Log Date: 9/13/96 Log Cast: Rayek, Ktai, Youngblood, Adi, Winnowill Log Intro: Rayek has once more consented to try to rest, but dares not leave the Scroll room unattended; Adi has agreed to guard it, as has Ekuar. Ktai once more stays with Rayek, to watch over him. In the meantime, the airwalker does not know the Go-Back Adi has begun having words of her own with Winnowill.... ---------- Ktai obviously has assisted you to your room and placed you in the furs. She sits beside you, wide awake. Only with the greatest reluctance has Ekuar allowed Ktai to watch Rayek alone; remembering the airwalker's adminition that the Scroll room not be left unguarded, the ancient rockshaper lingers near there, watching the whereabouts of the Gliders, testing every so often the feel of his beloved pupil's mind, just to see if he sleeps. Ktai remains alert, for meditation has long since been her solace, preferring not to sleep unless absolutely needed. Ktai sighs softly. How much did Winnowill accomplish? She doesn't dare wake him to ask... he needs sleep. But what if he isn't sleeping? Worriedly, her eyes check to follow Rayek's breathing. Rayek himself dozes fitfully at best, head occasionally rolling slightly from side to side; the pace of his breath is erratic, now steadily controlled, now shallow, as though he momentarily forgets to let his lungs do their work. Ktai bites her lip, then reaches out and lightly touches him. "Rayek?" Rayek shivers, eyes opening, gaze absent. Ktai pulls you to her. "Rayek...? Oh by the High Ones, are you still with us, Rayek?" She rocks you gently, trying to stop the tears that have sprung unbidden to her eyes. Rayek mutters, "What... more elves...?" Ktai holds you to her, tears falling down her cheeks. "No... no others... It's ok..." She sounds as if she's trying to calm herself as well. "You were sleeping so fitfully... I thought it might be her..." Rayek rests his head on your shoulder, perhaps unaware that he does so, or perhaps simply because it is the closest pillow. "No... she... did not send, I... was only dreaming, I think..." Ktai holds you, gently brushing at your hair and cheek. "Share it with me?" Her dark eyes look to you with love and concern mingled within her tears which begin to fade. ... Share it? How to share, he wonders dimly, a dream recollecting union... of tantalizing glimpses of Winnowill's heady power turning the blood in his veins to liquid light? Of the remembrance of how, in sending, their souls fit together as though two halves of the same object? Of floating, visions in his head, of himself shaped by that intoxicating energy... and, at last, of being yanked free of the trance, of horror, but whether at the magnitude of the deception dealt him, or of his own likelness to that other soul, being impossible to say.... She can almost sense his turmoil, and remains rocking him, her send beginning, and forming a soft song that weaves about them both. Rayek mumbles, "You... were not in the Mountain when it happened..." Ktai looks to Rayek, light confusion in her eyes. "What? What happened, Rayek... where was I?" "The... first time I was there..." His voice holds hardly any breath, and he closes his eyes, marshaling his thoughts, trying to gather the strength to take the images haunting him out of his thoughts and into spoken word -- perhaps, then, he can distance himself from them. Perhaps... "All the Gliders slept... all save the Chosen..." Ktai nods. "No... I had long left the Mountain..." Her arms hold you gently. Ktai nods, holding you close to her. "Yes... I was long gone from the Mountain then..." Ktai's dark eyes look to you as her soft sent song weaves about you both. Rayek swallows, trying to settle his breathing; he murmurs into your hair, "I... thought I would seek Winnowill, from all that I had heard of her... High Ones!" Ktai holds you gently. "She has her kinder moments, Rayek... but her heart is dark. We can never allow ourselves to forget that fact." Rayek gives a vacant laugh. "Ktai, I have touched..." His eyes pressed closed, strangely longingly. "I know her better than one might wish... than I might...." Ktai's voice joins the send for a few moments, filling the room. Her eyes widen only slightly. "Rayek... what Glider hasn't felt her within thier soul? Felt her as though she were an integral and fitting peice of us?" Rayek opens his eyes once more and looks up at you bleakly. "How many of you have joined with her?" he whispers. Ktai shakes her head. "Countless, Rayek. If you didn't, she would have you dissappear.... or worse." Rayek asks, grimly, roughly, "Have... you?" Ktai laughs roughly. "No. She never asked. I wouldn't have, either." For a brief moment, the flash and fire of the old Ktai resurfaces, and she shakes her head. Rayek whispers, then, "So... you... do not know..." He shakes his head, unsettledly. "Could not know..." Ember locksends ** Sorry about that...outburst yesterday. ** Ktai's voice turns sadly grim. "I have an idea... She... and Valdir... it was how she 'taught' him." Rayek blinks, then, looking suddenly distracted... Ktai grows quiet now, seeming for a time far away. She does not notice your distraction. You locksend to Ember, Rayek mentally blinks... and you can catch, in that brief span, a glimpse of his thoughts, exhausted, dazed. ** It... is alright... ** The reply feels rote, and his mind hovers behind it, reeling. Ktai blinks, and looks to you. "Rayek?" Her voice is softer and a bit rough now. "What is it?" You sense in a locksend, Ember's focus turns a little more towards you. ** Airwalker? Are you all right? ** Rayek sighs out, "Ember... sends..." Ktai says "Oh..." You locksend ** Tired. Don't dare sleep... can't... ** to Ember. Ember locksends ** What? Why not? ** Ktai sighs softly. "Does she wish to see you?" You locksend to Ember, Rayek pauses, as though he has just steeled himself to run or glide up the steepest of hills; then, his sending gains a measure of clarity, and with it, shields, shaped from the swirl of magic in the Palace's very air. He sends you, in brief pulses, the knowledge that before her physical arrival, Winnowill had sent to him... speaking of missing him... and recollection of their first meeting in Blue Mountain. Here, she has asked him to turn the Scrolls... and for all that he has learned from your folk the depth of her danger, she succeeded in touching him. He rests, now, or at least so Ktai and Ekuar have begged him, but he dares not sleep... Rayek pulls in a breath, as though trying to summon strength into his lean frame; his brow furrows in concentration. "Must tell her," he murmurs. "So she knows..." You sense in a locksend, Ember's answer is slow in coming, hesitant. ** I know... I ... <> do not mean so much to you as ... She does. I can't offer you the kinds of things She does. But, Rayek...I am your friend. If you need sleep...not even the Black Snake can stand against a hand of us determined to protect you. You cannot stay awake forever, my friend. ** Ktai nods. "Go on, if you need to." You locksend to Ember, Rayek hesitates, then sends, sending ragged with his urgency, ** Help guard the Scrolls... please... do not let her near them unwatched... ** Ember locksends ** I won't. We won't. They'll be safe. You'll be safe, Rayek. ** Rayek releases another sigh, then, and crumples against you. "Sleep," he mumbles, yearningly. Ktai hugs you closely. "Then sleep, Rayek. I'll be here." You locksend to Ember, Rayek relays gratitude under his shields, glittering febrilely. And with it, pleasure and relief -- albeit scatteredly given form in his thoughts -- that you are here. With this promise, he can consent to try to slumber. Rayek manages a nod, and pulls in the sigh he'd released, trying to make himself relax. You sense in a locksend, Ember smiles softly, the send gentle. ** Sleep, 'Brownskin'. We'll watch the Palace for you. ** Ktai sends-sings softly to you. "Rest, Rayek..." Rest. Can't be that hard to properly rest, can it? Steady the breathing. In, two three four, out, two three four... start down at sandaled toes and order muscles to unclench themselves, working his way up his limbs from there... Ktai . o O(Of course if he dressed for sleeping... it might help...) Ktai holds you gently, her send-song trying to weave some sense of saftey around. Ktai rocks you gently, her send-song soothing and calm. Stiffness gradually begins to ebb out of his body, as he allows himself to lie cradled, to be nestled, to be held. Ktai does so, as gentle as one under the stresses of having Winnowill so nearby can. Ktai whispers softly. "Oh, Rayek..." Ktai continues to sing softly, her voice blending with the send, soft and sweet, promising of rest and ease. At last, with a soft exhalation, Rayek shifts subtly in your grasp, his shoulders less tense. Ktai smiles softly and holds you gently, part of her mind slipping into the meditations on how to protect... yet remaining alert. Ktai blinks, staggering out of her meditations. What was that? Worriedly, she eyes Rayek. Rayek does not seem to have noticed anything, yet; if anything, he has finally dropped asleep. One arm is pressed against you by his own slight weight; the other has dropped lightly beside him. Ktai relaxes only slightly, and tries to carefully and gently free the pinned arm, and move it so that it rests across Rayek's chest. She smiles softly to him, taking in the shape of his closed eyes, his long black lashes, the high cheekbones... almost as if she is trying to memorise him in case something bad might happen. Does he sleep, truly? His darkskinned face is haggard, but his brow has eased, as has his breath. He shifts only slightly as you move his limb, before subsiding again, lying there in your lap. Ktai shakes her head slowly. How can one elf have managed to break through two thousand years of walls? Two thousand years of determined _aloneness_? Yet he has, whether he knows it or not. You sense in a locksend, Adi 's sending is faint and struggling, clearly sending isn't something she's had a whole lot of practice with, ** Winnowill... inside.. Palace. ** You locksend ** ** to Adi. A slight draft seems to fill the room... subtle and flowing, it enters. Ktai frowns slightly, looking about, seeing nothing. Yes, he sleeps, at last, head pillowed on Ktai's lap, silks in slight disarray over his whip-slim figure; if he notices anything, now, Rayek gives no sign. The draft seems to darken, to carry with it anger. It settles as if pondering. Ktai doesn't discount it... but she certainly doesn't wake Rayek. One send, nicely packaged, should do it... Winnowill locksends, to Ktai, ** /An image: Valdir in Winnowill's arms, twined against her and sending openly. The image shifts slightly, Rayek replacing Valdir. The words are laced with pain and anger./ Do not doubt that, dear Ktai. And doubt it even less that it shall come again. /One sharp memory-pain shoots out in all it's blackness to your mind/ ** Ktai stiffens, her eyes widening in shock. "No..." is all she manages to whisper before the pain combined from memories and the onslaught from Winnowill take over, leading her downward to blackness. Unconscious now, Ktai slides sideways, to come to rest on the floor. As for any occupant in the room, strong magic has passed through. Winnowill locksends ** /The send is sinuous and twines within./ Rayek.... ** Rayek sighs, faintly, his head turning in his slumber. Ktai doesn't move from where she has fallen. You locksend ** ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** /The send twines about you, soft and dark./ Rayek... come to me... ** Again, Rayek stirs slightly, brow tautening. Ktai remains motionless, unconscious to all. Winnowill locksends ** /The send offers that deep completing touch./ Come, Rayek... ** You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek's slumber falters, but his mind stirs as it does, groggily reaching for his mental shields. No.... can't. Won't... Winnowill locksends ** /The send caresses deeply, lovingly and fully... tingling with power and delights/ Come, Rayek... be whole with me... ** You locksend ** G... go away... ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** /The send caresses, offering the blissful touch that only she can./ Come, Rayek... I am going nowhere... ** Rayek pulls in a breath and forgets to release it, throwing the rhythm of his breathing ever so slightly off. Ktai doesn't stir. She simply lies there, inert. You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek reaches to draw golden glitters to him, to shield, but frowns; why does it seem hard? Out in the corridor, Youngblood has arrived. Out in the corridor, Youngblood has left. Youngblood has arrived. Youngblood pokes his head in. ** Rayek! ** You locksend ** I... ... do not want you... ** to Winnowill. Ktai is slumped on the floor, out cold. Rayek lies uneasily in what was once her lap. Winnowill locksends ** /She calls to your every fiber./ Come to me, Rayek... ** Youngblood strides in urgently. ** Rayek!! ** Rayek's head turns slightly, his breath faint in his throat, as though he's caught it without thinking and forgotten to exhale. Ktai doesn't move. Youngblood reaches down and bodily shakes Rayek. You locksend ** ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** /She sends more strongly now./ Rayek... come to me. Wake to him... but come to me. ** The airwalker jerks, then, his eyes coming dazedly open. ** .....? ** Ktai remains inert, a silent figure on the floor. Youngblood sends openly ** Adi and Winnowill are alone together Rayek. Adi is being secretive. I fear for her. THat black Snake may be tricking her into something. ** Rayek frowns vaguely up at the face leaning over him. What? He then realizes the question doesn't quite make it from his head to his mouth, and mumbles, "Wha...?", as he fumbles to sit up. All the commotion fails to reach the elf lying across the floor of the chamber. Winnowill locksends ** /Softly dark and seductive./ Come, my soul's mate... ** You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek, with an effort, strives to ignore that call, even as he begins to wake. Dichotomy. Response to urgency...? Winnowill locksends ** /Her sendings twine caressingly about you./ Yes... wake... and come to me... ** Youngblood repeats himself, for Rayek's benefit. Youngblood urges Rayek. ** C'mon! We gotta stop Winnowill before she makes trouble. ** Rayek sits up, then frowns dizzily. "Ktai..." She was holding him. Why isn't she holding him now? That thought doesn't make it to his mouth, either, as his gaze drifts out towards the corridor, interrupted slumber warring with his response to the urgency in the other elf's voice. Rayek is tugged to his feet with little enough effort, though, and keeps to them under his own power. Mostly. Youngblood urges Rayek onwards. ** They are outside. In the Hall. It may be nothing but if I know Her at all, then it is something! ** Ktai simply lays where she has fallen. Again he frowns, but allows the Wolfrider to hustle him out. You step out into the corridor. Side Corridor(#6192RFL) This is one of the smaller corridors through the Palace, and gives less of a feeling of airy, open space than the larger passageways do. The damage that the Palace suffered is no longer in evidence here; translucent walls and columns once again swoop smoothly and gracefully to a delicately arched ceiling. Obvious exits: Rayek's Chamber Entry Hall Youngblood steps out from Rayek's chamber. Youngblood has arrived. Youngblood has left. You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek _is_ coming; you can feel it, even though he strives to wake fully, now. Entry Hall(#8823RAF) High-ceilinged, airy, this chamber widens out from the doorway that serves as its entrance from outside to an expansive room, filled with little more than strangely ornate walls and the occasional column, rising up to the ceiling far overhead. Closer inspection of the walls reveals patterns shaped into their surfaces, sometimes of wings, or flowers, or the lithe forms of elves -- and sometimes of images that defy description. The air is full of a subliminal shimmer that plays at the edge of elfin senses, a tingle that feels welcoming even in its eldritch oddness. Among the fanciful shapings in this wide chamber can be viewed a 'black spiral' of rock resting on a low column. A long winding stairway twines its way up out of this chamber and into the upper heights of this place; you might be able to find other ways out of here, but the only other exit in immediate sight is the archway and doors that lead outside. Contents: Youngblood Winnowill Adi(#10722PJOUXc) Bright Green Tent(#9206JOes) Obvious exits: Corridor Winding Stairway Doorway Youngblood walks out, a sleepy-looking Rayek in tow. Winnowill locksends ** /Her sends blanket you, softly warming and caressing./ Come, my soul's mate... ** Winnowill rises smoothly. Adi chuckles and glances at the new arrivals, "So did he want to know she was here, Youngblood?" Youngblood eyes Adi. ** Naturally. ** His send seems boosted, and aimed at Adi. Adi flinches at the send. Glaring at the wolfrider, "Your tongue must've fallen out on the trip, do go find it." Rayek comes out into the hall from the path off to his rooms, stride gaining even-ness as he wakes. His face is etched with the weariness of one just awakened from slumber, but his eyes glitter, alert now. "What happens here?" Youngblood smiles nastily at Adi. Winnowill smiles. "Ah.. Rayek... so good of you to join us. Won't you come sit with me?" Adi says "I was just entertaining your favorite guest with a few tales of my tribe." Winnowill locksends ** /As she speaks, her send twines around you, promising of desires and soul fulfilled./ ** Youngblood locksends ** Tales my fanny! They were discussing something. Something a bit darker than tales. I'm sure of it. ** Rayek blinks once, twice, looking momentarily dazed. You locksend ** What do you want me to do? Surely you don't need me to quest -- ** to Youngblood. Adi chuckles, "Well, there's little to tell of my tribe now that the Palace is gone. We still fight trolls and we still stay north, and of course we still die trying to keep the trolls from our Lodge." Youngblood locksends ** I don't /know/ but I could tell from the look on their faces when I walked out here that they were plotting trouble. ** Rayek finally says roughly, "I don't see that I'd be welcome in such a... discussion." You locksend ** ** to Winnowill. Winnowill looks to Adi, nodding. "Trolls. Yes, nasty things." Winnowill locksends ** /Caressing and intimate/ Rayek... come to me, my soul's mate... ** Adi gives Rayek a sacchrine smile, "Of course you're welcome here Rayek, you were once Master of the Palace. And of course your help will be needed to get it back where it was found and where it belongs." Youngblood frowns deeply at Adi, "And just what does /that/ mean?" Rayek says wearily, "Adi, do not mock me by pretending favor you don't feel; the last I saw, Kahvi and her warriors want my head on a pike. I've..." He trails off, features tightening as he struggles to suppress a yawn, and his hand lifts to rub across his amber eyes. Adi shifts her gaze from Rayek to Youngblood, smile fading to a matter-of-fact look. "It means that it's the Palaces turn to 'go back', go back to the north and it's landing place." Winnowill locksends ** /Yes... you are tired... and she is the blanket that will keep you/ Come... ** Winnowill remains quiet, though she does step closer to Rayek. Youngblood smiles dryly at Adi, "ANd just how, may I ask, do you plan on accomplishing this? With Winnowill's aid?" He barks a laug h. Adi says "I wouldn't mock a magic user, Rayek. Especially not one that can set my head ringing like you or Winnowill with the merest thought." Winnowill merely smiles. Adi smirks at Youngblood, "Why don't you go search your skin for fleas or something? I've been warned enough about Winnowill." Rayek's head droops ever so slightly, then bobs up again as he says roughly, "I've... said before, and shall say again; I will fulfill my promise when I've... regained the power to do so..." At Adi's further words, he scowls, glancing between her and Winnowill, and adds, "And if... Lursa will take it, next we meet, she can have my apology. Sent or spoken, or tied with bells to make it ring..." Adi says "Well Rayek, the next time any of the Go-Backs see Lursa. I'm sure they'll relay the message." Winnowill offers Rayek a hand. "He is tired. Do you two take your argument outside, as Rayek has stated before and let him rest." You locksend ** ** to Winnowill. Winnowill crosses the distance to Rayek, placing her slight and pale hand lightly to his arm. Youngblood ignores Adi, watching Winnowill and Rayek closely. Rayek jerks his head up, then, cognizance returning to his gaze. "I'll... sleep well enough without your aid, Winnowill..." Adi smiles, "I'm afraid Winnowill that since Rayek has asked me to keep you from the Scroll room, outside is out of the question. Am I right, Youngblood?" Youngblood glares at Adi silently. Winnowill says "Ekuar watches the Scroll Room... and my concern is for Rayek. Do go take your petty childishnesses outdoors." Rayek moves to step back. "I'm fine," he barks. Winnowill looks to Rayek, her eyes darkening, though not seemingly dangerously so. "You do not seem so, Rayek." Youngblood gives Winnowill a calm gaze. Winnowill locksends ** /Softly now, the dark velvety caress begins, twining all about you, reminding you, tantalizing you./ Come to me... ** Winnowill only offers her hands to Rayek, palm up. Adi nods, "Since you muck with magic so much, Rayek. You surely can't object to a healer." And at the mention of Ekuar, the airwalker's gaze lifts automatically up the stairs, for an instant, as though he tests the very air to be assured of the ancient's welfare.... but only for an instant. His head droops slightly anew, eyelids half-closing. Adi hrms, "Where's the other Glider, Youngblood?" Youngblood shrugs one shoulder at Adi, "You mean Ktai? I dunno." Winnowill again offers her hands to Rayek. Adi glances from Winnowill to Youngblood with a look of alarm, "You imbecile! She and the rock-shaper take turns watching him. Wasn't she with him when you woke him?" Youngblood sighs, "Of course she was, Adi. She was in Rayek's room." Adi says "What was she doing though?" Youngblood frowns, "She appeared to be sleeping." Rayek rouses again, saying sharply, "Ktai...?" Adi's demand as to whether he can abide a healer goes unnoticed, at least for now. Adi scowls, "Why didn't you wake her? She can't very well watch him while she was asleep." Youngblood shrugs, "I didn't see the need. I'm here, after all." Winnowill locksends ** /The velvet caresses you./ I am here, Rayek... you do not need the other... come to me, my soul's mate... ** "I'll wake her..." The words are intended to be sharp, his step determined, but Rayek's voice is still harsh with lack of rest and his step wavers. Adi mocks, "'I didn't see the need.. I'm here, after all'" She sneers, "Look wolfblood _she's_ obviously done something while she was talking with me. If what everyone's been blathering about is true, she's more than capable. Youngblood locksends ** Rayek. Do you need help? ** Youngblood eyes Winnowill, his eyes suddenly narrowing in suspicion. He then eyes Adi, equally suspicious. Winnowill continues to look to Rayek. Winnowill locksends ** Yes... come to me, Rayek... ** Adi notes the look and give him and equally suspisious look, "What's your problem, wolfrider? Afraid you've failed at your duty?" Youngblood chuckles dryly at Adi, "No. I just don't know whether or not to believe a word you'r saying Adi, since you've been bargaining with Winnowill!" Adi says "Bargaining for what?" Youngblood eyes Adi, "The Palace, I suspect.' Adi bursts out laughing, "The Palace?! That's the best joke I've heard. How can a Glider that can't even fly get me the Palace?" Youngblood merely shrugs, and continues to eye Adi distrustfully. Winnowill hears all, but ignores it. Instead, she looks to Rayek. You locksend to Youngblood, Rayek answers your sending with just enough to let you know he heard it; most of what you receive is exhaustion, and the rest, annoyance. ** Just tired, ** he insists. Adi smiles broadly, laughter barely contained. "Bargaining for something that I won't even get in the end. Even a troll would see that flaw in a deal with Winnowill." Winnowill locksends ** Come... let us leave these children to bicker... ** Rayek scowls heavily at the lot of you, and turns to stagger off, turning his gaze with an effort back to the direction of his chamber. Ktai. Adi says "No, Youngblood, I have all the time in the world to get what I want for my tribe." Winnowill shakes her head, darkly bemused, and turns to watch the show. Winnowill locksends ** Very well, my soul's mate. When you see her for what she is, I will still be here. ** Youngblood scowls at Adi, saying nothing. His response is evident in the way he eyes Adi. Adi says "You have to feel the weight of time pressing down on your bones by now. You're not young, OldBlood." Youngblood chuckles, "Age? Hardly. I'm as young as ever." You locksend ** ** to Youngblood. Rayek, with that, stumbles off. [End log.]