"A Happy Awakening" Log Date: 4/14/02 [NOTE: This is a backscene, which takes place IC after "A Night for Revelations", roleplayed in late March 2002.] Log Cast: Vardeus, Tiana Log Intro: The elves had known it long before either of them, and truth be told the crew had begun to suspect as well the depth of feeling between their Captain and their Second. But it's taken an innocent question from the Briarholt healer Starwind to make Vardeus and Tiana finally acknowledge -- at least to themselves -- the attraction each carries for the other. It's taken Kephissa's devious but well-intentioned encouragement to get Tiana to become willing to admit it to _Vardeus_; for Vardeus, it's taken Raven of the Raft Holt, who's grown to treat the human Captain almost as a son and who is eager to see Vardeus claim the woman he obviously wants for his mate. Thusly encouraged, Vardeus Alirreus and Tiana Pagonis have at last confessed their feelings to one another... and discovered, much to their mutual wonderment, that they are not only in love with one another but betrothed as well. For Tiana's true name is Tyra Yfantis, and she is the very Tyra to whom Vardeus pledged himself in Vrae. Overjoyed, the two have slept the night in one another's arms. As they begin to wake the next morning, it's to find themselves in a much more hopeful world.... ---------- For the first time in a very long time, Vardeus Alirreus sleeps a peaceful sleep. He is not entirely unbothered by dreams; there are still the wisps of guilt about the fate of his vessel and the souls of crewmates lost haunting the innermost recesses of his thoughts. But a great deal of the private turmoil he has undergone has slipped away -- and taken with it much of the fretful tension that has chased rest away from his slumber. Therefore he sleeps, his body and mind taking the chance to replenish their natural strength... while even in sleep, his senses focus upon the soft curved warmth he cradles close in his arms. It is unaccustomed, this warmth, but blissfully welcome. Strong muscled arms remain tenderly looped about it, while he keep his face nuzzled in against the enticingly scented, disheveled tresses against his cheek. Content, he breathes in their scent with each breath he takes. Content, Vardeus sleeps. Much like the snoozing captain, Tiana Pagonis also enjoys the first good night's sleep since the _Windrider_ was swept off course several months ago. No bad dreams have haunted her sleep for once and she smiles as awareness begins to return to her slumbering mind. She wriggles closer to Vardeus enjoying the warmth of his embrace and the solidity of his sleeping form. She moves her head just a bit, nuzzling against his shoulder though she has yet to open her eyes. She's just not that ready to wake up.. just in case she's dreamed all of it after all. It is anyone's guess which of them is the more exhausted; after all, the entire crew of the _Windrider_, every last man and woman of the ones who have managed to survive, have suffered deprivation in one form or another. Loathe to leave the seductive pull of the first honest sleep he's claimed in months, Vardeus nevertheless slowly grows aware of the increasing light beyond the little lean-to that has been built to give Tiana a modicum of privacy, of the distant impressions of voices of crewmates rising with the sun. Is it his watch yet? No, can't be. They'd call him, surely, if it were his watch. A low rumbled groan of protest at the strengthening day slips out of him, before he nuzzles deeper into his second's arms. Sleep is seductive... and the arms of Tiana more so. Tiana reflexively tightens her one-armed hold around Vardeus's chest as he shifts in his sleep. She is faced with a growing awareness of the sounds of the encampment coming to life as well and silently protests the thought of it being time to rise so soon. She does note the sound of footsteps that approach the entrance of her leanto, even notes the feel of sunlight as it falls across her shoulder before it's gone again, accompanied by the hurried footsteps of whichever person or elf it was that poked their head inside. She sighs then and cracks one jade hued eye open. She smiles as the first thought that crosses her mind is a joyful one .oO(Thank the Skymother! It wasn't a dream.) Whoever it is that checks upon the Captain and the Second, they escape Vardeus' notice entirely. "((G'way,))" he mumbles slurrily, though the shadow is long gone, and his protest is as much for the encroaching day as for anyone who might think of breaking the spell of delicious warmth and slumber that has pulled him in. He's there, though. Large and warm, his chest rising and falling with the deep rhythm of his breathing, and each inhalation punctuated by a scratchy, tiny purr-like sound as he snores faintly into Tiana's fiery hair. Tiana smiles as she snuggles against Vardeus. She doesn't feel compelled to voice a thought especially since Vardeus already said her exact thought anyway. She tips her head a bit to peer up at his slumbering visage and giggles at the small snores coming from him. She quickly bites off the giggle as her expression becomes more serious and she lifts her hand to brush a wisp of hair from his face with a gentle touch. He's gotten thinner still, each of his features chiseled in sharp relief without a trace of extraneous flesh to soften them; there are tiny lines at the corners of his eyes, too, and etched into the rugged planes of his cheeks. And yet, so deeply immersed in drowsing, Vardeus has lost most of the strain that's haunted his expression for so long. He might almost again be the carefree young man he'd been back in Shalros; he might almost be a boy. His hair, too, has gotten longer. There's more of it to get in the way of his countenance, more of it to escape the nominal confinement of a leather thong he still seems to try to favor; on the other hand, as has been borne out by his observable habits ever since his return, he's apparently tried to pay at least some attention to shaving. The whiskers he's sporting are the product of mere days, rather than weeks or months. At the gentle brushing of fingers against his face, Vardeus draws in the sort of sigh a small sleeping child might make... save that it is a good octave and a half deeper in his voice than it would be in any child's. His head turns slightly, towards that hand, though his eyes remain firmly shut. Tiana smiles as Vardeus turns his head toward her touch. Slowly, she runs the tips of her fingers along the side of his face as if tracing the line to the point of his jaw. Her heart thrills at the soft sigh that escapes him. She shifts a bit more and lifts her head from his shoulder so that she might get an even better look at his sleeping face though the wild tumble of her hair does get in the way as it falls over one eye. Some small voice in a corner of the Captain's sleeping mind begins to complain, unhappy that the treasured, warm softness that has lain against his shoulder is moving. This is Bad, says the small voice, and it prompts him to murmur sleepfully, unintelligibly, and ever so slightly tighten the hold of his brawny arms against the Warmth. Can't let it get away! On the other hand, something that feels marvelous is touching his face, and this causes the murmur that escapes him to trail off into another breathy little rumble. That touch, reports another small voice in another corner of his mind, is a Good Thing. Good Thing on the port bow, sailor! Turn your face to the Good Thing! AS his arms tighten about her, Tiana's smile broadens as yet another trill of happiness flutters through her. She lays her hand against Vardeus's face, cupping his cheek as he turns his head a bit further into her touch. She notices the murmuring but, has no idea what he's saying; it might as well be Elfish since he's muttering anyway. The tone of the murmuring is pleasant though so she shifts yet again, putting her face very close to his and whispers in his ear, "((Good morning, mi caro.))" A Good Thing, indeed. Vardeus leans his face into that caressing palm, and the opposite side of his mouth begins to curl upward in a loose, crooked smile. His eyes remain closed, though, and only at the affectionate whisper into his ear does he seem to begin to rouse. "((Mmmm... wha?))" His lashes flutter, but unveil only half of the ocean-colored gaze beneath them, and what they reveal is still blurred with sleep. But it is enough for the Captain to register who is with him, and on the very bottom of his range he rumbles out dreamily, "((Ticha. Mmm.))" His arms pull a trifle tighter, his smile a trifle larger, and his eyes flutter shut. Tiana giggles again as she watche Vardeus deny wakefulness a bit longer. She moves her hand away from his face to wipe the last vestiges of sleep from her own, then rests her arm on his chest before dropping her chin to her forearm, resting a bit of her own weight atop his chest. She wriggles into a more comfortable position and watches him for a moment, "((Will you sleep the day away, then?))" she asks in a teasing voice. "((Nae m'watch,))" is the Captain's mumbled reply. As Tiana moves, so too does he subtly shift beneath her, unthinkingly remolding his form to best lie against her own. His Shalrotian accent as thick as honey, betraying his humble origins for all his usual efforts to modulate it into something more refined, he adds groggily, "((Sae warm. Dinnae gae. S'good.))" And like a boy tugging his favorite blanket to him, he snuggles up tighter against the feminine form he holds. Tiana chuckles and reaches up with the hand that had been pinned beneath her side to tug lightly at that stubborn lock of hair that seems to keep fining its way into his face. "((Who said anything about the watch?))" she asks punctuating the question with a giddy giggle. She cuddles against him and sighs, "((I'm not going anywhere, mi caro... Not without you, anyway.))" She says that last in the barest of whispers. The simple fact that Tiana is continuing to talk to him slowly permeates Vardeus' consciousness, slyly preventing him from returning to true sleep. One drowsy eye comes half-open again, once more brought into better view as his hair is gently brushed out of its way; once again, he gets a sleepy impression of her shining eyes so very close to him, and her countenance with an unaccustomed glow of joy suffusing it. _Tiana,_ his brain finally reports in, and his eyes flutter open a little wider, though his gaze is still unfocused. A small questioning noise sounds somewhere in the back of his throat, even as the sleepier portions of his awareness argue that this situation does not require thought. One arm looped low about the small of her back, the other along her shoulderblades, he simultaneously presses her closer against him while his body presses the opposite direction. She is here, she is close; where is the thought required here? And yet, he's blinking, disoriented, as memory of What Has Been and evidence of What Is Now do not quite properly mesh in his thoughts. Tiana practically purrs as she's pressed even closer to Vardeus. She smiles as she stretches up just a bit and gently nibbles at his point of his chin, "((I think we've been discovered, carus,))" she says with a hint of laughter bubbling in her voice. She pulls back just enough so that she can watch Vardeus as he slowly comes back to the land of wakefulness. Strange but, every nuance of his waking fascinates her, nearly as much as the man himself does. The hand that was tugging at the lock of his hair begins to toy with the sun-gilt strands as she watches the shadows and hints of sunlight play through them as well. The Captain keeps blinking, half of him still doggedly clinging to the delightful sensation of being curled up against his second's warm, willing form, the other inexorably lumbering towards consciousness. It's the nibbling against his chin that finally manages to make him connect enough thoughts for more coherent speech -- though it's a tenuous connection at best, for the nibbling as well as the fingers in his hair are at the very same time threatening to chase off all thought entirely. "((Dis... covered... wait, I've... we've....))" Owlishly he blinks several times more, and at last focuses muzzily upon laughing green eyes. "((I wasnae dreamin',))" he breathes. Tiana titters at Vardeus's bit of incoherent sputtering then shakes her head, "((Nae, 'twas not a dream..))" she says doing a very bad immitation of Vard's accent. She stops twirling his hair long enough to push her own out of her face so she can better view him. She then nods her head, "((Aye, we've been discovered, though I'm not quite certain who it was that poked their head in here.))" Now it's Vardeus' turn to bring up a hand, whose fingers he touches tentatively to Tiana's cheek, as though he cannot quite believe that the woman he holds is real. Though his gaze is still heavy and languid, awareness dawns within it, and a profound tenderness begins to sweep across his features. "((A... man could get t' likin' wakin' up in sech a fashion,))" he rasps, low and soft and reverent. Tiana tips her head toward that hand and smiles as she lets her eyes slip shut for the briefest of moments to better enjoy the gentle caress. Her eyes flutter back open at his words and she turns her head to place a tender kiss in the center of his palm, "((A woman could get to liking it as well,))" she murmurs in a tone that's very much akin to a sensual purr. Vardeus' lopsided smile begins to quirk into being, though his low rumbled murmur remains rather droll, and his eyes extremely earnest. And extremely intent, their alertness growing to match the rising of the day somewhere out there beyond the confines of the little lean-to. "((Maybe we should be after tryin' it again,))" he suggests huskily. "((So's t' determine whether t'would be wise t' make a habit of it.))" Tiana purses her lips thoughtfully for a moment but, her all too serious facade quickly crumbles as she giggles and dips her head in a nod, "((That sounds like a wonderful idea to me.))" She sighs then, a soft, contented sound as she shifts just a bit, snuggling herself closer to the great, hulking male that holds the strings to her heart. Suddenly, she halts her movements and she stiffens slightly but, that is gone in an instant as she fastens a wide-eyed gaze filled with excitement on her love's face, "((I just remembered.. I have something for you,))" she says as she starts to scrabble out of his embrace and from under the covers. This time Vardeus' blinking is caused by surprise rather than a struggle to wake up, and though he lets out another little groan of dismay as she pulls out of his arms, he makes no other immediate move to let her go. Still, though, his hands linger, and the Captain finds himself growing perceptibly more conscious of the way she'd lain against him and the way his hands fit against her now. "((What's that then?))" he rumbles, bemusedly, though more of his mind is now upon the sheer reality of Tiana's presence at his side, rather than any particular actions she might be doing. Tiana grins mischeviously and drops a kiss on the tip of Vardeus's nose before she skitters over to a small cabinet, obviously scavanged from the _Windrider_. She opens it quickly and takes out something that's been carefully wrapped in a length of cloth, then skitters back over to his side and sits down, with her hip and thigh pressed close against him as if some part of her must always be in contact with him, lest he disappear before her very eyes. She sets the cloth wrapped item on his chest and simply grins at him. All right, now it's official, he's curious. Vardeus watches Tiana fetch her surprise, and by the time she returns to him he's reluctantly yielded his desire to keep him beside her to a wondering on what exactly she's brought him. But as soon as he sees the shape of the thing, everything else is forgotten. As soon as he feels its weight against his chest, a newborn hope within him gains strength. Both his hands come up, with the same sort of startled, reverent wonder with which he'd touched his fire-haired beloved, and as he slowly levers himself up into a sitting position, pulling aside the cloth at the same time, he lets out another tiny noise. This one, it seems, is one of joy. And that can only be joy in the gaze he returns to Tiana, a gaze gone full and profoundly moved. A man so big as he might not be thought to cradle an object so gently -- but then again, the lyre is his most treasured possession. "((Ye saved it,))" he blurts, marvelling. Tiana watches hope dawn in Vardeus's eyes to quickly be replaced by joy as he unwraps the lyre she has kept safe from the weather since the untimely ending of their journey. She smiles as she watches him cradle the precious instrument and nods her head, "((I had to,))" she replies. After a moment's pause she adds, "((I couldn't bear the thought of having nothing to remember you by if the sea had claimed you.. and I couldn't bear the thought of you not having it if you somehow managed to survive.))" With that said, she lowers her gaze to her hands which are loosely clasped in her lap. For a long moment, Vardeus can't think of a single word to say -- but that doesn't stop him from shifting his beloved lyre into one arm's hold, while he frees up the other to seize Tiana and embrace her, pulling her back against his side with a grip that relays the strength of his feeling along with the strength of his limb. Only then does he manage to murmur, unsteadily, "((I'm... nae even sae good a bard as Arnos... an' ye saved it for me. Thinkin' on me, even then?))" Tiana allows herself to be pulled into that embrace and slips her arms around Vardeus's neck as she lifts her gaze to meet his. "((Aye,))" she replies in a soft whisper, "((I think I've loved you from the moment I first saw you.))" She smiles and rests her forehead against his as she adds, "((And you don't sing like a wailing bean sidhe.... I only said that to get you to stop that particular song.))" The Captain starts to giggle softly -- and that's the only word for it, really, that boyish laugh of his, incongrous against the gravelly rumble of his speaking voice. "((I-I didnae think ye liked me singin'!))" he exclaims. And then that tenderness swells across his expression again, a sunburst breaking through dissipating clouds. "((I've loved ye since I saw ye climbin' up the riggin',))" he whispers. Tiana can't help but smile at that giggle and she adds her own to the laughter at his admission of thinking she didn't like to hear him sing, "((Oh, I like your singing just fine, I just didn't like hearing of the fair maiden with her love lost to another.))" She sighs then and drops her head to his shoulder, "((Then I am glad I ran from my family...))" That last is stated in a whisper as well. Very gently, Vardeus reaches over to lay the lyre aside, reluctant though he is to part contact with it; just as gently, he wraps that arm about Tiana gain, for he is just as reluctant not to maintain as much contact with *her* as he possibly can. Turning his face down so that he can inhale the scent of that brilliant hair once again, he murmurs, "((Then... I'm hopin' I shouldnae fear t' ask ye proper, to yer face this time... if ye'll have me t' husband?))" Tiana lifts her head from Vardeus's shoulder as a smile begins to spread, slowly like the dawning of the sun, across her face. She lets out a little squeal of joy, "((Aye... Aye, I'll have you as my husband.))" Her voice and expression are filled with a mingling of joy and wonder as she revels in the knowledge that he still wants her as a wife after all they've been through.. after all the shenanagans she's pulled on him.. he still wants her to wife. To this, there can be no reply save an incandescant smile -- and a dip of Vardeus' shaggy head down to claim Tiana's mouth for his own, to seal the promise between them of what will come. Slow to waking though he might have been, there is no trace now of languor in the kiss he proffers forth. And even now his breath is still quivering with traces of laughter, for when he breaks for air he giggles huskily into his second's ear, "((Good... f'r wee Raven'll never let me hear th' end of it if we didnae wed, after all th' way she's been after me to speak t' ye...!))" Tiana rturns the kiss with equal fervor as her arms tighten around his neck. Her curiosity is peaked at the giggle that bursts from Vardeus even as their kiss ends. A fiery brow quirks upward in curiosity as he tells her that the wee lass is the one that she must be grateful to. She pulls back just enough to look Vardeus in the eye and asks, "((I had heard that the wee folk were asking you if Kephissa was me.. Did you speak so much of me then?))" Call it a female thing but, she's been dying to know the answer to that one ever since Keph mentioned it. The joy in Vardeus' rugged face doesn't diminish, even while his smile turns to a sheepish grin. "((Apparently,))" he admits, willing to do so in the privacy and safety of his beloved's arms. "((I, ah... called f'r ye, she told me. In me sleep, when they first found me.))" Tiana smiles her own sheepish smile and blushes just a bit as she cuddles closer still to the man she holds dear. "((I calld for you, too..))" she admits then worries her lower lip with her teeth giving her own expression a sheepish cast. Gently, Vardeus begins running his hand through Tiana's tresses, grinning down into her eyes. "((I think I must ha' alarmed poor Maerro, th' lad was sure I was right outta me head... I was, ah, a wee bit banged up, I was. But I... didnae sleep well, among th' Little People. They told me I called f'r ye. More than once. They kenned it, before I did... how much I needed ye.))" Tiana has to focus to keep her mind on Vardeus's words as the feeling of his hand running through her hair sends tiny, electric jolts of sensation coursing from her head to her toes. She shivers softly as she smiles up at him, "((I think Arnos may have realized the same of me but, he was either too kind or too scared to mention it in the light of day.))" She chuckles softly as she trails a fingertip over the skin at the base of Vardeus's neck, unconciously tracing a pattern of spirals on his spine. "((Me lovely fierce stormcat,))" Vardeus breathes -- and again, his voice quivers a little, tilted ever so slightly off kilter by the attentions back there at the base of his neck, where his skin is surprisingly soft beneath the wild honey-brown waves of his hair. "((If ye keep that up... the crew's nae goin' t' see much of us for a while longer yet...!))" Tiana blushes at the odd assortments of endearments that tumble from her Captain's lips. It takes her a moment to realize what it is that he's referring to but, when she does her face turns three shades of red and her hand stills as a quiver of sudden nervousness courses through her. "((I... I didn't realize.. ))" she starts to stammer but doesn't finish as her gaze is caught by those ocean blue eyes of his. She _doesn't_, does she? Vardeus draws in the softest of breaths, finding himself entranced all over again by the realization that Tiana's been all unknowing of the havoc she's been wreaking on his system. How shall he enlighten her? One lean thumb comes up to trace along her lower lip, while he murmurs, voice utterly earnest, gaze intent and boring down into the emerald one that meets it, "((Ye didnae ken... how ye're firin' me blood, Ticha-love?))" Tiana's gaze is just as ernest, even if there is some shyness within it. Her cheeks flare with color yet again as she slowly shakes her head, "((No...))" she replies with a voice sounding slightly worried. In truth, it does worry her that her lack of knowledge of what happens between men and women might make Vardeus change his mind about her. She draws a steadying breath and adds in a voice that's more a nervous squeak than anything else, "((I.. I wanted to wait..))" And fire his blood she has. He can feel the need for her surging through him, dispelling all last traces of sleep from his frame, and he lets out a hoarse, shuddering sigh at her last unnerved words. But change his mind about her? Vardeus would just as soon lop off a hand -- and that, even when he's only just now regained his beloved lyre. Blue eyes a-smolder, and yet simultaneously somehow gentling at Tiana's admission, the Captain contents himself with a certain subtle, sly shifting of his hips... just enough to press just a bit closer still to his abruptly timorous love, and give her a hint of what he has to offer her whenever she wishes to claim it. "((Then we'll wait,))" he pledges. "((And we'll have a weddin', ye an' I, an' as grand a feastin' as we can make... an' I'll put flowers upon yer bed...!))" Tiana's own body is filled with need though she's not exactly certain of what to do to satisfy it. She gets an idea of that as Vardeus shifts ever-so-subtly. Her eyes widen just a bit and an expression of mixed surprise, shock and even a hint of curiosity flashes across her features in an almost amusing fashion. She can't turn any redder but, one gets the impression that if she could, her face would outshine her hair in coloration for that single moment. Her heart flutters crazily within her as she casts a shy glance downward then quickly lifts her gaze back to his face with a bit of a giggle that makes her sound more like a girl than a woman grown. His words catch her attention then and she smiles at the understanding and patience that Vardeus exhibits with her. She sighs softly and leans in to kiss him, "((Each moment since we figured out who each other was has made me more glad that I love you, carus.))" As he watches Tiana's realization bloom, Vardeus' own expression is pure deviltry -- and yet, the tenderness and patience remain. There's time enough, he tells himself sternly, to wed the one he wants for wife and wed her right. "((Glad I am t' hear it, and it's gladder I am t' love ye,))" he murmurs back, before giving rein to at least a _little_ bit of the mischief. "((But does this mean I should be after claimin' me own bedroll till we're wed, eh?))" Tiana notes the glimmer of mischief in his eyes and arches a brow at it but, she's quickly distracted by the heartwarming admission. At the question, she straightens and a slightly affronted look skitters into her eyes, "((I told you you were welcome to share mine as long as you like but, if mine don't suit you then fine. I'll just have to share yours.))" Laughter bubbles up out of him, warm and rich and gravelly, and he punctuates it with a flurry of kisses all along his second's brow and cheek. "((Then it's here we'll sleep--))" Mischief subsides, replaced by seriousness, though it's still in a high good humor. "((And it's a gentleman I'll be f'r ye, me love. Till our time comes. Till then...))" And with that, Vardeus glances out reluctantly over his shoulder, though he consoles himself with the thought that there is much pride to be taken, once the crew is let into the knowledge of the wonder that has transpired between the two that command them all. "((I guess we should be gettin' up, aye? And if someone's already discovered us... we'll be wantin' t' tell the crew.))" Tiana laughs and returns the kisses with ones of her own as she can place them, that is. She nods her head, happy to know that he'll be sharing her bedroll again at the next sunset since that means she won't have to figure out where he's hidden his own. She giggles then at his next words, "((It's quite likely that we won't have to say a word.. only to answer a lot of questions and bear quite a few glances.))" Wryly, fondly, gamely, the Captain beams upon his second, and then tosses a nod in the direction of the waiting day -- and the crew who no doubt is already gossiping massively about where their returned leader has spent the night. "((Ready to take a stab at it then, me love?))" he challenges. Tiana grins right back at him, and though there is a bit of a giggle coloring her voice, the words she speaks are no less sincere, "((I think I can face anything so long as I'm with you.))" [End log.]