Log Date: 2/24/97 Log Cast: Chantinelle, Kian, Shenner, Kayle, Keldorn Log Intro: Shenner has had another run-in with Alora Antieres -- and one that's unsettled her anew. Alora has attempted to bribe an ESPO from harassing Shenner, and although Shikh beat her to it, the woman also offered the young musician vast amounts of money if she'd leave the planet with her.. an offer Shenner can't help but mistrust, for while Shenner knows she's able to belt out a good tune, she's by no means the musical sensation Grathix's talked about billing her to be. Shenner's mistrust has been piqued up also by the obtaining of a datacard from Alora that bears her name -- and the title "Lady" -- and by Alora's obliquely referencing other 'talents' that Shenner might possess. Shenner has no idea what the woman means and does not _want_ to know; it's enough to make her keep a low profile for a day or two, watching out for Imperials all the while.... ---------- Chantinelle comes along the road to the southeast. Chantinelle has arrived. Kian moves through the District into the Spaceport to the west. Kian has left. Chantinelle enters slowly the place smiling at Shenner, "Oh hello!" Shenner has claimed another street corner today, and today, the redhead's instrument of choice appears to be flute. Nobody's paused to listen to the musician at the moment, but Shenner plays anyway. Hailed, the kid flicks a green glance around to the source of the greeting, and nods, amiably enough. Chantinelle stands before the musician and listens to the play carefully. The song is slow, a trifle melancholy, and Shenner finishes it before turning to more fully observe 'his' audience. Something remains somewhat wary about the redhead's eyes even as the kid smiles a bit, aware of the audience. Kayle comes through the District from the direction of the spaceport. Kayle has arrived. Kayle looks at you for a moment. Shenner might be spotted, on a particular corner, playing a wooden flute -- and being observed by Chantinelle, and in turn observing. The musician's playing a somewhat melancholy air, and stands behind an open guitar case in which rests the guitar that fits it, and an assortment of change. Chantinelle nods slightly to Kayle while she listens carefully to Shenner's play. Kayle, moving through the crowd, notices that the young woman is armed and approaches her. Kayle says to Chantinelle, "Excuse me may I see your permit?" Shenner finally finishes, trailing the flute's voice off into breathy nothingness before making a passable little bow to 'his' audience. The kid opens 'his' mouth to speak, perhaps to offer another song -- then immediately falls silent as Chantinelle is approached. Chantinelle turns her head for a sec to Kayle and scans him carefully then she turns back to Shenner and says, "Why stopped?" Kayle more adamantly to Chantinelle, pulling out his blaster now, "Ma'am, permit please or you are under arrest." Shenner chuckles huskily. "Well, I was _done_. But I've got more where that came from." The kid's green eyes flick past Chantinelle to the man, though, and the musician doesn't move to resume the flute song -- not when there's a blaster being pointed in the immediate vicinity. Chantinelle yiikes and turns astonished at Kalye, "Pardon??? Who are you? Please if you have the mannder to introduce yourself before you start insulting me?" she glares at Kayle. Keldorn comes through the District from the direction of the spaceport. Keldorn has arrived. Kayle replies evenly, "Targus Kayle, permit please.", then speaks into his comlink. Shenner, putting on a carefully neutral expression, begins imitating the wall behind 'him'. Don't mind me, I'm just scenery. Nothing here but us scruffy street bards. Keldorn waves. Keldorn Second Lieutenant Keldorn McCann stands in front of you. His black jumpsuit is pressed neatly, and his crimson belt sits perfectly. His hair is cut short, military style, and his face has a determined look to it. There are two shining silver bars on his collar, the rank of a second lieutenant. He has a name badge over his right breast, and a branch insignia on his right sleeve. The insignia is a pair of wings with a shield in the centre. On his left sleeve is his unit insignia, that of the SAV Phoenix. Carrying: R2 Controller Keldorn moves through the District into the Spaceport to the west. Keldorn has left. Kayle The word to describe this man is 'broad'. In addition to his tall stature, nearly 2m, his shoulders, limbs, and torso all appear very thick, and overly muscled. He has short white hair that is beginning to get long, and a well trimmed beard and moustache. His face is lined and already wrinkled. His blue eyes are deep set beneath a heavy black brow. He is wearing a navy blue suit that hugs his body tightly, except for a large lump appearent over his ribcage, under his left arm. Beneath it he wears a bright white shirt and a light blue tie. His outfit is completed by a pair of highly shined black shoes. He is carrying a large brown briefcase in his left hand. Chantinelle hmmpfts and starts getting angry, "And?? Can't you see my dilpomatical passport?" she sighs and starts searching something in her pockets murmuring , "I hate this really...." Kayle continues to look at Chantinelle, "Diplomat's don't usually carry weapons around here. They use nice words though." Chantinelle A young female human. She wears a dark blue business suit, which is widely cutted and doesn't reveals much of the outfit of her body. She has got short, black hair barely framing her smooth, oval face. The woman is truly gifted with incredible good looks. She has a small nice nose and full red lips. There is a small black leather belt around her tight hip. Clipped to her belt is her Diplomatic Pass, proving her to have full diplomatic credentials across the galaxy. A holster of a standard imperial blaster is attachted at the left side of her belt, too. A small white patch at her left breast introduces the woman as *** Classified ***. The patch is embroidered with gold and has got in its center a coiled black snake. Espos in the area watch the the scene closely. Chantinelle smirks at Kayle, "Yeah really? On this planet even diplomats must carry weapons to feel secure! So who are you to command me anything!" Shenner remains _quite_ still, wearing just a bit of a nervous and slightly intimidated expression. The redhead just stands there, flute in hands, not even twitching fingers on the holes. Kayle replies softyly, "I already told you Targus Kayle. Asst. Viceprex of Security, CSA. Now enough banter." Chantinelle oohs astonished, "the boss of these jokes." pointing with her thumb over her shoulder to the Espos. She searchs again in her pockets, "Just a sec...........sir!" Shenner's green gaze flicks from the man to the woman and back again. Kayle says, "Slander towards Authority programs and personnel is a crime here. You are a Diplomat?" Kayle continues to watch Chnatinelle flatly, blaster trained on her torso. Chantinelle releases a deep sighs, "Stay calm Mr! Commandind me around without any reason isn't nice too." then she cheers suddenly, producing a permission signed by Piper, "Is this okay?" not waiting the answer and turns again to Shenner, "And no second play? I would be glad to hear another one." Shenner drawls blandly, "If you folks're done with your business, I'd be happy to do another ditty..." But the kid's green eyes stay on the man and his blaster, and the flute stays held away from Shen's pale mouth. Kayle continues to stand still for a second, visibly aggravated by this insult. Kayle turns to Shenner in a low voice, "I think you should move along." Chantinelle turns back to Kayle, "What is? I have here the permisson, what do I need more?" Shenner puts on an expression that attempts to be an amiable smile and can't quite make it. The kid murmurs, "Don't wanna be no trouble, mister," and bobs 'his' dark red head, kneeling to scoop up the loose credits out of the guitar case and flick the thing shut. Kayle back to Chantinelle, while putting his blaster away, "Miss, don't be insulting to me, I will bust your butt, it is a crime here. Good day. Kayle moves through the District into the Spaceport to the west. Kayle has left. Ahkaurakh comes along the road to the southeast. Ahkaurakh has arrived. Shenner, guitar case flicked shut, the flute slipped back into its sheath, rises slowly once the self-identified Viceprex is out of sight. Chantinelle sighs and shakes her head, "the CSA is mad!" Chantinelle sighs again deeply and turns to Shenner, "Hey, please play for me!" Ahkaurakh rolls a 22 for his SNEAK skill. An Excellent roll! Shenner, instruments packed, glances up and down the street. "Well... elsewhere, then, I ain't exactly keen on having those guys come down on me, lady, and I ain't no diplomat to get 'em off my back easy." Chantinelle shrugs, "Well I would be honored to listen then, Shenner." Chantinelle begs "Please! Your music reminds me to Sierra, aslong she isn't here." Shenner lifts up the guitar case, and glances up and down the street, as if expecting further Espos to wander up and wave blasters around. The gaze 'he' gives to the diplomat is only somewhat less wary, but finally, Shenner nods brusquely, gesturing off down the avenue. "C'mon. A little more off the main thoroughfare, maybe." Chantinelle smiles and nods, "Okay, you know the way." Chantinelle looks at you for a moment. ---------- Interlude: Shenner is less than thrilled at the notion of remaining in Chantinelle's company -- knowing as she does, now, that the woman is not only an Imperial but also a high-ranking one. The bardling can't help but wonder if Chantinelle is somehow connected to the interest that Alora... and the lieutenant for whom Shenner has no name yet... have displayed in her. Still, though, so far Chantinelle has been impeccably mannered to her -- and Shenner can't really find fault with that. Taking Chantinelle off to a less public street corner, she does play for the woman at least a little while, until Chantinelle's duties call her away again. Once more alone, Shenner moves back off to find somewhere else to busk.... ---------- Kayle comes along the road to the southeast. Kayle has arrived. Kayle looks at you for a moment. Kayle while walking through notices Shenner, thenmoves closer to address the boy. Shenner, not too far away from where 'he' had been earlier with the woman with the blaster, looks up nervously as Kayle's shadow falls across 'his' line of sight. Kayle grins at the youth, "You supposed to be out here on the street working for money kid?" Shenner immediately puts on the most ingratiating of smiles. "I got my buskin' permit, sir... and, matter of fact, I was just gonna head off to the business district and get it upgraded to a business permit... a, uh, a-a major told me yesterday, I'd need to do that...!" Kayle nods, "Right. Why don't you do that.", then throws the kid a few credits, "Here get yourself something to eat. And don't be telling anyone about this or you'll be 'busking' in a jail cell." Shenner blinks, then catches the coins, grins crookedly, and promises in a stage whisper, "I'll forget I ever saw yah, mister." With that, hastily, the kid scurries off towards the government district, heading for the permit offices. Kayle moves on and doesn't look back. ---------- Postlude: _Another one_, Shenner thought nervously, as she hastened off to the permit office where she'd gotten her first busking permit, foraging through her pockets for enough credits for the fee to upgrade the thing. She was perfectly aware that she didn't need to do any such thing -- but as long as ESPOs were starting to take notice of her, better safe than sorry.... [End log.]