Log Date: 8/12/97, 8/13/97, 8/16/97 Log Cast: Paul Nighman, Ackbar, Shenneret Veery, Kuxli, Jace Raven (NPC) Log Intro: The _Hawk's Wing_, flown by Paul Nighman, informally crewed by Shenneret Veery, and with the two passengers Shikh and Kuxli, has finally taken off from Tatooine - with extra passengers this time, a sizeable group of employees of the V'ez-tcha, whose safe exodus off the Imperial-overrun desert planet Paul has been entrusted to ensure. As their craft speeds away from Tatooine, and the night wears on, the Corellian pilot makes jump after jump through hyperspace. As they go, Shenner stays up, assisting Paul where she can, coaxing their passengers to get uneasy rest, until at last the ship comes to an unexpected halt in Sluis Van space.... ---------- Emerging from the cockpit, Paul considers the many sleeping passengers leaning up against one another like so much stacked cord wood. His eyes sharply note that Shenner is still awake, and he strides over to her, murmuring softly so as not to wake anyone, "Hey there ... unexpected detour." Ackbar continues to tap on the airlock door "I noticed," the bardling replies, her eyes still wide and startled from the unexpected dulled clanks and thuds that had signaled the ship's coming to a halt. "What's goin' on, Paul?" Shooting a glance at the airlock door, Paul sighs and turns, giving Shen a reassuring glance before hitting the lock to release. "It's okay Shen, Admiral Ackbar is just anxious to chat with us," he explains as the door wheezes open to the docking bay of the Deliverance. Ackbar steps onto the Hawk's Wing. "Good evening.", he says, looking around the ship Ackbar looks at you for a moment. _Admiral ACKBAR?!_ Shenner thinks in shock, her mind reeling for a moment, as she tries to register whether she remembers hearing about him when she'd been with the NR personnel before. As that august personage enters the vessel, she swallows, stricken, before plastering on her best polite expression. The poor Ilyrian Gnat is as crowded as it can possibly be, with what looks like over 8 passengers packed in next to one another, most of them asleep. "Greetings Admiral," Paul murmurs softly. "As you can see," he notes, "it's a little crowded and public here ... would you rather talk somewhere else?" Ackbar nods. "Yes, Captain, that would probably be best." Shenner whispers roughly to Paul, "Uh... you want me to stay here?" Gesturing to the captain's quarters, Paul half-whispers, "Well, we can do it rather informally in my quarters, or we can go somewhere on the Deliverance?" Ackbar nods. "You're quarters would be fine, Captain." Remembering that the last thing he did in there was tidy up, Paul breathes an unconscious sigh of relief. "Very well Admiral," and palming the doorway, he steps aside to allow the Mon Calamari to preceed him. Among the sleeping passengers, one bookish, thin little Rodian stirs momentarily, mumbling in his sleep; Shenner wanders over to him to murmur assurances and settle him back down, before glancing at Paul again, mutely asking if she should follow. Ackbar has left. Ackbar enters into the Captain's quarters His eyes focused solely on his unexpected guest, his mind abuzz with the implications of what might be on the Mon Calamari's mind, Paul doesn't even see Shenner's glance. He does, however, shoot her one of his own as he enters the quarters, a half curious and expectant look that isn't terribly clear one way or the other. Paul_Nighman has left. Paul_Nighman enters into the Captain's quarters You enter into the Captain's quarters. Captain's Quarters Unlike the rest of the ship, this room is extremely cluttered with books, papers, computer equipment, and many artifacts and pieces of art from different cultures. In the corner stands a Viol, and a guitar rests in it's case not too far from it. The rest of the ship is clean and efficient looking, but this room is somehow cosier for all it's mess and confusion. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Paul_Nighman => Ackbar Ackbar nods as he turns. "Captain, you sent the communique about Jedi Skywalker?" Clearing a stack of papers from one of the few chairs in the room, Paul gestures for the Mon Calamari to take a seat. "Excuse the mess sir," Paul mumbles, finally settling himself on the edge of his bed. "Now, what can I do for you?" With a slight tightening of his features, Paul dips his head mutely in response. Given her own choice in the matter, Shenner pads quietly in after Paul, curiosity piqued past resisting. But she parks herself near the doorway, should she need to dart back out for any purpose. Ackbar says, "I have several questions about it, Captain. Particularly about these 'noghri'." Shrugging, Paul explains, "Well Admiral, like I said, I wasn't personally an eyewitness to the attack ... and the beings that were ... we'll they were quite far off, looking through field rangers. From their -description- and description alone, of the style of attack, I came up with the conclusion that they were -potentially- Noghri." Sighing lightly and passing a hand through his hair, he adds, "But that's just a guess at best." Ackbar shakes his head as he raises his hand. "Captain. There is no mention at all of the Noghri in the computers at Coruscant. I have to wonder, then, what they are." Recalling with a certain degree of distaste the event that brought him in contact with the beings, Paul replies obliquely, "Well, they're rather nasty, short, and brutish." Ackbar nods. "Can you give me a full phsyical description? Perhaps photographs? Shaking his head, Paul replies, "No photographs .... and as for what they look like? Well, they're humanoid, grey skin ... not very tall ... maybe a meter or so? I didn't get very close ... it was not in my best interest at the time." Ackbar nods quietly, considering. "And they work for the Empire?" Shrugging, Paul continues, "Well, that's my guess ... in my first encounter, it was on a planet that the Empire was trying to gain control over ... and in this case, the Empire is trying to control Tatooine ... the circumstances seem a little coincidental." Ackbar Hrms, considering. "And you know nothing else about them?" "'Fraid not Admiral," confesses the Corellian, "wish I could be of more help to you. They're formidable fighters, I can tell you that." Ackbar nods. "Thank you, anyways, Captain. Now, the abduction itself." Listening to all of this, Shenner frowns solemnly to herself, leaning against the wall now and crossing slender arms in front of her chest. His frame straightening almost imperceptively, Paul merely pauses for a moment before asking, "Yes?" Ackbar says, "What can yuo tell me about it?" Considering for another moment, Paul shrugs again, this time with a degree of frustration. "I really don't see how I am going to be able to help you Admiral. Like I said, I wasn't an eyewitness ... and what was reported to me is what I reported to you in my first communication." Ackbar nods, considering. "Do you have any idea where they've taken Major Valios, or where Jedi Skywalker may be?" There is a flash of pain that darkens the Corellian's eyes, but he merely shakes his head to the negative. There is little else to say. Ackbar sighs and nods. "Thank you, Captain. I appologize for keeping you from your buisness." Releasing a deep breath, the Corellian nods, tightly controlling his equal frustration at not being able to give the Admiral more information. "I apologize too sir ... for not being of more help to you. The detour was of no consequence sir, don't trouble yourself over it. Major Valios's and Commander Skywalker's health and well being -are- part of my business ... they're my friends," he states firmly, without hesitation. There is almost a touch of surprise in his hazel eyes just after it is said. Shenner nibbles at her lower lip, and puts in anxiously, "Uh... Admiral... don't... well, don't Luke's friends know where he is?" The question, phrased as it does in the tone in which it comes, makes the girl sound quite, quite young. Ackbar shakes his head. "No, ma'am, they do not." Shenner adds sheepishly, "I mean... Princess Leia? And Miss Winter..." She trails off, clearly uneasy. Addressed as ma'am, she blinks, startled, then falls silent Ackbar shakes his head. "No, they don't know where he is." Shenner's face falls noticeably, and she nods to the Admiral's grave response, not knowing what else to say. Ackbar stands. "If you find anything out at all, please contact us immediately." His gaze slips from Shenner's despondant face back to the Admirals. "I'm heading to Corellia ... if I hear anything, you will be the first to know ... and likewise, I would appreciate that if -you- hear anything, sir, that you'll send a message to let us know? You have the ship's communication coordinates." His eyes are sober, a hint of wistfulness making the pilot seem rather younger than his years. Ackbar nods. "I will try, I promise. Thank you>" Rising, Paul bobs his head in thanks. "I appreciate that Admiral ... and if you have need of me or my services, you have but to call. Is there anything else sir?" Ackbar shakes his head. "No, thank you." "I'll escort you to the exit then," Paul offers, turning toward Shen with a look of reluctance and disappointment about his shoulders. Shenner slips unobtrusively out of the way to let the two older ones out the door. Ackbar nods as he turns, letting Paul lead Paul_Nighman exits from the Captain's quarters. Ackbar exits from the Captain's quarters. You exit from the Captain's quarters. Main Ring -- Quasar Bolt(#6524RVat) This is the main area of the ship and obviously serves multiple purposes. The entrance is open and airy, with several couches and a table. It is designed to be an area for passengers and the occasional crew to lounge in. There is a computer terminal available in one corner. To the right, sectioned off slightly, is a kitchen area, well stocked with the latest in cooking equipment as well as a fine assortment of food. Off to the back of the entrance space is a walled off crew quarters section. To save space, the bunks are folded up into the wall space and can be pulled down at will. There is a storage unit available for personal belongings next to each bunk compartment. There is a door visible, leading off to the right next to the kitchen, but it is locked. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Paul_Nighman => Kuxli(#3872PLACF) => Duffle Bag => Captain's Quarters -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- leads to Airlock Corridor -- NRSC Deliverance. ft leads to Cargo Hold -- Quasar Bolt. ore leads to Cockpit -- Quasar Bolt. Shenner enters Main Ring -- Quasar Bolt The only being -not- pressed against someone else is Kuxli, taking a whole bunk for his sleeping bulk. Paul considers sitting down heavily for a moment before realizing that there is not a free seat in the house. Looking back over to Shen, he twists his shoulders rather despondantly. "Better get on our way then, eh?" Slipping out with rather mournful eyes in Paul's wake, the girl bobs her head, a single time. Jerking his head toward the cockpit, Paul offers, more for the girl's sake than his own, "Keep me company?" Shenner's mouth curves up on each end in a not-quite smile, and she again nods, silently. Stopping off at the kitchen to grab a quick cup of coffee, Paul adds a small dollop of that brandy that Shenner had accidentally ferreted out. He then turns, and with heavy, steady steps, he strides into the cockpit. Paul_Nighman heads fore to the Cockpit, the blast door shutting behind him. Paul_Nighman has left. Shenner murmurs to Kuxli, "I'll be back in a bit...." and slips after the pilot. The blast door slides open as you pass through, headed towards the cockpit. Cockpit -- Quasar Bolt The archway leading into the cockpit is set with monitors and switches that keep information on the rest of the ship available at a moments glance, as well as rudimentary information as to the ship's position and status. Looking forward, the cockpit is made up almost entirely of equipment - fine tuned scanners, highly detailed schematic display systems, and of course the navigational computer and the controls of the ship, all of which are interspersed with a multitude of lights, switches, monitors, and dials. One unusual touch is the additional informational computer systems that have been meticulously constructed next to the pilot's seat, off slightly to the back and one side, so as to be out of the way of the navigation controls. Although this is a solitary pilot ship, there is a co-pilot seat available, off slightly to one side. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Paul_Nighman => Marcus => NavComp -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- ft leads to Main Ring -- Quasar Bolt. Shenner enters Cockpit -- Quasar Bolt Paul_Nighman radios, " Hawk's Wing ready to disembark ... thanks for your hospitality Deliverance." to ship cs-9139 Paul's gaze flickers up as Shen follows him, his hands already moving surely over the controls, preparing to take off. SF-1697 is detaching from CS-9139 Ship is detached Paul_Nighman deletes jump number 5 Jump #2 on p-3923 copied to Jump #5 SF-1697 powers up its hyperdrive engines and prepares to jump A ship has entered hypespace at -8,-6,-19 SF-1697 engages its hyperdrive and leaves the system Shenner settles wordlessly into the copilot's seat, her gaze strangely wounded. It is perhaps only now that it might be gleaned that she has been up for a very long time; she certainly looks ragged around her edges. The ship releases its docking clamps and Paul pilots it gracefully around the Mon Calamari cruiser, settling it readily into hyperspace. Settling back in his chair thoughtfully, he glances over at Shen, taking in her ragged appearance. He extends a hand, offering her the coffee that he had brought in with him. "Well, that was less than I was hoping for," he murmurs empathetically. Shenner returns the glance, then looks down at the coffee and smiles wanly. She takes it long enough to takes a healthy sip of it before passing it back. "Yeah," she mumbles dolefully. Accepting the mug from her finger, Paul lifts it to his own lips, draining a large quantity of it before placing the mug aside. Rubbing his eyes, he leans forward to check their eta, then twists his head to consider Shenner again. "Why don't you go get some sleep ... you've more than earned it, and I've got things under control up here ..." A ship has exited from hyperspace at -8,-6,-19 SF-1697 comes out of hyperspace Paul_Nighman deletes jump number 5 Jump #2 on nb-1300 copied to Jump #5 "Not too sure I _can_ sleep," Shenner admits sheepishly, her gaze pointed out the viewport, watching the stars settle into being from hyperspace. SF-1697 powers up its hyperdrive engines and prepares to jump A ship has entered hypespace at -416,102,703 SF-1697 engages its hyperdrive and leaves the system The ship whines plaintively before it drops out of hyperspace, as if commiserating with the young redhead. Paul checks the coordinates and makes the next jump, the ship now whining reluctantly, but obeying the comands of his fingers. Leaning back and shutting his eyes, Paul draws both hands through his hair a few times and then stretches them upward, working out kinks that have developed in his arms, neck, and shoulders. "Better put a pot on," he yawns. A ship has exited from hyperspace at -416,102,703 SF-1697 comes out of hyperspace Paul_Nighman deletes jump number 5 Jump #2 on p-8359 copied to Jump #5 SF-1697 powers up its hyperdrive engines and prepares to jump A ship has entered hypespace at -6,-10,-7 SF-1697 engages its hyperdrive and leaves the system Shen considers, taking that statement literally, and she murmurs, "I'll go brew some more, yeah, if you want..." She rises. Shaking his head, Paul cracks his neck, pausing in surprise. "Don't bother unless you want some for yourself .... I was just making a rhetorical statement ... sorry." Checking over his readings, he mutters almost to himself, "....passing Kashyyyk ... almost to Beta 7." Shenner looks a trifle surprised, then abruptly chuckles. "Sorry. Tired. Brain's starting to shut down on me, I guess... it's... been a really really long day." She pauses and then steps towards the back of the chair, tentatively lifting her hands to Paul's neck, beginning to work her fingertips into his flesh. "Guess it's been for you, too?" Sighing gratefully, Paul allows his head to drop forward. "Yeah ... it's been pretty rough .... at least I slept last night, even if I didn't the night before." Taking in a deep breath, Paul releases it slowly, remembering a shaman who once told him that it would "release the toxins from his body". If nothing else, it releases a degree of tension ... that, and Shenner's fingers of course. A ship has exited from hyperspace at -6,-10,-7 SF-1697 comes out of hyperspace Paul_Nighman deletes jump number 5 Jump #2 on nb-2700 copied to Jump #5 SF-1697 powers up its hyperdrive engines and prepares to jump A ship has entered hypespace at 151,-320,-389 SF-1697 engages its hyperdrive and leaves the system Shenner doesn't answer immediately -- not with the song of that afternoon echoing in the back of her head. She smiles for a moment, bemused, as she looks at Paul's own bowed head and the line of his neck beneath her fingers, thinking wonderingly that this -- meeting Paul on a basis of equals -- seems to be a surprisingly easy answer to the question that had been plaguing her all day... how she should treat him, without revealing what she'd pledged herself to keep silent. "You better sleep, then, when we get to Corellia," she says at last. "Almost there," Paul announces a touch hopefully, noting the next jump. "Only three more jumps ... next stop, Yavin." The slight relief brought by Shenner's hands is thwarted by the unavoidable connection, the muscles bunching reflexively. _Jessalyn OUGHT to be there,_ thinks Shenner with a pang, but she doesn't voice this, either. She simply answers with a clasp to each of Paul's shoulders, and she offers to him, "I'll stay up till we get there, with yah." Indulging himself in a rare vulnerable moment, Paul leans his head against one of those arms, closing his eyes. "Thanks ... I appreciate it ... and you." Paul's face is pointed away from her, and it is because of this that Shenner doesn't mind or try to stop the huge smile that blossoms across her face; inwardly, she feels a brief, vivid, bright warmth, and she lets herself savor it... and Paul's leaned head, his murmured words. A Corellian word, _K'chaiya_, rings in her memory of that afternoon's studies -- but she keeps it to herself, along with that inner warmth. What she does say is a roughly wry, "Hey, any time... 'preciate you, too." A ship has exited from hyperspace at 151,-320,-389 SF-1697 comes out of hyperspace M-2180 just scanned you Paul_Nighman deletes jump number 5 Jump #3 on m-2180 copied to Jump #5 As the ship comes out of hyperspace, Paul thinks for a moment, but his hands move without his permission, hailing the moon base despite the fact that he expects essentially nothing. Paul_Nighman radios, "Captain Nighman calling Yavin Moon Base. Wondering if there has been any communication from Major Valios recently?"" to ship m-2180 And the girl falls silent as the ship closes in on Yavin; silent Shenner remains as Paul impulsively makes his broadcast. Her small hands clasp his shoulders for a moment once more, reflexively. Communication from M-2180 -- "Yavin Base here Captain Nighman. There's been no contact with the Major since she left I'm afraid."" There is a long pause, one more tiny hope crushed. The muscles beneath Shenner's fingers tensing sharply before Paul can relax them. He reaches forward once again to radio back. Paul_Nighman radios, "Many thanks Yavin Base ... best wishes for her quick and safe return. Nighman out." to ship m-2180 Shenner's hands then clutch at Paul's shoulders again. And, silently, she leans forward to hug him. Reaching up, Paul cups Shenner's arms, wrapped about his neck and shoulders, with both hands. Squeezing lightly he then leans forward. "Better move on," he rasps a little tightly, fingering the controls and making the ship dance to his tune. SF-1697 powers up its hyperdrive engines and prepares to jump A ship has entered hypespace at 2,-23,18 SF-1697 engages its hyperdrive and leaves the system "Okay," is the girl's only answer -- that, and another brief hug from her slender arms. Silent once more, she watches over Paul's shoulder as the ship, her captain, her single informal crew, and her passengers continue on their way. For a long time Paul is quiet, just sits there staring at the streaking colors all about them - the continuous bombardment of moving light that is the visual trademark of being in hyperspace. One hand drops to the arm rest of his chair, but the other remains lightly clasped about Shen's arm. Evidently content to stand right there and let her arm be clasped, to let the other remain draped softly about the Corellian as well, Shenner eventually murmurs, "There's gotta be songs about it...." "Eh?," Paul rasps curiously. "Songs about what?" He half turns, disloging the girls grasp about his shoulders. Shen smiles a little. "Hyperspace," she answers, gesturing with her head towards the maelstorm of color outside the viewport. "I'll hafta dig through the music discs I got. And maybe spend a bit more time listenin' 'round to the spacer bars next time I get a chance." His eyes returning to the spectacle, Paul releases a soft yawn. "You could always just write your own," he reminds her. The girl laughs, quietly. "Yeah," she says readily, "I bet I could." The _Hawk's Wing_ drops out of hyperspace, and Paul lets out a unintentional moan of relief, his eyelids dragging from the stress and strain of the day. His hands run over the controls, bringing the ship into an easy orbit over Corellia. "Thank the Gods," he murmurs to himself, preparing to drop the ship into the atmosphere. There is a beep on his console, and noting that the call is from the landing bay, Paul smiles wryly, knowing it could only be one person. Hitting the intercom, Paul calls planetside, "Down Raven, down boy! Damn man, what are you doing up at this hour? Don't you have wife and kiddies to go home to ... or did they finally come to their senses and kick you out?" Shenner straightens, and grins to herself as Corellia fills the void before them. Her introspective mood lingering, she simply stands there a moment or two, hands now lightly poised, one on Paul's shoulder and the other on the back of his chair, and thinking to herself that the planet is a lovely sight to behold. Jace Raven's voice comes crackling back, "What are you talking about man ... it's only three in the afternoon here." Paul blinks and then releases an unhappy groan. Obviously he's left the connection open, because a hearty chuckle broadcasts loud and clear at his dismay. "Ah, ya forgot about the hyper-lag and time differences again, didn't you?" Grumbling to himself, Paul merely mutters, "Yeah, yeah, what of it? The ship doesn't have any skylights in the rest of it ... I can just pull the shades and collapse once I land." At that, Shenner half-smiles, feeling in her bones and in the slight fuzziness behind her head that she's exhausted -- and knowing that Paul hasn't gotten much sleep at all in two nights running -- or was it three, now? She isn't sure, and her tired mind skitters a bit around the thought -- makes her wince inwardly at how tired _he_ must be. "Well then, I'll be seeing you soon ... or not," replies the overly chipper voice of Jace. "You stink man, you really do," Paul baits back, a touch more wearily than is usual. The bright laugh rings back, "I live to annoy ... see you in a few, Raven out," and the connect is broken. Rubbing his face hard, Paul blinks, cutting off his end of things as well. Shen asks, "You need another coffee?" "Not on your life," Paul murmurs gratefully. "I'm going to land this ship and sleep until I wake up naturally - I don't care -who- wants to talk to me ... even if it's the ghost of Darth Vader." Yawning hard once again, his hands reach for the controls, only to stop at a flashing light - this time a red one on the communications panel, indicating a message, priority one. Hitting a information request, the source of the call is revealed to be the Deliverance. "Now what?" Paul almost snarls, hitting the acceptance code. The voice of the Mon Calamari Admiral comes across the connection loud and clear. "Captian Nighman, this is Admiral Ackbar. Where are you currently?" Paul looks at Shen uncertainly for a moment before speaking into the communit, "Currently awaiting a contact on Corellia." Ackbar, _again_? Shen's green eyes widen in worry, returning Paul's glance, but she says nothing to interrupt the conversation at hand. Ackbar replies, Have you had contact with anyone in the spaceport as of yet, Captain? Frowning, Paul replies uncertainly, "Ahhhh, other than the head of repairs, Jace Raven, no sir, no contacts." "Captain, you must contact this Jace Raven /immediately/ and inform himself to move into the nearest medbay. And you must not have contact with anyone else on Corellia." The Admirals tones are quite firm and commanding. There is a moment of silence before Paul's confused voice queries, "Instructions heard, but not understood Admiral ... please clarify?" Ackbar explains, "Captain, we are downloading information on a parasite that may have found it's way aboard the Deliverance. Given that you were aboard the Deliverance last night, there is the possibility that you picked it up. "Parasite?" mutters Shenner, aghast, instinctively leaning closer to Paul again, as if thinking unconsciously to defend him against such a bug. Bad enough that he already has _one_ in his blood, and the thought of another makes her shudder. Another long pause, and then, "So at this time, the existance of said parasite has not been confirmed? Biological I assume .... what, if anything, is known of symptoms, origins, cures?" The question is answered as the downloaded information arrives, displaying on Pauls screen the rudiments of the New Republics understanding of the disease, which is not very detailed as of yet. Paul frowns as Ackbar answers the obvious. The existance of the parasite is confirmed. It is not confirmed ithat you are a carrier, however. Paul remains profoundly silent as he re-reads the information before him, not liking what he sees one bit. Admiral Ackbar radios somewhat impatiently, "Captain?" There is a deep sigh, and then the Corellian's dark tenor replies, "Understood Admiral - what is recommended in this situation? As you know, I have a ship full of passengers who I assume are also at risk?" "Recommend that you return to the Deliverance immediately, Captain. We have the best medical staff here possible." That brings an instant frown to Pauls brow. "Is that wise ... if you are the source of infection won't that just imperil me and my passengers even further?" he queries reasonably, unwilling to risk infecting his potentially parasite free ship. The Admiral's stern voice echos back, "Captain, if you /are/ infected, then you are a risk to the health of any planet you set down on." Realizing that the Admiral mistakes his concern for the desire for expediency, Paul replies, "You misunderstood me Admiral - I have not yet set down on Corellia - I'm in orbit and only -spoke- to Jace Raven. However, my other concern is that in returning to the Deliverance, I will most certainly contract the disease unless you have safeguarded against that possibility?" There is a thoughtful pause before the Admiral returns, "I see. Captain, do you have standard medical equipment aboard?" Paul's eyes meet Shens with a slightly hopeful gleam and he confirms, "Yes Admiral - I have a small, but complete med set up available on board." The girl swallows, but offers Paul a wan, watered-down sort of smile. The worry in her eyes is more than apparent, however. "I recommend you return to Sluis Van orbit, then," is the Admirals unhappy advice, and Paul's eyes shut, as if in pain, for a moment. "Our medics will give you instructions on how to scan your crew." With a deep harsh sigh, Paul puts on the most pleasant voice he can, gritting his teeth the entire time. "Understood Admiral, am leaving orbit and plotting a new course for Sluis Van immediately. Will follow medic's orders for scans and quarantine any infected crew or passengers." There is a tone of relief in the Mon Calamari's voice. "Thank you Captain, Deliverance out." Keeping a tight rein on his emotions, Paul murmurs, "You're welcome Admiral, thank -you- for your prompt communication. Hawk's Wing out." Paul flips off the comlink, his hands moving with deliberate slowness. His eyes lift to consider the glowing planet before him which is Corellia. With a groan, half a mix of anger and concern, half exhaustion, the pilot growls, "Why the hell couldn't he have called six jumps ago?" He knows that wish is a physical impossibility though, and reluctantly he pulls the coordinates up for a path back to Alpha 1. Shenner is silent, all throughout that communication. As it ends, Shen murmurs softly, "Crap." It seems to be her response to most things these days, and she pauses unsurely, a hand lingering on Paul's shoulder. "You okay?" "Define 'okay'," the Corellian asks a touch bitterly as he quickly codes in a message and sends it off to Raven, warning the man to check in with any and all new ships and sending his regrets. The engines whine mournfully, echoing the tenor of Paul's thoughts as they drag the ship and it's crew into hyperspace. Shen's hand squeezes the shoulder beneath it, then she sighs, and says, "You want that coffee?" Nodding slowly, Paul mutters, "I'm -definitely- going to need a new pot now ... double strength." Rising from his seat, he stretches his newly tensed muscles. Glancing at Shen, he explains, "I need to move before my blood decides to coagulate or something." The girl bobs her red head. "You want me to watch the board or somethin', or come with?" she asks, simply. There is a sort of helpless shrug before Paul shuffles his way to the hatch. "The ship's fine for now ... if anything serious happens, we'll all know about it." "Okay..." A 5'6" shadow, Shenner moves to follow the exhausted Corellian out of the cockpit. [End log.]