[Intro] Desperately wounded by the crash of the Palace of the High Ones, Rayek has been wrapstuffed by the Preserver Petalwing--and the cocoon which contains him has been spirited off to Sorrow's End, by the mysterious Two-Edge. It does not take the bold little Preserver very long to venture out to find help for its highthing friend--and it soon finds it, in the form of Ranvish of the Sun Village, and his small daughter Dreamer. Ranvish takes the cocoon to shelter in his hut in the village, and quickly, word spreads about the mysterious find. But Petalwing is impatient, and it ventures into the Sun Village itself, looking for the highthings it knows to live here, and hoping to find 'makebetter magic' for the wounded magic-maker.... ---------- Dancing Square A wide paved square surrounded by brightly colored pavilions and canopied platforms. Gaily colored banners and paper lanterns hang from poles at the corners in the light of the child moon. Cool winter winds dip to ground level from time to time. The winter darkness paints the sky a deep black velvet and makes the stars shine like troll-jewels as they dance round the two moons. The lanterns are lit in the square and the boisterous gaiety of the evening turns softly sensual, voices lowering and murmuring like sweet water flowing across the village. The village is dry and dusty, the plantlife dormant. Contents: Mender Sun-Toucher Harmony(#8236Jaeqs) GentleHeart Drum Obvious exits: Garden Canopy Savah's House Boundary Path Crossroads You arrive at the Dancing Square still smiling a bit, looking around to see who is here. Mender sighs and shakes his head, chuckling, watching after Tel-tela. Kerial has connected. Petalwing wobbleflits determinedly into view, squinting around the square as it looks for highthings! Sun-Toucher cocks his head at a peculiar sound, "What...is that?" Mender glances at Petalwing and smiles tightly. "A preserver, Sun-Toucher. Hello there, little bug." Kerial winces, and decides to head north, just coincidentally avoiding the bug. Sun-Toucher squeezes Suntop's shoulder, his voice infinitely gentle, "Suntop, my young friend, you must not allow blame to defeat you, or anger you overly. It is an inevitable part of life: you cannot please everyone. Accept what you do, it is of great importance." Kerial goes north. Kerial has left. Petalwing ohs! And looks extremely relieved as it approaches the elves, perching on wherever is handy, its little head hung tiredly. /Is Petalwing!/ it announces as grandly as it can. Mender smiles tightly again and offers his hand for Petalwing to settle in. Petalwing perks up a little, and pipes, /Is more highthings in sunny homeplace now? Petalwing must find... / It flits with exhausted care onto the offered hand. Mender hmms? and narrows his eyes some in curiousity. "Easy, little preserver. What do you need?" Petalwing chitters /Need makebetter highthing! Is for sharpdark highthing! Petalwing _promised_!/ Sun-Toucher frowns, "A preserver. Makebetter highthing? Mender. It means a healer!" He stands abruptly, "Someone needs you, Mender." Mender frowns and nods to Sun-Toucher quickly, then turns back to Petalwing. "Who? Where? Show me." Petalwing goes on babblingly, /Got highthing to bring wrapstuff, but highthing go way! Petalwing all alone with sharpdark highthing in cozyhut!/ It blinks, then beams hopefully. /Petalwing show!/ It awkwardly climbs into the air on its crinkled wings, and weaves an unsteady course off through the village. Mender stands upright, watching Petalwing and waiting for it to lead the way. [Petalwing leads Mender, with Sun-Toucher following, through the village to the path just outside Ranvish's and others' huts.] Boundary Path by the Cave(#676RL) The sheltered valley gathers you close in rocky arms. The village is nestled in a hidden canyon of red-yellow sandstone and prickly cactus turned garden oasis by the precious well that brings water from the depths of the earth. Mother Moon soars full overhead, with Child Moon's waxing crescent barely visible on the horizon in the chill winter skies. The village is dry and dusty, the plantlife dormant. Obvious exits: Boundary Path Kien's House Ranvish's House Suntop's House Lookout Ridge South BoundaryPath Wolfrider Cave Crossroads You finally arrive at the wolfriders caves. Sun-Toucher walks in from the crossroads, to the east. Sun-Toucher has arrived. Mender walks in from the crossroads, to the east. Mender has arrived. Mender hurries the bug up. "Hurry! This sounded important." Petalwing points a tiny green finger at Ranvish's hut, piping insistently, /Sharpdark highthing there!/ It peers anxiously at Mender, as if judging him, and then zips in through the hut's window. You enter Ran's House, and Shop. Ran's Place(#9769RJL) As you enter the front room of Ranvish's home and shop, you notice a table in the center of the room. On the table are various items of gold, silver, copper, bronze, and a few other metals, all of excellent quality. You see a hallway leading into the main chamber, and a doorway leading into his workshop. Obvious exits: Out Work Shop Main Room Mender enters from outside. Mender has arrived. You have entered Ranvish's workshop. Work shop As you walk into Ran's workshop and you first glance around it looks cluttered and messy. A variety of tools are strewn about on a work bench on a far wall. If you look closer however you can see there is a sort of order, though only Ranvish would be able to fully understand it. On the north wall is a forge, where a hot fire is always kept burning. Near the forge is an anvil, where Ranvish does most of his work. Contents: Wrapstuff cocoon(#9552Oa) Obvious exits: Ran's Place Mender has come in from Ran's place. Mender has arrived. Petalwing lands atop a pale shape lying on the floor in the workshop, and inspects it with fretful worry before looking hopefully up at the golden-haired elf. /Is sharpdark highthing!/ it cries worriedly. Mender nods quickly and kneels right by it. "Who is in it? How bad?" Petalwing repeats insistently, /Is sharpdark highthing!/ It wrings its little hands. /Homeplace go tumblerumble, sharpdark highthing all squashed! Poor sharpdark highthing!/ Petalwing finishes pleadingly, /Can do makebetter magic on sharpdark highthing?/ Mender takes a breath and looks around, really wishing Sun-Toucher were here, then turns back to the cocoon and nods. "I will." Petalwing seems to light up, as much as a Preserver can, and it nodnodnods in a sort of desperate ecstasy. It confides sadly, /Sharpdark highthing muchsquashed. Highdigdig brought wrapstuff!/ Mender looks around the room. "I'll need something to cut it open with." Petalwing makes a sort of frightened wail, its wrinkled wings wilting. Sun-Toucher has come in from Ran's place. Sun-Toucher has arrived. Mender happens to spy a knife of sorts amidst the clutter and stands to get it. "Easy, Petalwing. As long as he's wrapstuffed he'll be fine." Sun-Toucher hurries in, his staff tapping upon the ground. "Mender..what is it?" Mender hurries back to the cocoon and kneels by it. "Someone is wrapstuffed here. Apparently hurt badly, right Petalwing?" Petalwing frets back and forth, chattering seemingly at random. /Petalwing _promised_ take good care of sharpdark highthing! Poor Petalwing! Poor sharpdark highthing!/ It blinkblinks and then nods rapidly up at the nice makebetter highthing! /Sharpdark highthing muchsquashed! Petalwing saw!/ Sun-Toucher frowns, "You had better cut the person free, then." Mender eyes Petalwing and keeps an even tone. "Petalwing, I will need quiet to do this." Petalwing's eyes go wide, and it whispers, /Petalwing be muchshushed./ By way of demonstration, it claps both miniscule hands over its mouth. Sun-Toucher gestures calmly to Petalwing, chuckling softly, "Come here, little one, come talk to me and leave Mender to his work." Mender nods once, approvingly, and turns his attention back on the cocoon. He slowly slides the knife into the side, making sure not to puncture the elf inside, and slices the cocoon open. Petalwing peeks at the kindly no-see oldhighthing, and flitflits over? Sun-Toucher holds out his staff for Petalwing to purchase upon, his smile gentle and soothing, "You did very well bringing Mender, little one, you are very good." Leathers, stained with dust and blood, are the first thing to come into sight, and brown skin visible under the tears. Petalwing peeps in a very tiny voice, /Petalwing good guard./ Mender mutters as he spies the skin. "A sun villager." Mender withdraws the blade and places it to one side, now using his hands to pull away the wrapstuff. As the concealing threads are sliced open, Petalwing casts a worried glance at Mender's actions. If it had teeth, the Preserver would bite its lip, if it had a lip. As it happens, it just frets atop the staff. Sun-Toucher soothes Petalwing with soft murmurs, "You did well to bring Mender, he is wise and a good healer. You have nothing to fear." Sun-Toucher's eyes widen, "One of our own, Mender..." Mender keeps pulling away at the wrapstuff, trying to both not disturb the wounds more while attempting to assess them. He nods silently to Sun-Toucher's remark. A lean, battered form... hands, bruised and bloodied. And finally, a snarl of tangled black hair. Rayek, as his head is freed, gives a faint, rattling breath. Petalwing gives a tiny little moan, gripping the top of Sun-Toucher's staff. Sun-Toucher says in a soft whisper, "Mender...who?" Mender gasps! "Rayek..." Rayek tries to scowl, his black eyebrows furrowing slightly over his closed eyes. One hand fumbles. Something's wrong... Petalwing pipes tinily, /Make sharpdark highthing better?/ Sun-Toucher seems to falter in surprise, leaning hard against the wall, his voice is weak. "Rayek...." Mender stares down at the battered body for a moment then quickly gets to work, pressing a hand to Rayek's forehead. Quickly, a soft orange glow envelopes hand and forehead, sending soothing feelings through it. Rayek's breath rattles in his throat, weak, thready. He jerks spasmodically as Mender's magic contacts him... ** Delenbae ** Mender sends suddenly. ** Where is he? ** Mender turns his head ever so slightly to look at Sun-Toucher Sun-Toucher shakes his head, 'I know not." Mender sighs and nods, turning all his attention back to Rayek, muttering "What in the name of the High Ones happened to you..." Rayek gasps hoarsely at Mender's sending, or might, if the brief intake of breath had any sound at all. He starts coughing, violently, his head shifting slightly back and forth. Mender ignores his own question and immediately returns to Rayek, sliding his hands down his chest and torso to magically look for the wounds. His eyes narrow as he begins finding them. You locksend to Mender, Rayek, the moment you make contact with him with his magic, seems to go mentally reeling, as if the touch of your power scalds him like heated water. There's more damage here than just the physical, you sense, as you begin you work. Sun-Toucher murmurs, "That we shall find out. If he lives." Mender takes a preporatory breath and steadies himself, placing his hands on Rayek's chest. ** He'll live. ** Petalwing moans anguishedly, /Homeplace go tumblerumble. Sharpdark highthing go splat./ Sun-Toucher smiles, "Good." Mender locksends ** Easy, Rayek. We'll fix you up. ** Sun-Toucher looks sharply at Petalwing, but smiles soothingly, "Homeplace?" Mender's hands glow orange as his eyes close, focusing on the healing at hand. He places on hand on Rayeks chest, the other just above his ribcage. Petalwing nodnodnods! /Highthing homeplace! Many highthings come, want homeplace, sharpdark highthing say no, try talk to no-body highthing but no-body highthing make homeplace fly, naughtybad highthing cut open wrapstuff and make no-body highthing make homeplace go tumblerumble! All go splat!/ Sun-Toucher gasps, "The Palace." You locksend ** ** to Mender. The soothing of the magic penetrates Rayek's body, searching for the physical damage and slowly beginning to knit it back together, one piece at a time. ** Quiet.. Rayek... let me heal you first. ** Rayek's external wounds slowly begin to close under Mender's ministrations, but his brown skin is unhealthily sallow, and his breath remains insubstantial in his throat. Even as the magic works on him, he unconsciously jerks as if caused more pain. Mender moves his hands up to Rayek's chest and throat, searching for any physical ailment that may be hindering his breathing. You locksend ** ** to Mender. You locksend to Sun-Toucher, Rayek, as Mender works on him, throws off random bursts of emotion stark and easily palpable to your inner senses: bursts of confusion, pain, and disorientation. Mender takes a deep, shuddering breath as the tremendous healing task before him begins to take its toll. He shifts his hands back down to Rayek's lungs, pressing gently against the sides, sending the warmth of his healing deep within the body. You sense in a locksend, Sun-Toucher pushes against your confusion, pain, disorientation with a steady, strong, reassuring pulse of confidence and surety. Tel-tela has come in from Ran's place. Tel-tela has arrived. Rayek seems to settle, at least a bit, though one lean brown hand twitches occasionally with the influx of power. Slowly, painfully, his breath gains a hint of strength. Tel-tela blinks, and walks in "I heard something...oh!" You locksend, to Sun-Toucher, Mender: ** ** Mender winces at the effort, finding more than he originally expected to heal. Sweat begins to form on his brow as he continues to probe, finding and fixing what he can. Petalwing flitflitflits anxiously atop Sun-Toucher's staff, its own crumpled wings forgotten as the light of Mender's magic envelops Rayek's motionless form on the floor. Suntop locksends ** Rayek? ** Rayek sends openly ** ** Rayek twitches again, unexpectedly, a breathy groan slipping out of him. Sun-Toucher puts a hand to his head, going pale. You locksend ** ** to Suntop. Sun-Toucher nods, "That is a wise suggestion." Tel-tela blinks, and kneels by Mender. Mender gasps and collapses back on his haunches, hands falling to his side. His face is covered in sweat and his expression that of exhaustion. ** I've... done what I can... physically.. he's fine. ** Tel-tela caresses Mender. Suntop locksends ** Where are you? ** Mender half leans/half falls into Tel-tela, taking deep breaths. Tel-tela holds him close. Petalwing eeps, and flits anxiously, if crookedly, down to Rayek's chest and peers at him critically, inspecting him all over. Rayek stirs feebly, an expression that's trying to be a wince flickering across his features. You locksend ** ** to Suntop. Mender opens his eyes and stares at the roof. Mender says "Sun-Toucher?" Tel-tela holds Mender. "You okay?" Mender leans against Tel-tela for support and nods quickly. "I'm fine." Petalwing, finding Rayek's skin whole at last and his breath steady even if weak, looks immensely relieved. It immediately flits to Mender's shoulder, and hugs his ear! /Happy Petalwing! Nice makebetter highthing!/ Sun-Toucher steps closer, "Mender?" He puts a hand on his shoulder. "Are you allright?" Rayek(#3218PBXac) This is an unconsious elf, who might be tall if he were not lying limp and broken in form. His deep golden-brown skin clearly marks him as one born under a hot Daystar; his near-waistlength, uncompromisingly straight black hair is snarled and tangled. He is clad in what were once hunting leathers of a rich dark red, but these as well as his body are almost completely covered with dirt and blood. Mender smiles softly and chuckles in an out-of-breath manner at Petalwing, and raises a hand to pat it. He looks up and nods at Sun-Toucher. "I'm fine, but... Rayek isn't. There's something more than physically wrong with him... would you be able to look?" Suntop has come in from Ran's place. Suntop has arrived. Sun-Toucher kneels down and puts a hand on Rayek's forehead. The old elf's entire face seems to pinch up as he concentrates. Petalwing eeps, its head jerking up as it spots Suntop. /Hellohello findmagic highthing!/ Suntop walks in, looking around, concern showing in his eyes. Mender continues to lean against Tel-tela, exhausted. Tel-tela snugs Mender. "You'll be fine :)." Mender manages a weak smile for Tel-tela. Suntop smiles faintly as he sees Petalwing, he turns to look to Sun-Toucher, Tel-Tela and Mender, after looking Rayek over.. "How is he doing?" Mender glances up at Suntop. "Alive. Do you have any idea what happened?" Petalwing wobblingly flits back to Rayek, perching on his chest as if clearly intending to guard him with its tiny life. Petalwing repeats earnestly, /Homeplace go tumblerumble! Sharpdark highthing go splatsquash!/ Mender is too exhausted to try and interpret bugspeak at the moment. ;) Mender says "What is it trying to say, Sun-Toucher?" Petalwing adds, pouting, /Petalwing go splatsquash, too! Under naughtyloud fightsmuch highthing!/ Mender Slender as a whip, with leanly defined muscles, this young elf moves with lupine grace. He is richly tanned, but palely, hinting that while he might be a desert-dweller, he is not a Sun Villager by birth. His hair is a pale, bleached blond, wavy and tumbled; it hangs loosely about his angular features and down to his shoulders in back. Slanted and wideset, his eyes are a warm shade of grey, like the sky during a gentle rain. Mender kneels down by Rayek and slides his arms underneath him, scooping him up gently. He nods to Petalwing. "Yes, it will be better than here." Tel-tela You see before you a young slim sunfolk maiden. She looks at you with bright green eyes, and has flowing black hair down to her waist. She wears a *very* skimpy outfit, that she uses when she is in her garden. Her tight Vest top strains to contain her full breasts, and ends actually just below them, leaving her stomah open to the air. Her skirt is very short too, barely covering the upper parts of her thighs. Her long tanned legs glisten in the light. Carrying: Jar of jam Mender blinks at Petalwing. Suntop nods, and shakes his head. "The Palace.. has been..well.. let's say that it won't fly again anytime soon.. *sigh* Rayek managed to get the Palace to fly.. but thanks to one thick-skulled GoBack, it was nearly destroyed." Sun-Toucher shakes his head softly. Sun-Toucher frowns, "How, Suntop? Mender blinks up at Suntop, wide-eyed. Petalwing pouts, crossing its tiny arms. /Naughtybad fightsmuch highthing cut wrapstuff! Petalwing _told_ no!/ Suntop sighs softly. "There was one in the Palace who was in wrapstuff.. one named 'Tilia'.. Rayek knew her, I guess. He convinced her to guide the Palace into the air, again.." Mender blinks. "You went with him?" Mender slides out of Tel-tela's grasp to stand slowly. Sun-Toucher gasps, 'Into the air?" Suntop shrugs a bit. "I didn't MEAN to go with him, necessarily. I followed Ember because Two-Edge called her and sent her to find the Palace again. When we GOT there, Rayek went to Tilia and convinced her." Suntop winces as he shrugs, favoring his left arm visibly. Mender scowls. "And you didn't bother to tell anyone?" Petalwing's pout deepens. /Naughtybad highdigdig!/ Sun-Toucher shakes his head, "Unbelievable." Mender pads over to stand directly in front of Suntop. "You knew things were happening with the Palace and you didn't bother to tell anyone??" Petalwing eeps, and scurries down on the other side of Rayek's head. Suntop looks Mender in the eyes, and frowns deeply. "Don't even start with me, Mender. I didn't ask for the Palace to crash.. I only wanted to find it. Now, many elves have died.. and the Palace is not able to fly anymore. NOT because I wasn't able to send to anyone.. but rather because _I_ was a bit too busy struggling to keep a dreamberry-addled GoBack from cutting the wrapstuff to the Guider of the Palace!" Sun-Toucher's voice is calm, overridingly so, "Peace. You both." Mender rolls his eyes. "By the HighOnes! Did you even -think- of telling anyone you were going there?? Me? Sun-Toucher? Savah??" Suntop looks ironic. "Think about it this way, then, Mender.. If Ember tells a person to do something..or go somewhere.. do you really think she will WAIT for you to go and tell the nearest person that something is happening" He chuckles softly. Mender grows rather irritated. "Look at it this way... this isn't about easy life in the forest! This is about the Palace!!" Tel-tela sighs "Mender, he didn't have time...Suntop, you of all elves , could have sent to someone" Mender says "Did you have even the smallest inclination that this is a bit more important than a jaunt to the pool?" Suntop says rather calmly. "Mender, you're tired. Don't start blaming me for things that I had little control over. I won't allow it." Sun-Toucher steps over, his presence reproving. "All of you, this is no time to assign blame. Cease this useless squabbling." Petalwing frowns a little, softly, as the highthings argue, but keeps its tiny mouth shut for once, and peers hopefully at the unconscious Rayek. Maybe sharpdark highthing will wake up. Mender says "I'm blaming you for not having the sense enough to actually think!" Suntop snorts softly. "Ok, so I'm not perfect..Never once claimed to be." Mender turns to Sun-Toucher, the anger still very prevalent on his face and nods, then proceeds to turn and walk out. Tel-tela sighs, and turns, and kisses Mender firmly on the lips, and then doing it to Suntop also.... "Will you both be quiet?" Mender leaves the workshop and goes to Ran's place. Mender has left. Sun-Toucher puts a hand on Suntop's shoulder, the other on Mender's, his voice is gentle. "Please. Do not fight." Suntop's shoulders droop a bit.. as he shakes his head. "Why is it that everyone has to place blame? It _happened_. And the Palace is a whole lot bigger than me.. or anyone else.. to just simply stop..and think. The Palace is overwhelming!" He looks to Sun-Toucher, as he says softly, "I've had quite enough of people being angry at everyone else..No one is perfect. But everyone expects perfection!" Mender has come in from Ran's place. Mender has arrived. Mender pads back in, eyes still narrow in anger, but he speaks a little more calmly. "Someone should look after Rayek." Suntop looks up at Sun-Toucher, and shakes his head. He turns to look at Mender, when he sees him coming back. "Tell that to those who act purely from anger, Sun-Toucher. Then, perhaps I can accept that all is well enough." Petalwing pipes up, /Petalwing do!/ Petalwing carefully patpats Rayek's gaunt brown cheek. /Take good care of sharpdark highthing!/ Mender glowers at Suntop. "When did you get back, anyway?" Sun-Toucher smiles sadly at Suntop, murmuring, "I will do that." Mender glances down at Rayek. "We should move him to my hut. I can take better care of him there." Petalwing says hopefully, /Cozysoft snugplace for sharpdark highthing?/ Tel-tela sighs, and wavies, and follows Mender. Rayek's limp form is easily hoisted up. He's lighter than he should be, if such can be noticed, and as he is lifted, Rayek moans a bit. Suntop walks over to Tel-Tela.. and stops her for a moment.. Mender carries Rayek out. Mender leaves the workshop and goes to Ran's place. Mender has left. Tel-tela stops. [Mender carries Rayek on to his own hut, with Petalwing following briskly along as best it can with wounded wings. The healer passes Zemmil in the Dancing Square, but doesn't bother with greetings, carrying the semi-conscious Rayek straight to his hut.] You push aside the hanging strands of beads, and enter the healer Mender's house. Visiting chamber Cool and airy like most of the Sun Folk's constructions, this hut's primary chamber is tinted faintly along its walls with images of the green growing places. The hanging strings of beads in the two windows and the doorway rattle lightly in passing breezes. Candles in holders in the shapes of wolves' heads cast warm circles of illumination about the room. Contents: Mender Sleeping pit Obvious exits: Cellar Out Petalwing steps in through the beaded doorway from outside. Petalwing has arrived. Mender kneels down and gently lies Rayek in the sleeping pit, making sure that there are plenty of blankets under him for softness. Petalwing flitflitflits, unsteadily, and takes the first perch it can find, the rim of the sleeping pit. Sleeping pit This is a wide, shallow depression in the floor of the hut, filled with soft, light blankets and random pillows, of assorted dusty shades of purple, green, and blue. The circular rim of the pit is worked in delicately carved sandstone of a yellow-brown hue, smooth and wide enough to sit on. Here, Mender often works healings, or simply lets guests sit and relax. Petalwing nodnods, looking happier. /Cozysoft napplace,/ it says approvingly. Mender stands upright and runs his fingers through his hair, glancing down into the pit. He turns quickly to smile softly at Petal. Tel-tela steps in through the beaded doorway from outside. Mender holds his hands out. "Let me look at you, Petalwing. Are you hurt too?" Mender smiles softly at Tel-tela. Petalwing blinks at Mender uncomprehendingly, then answers plaintively, /No fly good! Petalwing go squishsquash!/ Mender smiles and nods at Petalwing. "Come." Petalwing hopflits to the healer and peers up at him hopefully. Tel-tela smiles, and sits down on the bed. Mender holds his hands out for Petalwing to land in. That familiar orange glow soon encompasses the hands, surrounding Petalwing and its wings. Shortly, the wings are healed. Petalwing ooooooohs! /Petalwing feel tinglesparkles!/ It cranes a look over its shoulder and beams. /Wings strong!/ Petalwing(#3061) No more than half a foot in height, this tiny sprite of a creature is the color of new spring leaves, with gossamer wings of sunset hues of pink and yellow and orange. It has huge crystalline eyes, with green pupils surrounded by pink, and it sports a jaunty curl-topped golden brown hat. It chitters in a daring - and rather screeching - high-pitched voice. Mender smiles and lets Petalwing go, then proceeds to sit beside Tel-tela on the edge of the sleeping pit, leaning against here and gazing down at Rayek. Petalwing flitflitflits experimentally, and trills brightly as its wings work properly! /Petalwing happy! Fly fast!/ Tel-tela smiles "Yes, you fly fast." Rayek lies quietly, that faint scowl still on his features. No one in the Sun Village has seen him for ten years, but it seems as if those years haven't treated him quite well; even apparently physically healed, he is thinner than he should be, the planes of his cheekbones sharp in his face. Mender glances over at Tel-tela. "Can we feed him?" Petalwing finally lands on the rim of the sleeping pit again and confides wisely to Tel-tela, /Petalwing fly much for sharpdark highthing!/ Tel-tela nods "I can bring over soups that just need water added." Mender nods to Tel-tela. "That would be nice, if you could." Petalwing nodnods, endorsing this plan. It pipes up, /Sharpdark highthing not eat much for Petalwing!/ [Tel-tela runs off, and momentarily returns... ] Tel-tela smiles, bringing several pouches and a pot of water. Mender says "Tel-tela... could you bring Savah? Please?" Tel-tela smiles "Okay." Tel-tela steps out through the beaded doorway to the Boundary Path. Savah steps in through the beaded doorway from outside. Tel-tela steps in through the beaded doorway from outside. Tel-tela brings Savah in. Savah ducks as she enters the hut, then straightens again. Petalwing ooooohs! /Hellohello muchmother highthing!/ Zemmil steps in through the beaded doorway from outside. Savah looks at you for a moment. Mender looks up and nods to Savah quietly, motioning down in the sleeping pit. Zemmil stands in the door, looking curiously. Zemmil looks at you for a moment. Petalwing flitflitflits up to see Savah, beaming happily at her. /Petalwing brought sharpdark highthing!/ Mender spies Zemmil and nods a greeting, making a motion with a finger to his mouth to be quiet. Savah kneels by the pit, looking down at Rayek. Then she smiles. "Dear one.. Mender?" Zemmil nods to Mender. Sun-Toucher steps in through the beaded doorway from outside. Mender looks at Savah. "Yes? Savah?" Zemmil is standing in the doorway. Zemmil He is very tall, and extremely thin, this elf. His skin is bronze, while his close-cropped hair is light in color, and pale grey eyes. he is wearing an outfit of light woven cloth, dark blue in color. The long-sleeved shirt is trimmed with silver, and laced up the front. His pants are likewise trimmed, and he has simple leather boots on his feet. His expression is level, and emotionless, rarely showing passion. The left shoulder of the shirt has a silver embroidered pattern, in the shape of a four pointed star. Carrying: Wooden Elk rolled cloth bundle Large leather satchel Petalwing peers at the talltall highthing curiously before flittering over again to light by Rayek's disheveled head. It settles down with satisfaction. /Take good care of sharpdark highthing now!/ Mender keeps sitting at the edge of the pit by Rayek. Sun-Toucher steps near to Savah, "Savah, what shall we do about Rayek?" Savah says "How is he, healer?" Savah smiles to Petalwing, and reaches out to touch Rayek's forehead gently with her fingertips. Mender glances down to Rayek and frowns in concern, speaking softly. " Physically, he's fine. Mentally.. spiritually... I don't know." He shakes his head in confusion. Sun-Toucher looks down at Savah, frowning slightly. Sun-Toucher says quietly, "I shall try to reach him, if you wish it, Savah." Savah shakes her head, a small smile on her lips. "No.. let him rest. There is time, now." Zemmil asks quiely, "Is there anything I can do to help?" Long distance to Savah: Rayek, as you look at him closely, is clearly in strained shape. He is thinner than he should be; evidently, the ten years in which your erstwhile pupil... and almost-son... has been secluded have not treated him well. He seems whole of body, yes... but there is a faint bemused scowl on his features. Mender nods in agreement with Savah. "I think the best we can do for him now is let him rest." Sun-Toucher nods to Savah, "Rest cannot hurt him." Tel-tela smiles "I'll watch him." Petalwing looks very pleased with itself--it accomplished its mission! It flitflits as it pats Rayek's face with a tiny green hand. Savah murmurs, stroking Rayek's hair back. "Where was he found?" Petalwing pipes /Naughtybad highdigdig brought wrapstuff to hideycave!/ Mender shakes his head. "Petalwing took us to Ranvish's house. Rayek was there wrapstuffed." Sun-Toucher murmurs, "Ranvish took him there?" Savah looks thoughtfully at Petalwing. "Two-Edge brought him to a cave?" Mender glances at Sun-Toucher and shrugs. "Perhaps. Probably." Petalwing shakes its head. /Nononono! Naughtybad highdigdig! Came to homeplace! Took bigrocks off sharpdark highthing and Petalwing made wrapstuff and highdigdig brought wrapstuff to hideycave! Highthings found!/ Tel-tela climbs down into the sleeping pit. Sun-Toucher listens to Petalwing, frowning, "Slowly, little one, slowly." Tel-tela sits on the edge, looking down at Rayek. You locksend ** ** to Savah. Rayek's head turns slightly, restlessly, trying to scowl. Petalwing draws in a HUGE breath, and nods very earnestly to no-see oldhighthing! Sun-Toucher smiles at Petalwing, his blind gaze turned towards the Preserver. "Repeat that. Slowly, little one.' Zemmil says "Two-Edge?" Zemmil says "He's here?" Tel-tela smiles "Oh pooh, why are you mad, you just got healed from what I uderstand was a nasty accident." Mender takes a breath and runs his fingers through his hair. "What's going on?" Sun-Toucher sighs, "I make no sense of what the Preserver tells us." Savah's eyes widen slightly as she looks at Rayek. Petalwing draws out its piping words very slowly: /Sharpdark highthing in homeplace! Many highthings come! Want homeplace! Sharpdark highthing say no! Highthings fight! Naughtybad pokestick highthing try unwrap no-body highthing! No-body highthing make homeplace go tumble-rumble! All squash! Sharpdark highthing squashed under bigrocks! Petalwing try find! Naughtybad highdigdig come!/ Mender blinks at Petalwing, not able to make wolves nor zwoots out of that. Instead, he shifts his gaze back to Savah. "Savah? Have you found something?" Sun-Toucher turns his blind gaze to Savah, quiet. "Savah. What do you sense?" Zemmil says "Who crashed the palace?" Tel-tela smiles. "Are you awake Rayek?" Petalwing, for whom talking slowly more or less amounts to taking a breath every other word or so instead of every five, pouts as it doesn't seem to tell its story right. Rayek's head turns in the maiden's direction, as if he hears her. But if he does, he doesn't seem quite awake; his eyes are still pressed closed as if in pain. Zemmil looks toward Petalwing. Zemmil says "Preserver... please tell me..." Tel-tela takes a damp cloth, and holds it to Rayek'shead. Petalwing pipes readily, /No-body highthing!/ Sun-Toucher murmurs, "Rayek. He crashed it, I think." Something of the scowl leaves Rayek's features as the damp cloth soothes him. Petalwing pouts again. /Petalwing _told_ pokestick highthing shouldn't tear wrapstuff./ Savah says "A great destruction.." Mender nods slowly. Savah looks somewhat distant. Zemmil says "A highthing with a spear... Lursa was here... she was following her tribesmates..." Mender says "There was someone wrapstuffed within the Palace, Petalwing?" Zemmil's eyes widen slightly. Zemmil says "The gobacks tried to take the palace from Rayek." Petalwing nodnodnods firmly to Mender. /Wrapstuffed longlong time! Petalwing saw!/ Zemmil says "There was an elf in wrapstuff. One of the gobacks tried to free them from the wrapstuff, and the palace crashed." Mender eyes Petalwing. "Who? What is the name?" Sun-Toucher shakes his head thoughtfully. Savah departs. "Call me when he wakes up, children." Savah steps out through the beaded doorway to the Boundary Path. Tel-tela touches Rayeks cheek softly. "You'll be fine" Petalwing says sagely, /Was no-body highthing in wrapstuff!/ Mender says "Is there still anyone there, Petalwing?" Mender stands and smacks his forehead. "Suntop." Petalwing considers this solemnly. /All highthings left!/ Its wings drop a little, dejectedly. /Findmagic highthing and firehair highthing and all the fightsmuch highthings!/ Sun-Toucher frowns, listening. Tel-tela kisses the sleeping Rayek on the cheek.."Sleep well." Tel-tela climbs up out of the sleeping pit. Tel-tela smiles, and climbs out, and moves over to Mender. Zemmil says "Fightmuch... Definitely gobacks." Mender glances at Tel-tela and smiles softly, offering an arm for her. Tel-tela smiles, and wraps it around her. Tel-tela says "He's resting okay." Mender nods to Tel-tela and pulls her close, smiling softly. "Thank you." Zemmil says "I will leave." Mender glances at Zemmil and nods. "If you wish." Zemmil says "I do not seem to be any use here." Zemmil steps out through the beaded doorway to the Boundary Path. Suntop steps in through the beaded doorway from outside. Tel-tela smiles, and waves at Suntop. Sun-Toucher smiles, "Suntop." Mender glances at Suntop a little hesitantly and nods. "Thank you for coming." Suntop walks in, after a few moments, and stands near the door. "Hello again, Sun-Toucher.. Mender.. There is something you need me for?" Suntop smiles, and waves to Tel-Tela when he catches sight of her. Mender nods and motions with his head down at the sleeping form of Rayek in his sleeping pit. "Do you have any idea what happened?" Petalwing flitflits over to nestle down by Rayek again. Suntop nods, wincing a bit. "Yes.. I do. I suppose you want me to tell you everything that I saw?" Mender nods, turning back to Suntop. "That would be useful." Mender keeps an arm around Tel-tela. Tel-tela nods "Please Suntop..." Suntop leans against the wall, as he relates the tale: "I'll start from where I was asked to join Ember. She came to me and told me that Two-Edge had said that she would be wise to search out the Palace. He did not give a reason.. and Ember decided that it was wisest. So, Ember and I headed out in the company of a few Gobacks... We eventually found the cliffs near where Father and the tribe first came through to Sorrow's End. We wandered a bit..and the call of magic grew stronger. When we found the Palace, it was hidden..it was there.. yet our eyes could not see it. We could feel it..and sense it.. but not see it. It was strange. Anyway, we went into the Palace...and inside, we found Rayek. Brindle did her best to upset Rayek.. but did not succeed. Rayek went to the room where the Scroll of Colors were..and before anyone other than Brindle could enter..he shut the door behind himself, magically." Sun-Toucher shakes his head, "Quite a tale." Mender nods slowly. "But what cause.. whatever?" Suntop sighs. "I'm not done yet, Sun-Toucher.." He pauses and takes a deep breath. Suntop says "Anyway.. Rayek and Brindle were locked into the Scroll Room.. since I could not get in..and everyone was concerned about what was going on inside, I 'went out'..and observed what happened. Rayek was sending to someone.. someone who had no body, that I could see..until I saw a body which was wrapped up in wrapstuff..Rayek was sending frantically.. trying to convince that person of something..while Brindle was trying to STOP Rayek.. but it was too late..he'd done it..The Palace _FLEW_! We could all feel it.. the whole place shook like nothing I'd ever felt before..magically..and physically..." Mender smiles tightly and nods to Lursa as she wakes up. Lursa says "What?" Mender returns his attention to Suntop and nods. "Go on..." Sun-Toucher's eyes are wide, sightlessly staring at Suntop. Petalwing nodnodnods firmly! /Homeplace go tumblerumble!/ Suntop says "We flew.. and I went back to my body..to tell Ember and the rest what was going on.. It was then that Ember realized that we still had Petalwing with us. She got it to open the door again..and we all got into the room." Suntop says "Once in the room, I saw that Brindle was fighting Rayek.. saying something about no elf deserves to be wrapped up..and she broke free of Rayek. Rayek then had to fight with Kahvi..for reasons I still don't know..I was too concerned with Brindle, who was struggling to cut the body out of the wrapstuff. I felt a shift in the magic.. cutting that one free was a BAD idea!" Sun-Toucher nods quietly, listening. Sun-Toucher frowns, "I wonder why, Suntop." Mender frowns and growls, muttering something incoherent yet again about GoBacks. Lursa listens carefully...and wonders if perhaps she shouldn't sneak out. Suntop says "Because.. That one was _guiding_ the Palace..keeping it in the air! When she cut the strands, she broke the elf's concentration..bringing her back to 'our world'.. instead of that of the timeless world of being wrapped up. I fought with Brindle.. TRIED to convince her to stop.. I delayed her...but was unable to stop her.. she'd hurt the one in the wrapstuff..CUT her..with the dagger she was using. It was too late. The Palace crashed.. but before that happened, I'd called out to Petalwing in a final attempt to save us from falling to the ground.. Petalwing wrapped them BOTH up..the one called 'Tilia'..and Brindle.. the both of them.. because it was the only chance of keeping the injured one from dying.." Sun-Toucher murmurs, "The strings were cut, the puppet fell." Mender outright frowns, not bothering to hide his contempt and anger. Suntop sighs deeply.. "We felt it.. the Palace crashed into the ground..the room collapsed.. and a lot of the GoBacks were crushed.. I, myself, was hit..and injured, as you can see here... *motions to his injured left arm..then he pulls his hat off, revealing a rather deep cut on his head*..Ember was hurt too..No one in that room was left uninjured..a number of GoBacks died. Rayek..*sighs deeply* ...Rayek was no where to be found..he would not answer any sends.. nothing. I wanted to dig him out, but Ember dragged me out of the room when another cave-in happened.. and I didn't see him again.. until today." Mender scowls, but impressively keeps his words to himself. Petalwing pipes up solemnly, /Sharpdark highthing go squishsquash./ Mender turns his head to look down at Rayek, away from everyone else. Suntop falls silent, and puts his hat back on.. he looks over at Rayek, then at Mender.. he shakes his head sadly. He looks to Sun-Toucher and Tel-Tela..and sighs. "I should go now, I think.." Lursa murmurs to herself "It wasn't supposed to be that way...can't belive they *DESTROYED* it..." Mender turns sharply on Lursa. "You knew about this?" Lursa says "I told you earlier." Mender says "No, you said nothing of the sort that they would invade the Palace." Sun-Toucher frowns, "And now the palace has crashed." Lursa says "I didn't think they were INVADING it!" Lursa says "Persuading Rayek to put it back...but not INVADING it!" Suntop turns to look at Lursa, remembering something.. "You are a GoBack? Then it should also be mentioned: Rayek was threatened..." Tel-tela sits, and tries to take this all in. Lursa says "With what?" Petalwing points out sagely, /Homeplace not allgone! Is just busted!/ Mender shakes his head in disgust, waving his free arm. "Rayek needs some peace. He needs to rest if he is to get better." Suntop's expression actually turns dark..almost with anger. "Brindle and Kahvi..They actually THREATENED.. to GIVE Ekuar to the trolls..if Rayek did not fly the Palace BACK to the Frozen North!" Lursa says "They couldn't have given Ekuar to anyone. He was traveling here with me." Mender turns and looks at each assembled person in the room and sets -very- evenly "If you need to argue, take it outside." Mender says "Suntop, were there any surviving GoBacks?" Lursa says "He's here in Sorrow's End right now, in fact." Petalwing perks up! /Oldold moverock highthing here?/ Suntop says _very_ softly.. "Threats of that sort aren't taken well by Rayek.. and no one.. for any reason.. should ever play with another's life like that." He looks at Lursa for a moment, and sighs.. "But that was your chief's decision not yours, I know.." He looks over to Mender. "Yes, there were a few..Kahvi and Brindle and a younger one whom I did not hear named." Mender nods to Suntop. "Then we'll talk to them afterward, too." Tel-tela sighs, and leans on Mender. Lursa scowls, thinking deeply. Lursa says "Yes, Ekuar is here, bug..." Suntop looks to Mender, and sends to him, briefly. Mender nods curtly to Suntop. Petalwing beams and patpats Rayek's tangled hair. /Sharpdark highthing like oldold moverock highthing!/ Mender disentangles himself from Tel-tela and pads over to Suntop, reaching for his injured arm. Suntop looks at Mender, with sorrow in his eyes..he shakes his head, but doesn't move. Mender gently touches Suntop's arm, encompassing it with a healing glow. Shortly he removes Suntop's hat and presses his fingers to Suntop's head, taking slightly longer to heal those wounds. Suntop closes his eyes..a pair of tears slide down his left cheek as he is healed. Lursa quietly finds her clothes Mender finishes the healing and removes his hands, giving Suntop a soft look of compassion before padding back to Tel-tela. Suntop puts his hat back on his head, then turns to look at Lursa. "Your chief is a fool, cousin..Thinking that something that belongs to all belongs to ONLY your tribe. But regardless of true beliefs..a life is not something to be played with. If you have any compassion in you at all.. do not ever let Ekuar be used like that again.. no matter what your mad chief says." Lursa says "I'll leave him here...or help him find the Palace...to..heal it." Lursa says "He won't go North again." Lursa scowls. Tel-tela holds Mender's hand. Suntop nods, then smiles. "Actually.. I think he would rather like to work on the Palace.. It would do him much good, I think." Petalwing oo! /Petalwing knows where homeplace is!/ It looks happy for a moment, before its tiny face falls, and it pouts. /Petalwing must take care of sharpdark highthing!/ Mender turns to Petalwing with a soft smile. "I'll take care of Rayek, Petalwing. He'll be fine." Mender grips Tel-tela's hand. Tel-tela smiles. "I will too." Petalwing looks somewhat hopeful, and brightens again. Suntop smiles over at Tel-Tela and Mender, briefly. Mender glances at Suntop and nods, a brief, soft smile flickering across his face. Suntop looks down at Rayek, after sending to Tel-Tela and Mender..and he smiles softly. "Rest well, my friend.. and when you awaken..*sighs softly* Let's hope you are up to the work that will be ahead of you, for you to help heal the Palace..if it ever can be." [End log.]