Log Cast: Rayek, Suntop, Flashfire, Ktai Log Date: 4/26, 5/2, 5/3/1998 Log Intro: With the release of the captives from the Underworld, Rayek has finally begun to relax, though it is a fractional change. Tension still rises and falls between Ktai and him and to escape both that and the hustle-and-bustle of the Sun Village. To the Bridge of Destiny he goes where he broods, allowing time to pass as it will. Bridge of Destiny - The beginning Wide at first, the Bridge of destiny is a remnant of wind sculptured sandstone that soars high above the desert. This is the only approach to the Ledge of Truth, where the symbol of the Sun Folk has been erected, and where Sun Toucher waits each morning to greet the daystar. You can look in all directions here. The twin stars of Timmorn's Eyes begin to come out as the dimming red light of sunset fills the chill winter skies. The explosion of colors is fading as plants dry up and go dormant, waiting for the next rainfall. Obvious exits: Middle Ledge Suntop steps out on the bridge to join you, testing his courage as he balances along it. Suntop has arrived. Flashfire steps out on the bridge to join you, testing his courage as he balances along it. Flashfire has arrived. Suntop says "The third Trial," Suntop tells Flashfire as they climb up from the base of the ledge, "is a trial of Heart. The opponents must face what they fear the most." He goes to look out at the bridge." Rayek is standing towards the center of the Bridge, his arms folded over his chest. He is facing the sun-symbol on the end of the bridge, his back to any that approach. A slight golden glow has cast over his form, as if he were gliding, but his feet rest on the bridge itself, a slight wind having caught his cloak and ebon mane and flicking them to the side. At the sound of voices, his head turns to glance over his shoulder, golden eyes narrowing slightly. Flashfire follows along with Suntop, pausing to stare out across the open area. Such a view..definitely much better than that from any treetop. Suntop was right about that. "What they fear the most, aye.." Flashfire is about as close to bein in awe as an elf could be. Staring out across the narrow bridge itself, his eyes fall upon Rayek. The cub pauses in place. [Flashfire] At first glance, it seems apparent that Flashfire isn't quite like most elves. This is clear as you notice the 3'7" cub's pale face, larger-than-normal golden eyes dominant, surrounded by a mane of fire -red hair. It is a bit darker at the roots and his hair rests somewhat wildly on his head, with no rhyme or reason as to where it falls. His pointed ears are upswept, and a small tuft of hair can be seen around his earlobes. His nose pokes out slightly longer than normal, turning up very faintly, and as he speaks, you can notice his canines are sharp, definitely a telling sign that Flashfire is a throwback. Flashfire is currently clad in clothing more commonly found on Sun Folk, having received these threads as a gift. Moth-cloth is the material, and bright is the general color scheme. A loose-fitting shirt is worn over his upper body, a solid yellow in color, with an open blue vest over it. The sleeves end near his elbows, and firm brown leather wrappings cover his arms from the wrists to mid-forearm. He also wears a pair of dark red shorts, stopping at the knees. A belt-pouch helps hold them in place, with the shirt dangling over it. Having lost his knee-high boots, he now wears a simple pair of tan sandals, leaving his feet open to the air. He's seen with a new addition, as well - a bow and some arrows. When not carried, the bow rests over a shoulder, and he's got a quiver full of arrows connected to a strap slung over the opposite shoulder. The cub, formerly lanky in appearance, has begun to show signs of filling out, looking more in proportion to himself, while seeming a lot less clumsy than before. He looks to be nearing eight -and-five, though it's getting harder to pinpoint his exact age. Carrying: Silvertail [Rayek] Tall, graceful, but sort of gangly in a way you can't quite tell. His obsidian hair, occasionally flashing an indigo highlight or two, cascades over his shoulders and settles somewhere just above the small of his back. His eyes are slanted, almost serpentine, with long lashes framing golden-amber irises, a down-tilted nose set evenly between them. His face is finely chiseled and perhaps a little long, wisps of black hair curling slightly to frame his face, his skin a smooth, milk chocolate tone. A pair of upward sloping ears peek out from beneath his obsidian mane, elegant points on each tip. Gone are the yellowy garments of Glider-make, instead replaced with Sun Folk-woven cloth dyed simply in black and white. He wears a tunic with laces through the collar, tied loosely with the ends trailing down his front. The tunic tucks into a pair of black, formfitting leggings that, in turn, tuck into a pair of above-the-knee boots. A black cloak, deliberately cut ragged, is tied about his shoulders. Suntop smiles and picks up a loose pebble, tossing it to have it land as close to the Airwalker's feet as possible. As if on cue, the Airwalker's feet lift from the narrow length of bridge, the golden glow surrounding him flaring briefly as he hovers a handspan from the rock. A crooked smirk catches the edge of Rayek's mouth and he turns midair to face Suntop and Flashfire, his arms crossed over his chest. ** Greetings, ** he sends openly, an eyebrow slightly quirked. He had caught those last words as the two approached. Suntop chuckles. "Shade, Rayek...have you met Flashfire?" He turns slightly to introduce the younger elf beside him. Flashfire glances briefly to Suntop as the pebble is thrown, then his eyes shift back at the floating dark-skinned elf. ** Hello. ** he answers, finding himself staring just a bit. The child's gawking seems to pull at the corner of Rayek's smirk all the more, his serpentine eyes regarding the Wolfrider amusedly for a moment before answering Suntop's question with a simple: ** I have not. ** The Airwalker continues to hover, the rippling expressions upon his face plainly enjoying the child's attentions. A few moments pass in silence, at least from Rayek's side, before he adds off-handedly, ** One of the released captives from the Underworld, I'd assume. ** Suntop rolls his eyes slightly and glances from the awestruck Flashfire to the often rather smug Rayek. He takes a step onto the bridge and looks to the Airwalker. ** Yes...he was the one I spoke to who was with Treestump. ** A grins tugs at the corners of his mouth. Suntop locksends ** So do you plan to come closer so the cub can get a better look at you? Or will you make him gape from afar? <. ** Flashfire lets Suntop's answer speak for him, then he blinks, snapping out of whatever state he'd just been in. The elf is only floating in the air. It's nothing big, Flashfire tells himself. Besides, it looks very much like Rayek enjoys the attention. Perhaps to spite the raven -haired one, Flashfire returns his gaze to Suntop, for now, also stepping onto the bridge. An arm lifts for balance, with a bit of a gust passing him. ** Treestump? ** Rayek repeats, a shadow of thought crossing over his eyes briefly before he connects name to face. ** Ah.. the bearded one. Your uncle. ** Then the amber depths of his eyes spark in sudden amusement, his attention resting fully on Suntop for a moment. The smirk shifts briefly into a crooked grin and a sly wink before his attention returns to Flashfire. ** Do not fall, ** he sends suddenly, but with deliberate casualness. ** It.. would not be a.. pleasurable experiance. ** You locksend ** ((Though delayed, the Airwalker's reply comes.)) What do .you. think? ** to Suntop. Suntop purses his lips together so as not to laugh aloud. Although remaining on the ledge, he motions Flashfire forward of he truly wishes. ** Yes, be careful...the wind can be deceivingly light and then all of a sudden a gust of it can almost knock you off of your feet. ** A certain amount of dryness colors Rayek's send as he seconds Suntop's. ** Indeed. It -will- knock you off your feet. Believe me, child, I know. ** Suntop flushes briefly at Rayek's comment. He silently watches Flashfire make his way across the bridge. Flashfire tests his footing, giving Rayek a cursory glance, then an understanding nod. His eyes return to his feet, and he swallows faintly, seeing how far the ground below is. ** I don't think falling from this height would be very fun, no. ** He grits his teeth, and takes a step forward, getting as used to the swirling wind as he can. He takes another step, looking back up. ** It's not so bad. ** Suntop locksends ** He was asking about the Trial of Hand, Head, and Heart... ** Suntop glances sideways at the Airwalker, keeping an eye on Flashfire. The Airwalker's eyes follow Flashfire's slow approach almost critically. After a moment, he glides back two stride-lengths, allowing the Wolfrider room to continue forward should he wish to do so. ** So you think, ** Rayek cannot help but answer dryly, then his gaze shifts to level with Suntop's, his lips pursing before they thin out into a straight line. . o O (....) Suntop sighs softly and sits on the ledge, his legs tucked up under him. You locksend to Suntop, Rayek's send is quiet and still dry, but not that much so. ** Many do. ** Suntop locksends ** I told him nothing about you...he merely asked what the bridge was for. ** He pauses before asking, ** How is Savah? ** Flashfire may just be a cub, but he's not dumb enough to overestimate himself, or be careless up here. He stops in place, knees slightly bent. ** I'm being careful. ** he sends, as he looks to Rayek. Then, he watches Suntop sit down. ** Is something wrong? ** Suntop's eyes flick to Flashfire. ** No, not at all. ** He offers a small smile. ** I have not spoken with her personally since the captives were released, ** Rayek sends openly, his gaze no longer resting on any specifically until Flashfire sends. His eyes then shift to rest briefly on the Wolfrider child and he only offers a silent shake of his head in reply. Suntop nods to Rayek and looks out at the expanse of sky and desert, strangely silent, especially after the past few days. He rest his elbows on his knees and his chin on his hands as he seems to be pondering something. Flashfire chooses this time to have a seat as well, rather than keep moving along on the bridge. His eyes shift between Suntop and Rayek, and he slips into a quieter state, getting a slightly distant look in his eyes as he shifts his bow from shoulder to hands, holding it. Rayek watches both as they take a seat, but makes no movement to join them, perfectly content to hover there with his arms crossed over his chest. As silence starts to grow heavy save the whistling of the wind, his eyes narrow ever so slightly before he sends blandly: ** If I interrupted your conversation, I apologize. I may leave if you wish. ** Suntop starts out of his reverie. ** What? Oh...no...I was finished with the story. ** He looks to Flashfire. ** Unless you had any other questions, of course. ** Flashfire looks up from his bow, and shakes his head quickly. ** No, I didn't. Sorry, I don't really know of anything to talk about. But you don't have to leave. ** He looks to Rayek as he finishes his send. Finally, after a few seconds pass, his curiosity shows. ** What were you up here, for, all alone? ** Yellow flames rise in Rayek's eyes, flickering, but not flaring. So small are they that they threaten to be snuffed out with the barest of breezes, but they flicker there, struggling to add light, all the same. He watches the young Wolfrider for a long moment, then a faltering smile reaches the Airwalker's lips. ** I.. came to find Ktai. My.. mate. I often find her here, but.. ** With a shrug, he gestures. Obviously she is -not- here. ** ... I became distracted by thoughts soon after. ** Suntop stands and makes his way slowly and carefully over to Flashfire. He crouches down beside the younger elf and points out the small stone monument on the other side of the bridge. ** That is the monument for Yurek. ** You locksend ** ((Almost idly, but there is a strange sense of having thought over this often)) The Mother of Memory.. after she was released from the Underworld.. told -me- I reminded her of Yurek. ** to Suntop. Suntop looks up almost sharply at Rayek, pondering a send. Flashfire stares up at Rayek once again, watching his eyes flicker. His bow comes to settle into his lap, as the breeze flutters the feathered ends of the arrows in his quiver. ** Oh..I didn't know you had a mate. You must care deeply for her.. ** Distractedly, he nods to Suntop, glancing towards the monument pointed out to him. ** Ah..I see. ** Suntop locksends ** In your looks or your behavior? Just as long as you do not infuse yourself into stone... ** ** I do, ** Rayek answers Flashfire simply without looking at him, instead returning Suntop's sharp look with a uncharacteristically mild one of his own. As a thought crosses his mind, his expression becomes dryly amused as he glances away from the two smaller elves to look down to the ground far, far below. "Or throw myself from the Bridge itself.." he murmurs, perhaps to himself, perfectly aware of what that might sound like to the one not participating in the two magic-users' private conversation. You locksend ** ((simply)) In appearance. ** to Suntop. Suntop sniffs and sits back on his heels, watching the Airwalker. "And if you did," he adds, "You'd float yourself up again. The advantages of having that magic." He then looks to Flashfire. "Where else should we explore? Have you tried your new bow yet?" Suntop locksends ** Is that a good thing then? ** You locksend to Suntop, Rayek sends plainly, ** I haven't the foggiest. ** Flashfire wears a clearly confused look on his face at the spoken words from Rayek. . o O (...?) He opens his mouth to say something, to question, but halts himself before it's said. If it was a private conversation, it'd be better he stay out of it. Besides, Rayek seems to leave him somewhat unsettled. He looks to Suntop, perhaps..glad? for an excuse to go elsewhere. "I haven't, yet." ** Hunting wouldn't be very satisfactory, if that's what you mean to do, ** Rayek sends, almost idly. ** There have been so many elves collected here, particularly Wolfriders.. the number of animals in range of hunting have been greatly exhausted. ** Suntop sighs and wipes some sand off of his shoes. ** They have to eat, Rayek...besides, many are going back to their holts now. ** Rayek arches an eyebrow, eyes now resting on Suntop fully. He bristles, almost noticeably. ** Just because they are gone doesn't make the food appear out of thin air. It will take time for the desert to readjsut. ** Suntop meets Rayek's gaze fully. ** I am aware of that Rayek...but how else is a young wolfrider able to test out his new bow? Besides, even if nothing is caught it can still be fun. ** Flashfire seems to understand this, as well. ** Time, aye..if enough were even left so they /can/ reproduce.. ** He winds up nodding to both. ** Maybe we could find something else to practice on. ** ** So you can go shoot at rocks and prickerplants. ** Rayek's tone, though his face is void of any expression, is scornful. ** Fun indeed. ** Flashfire mumbles under his breath, but it can still be heard. "You probably wouldn't know fun if it came and bit you on the nose.." He almost pouts. Suntop frowns and stands slowly. ** Do you even remember what fun is, Rayek? ** Rayek's nostrils flare, his eyes sparking noticeably. Insulted, the Airwalker fires back defensively, but snidely: ** I know that flinging things at rocks and plants isn't 'fun.' They aren't alive, nor do they move, so what is the point? ** Suntop waves a hand. ** Calm down, Rayek. Some need to simply practice. Not everyone is born with perfect aim. ** He sighs softly as he starts back towards the ledge. Rayek opens his mouth to reply, but it hangs open silently, no words escaping. After a moment, he slowly closes it, looking ruffled. . o O (....) ** So I can get better at it. Some things do need practice, you know. ** The cub's nostrils flare, just the same, his eyes narrowing just a tad before they soften again. His temper settles down, and he tries not to get into any mind games with Rayek. You locksend to Flashfire, Rayek cannot help but worsen whatever sting he might have been able to inflict. ** When I was young, I taught myself how to hunt. I had no use for practice. I simply did. ** Suntop glances back to the Airwalker and the young wolfrider. ** Rayek...you are a hunter...perhaps you could give Flashfire some instruction...? ** His gem-blue eyes sparkle as he waits for the answer. You sense in a locksend, Flashfire pauses in thought, and his answer contains some pain, along with a firey retort. ** Well I'm not you..I'm not sure I want to be. At least Suntop wants to help, and be a real friend.. ** Flashfire glares at Rayek, with mildly hurting eyes, before scrambling to his feet. ** I don't want his help.. ** he send-murmurs. Suntop lightly places a hand on Flashfire's shoulder. Rayek's yellow eyes rest quietly on Flashfire for a long moment before shifting to Suntop. His eyes flicker with genuine uncertainty as well as irritation. The sun-blonde mystic always did have that annoying talent for knocking him off-balance. ** I am no teacher, ** he answers quietly, his tone matching the Wolfrider's. Suntop looks back to Rayek, his hand still resting on the wolfrider's shoulder. ** Everyone has something to teach, Rayek, whether they call themselves 'teacher' or not. Besides, have you ever tried teaching another to hunt? ** Flashfire looks back to Suntop, at something he sends, and he looks to be in an inner debate over what to do here. He bites his lower lip gently, before casting a glance back to Rayek. ** I hear you're one of the best hunters here, if not..the best. Maybe..if you would be willing, you could try to..help. If not for me, for Suntop.. ** It took a lot for the cub to make the attempt to even ask. ** Not.. recently.. ** Rayek sends uneasily before quickly adding, ** It has been long since I hunted at all. The Wolfrider Dawn and I were hunting a moon or so ago, but.. ** He shrugs off whatever else he was going to send, leaving it unfinished as his attention shifts to Flashfire. ** I was the -only- hunter for a very long time, Wolfrider, ** he simply cannot help but answer, though his trademark pride quickly wilts as the issue at hand comes back to focus. ** But.. as for teaching.. ** Suntop waits for Rayek's answer. ** I might even let you try and teach me...** He smirks slightly. "I don't think you could do it," Flashfire says, turning to start off with Suntop. He seems to think that little challenge might just work, considering what he's gathered of Rayek so far. Then there's a gentle nudge at Suntop's side, and a smile hidden from Rayek. The cub's bow finds a place back on his shoulder. Rayek casts Suntop a somewhat odd look and a quirking of his brow before his attention turns sharply to Flashfire. On cue, the Airwalker answers hotly, ** I did not say that. ** Suntop blinks his large, innocent blue eyes at Rayek. ** So you'll teach us then. Good. Shall I try and find a bow as well? ** Flashfire does what winds up being a masterful job of hiding a laugh, and he waits up for Rayek. ** What did you say, then? ** Rayek's jaw slackens a bit though his mouth remains closed, glancing first at Suntop, blinking his own slanted, yellow pair before blinking them at Flashfire. Why does he have the sudden feeling he played right into their hands? Looking somewhat off-balance and struggling to regain it quickly, the Airwalker seems togather himself up, his chin lifting ever so slightly. ** If you wish, ** he answers Suntop first, albeit awkwardly, then inclines his head in the barest of nods to Flashfire. ** I will.. try to teach you. ** Suntop smiles brightly and perhaps even a little triumphantly. ** Which weapon shall I go fetch then?** ** I've got my new bow, ** Flashfire sends, holding it up now. ** And some arrows, too. ** He nods to Rayek, with a smile bordering on being friendly. Rayek's expression is similar to that of a desert cat who has sat for hours preening itself until its fur was absolutely perfect in image and texture, only to have some Villager walk by and give it a good petting despite its dislike; he looks.. ruffled. ** My skills are more often stronger with the spear and dagger, ** he finally answers Suntop slowly. ** I would be able to.. teach.. easier with those. ** Suntop thinks for a moment and looks down at his hut. "I think Yun may have a spear..." he mumbles, barely audible over the wind. Then louder, "I'll go borrow that one." Flashfire glances between Rayek and Suntop - he can just sense the Airwalker's discomfort in what he's about to attempt here, yet the cub cannot fathom why it is so. He shrugs, and replies. ** I could learn those, too. ** Then, ** Maybe I can teach you how to use a bow. ** This is followed by a grin. He's used the bow twice - that can't be enough to know it that well. Suntop coughs lightly, perhaps to hide a snicker... Rayek's eyes flicker back to Flashfire. ** I can use the weapons I know well enough. No need to learn another.. ** As if he would allow himself to be taught by a child. Yet his tone is not unkind nor defensive, almost indifferent in the way he phrases it. He falls quiet long enough to consider the first sending, then offers a light shrug. ** As I said, I am better with the spear and dagger.. I can teach you that, if you wish. ** Flashfire begins to move back down the mountain, though he doesn't know where the group will go for this 'class.' He replaces his bow over a shoulder, sending while he walks, with minor discomfort in the send, mixed with gratitude. ** Thank you..I'll try to learn. ** Suntop hands Flashfire his dagger. ** Here...if you want to use this you may...I'm curious to try and use one of those spears...** Rayek nods once to Flashfire, then once to Suntop, moving after Flashfire, but not on foot. Why bother with the trek when he can simply float down? ** I will try to teach you, ** he answers smoothly, glancing briefly to Suntop. Suntop hops down the trail to try and convince Yun to let him borrow her spear. ** And I will try to learn. ** His send is high with amusement, finding this entire situation quite fun. He motions for Flashfire to follow him. Flashfire's send doesn't hold any more words for the moment, though faint gratitude is still there. He exchanges a glance with Suntop, accepting the dagger. He turns it over in his hands, inspecting the metal thing, before footing it down after Suntop. Not before he casts a somewhat jealous glance at Rayek, though. [And so, Suntop, Flashfire, and Rayek disappear off on a hunt, those who need to fetching their weapons. But rather than leave through the main entrance, the trio instead follow the path beneath the Bridge of Destiny, to the massive canyon overlooked by the volcano.] You trek down the canyon towards the distant volcano. Volcano(#10555RJL) Rising sullenly out of the desert, a day's travel from Sorrow's End, is the volcano. Smoking and rumbling impatiently, it overlooks the canyon, and herds of zwoots, waiting for its occassional visitors. Contents: Suntop Flashfire Obvious exits: Canyon Suntop's pace is brisk as he walks in from the Sun Village, using Yun's spear as a sort of walking stick. Either she let him borrow it or he sort of borrowes it without asking...the slightly guilty look in his eyes would probably lead one to believe that he obtained it the latter way. Rayek continues to glide ahead of the other two, his own spear fetched and held in hand, his golden dagger tucked into his belt occasionally catching the light, announcing its presence as well. The spear fits comfortably into the desert elf's grip, but it is noticeably small on him. A weapon from another time, perhaps. Flashfire trudges along, his youthfulness lending him enough energy for the trek leading the three towards their destination. As for him, he uses nothing to aid him, more because there's nothing to use. He won't endanger his bow. The look in Suntop's eyes is caught by him, as the two walk together - curse Rayek and his gliding - and Flashfire smiles to maybe reassure Suntop. ** I'm sure you'll return it without any damage. ** Suntop smirks lopsidedly at the younger elf. ** I hope so...she's likely to tan my hide if I don't. ** He stops for a moment, leaning on the spear to catch his breath. The poor mystic isn't used to this much exercise at one time...fencing with Flashfire, running up the Bridge of Destiny, and now trotting to a hunting lesson. He is sore and out of breath, but keeps on going after resting a moment. You locksend to Suntop, Rayek's sending is littered with a dryness that echoes the desert climate surrounding them, but is oddly polite and gratious despite itself. ** Would you like me to 'float' you, Suntop, so you will not have to strain yourself? ** You sense in a locksend, Suntop's send in return is rather wry. ** No...I need the exercise. I've been away from the Holt for too long and been sitting too much. ** Rayek's pace slightens a bit as the Airwalker casts a mildly concerned glance to Suntop. He watches the younger magic-user for a moment, then nods silently, glancing back in front of him. ** As you wish. ** He pauses, but only a moment. ** We are nearly there. ** Suntop nods and straightens, pushing himself forward to try and catch up with the others. Flashfire holds Suntop's dagger, stealing another glance at it. Something he's not yet used, it holds his attention as he moves along. Of course he's seen them many a time - this is just his first time with one. He looks at Suntop with a bit of concern as well, before smiling. ** C'mon, you're not gonna be all worn out so soon, are you? <> ** He looks up to Rayek, nodding to his update. Suntop casts the young wolfrider an amused glance. ** I am not a hunter. ** Is all he says in response. ** You're your mother's son. ** Strangely, Rayek's sending seems rather bland and he abruptly stops in place, gaze lingering to a spot still some distance from the trio, but easily within sight. He points, his gesture indicating a collection of rocks just outside the rim of the volcano itself, a deep crack along them. ** There. ** Suntop wipes his brow with the back of his hand. ** Over there? ** He squints as he tries to gauge exactly how far that site is. He takes the moments pause gratefully, trying to catch his breath some more. Flashfire looks at Suntop, at a loss as far as a response is concerned. He smiles, then slows to a stop, lifting a hand to his brow, staring off towards the rock gathering, and he nods. ** I see it. ** He awaits any instructions that may be forthcoming. The distance is not far. Perhaps a five minute walk at best. Rayek's fingers shift their grip about his spear, almost itching to let it fly. He remembers the 'good old days' when he was the only Villager in all of Sorrow's End that dared to come this far for this reason. Has it been that long? ** Dawn and I hunted here a while ago. Its far enough from the Village so that the hunters do not approach. We found a lizard.. there will be more. ** Suntop blinks up at the Airwalker. ** A lizard...? ** He then glances up at the spearhead of the borrowed spear, thinking that it's an awfully big weapon to be used on a (usually) small creature like a lizard. Rayek's reply is amused. ** There are zwoots in this area as well. Would you rather hunt those? ** ** What kind of lizard? ** Flashfire hasn't seen any lizards except for really small ones, back around Sorrow's End. ** Are there bigger ones out here? ** He debates what'd be better. Dagger, or bow. His eyes lift back up at Rayek. ** Zwoots..better than a tiny lizard. ** Suntop smirks slightly. ** And how would we bring it back to the Village? ** Flashfire points up at Rayek. ** He loves to fly so much, let him float it back. ** The cub's grin is not able to be missed. Rayek turns slightly, a ripple of faint surprise moving across his chiseled features. His query had been intended as an effort at being amusing - slightly unsettling that they seem to be taking it literally. ** It could be a small zwoot, ** he answers mildly, flicking an eyebrow up at Flashfire. Suntop stifles a snerfle at Flashfire and looks to the two with him. ** Did anyone bring a rope? ** Flashfire shrugs in Suntop's direction, and digs into a belt pouch he brought along, opposite a waterskin. ** Sure do. ** He grins. Suntop peers over at Flashfire in surprise. Rayek starts to look disturbed. ** My first hunt was spent on mice and snakes, ** he sends weakly in protest. . o O (High Ones. A -zwoot-?) Flashfire looks up at Rayek, once again. ** Really? <> I thought the best hunter around here never started out so small.. ** He may be playing with fire here, but this is his way, at times. ** I don't see any mice or snakes, nor any lizards. Just that zwoot over that way. ** He points towards it. It's small, and not really near any others. ** I bet we could take it down if we're careful! ** Suntop grins up at Rayek and responds, ** I think zwoots would be easier to hunt than High Ones...** He glances over to Flashfire and then back to the Airwalker. ** Perhaps we should start with something small...ravvits, perhaps? I think the spear might be a little much for mice. ** ** I was young. It was a game. I had no one to teach me and only my ambition to move me forward. Why start with large game when all I knew were bland-tasting vegetables? ** Rayek's send is brisk and perhaps irritated, but sends nothing more when he cuts himself off long enough to shoot a startled glance at Suntop. He nods once, a faint look of relief. ** Zwoots are -not- the wisest choice to learn a new weapon on. ** Suntop looks again almost warily at the spear in his hand. ** Perhaps you should just begin by showing us how to use these... ** Flashfire mumbles something under his breath - Suntop would hear him complaining about already being able to catch a ravvit, and with his bare hands. He eyes that zwoot, and forgets the dagger, setting it down while reaching for his bow. He seems to concentrate only on that, suddenly. Suntop glances the movement near him and looks over. ** Flashfire... ** his send is almost a warning. He bends down to scoop up his dagger, but keeps his eyes on the wolfrider. Rayek, at first, does not seem to notice Flashfire's intent, slowly lowering himself to the ground, though he still stands much taller than the other two. . o O (Something to practice on.. ravvits will do no good - too quick for a first lessoon - and stupidity cost me stones and prickle-plants..) His thoughts break off at Suntop's send and he glances in the Wolfrider's direction. A faint smirk pulls at the edges of his lips. You locksend ** ((sudden amusement)) Would you .like. to hunt that zwoot? ** to Flashfire. Flashfire's fingers settle around an arrow, beginning to remove it from the quiver before he pauses, blinking between Suntop and Rayek. He smiles just a bit at Suntop, glancing back to the zwoot, before an eyebrow raises at something. He looks back at Rayek. Flashfire locksends ** <> Would I like to? Aye. ** Suntop leans on the spear, behind the two hunters and catches his breath, watching. He also glances to Rayek, curious as to what the chief hunter of the Sun Village will do about this. Rayek's smile broadens noticeably, returning Flashfire's gaze evenly. ** Then you shall, ** he sends, his words suddenly open to all once more. His fingers tighten about his spear, but it is his golden dagger, the hilt the same metallic shade as his eyes, that is drawn out and held ready in his grasp. He gestures slightly, his smile oddly serpentine in its knowing, and then turns to move off in the direction of the zwoot. ** Come. ** Suntop seriously debates staying right there. Flashfire quirks a brow once again, at Rayek's smile, though he thinks little of it. Something pushes him to bag that lone zwoot, whether he can or not. A true learning experience, it can be said. Steps are taken, and he follows after Rayek, now holding an arrow in hand as he goes. Suntop follows almost reluctantly, but tries to stay as out of the way as he can. The zwoot, as the trio approaches, shies away slightly, but otherwise seems rather oblivious to them, its carefree mind currently taken on nibbling whats left of a small clump of desert-shrub before the Daystar completes in drying it out all the way tomorrow. Rayek's yellow eyes glitter as one follows, and then the other, but continues in his stride - stride, not glide - towards the young zwoot until he stops abruptly. ** Wait here, ** he sends suddenly, his words allowing no time for protest as he takes to the air again and, slowly, starts to close the distance between himself and the zwoot. You locksend ** ((Your Magic Feeling sparks slightly as the aura of energy around Rayek starts to spike, the Airwalker reaching into himself to draw on a reserve of magic as he approaches the seemingly docile animal)) ** to Suntop. Suntop hesitates mid-stride and looks to Rayek. Suntop locksends ** If you hypnotize the prey, what good is the hunt? It is just slaughter then... <> ** Flashfire opens his mouth to question Rayek's actions, but he bites back spoken words, along with any sent ones, stopping to see what comes of this. He glances at Suntop, and shrugs once, before going back to following with his eyes. His bow lifts, arrow nearing the string, just in case. When in doubt, one goes with what one's most familiar with, and the bow is it for the cub - not that this is saying a whole lot. You locksend to Suntop, Rayek's response is sharp. ** The prey will be docile, but not inept. It will run if it feels the need to, but I am .not. going to pitch a child against such a beast without some reassurance that nothing will go ill-planned. ** Suntop locksends ** Then how will he learn? ** You locksend ** ((irritation)) You did not pay one inkling of attention to my words, did you? ** to Suntop. You locksend ** ((slowly, but still sharply)) The prey will run. He will have a chance to succeed or fail. But he will not be harmed. ** to Suntop. Suntop locksends ** I did...but...<> You are the teacher... ** You locksend ** Yes. I am. ((With that, the connection is broken as Rayek concentrates fully on his task at hand.)) ** to Suntop. Suntop glances quickly at the zwoot and then at Flashfire, but does not say a word. He merely follows, a bit behind, watching the hunt closely...perhaps not as much for instruction as interest. The zwoot starts to shy away as the Airwalker approaches, then starts to dance away quickly when he presses his approach. But something happens in mid-step as the zwoot shoots Rayek a startled glance. The Airwalker's fingers curl into tight fists and the zwoot stiffens for the most fractional of moments, twin paths of golden light streaking from Rayek's eyes to it's. After a moment, Rayek's glide changes sharply, going back the way he came. As for the zwoot, it stands there, looking perplexed for long moments before it shies away from the trio even further, but little more as it stumbles upon another interesting patch of desert shrub. Suntop shivers involuntarily at the moment of Rayek's stare with the zwoot. He continues to watch though, fascinated. He never really joined any of the Hunts in the holt when he was there, and has had very little opportunity to be so close to one. Flashfire watches the whole thing intently, eyes widening as Rayek does what he does to the zwoot. However, his eyes soon narrow after the surprise passes. The bow lowers, along with the arrow, before an irked scowl forms on his features. Rayek comes to rest by the pair he left behind, his expression bland, but has a strange sense of relief on it. His dagger has once more been drawn from his belt, his index and middle fingers curled around the hilt while his little finger and thumb hold it steady. He gestures with the other hand. ** Go. Hunt. ** Suntop keeps his gaze on Flashfire, not even once thinking that the order might be to him as well. ** No. You did something to it.. ** Flashfire protests, pointing at the zwoot. ** You did something to it, and it's not going to be the same if I went after it now. ** Rayek's gaze focuses fully on Suntop. . o O (Oh yes, my friend. That does include you.) The slightest of smirks pulls at the edges of his lips, and then he glances to Flashfire, expression mild. ** Yes, I did, ** he sends truthfully, for he will not lie to the boy-child. ** It will not attack you. But it will run once it realizes it is in danger. You will be in no danger save that of failing in your hunt. ** Flashfire still scowls, not at all happy with this. He wanted this to be natural, without any tarnishing of the hunt. It's just...against the way he seems to think things should be. ** Then I'll make sure it realizes it's in danger. ** Eyes narrow further, feral in appearance, before he snaps his bow up, quickly notching an arrow and shooting it. It strikes the ground at the zwoots feet, causing it to panic and begin to run. Suntop merely blinks at Rayek. When he suggested the teaching, he was really hoping that the Airwalker would focus on the younger one's training and sort of forget about Suntop. He starts to protest, but is cut short by Flashfire's send and the *twang* of the bowstring. He turns his head sharply to watch as the hunt has begun. A cloud of dust rises where the arrow hit the dirt and the zwoot's head jerks up, its black eyes bright with startlement. Fear quickly washes over it and it darts, galloping quickly. Fortunately, it moves .away. from the rest of the herd and to the side, so it does not leave the trio that quickly in the dust. As for Rayek? The Airwalker cracks a rare smile, rising into the air, his arms folding over his chest with the dagger still in hand, his yellow gaze becoming critical. "Ayooooooooah!" comes Flashfire's call as he breaks into a run, chasing after the zwoot. As he follows the creature's path, he notices one that will bring him closer to it, while giving him a good angle for a shot. Racing to it, he sets himself up, tracking the zwoot with an arrow lined up. *Twang!* comes the sound, and the arrow flies straight and true. But, it strikes the ground again. This time, it wasn't planned. ** Puckernuts! ** He won't give up so easily, though. Suntop's mouth breaks into a wide grin as he cheers Flashfire on. ** Don't let him get away! ** He sends in a silent encouragement. He bounces up and down on the balls of his feet, the whole excitement of the hunt washing over him as well. Although he doesn't feel the call of the hunt nearly as strongly as the young wolfrider, there is still something about it that brings an andrenaline rush to even the mild observer. [It was here that my logger died, but Flashfire was kind enough to contribute the next section. rayek-suntop-flashfire-2.txt continues from Rayek's perspective once more.] From above, Rayek keeps pace easily with the lone hunter. At Suntop's cheerful send, though, the Airwalker pauses and looks behind him. An amused smirk crosses his face. ** You too, my friend, ** he sends to the sun-haired watcher. ** I promised to teach -you- as well! ** Suntop looks up at the teacher. ** I barely know which end is up on this thing... ** he indicates the spear in his hand. ** How am I supposed to hunt with it? Beside, Flashfire seems to be doing well himself...** Rayek's response allows no escape, his smile growing all the more amused. ** You would let a child hunt a nearly-grown zwoot on his own, Suntop? Go! Now! Or I'll pick you up and drop you on its back myself! ** Flashfire starts up running once more, scampering along, closer now to the zwoot, who in its panic winds up darting back in another direction. The debate between Rayek and Suntop is lost on the cub, momentarily lost in wolfsong, the only thing on his mind being the hunt, and succeeding. As the zwoot careens off, another arrow is quickly set in place and sent flying, with less time taken to set it up. This one strikes the prey in a hind leg. Suntop colors a bright red at Rayek's threat and wonders if he still has Flashfire's rope...? He also begins looking for some fist-sized rocks that might be in the area. ** All right, all right...** The zwoot stumbles, a throaty bawl escaping. It regains its footing, but its speed is noticeably slighted as it limps, thin trails of crimson staining the pale-tan fur. ** The spear, Suntop, ** Rayek sends sharply, but patiently. ** You brought it for a reason, didn't you? ** Suntop casts a confused, yet withering glance at Rayek. ** Yes? ** He doesn't seem too sure of his answer though. He straightens and looks at the now-injured zwoot and the wolfrider chasing it. The blush quickly pales as he starts to move forward, slowly at first, but then breaking into an easy trot. ** Hold on, Flashfire...I'll help. ** He heads towards the zwoot and elf, if only to help his friend with this hunt. It seems apparent that Flashfire's best success has been coming when he's just stepped up and fired, less successful when setting up the shot. He realizes this, and tries to improve. ** You're talking too much. ** he sends distractedly, lining up the zwoot in his sights. He tracks its erratic movements from a safe distance, stepping back when it turns his way. Suntop uses the zwoot's turning to Flashfire as an opportunity to try and sneak up behind it, spear held at the ready...sort of. The zwoot's eyes roll wildly in their sockets, bright with fear and pain. It starts running towards Flashfire full speed.. and then it blinks, its pace slowing. A flash of confusion dashes across its face and, after a moment, its course alters, still running, but no longer at the Wolfrider. High above, still watching, Rayek allows himself the slightest of smiles. Suntop glances up at the Airwalker and frowns slightly, shaking his head. But he looks to Flashfire to continue the chase. Flashfire's eyes betray a flash of fright as the zwoot bears towards him, and he hesitates with the arrow, frozen for seconds that seem to take turns to pass. Relief is shown when the zwoot changes course again, enough for the cub to refrain from actually scowling at Rayek, who had to have done something again. Still intent on the kill, he looks back to Suntop. ** Come from the side, when I say. ** He runs off after the creature again. Suntop blinks a moment at Flashfire but then trots off after the elf and zwoot. o o o (Come from the side?) Flashfire locksends ** Have your spear ready. I'll try to get it down. ** to Suntop. Suntop locksends ** What am I to -do- with the spear? ** to Flashfire. Flashfire locksends ** <> Use it. ** to Suntop. Rayek continues to glide overhead, a black-and-yellow blob against the indigo skies. His grip is loose on the spear, most likely having disregarded it for the hunt, but his fingers about his dagger continue to be tight, ready, and he does stay within throwing distance of the zwoot. He has very little idea for how long his 'suggestion' to the zwoot will last and he will not have another trampling on his conscience if he can help it. Suntop manages an embarrassed 'hmph' at Flashfire, but tries to keep pace, if not with the zwoot, than the other hunting elf. He tries to keep the spear at the ready, even tentatively reaching out to try and poke the zwoot. Flashfire breaks into a sprint yet again, beginning to show he's been breathing at a faster pace, as he grits his teeth, eyes narrowing once more. Skidding to a halt, enough so that a sandal slips off, he draws the bow up, aiming an arrow at the zwoot's neck. *Twang!* comes the sound, after a brief pause to set the shot up. This time, the arrow flies true.. Flashfire locksends ** <> Now! ** to Suntop. Suntop continues to run as close to the zwoot's pace as he can, raising his arm with the spear and trying to aim at the zwoot...any part of the zwoot. He sees Flashfire's arrow hit and, with a mental shrug of, 'well, here goes nothing!', he throws the spear at the beast. The arrow, indeed, flies true and the spear as well. The zwoot's eyes fly open, staring blankly into space before they roll back into its head. It continues running for a few strides, despite the arrow embedded in its neck and the spear caught in its side, but its legs give out, tangling and bring it down until the beast hits the ground hard. Flashfire lets out a victory howl, as he thrusts his bow towards the sky. "Ayooooooooah! We did it!" He runs up towards Suntop and their kill, grinning wide, the thrill of the hunt still owning him. Suntop lopes to a stop and leans over, resting his hands on his knees and breathing hard. His eyes are closed for a moment while he catches enough breath so that the ground stops spinning and opens his eyes, looking right at the dead zwoot. ** Bearclaw's beard...we actually did it! ** His send is colored with amazement and, quite honestly, disbelief. ** And you asked me to .teach. you, ** comes the amused sending from above as Rayek descends, his feet touching the ground lightly. His dagger, though unsheathed, has made its way back to its place at his side, and his spear is held in one hand. He props it up on the ground and leans slightly against it, a curious smile on his face. Suntop smirks, still doubled over, and looks to the wolfrider. ** All I did was follow his lead... ** He works on trying to relax his breathing so that he can stand up straight. For his part, the cub's winded as well, and he crouches, placing a hand on one knee, breathing quickly. He continues to grin, proud of accomplishing this along with Suntop. At Rayek's send, he tilts his head to one side, his own pride building. ** I guess we didn't need your help after all, floater. ** The response is as swift as it is amused. ** I never offered it. ** Flashfire sends openly ** I never asked for it. ** Suntop shakes his head, not wanting to think what could have happened if Rayek had not at least partially done something to the zwoot...there could have been a stampede, the zwoot could have trampled them...too many possibilities. Rayek locksends ** ((A second sending comes, this one quieter, the irritation in it evident when it was hidden in his first)) And my name is Rayek. ** to Flashfire. Flashfire isn't as willing to admit that without Rayek's intervention, things might not have gone the same way. He's still upset about that mind trick done on the zwoot, but not as much as before. Flashfire locksends ** <> Sorry.. ** to Rayek. Suntop groans softly and straightens, cramping muscles protesting. He slowly walks over to retrieve the spear from the zwoot's side. He rolls his eyes at the conversation...High Ones save him from proud wolfriders and even prouder Sun Villagers. ** Then why point it out? ** Rayek's lips quirk slightly, but his gaze seems slightly intense where it settles on Flashfire. After a moment, he looks away, lips pursing for a moment before he glances to Suntop briefly. It has still been some time since the first accident happened, but whether or not Flashfire approves of his manipulation of the zwoot means little to him. He will not have allow another Arro occur again if he can help it. Flashfire's shoulders shrug, and he doesn't reply. However, it's not a sign of him ignoring Rayek. Not at all. Of course, he does not know of past events here. He considers the zwoot, and how to get it back to the village. Suntop catches Rayek's glance and returns it, his own curious as to the Airwalker's feelings about this...he feels that it is something more than merely wanting to make the first hunt a little easier...and possibly more than trying to keep the zwoot from initially attacking... Rayek returns Suntop's gaze blandly for a long moment, then breaks it, instead looking to the zwoot carcass. ** I am -not- floating that entire thing back to the Village, ** he finally sends, breaking the silence. There's a soft sound, perhaps some rocks slipping against each other. ** Well, we can't just leave it here to rot. ** Flashfire sends, kneeling once more next to the zwoot kill. ** It would be a waste. ** Puckernuts - he didn't bother to think about how they'd get the thing back to the village, before he got lost in the thrill of the hunt. He reaches, to tug at a leg. Suntop looks to the zwoot after regarding Rayek a moment more. ** Perhaps a litter of some sort... ** He goes to look around for something to be used, noticing the sound, brushing it off as desert sounds for the time being. ** It won't rot. The jackals will get it, or the carrion birds, ** Rayek flicks the send to Flashfire mildly. ** We can take what we can carry and leave the rest to the desert's scavengers. ** He leans slightly against his spear, fingering its point idly as he settles upon Suntop a questioning glance, not quite following his trail of thought. There's another sound, perhaps more rocks slipping down the volcano... or perhaps something else entirely. Suntop sighs. ** A litter...to drag it back. But I can't find anything that we could use to make it. ** He does notice the sound a second time and moves away from the zwoot to investigate. Flashfire looks back to Rayek, nodding. It'd have to do. ** I guess you're -- ** He cuts off, his head snapping right towards the sounds that were made. Quickly, he gathers up his bow in hand and steps towards the source. The air is quite still, the sounds vanished into the echo of footsteps within the canyon. Rayek blinks once, twice, and then arches his eyebrows slowly as the two hunters start to desert him and the zwoot's corpse. Apparently, he fails to notice whatever has caught their attention. ** Where are you two going? ** Flashfire locksends ** Did you hear that, too? ** to Suntop. Suntop locksends ** Aye...what do you think it was? ** to Flashfire. Flashfire locksends ** Wish I knew. Let's find out. Got your dagger, still? ** to Suntop. Suntop sends as he searches around for the source of the sound. ** A sound Rayek...you should listen more... <> ** Suntop locksends ** Always. ** to Flashfire. Again, the faintest of stone-against-stone sounds whispers past wolfen ears. Flashfire moves on, with Suntop. ** You did not hear? <> He nudges Suntop gently, and points again. In an open send, Rayek's reply is as sharp as it is annoyed. ** You two've killed an entire zwoot. We're going to have enough trouble as it is dragging what we can back. Leave whatever-it-is alone.. it's most likely a dirt-ravvit or lizard, or a carrion bird. ** Suntop frowns slightly as he thinks he hears something, but isn't sure. But at Flashfire's nudge, he nods and continues, trying to follow the sound. The sound whispers again.. or is it perhaps something other than stone -against-stone...? Suntop sends openly ** You know, Rayek...you -could- help us... ** ** We're gonna find out, Rayek. ** Flashfire sends, getting pretty close to the sound's source, now. ** You know, Suntop...I'd say he was afraid to find out..** Rayek shoots a scowl at the dead zwoot. . o O (Great Sun, they kill this huge lump and then run off in search of something else to kill! I will never-ever-ever understand them.) As if to emphasize his thoughts, he gives the dead zwoot a swift kick in the chops, ignoring the both of them. He won't fall for that again. The air again goes silent. Flashfire glances at Suntop, and readies his bow, stringing up an arrow. "You first," he whispers. So brave. A sound, distinctly to the left, a scuffled sort of sound of stone against stone against something else. Suntop looks back to the younger elf. "I am -not- going to attack something without seeing it..." he whispers back...hrm...couple of heroes here... Flashfire mumbles, and Suntop gets a nice little shove in the back. "Go /on/.." he insists. Though at the sound, he whirls and lets fly with the arrow. ** There! ** There's a sound, similar to a small animal in pain, followed by a good deal of scuffling, then silence. Suntop gasps as he is shoved but twirls around as the arrow is fire. "Flashfire!" He berates, but goes to see what the elf hit...as it obviously hit -something-. Rayek waits impatiently, glaring at the dead zwoot. . o O (This is all -your- fault, you ugly thing.) At the squawl, he glances up sharply, almost expectantly. He was a -little- curious, despite himself. Flashfire cuts off a quick howl in the interest of seeing what he's tagged, and he leaps up to a higher spot to see... To Suntop's eyes alone comes the obvious: a rather grouchy and bleeding elf whose long black hair has been bound back away from the purely Glider features of... oh dear. It's Ktai. Rayek's send is rich with impatience. ** Well? What is it? ** The sun-haired mystic ducks behind an outcropping of rocks as that is where the sounds and the arrow flew to. There is silence broken up only by Suntop's scuffling and then...a soft, yet obviously distressed, "Oh High Ones..." Suntop locksends ** Get Rayek out of here!!! <> ** to Flashfire. Ktai, still hidden, simply looks at Suntop quietly, sending and saying nothing. Flashfire sees just what he's done now, and his eyes widen. It's all he can do to keep his composure, and something gets his mind back on track /very/ quickly. He leaps back down to the leveled-off area the zwoot was killed on, and moves quickly towards Rayek. "Nothing! Nothing's there but a ravvit! Suntop's getting it..let's work on cutting out some zwoot meat.." . o O (High Ones, what have I done?) Rayek, quite irritated at this point, but curious despite himself, finally abandons the zwoot carcass to approach Flashfire and Suntop, craning his neck in an effort to see. ** What? What have you found? Is it dead? ** At Flashfire's shout, he frowns quite deeply, golden eyes leveling with the young Wolfrider's. Suspecting something's up, the Airwalker's send becomes pure acid in its intensity. ** What's wrong. ** In a locksend to Suntop, Flashfire doesn't speak. All that is detected is fear, only worsened by Rayek's insisting to find out the truth. Suntop pops up from the rocks and stands, blocking the view...at least from the ground. ** Go cut up the zwoot...I've got it all right here. I'll meet you back in the village. ** Flashfire stops short of Rayek, looking more intimidated by the moment. He hesitates, swallowing. ** Listen to Suntop.. ** Flashfire senses in a locksend, Suntop's send is quite direct and stronger than it usually is, perhaps because of the urgency. ** You have to get him away from here...any way you can. ** In a locksend to Suntop, Flashfire sounds like he's in a near-panic. ** I'm trying..! ** ** You killed it. You butcher it. ** There is a bitter sort of humor to Rayek's sending and the smirk that touches his lips is anything but friendly. When Flashfire sends, the Airwalker turns swiftly on his heels and .Looks. at the younger elf, his serpentine eyes narrowing into thin, yellow slits. ** You are hiding something from me, ** he send-hisses accusingly, his sending intense to the point of nearly fragmenting itself. Suntop locksends ** Don't let him intimidate you. ** to Flashfire. Suntop ducks back down behind the rocks. Flashfire locksends ** Easier said than done.. ** to Suntop. Flashfire all but begins to tremble underneath Rayek's gaze and sending. He pales slightly more than normal, and the grip on his bow is intense. However, feeling backed into a corner and threatened, the cub bites back. ** Don't be so nosy! Suntop's handling it, so let him! ** He now stands his ground, planting his feet. ** Don't. Tempt. Me. ** In a blast of magic that even Flashfire's novice Magic-Feeling would be able to detect, Rayek takes to the air, the aura of floater magic surrounding him intensely golden, metallic, yet strangely mustard yellow at the same time. Eyes narrowed, he darts in the direction that he saw Suntop disappear into, alighting on the stone with ridiculous quickness. His jaw is gritted, his fingers curled into fists - he .will. see what they are hiding from him! Flashfire looks surprised to feel a strange tingling sensation as Rayek lifts so easily into the air, wondering what caused that. However, he gulps as the Airwalker speeds to the scene, and he just starts to run. Away. Rayek starts to move forward, but abruptly halts. A pained expression takes his face, and then his expression twists, glaring at nothing in particular, but glaring all the same. ** Why are you doing this?! ** his sending thunders, his scowl etched deeply on his face, maybe permanently. ** What are you hiding from me?! ** Something seems to take hold of Rayek's face. His expression twists further, but this time it seems more to the breaking point than real anger. "Fine." The words, spoken aloud, are hoarse and ragged. "Stay here. Rot with your stinking carcass for all I care." There is a disconcerting sense of finality to the Airwalker's words and, before anyone can say anything more, he has already taken to the air, but this time is moving away at speeds that will most likely exhaust him once he lands. Flashfire retreats back to the dead zwoot, and huddles down behind it, peering just over the top of it, eyes wide. They follow Rayek to the skies, before he swallows again, crouching back down. . o O (I shot another elf..) Suntop curses softly as he more feels Rayek leave than sees him actually depart. "Flashfire..." he calls softly, "Help me please..." The glider lifts her head, looking instinctively the direction that Rayek took without knowing that she does so. Her voice is soft. "He's blocking my sends... I could push past... but I won't." Suntop sighs deeply. "I did. Damn him, he's sulking." He looks to Ktai. "I'm sorry, but your lovemate can be incredibly childish at times. I'm going to tell him though. Flashfire and I can't carry you down..." Flashfire is hesitant to leave his place by the zwoot, rather spooked by what's gone on. ** I'll just make things worse if I do more.. ** Her voice is quiet, most likely from defeat, but possibly from loss of blood. "Do what you must." Suntop locksends ** Go back to my hut...hopefully he'll calm down by the time we get back there. <> It wasn't your fault...it was an accident. ** to Flashfire. Flashfire locksends ** But I should do something, accident or not..I shot an elf..<> ** to Suntop. Suntop locksends ** You didn't mean to...therefore it was an accident. Now go...please....I don't know if I can calm him down...but if you want to stay, then just be ready to run...and run fast! ** Flashfire locksends ** <> Maybe he'll understand, but probably not. But I won't run. Not again.. ** to Suntop. Suntop looks down to Ktai. "He's on his way..." She doesn't answer. Flashfire takes a deep breath, and bravely stands up, hurrying over to Suntop and Ktai. His fault - it was an accident. But he has to do something to help, whether Rayek returns or not. He has to try. Suntop sits down by the Glider, trying to offer as much comfort as he can. ** I will take the blame for this...if he feels the need to blame anyone. ** He sends matter-of-factly. He looks to Flashfire and nods, understanding the younger elf perhaps and takes one of Ktai's hands in his own, waiting. [To be continued next log..]