Log Date: October 18, 1995 Log Intro: For a time Rayek and Ekuar have been quietly working on restoring the Palace, and although Ekuar might have preferred it otherwise, Rayek has stubbornly kept to himself, refusing to speak with any of the occasional visitors that come to the Palace. But one night, several visitors converge at once, the first among them Windkin and Suntop... the next group brings Lursa, Delenbae, and WolfFlame, and the next, a party of Gliders from Blue Mountain. Windkin and Suntop are the first to rouse Rayek up from his work.... ---------- Suntop strides in after a few moments, and looks around, smiling in greeting to Rayek and Windkin. Rayek is poised on the stairs, and looking down somewhat sternly at the two young elves, as if he is considering taking them to task for interrupting his work. He looks tired, does Rayek, but he relaxes at least a trifle at the sight of Leetah's son. Windkin looks up at Rayek, familiar with this from his last visits to the palace, he looks, less than concerned with being scolded. He frowns. ** There are gliders in Sorrow's End. ** Rayek halts. Then arches his dark eyebrows. ** You have come all the way here to tell me this? ** His tone is flat, as he addresses Windkin, and his implication clear: this is worthy of interrupting him? Suntop moves slowly to stand by Rayek, listening to what Windkin says, as well. But he seems more concerned with Rayek's well-being rather than the Gliders being in Sorrow's End. Windkin keeps his eyes on Rayek, scowling slightly, ** I think they know about the palace being here also, I'm not sure however. They must want _something_ gliders never 'just show up'. ** Suntop looks at Windkin, and sighs softly. ** Not all Gliders are out to get something from us..but I know better than to argue. ** Rayek releases a short bark of a laugh. ** As I am given to understand, the entire village knows of the Palace's presence. Your point, Windkin? ** There is a flittering, and Petalwing arrives, scowling thoughtfully. /Petalwing remember nastybad flyhighthings who put Petalwing in cage!/ It lands on Rayek's shoulder, and the hunter-turned-magicmaker smirks. Suntop arches an eyebrow in surprise. ** Rayek, he felt that he needed to let you know..he only wanted to help you..Not draw your anger. ** Windkin shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest, ** Don't say I didn't warn you, I'd think Lursa and Mender and I would have put some sense into your head already. You can't do this by yourself. Especially not of you have a skein of gliders coming down on you. ** He shrugs again, finished. ** I don't trust gliders. ** he sends in simple explanation, turning to Petalwing. "Hello." Suntop chuckles softly, at that.. ** And who could convince anyone of anything they really don't want to hear, though? ** Rayek glances between the two younger elves, and shrugs slightly. ** So there are Gliders coming -- I cannot say I am surprised, though unless they have their Lord with them, I also cannot say that I see a point to concern. I have dealt with the people of Blue Mountain. They do not trouble me. ** Suntop turns around to look at Rayek..** And you think that they are, alone, not strong? ** Windkin shrugs, he looks at Petalwing again with a faint smile. Rayek almost smiles. ** You ask me that, lad, when you must remember yourself how it was in Blue Mountain, just before it almost fell? No. I am unworried. ** He turns, already seeming to return at least in his mind to whatever task had occupied him just before your arrival. ** Without their Lord to guide them, they are fledglings -- and I would have expected Winnowilll to strike, if she had intended to do so, when I was still healing in Sorrow's End. ** Suntop shakes his head. ** You have been in here for a long time, Rayek.. ** Petalwing giggles, looking approving. /Sharpdark highthing got glowfires back!/ Rayek pauses on the stairs, eyebrows still slightly raised. He sends wearily, ** Alright then -- enlighten me. Should I be worried? ** Further up the stairs, a soft voice says, "I would be, brownskin." Ekuar comes hobbling down the stairs, his ancient face lined and grave. Windkin frowns, ** They didn't seem as fledgelings to me. ** Windkin looks at Suntop, ** How about to you? ** Rayek blinks up at his old mentor, and then frowns down at the two younger elves. ** Alright, then, enlighten me. Have they taken a cue from the Go-Backs? Do they intend to try to wrest the Palace from me, and crash it again? ** His tone is sarcastic, and his eyes glint. Windkin just sighs and looks at Suntop, eyes saying, 'we came here for this?'. Ekuar folds himself to sit comfortably on one of the nearest stairs, and says solemnly to Rayek, "It has been some time since I saw them, Rayek, but even then, they had begun to chafe under Winnowill's thumb. I left when it was no longer safe." He pauses, and glances at the young visitors. "Tell me, do they come here in peace now, or for other purposes?" Rayek crosses his arms. But for Ekuar, at least, he will contain himself. Suntop sighs softly, and shrugs. ** Who knows? ** Rayek starts to snort, before Ekuar steps in again, firmly but gently, "My boy, it is important. If they come in peace -- well, who are we to stop them from entering the ancient home of us all?" Petalwing pipes, /Is highthing homeplace -- maybe nastybad flyhighthings make nice?/ Suntop turns to look at Rayek. ** I really couldn't tell you. Savah kept me busy with my studies, and I did not have a chance to speak with the one called Azeure to find out. ** Petalwing beams, and peers round at Rayek. /Sharpdark highthing need other highthings to talk to!/ Lursa steps in from outside. Lursa moves away from the huge stone structure nearby. Lursa has arrived. Windkin sends openly ** Tell me this, when was the last time you saw such a large group of gliders outside of the mountain when they WEREN'T up to something? ** Rayek gives the bug a baleful yellow glare, then sighs. ** Well, then. I shall deal with them when they arrive, if neither of you can provide me with anything more constructive than worries of what-might-be -- ** He cuts off, as Lursa comes striding into view. Ekuar looks up from where he is sitting on the stars, staff resting in his withered hand. Suntop shakes his head, ** We shall see, then.. ** Lursa says "When they arrive? They're here...I barely beat them" Delenbae steps in from outside. Delenbae moves away from the huge stone structure nearby. Delenbae has arrived. Lursa says "They are currently gaping and catching flies" Windkin stands, arms crossed over his chest, turned mostly towards Rayek, looking, well...sour. Suntop chuckles at the comment. ** And you did not do the same, Lursa, when you first saw this place? ** WolfFlame steps in from outside. WolfFlame moves away from the huge stone structure nearby. WolfFlame has arrived. Rayek stands a little straighter, eyeing Lursa, and the unfamiliar elf behind her. ** So, then, ** he sends, his voice carrying easily down from where he stands on the stairs, just below Ekuar and just below Windkin and Suntop, ** how many visitors am I to be expecting? ** WolfFlame follows behiind Delenbae her eyes wandering all over the place as she gazes in wonder WolfFlame looks at you for a moment. Delenbae shrugs. ** Too many. ** WolfFlame Curls of firey red fall over the shoulders and down the back of this spirited young elf.. FInally reaching her full height and maturity, WolfFlame is truly a sight. Her red hair falls in curls down her back, as untamed as the maiden they decorate. Her golden eyes sparkle with the joy and life of one that is truly a free spirit and wouldn't have it any other way. Her full rose red lips are usually held in a warm smile which seems to brighten up the maiden's face even more. WolfFlame has really blossomed, she is now tall and limber, like a willow, and moves with the casual ease of a cat. WolfFlame has changed her old worn leathers for a garb more sutible for the weather and peaceful surroundings of Sorrow's End. Her blouse is a light, almost sheer silken fabric which falls off the shoulders with a slight ruffle at the elbows. The top of the blouse is delicately decorated with designs in gold thread which catches the light of her eyes and seems to bring them out yet more. The fabric ties neatly under her breast, leaving her firm belly bare. Her skirt is made of a similar material and hangs loosly in a soft ripple to about mid-thigh and shimmers slightly with her every step. A belt hangs loosely over her hips and is home to an intricately decorated dagger which rarely leaves her side. Her feet are now covered by delicate sandels which laces carefully up her ankles to about mid calf. When WolfFlame catches you gazing upon her she winks playfully and smiles in greeting. Delenbae Tall, tall, very tall.. tall like a Glider, though he doesn't LOOK like a Glider, not a normal one, anyway. He is dark, like a Sun Villager, but his features don't really place him there.. he has those fine, long bones, more like the High Ones. His eyes are dark, of an indeterminate color, unless you want to check very closely, and his hair is similar, but that is a bit more black, than anything else. He is well-muscled, especially around the wrists and forearms, as if he has spent a long time working with his hands.. you can also see that most of his flesh, excpet for his hands, and face, are criscrossed with a network of fine scars.. almost invisible, but if you get close enough, they're there. He wears very little but a belt, from which hangs a loincloth of a spidersilky material, evidently weighted at the bottom, and a headband of some absorbant material, which also works to keep his hair out of his eyes. There is also a bag, of a sturdier material on the belt too, it seems to emit various aromas, and rattles slightly, as if there were implements within. Criscrossing his chest, is a pair of baldrics, each holding a long, slightly curving blade which rests on a hip. Carrying: Joseph Lursa says "There are three Gliders ..." Windkin's face takes another dip towards sour, he turns, watching Rayek. Ekuar smiles benignly down at the visitors, and speaks up, "Forgive my old bones, young ones, but I believe I shall sit right here. Welcome." Lursa says "Heya, Ekuar...airwalker been eating?" Rayek still looks past Lursa to the two strangers. ** These, ** he sends dryly, ** do not look like Gliders. ** WolfFlame smiles softly to Ekuar and nods, "Thank you..." Petalwing giggles, peering curiously down at the newcomers, and it chirps, /Sharpdark highthing eat sparkles in oldold hideyroom!/ Lursa says "One's a villager, the other's a wolfrider" Suntop turns to WolfFlame,and smiles. ** Shade, cousin. ** Rayek's gaze rests on the taller of the two elves. ** You, ** he sends, ** are rather tall to be of the Sun Folk. I would have remembered you. ** WolfFlame smiles softly to Suntop and nods, ** Shade to you as well ** Lursa snorts "These arent the ones you need to worry about, Black-hair Ekuar chuckles lightly to Lursa, and puts a gnarled finger to his lips, as he settles back to study the conversation. Delenbae frows. ** I, am _not_ a Glider. ** WolfFlame wanders about slightly, her eyes darting about the room in amazement, her fingers sliding over the wall gently Delenbae sends openly ** I am Delenbae.. ** WolfFlame blinks over at the intros and sends in return, ** And I am Wolfflame...** Rayek arches both his black eyebrows. To Lursa: ** They have come to my house; I would at least like the courtesy of identification. ** Then, to the tall, dark stranger, he smirks slightly at the apparently vehement denial. As he receives the identifications he demands, his stance relaxes very faintly, though his eyes still spark, alertly. Delenbae looks away for a moment, as if biting back a comment.. WolfFlame walks back over to the others again Ekuar puts in mildly, ** You might consider offering the same, brownskin. ** Suntop listens to this with curiousity. Azeure steps in from outside. Azeure moves away from the huge stone structure nearby. Azeure has arrived. Delenbae looks back to Rayek. ** I, personally, have come to discuss.. matters of this place, Master of the Palace of the High Ones.. though I would ask you to remeber that this place belongs to all of us, not merely to you. ** WolfFlame looks over to Azeure and smiles brightly, ** See? ** Rayek shoots Ekuar a glare that would, had it been directed at anyone else, have likely been much sharper than it is; as it happens, he seems only mildly annoyed. He shrugs airily, then starts to turn back to Lursa, at least until yet another stranger arrives. Suntop sends openly ** Greetings to you, Delenbae. I've seen you before. As to you, WolfFlame, I am Suntop. This, in case the rest of you do not know.. is Rayek. ** Azeure wanders inside, his eyes widening as he looks about. Azeure arches a brow towards Rayek ** Master of the palace? ** Alorn steps in from outside. Alorn moves away from the huge stone structure nearby. Alorn has arrived. Lursa watches Azeure keenly Ktai steps in from outside. Ktai moves away from the huge stone structure nearby. Ktai has arrived. Rayek crosses his arms and eyes Delenbae measuringly. He then smiles thinly, and to the next stranger, sends clearly, ** I have claimed this place by right of the time and power which I have invested into it. ** Ktai steps back a bit, her anger giving way to sudden shock. Lursa says "AFTER you stole it" Ekuar frowns very slightly, as tall elves who cannot be anything but Gliders begin to arrive. He rises, leaning heavily on his staff. Azeure nods ** Indeed.. I see it has been well taken care of.. ** Delenbae manages a smile. ** I see the tales of the immensity of your ego are not exaggerated. ** Windkin stands, arms still crossed over his chest, eyes watching everyone, scowling. Rayek stares at Lursa, eyes flickering, with lambent amber sparks. ** Have you brought strangers here to provide an audience for debate with me, Go-Back, or have you brought them for a reason? ** He sweeps one brown hand out to include not only WolfFlame and Delenbae, but the newcomers drifting in behind them? Alorn quirks a brow. Lursa says "I didnt bring therem here." Petalwing squints down at the Gliders from its perch on Rayek's shoulder -- it's got a good view, with Rayek still up on the stairs. It chirps. /Lots of flyhighthings!/ Lursa says "And I certainly need no audience" Delenbae shrugs, and turns to go. ** I will be outside, if you deign to speak with me, Rayek. I _do_ have things to discuss with you. ** Ktai's face breaks into a smile as the preserver chitters. ** Oh hello! ** Suntop glances at the Gliders, and arches an eyebrow. WolfFlame sighs softly at the anger in everyone and walks around again studying the place in wonder Delenbae does his level best to ignore the Gliders, as he walks past them. Rayek bursts out laughing, harshly. ** Ah, then the lot of you simply decided to arrive in separate parties. Well, then. Ekuar, perhaps you should speak with them -- I fear my social skills have degenerated. After all, I _have_ been alone. ** He smirks sardonically, and turns to glide up the stairs. Delenbae steps through the doorway outside. Delenbae approaches the huge stone structure. Delenbae has left. You make your way up the long, winding stairwell. Second Level This wide corridor sports myriad tiny ripples and swirls in its walls and floor, as if once it might have been rife with damage; now, these patterns seem only to add to the ethereal feel of the place, giving your surroundings a flowing, airy look. The air is full of a barely palpable tingle, a sense of welcome, a stronger sense of magic. At one end of the corridor you can see the stairs that wind back down into the lower level of this place; at the opposite end, a tall doorway that glimmers golden in the faint light. Obvious exits: Scroll Chamber Winding Stairway Ktai locksends ** In that... you are not alone. ** Ekuar> Alorn frowns thoughtfully, slowly looking around the room. Ekuar> Ekuar sighs after Rayek as he vanishes, and turns to face the gathering elves. He comes carefully down to meet them, and says benignly, "Brownskin is not the best of hosts. Welcome, nevertheless, if you all come in peace to the High Ones' old home." Ekuar> Ktai blinks back sudden tears as she sends to someone. You step through the tall doorway, and into the... Scroll Chamber This smallish chamber is sparsely furnished, bearing only a single empty chair which faces a platform; on this platform are the holders for the two halves of the Scroll of Colors. Around you, the pale walls seem to ripple in places, but perhaps that is a physical sensation, a trick of the light; what cannot be a light-trick is the sense of *presence* in the chamber, of welcome, and of magic. Contents: Scroll of Colors Obvious exits: Out Ekuar> WolfFlame smiles and nods to Ekuar, her eyes wide with excitement and joy at the sights and feelings around her, ** Thank you old one...** Ekuar> Azeure looks to Rayek again. Ekuar> Lursa makes her way up the stairs to greet Ekuar "So...HAS he been eating? He still looks like he's been sucking on sticker needles Ekuar> Ekuar regards you all with his large dark eyes, and turns first to WolfFlame. "I suppose that we should take this in the order of arrival, unless you all have come simply to _see_ the Palace? If that, I do hope you will, ah, all be patience with its appearance. The restoration goes slowly." Azeure locksends ** If you are indeed the palaces master.. I have brought those who follow me to learn from you of the High Ones.. ** Ekuar> Suntop shakes his head. Ekuar> WolfFlame smiles brightly, "Well I came to see it....the others I can't speak for...Delenbae had something to speak with Rayek about, but I'm not really sure what..." Ekuar> Ktai smiles, awed. ** It is beautiful.... ** Ekuar> Ekuar smiles wearily to Lursa, with a long-suffering and knowing gaze. "He survives," the old elf says succintly to her. But his benign gaze does continue to take everyone, and he addresses the group at large, "I would recommend that if you have questions of Rayek, that you start with me. As I say... I fear brownskin is not the best of hosts." You sense in a locksend, Delenbae sends a 'package' of information, not really expecting to be allowed to connect with you.. ** Master of the Palace, I have come here for several reasons: first, to watch these.. Gliders, to make certain they commit no mischief.. two, to allow my partner Wolfflame, to see this place of our ancestors, as is her wish.. and three, to discuss with you the future of this place, and plans to defend it from those who would take it. ** Ekuar> WolfFlame settles down on a step of the stairs to watch everyone else Ekuar> Alorn folds her hands lightly together. Ekuar> Windkin walks over to stand behind Ekuar. Ekuar> Ktai shakes her head, awed. Ekuar> Lursa says "Shouldnt they see the Scroll? so they KNOW?" Ekuar> Windkin says "Rayek is the only one who can turn it, do you really think he's in the mood to Lursa? Think." Ekuar> Azeure arches a brow ** Scroll? ** Ekuar> Lursa says "Its his responsibility, as so-called master." You locksend to Delenbae, Rayek answers you, after a time, curtly; his mental voice, nevertheless, resonates with a vibrant power that is unmatched probably by any elf on the planet -- but how much of that is his own raw power, and how much the strength of the Palace itself, is difficult to say. ** See the Palace as you wish; be wary of rubble Ekuar and I have not yet cleared. ** Ekuar> Suntop turns and walks upstairs, nodding. ** They shoul see the scroll.. ** Ekuar> Suntop makes his way up the long staircase. Ekuar> Suntop has left. Suntop arrives from the corridor outside. Suntop has arrived. Ekuar> Windkin says "His responsibility isn't to drop all of his work to entertain unsuspected guests however." Ekuar> Windkin shrugs a bit. Suntop walks in, shaking his head. ** The anger will do no good, you know. ** Ekuar> Ekuar regards the gathering quietly, and apparently chooses to answer the sending from the Glider male first. ** It is like the Egg, ** he sends simply. ** Those of you from Blue Mountain should have some idea of what it will contain already. ** Ekuar> Lursa says "Of course. His work willl NOT be interrupted long at all" Ekuar> Azeure arches a brow curiously as he ascends the stairs Ekuar> Lursa looks over the assembled group, her stance strongly indicating her meaning Ekuar> Azeure makes his way up the long staircase. Ekuar> Azeure has left. You sense in a locksend, Delenbae makes no attempt to challenge you, his send is clear, but quiet. ** I have no wish to see the Palace of our ancestors, Rayek. I have further plans for this place to discuss with you, more important than mere sightseeing. ** Ekuar> Windkin reaches down a hand towards Ekuar, to help him up. Ekuar> Ktai wordlessly follows Azeure. Ekuar> Alorn looks up the stairway for a moment silently. Then she turns a rather cold glare on Lursa. Ekuar> Ktai blinks back sudden tears as she sends to someone. Ekuar> Ktai makes her way up the long staircase. Ekuar> Ktai has left. Rayek leans against one of the side walls of the chamber, his back to the door that Petalwing has left ajar. He does not turn, but he does send, ** I do not believe I requested an opinion, lad. ** Ekuar> Lursa returns it measure for measure, as icy as her homeland Ekuar> Ekuar clasps Windkin's offered hand and smiles at him, turning to hobble up the stairs. Suntop walks over to the scroll, and places one hand on the base of one of the towering artifacts. ** Have you hardened yourself so much, then, Rayek? Would you speak so to me, were my mother here? I am not your enemy, you know. ** Ekuar> WolfFlame makes her way up the long staircase. Ekuar> WolfFlame has left. Ekuar> Windkin helps Ekuar up the stairs. Ekuar> Windkin makes his way up the long staircase. Ekuar> Windkin has left. Ekuar> Alorn drifts upward a little bit, and towards the stairs. Rayek's mouth tightens at the mention of Leetah, and the gaze he finally turns to Suntop is hard. But what he sends is, ** What? You have not sided with the rest of the village, and branded me mad with my solitude? ** Ekuar> Lursa turns and looks over her shoulder as she ascends "Be assured it will be" [Ekuar slowly hobbles up the stairs into the corridor just outside the Scroll chamber...] Ekuar> Lursa comes up the stairwell from below. Ekuar> Lursa has arrived. Ekuar> Alorn comes up the stairwell from below. Ekuar> Alorn has arrived. Ekuar> Ekuar slowly makes his way into view, and gestures down at the tall door left somewhat ajar. "There," he says, "is the chamber that houses the Scroll. Let me send..." Ekuar> Azeure enters the chamber of the Scroll of Colors. Ekuar> Azeure has left. Azeure arrives from the corridor outside. Azeure has arrived. Suntop chuckles softly. ** I have never thought you mad, Rayek. Driven, perhaps..But you are a good soul. I know it. ** Ekuar> Ktai enters the chamber of the Scroll of Colors. Ekuar> Ktai has left. Ktai arrives from the corridor outside. Ktai has arrived. Rayek then straightens, and glances outside, smirking a bit, and ignoring Suntop's last and clearly personal sending. Ekuar arrives from the corridor outside. Ekuar has arrived. Suntop does not see the others come in, his gaze on Rayek.. Azeure arches a brow at that as he enters ** Rayek.. I hear of a scroll much like the Egg.. ** Lursa arrives from the corridor outside. Lursa has arrived. Ktai gasps out loud. ** It's beautiful! ** Suntop turns around to regard those here.. Ekuar comes in among the taller elves, and chuckles very quietly to himself. WolfFlame arrives from the corridor outside. WolfFlame has arrived. Windkin arrives from the corridor outside. Windkin has arrived. WolfFlame peeks through the door making sure it's alright Suntop turns around, and sighs. Rayek turns, his black ponytail swirling behind him, and his gaze on Azeure turns fey. ** No, ** he corrects, ** not like your Egg; the symbols of the Egg are static, and the Scroll of Colors _lives_. ** Windkin nods once to Lursa in agreement. Suntop locksends to Ekuar: ** How has he been, Ekuar? He seems..so withdrawn.. ** Azeure frowns a bit in contemplation. Ktai steps forward, then stops in awe. Ekuar moves to settle himself on the corner of the platform on which the massive twin pieces of the Scroll rest, and his gaze flits to Suntop. Alorn arrives from the corridor outside. Alorn has arrived. Delenbae locksends ** I will speak with you when you see fit. I am not in a hurry. ** Suntop looks over the Gliders, slowly. You locksend to Delenbae, Rayek, if he hears the sending, gives you no immediate sign; evidently something else has captured his attention. Azeure looks to Rayek ** It is what we have traveled all this distance.. given our home for.. will you show us this scroll? ** Windkin glides over off to the side, next to the chair. He leans against the wall, arms and ankles crossed. Ktai steps softly away from the group... seeming to -not- belong among them. Suntop blinks at Azeure's send. ** Given up..? ** Azeure nods once to Suntop.. his eyes still on Rayek.. Ktai shakes her head softly as she looks at the scrolls. Rayek smiles thinly at the elves that have come in, and lifts his head slightly, at Azeure's phrasing. ** So you do travel outside the behest of your Lord. I had begun to wonder whether she would pass up a chance for a visit. ** Petalwing flits in the room, squinting at this and that Glider, filing faces in its little bug memory. It remembers these highthings yes, from before! Azeure frowns a bit ** Unfortunately I would not expect her to await a visit to you for long Rayek.. she does seem quite taken with the notion of controlling you ** Rayek then whirls, lithely, to face the platform, and laughs out loud. ** That, cousin, is old gossip -- and I daresay your Lord missed her chance. She would have fared much better at an attempt when I was flightless and mindbound in Sorrow's End! ** Almost as an afterthought he stretches forth a hand, and light flows into being around it; the two stone halfs of the Scroll glimmer... and rise. Azeure moves as if he were to send but thinks better of it as he watches quietly Suntop steps forward, ad the scrolls rise once again. WolfFlame blinks in surprise and looks up, her jaw dropping slightly Power flows, palpably -- richly -- and the very walls of the chamber seem to tingle by way of response, echoing back the magic as it sparkles into life. ** What would you see, then? ** Rayek sends, his sending seeming to echo with that same power. Ktai gasps lightly, her eyes filling with tears. Lursa slips out, having seen and heard before Alorn blinks as she watches, silent. Lursa has left. You locksend ** He shows only what he wishes seen, dear boy... ** to Suntop. Suntop smiles faintly, gauging the effect on the Gliders of this magnificent sight. His eyes fall on Ktai, and nods. The long, slender stone sculptures float aloft; between them, the magic centers, flickers, begins to coalesce into half-formed shapes and images, impossible, ethereal colors. Rayek sends: ** Perhaps I should show you what Timmain first showed us, when we took back the Palace from the trolls? Or would you see aught else? ** Azeure arches a brow ** Tell me of the firstcomers Rayek.. of their ways ** Rayek gives a fey, distant smile, his attention still fixed on the Scroll. He barely seems to move, but he glows now from head to foot, as the images begin to swirl into a picture of absolute darkness -- studded through with countless, fathomless clusters of stars. ** _That_ is where we came from -- the fathomless space beyond the sky, and another world, far out in its vastness. So Timmain divulged to us, in the retaking of the Palace. ** Gelnah arrives from the corridor outside. Gelnah has arrived. Suntop listens, while watching the Gliders, curiously. Gelnah enters belatedly, still daze-struck Azeure watches, entranced by the scrolls Another image: a cloud-shrouded orb in that vast star-strewn void, and the star around which that orb once circled. More images, and Rayek's voice identifies the tall, alien beings as the High Ones -- reviving their dying home by the discovery of their own powers. ** It was long ago -- longer than any of us today have been alive, save for Timmain herself! Behold, how the High Ones first learned of their magics... ** WolfFlame just watches the scrolls in amazed awe Ktai steps away further, shaking her head in awe. Alorn looks into the colors in rapt wonder. Azeure is motionless in deep contemplation The images unfold. Were those truly the High Ones, those strangely attentuated beings, with hairless heads that rose to blunted points on their skulls? The power, regardless of its wielders' appearance, is familiar: that of shaping. That of sending. But power to a degree unheard of on this world of two moons. Only here in this room, where the chamber vibrates with the power that Rayek is putting out, is there an echo of that power's memory. Ktai swallows hard, and steps yet farther away from the group. Silent tears fall as she stares at the Scrolls. Windkin's eyes slide from glider to glider, then to Suntop and stay there for a moment before sliding along to Rayek and Ekuar. Suntop steps down from his position near the scrolls, and moves to where Ktai is backing away, sending to her. Azeure's eyes move as if following detail.. motionless as he seems to consume himself in the scroll Image after image: the world of the High Ones is dying. They band together -- shaping great shells of the stuff of their own soil, taking with them tiny winged insects and ground-dwelling burrowers... and journeying into the stars. ** Our legacy... and one which we will eventually reclaim. ** Rayek's mental voice resonates with conviction. Azeure nods, almost absent mindedly as he watches the scroll turn Alorn floats up until she's quite level with the scrolls, and then somewhat closer, lost in what it shows. Suntop turns around, looking at Windkin. Rayek sends to the room at large, ** Thus, the Firstcomers -- you would see more? Of our stranding on this world, perhaps? Or of the worlds which the HighOnes visited in their boundless journeys? ** If floating and turning those great stone objects is any burden on the brown-skinned magic-maker, he shows absolutelyno sign of it; indeed, he might be holding aloft a frothy veil that a maiden of his erstwhile village would wear. Dolanth arrives from the corridor outside. Dolanth has arrived. Dolanth walks in, glancing around, as though looking for something.. Ktai stares raptly at the scrolls, now a good distance sideways from the small group of Gliders. Rayek continues to turn the Scrolls, his entire frame glimmering with white-gold light. Azeure sends openly ** Perhaps how the High Ones lived here.. Why their children have been scattered so.. ** Suntop nods to Windkin, looking at Ktai, curiously. Dolanth moves slowly towards Ktai, his own eyes becoming fixed on the scroll.. Rayek smiles airily -- an easy request, that. His eyes glint, with a hard light, as the Scroll responds to his will. Images flow once more: of the discovery of the two-mooned world, of the High Ones' decision to take on the shapes of legends of those on that planet; of the shaping of their star-shell -- this very Palace. Of the treachery of the troll servants... and the accident that sent the Firstcomers hurtling through time. Azeure frowns a bit at that as he watches. Ktai gasps, almost in pain as she sees the treachery. Gelnah stands statue-still, tears forming in the corners of her eyes, for the lost beauty she never before saw The Palace lands -- the High Ones, dazed, stumble forth -- and are met by the hairy, squat beings that would in countless more years become the humans of this world. And they are met by the humans' spears. Blood flows... the High Ones scatter into the shelter of the surrounding woods. Dolanth blinks, and arches an eyebrow. Ktai winces, tears falling freely down her cheeks. Azeure frowns thoughtfully.. Suntop murmurs softly, "This happened long ago.." Rayek holds the Scroll steady, and sends archly to the Gliders present, ** I daresay your own history can tell you what happened to your group, after that. ** Azeure sends openly ** What of the others.. how did they survive the new land? ** WolfFlame wipes a tear from her eye as she nods slowly Windkin sends openly ** You already know how, and you disdain us for it. ** Azeure sends openly ** Be careful to judge too quickly Windkin.. ** Lursa arrives from the corridor outside. Lursa has arrived. Suntop looks to Azeure, arching an eyebrow. ** Tell that to those who have felt the sharp end of your whips, Azeure.. ** Rayek lowers the Scroll, power still humming from him as though he were a bowstring, newly plucked; his gaze might be the arrow, sharp and bright on Azeure. ** You wanted to know of the Palace; that is how it began, and how it arrived; shall I therefore detail to you the history of all our kind, since the High Ones first landed? I should be as old as Ekuar before I would finish. ** Ktai blinks back a few tears. Ekuar smiles faintly at Rayek, but remains where he is, unobtrusive. Lursa looks at the scroll, and nods "They've seen?" WolfFlame moves over to Azeure's side and slips her hand in his own encouragingly Ekuar looks to Lursa, and nods softly. Azeure nods to Rayek ** My apologies.. I did not mean to imply that.. I simply wish to study the knowledge contained here.. ** Lursa stands by the door, ready to escort the entire lot out Rayek remains standing in the center of the room, erect, shoulders square. He sends to Azeure, ** That is not a pastime lightly done in one night. Nor is it one I have time to share. ** Ktai falls slowly to her knees. Azeure sends openly ** Then show me how to learn for myself.. ** Lursa snorts Suntop arches an eyebrow, yet again..not only at the sight of WolfFlame seeming to trust Azeure so deeply..but also the interest Azeure is showing..it all comes as a surprise, tohim. Dolanth moves to stand behind Ktai, and kneels beside her, carefully. Lursa says "He said no, its time to go away now." Lursa translates into plain speech. Ktai shakes her head at a send. Windkin locksends ** Would you trust this pushy one to do what you wouldn't trust me to help you do? ** Rayek sends imperiously, ** Nor do I have time to train you. The Palace remains broken; it is my task, now, to repair it. Linger if you will -- but do not interrupt me. ** Ktai stands, and very slowly, walks close to the Scrolls. Suntop shakes his head, and turns to regard Rayek for a long moment. Ekuar puts in quietly, ** There remains a good bit of rock and rubble. Brownskin and I occupy our days clearing it. ** Ktai shakes her head slowly, and cautiously reaches out to touch one. WolfFlame looks up curiously, ** Perhaps we could help with the repairs? ** Windkin looks at WolfFlame, "You a rockshaper?" Ktai rests her hand lightly on the stone, her tears falling once again. Suntop locksends ** Your work is harsh, Rayek. You push yourself harder than ever. Will you ever come to the Village? ** WolfFlame bites her lip slightly, "Does one have to be a rockshaper to help move rock and rubble?" Azeure sends openly ** Then I will help you Rayek.. I will see if a companion of mine will aid in the re-building.. he is a rockshaper of talent.. I believe he would accept the idea without hesitation.. ** Dolanth watches Ktai, curiously, standing back upright. Rayek scowls -- Spirit of Orolin, how many times has he heard such offers? And he turns away, mouth a thin tight line. Ekuar sends quietly, ** Another shaper would help these old bones of mine. ** Ktai quietly traces the stone-workings with her fingers. WolfFlame sighs softly, 'Do you really hate everyone so much that you would do it only yourself?" Lursa says "Its not hate, its pride" Azeure frowns, angrily as he eyes Rayek ** I have given too much.. come too far to end this here.. now.. there is knowledge of the old ways still to be shaired.. with any who wish to see.. this is not YOUR palace Rayek.. it is sacred to all of the High One's children.. ** Suntop locksends to Ekuar (OOC: through pemit, of course): ** He really does push himself too hard..and you, yourself..Why do you not convince him to come and visit us at the Village? WolfFlame says "I came here looking for peace and understanding and still even here I see anger and hate...is that all we children of the Highones have become? Striking out at each other when we should work together?" Azeure sends openly ** If you haven't the time as it's master to shair it's knowledge with others.. then allow them to learn for themselves ** ** Suntop just shakes his head, murmuing, "Anger solves nothing." WolfFlame just shakes her head and wipes a tear from ehr eye Rayek turns to WolfFlame, and sendsnaps at her -- and at Lursa -- ** I did not ask you for insights into my head. ** And to Azeure, he sends, equally coldly, ** Nor did I ask you for an opinion. Linger if you will. Speak to Ekuar, if any of you can shape. But _do_ _not_ disturb my peace, or my work. ** With that, in a whirl of his hair, he glides out. [Rayek retreats to the chamber in the Palace he has claimed for his own...] Ekuar> Lursa hurms..... Ekuar> Suntop frowns deeply. ** He does push too hard. Far, far too hard. ** Ekuar> Dolanth blinks, and almost smiles at a send. Ekuar> Lursa has left. Ktai locksends ** I offer you whatever is in my power. ** Ekuar> Ekuar blinks softly, then rises, and hobbles out after the vanished airwalker. Ekuar> Azeure frowns, turning to the scrolls in silent contemplation. [And in Rayek's chambers, Ekuar tries briefly to encourage Rayek to be friendly to the visitors. Ekuar is wary of them himself, after his own years spent living in Blue Mountain -- but here in the Palace, the old rockshaper is inclined to be trusting. Rayek, however, who barely trusts anyone except Ekuar these days, is not, and at last, his old mentor leaves him to rest. But the visitors to the Palace are not quite done with their attempts to speak with Rayek....] You sense in a locksend, Delenbae sends vague discontent in your direction.. ** You are a fool to accept those serpents' assistance. They are only here to serve their Lord, and their own machinations. ** You locksend ** I do not believe I asked you for an opinion. ** to Delenbae. Delenbae locksends ** Of course not, you expect that you are undefeatable here in this place.. but you are far from it.. and with these back-stabbers here, you will always have to watch your back, _and_ their projects. ** Ktai locksends ** Tell me of your alone-ness... ** Delenbae locksends ** When you deign to speak with me, we shall discuss this. For now, I will stay out from underfoot. ** You locksend to Delenbae, Rayek, sounding actively bored, sends back, ** Unless you can provide me with soemthing more concrete than hints and intimidations of what-might-be, then we have nothing of which to speak. You sense in a locksend, Delenbae mentally shrugs. ** I am Delenbae, and there _is_ no reason for you to trust me anymore than them, not that I can give you. My past is too much like their own. Yes, Savah would vouch for me, but then, she naively trusts everyone. Delenbae locksends ** I am here to make certain the Palace is protectyed from those who would waste its power, to make certain that we all leave this world eventually. ** You locksend to Ktai, Rayek sends you just enough of an answer to let you know he heard, but that answer is: ** I did not ask for companionship, cousin. ** Ktai locksends ** Still, it is offered... from one who knows solitude. ** You locksend ** I have yet to see any reason to believe that the Gliders -- particular Gliders who have slipped Winnowill's yoke -- are any more of a cause for concern to me than the others who come here. ** to Delenbae. You locksend ** Thank you, but no. ** to Ktai. Ktai locksends ** Yet still I remain... ** You locksend to Ktai, Rayek, if he acknowledges this, sends no sign of it; his mind closes to you, as a wall might, shaped shut. You sense in a locksend, Delenbae mentally laughs! ** *Slipped Winnowill's yoke* You know here better than that! There is no such thing as freedom from her control. Once she has you, you are lost! They are here to find a way to destroy you, and take this place for Her.. that is certain. The questions are.. how, and when.. ** Windkin locksends ** These gliders have me abit concerned... ** You sense in a locksend, Windkin obviously means the ones in his immediate presence. Windkin locksends ** The black haired one is acting strangely. ** You locksend ** Cousin, I do not have the energy to waste on suspicion. Provide me with specifics, measures of their powers and intentions, or cease to waste my time. ** to Delenbae. You sense in a locksend, Delenbae sends with a bit of finality.. ** You will see, in time. ** He removes his presence totally from the Palace. You locksend to Windkin, Rayek sends back, his mind sharp with irritation, ** Provide me with specifics, or do not waste my time. ** Windkin locksends ** She is acting as the preservers would say 'busyhead' like she's here, but she's not here. And she keeps touching the scrolls. And, she and...Az..Azeure? won't leave the scroll room, it's as if they _have_ to stay here. And, they're singing. ** You locksend ** Your point? ** to Windkin. Windkin locksends ** Look, you know as well as I do, and you're kidding yourself if you deny it, that you can_not_ do all of this yourself, pride or not. You and I, and you and Lursa, and you and Ekuar and you and everyone have gone over this several eights of times. You need help, however, and these gliders are NOT the ones to do it. I don't trust them, they are acting strangely, I tell you of it and you send me back distaste. _I_ am trying to move them from your main workroom, which to me seems strange that they are loathe to leave and have suddenly broken out singing. You claim you are master and wish to work, but when someone who you know holds no malice to you, nor no designs on the palace wishes to help in whatever manner it may be, you give them ferocity in return. I do not deserve this Rayek, I wish merely to help you. And you owe me, yes, owe me, some measure of respect and civility, I've done nothing to you accept help. Master of the palace you may be, but master of I, or Lursa, or Ekuar or anyone else, you are not. ** Windkin locksends ** Now, you can choose to either listen to me and allow me to help or not, it is your decision. However, I just hope that you do not end up needing those you turn away from pride sometime in the future and find they are no longer there. ** You locksend ** _Child_, I grow excessively weary of your tantrums and your accusations. I do _not_ _care_ if you dislike these Gliders; either provide me proof and a measure of their power and intentions, or _do_ _not_ _waste_ my time. If they are here to help, they can help Ekuar; I have not asked for assistance. _Furthermore_, I have retreated to my chambers for the _rest_ you and the rest of the fluttering chatterers of Sorrow's End are constantly reminding me that I should have. Either provide me some reason why I should be worried about these staggering fledgelings, or _leave_ _me_ _in_ _peace_. ** to Windkin. You sense in a locksend, Windkin's mind touches yours in the beginning of a retort then closes. [End log.]