Log Date: Early August 1996 Log Cast: Wing Ktai Petalwing Mender Rayek Log Intro: Quiet days have been passing at the Palace, as the two Wolfrider brothers from Sorrow's End, Wing and Mender, have been endeavoring to convince Rayek, Ekuar, and Ktai to return with them to the Sun Village for the next Festival of Flood and Flower. So far their efforts have been in vain, for Rayek refuses to leave the Palace, and Ekaur and Ktai refuse to leave Rayek.... ---------- Wide Pass Through World's Spine Mountains(#356RJ) This wide pass is nearly an entire days' ride from one side to the other, from what you can tell. The sun is still hard and heavy here, but the looming presence of the mountains to either side seem to lessen the drain of the barren waste. The sun is high in the hot summer skies. Contents: Ktai Dawncaller(#10495Jaeps) Sunny Petalwing(#3061Zpq) Lasaar's tent(#7510Je) Palace(#500Jae) Obvious exits: Mountains Northwest South Wing carefully turns a hopper over the fire, trying to cook it while Ktai sleeps. Petalwing comes flittering out of the Palace, happily bree-dee-deet-deeing to itself, apparently in a fine Preserverish mood. Ktai sleeps indeed, soundly and almost comfortably in the sand. Her hair is at risk of tangling, yet it somehow manges to stay untangled. Wing looks up and murmurs "Hi, bug. Shhh..she's, uh, stillquiet." Petalwing oooohs softly, and comes down to circle once around Wing's head. /Petalwing be shushsoft,/ it promises. /Petalwing like nice softhands flyhighthing!/ Wing grins a little. "Thanks.." He glances over at Ktai. "Hey, what's your name, anyway? It's Petalwing, right?" Petalwing bobbobs its head importantly. /Am Petalwing! Petalwing smart! Petalwing take good care of sharpdark highthing and moverock highthing!/ Wing says "I bet you do. You've known them since I was a cub!" Wing checks the meat to make sure it's only getting brown, not black. "SO I guess you know them pretty well, huh?" Ktai stirs a bit, beginning to wake. There is a soft thwooshing sound, followed by a purely feminine and startled "Oof!". Bits of sand flutter about. Petalwing beams and bobs its head again, fit to nigh knock its cute little hat off. /Petalwing know lots! Petalwing smart!/ A soft voice mutters from under sand and hair. "Know how to keep me from drifting off?" Wing looks over at Ktai. "Umm...not really. Tie a rock to your waist?" Petalwing flits over and offers brightly, /Petalwing could wrapstuff flyhighthing to wall, no go floatfloat when stillquiet?/ Wing suppresses his smile, and hurriedly checks the meat again. Ktai sits up, an unbelievable mess of tangled hair and sand. Never before has she been seen in quite this - disarrayed state. She almost smiles at the Preserver. "Never mind, bug. Never mind." Petalwing awwws, but nods, and flits off to perch on a handy boulder. /Petalwing IS smart,/ it says plaintively. /Petalwing take good care of highthings!/ Wing says "It was a good idea. I just think she wants to be able to move when she wakes up, Petalwing. Ktai, are you hungry?" A smile creeps across Ktai's face and she holds up a small reddish round thing. "I'm hungry.... is Petalwing?" Petalwing crumples a little, and humphs, muttering to itself, /Petalwing NEVER get do wrapstuff anymore!/ Mender enters from the savannah. Mender has arrived. Wing says "You know, Petalwing, I bet that you do more important things. Like make sure Ekuar eats and so on. And listen when they need someone to talk to." Petalwing looks up and peers at Wing and nodnodnods importantly. /Petalwing listen good to highthings!/ Ktai tosses the small thing up and down, almost playing with it as she listens. Wing says "Maybe you can tell me, then. Why does Rayek smell funny sometimes? Like he's scared? I don't want to ask him, because I'm afraid I'll hurt his feelings. But you might know." Wing examines the meat, as if his question was the most casual in the world. Ktai pauses, her eyes focusing on Wing. Petalwing flitflits over to Wing and offers confidingly, /Sharpdark highthing get all pricklegrrr when scared! Petalwing know! Petalwing say so!/ Wing nods, and pats his shoulder. "have a seat." Mender scoots down a path in the mountain, having just finished a short walk and rock climbing expedition Petalwing plops happily on Wing's shoulder, delicate wings brushing an ear. Ktai sets the berry carefully in midair and begins picking a knot out of her hair. Wing Wing carries himself with quiet surety, moving easily whether on the rocks surrounding his desert home or the village paths within. Looking normally a lot like his father, Woodlock, his mother Rainsong's stamp is apparent in the blonde highlights in his silky brown hair and the softer lines of his face and body. Well-muscled, he nevertheless shows the results of the plenty of Sorrow's End in the slight roundness of his cheeks. He wears his hair short, trying to keep it out of the way, and sometimes brushes it out of his eyes. Wing is wearing a soft blue dyed leather vest, and grey pants tucked in to protect from spines while hunting. He tries to take good care of his clothes, so they look relatively new. Still, there is a patch on one hip of his pants. Mender blinks at the scene and gives his brother a really incredulous look behind his back. He's inviting a -preserver- to chat? Wing says "So..whats he getting all, er...pricklegrr about now? Do you know?" Ktai begins on another knot in her hair. Mender pads quietly over to the group to join them, but keeps a good distance from the bug Wing carefully lifts the skewer off the flames, smiling at Ktai. ** Let it cool. ** He sends so as to not distract Petalwing. Ktai nods, taking it carefully. Petalwing considers this solemnly, then pipes, /Sharpdark highthing scared of Homeplace!/ Wing blinks. "Scared of the Palace? Why?" He looks up at the looming structure, puzzled. Mender gives Wing a slightly confused look, then shoots Petalwing a wonderfully completely confused look A soft send breaks the confusion. ** Perhaps he is afraid to move it. ** Apparently pleased to find such a receptive listener, Petalwing chatters, /Sharpdark highthing no go in Homeplace for longlong time because littlegruff highthing say so, because sharpdark highthing all sad about littlegruff highthing and stuck-in-gone-time-time, and sharpdark highthing no say but Petalwing KNOW sharpdark highthing think always-gone no-body highthings spank sharpdark highthing for stuck-in-gone-time-time!/ Mender blinks confusedly. ** Oh.. Rayek.. ** Wing says "So..someone told Rayek to stay away? And he did? And he thinks the spirits are upset at him?" Wing unobtrusively rubs a temple. Ktai shakes her head. Preserver-speech. Petalwing beams at Wing, peeking around at him. Clearly a smart highthing! It babbles, /Sharpdark highthing want find mothermother highthing, say sorry!/ Mender pulls his kneesup to his chest while sitting, brows furrowing together somewhat Wing says "I can understand that. Poor Rayek..if he thinks the spirits are angry at him! So that's why he smells funny?" ** He doesn't smell! ** She sounds faintly perturbed. Mender bites back a little bit of laughter Ktai continues to work on a knot. Wing sends openly ** He doesn't stink. Everyone smells, Ktai. It's just the way it is. It's usually useful, really. ** Petalwing quirks its head confusedly, pondering Wing, then it pipes, /Sharpdark highting all sorrysad long long time!/ Wing says "I guess that must worry you, huh Petalwing?" Mender rubs his chin idly, a look of consideration on his face Petalwing bobbobbobs its head. /Petalwing stay with sharpdark highthing long time! Even during alone-time when sharpdark highthing only highthing in Homeplace! Sharpdark highthing not eat, not sleep, always try make sparklefires, but Petalwing take good care of then! Good care of now, too!/ Petalwing goes on happily, /Is good moverock highthing here, help Petalwing take good care of sharpdark highthing!/ Wing grins at the little one. "I believe you do! And I'm glad Ekuar is here too. He's very nice. Do you think Ekuar can make him not-scared?" Petalwing considers this, thinking VERY hard, tiny Preserver features scrunched up in acute concentration. /Moverock highthing is fatherthing for sharpdark highthing, is good, softhands flyhighthing make sharpdark highthing smile, is good too, but sharpdark highthing still want find mothermother highthing and say sorry! Sharpdark highthing always in Scroll-place./ Wing looks at Mender. "Maybe Rayek needs to talk to Savah about some of this. But I bet he doesn't tell anyone about how he feels." Mender tilts his head a little. ** About what? ** Wing sends openly ** About the palace, and wanting to find Timmain. ** Mender quirks a brow. ** Oh! I.. didn't know. ** Petalwing crosses its little arms and pouts, announcing, /Sharpdark highthing get all glimmereye, but no talk, sharpdark highthing try be rock, but moverock highthing move rock!/ It giggles then, apparently pleased with its own insight. /No talk to Petalwing, though. Poor Petalwing!/ Wing sends openly ** That's who Mother-Mother Highthing is. I heard a story once, and that was in it. It's a good name for her..but basically what the bug is saying is that Rayek's fear-scent is because he's scared of the palace, and he thinks the spirits are mad at him, but he wants to find Timmain. ** Mender leans back and returns to rubbing his chin, arms folded across his chest. ** Well, I understand why he's afraid, I think, but I didn't think it had invaded him so. ** Wing grins at Petalwing. "Yeah..Ekuar is like a father to Rayek, and that's good. Maybe he should talk to Savah, she's like his mother. Maybe he can figure out something to help him." Wing sends openly ** With Rayek, how can you know? He's not going to show anyone he thinks will notice. ** Petalwing awws, and says plaintively, /No go to knowslots motherhighthing! Sharpdark highthing say, stay in Homeplace, take good care of Homeplace!/ Wing says "He won't go talk to Savah? At all?" Mender shakes his head. "He won't leave the Palace. We would need to bring Savah here, if that were to happen." Petalwing shakes its wee behatted head. /Sharpdark highthing no leave Homeplace again after sharpdark highthing get sorry over muddlehead time!/ Mender waves Petalwing off on that. "That's confusing, Petalwing. I'll tell Wing later." Wing frowns. "So all he does is sit in the scroll room, and hope he finds something?" Petalwing adds wisely, /Sharpdark highthing get all muddlehead, moverock highthing take sharpdark highthing on longlong walk, Petalwing go with, take good care of, firehair highthing go with too, show sharpdark highthing how hunt like growlerhighthing, sharpdark highthing break leg so moverock highthing and firehair highthing take sharpdark highthing to softpretty highthing with makebetter glowfires, sharpdark highthing come back to Homeplace but littlegruff highthing go GRR! and say sharpdark highthing no come in Homeplace, sharpdark highthing no fight littlegruff highthing but get all glimmereye, but littlegruff highthing get sorry and say sharpdark highthing come back in Homeplace but sharpdark highthing no move Homeplace, so sharpdark highthing say take good care of Homeplace now!/ Petalwing finishes triumphantly, /Petalwing no want muddle highthings, Petalwing tell good?/ Mender blinks at the bug and rubs his temples. ** That was so much easier to understand from the scrolls. ** Wing thinks for a moment, and nods. "That was..an incredible story, Petalwing!" Petalwing beams! /Petalwing remembers good! Petalwing like tell stories! Petalwing do more for nice highthing?/ Wing says "Petalwing, you've helped a lot. Is the little highthing still here?" Mender looks quizzically at Wing. ** Just what do you have planned? ** Wing sends openly ** Nothing yet, but if we understand what's going on in his head, it makes life much easier. I couldn't figure out what he was afraid of! ** Once more the little Preserver shakes its head. /Littlegruff highthing go find softpretty highthing!/ It adds helpfully, /Maybe littlegruff highthing and softpretty highthing not be GRRRR at sharpdark highthing anymore because of stuck-in-gone-time-time! Petalwing hope so! Petalwing want sharpdark highthing be happy!/ Wing says "I think Leetah's forgiven Rayek, Petalwing." Petalwing nodnodnods enthusiastically. /Softpretty highthing make glowsparkles on sharpdark highthing, Petalwing know! Petalwing happy then!/ Wing says "I didn't know Tilia could tell Rayek to stay out of the Palace, though!" Mender narrows his eyes gently. ** It's Rayek's doing. It's his way of punishing himself, I think. ** Petalwing offers, /Sharpdark highthing SAY so! Sharpdark highthing tell littlegruff highthing she take care of Homeplace if she say sharpdark highthing bad and not go in Homeplace!/ Wing nods. "That sounds about right. Sort of like him leaving the village, so long ago, but not. Well, huh." He thinks for a few moments. Petalwing looks inquisitively between the two elves. /Sharpdark highthing say sorry to littlegruff highthing by not making hurtfires in Homeplace,/ it confides wide-eyedly. Wing says "That was nice of him. So Tilia went to get Leetah...do you know why?" Petalwing bobs its head. /Littlegruff highthing miss other highthings, Homeplace all lonelyquiet with no highthings in it, Petalwing know, Petalwing watch sharpdark highthing be lonelyquiet in Homeplace longlong time, littlegruff highthing say maybe move Homeplace to highthings but littlegruff highthing no move Palace by self, so go talk with softpretty highthing!/ Wing says "Well..why didn't Rayek just move it?" Petalwing flitters, by way of punctuation. Mender sends openly ** He won't. He told me. ** In an open send, Wing affirms, but thinks he's learned a lot from Petalwing..let's see what else it knows! Mender ahs and nods at Wing Petalwing quirks its head. That, it seems, the bug can't answer. It scratches its forehead with a tiny finger, in imitation of elfin gestures. Finally it offers, /Sharpdark highthing no try move Homeplace longlong time! Not since stuck-in-gone-time-time!/ Wing says "Uh huh. I bet if we asked him to, he'd smell scared..and I bet he won't move it unless he finds Timmain. What do you think?" Petalwing clarifies, /Is always move Homeplace with littlegruff highthing while littlegruff highthing outside self, now littlegruff highthing back in self, so no help move Homeplace! Sharpdark highthing no move Homeplace by self, except before stuck-in-gone-time-time!/ Rayek babbles on, brightly, apparently now re-inspired, /Petalwing think sharpdark highthing wait for littlegruff highthing come back to Homeplace, then go by self to find mothermother highthing! No move Homeplace!/ Mender hmms and glances over at Wing with a thought. "What if one of us took Tilia's place...?" Wing frowns. "That sounds like more magic than I can understand..but yeah. What if?" He grins at Mender. "It'd have to be me. I want you out and in magical working order." He winks. Mender smirks. "So I heal your pride once it explodes out of your head, right?" Petalwing wrinkles its little face, peering at the elves. /Highthings no get stuck outside bodies!/ it scolds. Wing sticks his tongue out casually. "Nah. What do you think, bug? Could I help rayek move the Palace? I won't get stuck, promise." Mender lolls his tongue around the inside of his mouth while thinking about this, thinking it -could- work Petalwing chatters, /Is no good get stuck outside self! Highthing no do!/ To emphasize its point, the bug flits up and wiggles a finger at Wing. /Sharpdark highthing muchmuch sorry because littlegruff highthing got stuck outside self! Sharpdark highthing get muddlehead because so much sorry!/ Petalwing finishes sternly, /Petalwing no want sharpdark highthing get muddlehead again!/ Wing holds up his hands. "All right, Petalwing! But if he needs help, he's got it right now, if I CAN. You didn't answer me whether I could or not." Petalwing pouts. /Sharpdark highthing move Homeplace by self TO gone-time, but littlegruff highthing go outside self to bring Homeplace back from gone-time! Muchmuch glowfires! Homeplace rattlerumble! No come back when Homeplace come home! Sharpdark highthing use littlegruff highthing to move homeplace, but no do now, say is wrong! Sharpdark highthing muchmuch sorry!/ Petalwing finishes its tirade with, /Sharpdark highthing PROMISE no move homeplace! no break promise! Sharpdark highthing not WANT be bad!/ Mender hrms. "So he promised not to move it..." He sighs slightly and finishes "but it's still a good idea." Wing nods slowly. "Very good, but the last thing we want is that promise to be broken. So much for that." He grins at Mender. "Maybe some other time, huh?" Mender grins back. "When she gets back." He winks. Petalwing peers, somewhat suspiciously now, at the two elves. Wing looks back up at Petalwing. "Sorry, Petalwing. I just had a daydream for a minute. But you're right, getting stuck wouldn't be good. So..how can we make Rayek feel better?" Mender chuckles. ** Feed him dreamberries? ** Wing blushes for some reason. "YOU do it." Petalwing says uncertainly, /Highthings want sharpdark highthing not be sad?/ Wing says "Don't you? Besides, if Rayek's sad, that makes Ktai and Ekuar sad too." Mender grins at Wing, thinking that a challenge, and nods. "I will!" Petalwing flitterflits before Wing, then it pipes, /Petalwing no want sharpdark highthing be sad! Petalwing like sharpdark highthing!/ Wing says "So we need to think of how we can make him not-sad. Huh. Of course, if he sits in the palace in the scroll room all the time, he's going to BE sad." Mender says "Well, if he's searching for Timmain, could we help him do that?" Petalwing says unsurely, /Sharpdark highthing come out for hunt-time, and to find sparklewaters..../ Wing nods. "That's not getting out much, though. Better than nothing, I guess." Petalwing seems to grow somewhat less angry, as it agrees, /Sharpdark highthing not want get hungrysick, and sharpdark highthing want take good care of moverock highthing!/ Wing says "We'll have to think about it. It just seems a shame for Rayek to be sad and scared when he doesn't have to be." Ktai continues to pick at the knots in her hair. It's a long and tedious task... absorbing most of her attention. Mender chuckles softly. "Maybe we should just carry him out." Wing says "Oh, THAT would work. I'd love to see you try to wrestle him down." Wing rolls his eyes. Mender grins. "Well, maybe after enough dreamberries... who knows what we could do with him?" He winks playfully. Ktai looks up from the task at hand. ** I don't know if that would be such a good idea... ** Without an answer, she looks back to undoing the knots. Wing sends openly ** I agree, Ktai. I don't think Mender was serious. ** Mender smirks softly. "Well, I wouldn't exactly -wrestle- with him... " Petalwing tilts its head, then peers curiously at the highthings as their actions turn... strange. Wing lies back, thinking. He gnaws his lip unconsciously. Petalwing asks blankly, /Highthings want Petalwing fetch sharpdark highthing?/ Ktai looks up, her eyes catching on 'fire' for a moment, but then, it seems a veil thinly hides it. Mender hmms thoughtfully and looks around at the group. "Are we ready for him?" Wing says "Umm...I want to see how his scent changes when we talk." Ktai draws a brush out of her bag and begins to brush out the lengths of hair. Mender nods to Petalwing. "Could you go see if Rayek is willing to come out for awhile?" Wing says "Petalwing, tell you what. See what he's doing. If he's busy or reading the scroll, don't bother him. But if he's just sitting, you can tell him he can come out and have company." Ktai almost giggles. They are most certainly brothers. Wing gives Mender a totally amused look. "Wow, and we weren't even sending!" He grins. Mender grins and chuckles, just shaking his head. Petalwing bobbobs its head, and flits off.... Mender streeeetches his well-tanned and muscled arms out in front of him Ktai finishes brushing out her hair and lets it fall. Wing sits back up, brushing dirt from his hair absently. After a few minutes, his tread mostly noiseless on the sandy ground around the High Ones' first Home, Rayek emerges from the Palace, squinting up into the Daystar's light as he judges its position in the sky. Petalwing flits out and chirps happily, /Petalwing bring sharpdark highthing!/ Wing glances over. "Shade, Rayek! Do you want the rest of this hopper?" He holds up a hide-wrapped bundle. "I already cooked half for Ktai, and I can do this one for you." Ktai smiles softly and remains quiet. Mender glances over at Rayek and offers a soft nods and smile. "Shade, Rayek." Rayek swings his amber gaze about, to find the three elves in what has become a regular camping ground near the Palace's walls. He comes padding over, and replies gravely, "Sweet water. Food would be... welcome; my thanks." Petalwing flitflits and pipes, /See, sharpdark highthing? Is freshair and hotfood! Make sharpdark highthing strong!/ Ktai almost snorts, but catches herself and ends up looking as if she's about to sneeze. Wing grins, and neatly skewers the meat. "All right, then." ** If only so that Petalwing feels like it's done its job. ** Mender grins at Wing and gets up just long enough to pad over to him. Rayek smirks, just slightly, then nods kindly to the three; his gaze lingers a moment on Ktai, as she makes that strange grimace. Then he sends, ** Petalwing feels compelled to usher me outside at least twice a day. ** Ktai sends openly ** Good for the bug. ** Mender gives Wing yet another incredulous look. Wing winks at Mender. Mender looks quickly from Wing to Rayek and grins. "You need the sun." Mender gives Wing a playful elbow in the side. Wing, of course, looks totally innocent. "Ow! Hey!" Ktai locksends ** It is... good to see you again in the light. ** Rayek glances at his hands a moment, as if judging the color of his skin the state of his health, then he smiles somewhat distractedly and crouches down to his haunches before Wing's cookfire. Wing looks competant enough at the cooking, even if he looks at the meat like he's ruining it. "How brown do you want it to be?" You locksend ** The Wolfriders are right; I do need the air and the sun. I need to be reminded. ** to Ktai. Rayek's eyes glint, once. "Brown the edges; leave the blood within." Ktai blinks, then looks at Rayek instead of to him. Ktai looks at you for a moment. Petalwing, apparently satisfied that it has accomplished its mission, flits off to find pretty sparklestones to share with moverock highthing, leaving Rayek with the other elves. For a moment, Ktai appears very briefly at a loss for anything. Then, she swallows and stands slowly, moving towards the small cave that had been her outdoor haunt. Wing nods. "Easy enough." He moves the position of the skewer slightly to a better location. Rayek's hand strokes, for a moment, the silver wolf's head necklace he wears. His gaze lifts, though, to note Ktai's departure. You locksend ** You... need not leave? ** to Ktai. Wing's eyes follow Ktai's motion. He frowns just slightly. Mender tilts his head quizzically at Rayek. Mender hmms quietly to himself. Ktai locksends ** You look.... very nice. It suits you. ** Ktai ducks into the cave Ktai slips into a cave up the mountainside. Ktai has left. Wing turns the skewer slightly to expose the other side. Ktai steps out of a cave high above and comes down to the open floor of the Pass. Ktai has arrived. Ktai emerges, after a bit, trying to wind her hair behind her with little luck. Wing allows his eyes to drift over the palace's spires. Rayek's mouth curves, on one side; whether he smirks or smiles is uncertain. But his eyes are not hard, despite their distance, and he watches Ktai return before telling Mender and Wing, "I am not without appreciation of the taste of fresh prey." Wing grins a little, his gaze returning to the older elf. "I'm not going to argue. You're the one who's eating it." Mender blinks up at Rayek with a little surprise, not thinking his thoughts were that readable. He nods once after a moment, smiling softly. "Of course not." Ktai sits again on 'her' rock, vainly trying to tame the hair that flows about her. Wing stretches, glancing at Rayek and holding the skewer for examination. "I learned how to cook, after all. Even if I like my meat a bit redder." Rayek almost, but not quite, smiles, again with that brief glint in his eye. "And I've learned something of why you eat it raw. But I'm not Wolfrider by birth, for all of that." Ktai watches, heavy-lidded eyes making note of everything. Wing chuckles. "You don't smell like it." He brushes hair back from his eyes. "I think this should do it for you...still plenty red within." Rayek inclines his head once, accepts the skewer and sends wordless thanks, before he sets to tearing the meat from the stick with his white teeth. "I smell of sand and pride, I've been told," he murmurs between swallows. Ktai smiles again... a thin thing that neither seems real nor seems faked. Wing glances at Mender. Mender bites his lower lip at a send. Rayek, as if some near-wolfish sense alerts him, glances up and to each face in turn. One black eyebrow quirks. ** Your kind never did hide things well, ** he tells the brothers. ** What have I said? Is there something else to my scent? ** Wing looks back at Rayek. "You smell like sun, faintly. And sand. And determination. And other things." Rayek pauses in the eating, to study Wing, since that's the elf who's answered his query. The airwalker looks strangely unsurprised by the remark, as though he's encountered such commentary before. ** Continue. ** Mender takes in a deep breath. Ktai closes her eyes. Wing shrugs. "I was just commenting. I think you'd probably smell more like sun if you were out more than twice a day." He grins. Ktai literally falls off the rock. It's uncertain if it's laughter or shock. Mender blinks at Ktai and immiately starts to get up to see if shes hurt herself Ktai sits up and nods wordlessly to Mender. Ktai locksends ** Rayek... they know you're upset about something. Is it the Palace, beloved? ** Mender nods to Ktai and slowly begins sitting back down, watching her carefully. After a moment he turns to Rayek and sends outright ** And fear ** Wing blinks at Ktai, half-rising. Then he looks at his brother..and nods, slowly. "Some times more than others." Ktai shifts so that she sits, and looks to Rayek, her eyes lit from within. Eren soulsends ** ** Mender waits quietly for some form of response Rayek's eyes narrow, and he studies each elf in turn, a long and level golden stare. His aquiline features harden somewhat, but slowly, as though warring with another reaction. For an instant, his gaze flicks to Ktai -- and to Wolfrider noses, at least, his scent can be felt to peak with some unidentifiable kind of fear. Wing opens his mouth, then closes it, ready to leap to Ktai's defense if needed..verbally at the least. Rayek sends, finally, ** Did you think me incapable of... fright? ** Mender's nose twictches quite inadvertently. Wing shakes his head firmly. "No, Rayek. It just worries me at least when I smell it a lot. And in a place that's basically so safe." Mender shakes his head slowly, and sends just as slowly, carefully choosing his words. ** No, just... unwanting of it. ** Wing nods in affirmation of that. Ktai just sits quietly. She has sent all she needs to. The line of Rayek's shoulders squares out, tensely, and this time he does actually smirk. ** Why would I be wanting fear? ** He sinks his teeth into the meat on the skewer again, a short and sharp movement. Ktai stands quietly, moving towards a different, smaller cave. Her send holds all the honesty of herself. ** Because without fear, there is no adventure and no dream. And no hope. ** Mender furrows his brows somewhat. ** Perhaps wanting was the wrong word. perhaps... unwilling to acknowledge it would be better. ** Ktai locksends ** ** Ktai pauses briefly before entering the smaller of the caves. Ktai has left. Rayek's glance flicks to Ktai once more; again, his scent peaks, (wariness/fear). Then he stares at the two brothers from the Sun Village, definite wariness in his amber eyes, the lines of his face hardened and set. ** And what fear have you decided I have, healer? ** Mender sighs softly and runs his fingers through his hair. ** Both using and losing the Palace. ** Rayek's face goes still; in a slow, controlled movement, he lowers the skewer with the rest of the meat on it, and does not look at it again, as though it suddenly holds no appeal for him. He rises, again in a slow and controlled motion. His arms cross along his chest. He fixes Mender with his gaze, now, and it glints. Mender does look Rayek back in the eyes, but does not rise. He blinks more than is perhaps necessary, but that is the only form of discomfort he shows. Rayek sends openly ** You think this... fear is unwarranted. ** Wing says softly "Rayek..." and sighs. "It's there, warrented or no." Mender thinks for a few moments, then nods slowly. ** I think it is unwarranted, yes. At least partially. ** ** And what, ** sends the airwalker curtly, ** do you advise I do for it? ** Mender sends openly ** Quit sitting in it and self-pity all your waking moments. ** Wing shrugs. "We don't know enough about its source..at least, I don't..to give advice. But maybe.." Wing blinks at his much more blunt-spoken brother, and words fail him for a moment. Mender just looks at Rayek, c ompletely unsure of what to expect now. Rayek's eyes blaze, in one brief, meteoric instant. The blaze settles to a hot smolder, then, and the sending with which the desert-born hunter replies crackles with a barely restrained anger. ** I do _NOT_ -- ** He cuts himself off, then continues, sending still crackling, resonant with the power and strength that has built up within it in all the time he has spent in the Palace's halls, ** I work to accomplish restitution for my own errors. If you wish to call this wallowing in self-pity, do so -- you are free elves -- but do _not_ expect me to appreciate it. ** Rayek whirls, then, and stalks back towards the Palace. Wing sighs again. "Mender did not speak for me in that, Rayek." Mender winces at the strength of the sending, regardless of preparing for just such a thing. He sits there speechless, thinking perhaps that he has done enough for the moment. ** I have heard enough, ** lashes Rayek's sending in reply. He does not look over his shoulder, as he vanishes into the Palace. Palace(#500Jae) You see before you a tall stone structure, taller by far than any elf or human or troll. There is something odd about its appearance -- it almost seems to blend in with its surroundings, at least if you are not close to it. But the closer you get, the more it seems to *tug* at you, and show to you its battered towers and spires. The nearest wall sports a long, winding ripple that might once have been a mighty crack, and the nearest visible entryway, a doorway at least as tall as two elves, sports a pair of heavy, ornate doors. Obvious exits: Doorway You approach the huge battered stone structure. Some distance away, Mender sighs softly. ** Well, that didn't go over well. ** Some distance away, Wing slumps back to a sitting position. "Well. That went really well. I'm sure Savah herself could have done no better." [The infuriated Rayek makes his way up to the Scroll Chamber...] You step through the tall doorway, and into the... Scroll Chamber This smallish chamber is sparsely furnished, bearing only a single empty chair which faces a platform; on this platform are the holders for the two halves of the Scroll of Colors. Around you, the pale walls seem to ripple in places, but perhaps that is a physical sensation, a trick of the light; what cannot be a light-trick is the sense of *presence* in the chamber, of welcome, and of magic. Contents: Scroll of Colors Obvious exits: Out Petalwing> Wing glances over. "Next time, why don't you bring up Leetah, Recognition, and the Bridge of Destiny too?" Petalwing> Mender's eyes bulge at the thought, that look soon changing into one very similar to the time, as a cub, he tore Newstar's hat. Petalwing> Wing says "We'll be lucky if we can pry him out of the scroll room with troll tools now." Petalwing> Mender mumurs quietly, "I suppose I should hold off on the dreamberry idea too, now." Petalwing> Wing blinks. "That just might be a good idea. Yurek's well!" He shakes his head. Petalwing> Mender refuses to look at Wing right this moment. ** So what do I do to make things better? ** Petalwing> Wing says "I'd go apologize. He might hurt you, but he's less likely to if you say you were wrong." Petalwing> Mender gives Wing a Look. You want him to walk infront of a living lightning bolt that wants to crack? Petalwing> Wing gives Mender an equally significant look: You don't have to, but it's the right thing to do. Petalwing> Mender sighs loudly and nods, shoulders sagging, knowing you're right. Petalwing> Mender sloooowly gets to his feet. "Are you going to come with me?" Petalwing> Wing glances at the Palace. "I should make you go alone, but I'll come too since he ASSUMES I feel like you do." Petalwing> Mender nods, still looking down at the ground. Petalwing> Wing rises. Petalwing> Mender looks hesitantly toward the Palace, then decides to just do it and heads in Petalwing> Mender approaches the huge stone structure. Petalwing> Mender has left. Petalwing> Near the Palace, Mender has arrived. Petalwing> Wing approaches the huge stone structure. Petalwing> Wing has left. Petalwing> Near the Palace, Wing has arrived. [And as Rayek sulks in the Scroll Chamber, after a while, the two Wolfrider brothers find him there...] Wing arrives from the corridor outside. Wing has arrived. Mender arrives from the corridor outside. Mender has arrived. Mender sticks his head in unobtrusively, hoping to not quite be seen Rayek sits in the stone chair before the Scroll of Colors, but no magic flows between it and him; if anything, the erstwhile Master of the Palace seems to be possessed of a mighty headache, for he is currently pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand, and his eyes are clamped tightly shut. Mender looks around cautiously and takes a slow and cautious step inside, sending really quietly, ** Rayek...? ** Wing enters behind Mender, serious-faced and quiet. Rayek's posture does not shift, but for a subtle tautening of an already stiff frame. ** What? ** It is a short bark of a sending, rife with annoyance. Mender stops in his tracks quickly, then takes one more cautious step forward. ** I.. came to apologize... ** Rayek's eyes flick open, as though hearing _that_ startles him. His hand lowers, though his scowl does not lessen as he looks sideways towards the door. A still molten amber gaze fixes on the healer; whether Rayek notes Wing's presence behind him is difficult to say. Mender pauses again, looking directly at Rayek as new doubts cross his mind. He steps sideways a little to let Rayek see Wing, hoping that Rayek won't blast him in front of others. ** I.. was wrong for saying what I said, Rayek, and I'd like to apologize. ** Rayek stares hard at Mender, perhaps as though to incinerate the young healer where he stands -- or perhaps to notice subtler details, like the placement of feet, the angle of shoulders. Or the baring of a throat. Whatever he sees seems to satisfy him, at least somewhat, for his scowl lessens ever so slightly. Mender hunces his shoulders a little and looks to the floor. Rayek sends openly ** You are forgiven. ** Wing steps forward quietly. ** And I would also like to apologize. I've been worried about you, but this was handled all wrong. I should have taken your feelings more into account. ** Mender nods slightly at Rayek's send, acknowledging it. Hearing his brother he steps aside, more than happy to be out of Rayek's direct attention. Rayek eyes Wing for an instant, then just as shortly sends to him, ** And you. ** With that, the airwalker leans his head against the stone behind him, eyes closing once more. The tension has left neither his face nor his frame. Mender risks looking over at Rayek. ** Is there.. anything we can do for you, Rayek? ** Wing says aloud, voice still quiet, "I think talking about what's bothering you might help, but only you can decide that. When and if you're ready to talk about it, please know that we're willing to listen. Or take messages to Savah." A muscle twitches in Rayek's brown cheek at the mention of Savah's name. Rayek finally sends, still shortly, ** I will... consider it. ** He does not shift on the shaped stone chair. Wing nods. "Thanks. We'll be around." He thinks, decides simplicity is best, and turns to leave. Wing has left. Rayek does not move as Wing departs; he might well be shaped of the Palace-stuff himself, for all the stiffness of his body. His brown hands clench at the arms of the chair. Mender seems to be searching for the right words to say to make up for his previous lack of thought. ** I didn't mean to upset you so. ** The fingers of Rayek's right hand ripple, each in sequence, as though he is channeling anger into the movements of his digits one at a time. He sends, without words, ** ** Mender opens his mouth, then closes it... opens it again and repeats the process, searching for -something- to say that won't get him blasted. He sighs, looks to the side, and settles with, "Is there anything I can do for you?" Rayek opens his eyes and stares at you again, gaze glittering, hot. Mender sees the look and gulps quite inadvertently. He nods and slowly begins backing up out of the room. Rayek says, tone low, tight, "If you wish to aid me, healer, do not waste your energies pointing out to me that which I already know." The molten eyes close again, tensely; his black eyebrows are knitted together in a near unbroken line over his nose. Mender pauses in his steps and spends a moment digesting that. He says at length, "We just want you to feel better." "Your concern is... appreciated." His voice seems almost... inaudible, in comparison with the vivid flare of his sending; the words are weary, weighted, rough. Mender nods and, deciding he's done quite enough for the time being, quietly departs. Mender has left. [End log.]