Log cast: Eveshka, Songtouch, Shenshen, Rayek, Rainor Log date: 12/16/98 Entry Hall(#8823RAF) High-ceilinged, airy, this chamber widens out from the doorway that serves as its entrance from outside to an expansive room, filled with little more than strangely ornate walls and the occasional column, rising up to the ceiling far overhead. Closer inspection of the walls reveals patterns shaped into their surfaces, sometimes of wings, or flowers, or the lithe forms of elves -- and sometimes of images that defy description. The air is full of a subliminal shimmer that plays at the edge of elfin senses, a tingle that feels welcoming even in its eldritch oddness. Among the fanciful shapings in this wide chamber can be viewed a 'black spiral' of rock resting on a low column. A long winding stairway twines its way up out of this chamber and into the upper heights of this place; you might be able to find other ways out of here, but the only other exit in immediate sight is the archway and doors that lead outside. Contents: Half n Half's Tent(#8861AJUeh) Eveshka Sand cat Obvious exits: Corridor Winding Stairway Doorway Eveshka comes gliding around the corner, drawing up short when she sees her father. ** Father...? What was last night all about, really? Was she truly after...? ** SongTouch arrives out of the popular and well-lit Corridor. SongTouch has arrived. Shenshen arrives out of the popular and well-lit Corridor. Shenshen has arrived. SongTouch sticks out her tongue, waving the ravvit bone and giggling so hard she almost stumbles into the other occupants of the chamber. Shenshen giggles and runs after SongTouch, her upper tunic in her hand and not on her chest... She giggles and runs after her quickly Rayek is seated at the foot of the stairway, cloak draped over his knee, struggling with trying to repair a tear in the black fabric. He looks up at Eveshka with a blink, starting to answer, then stops at the sound of voices, head turning in their direction. He blinks again. Spotting a nearby pillar and showing complete disregard for relics, SongTouch sticks the ravvit bone between her teeth and makes ready to climb. Shenshen gahs and tosses her tunic to the side and reaches out to grab Songtouch.. ** Little one! ** Eveshka, her question MOSTLY answered, decides to land quietly near Rayek and point to offer advice on his next stitch. Eveshka locksends ** Little wonder you left the Village. With -that- running around, I would have left too. ** SongTouch clings to the pillar just out of Shenshen's reach, grinning widely around the ravvit bone and chuckling at her "mommy". Rayek just sort of stares for a moment after the two maidens, his brows slowly climbing his forehead. The rustle of cloth beside him announcing Eveshka's arrival draws his attention back again; at a private thought shared, he offers the pale Glider an amused grin. "Put the stitch there," Eveshka offers quietly. Shenshen oofs and heys... trying to grab at her... "Get back here!" She jumps up, trying to get her.. You locksend ** (a soft chuckle) Shenshen... well. It's never a dull moment with her around. ** to Eveshka. Eveshka locksends ** Seems there are mostly... furry moments around her. ** Rayek's gaze shifts back to the cloak and complies, the needle disappearing through the material, then poking out again. A soft chuckle escapes the airwalker with no apparent prompting, his eyes averted from the two playful ones. **Can't get me!** SongTouch smiles, immensely pleased with herself. Finding a solid handhold, she hangs by her feet and one arm, holding the ravvit bone with the other. **Not unless you can fly!** She sticks out her tongue. Shenshen pouts. ** Rayek help me! ** She giggles, trying to get at Songtouch. Eveshka's voice is soft as she watches the sewing. "Then there..." ** I'm busy, ** is the airwalker's amused reply. Another nod and the stitch is made, but Rayek utters a soft curse as the needle pierces his fingertip. "Zwoot scat!" Shenshen tries to climb up the pillar herself....hugging her chest.. Eveshka tsks. ** Father, is that where Tyree learned that? ** SongTouch aims the ravvit bone, squinting slightly as she sights it /just/ close enough to Shenshen to startle her without actually hitting her. She lets it fly and whoops! **Um? Shenshen?** SongTouch suddenly finds herself hanging by one arm. **I think my legs slipped!** Shenshen oofs and climbs down... ** Let go, I'll catch you.. <> ** Eveshka looks up, eyes going sharply crystal. "Eh!" Momentarily alarmed, Rayek pops the finger in his mouth and blinks at Eveshka. ** Tyree is-- ** He cuts himself off the moment SongTouch's sending reaches him, following the Glider's crystalline gaze with a frown. **Are you sure?** There is doubt in SongTouch's send. No worry yet, or fear, but doubt. Then **Whaaat?! Something's got me!** Shenshen frowns and turns. ** Rayek, sit her down please... ** ** Let go and you'll float down. ** But it isn't Rayek. Shenshen ohs and smiles to Eveshka.. ** Thank you... Trust her, Song. ** Rayek's golden eyes momentarily sparkle, betraying a dry amusement. The small one looks used to this. How else do glider children make it through thier first four years? SongTouch tentatively releases her grip. **Putmedownputmedownputme/down/!** Covering her eyes, debating between laughing and crying, SongTouch lets herself float in the air. It's slow and siure, but Eveshka sets her down on her feet. Shenshen sighs and huggles Songtouch tightly...holding her SongTouch settles on her butt. She sort of half-collapses into Shenshen. **That was zwoot-stupid, huh?** Rayek watches for a moment, a corner of his lips quirked up in a half-smile, then returns his attention back to Eveshka now that the maiden's feet are back on the ground. He arches an eyebrow: ** Tyree learned what from me? ** Rainor wanders out of the corridor Eveshka's soft lavendar eyes look to Rayek. ** Zwoot-scat. ** Shenshen sighs and pulls her top on quickly..kissing Songtouch's head.. ** I need to rest. ** Shenshen goes home. Shenshen has left. The airwalker's golden eyes blink, then widen. ** He's barely over a hand in turns! ** Eveshka sends openly ** Well, he definately had that feel to his send when he dropped his lunch. ** Rainor says "Shade to you all!" Rayek's eyes flicker, revealing a variety of thoughts running amuck his head. His nose wrinkles, looking frustrated: "Feh." The cheerful greeting grabs his attention briefly. The airwalker casts Rainor a sidelong glance and nods to him, then promptly returns his attention to sewing up his cloak. SongTouch waves idly, resuming her hunt for that bone she threw -er...dropped on Shenshen. Eveshka laughs quietly. Rayek shakes his head, nearly finished with repairing the tear. ** Great Sun... I'll have to watch my tongue around him now, won't I? ** Rainor says "Around who?" Eveshka giggles. ** Unless you want him to... ** "Tyree," the airwalker answers Rainor briefly, quirking an eyebrow at his daughter. "Hmf." Eveshka simply smiles. Rayek shakes his head slowly, wrinkling his brow as he succeeds in repairing the tear, then doubles back over lightly to make certain it won't fall apart. "I didn't think that he even knew what that meant.." Eveshka shakes her head. ** He might be young, but he's smart. ** The airwalker mumbles with half-hearted amusement, "And usually, that works out for the better..." Eveshka pats Rayek lightly. ** I'll bet you were like that too. ** "/I/," - and there was a glitter of mischievous pride in the hunter's eyes - "..was a brat." Eveshka doubles over in laughter. She certainly didn't expect /that/! SongTouch looks up, ears perking at the sound of some interesting tidbit of information. "You don't seem like a brat," she states with a cubling's frank honesty and seriousness. "Why do you say that?" Rainor grins Rainor says "he said he /was/ a brat." Rayek's eyes twinkle goldenly with amusement, his face smoothening with a grin as he watches Eveshka. He glances in SongTouch's direction, throughly pleased with himself, and chuckles: "I was, though. Many, many turns ago." Eveshka gathers herself with many snickers. ** So that's why she loved you. ** The airwalker's attention returns to Eveshka, the grin still on his face. ** Who? ** "Father says - said - that my sister and I were brats. All we did was try to walk the Bridge and herd the zwoots up the mountain," SongTouch says with perfect reasonableness. "What'd you do that was so much worse?" She turns curiously towards Eveshka. "Who?" Eveshka smiles sweetly. ** Mother. ** Eveshka locksends ** There. The next time Winnowill wants you, be a brat. She won't know what to do. ** Rainor grins at Songtouch "YEah you just were trying to walk the bridge before you could walk safly on the ground. He almost expected something different in reply, thus his golden eyes flicker briefly. Then he smirks dryly, a soft snicker escaping, though not for the obvious reasons. "And here I thought it was my dashing good looks and wonderful personality..." he cracks amusedly. SongTouch sticks out her tongue. "My sister did it just fine. And Shenshen told me all sorts of stories about the bridge." She frowns. "Why couldn't /I/ couldn't try?" She crosses her arms and dares someone to answer. Eveshka giggles. ** I have it on the highest authority that you caught her attention with those... ** Rainor laughs "Because your heart would cross sure and steady not noticing your feet slip and fall, Rayek's eyes twinkle goldenly again, a soft laugh escaping. "I see. Well." Eveshka smiles. ** So. ** SongTouch sticks out her tongue even further. "Father told me all sorts of stories too! And so'd Dart! If my sister and other Wolfriders can cross it then so can I!" Satisfied, she returns her tongue to resting position inside her mouth. Rainor says "and you can, Once you stop growing so fast and your limbs begin to obey you again" Rayek shakes his head slowly and chuckles softly to himself, gaze tracking around to the arguing villagers. His smile falters once, briefly, then resumes again, cocking an eyebrow curiously as he watches. SongTouch looks over at one of the pillars. "Then I can catch myself," she says. "I only slipped today because I tried to throw that bone at Shenshen and that was a stupid mistake!" That tongue reappears in Rainor's direction. Rainor grins. "You'll have your chance to cross it one day." The airwalker's smile fades, replaced with a disturbed frown. He almost argues the point, almost, but instead lowers his gaze to the cloak, plucking idly at the seam to see if it's secure or not. SongTouch pulls her tongue back in, looking over at Rayek and raising a quizzical eyebrow. "What's the matter? Should I have not thrown that ravvit bone at Shenshen?" "Hm? What?" Rayek blinks once, then twice, then smirks as the question sinks in. He answers lightly, "Oh, no. Please, throw anything you like at Shenshen." Rainor laughs! Eveshka almost falls over laughing. _Almost._ The frown remains, but a smile appears on SongTouch's face to counter it. "She's the only family I've got. I can't hurt her. Much." The airwalker's amber eyes sparkle with amusement. SongTouch grins wider as her frown smooths out to just a slight wrinkle in her forehead. "Maybe I should've stolen a cushion instead. Harder to climb, though." Rayek hmms. ** Next time, don't climb. Just throw it at her, ** he advises, suppressing a grin and just barely managing to look stoic. SongTouch shakes her head. "Then she could've reached me. I wouldn't've been able to throw it in time." She fingers her retrieved bone idly and seems to be scanning for another target. Eveshka sends openly ** Next time, braid something into her hair while she sleeps. ** Not even the airwalker can suppress a snicker. SongTouch eyes the bone, eyes lighting up and Eveshka's suggestion. "Hmm..." She grins hugely at Rayek's snicker. "Think I could braid a cushion into her hair?" Rainor says "I think she'ld notice the weight." Eveshka shakes her head. ** No... but you can braid someone elses' hair into hers... ** Still smiling at that last idea, SongTouch wanders toward the corridor muttering about Shenshen's topknots and zwoot hairs. SongTouch wanders down the most-used corridor. SongTouch has left. The black-haired elf beside Eveshka coughs softly, but it sounds dangerously like another snicker. Eveshka giggles. ** That will be amusing. ** Rayek's eyes flash briefly, hiding his grin behind one hand. ** Quite. I almost feel sorry for her. ** Eveshka sends openly ** I don't. She's getting her own right back. ** Rainor looks at you for a moment. Rayek emits a soft, dry chuckle in reply, then starts to gather his cloak up, rolling it into a messy bundle. ** Aye. ** Rainor says "Of course shes going to think its a marvelous Idea and try and do it to you." Eveshka laughs softly. ** If she finds me sleeping. ** Rayek rises slowly to his feet, tucking the black bundle under his arm. ** I'm going to check up on Ktai, ** he announces after a moment, moving in the direction of the corridor. ** Send if you need me. ** Eveshka rises as well. ** I should follow... Tyree might be awake... ** The airwalker pauses briefly, then nods. ** Aye. ** He then disappears into the corridor. Rainor says "See you both later" You wander down the most-used corridor... Side Corridor(#6192RFL) This corridor isn't quite as large as many of the corridors though the Palace, and gives less of a feeling of airy, open space than the larger passageways do. The damage that the Palace suffered is no longer in evidence here; translucent walls and columns once again swoop smoothly and gracefully to a delicately arched ceiling. What magic can be spared from the Palace is used to keep this area comfortable against the climate. One of the smaller corridors branching from this one seems to be lit, dimly but reasonably well. Contents: Family Tent(#4039Je) Obvious exits: Smaller Corridor Rayek's Chamber Entry Hall Eveshka wanders in from the main hall of the Palace. Eveshka has arrived. [end log]