Log Date: 2/25/97 Log Cast: Dixon, Luke, Grathix, Shenner, Akhaurakh, ESPO Major Jerden (NPC), Jessalyn, Razi Log Intro: With Grathix's promise to check out the Imperials interested in her assuring her somewhat, and reasonably assured her employer can help her keep off the ESPOs as well, Shenner goes to her favorite cafe again, and tonight, her boss is there as well, though Shenner has yet to speak with him in private. Shenner does not know, however, that in an unmarked ship, a new arrival has come to Etti IV.... ---------- Dixon comes along the road to the southeast. Dixon has arrived. Dixon heads through crowds and into the Government District to the southeast. Dixon has left. Luke has arrived. Luke is walking silently along the street. Luke moves along the street, pushing past various beings enroute. His robe flowing with every step. He moves slowly and purposefully. Dixon comes along the road to the southeast. Dixon has arrived. Grathix sits at a cafe watching the passers by, sipping on a now gone cold cup of tea. Dixon heads through crowds and into the Government District to the southeast. Dixon has left. At that same outdoor cafe, not too far from the Free-Flight, a ragged little knot of musicians is gathering tonight. There's a guitar player, a couple of drummers, and a skinny redheaded kid with a flute; the group has claimed chairs from several of the surrounding tables, and is settling into a slow-paced jig of a number. Luke pauses near the cafe, yet on the street. Fingers laced contemplatively in front of him, his face darkened by a cowl. He turns slightly one way, then the next. Then promptly pushes on.. occasionally a polished boot makes its appearance from under the cloak as he walks. The guitar player, a big brawny young woman, is singing something mournful but in a surprisingly high voice. The two drummers are laying down an alternate pattern of slow, pulsing notes, while the flute player, sharp-eyed and frowning across 'his' instrument, harmonizes. The flutist is parked just right to keep one eye on the cafe's courtyard, and the other on the street. That melody continues for a short time, before trailing off wistfully; at last, one of the drummers speaks up, and nudges the flutist. "Your turn to sing, kid," comes a brusque request; the redheaded kid smirks faintly, requests of and acquires from the woman her guitar. Grathix attention turns toward the red haired youth now assuming the attention of the public as he takes the guitar. Luke looks at you for a moment. Shenner eyes the other musicians, green gaze annoyed, for some reason. "Somethin' for K'tanna since he's still... detained, hey?" comes a suggestion that gets fierce grins in response; with that, the redhead suddenly brings the borrowed guitar to life and the knot of musicians rips into something fast, raucous, and loud. Luke moves on down the street, slowly. He pauses occasionally. ESPO Major Jerden comes into the District from the east. ESPO Major Jerden has arrived. Shenner begins to sing, in a lower voice than the big female guitarist, punching out words as if striking blows. As if encouraged, the others add energy to the music, feeding off one another as if in an energy feedback loop. Grathix takes a sip from his tea. Luke pauses near a doorway and stands motionless. ESPO Major Jerden enters the area from the east and walks far to the south, glancing around the crowds with a lazy, casual glance. His attention is diverted into a small store off the main way at an irritated shopkeeper's insistance. A small black form emerges from the shadows, heading for the cloaked figure of Luke. He unslings a gaderffii. Luke remains still. His back toward the dark figure. The musicians continue to belt out their song; in their midst, the redheaded guitarist is grinning ear to ear now, and strumming vigorously. The few patrons in the cafe's courtyard are listening in, mostly approvingly. Ahkaurakh approaches Luke in a low crouch, weapon trailing behind. He suddenly makes a sweeping kick to the legs Grathix sits at the cafe, idly listening to the music, while playing with his tea cup. Silently, the cloaked Jedi leaps into the air in a tumbling roll over the figures head, casting off his cloak mid-air, it flutters darkly to the pavement. A flare of green as he lands, his eyes wide and focused on his attacker. Ahkaurakh pauses for a moment as if pondering something, then makes attempts a tripping leg hook One of the drummers, one sitting facing the street, suddenly blinks at the flurry of activity there, and falters; in short order, the other musicians jerk their heads around. The song cuts off into abrupt silence, and the young sentients start hastily edging away from the street. Grathix turns to view the activity in the streets, standing to get a better view of the proceedings. Luke steps back from the leg sweep, his gaze narrowing on his attacker, "Who are you?" he asks. Luke's blade hums dangerously. Ahkaurakh circles closely as he dares, bringing his gaderffi to bear Two of the musicians decide that fleeing is the better part of valor -- especially if the Espos decide to come put a stop to this. One of the drummers and the big woman who'd been playing the guitar inch, and then outright bolt, off down the street. The remaining drummer melts into the foliage around the cafe's courtyard -- and the redhead who'd been singing now outright gapes at the figure with the shining blade. Shenner cautiously inches to Grathix. Ahkaurakh swings his gaderffi about defensively. Grathix steps from his table and begins to head towards the commotion to get a better cleaner view of the situation at hand. Luke looks left then right as he mirrors your movements. His gazes settling on various loose objects lying around, namely the drummers sticks and the guitar. He turns back to face you, in a defensive posture, his saber sounding noisily with every movement. A deep dangerous drone. Ahkaurakh makes a quick lunge with the gaderffi, at center mass of his target. Luke brings his weapon up in an arc, slicing the gaderffi in half with a shower of sparks. He returns calmly to his defensive posture, taking one step backwards, "I said, who are you?" Ahkaurakh drops the weapon, curses silently under his breath. Ahkaurakh produces a double blaster. Luke tightens his grip on the glowing weapon. Ahkaurakh takes a few steps back, still circling, squezes off a shot. Ahkaurakh backs off more...fires off a couple more shots. With a flash of green and a bang, the bolt deflects nicely off the blade. Luke exhales a breath, "I won't fight you." Shenner takes a moment to gape at Grathix, too, as if thinking the man must be mad to be playing spectator. But at the sight of the blaster, the kid yelps, and backs to the nearest wall, considering taking off after the other musicians. Grathix stands his ground ane watches these would-be combatants. Ahkaurakh noticing the ease in which his attacks are deflected, considers other options, looking about Luke deflects each bolt with poetic finesse. Each one banging noisily against his blade and flaring brightly. The light reflecting off of his face, which is calm.. and intent. Ahkaurakh decides retreat may be the better part of valor... Shenner lunges momentarily to scoop up the flute 'he' had dropped, then starts inching, with as wide a berth as possible, around this little meeting. Ahkaurakh melds back into the surroundings... Ahkaurakh moves about hidden in an attempt to get closer to the jedi Luke watches the being disappear. He squints at the spot where he was last, then straightens his posture, switching off the saber. It crackles and disappears. He lets out a breath. Luke collects his robe, swinging it around him and clipping the saber to his belt. Shenner stares wide-eyed and wary at the stranger who'd just been holding a glowing blade. Just behind Grathix, the kid hisses to him, "Think now's probably a good time to vaporize, pal.." Luke pulls his cowl over his face once more, gives a look around and moves off silently. Grathix turns to the kid and says, "maybe..." Ahkaurakh sneaks off to fix himself. Grathix gives the shadowy figure of a man one last look before turning and heading off. Shenner tugs at Grathix's arm, as if to hurry him along, and picks the first path away -- off towards the Free-Flight. Luke pauses mid stride and brings his hand up to his temples. Ahkaurakh heads through crowds and into the Government District to the southeast. Ahkaurakh has left. Grathix calls out to the kid, "You go on ahead....I need to check up on something..." Shenner whirls. "What?" the kid hisses, urgently, adding without words, 'C'mon, dammit!' Luke has his head bent downward, hand still on his head. He seems to be whispering something quietly to himself. Grathix begins to make his way back to the space center. Shenner swears an oath as Grathix heads off... then swears another, realizing something else. The kid sprints back to the cafe, ducking into the courtyard long enough to reach for and hoist up a battered guitar case. Luke is in the same position.. his lips move silently. Ahkaurakh comes along the road to the southeast. Ahkaurakh has arrived. Ahkaurakh has come to check out "Son of Vader" again Shenner, guitar case clutched awkwardly in slender arms, inches out of the cafe's courtyard. The street has emptied -- every patron of the place must have decided to take their hungry bellies elsewhere. Luke falls to his knees, seemingly in pain. He gasps out faintly, "Han!" Shenner blinks. .oO (Han?) Ahkaurakh reaches out and lightly brushes the clothing of luke Luke doesn't notice. He seems to be in inner turmoil.. on his knees, a hand clutching his temples tightly. Ahkaurakh is torn...should he help Vader Son get up, or remain hidden? Shenner's brow crinkles, in an expression speaking of something nagging at the back of the head. The kid eyes the kneeling dark-clad man, and, frowning, inches toward him. Ahkaurakh watches Shenner very closely.... Luke straightens himself and stands, but his eyes are glassy. The cowl slips off and he doesn't seem to notice. His lips moving soundlessly to an unseen person.. Fright is still pretty apparent in the face of the young redhead, as she watches the fair-haired man get up; she gasps, involuntarily, as his face is revealed again. Shenner, at last, scowls and steps closer, whispering urgently, "Hey! You!" Luke is motionless, staring distantly, he moves his head to look at you, but it seems he is looking through you instead.. Ahkaurakh stalks towards the pair, doing his best to remain hidden Luke mouths words unknown and unheard.. silently. Shenner's green eyes crinkle narrower under dark brows, and she whispers again, a little louder, "Get movin', pal, the Espos'll be here any karkin' second!" Ahkaurakh sneaks up on Shenner, and whispers something in her ear Ahkaurakh whispers, "move away, human...move away from that man..." Luke doesn't answer. He blinks a few times, and steps back clutching at his forehead once again. Ahkaurakh maintains his proximate position to Shenn Ahkaurakh noting that Shen isn't backing off, decides to take some action... Shenner half-whirls at the whisper behind her, perhaps a moment too late. Green eyes widen again, and the kid yelps in the direction of the fair-haired man, "_Move it!_" Ahkaurakh removes a gauntleted glove, placing a wickedly clawed hand at Shenner's throat and repeats his command in deep gravelly voice, "Move away from the cloaked one, *human*" Luke startles and sems to snap out of his daze.. "Wha..?" he exclaims before hearing the voice. He whirls around, cloak flapping behind him, a tense look on his face. Instinctively, his blade comes out once again and hisses to life. Still awkwardly clutching that guitar case, the redheaded kid utters a strangled squeak at the clawed hand that grabs her throat. "I'm movin'... honest... I'm movin'..." Ahkaurakh seeing Luke come back to his senses, withdraws the claws, and heads back for the shadows Luke blinks his eyes, getting bearings. Before she can move anywhere, though, the hand is gone. Stark white of face, Shenner pauses there on the street, stricken, and probably wobbly of knee. Luke extinguishes his blade, following the disappearing creature with his gaze before approaching the young human, "Are you alright?" Shenner swallows, green gaze whipping up again to the one addressing her. The kid's face is full of wariness, and fear... and concern, maybe. "Yeah," comes the husky reply. "You better get outta here!" Luke looks around cautiously before breathing out, "I know.. it's not safe here. You'd better come with me, if that creature sees you alone, it might kill you." Dixon comes along the road to the southeast. Dixon has arrived. Dixon heads through crowds and into the Government District to the southeast. Dixon has left. The redheaded kid eyes the fairhaired man before her with only slightly less trepidation than she had the previous fight; the pale face is still wary and frightened, but the look in the eyes quickly and cannily considering. "Okay," the musician replies, tautly. "Just _go_!" Luke grabs the kid's hand, tossing a look over his shoulder, "Come on." Ahkaurakh watches the pair Shenner, still hoisting the guitar case as best she can, lets the stranger grab her other hand, and keeps up as well as possible, as the two hurry off. ---------- Interlude: Trying to run with a guitar case, especially with only one hand free, was not the easiest task in the world. Shenner found inspiration, though -- unsettling though the black-clad stranger she followed was, the idea of that unseen attacker putting a really fast and really final end to her presence on the planet was even more so. Somehow, Shenner managed to hang on to the case and her flute while pelting breathlessly after the fair-haired man. The ship was unmarked, and how the ESPOs hadn't gotten to it yet was a question Shenner didn't take the time to consider. Her head was already crammed enough as it was: _He said 'Han'! Han Solo? Did he mean Han Solo?_ _That was a lightsaber -- who the kark _is_ this guy?!_ _Where the kark do I think I'm goin' with him?!_ _What the kark am I gonna tell Grathix?!_ Into the ship, then. The black-clad man, clearly still distracted by the conflict -- and perhaps by whatever had possessed him during that daze -- pointed her off to get strapped into a seat in words too curt and too intent to be anything but an order, yet somehow kind regardless. Shenner didn't take the time, either, to say anything, but simply put herself and her instruments where bid, and watched in trepidation as her unexpected rescuer brought his ship to life and took it blasting into the sky. Only when the ship roared into orbit, and at last drew near a collection of more -- and much bigger -- vessels than Shenner had ever seen in her entire life, did it start to register with her exactly with whom she must have fallen in. Something part suspicion and part awe seized up in the bardling's chest, as the pilot landed his own small craft in the bay of a ship bristling with armament, and bade her follow him. "I'll have to ask you to please stay off the bridge, Engineering--" The black-clad man quickly named other sensitive, forbidden areas of the ship as he guided her out of the landing bay. Shenner barely registered the words he used, though, as her attention riveted on the words "NRV Alderaan" visible on the doors through which they passed. _Alderaan. They gotta be the Rebels, right? Who the kark else would be flying a ship called Alderaan?!_ Mutely, she clung to her instruments and bobbed her head to her guide as the man escorted her to what appeared to be crews' quarters, and hurried off, promising to return later.... ---------- Jessalyn enters from the Aft Main Corridor. Jessalyn has arrived. Jessalyn steps wearily into the crew quarters, a datapad clutched to her chest, her face pale and her eyes wide and bright with tears. The sole occupant of the place at the moment appears to be a complete stranger: a redheaded youngster parked uneasily on an unclaimed bunk, clutching a battered guitar case as though it were some kind of talisman. As soon as footsteps herald an arrival, the redheaded kid shoots a green gaze up, wide-eyed and wary. Jessalyn leans against the wall, finally drawing her gaze into the room and peering carefully at the out-of-place person sitting on the bunk. She composes herself as she takes a few steps inward, still holding onto the datapad tightly. "Hello," she says in her quiet tones. Jessalyn She is a young woman with dark, blazing red hair that constantly falls into eyes the green of Yavin's rainforests; a mass of silken unruly waves which she has clipped at the nape of her neck. Her skin is pale, and there is a bandage over her brow, the left side of her face deeply bruised and swollen. Jessa is dressed in her plain tech uniform, a beige jumpsuit with a high collar and plenty of pockets, with the insignia on her chest indicating her rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. Around her waist is a black leather utility belt. Her hair is held back from her face and clipped behind her head, though stray curling locks continue to fall into her eyes. . There is a standard issue blaster holstered to her right thigh, and the fit of the coverall and the shiny black boots on her legs emphasize her narrow waist and the long-legged rhythm of her strides. ".... hi," comes a cautious reply. Jessalyn looks at you for a moment. Jessalyn's smile is brilliant in her otherwise unremarkable face, lighting her rainforest green eyes as she takes a few more steps closer to the bunk. "Are you okay, dear?" She tilts her head slightly, brushing a stray lock of hair from her eyes. The kid seems to bristle a little at the 'dear', and a blush briefly creeps along pale cheeks as the youngster says hastily, "Yeah... yeah, fine. He send yah? The, um..." And the stranger finishes as if not quite certain of the appropriateness of the word, "Jedi?" The bright tearful eyes blink with surprise. "Jedi? You mean Luke?" She looks around as if expecting him to appear out of thin air. "You know him?" She moves to sit on the edge of the bunk, her body tense with worry as she studies your face, not threateningly, but with a sincere concern and compassion. The youngster with the guitar case shifts a little, tensely. "I dunno his name," comes a rough reply. "Tall, blond guy. Wears black?" Jessalyn's eyes shine as she chuckles. "That sounds like him, except for the tall part," she remarks with some amusement. "How do you know him?" Shenner answers nervously, "He, uh, kinda just brought me up here. From the... planet." Jessalyn's spine goes suddenly straight. "Just...?" Her mouth opens with surprise. "You mean he's back? And he's.. he's all right?" This last sentence wavers slightly, betraying a normally well-concealed emotion. Brow furrowing under that brief curl of a forelock, the kid says slowly, "Well... yeah." And the kid pauses at that, as if unsure how much else to say. Jessalyn breathes a soft, relieved sigh, glancing downwards, before composing herself and glancing back at the youngster. "I'm sorry, forgive my manners." She smiles gently. "I'm Jessalyn Valios." A slender white hand is extended. The kid's mouth shifts tautly, and the green gaze -- darker than yours, but perhaps that's simply due to fright, and the contrast with that still-pale face -- flicks to the offered hand. But the kid does lift one in reply, and take and shake yours. ".... Shenner." Jessalyn shakes the offered hand warmly. "A pleasure, Shenner." She settles back, folding her hands in her lap. "So Luke brought you here. Do you know why?" Shenner's hand quickly returns to wrap around the neck of the guitar case, as the kid rolls one shoulder in a shrug and eyes you searchingly. "He thought I wouldn't be safe on the planet," Shenner begins, tone and expression clearly adding the unspoken, 'How much of a story do you want here, lady?' Jessalyn is taken aback slightly, and a small frown touches the corners of her mouth. "I see," she says, inadequately, and shifts her weight where she sits on the bed. "Well, Shenner, I hope you'll be comfortable here. If you need anything, just let me know." Her own tone reveals her unease and feelings of being unwelcome, and she instinctively moves back. "I'm okay," the kid says quickly. Too quickly. That, and the quick riveting of that green gaze on a nice neutral spot on the far wall, suggests that whoever this youngster Shenner is, Shenner is extremely frightened. Jessalyn blinks again. Her brows knit over her eyes and she tilts her head, studying the young face before her. "What's the matter, Shenner?" The voice is gentle as she shifts to look at you more directly, noting the fear and obviously perplexed by it. Shenner's pale face slowly darkens in a building blush. The kid swallows, not meeting your gaze, but sliding a glance at you sidelong and perhaps trying to figure out if you can be trusted. Finally: "Um... this'll sound stupid, but.... you guys... _are_ the Rebels, right?" A hand flicks up from the guitar case, gesturing vaguely as if to take in the ship, its crew, and the fleet it's flying in. "Rebels?" She says the word as if it is one she had not heard in a long time. "Oh, my. Well, yes. You could say that. The New Republic, which was founded by the Rebel Alliance." Her green eyes narrow slightly. "But the war has been over for more than two years, Shenner. We're a legitimate government now." Shenner still doesn't look at you, and the kid's expression suggests embarrassment warring with lingering fear. "Was gonna feel _real_ damned dumb if I'd just gotten my rump hauled onto an Imp ship," Shen mutters. A gentle hand touches yours where it rests on the guitar case, followerd by an equally gentle and understanding smile. "I can understand that concern," she murmurs. "But you're safe here. You have my word." Shenner finally does look up at you, and the kid still seems tense, but perhaps on some level the gentle treatment is working, for Shenner then offers gruffly, "I, uh... I saw... Luke. Have a fight. I kinda got in the way." Her eyes close as her expression flinches briefly, but when she opens her eyes again, her composure has returned. "Yes, the princess said he was in danger," she murmurs quietly, then looks at you. "I should thank you if it was your interference that helped bring him back safely." The cropped dark head shakes vehemently. "I didn't do nothin' much," Shenner mumbles. "Just tried to tell him to move, is all..." Jessalyn shrugs her slender shoulders, and pats your hand once more. "Well, whatever the case... I'm glad you're both safe." She glances at her chrono, frowning. "It's late," she murmurs. "I bet you're exhausted after your adventures, hmm?" Her voice has an air of authority and gentleness that's almost maternal, and her gaze is warm as she reaches out brush the lock of hair from your eyes. "Think you can rest?" Shenner admits tinily, "Yeah... um... I'm kinda tired, this all happened real quick, yah know?" Jessalyn nods, her brows lifting. "I can imagine," she chuckles. "I wonder if Luke always acts so quickly on his decisions." She shakes her head in exasperation. "Only a few days of knowing Luke Skywalker and he's already baffled me more times than I care to count." Shenner goes even paler. "Luke Sk... um... well, he... was pretty damned distracted, I guess he wasn't thinkin' much, just kinda told me to c'mon, and that creature mighta come back any second. The Espos too." The longest string of words the kid's uttered so far, and they burst out of Shenner in a sudden rambling rush. Jessalyn looks startled as she tries to assimilate this rush of information. "Creature? Espos?" She waves her hands, chuckling wryly. "Why don't you tell me the whole story after you've gotten some rest, hmm? You look like you need it!" She gets to her feet, brushing her hands over her trousers. "I'll come check on you in a few hours. I want to go talk to him myself." Shenner mumbles, more or less in the direction of the guitar case -- still being stolidly clutched at -- "Okay." Razi drapes his arm off the side of his bunk as he sleeps. Jessalyn smiles again, and rubs at the bruised side of her face absently. "Good. See you then, Shenner." She ruffles the kid's hair before turning to leave the room. Razi looks at you for a moment. Razi coughs abit and sits up in a bunk slowly, blinking his eyes several times. "ugh... Shenner jumps a bit at the movement from the sleeping crewmember across the way, skittishly, and at last adds plaintively to Jessalyn, "Should I, uh... sleep here?" Razi looks at you for a moment. Jessalyn stops at the doorway and glances back. "This is the most comfortable place, I'm afraid." Razi yawns and looks around the room and nods to the two. The kid with the guitar says hastily, "I-I-I just don't wanna take somebody's bed, see..." Razi says, "don'tcha have yer own bunk?" Jessalyn smiles warmly. "You won't. There are plenty of beds. Now get some sleep!" she insists in a mildly scolding tone. Razi This Horansi you see before you is a Kasa horansi. He stands at about 8'10" tall (2.5meters) when fully upright and straight. His fur coloration is snowish white with horizontal black striping along his exposed portions, those being his head and arms. You can see two incisors in the front of his muzzle as he looks upon everything around him with his deep, hazel eyes. Raz' has two tri-angular ears with tufts of furr behind them ,the right one having a nick in it,and his body striping continues its pattern on his head as well. Overall he has a broad neck that joins into his thick, black striped chest. Continuing to his chest and arms, he is very well built and muscalative, his arms looking very well proportioned to his size and having retractable claws on them. Razi is Clad in a one-piece black jumpsuit. A multitude of pockets, both visible and hidden, make the garment more than functional. Silver stitching trims the collar and cuffs. A narrow silver stripe runs down the outside of each pantleg. The silver logo of the NRI is attached to the point on the right side of the collar, the New Republic insignia to the left side. A stripe on the upper part of the left sleeve shows the rank of Captain. What shows even through his uniform are his powerful legs, they seem very capable with his hindpaws that have what looks like verry large claws that are retracted at the moment. And last is his tail, it is about 5' long and has the same horizontal black striping as his body and it sways constantly. (OOC reference, he is basically an upright siberian tiger). Razi looks to Jessalyn and nods slightly Shenner, at the awakening of the Horansi, looks up at him; the kid's head shakes, mutely. Jessalyn nods to the Horansi as well, and explains, "Shenner is our guest here." Razi chuckles "well, I don't anyone gettin uppety if ya took a bunk Razi says, "ugh...wake up brain...I'm talking in tongues" Razi says, "a guest ehh? well, guess I'll have to be on my best behavior then" Jessalyn enters the Aft Main Corridor. Jessalyn has left. The kid's green gaze flicks between the older beings, and, hesitantly, Shenner nods. Slowly and stiffly, the youngster curls up sideways on the bunk he -- she? -- he? -- is already sitting on, letting go of the guitar case only with one hand. But it's instantly evident that the youngster is exhausted -- the moment Shenner's head hits the pillow, the kid is out like a light. [End log.]