Log cast: Rayek, Suntop Log date: 12/26/98 Wide Pass Through World's Spine Mountains(#356RJ) This wide pass is nearly an entire days' ride from one side to the other, from what you can tell. The sun is still hard and heavy here, but the looming presence of the mountains to either side seem to lessen the drain of the barren waste. The twin stars of Timmorn's Eyes begin to come out as the dimming red light of sunset fills the chill winter skies. Contents: Palace(#500Jae) OOC SIGN: Palace visitors, please read me! Obvious exits: Mountains Northwest South Suntop arrives from the Foot of the World's Spine Mountains. Suntop has arrived. Suntop trudges in from the North, a couple furs tucked into his pack. His gait is slow, exhausted...which is rather odd as the suncub has done this journey many times before. Rayek is a nearby figure perched on an outcropping of rocks. What chill manages to get past the nearby desert climate is staved off by a black cloak worn over his shoulders. His gaze lifts, then lowers to the newest visitor below, golden eyes narrowing as his hunter's sight easily picks out the newcomer's identity: sunblonde hair, dusky skin color, the blend of Sun Village and Wolfrider attire... ** Suntop. ** Suntop looks up at the send and smiles wearily in return. ** Rayek...Shade... ** he offers a greeting and approaches, the exhaustion evident in his every gesture now as well as...something else. Perhaps his eyes aren't quite as bright as usual...or there is more sadness to them...and perhaps his skin is a little paler (but that can easily be from not living in the desert sun for a while). Lithely, the black and white figure lifts up from the outcropping and glides down to stand beside Suntop. Sun-browned skin can be seen beneath his cowl, as well as thin black hair and his glittering yellow eyes. ** You look as if you could use some of that, ** he comments wryly, then lifts a hand to touch the sunblonde mystic's shoulder briefly. ** Are you alright? ** Suntop manages a chuckle that doesn't sound too heartfelt. "Yes, after this journey definitely shade...and warmth." To punctuate his last word he sneezes (away from Rayek). As for the other question, he takes a moment as if trying to decide how to respond. Finally, an honest "I don't know" is decided upon. Rayek's brown, slender fingers close over Suntop's shoulder, then pat once before withdrawing back to the airwalker's side. ** Come inside, ** he sends after a moment, golden eyes reflecting what worry cannot be hidden. Even though it's not very cold, he adds, ** You'll catch your death out here. ** Suntop nods and says softly, "Yes...thank you." He starts walking to the Palace with the airwalker. His mind is obviously not even on the immediate moment for he stumbles and tries to catch himself on some of the rock face. A cushion of air pillows Suntop before he can regain his balance or fall on to the ground. Rayek's worried sending flickers to life inside the mystic's mind: ** Suntop? Are you-? ** Suntop starts as if just waking up, taking a step back at the air and the tingling he gets from it. "Oh...thank you." He then looks to see what may have tripped him...nothing's there. "I'm..." he starts to answer, but even in speaking he cannot answer what is not true. The airwalker nods slowly, studying the smaller magicuser with concern, then indicates the Palace with a nod. ** Come.. We should get you inside... ** Silently, he worries over the mystic's state, even as he steps towards the great monolith. . o O (I wonder if Mender is awake...) Even if Mender were, it is quite possible that he could not heal whatever is wrong with Suntop. The cold, most definitely...but this goes much deeper. The mystic nods and covers his hand with his mouth as he sneezes once more. Resisting the urge to touch Suntop's back or shoulder and guide him inside - a paternal gesture he reserves for Eveshka and Tyree - Rayek tries to look straight ahead as he approaches the Palace, but can't help but sneak glances at him with every other step. Once the entryway is within range, the hunter looks down again at his friend and sends softly, ** You should've waited until the cold season had passed. ** Suntop's answe is simple, but a great sorrow appears in his eyes, "I couldn't." ** Why- ** Rayek stops himself before the question can come out completely. Forcing himself into tightlipped silence, he nods mutely and steps inside the Palace. Time enough to ask when the mystic is inside. You approach the huge battered stone structure. Palace(#500Jae) [Desc deleted.] Obvious exits: Doorway Some distance away, Suntop has left. Suntop approaches the huge stone structure. Suntop has arrived. You step through the doorway into... Entry Hall(#8823RAF) High-ceilinged, airy, this chamber widens out from the doorway that serves as its entrance from outside to an expansive room, filled with little more than strangely ornate walls and the occasional column, rising up to the ceiling far overhead. Closer inspection of the walls reveals patterns shaped into their surfaces, sometimes of wings, or flowers, or the lithe forms of elves -- and sometimes of images that defy description. The air is full of a subliminal shimmer that plays at the edge of elfin senses, a tingle that feels welcoming even in its eldritch oddness. Among the fanciful shapings in this wide chamber can be viewed a 'black spiral' of rock resting on a low column. A long winding stairway twines its way up out of this chamber and into the upper heights of this place; you might be able to find other ways out of here, but the only other exit in immediate sight is the archway and doors that lead outside. Contents: Marsinah's Tent Half n Half's Tent(#8861AJUeh) Sand cat Obvious exits: Corridor Winding Stairway Doorway Suntop steps in from outside. Suntop moves away from the huge stone structure nearby. Suntop has arrived. Suntop blinks as his eyes adjust to the different light and he looks about at the tents about. The airwalker's smile is wry as he follows Suntop's eyes to the tents inside. ** The corridor given to the Sun Folk has become crowded, ** is his explanation. Suntop nods, "At least most were rescued then." Then, surprisingly, he turns to the airwalker and asks, "Might there be a...quiet room I could use? I...I don't think *sneeze* that I could handle any...crowding right now." Now this is very strange for the suncub. He's usually perfectly happy to be around others, even if he is off in his own thoughts most of the time. Rayek blinks. ** I... Of course, ** he answers, looking surprised at this new developement. The sun-haired, sky-eyed mystic... solitary? Curiouser and curiouser. But the airwalker knows well the need for privacy and he senses that this might be a time where he shouldn't ask. So he nods, mostly to himself, and sends softly, ** I can show you to one.. or, if you like, you can rest in my outside chambers. I seem to have taken to the ones in here again.. ** Suntop actually does smile at that, a bit of the old Suntop seeming to come back...except for that sad, pained look in his eyes. "Thank you...I don't want to put you or anyone out though...I wouldn't want to cause any trouble." From the way he speaks it seems he has already caused enough. ** It wouldn't be any trouble. Whatever suits you. ** Suntop looks out at the chamber, his eyes growing distant...or perhaps feverish? "Your outside chamber then...I know it will be quiet there." Yes, because he knows no one would dare try and disturb Rayek/ Rayek, uncharacteristically hospitable, nods in silence and steps lightly back the way they came. [The airwalker and the suncub exit the Palace, Rayek leading the way.] Rayek pauses, waiting for the smaller elf to catch up, then glides off in the direction of the west, moving slow so as Suntop doesn't lose sight of him or fall behind. You ascend with care up the trail into the surrounding peaks. Among the Mountains This rocky nook among the peaks of the World's Spine mountains gives a breathtaking view of the pass below. The air here is pure, clear, and clean; sound carries with very little effort, and often the sounds of winds and distant hunting birds ring across this expanse of stone. Oddly, for all its starkness, the place doesn't seem nearly as forbidding as it should... the ground bears an obvious trail, and in more than one spot, rocks appear to have a strangely smooth and restful shape, almost as if one could climb onto them and be quite comfortable. The twin stars of Timmorn's Eyes begin to come out as the dimming red light of sunset fills the chill winter skies. Contents: Goldeneye Small Tent Flintbite Obvious exits: Sheltered Doorway Pass Suntop climbs up the trail from the pass to the east. Suntop has arrived. Suntop follows, mostly in uncharacteristic silence until, "Savah is still here, yes?" Rayek alights here, feet silently touching the dusty ground. He gives a nearby tent a wary glance, then turns at the question. He nods: ** She is. ** Suntop lets out a breath of relief. "Good..." The airwalker is almost amused, but it is a sad sort of amusement. ** Where else could she be? ** The question, his companion might sense, is rhetorical. Suntop keeps his mouth shut then, not even responding with one of his usual (attempted) witticisms. Rayek attempts a smile, but it's pained. Without a word, he guides Suntop to a sheltered doorway and, grunting softly, opens it. Nodding, he indicates that the younger elf enter first. ** In here. ** Suntop enters through the doorway, leaning on the side for a moment before entering fully. Suntop has left. Underground Dwelling(#7227RAFJ) A bizarre chamber to be found underground, particularly in the World's Spine Mountains, this place is completely incongruous with the stark terrain outside. Clearly too regular to be a natural cave, it has been snugly shaped by some loving hand, from the small fountain bubbling up from the middle of the floor, to the niches in the walls where at night crude candles cast pale glows, to the delicate and fanciful shapes that adorn the walls. On the northern wall is a larger niche where sleepfurs have been piled, perhaps big enough for an elf or three to rest. The only way out appears to be a stairwell that spirals prettily up through the stone. Contents: Suntop(#2935PBIJOUcm$g) Obvious exits: Stairs Rayek steps down after Suntop, removing his cloak and folding it over his arm as he does so. His golden eyes flicker around the shaped chamber, mentally taking note of everything and making sure it's in order, before returning to the sunblonde figure in front of him. Suntop looks about the shaped cavern, actually smiling a bit now. He touches one wall and then turns to ask, "How is Ekuar?" ** He is well, ** the airwalker answers with a smile of his own. ** He is a good grandfather -- ** (Did he just stumble awkwardly over that word?) ** -- to Tyree.. and, though the circumstances that brought them here were cruel, he is happy for all the new faces in the Palace. ** "And your little one? How is he?" Rayek answers with a wry smile, ** He is growing up. ** Suntop sets his pack down in one 'corner' of the chamber, stretching as the weight is removed from his back and shoulders. "How old is he now?" Rayek pauses briefly, unused to keeping track of time. He studies his fingers, bending and straightening them as necessary, then replies with a measure of pride to his tone, ** One hand and three summers old. ** Suntop's eyes widen momentarily as he hadn't realized how long he has been away for. "And the rest of your family? How are--" He suddenly begins to cough, taking a few moments to get the attack out of his system. "--they?" he finishes, taking some water from one of his skins. The airwalker doesn't answer immediately, alarm spread across his face like a malignant cancer. He moves forward, but catches his step again, hanging back uncertainly. ** They are well.. ** he sends mutely. . o O (Are you?) But he doesn't say it aloud. Suntop nods, the water seems to have helped. "Good..." He then takes a moment before offering perhaps a bit of an explanation, "Traveling during whitecold was difficult." Not much of an explanation, and quite obviously not all. But it may be of no surprise then that this one has caught something...especially if his body is has been depressed as it is the entirety of his journey. He nods, not all together surprised, yet the worry refuses to fade from his eyes. Rayek is careful to choose his words, for though he is not naturally unfriendly, being a worried caretaker is something that needs practice. ** You... should rest. Your journey has been long, and you should see a healer... ** Suntop nods and sighs, "You're probably right on all three accounts. Hopefully rest will take care of this..." He gestures, most likely indicating his cough. Rayek smiles ruefully and doesn't reply. Instead, he indicates the sleeping niche with a jerk of his head. ** Go. Rest. Before I pick you up and stuff you in myself. ** Suntop chuckles and starts to say, "You sould just like my--" but the words choke in his throat. Looking away quickly, he cannot hide the anguish that surfaced. But to try to take his mind off of those thoughts he goes to his packs and begins to take needed things from them. "I will...I feel like I could sleep for an entire moon. Thank you, Rayek." The airwalker is silent in reply, unable to miss the sudden change in his friend's mood. Nor is he able to fully block his distress from his own face. ** Suntop? ** Suntop looks up from his mindless? unpacking. For the second time this evening, the golden-eyed hunter asks, ** Are you... all right? ** And this time, the mystic senses, he's not referring to cold-sickness. Suntop looks back to his pack for a moment, folding a piece of clothing in his arms. When he answers, he does so with a sigh. "No...I don't think I am. But I hope it will all pass soon." This answer is truthful. Rayek asks carefully, ** Do you wish to talk about it? ** Suntop wonders if Rayek truly knows what he asks. But he answers with, "Do you know why I traveled during whitecold?" He looks back down at the folded clothes, "Because I had to leave." He answers the question himself. He studies Suntop solemnly with his golden eyes, finding himself a seat and arranging himself there. His mind is a flurry of questions, all wanting to escape, but the airwalker restrains himself, asking only, ** What happened? ** Suntop puts the clothes back in his pack and takes his furs, placing them in the sleeping niche. "Do you know what happens when a younger wolf challenges an elder one...especially the alpha-wolf?" Brow wrinkling, Rayek considers his answer. "It can win or lose. If it wins, the wolf becomes the new chief wolf. If it loses..." Voice trailing off, the airwalker realizes what the younger magicuser is getting at with a sickening thud. "Oh." Suntop sighs softly and turns to the airwalker, "I did not want to be chief...that is for Ember someday. I just wished him to realize that I was no longer a cub." A moment of silence. "I don't think it worked." Rayek would voice his agreement, but he senses this isn't the time. He only nods. ** What.. Why did he treat you like a 'cub'? ** Suntop's voice is soft as he answers, "I don't think he ever stopped treating me like one. Maybe I deserve it, the way I acted..." ** Don't talk like that, ** the airwalker cuts in harshly before he can think, then quiets himself considerably, a frown on his face. ** What set it off? Why..? ** The wolfchief and the airwalker have never been on the best of terms, but Rayek can't imagine him banning someone, let alone his own son. Suntop shrugs lightly, "I was tired of being ordered about...like I was not capable of making my own decisions. He wished to keep me at the holt for himself..." Rayek comments quietly, ** I was unaware that the Wolfrider was prone to bouts of... selfishness. ** Suntop smiles a bit at the comment, "Everyone can be selfish at one point or another." "Hmf." The airwalker tactfully refuses to comment. Suntop coughs a bit and looks back to Rayek, seeing his questions. ** Still... Heh. I thought that the point of being a chief of yo.... Wolfriders was that he was supposed to 'order' elves about. ** Suntop says "I suppose the difference for me is that...I don't really feel part of the tribe. And his ordering me was not for the benefit of the tribe, merely because he wished me to stay." ** Or... for your benefit? ** A frown flashes across Suntop's face. As ill and depressed as he is right now, he is probably angering a bit more easily than usual. "My benefit? Rayek, I felt useless. I wanted to leave and was not allowed to." He nods, answering with a clever, "Ah," before falling into a pensive silence. ** I'm sorry, ** Rayek answers after a time, tone soft. ** Can you ever go back? ** Suntop looks back to his pack for a moment, "I don't know." he answers as best he can, "I hope so." The airwalker nods again and rises to his feet after a thoughtful pause. ** Stay here as long as you like, ** he sends quietly. ** I should go check on Ktai and Tyree. ** Suntop nods and looks back up. "Thank you, Rayek." Rayek's nod is sage. ** The Palace is open to all elves, ** he answers simply before moving towards the spiral stairway. Suntop nods once more, "Give your family my greetings...I look forward to seeing them again once I get better." ** I will, ** the airwalker promises. By this point, he is already halfway up the stairway. Before he disappears out the entryway, he pauses. ** Sleep well, Suntop. ** And then he's gone. [end log]