Log file from Rayek. 6/30/98 3:01:37 PM Rayek's Chamber(#7481RAFJL) Smaller than many of the other chambers of the Palace of the High Ones, this quiet nook is the place Rayek has appropriated for what passes as his rest. Like the rest of the Palace, it is a room of oddly rippling walls and ceiling and floor, a room where a flicker out of the corner of your eye might be a shadow -- or perhaps a lingering spirit. Ekuar's deft and ancient touch is everywhere you look, in softly smoothed stone and gently curving walls. Shaped torch-holders bathe the chamber with a warm glow when the tapers are lit. The old rockshaper has crafted this place to be restful for the spirit, radiating the care he feels for his Brownskin. Contents: Petalwing(#3061qj) Ktai Obvious exits: Corridor The slight sound of air moving around a body is the only indication of Rayek's approach, for he neither sends nor calls, nor gives any indication of his arrival until he is nearly there. The source of his extended absence - a somewhat ragged and dirty handful of desert ravvits held together by their feet with a bit of twine - has been secured to his belt. His golden eyes peek in, searching the Chambers silently, to see if she is there, one hand holding the curtain back slightly. She is there, cradling Tyree close to her, dark eyes watching him with a deep shadow of both concern and love. It might be said that she would be on the edge of tears... that is, if she ever cried openly. The mingling of concern and love intertwined together as well as her pose draws Rayek's brows together. Stepping in fully, the curtains drawing back to a close with a slight rustle of fabric, the Airwalker regards the mother and child in worried silence before he breaks it with a crisp, ** What's wrong? ** She looks up, eyes flickering far more than she would like them to, then sends quietly. ** Tsoran was here. From his behavior, I would think that Sar trained him for Chosen. He... hurt Tyree and then demanded to speak with either you or Tilia. I think he wants the Palace. ** ** Hurt.. Tyree? ** Like shadows cast by candle-flame, he moves quickly and silently and is almost immediately at her side. Rayek's eyes have darkened from yellow, gold, and amber to the deepest of oranges, the color of fire before it gives way to red. ** Did he hurt you? Is the lad all right? Are /you/ all right? ** Surprisingly, it does take some moments before the last point of Ktai's sending sinks in, and Rayek acknowledges it with a hotness that outdoes his eyes's own fire. ** He will /not/ have the Palace. ** At the first, she shakes her head slowly, looking up to Rayek before back to Tyree. ** Tyree will recover... Tsoran pain-sent to him. And no, he didn't hurt me... he wasn't given the option. Though it disturbs me... ** She doesn't clarify -why- Tsoran didn't have the option, and what or what disturbs her. Instead, she kisses the tiny cheek of the child, sending a soft send of comfort to him. Rayek crouches slightly, using one hand to distractedly unsecure the handful of ravvits at his side and toss it in the direction of a table shaped from the ground. His gaze, still afire, rests lightly on the sleeping child and his gaze intensifies slightly. It has not been too long since Rayek 'officially' accepted fathership of the babe, but in that time his possessive wing has grown to include young Tyree. ** Will he be all right? ** Ktai nods slowly. ** I think so... he may have the... occasional nightmare... but he seems to be as clear of mind as he can while sleeping to heal... ** Again, she looks mildly upset, as if this has taken more out of her than she'd like to admit. It's been some time indeed since she had a child to be threatened. A threat to her is nothing... but to a child... her own, let alone any child... Rayek's sending, when it comes, is delayed, but no less intense. Fire borders it, like a ring of flame licking with painful yellow and orange tongues. ** Gliders. ** The Airwalker's face contorts with anger. ** He threatens you, Tyree, and the Palace. Is he still here? ** She doesn't reply that she herself is of the Glider blood, instead shaking her head. ** I do not know where he is... I have not left this room since. Eveshka thinks we should go to Sorrow's End for saftey, as there are more there to protect us. But I do not know... ** Her onyx gaze remains locked on the child, as if to ascertain that he is still well by simply watching him. Glider blood for her, in Rayek's eyes, is a heritage long lost and, hopefully, forgotten. ** Sorrow's End.. ** he echoes quietly to himself. To the Sun Village with its Jack-Wolfriders, with the Mother of Memory.. His head shakes firmly. ** And leave the Palace unguarded? No. We will stay here. ** Ktai nods slowly, as if she had expected that very reply. But she doesn't send, doesn't speak. Rayek regards Ktai through slightly squinted eyes. Silence.. even protest is sometimes easier to bear than silence. ** Would you rather go on to the Sun Village? ** ** I want to be where you are. ** Nothing more, nothing less. It is now Rayek's turn to nod slowly, as if he had expected that reply, for it is one that surfaces often enough when he speaks of seperating them for her safety. In this case, though, he doubts he would have anyway, for she would be beyond the safety, the protection he offers so fiercely to her and Tyree both. So this time, at least, he does not argue. ** All right. ** Ktai sends openly ** So what do we do now? ** ** I don't know, ** Rayek sends quietly, his gaze shifting once more to the sleeping child. In addition to Tsoran there are two other Gliders in the Palace. While the other Chosen was somewhat rude, neither of them have caused any level of trouble, but.. The Airwalker's eyes darken. He does /not/ like Gliders from the Mountain. Ktai sighs softly, watching the child sleep. ** So what happens now? ** ** Now? ** Rayek's brows furrow slightly, still contemplating the slumbering babe. ** Petalwing will watch him as well as the other two.. if trouble persists.. ** He trails off with a shake of his head. Run him out? If it comes to that. But the Palace, above anything, is open to all elves, yet.. ** I want you to be careful, Ktai. ** Out in the corridor, Tsoran has arrived. A mild yawn graces Tyree's features, as am arm extends in the beginnings of a waking stretch. Ktai looks up, and if her eyes weren't dark, it would be easier to see the pupils snap smaller as she focuses on the curtain. Her grip on Tyree changes slightly, to become more firm. Her send, when it comes, is decisive and firm. ** Go away, Tsoran. ** Out in the corridor, Tsoran has left. Tsoran has arrived. Tsoran enters, undaunted. "Such unfriendliness, Ktai. Wherever are your manners?" Tsoran looks at you for a moment. A faint smile threatens to smoothen Rayek's tense features, but his face abruptly blackens at Ktai's sending. The golden-eyed hunter's head snaps up abruptly, gaze shifting first to her, then rising to his feet to spread his gaze over the entire space of the room. A few errant strands of black fall over Rayek's eyes, frustratedly pushed away behind an ear, the frown that pulls at his face is focused on Tsoran. . o O (....) Tyree wakes up a bit faster as Ktai holds him in a firmer manner, and he blinks up at his mother, before looking at Tsoran. His smile disappears, and he speaks softly. "Go 'way.." Ktai's send is more than mildly annoyed. ** And where are your manners that you simply barge in to private chambers unwelcome? Oh, I'm sorry... you left those manners in Winnowill's bed again, didn't you. ** As she sends, she shifts slightly to stand herself, stepping backwarsd to lean against the wall almost casually. Tsoran hovers an inch or so above the floor of the chamber as he returns Rayek's look calmly. "Compliments will get you everywhere, Ktai." He tells Rayek. "I've been waiting for you." Rayek's black brows pull together and furrow, his arms lifting to arrange themselves over his chest. "Have you?" Tsoran looks pointedly over to Ktai and Tyree before looking back at Rayek. ** I want the Palace. You are the closest thing to a master of it, these days. ** "Go 'way, nastybad." Tyree trills again, his own eyes darkening much like mother's do. "Hurt last time.." Ktai shushes Tyree softly, rocking him gently in her arms. Rayek half-steps slightly towards Ktai and Tyree when the Chosen glances towards them, then right in front of them once Tsoran finishes his sending. A dry, hollow smirk shapes his lips, his golden eyes darkened to amber. ** My answer to that is simple, Glider. No. ** Tsoran sends openly ** That was not a request, outsider. ** ** That's nice. ** Rayek's fingers tighten slightly where they rest on his arms, curling into fists. ** However, you can still consider yourself denied. ** Tsoran sends openly ** Perhaps Ktai has been amiss in advising you of the consequences of any opposition. ** Rayek offers no reply to this, instead: ** Get out of my chambers. ** Tyree's head nods emphatically in response to Rayek's order. "Tell 'im, Rayk!" he speaks up again. Ktai buries her face in her bundled child, whispering softly to him. Tsoran smiles faintly, gives a sardonic bow, and leaves the Chamber. Tsoran steps out into the corridor. Tsoran has left. Out in the corridor, Tsoran steps out from Rayek's chamber. Out in the corridor, Tsoran has arrived. Out in the corridor, Tsoran has left. Tyree's eyes blink up at Ktai, and he appears to understand whatever she tells him, for he quiets again. Rayek stands, unmoving. His arms have since unfolded to rest at his sides, hands still balled into fists. Though the Glider is long gone, the Airwalker's shoulders shake slightly, eyes narrowed darkly. You sense in a locksend to Ktai, Rayek: Eveshka's send is oddly quiet. ** It seems I may be visiting the Mountain shortly. ** Rayek's eyes, in reaction to no obvious source, darken further. Ktai's head snaps up, eyes narrowing. ** Will he not leave my children alone? ** You locksend, to Ktai, Eveshka: ** ((The sense of anger, pent-up and boiling, barely kept at bay.)) /What?/ ** Eveshka locksends, to Ktai, Rayek: ** I think he means to take me away. As... a trophy. ** Tyree looks between Rayek and Ktai, and attempts to soothe the tension any way he can, an effort at a calming sense coming from him. Tsoran left, things are all right, for now. Are they? With sudden vocal strength, Rayek barks out, "Preserver!" From wherever Petalwing was hiding in the room, it emerges now. "Go to Eveshka. Now." Uncharacteristically silent, the Preserver darts out of the chambers as bid too, a slight trill echoing once it clears the doorway. [Petalwing] No more than half a foot in height, this tiny sprite of a creature is the color of new spring leaves, with gossamer wings of sunset hues of pink and yellow and orange. It has huge crystalline eyes, with green pupils surrounded by pink, and it sports a jaunty curl-topped golden brown hat. It chitters in a daring - and rather screeching - high-pitched voice. Petalwing> You step out into the corridor. Petalwing steps out into the corridor. Petalwing has left. Petalwing> Side Corridor(#6192RFL) Petalwing> Obvious exits: Petalwing> Rayek's Chamber Entry Hall Out in the corridor, Petalwing steps out from Rayek's chamber. Out in the corridor, Petalwing has arrived. Petalwing> Type 'palace help' for commands you may use here. Out in the corridor, Petalwing has left. Petalwing> Entry Hall(#8823RAF) Petalwing> Contents: Petalwing> Tsoran Petalwing> Eveshka Petalwing> Obvious exits: Petalwing> Corridor Winding Stairway Doorway Petalwing> Type 'palace help' for commands you may use here. Ktai jumps, slightly startled, watching the Preserver flit. Petalwing> Tsoran spreads his arms slightly. ** Oh, but you just might be, my dear. ** Petalwing> Petalwing emerges from the side corridor, pale eyes flickering about for the Glider maiden. Tyree's eyes widen at something sent from mother, and he swallows, sudden worry cutting short his prior state. He grabs at Ktai, trying to lift towards the chamber door. Petalwing> She tilts her head up somewhat, violet eyes flickering slightly. ** Will I, Tsoran? Truly? ** To the Glider mind alone can be felt something... tugging... the first traces of a hypnotic touch that says in no uncertainty that to leave is far better than to stay. Petalwing> [Eveshka] Exceptionally pale is this elf, pale with an almost luminous cast. Colourless silken locks brush her shoulders, another sort of white entirely than the skin beneath, which is in turn different than the soft, gauzy silks that wrap about her body, shrouding her delicate frame in expanses of snow white mingled with washes of palest lavender and pearly grey. Simple indeed is the gown, but elegant, the colours of the fabric not at all detracting. The upper portion is fitted to her chest, though sleeves and collar are both dropped to bare throat and shoulders. The sleeves, when they do begin, are full until they reach her wrists, where they become thick cuffs. The skirts as well are full, swirling about in a cascade of soft colour indeterminable, given that the cloth is overlaid in such a manner that its colours melt together. Pale she is, yes, but not completely. Brilliant purple eyes look up at you from under snowy lashes, shining and bright. Like her smile, when she chooses to share it. Petalwing> Carrying: Petalwing> Leather Pouch Petalwing> a delicate snowflake pendant Ktai acks softly, catching Tyree up and holding him back. ** No, little one... you can't help... He'll just hurt you again. ** Petalwing> Petalwing glances around quickly, soft trills and chirps emitting from it nervously before it catches sight of the violet-eyed Glider. // High- thing! // it squeals, half in joy and half in relief, before darting down towards her. Rayek's gaze lingers after the sprite, then turns at Ktai's send to the child. ** I want you and Tyree to stay as far away from him and /any/ of the Gliders visiting here as much as possible for as long as they are here. Understand? ** Petalwing> Tsoran raises a finger in an admonishing way. Then, suddenly, reaches for Eveshka's knife arm to close his hand around it. Ktai nods slowly, gathering son in arms, Tears line Tyree's eyes, but he also nods. Petalwing> Tsoran has the height, pale skin and slender build of a glider, and moves with a deceptive lazy grace. His eyes are a shade of grey that from a distance gives the illusion his eyes are white slits, almost luminous. He wears a tightfitting uniform, similar to that of the Chosen with two exceptions: It is made almost entirely in black, and there is a stylized silver rose embroidered onto the chest. His helmet and talonwhip both have a silvery sheen. Petalwing> Eveshka smiles faintly and lets him. And yet her mind's touch grows stronger when he touches her... as if the contact were allowing a near-direct path to tingle along. Petalwing> Petalwing buries itself among Eveshka's pale tresses, light colored eyes peeking out at the second Glider. Its tiny mouth forms a silent 'oooooh!' and chirps, almost conversationally, // Nastybad fly-highthing! Petalwing take good careof nicepretty pale-hair highthing - keep all snugsafe! // Petalwing> Tsoran says conversationally. "The outsider seems attached to the infant. But would he miss you?" Rayek's dark gold eyes watch both Ktai and Tyree, and he adjusts his stance to watch them more easily. ** I also want you both to relocate back at the underground chambers. Its.. safer there. ** Ktai nods slowly. ** I... agree... ** Petalwing> Eveshka pays little heed to the Preserver, a strange sort of hazy glimmer starting to shimmer around her as magic feeling tingles more. ** I'm afraid that you'd have to ask him yourself. I am not the one to ask of his mind. ** "What 'bout..'Veshka?" Tyree questions Rayek, Ktai having informed him that she was in trouble with Tsoran, outside. He worries for his older sibling. Eveshka locksends, to Ktai, Rayek: ** He's not very bright... ** Rayek's head inclines once to Ktai, then his attention shifts to Tyree. "Petalwing will keep an eye on her, Tyree. It will tell us if there is trouble.." And, he adds silently when a sending catches his notice, Eveshka is quite capable of taking care of herself.. Ktai's eyes narrow as the two children communicate at nearly the same time, unknowingly. Petalwing> Tsoran meets Eveshka's gaze with his own pale one. "Not the closest of relationships, then. Good. It should be a warning, not an act of war." You locksend, to Ktai, Eveshka: ** ((dryly)) So I gathered. ... Petalwing is there, I believe, Eveshka. Send it to me or simply send if you need assistance. ** Tyree hopes so, and he gets the words out slowly. "FlyBug..hope so. Stay safe.." Rayek's lips twitch, as if to smile, but do not quite make it, his gaze traveling to Ktai's. Petalwing> She's small, far smaller than he is, and yet in that, there is the advantage. Both feet rise, left planting itself on his lower stomach, the right planted not-so-kindly below the waistline. A Dry and yet somehow wry smile twists her lips as her eyes snap to a clear violet focus and the free hand - the left one moves to her back to catch something. ** I suggest you let me go, Tsoran. Now. ** There's something... more than compelling about the send. Petalwing> Petalwing trills again as Tsoran's speaks and ducks down slightly, colorful wings sprouting out like leaves behind it from among Eveshka's tresses. When the smallish maiden shifts in position sharply, suddenly, the Preserver chirps! in surprise. // Ooooh!! // Eveshka locksends, to Ktai, Rayek: ** Petalwing... yes. And yet is little help. ** Petalwing> Tsoran is unsurprised by the attack, but perhaps less prepared than he would be if he wasn't sparing most of his attention resisting the... suggestion. He dodges the kicks, imperfectly, eyes narrowing in anger at he pulls her arm down and back at an awkward angle. ** It will take more than that, renegade. ** Ktai's gaze turns to Rayek's ... yet at another send, a touch of fear crosses her eyes. She's sensed that from her daughter before... a long time ago. Rayek's brows furrow, then arch at the ripple of fear that crosses her eyes and the unease that touches his own. ** Ktai..? ** Tyree looks up at his mother, concern etched on his chubby fledgling face. He reaches up at her. The send that escapes Ktai is soft and not without sorrow and reflection of memory. ** Eveshka... was once capable of killing... in that send, I felt it rising again within her... if he goes too far... she doesn't love Tsoran like she did Sar... ** Petalwing> She's in the air, so yanking has only part the effect desired, and indeed, sge uses it to her advantage, gliding with it to almost flip around. ** Will it take this...? ** A glint, and in her left hand is the dagger, not in the right. A flicker, and she slices through his sleeve, making contact with skin - then breaking it with dagger-point. Rayek's send is darkly firm. ** Elves do not kill elves. ** And yet there is wary fear in his eyes, more of what could happen than of either Glider. The death of a Chosen.. inside these sacred halls.. They suffered much when Ember slew Sar, and now.. ** Can we trust her, Ktai? ** More importantly, could they trust /Tsoran/? To kill simply to kill is a sin, but.. in self-defense..? Ktai shakes her head sadly. ** I wish I knew her well enough. The one who could stop her... has long been missing. ** Petalwing> Petalwing eeks! shrilly and takes to the air above the moment the maiden uses the knife. // Bad highthings! // it chatters from the air. // No pointyouch, no bleedbad in homeplace! // Much of this is lost on little Tyree, though he still worries for his sister. Some things are just over his head, at his early age. He swallows, sensing the weighty situation, and he burrows into Ktai's arms. Rayek sends openly ** Can you..? ** Petalwing> Tsoran hisses, whether in pain or anger. "Impudent child!" He releases her arm, twisting to pull a knife of his own from a boot with his unharmed arm. The blade is a dull, uneven black. ** You will regret that. ** He seems to have totally forgotten about the preserver. Ktai takes a breath and shakes her head. ** If I stop her and he takes her... ** A sigh and her shoulders drop. ** I will try... ** Chagrin twists Rayek's face, eyes darken and lines cut around his eyes. ** We should go to her. ** If only to save her from herself? Such a reason does not quite help to placate Rayek's blackening anger. Petalwing> Her voice is soft. "Petalwing, now." Petalwing> Now? Petalwing, darting through the air, looks momentarily startled at being spoken to, but it regains its bearings in that selfsame moment. Cheeks billowing out, the Preserver inhales, then spits out sharply, a thin trail of silver-sticky wrapstuff shooting out towards Tsoran. Petalwing> Tsoran curses as he registers the wrapstuff, trying to dodge it. Tyree again looks between Ktai and Rayek - of course he's going to go with their desicions. Petalwing> Eveshka moves quickly, getting out of the way of harm as fast as she can. Petalwing> Petalwing eeks! when the first dodge earns the Chosen a momentarily lack of wrapstuff, but the Preserver is nimble and swift in the air and quickly adjusts the stream of silver webbing. // Bad fly-highthing! // it shrieks with a voice like fingernails-on-a-blackboard, firing off another round of wrapstuff at the Chosen. Petalwing> Tsoran curses the preserver soundly, dodging again. "Get out of my way!" Petalwing> Petalwing lives up to Rayek's pet-name of it as 'nuisance' and presses its attack, spitting out wrapstuff as fast as it can generate it. // Go 'way! Go 'way! // Ktai sighs. ** She's not listening, her mind is closed. ** Petalwing> Tsoran retreats, slashing at the wrapstuff with his knife. ** You can't hide from me long, Eveshka! Some day, I will catch you without your guardians. ** Rayek's expression darkens and his stance straightens slightly. ** Do you think there is need to restrain her? Is she.. that close..? ** Ktai simply shrugs. ** I cannot know... ** Petalwing> Tsoran steps through the doorway outside. Petalwing> Tsoran approaches the huge stone structure. Petalwing> Tsoran has left. Tyree doesn't know either, but maybe it'd be better to check to be sure. "Go..help 'Veshka.." Petalwing> The small figure turns, gliding with a quiet purpose towards the side corridor, the events already behind her. Petalwing> Eveshka has left. Out in the corridor, Eveshka has arrived. Petalwing> Petalwing darts in circles, in quite a frenzy, and only after the 'nastybad fly highthing' moves away does the Preserver pause in its frantic flitting about. It follows Eveshka. Petalwing> Side Corridor(#6192RFL) Petalwing> Contents: Petalwing> Eveshka Petalwing> Obvious exits: Petalwing> Rayek's Chamber Entry Hall Out in the corridor, Petalwing has arrived. Petalwing> Type 'palace help' for commands you may use here. Out in the corridor, Petalwing zooms after Eveshka, still in a frantic frenzy of flitting about. Out in the corridor, Eveshka has left. Eveshka has arrived. Out in the corridor, Petalwing has left. The figure that enters is rumpled, hair tangled and askew, skirts crumpled by quick motions. A strange blacklavander glimmer shimmers about her. Tyree's eyes shift towards Eveskha, and he tries to lift away from Ktai and flitter over to his sister. Petalwing immediately dives into that tangled mess of pale hair, chittering to itself happily about how brave the highthing was and /especially/ how brave it was! Rayek turns at the arrival of Eveshka, the clouds fading from his face fractionally as he regards her with some relief. In his eyes is a wordless query that he puts to sending, not words. ** Tsoran? ** Eveshka's eyes glint once. ** Retreated. He wasn't worth the effort. ** Ktai holds Tyree close, waiting, watching the glimmer around Eveshka. Rayek's head inclines once in a short, simple nod, and then he returns his gaze to Ktai. Almost unbidden, a dryly amused smile touches his lips. Tyree remains with his mother, as his attempt to leave and go over to Eveshka is denied. Undaunted, he tries again. You locksend ** We should give your daughter more credit. ** to Ktai. Ktai locksends ** I fear her at times, Rayek. ** Rayek's smile fades slightly, his eyebrows quirking. Then, slowly, he turns to regard Eveshka, eyebrows quirking still higher. ** Retreated.. for good? Or is he still within the vicinity..? ** Ktai allows Tyree to leave her arms reluctantly. Eveshka looks to Rayek, gaze unsettling. ** I would imagine he is still near. ** Tyree flits over towards his sister, looking at her and hovering. Rayek's head inclines in another short, simple nod, his own eyes flickering dully at the unsettling note within the Glider maiden's. Impulsively he changes the path of conversation, sending instead, ** We should move our things to the underground chambers. This past turn has accumulated much here.. ** Eveshka blinks several times at Tyree, then the glimmer abruptly vanishes like a popped bubble and she reaches up to catch him. Tyree grins, letting his sister grab and hold him, and he asks her, "'Veshka stillgood? And FlyBug too?" He noticed Petalwing take refuge in her hair. Still talking a lot like it, too. When noticed said-Petalwing chirps cheerily at Tyree, but warily as well. // Hi- hi tiniest fly-highbaby! // A faint smile touches her lips, and the aforementioned big sister hugs her brother to her. "I'm... fine." Ktai relaxes only marginally, beginning to move around and pick things up to pack them. Rayek watches Eveshka and Tyree for a moment, golden eyes flickering a pale yellow, then he moves to echo Ktai's actions, different items plucked up from where they're folded or set and gathered towards a spot to keep them all together. "Good," Tyree trills, his attention shifting up at the Preserver. He waves back as cheerily as he was chirped at. Eveshka smiles softly. Such a dear little thing... Ktai folds blankets and furs carefully, setting them aside as she works. [To be continued..]