Log Date: 2/4/97 Log Cast (in order of appearance): D'etta, Xerxes, Shenner, Shikh, Chantinelle (off-camera), Silversand, Kuxli Log Intro: On the streets of Etti IV's capital city, the young thief and bard Shenner has been possessed by ever-increasing tenseness and paranoia. The two beings who have been the friendliest to her, Kuxli and Shikh, have turned out to have disturbing connections to the target of the job for which Shenner has been hired -- Simone Drake. And Drake herself, Shenner has discovered, is the Prex of the CSA, not only in charge of the entire planet on which Shenner has been staying, but the section of the galaxy through which it hurtles. On top of all this, Shikh has turned out to be a Corellian, and with the memory of the trouble caused her by the _first_ Corellian she'd ever met, Shenner has reacted to this handsome young man with more than a little panic. That she has succeeded in convincing him -- at least for now -- that she is a boy has provided her very little comfort, set against the larger looming tapestry of worries eating at her head. Shenner knows only one cure for the knotted tension in her gut: action and motion. Loathe to remain huddling in her closet of a room at the transients' hostel, she lets her restlessness drive her into the city even as she wrestles to keep herself blending in with its thronging crowds.... ---------- D'etta comes through the District from the direction of the spaceport. D'etta has arrived. D'etta D'etta is a reasonably tall woman, she stands at about 5'8". She is human and has a soft skinned, petite figure. She has baby blue eyes and freckles over most of her glowing face. She has long red hair that flows down to her beck and stops around her waist. Her figure, although standing at 5'8" seems rather petite. She is slim and softly rounded breasts and legs that creep out of her outfit slightly. She is currently wearing a tunic which is maroon in color and longsleeved with tight matching pants. Over her tunic is a robe, grey in color, sleeveless and floor-length. This outfit does not hide any of her features. You can see some cleavage around the neckline and her pants fit her tight to show off her cute buttocks. As you look at her, she looks back you and smiles. D'etta nods, "Hello Shenner" Xerxes strides in from the East, making his way through the crowds, and taking a seat on a nearby bench. D'etta heads through crowds and into the Government District to the southeast. D'etta has left. D'etta comes along the road to the southeast. D'etta has arrived. Shenner comes up the avenue from the south, a battered carisak of some sort slung off one shoulder, a slim sheath of leather with a braided cord off the other. The redheaded kid strides broadly, perhaps in imitation of the older sentients in view... and perhaps simply because the kid might be like that. D'etta looks at you for a moment. D'etta moves through the District into the Spaceport to the west. D'etta has left. Shenner can be heard to be humming, in a low tenorish voice, a snippet of something catchy that the band that plays at the Dance Dome frequently belts out for that establishment's crowds. It is, in fact, more or less in the direction of the Dome that the redhead is striding. Xerxes rises from his bench. After a slight stretch of his arms, he begins making his way through the crowds. Xerxes heads through crowds and into the Government District to the southeast. Xerxes has left. ---------- Interlude: Shenner had been considering a morning's lurk at the Dome -- or, if she got lucky and found the other three she'd been gambling at mah jongg with, seeing if she could scarf up a few extra credits that way. But en route to the Dome, she heard someone unfamiliar call her name. After the discovery that Grathix had brought her to Etti IV to do a still-unspecified job on Simone Drake, none other than the Prex of the Corporate Sector Authority, Shenner had gotten up this morning finding herself still quite unnerved... and now, unwilling to meet unprepared with a stranger, Shenner pretended to miss the hail, and diverted her course off to the Memorial Park instead. But after she'd settled in for some busking.... ---------- Grathix enters the park area, holding D'etta's hand, leading her. The park, as generally IS the case, is peaceful, patrolled by the Espos and visited by passersby. There's a redheaded young human out on one of the benches, playing a flute; beside the kid is a silken cloth on which glints a single coin, tarnished and brassy. Grathix walks beside D'etta, leading her around the park. D'etta follows Grathix, looking around the park. Grathix takes d'etta to the bed or roses at the right corner of the park The redheaded flute player casts a green glance around the park's pathways, occasionally noting passersby -- and who might be likely to draw near and listen, or, better still, offer coinage. The pair that enters the park hand in hand gets another glance, but the kid keeps playing, apparently unbothered. D'etta smiles as she looks at the roses, "Beautiful" Grathix stops before the bed of roses, leans over and plucks one off. He begins prying the thorns off from the stem. D'etta looks over at Shenner then back at Grathix. Grathix, having finished this taks, hands the rose to D'etta. "For you, though it can not compare to your beauty." D'etta blushes slightly, "Uhm.. Thank you..." She takes the rose in her hand and smells it, "Smells beautiful" The flute player slides through a melody mostly composed of triplets, rippling up and down a major scale, and running for several measures before segueing into variants on the same theme in eighth notes. Once or twice the kid misses a note, but not often. D'etta leans over to Grathix, whispering, "The flute player is rather good, don't yo think?" Grathix glances at D'etta, "Flute player?" he stops to listen and only know does he note the musical interlude being played off at a distance. D'etta smiles. Grathix smiles at D'etta, "would you care to listen to the music a little closer?" D'etta shrugs, "Sure" Grathix takes you hand anew and leads yuo towards the sound of the music. The approach of the couple makes the musician's green gaze flick around, casually. Evidently possessing enough showmanship to not miss a beast, the redhead continues the current liquid melody being played, now that attention has been gotten -- but the green regard stays on the two listeners as they draw nearer. D'etta smiles, listening close to Grathix. Grathix approaches the flute player with D'etta beside him. He stops in front of the player and chuckles as he sees who the flute player is. Grathix turns to D'etta and whispers something to her. Shenner glances up guilelessly across the mouthhole of the flute in those lean, pale hands, and says without moving the instrument, "Choice of a song for a credit, travellers?" D'etta looks to Grathix. Grathix grins and says, "Sure Shenner...do you know the one "Stranded on Tat with Jawas all around?" " D'etta giggles softly at Grathix. Shenner lowers the flute, and says blandly, "Truly, good sir, but it just doesn't work on the flute. I'd have to sing it unaccompanied." D'etta says, "Uhmm............." Grathix looks at D'etta and says, "That's perfectly alright." He approaches the flute player and takes out a few crdits and places them on her cloth. He whispers to her. Grathix whispers, "This is someone I'd like you to meet." Grathix says to the redhaired, green eyes flute player, "Would you mind if we sat next to you and heard you play? Anything will do." D'etta smiles once again, looking at Grathix. Grathix puts Shenner cloth off to a side and sits next to him. He motions D'etta to sit beside him as well. He says to Shenner, "This is D'etta. She works for me. She'll be on planet helping us out. I'd like you to show her around, if its not too much to ask." Grathix leans back, as if enjoying the music. D'etta smiles, sitting next to Grathix, "Nice to meet you" Grathix says to D'etta, indicating with his head to Shenner, "This is Shenner a 'friend' of mine from Tatooine. He prety much kows his way around here blindfolded." He turns to the playing Shenner and says, "Or am I worng?" As the pair sits down, Shenner says blandly, well enough to carry to anybody in earshot, "I never turn away a paying audience, pal." Then, more softly, the kid says, glancing from Grathix to D'etta and back again, "I know a few choice things about this town, yeah." D'etta whispers something to Grathix. Grathix grins and says to Shenner, "Excellent. I knew I wasn't wrong abot you." Grathix turns to look at D'etta and whisper. Shenner resumes playing, the very picture of a street musician entertaining a pair of listeners, though the redhead's gaze lingers on the two. Grathix stands and takes D'etta's hand and kisses it softly. "I leave you in good hands, D'etta." He turns to Shenner and says, "Take care of her." Grathix stands and proceeds to make his way towards the residential area. D'etta smiles, "Bye Grathix" Grathix leaves the park to the west. Grathix has left. D'etta sits and listens.. Shenner keeps playing for a time, evidently quite comfortable with the dark-hued flute. The kid's green eyes, curious and sharp, but casual of gaze, stay with the remaining listener as Grathix heads off; at last, trailing off into silence, the redhead lowers the flute and stretches 'his' hands, saying mildly, "So. What planet did Grath haul you here from?" D'etta smiles, "From Tatooine" "That a fact..." The redhead looks you up and down, and drawls lazily while glancing over the flute, "Musta been a better corner of that sandball than the one he found me in." D'etta giggles softly with no comment. D'etta looks around casually at all the roses and flowers.. The redheaded flute player quirks a brow, casually inspects the flute, and after a moment fishes into a vest pocket to come up with a small stoppered vial. This the kid opens, to dab out a few droplets of the contents onto the flute's surface; a faint orange-and-cinnamon scent wafts into the air, as Shenner rubs the oil into the flute. "Okaaaay, so. He do you like he did me, hand you credits, toss you out into the street, and go, 'Have fun, kid?'" D'etta shakes her head, "No, I don't think he's like that.." "Yeah?" Shenner's voice holds utterly guileless interest. "Whatcha think he's like?" D'etta scratches her head, "I dunno.. He seems to know his business and do it well, I have only worked for him for a couple days.." Shenner lifts dark eyebrows. "Few days, huh? What're you doin' with him?" D'etta shrugs, "Many paperwork, cuz he doesn't want to do it.. I am also a travelling companion for various trips and stuff... Shenner squints into the flute's outermost fingerhole, dabs some oil there, and studies the young woman; the redhead keeps one dark eyebrow up, green eyes considering, but at last Shenner seems to reach some kind of decision. Slightly less blandly, Shen ahs. "So... were you his business on Tatooine? He said something about having to go back..." D'etta nods quietly, "Something like that" ---------- Interlude: _So,_ thought Shenner darkly, while conversing with the young and suspiciously innocent-looking D'etta, _Grathix has a habit of picking up waifs on Tatooine, does he?_ The young woman seemed far too flimsy an excuse for Grathix to have gone all the way back to Tatooine -- and, in the black mood that had lingered with Shenner ever since finding out about the rank of the woman Simone Drake, the young thief found herself considering all sorts of dire possibilities that might surround this new associated of Grathix's. Especially after she remembered that the man had specifically mentioned bringing in certain attractive female associates, and had warned Shenner to keep 'his' hormones under control. _I suppose if I really were a boy, or were inclined towards my own gender, I might have a problem..._ Before that thought could stray towards the Corellian, Shikh -- or men in general -- Shenner mercilessly squashed it, and returned attention to covertly scoping out D'etta, and at last talked the other woman into going off and seeing to living arrangements and general settling in to the city. Not inclined to spend time with her quite yet, Shenner mouthed some promise about meeting later that she didn't really pay attention to, and settled back to busk with a vengeance.... ---------- Shikh comes into the park from the west. Shikh has arrived. Shikh strolls up from the resedential district, hands clasped behind his back. His eyes scan side to side across the path, viewing each tree, and every blade of grass. The street musician, the redheaded kid Shenner, is out again, playing flute on what appears to be a favored bench, and working a course through what sounds like it ought to be a complicated melody yet is giving the kid a bit of trouble to try to work through. Shikh relaxes as he enters the range of Shen's flute. He slows to a stop, closes his eyes and turns his head toward the correct bench. Opening his eyes, he grins and walks rather quickly over. Not wanting to interrupt, he nods and sits on the end of the bench, watching people go by, some taking notice of Shen's music, others ignoring the young urchin. The redheaded 'lad' glances up, spotting the brief shadow falling across the light from Etti IV's primary... and connecting it with the young Corellian. Shenner gives a brief head-bob by way of greeting, though the green eyes consider Shikh a moment or two as the kid keeps playing. Shikh's face twists into an undirected smile occasionally as Shen's music takesa dramatic turn, or just falls into a pleasing rhthym. Shenner finally finishes, looks up again, and drawls lazily, "Yo." Shikh smiles and looks over to Shenner, giving a conspiratorial wink, "So whatcha been up to today, huh?" Shenner smiles narrowly, lowering the flute, and casually inspecting it. The kid runs a slender fingertip around the mouthhole and a fingerhole or two, then pulls out a little vial from one of 'his' vest pockets; the vial is opened, and Shenner dabs a few drops of the contents onto the flute's surface. An orange-and-cinnamon smell wafts into the air, while Shenner rubs the oil in, and as the kid does all this, Shen casually replies, "Busking, mostly, before I head back to the hostel and work on my guitar." Shikh nods, "In that case, good luck, I guess..." he smiles and starts to get up, his hand pushing off the back of the bench. "I'll catch you later, I'm sure..." "I'm sure," the kid drawls, almost languidly, still working on oiling the flute. "Luck on that job hunt...." Shikh nods, talking over his shoulder as he heads away, "Yeah, thanks... looks like I may have a few leads..." he murmurs, then paces toward his home just beyond the park's borders. Shikh disappears up the lane Shikh leaves the park to the west. Shikh has left. ---------- Interlude: _Him again,_ Shenner told herself uneasily, after Shikh departed. Even more unsettled at the idea of running into Shikh than she was by the idea of spending time in the company of Grathix's new and therefore disconcerting associate, the young thief gave herself two more steady hours of flute playing and practice in the park before feeling steady enough to brave the city streets again. She thinks of hitting the Dance Dome again, and for at least a brief time does so -- taking a bit of time to exchange what pleasantries she can manage when greeted by Chantinelle, all the while wondering whether any suspicious coincidences lay in meeting _that_ person so often, as well. But Shenner's restlessness wasn't soothed, and eventually, she hit the streets again.... ---------- You leave the free-flying party and enter the Port District. Port District - Capital City (#1118RLXtFJN) Though the buildings in this sprawling area of the city are low permacite structures, the general feeling of the Port District is one of foreboding menace not clearly defined. Despite this, many visitors of many races mingle here, taking in the plethora of shops, bars and nooks dotted densely throughout this place. Nothing seems to be spared style, expense, or gross display of wealth here as the scions of the business world (or criminal world) flaunt the products of their various efforts. Several Espo troopers stand out like statues among the sea of people passing through. They watch everything that goes on around them with a tight grip on their blasters, ready for anything. The Espo police presence here is normal. (OOC: Type '+lhelp' for local help.) Contents: D'etta Grathix Obvious exits: leads to Residential Avenue - Capital City . leads to Business District - Capital City . leads to Government District - Capital City . leads to Free-Flight Dance Dome - Capital City . leads to Authority Currency Exchange - Capital City . leads to Spaceport Center - Capital City . D'etta smiles, "Hey, Its me, D'etta" Grathix finally catches a glimpse of D'etta. He smiles and wlks over to her. "now how could I miss you like that." D'etta shrugs, "dunno" Shenner emerges from the Dome, brow crinkled in thought, and scanning the streets as 'he' looks for a path away from the place. Grathix strides on up to D'etta and says, "So, how's Etti treating you?" Shenner rolls a 14 for her PERCEPTION skill. An Average roll! D'etta shrugs, "Folks seem okay, nobody really talks alot.. kinda lonely, but I worked on some of the peperwork you game me last week" D'etta rolls a 14 for her PERCEPTION skill. An Average roll! As the redheaded musician comes away from the Dome, Shenner lopes along the street, flicking glances through the passing crowds. Grathix nods and asks, "What did you think of Shenner?" Shenner rolls a 15 for her PERCEPTION skill. An Average roll! D'etta nods quietly, "He's okay" Shenner rolls a 17 for her SNEAK skill. A Good roll! Grathix smiles, "I know he doesn't look like much, but he has a lot of potential in him." "Why, Grath, big guy," drawls the musician's tenorish voice as the redhead seemingly materializes out of nowhere, "my ears're burnin'!" D'etta giggles as she eventually notices Shenner. Grathix glances about and notices the rehaired thief. Grathix chuckles and shakes his head, "You se what I mean, D'etta?" D'etta nods giggling, "Uh huh.." Grathix looks at Shenner and tells 'him', "I told you I'd be back." Shenner, now right behind and between you both, says blandly, "Glad to see it. Fast, too." Grathix grins, "When I need to be." D'etta smiles. Grathix says, "How about we all get together in the Free-Flight and talk, instead of being in everyone's way here." D'etta shrugs, "Doesn't matter to me" Shenner goes on blithely, in a tone perhaps at odds with the sharp glint in the kid's green eyes, "After all, that was a juicy proposition you gave me, and I'd hate to see it undealt with..." There's slight emphasis on those last two words. But the musician merely gestures expansively back the way 'he' had come, and grins crookedly. "After you, pal." Grathix motions to D'etta, "please, this way..." indicating the direction to the free-flight. D'etta nods and follows. You enter the Free-Flight Dance Dome, ready for an enjoyable time. Free-Flight Dance Dome - Capital City The Free Flight Dome of Etti IV is famous. Not only for the repute of it's patrons, but also for the amazing dance floor it possesses. A ring of tables rise around a central open area. The tables are terraced, with the higher ones being tucked back further and further into shadow and dimness. The center of the room, in contrast, is brightly lit. It is here, in the opening at the middle of the ring, where the dance floor lies. It is from this space that the establishment received it's name. The space is bordered with a railing made of chrome, polished to a high gleam. Beyond this railing there is a field, controlled by the workers, that nullifies the act of gravity. Dancing of all sorts is possible in this field of weightlessness. Flips, jumps of incredible height, and mere toe tapping all to the beat of the live band that constantly plays on the bandstand. The ceiling towers 25 meters above the floor, giving ample room. The bandstand and the glass and chrome bar are the only things that break the circle of tables. The bartenders, two of them at a time, prepare drinks quickly, and attempt to avoid listening to the interesting (and often dangerous) conversations around them. After all, one false word in this place can mean one's life. The Espo police presence here is normal. (OOC: Type '+lhelp' for local help.) Obvious exits: leads to Port District - Capital City . D'etta comes in from the street. D'etta has arrived. Grathix comes in from the street. Grathix has arrived. D'etta looks around. Grathix walks in after D'etta, steps in front of her and leads her over to a table Sauntering long-leggedly into the Dome as if 'he' owns it, Shenner calmly follows the other two into the maze of tables and booths and beings at them, all the while studying Grathix intently. D'etta smiles. Grathix moves through the crowd and joins you at your table. D'etta moves through the crowd and joins you at your table. You move through the crowd and sit at a large table. LARGE This large table has a good view of the dance floor and the surrounding patrons of the joint. Large and round, it's covered with a few different varieties of dried liquid substances, of various ages. Occupied: Chantinelle D'etta Grathix D'etta says, "Poor Chanti, prolly had too much booze." At your table, Grathix glances at Shenner and asks, "So, what's this about our deal?" At your table, Shenner folds 'his' lean frame into a chair, and smiles close-mouthedly and sharp-eyedly at the other two, before beginning cheerfully, buffing 'his' fingernails along the front of 'his' vest, "Just startin' to get a trifle curious, big guy. I mean... been here a couple weeks now, and from where I sit, a kid can't help but wonder what's going on." Slight emphasis again, on those last three words. "I can only do so much singin' and buskin' and drinkin', yah know." At your table, D'etta takes notes. At your table, Shenner at D'etta's comment flicks a look from that young woman to the individual who's apparently dozed off not far away, but otherwise doesn't bat an eyelash, still smiling benignly. At your table, Grathix grins, "what, that lifestyle doesn't appeal to you?" At your table, D'etta giggles softly as she gets out a pad of paper. At your table, Shenner keeps that thin, lopsided smirk-smile in place. "Oh, I love it -- or I might, if the populace liked music a little more. I mean, it takes a real foot-stomper to get these folks dancin', tense as they are, everybody from peon street rats like me clear up to Prex Drake herself." The kid casually stretches, rolling that dark red head from side to side for a moment as though to crack 'his' neck, but shoots another intent look at Grathix while finishing, "Probably all due to all those battle ships in orbit, I'm sure." At your table, Grathix smiles, "Probably, but I'm sure pres drake would enjoy a good music session, along with everyone else." At your table, D'etta makes some notes. At your table, Grathix leans back in his seat and asks, "So the Prez is worried, you say?" At your table, Shenner smiles rather more broadly, but the smile does not extend to the musician's green eyes. "Planning on arranging me an audition? I'm flattered. I'd think a street bard who barely scrapes together credits for a midday meal wouldn't exactly be to a galactic leader's musical tastes." As Grathix speaks his question, the kid goes on without faltering, "And her guards and her canine'd make it quite the daunting performance." At your table, D'etta makes some more notes. Silversand has connected. At your table, Grathix looks at Shenner and says, "Are you saying your not up to it? would be a performance of a lifetime." At your table, D'etta adds, "Yes, and think of how many credits you'd get too.." At your table, Shenner looks right back at Grathix and replies, "I'll _sing_ for anybody." An ever so slightly noticeable emphasis on that verb, now. "But a gutter-spawn like me don't know squat about how to play for a Prex. Suppose you tell me what kind of song would be appropriate." Shenner gives D'etta a sidelong glance, then adds blandly, "I know a l'il more about musicians than Prexes, though. I do know paid musicians generally know what's on the program _before_ the concert." At your table, Grathix nods, "It won't be any different this time either." At your table, D'etta nods at Grathix' comment and makes some more notes. At your table, Shenner crooks both dark eyebrows, the expression guileless, patient. "Sooooooo," the kid prompts. "Enlighten me." Silversand exits and heads into the Port District. Silversand has left. At your table, Grathix grins, "you surprise me, Shenner. I'd imagined you already would have figure it out." At your table, D'etta giggles softly wile making some notes. At your table, Grathix says, "Surely, you have started putting bits and pieces of the puzzle and can make out what the finally product will be." At your table, Shenner gives another mirthless, broad smile. "Well, I tell yah, Grath, pal, I applied my poor provinicial street-spawn brain, and seems to me there'd be a coupla options for such an.... audition. I could probably sing the one about the captive Rebel hero, but I'm sure _that_ wouldn't go over too well. I could waltz in and waltz out again, after stealing their hearts and their credits with some of my charming folk music...." Something in the redhead's eyes hardens a little, as Shenner finishes smoothly, "Or, if I really wanted to _knock 'er dead_, I s'pose I could whip up a love song 'specially for her. Lotta options to choose from, doncha think?" At your table, Grathix nods, "There most certinly are. And which would you prefer?" At your table, Shenner rallies without batting an eyelash, "You're the one handin' out the pay chits. But as long as you're askin'" -- the dark red head inclines almost graciously -- "even us street bards don't like to alienate our audiences. We like to be able to coax 'em back for more." Shenner's green eyes stay on Grathix, now. At your table, D'etta writes some notes. At your table, Grathix listens to Shenner's comment. He remains silent for a moment before replying. At your table, Grathix says, "One thing I learned from running mandalMotors...never alienate a high paying customer unless you have another one on the wings." D'etta giggles softly as she looks over her notes. At your table, Shenner drawls, gaze still fixed on the big male, "This mean you want me to sing the Prex a farewell?" The question comes out pitched lowly, softly, to carry no farther than the edges of the table. At your table, Grathix nods, "Yes, in a manner of speaking. A soft lullaby just to ease her on her little voyage. Though I doubt she'd like you to sing for her on her return" D'etta stops and looks at Grathix, then at Shenner. Shikh comes in from the street. Shikh has arrived. Shikh walks unobtruisively into the DanceDome and takesa seat by himslef at a table on the border of th dance floor At your table, D'etta goes back to her notepad. At your table, Grathix says, "Now then, Shenner, what exactly are you looking for?" At your table, Shenner replies, all trace of smile or smirk leaving that slim pale face, "Just some assurance that my audience will... continue to be able to enjoy music. Even if not from me." The redhead's face and gaze are now levelly serious, as 'he' continues, "And a bit of enlightenment about when the audition is -- after all, I might have to rehearse." At your table, Grathix nods, "Of course, wouldnt have it any other way. But I still need to make all of the preparations. Once that is done, I will give you ample time to perfect your song." At your table, D'etta makes some notes and turns the pages. At your table, Shenner considers this, then once more gives a lopsided, left-sided half-grin. "Well. You know where to find me, pal." The kid rises from 'his' chair, then adds, dryly, "Found the guitar." At your table, Grathix ngrins, "yes, the best bass guitar in the galqxy.' At your table, D'etta looks up at Shenner and smiles. At your table, Shenner smirks, lightly. "Bass, huh? Thought it felt a little heavy. Guess I'll have to work out to be able to hold the thing for more than a song or two." The green eyes remain guarded, as Shenner finishes, "And I think I'll go practice." At your table, Shenner, with that, moves off from the table. At your table, Grathix smiles, "Just be carefull with it. Might have a few surprises in it." You stand and leave the large table. Shenner glances at 'his' table companions, as 'he' gets up, striding away from the place 'he'd' been sitting. The redheaded musician is wearing a carefully neutral expression, and, once alone, begins weaving a route towards the exit. Shikh raises a brow and nods at Shenner as 'he' passes, being at the table nearest the door that still has a view of the dancers. He sips a drink lazily and grins setting it back down. Catching Shikh's eye, Shenner bobs that dark head distractedly, still on course for the way out as 'he' passes the young Corellian's table. Kuxli comes in from the street. Kuxli has arrived. Shikh waits for Shenner to pass out through the Dance Dome entrance, then gives the table a quuick glance and stands, hurriedly tracking the youth. Shenner moves straight for the way out, flute-sheath bopping lightly against 'his' shoulder. En route, if the redheaded kid notices the entrance of Kuxli, Shen gives no sign; in a few more long-legged strides, the musician is out the door. You leave the free-flying party and enter the Port District. Port District - Capital City (#1118RLXtFJN) Obvious exits: leads to Residential Avenue - Capital City . leads to Business District - Capital City . leads to Government District - Capital City . leads to Free-Flight Dance Dome - Capital City . leads to Authority Currency Exchange - Capital City . leads to Spaceport Center - Capital City . Shikh comes out of the Free-Flight Dance Dome. Shikh has arrived. Shikh hurries up behind Shen, "Wait up..." He gris, "How'd the guitar go?" Shenner, once out on the streets, flicks a green glance in a direction or two, before picking a course... or at least starting to. At the sound of Shikh's voice, the kid starts, glancing around. "Wh... what?" Shikh pulls up even with the kid, "Earlier... you said you were going to practice your guitar... How'd it go?" "Oh.... " Shen considers, then smirks, self-deprecatingly. "I can make it sound like I pinched it, but that's about it. Can't play it in public yet. I reek." Shikh chuckles and gestures in the direction Shen had started to go. He starts to walk, then thumbs back over his shoulder, "So who were your friends back there?" Shenner falls into step readily enough, but glances mostly at the track 'his' booted feet take rather than anywhere else. "Not friends," the musician murmurs. "This guy and his secretary, or somethin'. Wants me for a... music job. Or so he says." Shikh nods slowly, "Oh... gotcha. You gonna do it?" He asks curiously. Without looking up, Shenner keeps pace, and answers grimly, "I dunno yet." Shikh makes a muffled grunt noise, "Up to you... you're the artist..." He smiles, "You missed Kuxli on the way in... I did too actually... didn't want to lose you on the street." Shikh walks briskly beside Shenner, "Where we headed?" he asks curiouly. Again looking vaguely startled, Shenner glances back at the shape of the Dome, receding in the distance, before finally looking with a gaze that might well be described as wary at the other young human. "I was going to go back to my room at the hostel and crash," the kid says, neutrally. Shikh raises his brows, "Feeling ok, Shen? You're acting... well, wierd, today." He frowns out of concern. Silversand comes along the road to the southeast. Silversand has arrived. Silversand looks at you for a moment. Shikh is walking beside Shenner, talking quietly D'etta comes out of the Free-Flight Dance Dome. D'etta has arrived. Shikh is walking beside Shenner, talking quietly Silversand looks over at D'etta as she exits the dance dome, nodding to her. D'etta nods back as she exits.. Moving along off down the avenue from the Dome, Shenner murmurs in an undertone to Shikh, "Just ponderin' the meanin' of life, pal. I'm okay. Nothin' to get your afterburners in a roar over." D'etta moves through the District into the Spaceport to the west. D'etta has left. Shikh nods, "Alright..." He halts and shrugs, "Guess I'll find you later, in better spirits maybe..." He smiles, "Rest well, kid." Kuxli comes out of the Free-Flight Dance Dome. Kuxli has arrived. Shenner rolls one shoulder in a shrug, smiles in a way that suggests either depression, lack of enthusiasm, or both. "I'll give it that ol' college try. And ignore that I've never been to college." For some reason, the lopsided smirk looks more like a shield than an expression on the redhead's face, at least for a moment; in that same moment, Shenner might be observed to look younger and perhaps more delicate than the musician is wont to behave. "Later, pal." Kuxli pads out from the dance dome, glancing around almost nervously, his gaze hanging on the espo's before he starts to head for the starport. Shikh cocks his head in concern, "Sure thing, Shen..." he turns and walks away, only to turn back a moment later. "And... be careful, alright?" Without waiting for an answer, he trods off heavily, tucking his hands into his pockets. Shenner, with that, vanishes into the streets. ---------- Postlude: Heading towards the transients' hostel in which she'd been rooming for the past several days, Shenner nearly had a coronary when a large, furry shape intercepted here -- then, upon realizing that the shape in question belonged to Kuxli, Shenner calmed down somewhat. But the Horansi looked nervous and glanced from side to side as though afraid he were being watched; the sight of _that_ set off all of Shenner's mental alarms again. When Kuxli beckoned her to the nearest unobtrusive spot he could find, his feline features cast in sheepish apology, he murmured in his growling voice that he had to leave the planet. For a moment, all Shenner could think was, _What?_ And that, in fact, was what she replied aloud, blankly. Kuxli repeated his statement, almost imploringly, and Shenner found herself torn. The knowledge of Kuxli's connection with Simone Drake frightened her badly. But here and now, seeing a creature much bigger and stronger than she -- despite his obvious youth -- be so palpably skittish, Shenner's uneasiness started shifting within her. All at once, Kuxli struck her far less as a source of potential trouble for _her_ than a target of trouble himself. Nor, when Shenner impulsively demanded it of him, did Kuxli deny that he was in peril. It was all too obvious that he desperately wished to flee, so Shenner let him -- but not before yielding, before she could even realize she had it, to an impulse to hug the felinoid and tell him to watch out for himself. She didn't watch him go, so she didn't see what path he took to vanish into the night, though she knew he had to eventually wind up at the spaceport. Paranoid as Kuxli seemed -- and as she felt -- she couldn't help but wonder which of them was in more trouble as she took a roundabout route to the hostel, all the while feeling very, very much alone. [End log.]