crosses his mind is, "Oh no ... not again ..." before he slumps forward, falling heavily across the bed, his eyes rolling up and his consciousness abandoning him. Half an hour passes, in which an increasingly excited Shenner hastens off to the place she'd had in mind -- a restaurant not too far away from the gigantic marketplace in which she'd encountered Randal, the waiter from the Black Dragon. Ordering up a couple of hot meals she can haul back in their tidy little heated containers, she carries these and a quickly purchased pack of bottles of flavored cider back to the inn. Just as pleased, if more quietly, that Paul has agreed to spend a quiet night relaxing, Li Hua's mother cheerfully agrees to let Shenner have the run of the holovid unit in the inn's common room for the evening, and, with both her missions accomplished, the young woman charges eagerly back up to her room. This time her return is rather more ebullient, as she calls with the door's opening, "Paul! I got the food, and Li's got a brand new holo-thriller we can w--" Shirtless and sprawled across the bed sideway, Paul doesn't look like he lay down to take a little nap. His left arm is reaching out forward while his right one, which had been clinging to one of the bed posts, is how twisted behind him in a position that does not look comfortable. He is obviously sweating, and yet at the same time, seems to be almost subtly vibrating. Shenner chokes off her cheerful greeting, alarmed. Plunking down her burdens, she dashes to the bed, crying, "Paul?!" The man doesn't react to her cry, being quite soundly unconcious. However, if she should touch his face, she will find it extremely hot and feverish, while the rest of his skin, though sweating, is cold and clammy to the touch. His color is very pale, with the exception of bright fever spots of color on his cheekbones. Stunned into immobility by the sight before her -- when she'd left, Paul had been awake! -- Shenner gapes, before scrambling to turn her friend over on his back, as carefully as she can. Feeling the fire in his forehead and cheeks, the girl can only think, _OhmiGODS,_ as she shakes him, trying to wake him up. "Paul? Paul?! Can you hear me? Paul!" His body is a heavy weight, which is not easily moved. As she shakes him, he doesn't come to right away, and then after a moment, it's not exactly consciousness, but he does react. His eyes flutter open for a moment, only long enough to take in Shenner's frantic face, but when he surges forward to try and rise, his head spins and he tips backward onto the bed again, his eyes shutting, his form going from rigid struggling control back into a supine position. _OhmiGODS ohmiGODS he's sick when did he get sick?! he's got a fever -- a FEVER...!_ Memory seizes Shenner, then, and she dives for her medikit, tearing into it to fetch the thermometer Paul had shown her how to use. Scrambling with it back to his side, she punches the tiny device's power switch and then nestles it carefully against his ear, her gaze locking anxiously on the readout. It only takes a second to make its determination and then it beeps firmly. Upon a glance, its reading indicates that his body temperature is at 101.8 degrees. The girl has absolutely no idea what the standard temperature of the human body is, but it doesn't take formal schooling for her to know that this is clearly Too High. She realizes with a hitch in her chest that she has absolutely no idea, either, what to do about this -- thus, as quickly as she can, she leans over Paul and breathes worriedly, "I'll be right back," returns the thermometer to the medikit, and bolts out the door. Taking the steps three at a time, she bellows at the top of her bardic lungs, "LI! MRS. TSUMA! HELP!" Shenner's frantic voice and excessive volume have both women rushing to the bottom of the stairs, Li's face curious and puzzled, her mother's, Mrs. Tsuma, concerned, almost alarmed, but composed. After raising four children, she is more than accustomed to frantic cries. Problem is, sometimes they were overwrought with no reason, and other times they more than earned it. An almost elderly woman, with her graying hair tied back in a complex knot at the nape of her neck, Mrs. Tsuma is the picture of elegance and gracious living. Raising a hand to Shen's rushing form she replies, "Child, slow down, and don't scream so ... after all, there are other people staying here," she chides gently, grateful that it isn't a few hours later. She would be sure to have guests coming out and glaring down the stairs. Gracious, but the girl has a healthy pair of lungs on her. "Now, what's wrong?" "Paul's collapsed on the bed, he's sweating and I can't wake him up, the thermometer says he's got a temperature over 101 -- please," Shenner finishes, bursting through the words with the same speed with which she'd charged down the stairs, "I-I don't know what to do, please, help?" With a commanding hand, she takes over the situation easily. Turning to Li, she murmurs quietly, "Li, go get the medical kit and meet me upstairs." She places her hand on Shenner's shoulder. "There there, he probably just caught some bug and let it run its course too far ... it's a high fever, but it won't kill him," she assures the frantic girl. Pressing the same hand against Shenner's back, she indicates that she should go back up, and at a somewhat slower pace, Mrs. Tsuma follows. Shenner would just as soon tear right back up the stairs, but out of consideration to the older woman following after her, the girl restrains her pace until they reach the room she's sharing with Paul. Once there, she has to force herself to keep from shoving Mrs. Tsuma towards the bed; Shenner herself scrambles to Paul's side, anxious to ascertain that he hasn't gotten any worse. Paul doesn't seem any worse or any better. Mrs. Tsuma frowns, sitting down next to him and touching his forehead, and then checking his pulse. She looks up to Shenner and says, "Dear, go get a washcloth and a basin from the bathroom - fill the basin with cold water and soak the cloth in it, will you?" She then returns her attention to Paul, tsking at him thoughtfully. Although he looks much worse than she had expected, she is determined not to panic the girl any further, but see if tender ministrations will help. However, she determines, if his fever and pulse rate aren't improved by the morrow, she will definitely call in the medical center. She opens both of Paul's eyes, and is content to find the pupils normal. Pursing her lips tightly, her eyes wide and dark but at the moment without any tears, Shenner immediately moves to obey Mrs. Tsuma, and is back within moments with the items she's requested. "I just... found him like this," she says roughly. "I came back for dinner and... he was talkin' to me, and said he w... wanted to take the night off, and I said... I'd go and get food, and when I got back, he..." Reaching forward with a motherly touch, Mrs. Tsuma fixes her gaze to Shenner's own, her hand to her shoulder. "Relax dear, he isn't going to die. He's just sick, and it's probably his own fault for being such a stubborn mule of a child. Now, we need to bring his body temperature down, so the best thing we can do is sponge him down with cold water and keep a cold compress on his head. Ah Li," she murmurs contentedly as her daughter enters the room and hands her the medical kit. This one is quite a bit larger than the one Paul owns or the one he gave Shenner, and as Mrs. Tsuma opens it, she pulls out a few bottles, peering at the labels thoughtfully. "Li, go bring me a spoon, will you?" When Li doesn't move, staring down in surprise and consternation at Paul's unconcious form, her mother's voice takes on a parental tone that brooks no delay or arguement. "Li ... -now-." "I shoulda noticed," mutters Shenner contritely, even as she moves to follow Mrs. Tsuma's advice. Her hands are far more steady than her voice as the youngster brings the cool soaked washcloth up to mop it awkwardly over Paul's forehead. Li, appropriately cowed, dashes out the door and down the stairs to fetch the spoon. Mrs. Tsuma looks up, puzzled for a moment at Shenner's comment. "Wring out the washcloth first," she advises. "Noticed what dear?" Again the girl obeys, twisting the cloth over the basin and letting it drip before crinkling her nose at it and folding it, and then brushing it across Paul's brow and cheeks. Looking as though she'd committed some unpardonable sin, Shenner mumbles huskily, "I shoulda noticed if he was gettin' sick." "Nonsense!" Mrs. Tsuma corrects her brusquely. "What are you, his mother? No dear, sometimes all it takes for a virus to get a good hold on a person is for them the let themselves get run down ... he's probably had a low grade fever, maybe a headache and some congestion for about a day or so ... nothing you could detect without him bringing it to your attention most likely." Li re-enter's the room holding forth the spoon like it was a sacred grail. "Ah, good, alright girls, let's get him more comfortable, shall we?" She rises from the bed and sets up some pillows by the headboard, pulling back the covers. "Alright, let's try to shift him over," she murmurs, taking Paul by the shoulders. Li heads, uncertainly, for his legs. _I'm not his Mom, but... I'm all he's got right now,_ Shenner thinks tinily, but she says nothing. The redheaded bard gets out of the way, but not far, her one hand tightening involuntarily on the still-wet cloth, her other just as involuntarily stretched a bit towards Paul as the other two women begin to shift him on the bed. He is dead weight, and Li and her mother are having a hard time moving him. "Come on girl, push at his waist or something?" Mrs. Tsuma orders. Shenner bobs her head and quickly moves in to assist, crouching down slightly to help lever up Paul as best he can. "C'mon, Paul," she whispers. "Up..." It isn't the most graceful move, but he is eventually shifted into position. Mrs. Tsuma wipes her hands delicately on her skirt and then taking the spoon that Li brought her, she pours a fair measure of an amber liquid into it. "Hold up his head," she requests to Shenner. This, too, Shenner does, slipping her arm under Paul's slack head and propping it gently up. The pulse of _ohmiGODS_ in the back of her head has subsided into a dull drone of worry, and, sternly, she forces herself to concentrate on the matter at hand. Carefully spooning the liquid into Paul's mouth, Mrs. Tsuma makes sure that he swallows it before feeding him another spoonful of another somewhat blue liquid. She considers for a moment and decides to give him one last spoonful of a reddish liquid, in case it's a biotic infection. "There," she murmurs, packing everything up. "I've given him something for his fever, a general cold remedy, and just in case, an anti-biotic." Nodding to Li, she rises and heads for the door. _That's it?!_ Shen's mind gibbers. With an effort, the girl forces herself to stay calm, and she manages to sound more or less steady as she asks, "What do I need to do, ma'am?" Pausing at the door, Mrs. Tsuma looks back to Shen. "There isn't much else we can do except to see if this helps him or not. You'll want to keep up with the cold compresses and sponge off his body to keep his temperature down. Normal is approximately 98.6 degrees. If his temperature rises to 103 or higher, get me immediately. Otherwise, so long as he doesn't worsen he'll be fine until morning." She frowns slightly, jerking her head to indicate to Li that she should leave. Li, casting one more disconcerted glance at Paul's form gives Shenner a sympathetic glance and a small shrug before she quietly exits. "Howeve, if he is the same tomorrow morning, we will definitely want to see a doctor." Taking all this in, Shenner gravely nods, and says hoarsely, "Thank you... I'll... take care of him." With a gentle, encouraging smile, Mrs. Tsuma nods. "I know you will dear, and feel free to get me if you are concerned," she replies, then adding quickly, as an afterthought, "We're the first door to the right of the stair on the ground level - just ring the bell." She smiles again at Shen and hopes that the girl will not come barreling down screeching at the top of her lungs again this evening, and with a wave of her hand, she is out the door, which closes with a soft swish. Alone again, Shenner swallows hard, and returns to Paul's side, sitting down on the edge of the bed and studying him, her gaze growing liquid now that there is no one to see her. Stubbornly, she blinks her vision clear, and settles down to think hard. Keep him cool, Mrs. Tsuma had advised. _Well, okay, so I better not cover him up..._ With that, Shen sets herself to methodically wiping down the Corellian's unmoving frame with the cloth and the cool water, and after a few moments of doing this, she has to fight off a heated blush. Sleeping next to Paul is one thing, but this is prolonged contact with her wide awake, more than enough time for her to memorize every single detail of Paul's bare chest and belly. She works her way up his body till at last she reaches his face gain, struggling not to cry all the while. _Why the kark didn't I notice you were sick?!_ As minutes begin to slide into hours, the worried girl takes what comfort she can in falling into a rhythm in her vigil: take her ailing friend's temperature, empty the water bowl when its contents grow too tepid, fill it with fresh cold water, begin the task of bathing Paul with the washcloth all over again. As she'd done while guarding him on Tatooine when Dane Noth had shot him, Shenner sings to him, lowly, roughly, both in the hope of giving him something onto which to latch should he wake up, and in the hope of keeping herself steady enough to tend him. His chest rises and falls evenly over the hours, his only motion the entire time. As she methodically, almost religiously tends to him, his body temperature eases and drops. Still feverish, but dropping down to only 100 degrees, Paul finally begins to stir into something similar, but not quite conciousness. He begins to shiver, with imagined cold brought on by fever chills. And finally he shifts slightly, curling up toward Shenner, the only heat source he can hone in on. His lips move slightly and he mumbles something, responding to her voice as well as her warmth. Her throat has begun to ache ever so slightly, after all the time she's been quietly singing. Now, startled out of the cycle into which she'd placed herself, Shenner pauses with the cold cloth on Paul's chest, and says softly, "Paul?" His arms slide along the bed to find her, pulling her closer, or perhaps himself closer. He continues to shiver and in a soft helpless voice he murmurs "I'm sorry, so-oo sorry ..." brokenly, and in slurred tones. Shen feels a lump rising in her throat as Paul fumbles for her. Scooting nearer so that his arms can touch her, she leans down closer to him, stroking the cold cloth up to his face. "It's okay," she whispers. "Shh... it's okay, Paul." His arms wrap about her for warmth, for comfort. His torso continues to shake with chills that cannot possibly be warmed. He whimpers, a vulnerable and almost frightening noise coming out of him. "Scold," he mumbles, gripping her tightly. "Sorry, sorry, sorry ...." With Paul practically crawling into her lap, and with the vehement way he's trembling, Shenner finds it harder now to bathe his face. Biting her lip, she wraps her left arm around him while stroking the back of his neck with the cloth, and she tells him huskily, "Nothin' to be sorry about, pal... shhh... it's okay... I ain't mad... I promise! Shhh..." "If I'm good will you stay?" he asks in a plaintive voice, his face buried against her side, his voice unfocused and wavery. "It's not my fault she died," he mumbles blurrily, his fever making his mind a gateway for all sorts of guilt associated memories. That lump in Shenner's throat swells, out and down. She swallows hard, and pauses in her ministrations to cradle Paul in both her arms now. "'Course I'm gonna stay," she breathes into his nearer ear. "Not your fault. It's okay. It's okay." Her words seem to penetrate the fevered haze, because the tension in his frame starts to dissolve. His shivers begin to lessen, but his grip about Shenner remains firm. He sighs deeply, nuzzling her side, comforted. "'ove you," he mumbles into her stomach. Shen stops cold for a moment, not sure she'd heard what she thought she did in that slurred mumble. Her vision blurs over with tears in that same moment; her heart and her mind, having eagerly seized on Paul's offered song four days ago, grab hold of that brief mutter with equal vigor. _Hear that? Did you hear that? Did he really say that?_ _He's _delirious_! Hells karkin' bells, maybe he thinks I'm his mother!_ This round of internal argument is much harder to silence than her last one, and with difficulty, Shenner finally blinks her gaze clear again. She can't help but brush her hand through his hair all the same, and that his hair is tangled and sweat-darkened does not once cross her mind. His shuddering stills at her touch, and he releases another soft sigh, nuzzling against her side and then placing a kiss there. "Sleep with me," he murmurs dreamily, echoing his words from Tatooine, but with a very different intonation. Triumphantly, Shenner's heart chortles to her mind, _He wouldn't do _THAT_ to his mother!_ Shenner's mind, by way of response, reels in disorientation and dismay, not knowing what to provide in counterargument. Shenner herself swallows again and mutters roughly, "Maybe if you ask me that when you know who you're talkin' to...", under her breath. There is no response to her muttered request, just the gentle and steady rise of his side. His face shifts as he begins to fall asleep, slipping from her side to her lap. Although it looks peaceful enough now, there are traces of tears still there. _Ohmigods_, Shenner thinks, but drainedly, this time. Suddenly craving one of the ciders she'd brought back to the room, she starts to get up, trying to move as carefully and slowly as she can. Paul makes a soft noise of distress, but his hands release her, as if he knows or thinks that he has no right to hold on. She pauses, then leans over and places a gentle kiss on his brow. "I'll be right back," she promises him, easing him back onto his back. "I won't go away... it's okay." Shen hastens then to the ciders, pops one open and chugs down a good third of it, letting the small amount of alcohol in it begin to soothe her frazzling nerves before she returns to Paul's side. _Gettin' late,_ she thinks. Does she dare sleep? Can she sleep, with Paul still incoherent, and hot to the touch? Remembering her own advice to him, knowing she'll need to rest to take the best care of him, she sits down beside him once more, her face creased in thought. Although still overly warm to the touch, his color has improved, having lost the sickly pallor that he had before. His breathing seems easy enough, and instead of having the terrifying inertness of unconciousness, he seems more naturally asleep now. It is with a sense of reluctance that Shenner at last sets the bedside chrono to wake her up in two hours. Kicking off her boots, she stretches out cautiously beside Paul on the bed, murmuring to him anxiously, "I gotta sleep... don't you _dare_ get any worse, Paul... please..." And she lifts a hand to his forehead, even as she lies down. Sensitive to her voice, her touch, Paul mumbles softly, nothing coherent though, and rolls over toward her. Now hot, he doesn't draw close to her, but one heated palm does stray until it makes contact with her flesh, and then stops, contented. Shenner's mind and heart still vigorously battle in the back of her awareness. Conscious that she desperately wants him to have murmured what she thought he did -- and meant it, as well as that song, in the way she'd thought he did -- the girl can't quite bring herself to believe it. But mind and heart are in agreement on one thing: the importance of keeping in her immediate line of sight that face which has grown precious to her, until at last she can allow herself to drop into sleep. [To be continued....]