"A Temporary Truce" Log Date: 5/22/04 Log Cast: Mierin, Rayek, Savah, Lifefire, Ahdri (emitted by Savah?), Peyote, Darkedge, Piper, Sprig, Snowstorm, Ashi, Vertigo, Ktai, Ekuar (emitted by Rayek) Log Intro: In which Rayek and Mierin talk again, argue, and run to Savah for help. In which new visitors arrive in the Village, exhausted from their travels. And in which a temporary truce is called between Rayek and Mierin. ---- Mierin rests on a bench. She's sitting quietly, deep in thought. Now that the sun has gone down, leaving the early evening haze, the hood and light fabric that has been wrapping Mierin's head is gone. For the first time since her arrival, her face and hair are completely visible. Rayek wanders, his gaze on the sky. It shouldn't be a surprise when he looks down again that his feet have led him to where the maiden rests, and yet it is. He stops, frowns, and then he ... stares. Studies her, now that he can see her face. Mierin looks up. She keeps a tight grip on her thoughts as her gaze lands on Rayek. Her dark eyes are steady, the gaze piercing. Perhaps she can see your very thoughts and feelings? She stares back silently for several moments. Finally, she opens her mouth to speak softly, "Greetings." Rayek exhales, proving that he can, in fact, breathe. Move. "Greetings, maiden." He still doesn't look thrilled to see her, but he doesn't look away from her, his gaze doesn't waver at all. "What are you doing out of doors?" Mierin chuckles softly. "Enjoying the darkness." She looks at him with an unwavering gaze. Her lips curl in a soft, yet sly smile. "Are you questioning my right to be out of door?" Ah, no. Don't smile. Smiles are against the Rules of Refusal. Smiles will just get the airwalker's back up even further. She smiles and his shoulders hitch toward his ears. "No." Terse word. "Of course not. It is not my place to say such a things." Rayek's .. distracted by something. For just a moment, his gaze unfocuses, and then it sharpens again. That small, sly smile remains. It seems she is enjoying the moment of control after feeling so out of control this last few days. She begins to speak, "What brings here on this..." She pauses as Rayek's gaze draws away and sharpens again. "Is something wrong?" Mierin locksends ** Rayek's distraction breaks Mierin's own concentration. Seeing him distracted by an unknown thing, person, or threat, a subtle wave of concern moves out to him. ** Rayek's brow furrows. "No. I... no." He shakes his head, though he doesn't even look entirely convinced of that. You locksend ** ** to Mierin. Mierin's grin fades. She seems to turn her thoughts inward for a second. Her expression reflects her internal conflict. Finally, she decides to go with the deeper desire. She stands, moss cloth ruffling. She takes one step closer to Rayek and stops. Without the need to torment or play games, she naturally reverts to sending. The send reflects the subtle concern present in her earlier send. ** You seem troubled. ** Rayek's shoulders tighten as she takes that step. He stops himself from taking a step back in response. "I am fine," he answers in turn. Aloud. "You can sit." Mierin continues to stand, resisting the easy way out. She stays where she is. ** You don't seem fine. You are tense. ** She stops, eyes focused on Rayek, barely blinking. Her gaze intensifies during that pause. Her next send is a bit halting, but nonetheless true. ** I.. I want to help. ** Rayek's temper, like his body, is stretched to the point of breaking. She will see the shudder that goes through him when he closes his eyes, and the sheen of sweat that breaks out on his forehead. There's palpable force coming from him, like he'd push her away if he'd just let himself. Then his eyes snap open, bright against his skin. ** You can not help me. The only way to help me is to do a thing I will not do. I didn't choose this. I will not let Her control me this way. ** Mierin sees and senses the temper. Temper is easier to handle and so she continues to stand her ground. Her own frustration hovers just below the surface. She matches Rayek's gaze. ** Her who? ** Rayek pulls away from sending again. "Her. Winnowill. She's done this to me. To us." Mierin looks confused. She's caught up in the moment, frustration rising by the moment. ** What has she to do with us? I've heard her name in the past, but I have never met her. You are not making sense. ** "You don't have to know her," Rayek assures Mierin. "You need not have met her. -I- have met her and I know what she would do. She would throw us together this way. She would rob me of my control, of my own choices and desires and she would replace them all with..." You locksend ** -You-. ** to Mierin. Mierin frowns. The anger that has been residing beneath the surface starts to boil over. ** I did not choose this either, but I do not think this was her doing. What makes you think that she has the power to do this or the will? ** A deep sense of rejection she can't deny floods her send, fueling her anger. ** Do you think you are the only one unhappy? I'm trying to cope and you accuse some other of causing this! I have very little patience for this! ** Rayek grits his teeth together, the effort of keeping his hands at his sides making his knuckles bloodless and grey again, making his shoulders shake. "Then go. Somewhere. Else. Lose your patience. Go. Away." You locksend ** -.> ** to Mierin. Mierin sets her jaw. Her dark eyes narrow and darken even more as the anger settles there. ** NO! I will do as -I- choose. We may have no control over - this- but I know what I -can- control. I will no leave because you order me or because this is hard. I am no child to be tossed off so easily despite what you seem to think. If you are so determined that someone leave, it can be you! I have duties to take care of. ** You sense in a locksend, Mierin's inner soul cries out while her temper displays itself through her conscious actions. A much softer send follows on top of the other more angry send. It simply begs to be acknowledged, completed, fulfilled. Rayek is once more distracted, his gaze shifting away from Mierin and his brow furrowing. He takes a breath and murmurs, "Ktai..?" You locksend ** -Nlee-! ** to Mierin. And Rayek staggers. Back. Away from the Underworlder, the heel of one hand pressed against his temple. "No!" Mierin sends openly ** What are you saying? ** She takes a step forward, then another. She continues to step forward until she is face to face with him. There is less than an arms reach of space between them. ** Who is Ktai? No what? ** You sense in a locksend, Mierin's soul again denies the anger of her conscious actions. Her emotions are soft and tender as sends ** Rayek... ** Rayek pants now, one hand against his chest as if it is a struggle to get air at all and the other still pressed against his temple. He squeezes his eyes shut and retreats no further, only to open them and find Mierin so close he can feel her. Certainly she is close enough to feel the heat that radiates from him. ** No! ** he sends again in desperation. ** -Please-! I ... I can't. I -won't-! ** And up he goes again, an unsteady wobble into the air and backward. You locksend ** ** to Mierin. Mierin takes a small step back, forgetting his ability to levitate. After she gets her immediate reaction under control, she steps forward again. Now in her previous position she looks up. ** Can't or won't, that's your decision, but do not run away from me! That's the coward's way out! ** Mierin locksends ** Please don't go. I need you here with me, Rayek. ** You locksend to Savah, Rayek sends one desperate, white-hot blast of a send: ** Help me. ** Rayek doesn't go anywhere else. He hovers, unsteadily, his gaze locked on Mierin's, but he doesn't run. You sense in a locksend, Savah reacts almost instantaneously, ** Rayek, dear one? ** There is worry and fear trickling into the sending she responds with. ** Where are you? ** She'll get help there. You locksend ** I. Can. Not. Not now. ** to Mierin. You locksend to Savah, Rayek sends one brief glimpse of the new courtyard, benches and huts and the decorated wall. And a glimpse of the Underworlder, Mierin. She's there too. With him. And she glows. Mierin stares at Rayek for just a moment longer. Finally, she shakes her head. She licks her lips and chews lightly on the lower lip. She suddenly sounds tired, the anger beginning to lose it's grip. ** Fine. You can just stay up there if you choose. We can speak when you are once again sure footed and not floating above. ** Mierin starts to walk away, head down. ** If you wish to talk, I will be in Savah's hut. ** You sense in a locksend, Mierin asks with gentle desire, ** Then when? ** You sense in a locksend, Savah is already moving it would seem, for all the frail that she appears, when the need is great as this one seems to be, she can move, ** I will be there dear one. ** To what end her arrival will mean, who knows...? You locksend ** <-Soon-, comes the answer. -Soon, Nlee.-> ** to Mierin. Rayek lands again, just as unsteadily, and despite himself, drifts after the Underworlder. Lifefire comes out of the forge just after sunset. The sky is blood red near the horizon with dark purple then, dark blue, and finally night black at the opposite horizon. Tired from a long day Lifefire moves over to the well and begins to crack up the bucket full of cool water to slack his thirst. His arms move slowly, but methodically as the bucket slowly rises up and the rope curls around the bronze rod. Desertbright, Lifefire's wolf, is lounging in the shade of the Forge's hut. Seeing Lifefire getting water she stands up and stretches before she silently pads over to nudge Lifefire's knee, "In a moment Desertbright." The sweaty leather clad elf tells his furry compainion as he grabs the handle of the bucket when it reaches the top of the well. Lifefire takes a near by gourd cup and scoops out some water before he sets the bucket on the ground. Desertbright starts to lap up the water in the bucket. And into the crossroads Ahdri leads a group of three. One nearly high one tall, one somewhat shorter than that, and the other - clearly a wolfrider. It's still daylight out, as the sun has only begun to set, and so the tallest of hte group walks, arm in arm with the elfess, the middle-height elf. Over his face, a mask, obscuring everything about him. It's the elfess that chatters at the tall elf's side - sand this, and sunrises that. Sounds like someone's VERY close to home. Mierin stomps in from the Northwest Courtyard. With the sun set, she is not wearing her hood or face wraps. She looks tired and annoyed at the same time. She comes to a sudden stop seeing so many other elves gathered around. She obviously didn't expect that. She looks about completely at a loss for what to do at this moment. Moving swifter than she has in some time, Savah holds her skirts in her hands, heading towards the source of something. Her expression is pensive and vaguely worried, though about her eyes, that expression is softer, somehow more relaxed. ANd behind Savah is Peyote. She too hurries, but for COMPLETELY different reasons, no doubt. ON her hand, balanced skillfully, is a tray of food. In her other hand... a pitcher of liquid. Oh! So many new elves. Her eyes widen, and her smile brightens. Rayek comes from the northwest as well. At least he's on the ground. His skin is a bit ashen, leeched of some of it's nut-brown color. And there is sweat on his forehead. He seems short of breath, as well, and he pauses just at the edge of the courtyard, long enough to spot all the others. It's the Mother's arrival that makes him speak, makes him whisper, "Savah.." THe voices make Darkedge tilt his head to one side. No sends. Great. Well, all for the best, considering just how close to THAT PLACE they are. At his side, Piper falls quiet, but sends to her mate, **I really don't want to be here.** And her lower lip sticks out in a pout. It causes him to lean down and murmurs, just loud enough to be heard past his mask, "We'll leave as soon as we can, my heart. Rest assured, I am here." Lifefire looks over at Savah and raises an eye brow as he continues to drink. He finishes off the water and sets the gourd down back in it's usual place. Desertbright finishes her drink and Lifefire picks up the bucket to lower it down into the well. Lifefire wonders what Savah is doing physically leading new elves here, but he quells his curiousity. What Savah's handmaid does it Savah's business and none of Lifefire's. She doesn't bother him in the Forge and tell him how to work metal, he's not going to tell her how to run the village. Lifefire inclinces his head to Savah, "Shade and sweet water Adhri." Sprig listens idly to the chatter of Piper, and the directions of Ahdri. The sun has been none to kind to this scarred young wolfrider. He looks exhausted, but walks alongside his companions with a stubborn determination. An elf on a mission, he will see it accomplished before collapsing, if necessary. Mierin moves to be nearer the Mother of Memory. Her frustration levels, which had been dropping, begin to rise again. She is noticeably agitated. She looks back the way she came and sees that Rayek has followed. She takes a step toward him, but stops and backs up once again. Let him come to her if he wants. Honey shaded eyes scan those gathered about, and the need to hurry seems to evaporate, sort of. Savah's steps slow to a halt when she spies first Mierin, and then Rayek. A nod is given Mierin as she approaches, and then, to Rayek once more she looks, worry flitting into the benign expression, waiting for, something. Peyote slows to a stop a step behind and just to the side of the Mother of Memory. WHat's going on? Who are all the visitors? ANyone need food? SHe opens her mouth to ask, but... something about the body language of a few key individuals... yeah. Better stay quiet. Rayek does, in fact, take a step toward Mierin, and then a second before he stops and closes his eyes, so hard that a line forms between dark eyebrows. He sways for a moment, then opens his eyes again, to look at the Mother of Memory. You locksend ** ** to Mierin. You locksend ** Can you do nothing, Savah? ** to Savah. Lifefire pats Desertbright's head and he moved back over to the wall of the forge. Savah is here and she can deal with the visitors, he's tried and would just like to sit down to rest. He finds himself a seat on the ground and Desertbright lays down next to Lifefire, putting her head on his lap. Lifefire gently scritches Desertbright behind the ears and plucks a long piece of grass to chew on while he watches what is going on in the crossroad. Savah locksends ** There are many things I can do Rayek, but in the end... what is it you would have done? ** There was only one voice. Lifefire's. But Darkedge is CERTAIN he heard others. He taps Piper's elbow lightly, murmuring to her, "What do you see?" She replies, turning to tiptoe up to his ear, cupping her hand over her mouth to keep from being heard. The reply makes him nod, and so he clears his throat to speak, face turned toward... nothing. "Are you the leader of this village?" That *must* be Savah. Sprig has heard/seen her in Tales as a child in Grove from his elders. But she is busy. Blast it! Sprig walks slowly over to where she stands, not interrupting the assemblage, but leaving behind Piper and Darkedge if they do not follow. All others are ignored for now. You locksend ** I would have it -un-done. I will not have this Underworlder. I will not be an animal and rut with her. ** to Savah. You sense in a locksend, Savah's sending remains even toned, soft and gentle, ** Such can not be undone though, my dear one... ** Mierin continues to stand near the Mother of Memory. She remains silent, primarily staring at Rayek. You locksend ** Then show me how not to feel, Savah. Show me how to leave this body that betrays me so that I can think. So that I can *breathe*! ** to Savah. You sense in a locksend, Mierin really wants you to come closer despite her outward behaviour. She still struggles with her inner desires and reservations. You locksend ** ** to Mierin. Savah locksends ** If you were to escape the body Rayek... you would still feel. Your spirit is what is called, just as much as your body. To stop feeling, is to stop living. ** Peyote's eyes move from Rayek to Darkedge to Savah and back again to all the rest. o.O Let the confusion begin. Oh! Zwoot dung! They're SENDING!!! Peyote can't hear.. oh wait. Yes she can. How was that again? Okay.. like this, right? Peyote half-closes her eyes, trying to 'listen' for voices in her head. You sense in a locksend, Mierin's more hardened side takes over as she sends. ** Will you still be there if I do or will you step away again? ** That fear of rejection is too strong to be contained. Lifefire continues to relax and chew on the piece of grass. He's glad he isn't part of the sending. He scritches along Desertbright's back and the she wolf rolls over on her belly so that Lifefire can scritch her belly. Lifefire happy complies and the wofl wiggles under Lifefire's fingers. You locksend ** But I have a duty, Savah. To you, to find the Little Palace. To Ktai. Something's ... not right with her, Savah. Winnowill's done something to her. To me. This isn't right. ** to Savah. Rayek stands looking up at Savah. Still he needs to look up at her, despite his long limbs. His gaze drifts away from her, though, and too the pale Underworlder. Face pointed toward a hut, Darkedge doesn't get a reply. So he blinks, and clears his throat again. But Piper helps this time, by thumping him in the midsection with her elbow, and reaching up to manually swivel his head toward Savah. "Thank you," he murmurs to her, then lifts his voice. "You are the leader of this village." Hey, maybe someone will answer him this time? Savah locksends ** You place duty upon yourself Rayek. The Little Palace can wait, Ktai... ** ahh, yes, the glider had mentioned needing to speak with her, ** I will speak with Ktai when she has eaten and rested more. And what help I can give her, as always, will be given freely. ** Sprig looks back over his shoulder to Darkedge, and like the elf he has become, totally in lack of tact, he answers for Savah. "Yes, this is Savah, Mother of Memory for this place, one of the oldest elves alive! And one wise enough to send Rayek here" He points to the erstwhile Sunvillager "packing when he got his britches in a bunch about Cutter and Leetah Recognizing." Ahh wolfrider howls and their tales. You locksend ** Is... it so easy for you? ** to Mierin. Mierin begins to take a step towards Rayek but stops and turns her attention to Sprig as he speaks. She then looks at Rayek questioningly. She just looks at him and sends, ** Is that true? ** She definitely needs an answer to this question. Mierin locksends ** Easy? You think this is easy? ** Frustration and anger rise to the surface again. ** I didn't ask for this anymore than you did and I'm tired. ** You locksend ** I told you I would come to help.. not for this. ** to Savah. Lifefire pats Desertbright's belly and stays where he is. It's none of his business. He knows who Rayek is and what happened the first time Cutter and the other wolfriders came to Sorrow's End. Lifefire stretches out and crosses one leg over the other. He's sure Savah has it all under control. No need for Lifefire to do anything. Rayek allows, wearily, "The chieftain of the wolfriders Recognized our healer, here, many hands of Turns ago. Yes. And his daughter Recognized a glider here and no doubt that child will come here and Recognize a Troll." Too bad its not in the Mother of Memory's personality to face palm, for the statement made by Sprig is enough to make her almost wish to do just that. Instead, she shakes her head, eyes remaining locked to Rayek, sending still. Savah locksends ** Perhaps then, you should help yourself? ** You sense in a locksend, Mierin's own bitterness is too much for her to hold inside. ** And what difference made it to you or do you just resent recognition? ** Peyote licks her lips faintly, shifting her weight, then pipes up with, "The flea-feast of an elf aside, we're happy to have you home, Rayek!" And with that, the bubbling server can't help herself any longer, and steps from Savah's side to make her way to Rayek. Peyote, one of hte MANY elfess that chased after Rayek, no doubt. Clearly, she has the same agenda in mind as she did back then. You locksend ** She was -mine-! ** to Mierin. Rayek shakes his head as his gaze lifts to Savah's again. Peyote, poor thing, gets nothing more than a belated and cursory glance before his gaze goes back to Mierin. Lifefire snorts and chuckles a little at Rayek's comment. He goes to open his mouth to add his two cents in, but decides not to. It's not worth the hassle. Peyote's flea-feast comment doesn't get a rise out of him either. She's not worth it either. Nope Lifefire's gonna keep his mouth shut and just relax. You locksend ** ... I can not. ** to Savah. With no answer forth coming, the underworld tall Darkedge growls lightly, which makes Piper lift her brows. Someone's annoyed. Prolly because they had to walk in the heat of the setting sun. Poor grouchy elf! Darkedge turns his face toward Piper, speaking more loudly than maybe he should, "You are right, my love. This village is rude. Let Sprig handle this, as he likes. We shall find a place to stay until he is ready to go." Spoken like a snotty little underworld lordling. Sprig may not have even notices Peyote's comment, or if he did he pays it no heed. He looks over to Darkedge, and his outburst. "Go and rest, I shall take care of this, once Savah is done here." Mierin looks at Rayek, eyes widening ever so slightly. She stares at him silently, lock sends rocketing from her mind. A female elf wanders from the portal into the area carrying a waterskin over one shoulder and a bow crisscrossed over the other. Her quiver is at her waist. Her steps are silent and her eyes are more or less focused on the ground. When she looks up, those who recognize her will know her as Snowstorm. Her face, unlike her normal blank expression, carries a frown and she pauses for just a breath. The wind blows softly causing her long skirt to billow a bit before she resumes walking toward the Well. She turns and smiles at one she met at LostHolt long ago then nods to the others as she draws water from the well. You sense in a locksend, Mierin sends with a great level of understanding. ** Telamon was mine. ** Her mental voice is soft when she thinks his name, but the next thought is bitter and full of anger. ** Until she stole him from me. She stole him and gave him the child that should have been mine. ** The honey shaded eyes of Savah soften, the bare wrinkles at the corners, wrinkling just a bit more as she smiles in a saddened manner. Her attention remains riveted upon Rayek, the with whom she sends. The sensation of blowing wind and subsequent soft rustling of moth-cloth skirts, against her legs is barely registered, so intent is she on the discussion at hand. You sense in a locksend, Savah sends softly, ** These things happen for a reason... Mayhap, there is common ground between you and she, which you've not discovered yet? ** Much like her and Djhala, the gentle mother of memory, mated to a wandering often times, thought to be, cold hearted elf, capable of killing. Lifefire nods to Snowstorm as she comes in and Desertbright rolls back over on her belly. The elf has his back to the forge and is just relaxing in the early evening. He doesn't want any part of the locksending that is going on without him. Ekuar> You say "Eh, maybe we should .. well, not go. No business with the Mountain, but we should see.." You locksend ** Leetah gave him twins. ** to Mierin. Peyote finishes her approach to Rayek, oblivious, as usual, and holds up the tray and the pitcher, the motion perfectly practiced to enhance her... elfessy qualities. REOW! "Would you like something... to eat," she asks of her most favorite drool-doll. Her eyelashes pat too. Ooh look at me! look at me! I'm pretty! You locksend ** Not -now-, Savah. Just ... not now. ** to Savah. Savah locksends ** In your own time then, when you are ready. I would expect nothing less from you ** Sprig waits patiently, observing the back and forth of mental communication. The sun has taken too much out of him, though it is dark now, he begins to wobble. Snowstorm begins drawing water once she is sure everyone is finished and slowly fills her waterskin. Uncharacteristically, she is silent and her eyes touch Lifefire once before she raises an eyebrow in his direction. Upon filling the waterskin, she corks it, recaps the well, then settles the bucket on the cap. ** May your conversations bear fruit and may your visit be... without problems, visitors. ** Her greetings, for she is trying to recall that she was told to be polite, done, Snowstorm wanders back to the aerie with the water her family requires. Rayek gives Savah, finally, a wan smile and he looks again at Peyote. It's not the maiden's fault that his complexion pales a little, no doubt, but he pushes the tray down and shakes his head. "No.. thank you. Maiden." Dark flesh, familiarized with by many with the complexions toted by the populace of the village, approaches the square. This skin in particular belongs to a tall elfess that approaches with not so much a whole-hearted announcement of her presence as compared to the more subtle one that brings her aside the stone cistern. Ashi is toting a clay container, most likely identified to be that containing water. Where she inevitably stops with this bowl is beside Snowstorm, of whom she lends an unwavering gaze and an even smile. You locksend ** ** to Savah. With a huff, Mierin walks straight over to Rayek. She turns her dark eyes on Peyote with a menacing glower. She touches his arm in a possessive gesture. Her send is angry and strong. ** Perhaps there are others you can serve. ** There is a subtle emphasis on the word 'serve' that may be taken as one will. Darkedge turns on his heel, arm letting go of Piper, the elfess stanind by his side (and being spoofed with permission), so he can just GO already. But the motion is too quick, and if Sprig is feeling drained, Darkedge is on his last reserves, and to his knees he crumples, lights flashing before his mask-covered eyes, like fireworks in the darkness. Piper exclaims, and drops to see if he's okay. She, after all, is mostly used to the desert heat, even if she doesn't like it. Peyote's eyes turn from Rayek to Mierin, and she whimpers faintly. After all, there was only one place she felt such dark sends. Of course! Mierin looks just like them, and so Peyote withers backward, tray wobbling on her hand as she fights the urge to lift it to her temple. "Ooooohh... s-s-stop. Can't.. think," she mumbles. Lifefire sees Sprig start to wobble and he pushes himself up to help a fellow wolfrider, "Shade and sweet water. You look like you need to have a seat in the shade and something to drink..." He stops short as Darkedge drops down to the ground, "Please back up and give him so breathing room. He's probably got heat sickness, get some cool wet cloths and a little bit of water please Peyote." Lifefire follows his own advice and takes a couple steps back towards Sprig. Sprig hears Piper's exclamation, and turns, too quickly himself, and notes Darkedge's fall. He shouts, more anger in his voice then needed no doubt. "Would one of you get him inside? And some water, for the Highones sake? Or are you too busy drooling over Rayek to care for an elf?" He blinks his eyes rapidly, a sense of danger for one of his party clearly his only priority now. A swivel of her head is the only intonation to the nuance that perhaps Ashi scoped the barb in Mierin's send. Previously ignorant of the mingling near the well, she next observes Snowstorm depart without so much as a farewell. Lastly, the demi-Go Back's eyes drift to Savah, where they land before quibbling between the former and Rayek. Rayek's attention is caught by Mierin's approach. Caught abruptly, as he didn't expect her to move, though perhaps he should have. When she touches his arm, all the world seems to focus on her hand, pale against his skin and it takes a moment too long for him to realize that there's trouble afoot. He actually shakes himself and says, "What? No.. Mierin.." You locksend ** Yes... ** to Mierin. Darkedge remains on the sand. Oh.. high ones.. Someone stop the world. He'd like to get off it now. A send catches his attention, and he sorta lifts a hand in front of him and replies. "Snowstorm. I'm not going to send here," he states, deep voice muffled by the face mask he wears. "Snowstorm," he repeats when there is no answer. Piper looks up, in the direction he reaches, sees nothing, and drops her gaze to help Darkedge to his feet. The conversation with Rayek having come to an end, Savah turns her head in time to half see and then certainly hear exclamations of others as a pair of elves go down nigh at once. Perhaps, out of character, but then, the Mother of Memory of late has found herself in some strange situations, she moves towards the pair that have gone to the ground. Softly she speaks, though her gentle words bear the weight of command, "Some scraps of fabric, wetted down for their heads. It will help, but they will need some shade. Soon." Mierin's hand remains on Rayek's arm. She sees the elves that have collapsed to the ground. She sees that Savah has taken over the care of them and returns her attention to Rayek. She sends softly and with a bit of confusion, ** I'm sorry. I... I didn't think. ** Attention is donned to Mierin as if she was initially the focal point of the motely gathering. Calmly, Ashi sets her bowl at the base of the well, and then straightens her frame before whisking to stand adjacent to the flirtatious server without so much a change to her reserved countenance. A short pause follows, and then the plantshaper queries aloud, "Peyote?" You sense in a locksend, Mierin enjoys the feel of the touch as well. She's embarrassed by her bold behaviour, but she can't bring herself to step away. With the sending stopped, Peyote steadies herself and coughs-mutters, "Didn't think you /could/" Oh, but then a voice? Peyote turns to look and then smiles! "Oh! Ashi! Shade," she calls out loudly, wanting to wave. So instead, she lifts the pitcher and starts toward the other elfes... oh!!! People down? WHERE? Ooh.. he's so tall! And to the fallen she goes, offering drink. "How have you been, Ashi?" Lifefire picks Darkedge up and moves him over to the shade of the one of the huts. "Here rest. You might want to take off the mask." He growls at Peyote and turns to Ashi, "Will you please go get some cloth strips Ashi. You live with a weaver." Lifefire stands up as he moves over to pull up the water from the well. Sprig stumbles off Darkedge growls as he's being touched by new hands. Who is this? Weapons? Have they weapons? His body screams to kick, push, twist, break, draw blade, and stab. But the sun... the heat.. He's taken far too much out of him, and Piper's soothing sends ease him to the shade. She knows what he needs, and so starts for the mask, but he shakes his head, pulling it from her grasp. "No," he states firmly, and so Piper stops and looks around. "I hate the desert," she mutters. You locksend ** Come with me? For a moment... ** to Mierin. Rayek's attention is Mierin's again, and he reaches for the hand against his arm. Ashi switches her head to appraise Peyote as she delivers herself bodily to the prone elves. Again, there is no change to her features as she simply replies, "Shade." When Lifefire speaks up, the elfess directs her focus upon him with a hint of skepticism behind her hooded gaze. After a short eternity expires, she removes herself and reappears a minute later with a bundled heap of cloth strips. Mutely, they are handed off to Lifefire and then Ashi briskly turns away from the hunter. Darkedge snaps at a sending, sort of directly it at Lifefire. "Fine, but let my mate care for me." Piper looks over at Lifefire, and smiles tiredly, "He doesn't like being touched by people he doesn't know." That explains things, don't it? Mierin allows Rayek to take her hand. She nods to him. Lifefire nods to Ashi, "Thank you very much." He takes the bundle and the bucket of cold water. He takes out some cleaner looking strips and dunks them into the water, "As you wish Darkedge." He holds out the strips to Piper. Peyote gets Sprig the water before going to Darkedge and Piper, to whom she offers more water to wet the strips. Mierin locksends ** Where are we going? ** Rayek leads Mierin south, toward the square where the village dances are held. Ashi takes on the fascade of the estranged bystander as she keeps a relative distance from the proceedings. She is grim. You locksend ** Here. ** to Mierin. Mierin comes along without any resistance. For once she is quiet and pliable. Savah returns to the Hall of Memory, much to think upon, and prepare for. Her eyes are filled with much thought, her senses attuned to the nuances of certain events transpiring in her village, as usual, leaving te day to day, to others. Peyote leaves the water with the injured and follows, looking for gossip. O.O There's plenty of gossip to be had, then. Rayek leads Mierin to a corner of the dancing square, her hand still in his and it is, certainly, the longest that he's touched her since arriving in the village. Indeed, all of his attention appears to be focused on her hand, and only her hand, his brow furrowed. You locksend ** I ... I am not ready. I ... not yet. ** to Mierin. A flash of bright color scampers into the dancing square as a young child adorned in loose but loud-hued cloth breezes by. Vertigo tarries for a moment when she sees the duo in the corner, and pipes up to address them. "Did you see my mother?" Mierin follows along with Rayek, making no attempt to reclaim her hand. She's somber as she walks with him. She looks at him with absolute absorption, the world around her forgotten for the time being. You sense in a locksend, Mierin is also wrapped up in the feel of your hand. Nervousness is creeping into her thoughts. ** Neither am I. ** There's a small revolt from a more primal part of her and so she adds. ** Not yet anyway. ** Rayek doesn't seem to have heard the child. To ignore is to be ignored. The child shrugs capriciously and moves on at a skip. Mierin stands still, waiting to see what else Rayek will say. The passing hours are making her less resistant. You locksend ** Then .. soon. ** to Mierin. Rayek lifts his gaze from her hand to her eyes, amber gaze searching her own, though the furrow doesn't leave his brow. Mierin looks in Rayek's eyes for several seconds. Finally, she closes them and drops her head. Head still bowed, she nods. ** Yes, soon. ** Rayek nods a few times himself. ** Soon, ** he sends again and then takes a deep, lung-filling breath and summons the will to ... step away. To let go of her hand and to put space between them. You sense in a locksend, Mierin seems more at peace now that the need has been acknowledge though it still flows through her thoughts like an undertow. There is still a part of her that fights the desire, but it is getting more distant. ** I'm getting so tired. ** You locksend ** We will rest soon, Nlee. We will rest together, as we should. ** to Mierin. Mierin takes her freed hand and wraps it in her other hand, wringing them together. She nods again to Rayek. She forces herself to speak this time. "Rest. That's what I need more than anything." She looks in the direction of Savah's hut. "I should sleep now." You sense in a locksend, Mierin is happy in a strange way. There is relief that the fight will be done soon. ** We will need to talk again after. There will be things that must be resolved, but I can't focus on them now. ** Rayek nods a faint encouragement. "Rest, yes. We should both rest. I need ... sleep." A faint smile. "Rest well, Mierin." Mierin heads towards the Mother's hut. She says as she walks, "And you Rayek, and you." You locksend ** ** to Ktai. Ktai locksends ** ...? ** You locksend ** I would come back to you, if you will have me.. ** to Ktai. Ktai locksends ** I'm right here, waiting for you. ** Next to the cottage, leaned against the wall sits Ekuar, and next to him, a visibly tattered Ktai. Worn and weary, but bolt upright, eyes wide and lips parted in what might be a hopeful expression. What a picture the weary airwalker makes, creeping back into the courtyard where the visitors stay. This is not the proud Master of the Palace. Not even the hunter who once called the Village home. This is Rayek when his skin has gone a more ashen shade of brown and his shoulders are not nearly as straight as they normally are. When every line of his body speaks of the need for rest. He spots the pair waiting, and the faintest of smiles touches his lips. "Forgive me.." She rises, forcing tired limbs to support her weight, taking one tremulous step after the other towards him. At his words, she smiles sadly, reaching out her hand to him. "You have done nothing wrong, Rayek... no..." She pauses, dismissing the memory of a painful wrist at once. "No harm was done." Her voice is so quiet, just slightly above a whisper, but it may be the only voice she has left. Ekuar breaks into a broad smile. He doesn't rise, but he does grin. "She's right, brownskin. Heh. We're just glad to have you back." Rayek takes the offered hand and gives Ekuar a nod, however slight it may be. "Back," he agrees, "for now. This ... thing. Is not done." As if he needed to tell them that for them to know. Her fingers are so cold; she must have been outside for quite some time now. But she squeezes gently, nodding to his words. She would not have asked, but now she knows. And it doesn't change a thing. And he is warm. Still too warm, and too dry, but warm nonetheless. You locksend ** Come and rest with me? I do not know if I can sleep, but ... I will try. ** to Ktai. She looks to him quietly, that soft light in her eyes, and then smiles. Ktai locksends ** Perhaps trying is all you need do... ** You locksend ** Then, will you? Please. ** to Ktai. Ktai locksends ** Yes. ** Rayek nods to Ktai, then lets his gaze shift to Ekuar. "Ekuar?" The ancient rockshaper just smiles and shakes his head. "I'll be in, eh, soon enough. Go, go. Rest." Ktai looks to Rayek for a moment, another smile on her lips. Her legs have forgotten they are tired, and her wrist has forgotten its pain. Dusty tear- streaks stain her cheeks, but the tears are forgotten too. Rayek nods again to Ekuar, gives the old one a little smile, then he squeezes Ktai's fingers and steps inside. She follows him, not daring to let go of his hand until it will be absolutely necessary. Rayek picks his way to the room they have claimed, and within it, to the bed, its pillows and silks. It's there that he settles down and waits for her. And then he winds his arms around her and makes himself small, for once, his forehead against her chest. Taking comfort, rather than giving. Is it selfish? Perhaps. But needed, as the shiver that races through him will prove. And she is perfectly content to give him whatever comfort that she can, for she understands all too well, remembers all too clearly. She puts her own problems aside for now, they will keep the night, and instead, just holds him close. [End log.]