Log Date: 3/16/98 Log Cast: Log Intro: ---------- With Mon Mothma gone, Rell slumps down somewhat in her seat, eying what's left of her breakfast -- a significant portion of it -- without much in the way of enthusiasm. Aware that Major Matthias will probably have her hide if she doesn't eat a sufficient amount of nutrition, and that Two-Onebee IV will doubtless back him up, Rell sighs and starts slogging through the cooling cereal, frowning absently at the far blast doors. Kyttra wanders in, sans baby, her slippers scuffing on the surface of the deck as she walks. She's heading toward the food, hitting up the fruit and milk rather heavily. And getting a large muffin. "Hi," she says tiredly to Rellawy. That's all. Kyttra Moderately tall, moderately trim, moderately tanned, moderately attractive, Kyt might be passed off as, well, only moderate were it not for the arresting nature of her gold-speckled chestnut eyes and the cynical twist of her smile. She appears in fact to be somewhat bemused by most of life no matter what the situation, and that wry amusement is echoed in her twinkling eyes and her crooked grin. The rest of her appearance is attended to with (big surprise) only moderate detail: her dark brown hair is long and habitually braided or simply tossed back in a knot, while her clothing is functional and clean. Not flattering, mind you...just functional and clean. She presently wears a loose-fitting white crossover tunic and blue leggings and still sports some of her pudginess from bearing a child. Or from eating sweets. Drained and wan in appearance, she has all the earmarks of a new mom...including the look of weary happiness. Rellawy lifts her head, blinks a bit at the sound of Kyttra's voice, and smiles crookedly at the other woman. "Hi," she answers back. Kyttra smiles back, yawns, and glugs her milk. "So. You got anything I can give the kid to make him sleep?" Rell sits up a little, and begins to look a little relieved; Kyttra is one of the few people on the ship who seems to be of even temper these days, and even without knowing it, Rell smiles rather widely at her. "I cannae say I know too much of bairns, yet, but I can go look summat up. So far, I think ye know more on it than I, to be sure." "I know that he wants to have access to my body even more frequently than Chris does," Kyt answers sourly, sitting down with her food. "And who peed in your cereal today?" Rellawy blinks, her smile faltering a little. "Uh... what?" she blurts. Kyttra waves at Rellawy, loosely, with an apple. "You look all glum. What's wrong? I'm the one getting zippo sleep these days." Blinkblink. Blink. Oh. Rell's smile returns, even if skewed. "Ah, well, 'tis two of us nae sleepin' much, I fear..." She plays with her cereal spoon, takes a few more decidedly unappetizing bites, and crinkles her nose at the cereal, which is turning into goo. Kyttra finishes her milk, puts down the glass, notes, "I hate that stuff..." and wipes her lips with the back of her hand. "You just look kinda chewed up inside. That's all." Rellawy crinkles her nose at that, too. She considers the Captain, torn, then admits, "I... ah... was talkin' to the Lady, Mon Mothma. She..." And Rell pauses long enough to gulp down a mouthful of juice, which is following the opposite course from her cereal and getting progressively warmer. "Am I still lookin' nervous, then?" Kyttra nods. "Yep. And what about Mothball, anyhoo?" _That_ makes Rell start to quiver with a barely suppressed, nervous giggle. "_Mothball_?!" she repeats, half aghast, half amused. Kyttra's grin is sideways and entirely unconcerned. "Yeah, Chris called her that once when he was pissed." "Somehow... somehow, that doesnae surprise me. I..." Rell leans back in her seat, gesturing absently with her hands, and she finally shoves one back through her hair. "Well, I was askin' her... about the morale of the ship." The lieutenant's brief show of mirth fades down a little, back towards anxiety. "Everyone's... angry and stressy, and..." Awkwardly, Rell finally looks back at the other woman. "I was hopin' for advice from her." "From...from HER?" Kyt laughs caustically, outrageously. "You wanted personal advice from her? From the Chief of State? Gimme a break, Rell. She's a nice leader and all but not much where warmth goes, y'know?" Rellawy shrinks a little, and mumbles, "I... didnae know who else to ask." Kyttra giggles, then, coughing, asks, "Well? What am I, a lump? Palpatine's toenail? What?" Managing a slight timid smile, Rell admits, "I... well... we havenae ever really _talked_, much..." From the look of her, it seems the idea _had_ crossed the girl's mind, but for some reason, she'd been reluctant to address it. Dent has arrived. Kyttra shrugs, taking a swig of juice now, and settling back down, feet on the table before her. Dent enters the mess hall. He smiles and nods to Rellawy and Kyttra. Seeing Dent pass by, Rell blinkblinks, distracted from whatever she must have been about to say to the other woman. She smiles awkwardly to the pilot, bobbing her head in greeting. "Yo, Dent." That's Kyt's respectful greeting to the lieutenant. Dent loosely salutes Kyttra. "Long time, no see." He says with a smile. "How is it going?" Kyttra shrugs, answering congenially, "Oh, it's going. I'm so fragging tired of being around the infirmary and the Swamp and the baby, though. Me and Thomas, we need to get out for a while." Dent nods, "And how is the kid?" Kyttra mmmmm, "Warm and smelly." But she giggles; she's happy. Rellawy pokes a time or two at her cereal again, unenthusedly nibbles down a few more spoonfuls, and looks back and forth between Kyttra and Dent. She smiles a little more, evidently pleased by the simple innocuousness of the conversation. Dent smiles, "Well, I certainly hope you weren't expecting anything else." Kyttra glances Rellawy's way, gets up, and finds another muffin. And more juice. "No, didn't really. Nope." Rellawy glances back at Kyttra, and the younger girl might perhaps be wrestling with a brief spate of awkwardness; she only smiles lopsidedly, and digs back into what's left of her breakfast. Damascus's usual stiff-necked stride brings him into the mess hall, where he's already engaged in conversation with Home One's chief of security: "...double shifts whenever we're near...don't want any ... especially the senior ..." Dent nods, "Good, good. Glad to see everything is doing fine." Bec has arrived. Breakfast vs. Rellawy Woodlake. It's a valiant battle, and breakfast seems to be winning; slowly but surely, Rell forces herself through the rest of the sludge that was once her bowl of hot cereal, gulps down the rest of her juice, and then looks up again, seeking out Kyttra's gaze and trying to be unobtrusive about it. Bravo has arrived. Damascus sits at a smaller table near the port that looks out into Space(tm) with the security officer, who appears much more casual than his tablemate. For his part, Damascus looks as if he's anxiously awaiting something to happen, like someone staring at a phone and waiting for the ring, or staring at the bread and waiting for toast. Dent glances back to see Bec's entrance. "Well, if it isn't Lieutenant Ga'lec." Bravo looks around and waves to Rellawy in greetings before grabbing something to eat. Bec strides in from the main corridor, picks up a tray and places a glass of water on it. He follows that up with a glass of milk. Carrying what apparently passes for nutrition in the pilot's eyes over toward the tables, Bec inclines his chin toward Dent as the other man calls out his name. "Actuall," he says. "It's Captain Ga'lec. But only for a little while. Is that an empty chair?" Too unotrusive, perhaps. Rell fails to surreptitiously catch Kyttra's attention. Hearing Bec Ga'lec's voice off across the way, she rises a trifle tensely from her seat; only then does she see Bravo Gaetan's wave, and she smiles awkwardly at him before carrying her now blessedly empty dishes off to the nearest recyc unit. Kyttra's nose crinkles as she looks around her, wondering what's ... ah. There's the source. Bec. "Hey, Gal." Dent nods, "I believe so. Sit, sit." He pulls the chair out for him. "Now, what were you saying about you being a captain?" Bravo grabs some food on a tray and proceeds to an empty table and sits down, to eat. Bec swings one leg over the back of the chair, which puts him in front of it, and sits down with a thunk. "It's just a formality," he explains. "Temporary field commission, for this little trip we've got planned. Hey, Kyt. Pass the salt?" Kyttra does, much as a gifted left wing smashballer sets up a solid 2-1-2 scoring rush. A tight toss to Bec's hand. "There y'go." Rell pauses, and murmurs lowly to Kyttra, "I'd... like to talk later, if ye will? Please excuse me..." She offers the woman a small anxious smile, then turns and slips off out of the hall. Kyttra blinks, then nods to Rell. "Yeah, kid, sure sure." [End log.]