Log Date: 11/28/95 Log Intro: Finding Rayek in a disturbingly cheerful and rambling state, Ekuar has become alarmed -- and fears that his young friend and pupil is in danger of buckling entirely under the strains being placed on him from seemingly all directions. Thus, the rockshaper has taken matters into his own hands, and has smuggled Rayek out of the Palace and off into the desert night. Ekuar has no fixed destination in mind save Away -- away from other elves, away from the immense responsibilities with which Rayek has been struggling, and most importantly, away from the Palace. Coaxing Rayek northward, persuading the airwalker to occasionally float them and the supplies they carry through the desert, and working himself to shelter them from the elements with his own power, Ekuar hustles his charge on. Rayek is somewhat perplexed by all this, but readily allows his trusted mentor to lead him, but eventually they both sleep. And when they do.... ---------- Winnowill locksends ** Rayek. ** You locksend ** ** to Winnowill. You sense in a locksend, Winnowill sends again in an attempt to wake you. You locksend ** Hmmm? ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** Rayek. It is I, Winnowill. ** You locksend ** Oh. Hello. ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** You seem much better, Rayek. ** You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek answers cheerfully, ** I decided to stop moping; Azeure and Delenbae were quite right, I don't have that luxury. ** You sense in a locksend, Winnowill seems briefly confused, ** Who is Delenbae. ** You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek sends back an image, a tall, brown-skinned elf with dark hair, dark eyes. ** A healer, I think. He showed up at the Palace some time ago. With WolfFlame. ** Winnowill locksends ** I see. He healed you? ** You locksend ** Oh, no. He asked, but I told him I ought to just let the bruise heal on its own. ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** Rayek, my one. I fear something has been done to you. Something... sinister. You must beware of Azeure. He has become quite mad. ** You locksend ** Has he? How unfortunate. And he was getting so good at using the Scrolls, too. ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** Rayek, have you been given any strange food? I would keep Azeure away from the scrolls. I wouldn't want him to taint the High One's crafts. ** You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek considers the question, then answers blithely, ** I don't think so. About the food, that is. Ekuar asked me if I was hungry, and I wasn't, and right now we've only got our food. ** Winnowill locksends ** I am concerned Rayek. Can you think of a time when someone might have physically or magically affected your mind? ** You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek ponders intently. ** Hmm. No, I don't think so. I'm sure I'd have noticed. ** Winnowill locksends ** Hmmm... I fear for you, twin to my soul, although I am glad you seem improved. ** You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek mentally beams at you. ** Ah, good. Then I'm doing it alright, then. ** You sense in a locksend, Winnowill seem suspicious, ** What do you mean, doing it all right? ** You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek replies cheerfully, ** Keeping from moping. ** You sense in a locksend, Winnowill seems agitated and almost frightned. ** Rayek. Something has happened to you. I recomend you stay away from this strange healer and Azeure. Bar your door to them. ** You locksend to Winnowill, Rayek seems momentarily confused. ** Should I? I don't have a door... hmm. I'll talk to Ekuar about it, when we get back. ** Winnowill locksends ** Where are you? ** You locksend ** We're talking a walk. ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** who is We? ** You locksend ** Ekuar and Petalwing and me. ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** Okay. Tell Ekuar that you are worried about Azeure and Delbenae and that you should stay away from them. ** You locksend ** Hmm. They're not coming on the walk... ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** That is all right. Tell Ekuar, he can help you be wary of them. ** You locksend ** I'll do that. ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** Thank you Rayek. I must go now. Do be careful, twin to my heart. ** You locksend ** Alright... ** to Winnowill. [A day, two, begin to pass, as the two elves and the Preserver accompanying them across the desert get farther and farther northward. With Rayek flying them during the night, and Ekuar's magic shielding them from the fierce Daystar during the daytime, their progress is swift. And at last, reaching the opposite side of the sands, they come upon a tiny cave, and enter it, for shelter....] Rayek wanders into the cave behind you, gaze tired, eyes absent. He crooks his head and mutters, "Are we going to walk for a while, Ekuar?" Petalwing oooohs, and flitflits, inspecting the snugdark caveplace. Ekuar is sitting very still, his back resting against the wall, his eyes closed. Sleeping? No, there's an alert set to his head. Thinking, perhaps. Remembering. He opens his eyes and they are dark and clear. "Yes, my dear," he nods. "Let's walk a bit more, if you aren't too tired." Then he pauses, and seems to rethink his decision. His smile glows warmly, and he gestures at Rayek. "Wait, wait. Eh, first, how about we eat something? Hm?" Rayek absently drops the wrapstuff bag and the furs, and rubs at one shoulder. "I am tired," he admits. "My... sleep has been strange..." Ekuar's wise eyes seem to flare in their depths at this admission, but his voice stays cheerful and quiet. "You've done a good bit of work, indeed. Done everything Ekuar told you. I'm proud of you, Brownskin." He pats the cave floor. "Sit, now, and eat something. We'll rest." He reaches carefully for the bag, adding-- seemingly as an afterthought-- "...and maybe you and I can talk about your sleep, hm? Maybe you'll tell me what's been so strange." Petalwing flits? /Sharpdark highthing not have good nap?/ Rayek gingerly folds himself down to sit on the cool stone, and nods earnestly to his mentor. "Alright... there was a sending, too. Winnowill. She asked strange questions, whether I'd eaten any strange food, or if someone had affected my mind." He frowns to himself. "I don't remember anything like that." Rayek ohs, and adds, the words beginning to tumble out of him, "She said Azeure's gone mad? Has he? He didn't seem so to me, and she also said I should stay away from him and Delenbae. I'm not sure why she told me that..." Ekuar retrieves some of the dried meat carefully wrapped by the Sun Villagers, as one of the going-away gifts to the old rockshaper. He selects a choice bit and offers it to Rayek. "Ahh. Hm. Lord Winnowill seemed... worried? About you?" Petalwing blinkblinks at Rayek, startled, as it's been for the last few days, by the unusual rapid-fire pace of the highthing's speech. Rayek absentmindedly takes the offering and nods his thanks, noting between chews and swallows, "She did seem awfully worried, and I'm not quite sure why. I mean, I'm much more at ease now, and I ought to be able to return to what we were doing, when we get back from the walk, don't you think?" He suddenly smiles, dreamily. "I think I'm touched, though. I felt... I remember what I felt when I first met her, she really is the other half of my soul, none understand her as I do..." Ekuar takes a small piece of the meat for himself, nibbling on it delicately. He listens to Rayek's rush of words with care and consideration... he seems to be hearing something else. Something below the surface, and between the tumbling words, in the breathy spaces and the high-strung tonality of the well-loved voice. He doesn't directly answer any of the random-fire questions... instead, he observes with a gentle smile, "Eh, Brownskin. You know what I think?" Rayek blinkblinkblinks his way to a halt, and tilts his head, eyes a little wide, gaze questioning. Petalwing crosses its arms and squints up at Rayek, piping, /Petalwing think sharpdark highthing eat dreamjuiceberries!/ Rayek flicks a sudden, huge grin at the Preserver and protests, a near-soundless laugh in his voice, "Oh, no, I don't have any..." Ekuar chuckles and bites into his food again, speaking with half a mouthful. "I think maybe we need to -do- more, and -think- less. That's what I think, indeed. We can eat, and then we'll rest, and then we'll walk, and you-- eh, you'll do the work I set for you, and you won't pay any mind to anything else." His eyes fix on Rayek's meaningfully, though his voice is still lulling. "Anything, do you see, my dear? Not Winnowill, or Azeure, or the Palace, or... or dreamberries, eh?" His eyes crinkle with laughter. Rayek pulls in a slow breath and smiles vaguely at his teacher, murmuring, "I'd like that... just do, and not think..." His brow furrows a little, though. "Do you mean I shouldn't talk to anyone, if they send? I-I mean, Winnowill's very good, she can send a great distance, she's even better than I..." Ekuar pokes the last of his sliver of meat into his mouth and licks thoughtfully at his fingers. "Well, my dear... If you want to hear your Ekuar's opinion, I'd say that you've been doing entirely too much of -this-..." He leans and taps Rayek's temple with his gentle hand... "... thinking and sending and thinking some more. And then everyone has something to send back to you. Like a doorway, when everyone tries to get through at once, eh?" He nods pleasantly. "So I'd say let's keep the sending and all that to a minimum. Mm. Let's try to make it as quiet in there as we can. He touches Rayek's temple once more, and then touches his own. Rayek, as his temple is touched, gazes at his mentor trustingly -- but a strange look flickers in his absent eyes, part yearning, part fright. "I..." Ekuar reaches out again and pats softly at Rayek's hand. "You can do it, you know," he observes affably, matter-of-factly. "You can do it, because I tell you so. Eh, yes, I'm here to help you, and you'll do the work I set you so the mind can fall quiet." Rayek whispers, expression oddly vulnerable, "I'm... scared of it being quiet, Ekuar... it was... quiet, for so long, in the Palace, the High Ones' spirits, th-they didn't talk..." A tremor enters his voice, and his gaze shifts from side to side, nervously. Petalwing offers helpfully, /Petalwing sing for sharpdark highthing? Petalwing make pretty noise!/ Ekuar's fingers slip around Rayek's hand, his touch light and warm. He nods sagely. "You were alone." His statement is not flat, nor cruel, but rather a coaxing and encouraging nudge. His limpid gaze goes to Petalwing, and he shakes his head slightly. "Better not, little one," he says, his voice soothingly low. "Let's save that for a bit later, eh? When there's cause for noise to be made." Rayek clutches at the old, gnarled hand. Dark face plaintive, he trembles, and nods shakily. "Alone. I-I didn't like that, there was no one at all, just the spirits, a-a-and they wouldn't talk... they wouldn't talk to me, at all, they turned away, they..." His voice starts rising a little, becoming more strident. Ekuar's voice is still low, but it cuts through the impending hysteria with a subtle, gentle crackle of energy. "You felt a weight on you... a great task, a heavy burden, with no help." Rayek, gripped by the voice as surely as if Ekuar had two hands to clasp him, blinks. His lower lip trembles a little, as he stammers unhappily in agreement, "N-no help... everyone t-t-turned away from me..." Ekuar's eyes scan his student's face with patience, wisdom, and an underlying concern that makes his ancient eyes all but glow in the dimness. "It was silent. And... perhaps... you felt you lost your way. In the quiet. Nothing, no one, eh, to tell you where to go, or how to be..." His gnarled thumb strokes steadily, lightly, over the back of the dark elf's hand. Rayek's head bows a little as he mumbles, nodding unsteadily, "So quiet... I-I didn't dare find other elves... didn't dare... kinder to them to stay alone... I..." Petalwing awwws softly, and flits nearer, patpatting in attempted comfort on Rayek's nearest knee. Ekuar lifts Rayek's hand to his cheek for a moment, his eyes seeming to deepen into solemn pools. "Eh, yes. The quiet... it can tear us, and it can heal us. Hm?" He falls silent himself for a moment, letting the pause speak in its own way, before adding slowly, "Dear one. I'd like to-- eh, share something with you, up here." He lets go of Rayek's hand and carefully brushes his fingers against the airwalker's temple again. "Not to make more noise, oh, no. Something for you to tuck away, and perhaps let it settle in, where it might be able to help. Hm?" Rayek fumbles to touch Ekuar's one knee, as if needing the contact even if the rockshaper's hand isn't clasping his. His sad-child gaze glimmering, he nods uncertainly. Ekuar drops his hand atop Rayek's own on his knee, sure and steady. "I'll take care of you, Brownskin," he says simply, his eyes finding the amber ones to begin the mind-sharing. Petalwing flits up to hug Rayek's neck. /Petalwing take care of sharpdark highthing, too!/ With the Preserver's wings ornamenting his disheveled black hair, Rayek looks wide-eyedly back at Ekuar.... You sense in a locksend, Ekuar's thoughts draw you into them, an embrace as gentle and guiding as any physical one, leading you further downward. Immensely ancient pools of thoughts, memories, emotions dwell there... One of them glows as you are coaxed toward it. You sense in a locksend, Ekuar's sharing is not of a pure memory. It's questionable whether the elder even chooses to relive his own history himself-- and if he keeps the memories, they are still nothing to share with Rayek in their stark, endless entirety. Instead, there is a skimming from the surface of the memories, the elf in question taking the place of any elf, every elf. It begins, simply... <> You locksend to Ekuar, Rayek's mind still holds that odd, glittering translucence, though underneath it are hints of darker uneasier shades, lingering worries and emotions, and the bright and dark places seem to blur in and out of one another in his thoughts. But he's not supposed to worry. Ekuar will take care of him. The relief at these concepts is palpable in the forefront of his mind, and slowly, the brightness overshadows the darker worries, till at last, the touch of his mind feels as if it might have when he was a child, much shyer, lacking confidence, but trusting of this particular elder. Rayek gasps a little, at the initial sending from his teacher, and his shoulders quiver. Ekuar's thumb begins to caress Rayek's hand again, a slow stroking, grounding the world of the physical and the now even as his mind leads Rayek into more uncertain territories. Ekuar locksends ** <> ** Rayek's fingers still tremble a bit, in residual reaction to the concept of Aloneness. But he gradually subsides, watching, listening... Ekuar locksends ** <> ** Rayek frowns... Ekuar locksends ** <> ** Ekuar locksends ** <> ** Rayek frowns confusedly, beginning to be worried by the implications in his teacher's sendings, but he does not interrupt; he only frowns, black brows knitting now at the oddity of holes in the Self. Ekuar locksends ** The alone elf seems to steel himself for the greatest of efforts... muscles bunch and knot as if in preparation to move the very earth. The end result of this mighty and exhausting push is simply this: one foot is set along the small and quiet path. And then another. Step after difficult step brings the elf closer to a shadow in the distance. A silhouette. This silhouette wavers, forming and reforming, casting up and down the spectrum... -acquaintance/companion/friend/brother/sister/lover/soul'sbreath-... The other elf, the many elves, all at once... they reach out with willing hands. These hands hold small, oddly-shaped pieces... the pieces that fit, one by one, over the length of the endless path, into the holes in the Self. From stranger and friend and love alike the pieces are accepted and put right. The elf forgets just when he ceased to call himself the alone one.>> ** You sense in a locksend, Ekuar's mind gathers up the memory/tale and gives it to you, a heartfelt gift. He begins to ease you back toward the surface, careful and solicitous, thoughts finding voice again. ** Come, now. Don't puzzle over it, eh? Let it rest within you, in the quiet, and perhaps see what might bloom from it. ** You locksend ** Ekuar... you... sent about... am... am I... am I mad? ** to Ekuar. Rayek trembles anew, one hand moving fretfully along his own body as if half-afraid to find some of those holes he saw in the sending. You sense in a locksend, Ekuar's mind tingles and filters through yours, enveloping and reassuring in the truth of sending. ** Oh, no, my dear one. No. I've known madness in many forms, and you've none of them. I'll just help you find the path, that's all. You might have lost it, for just a bit, on your own. ** You locksend ** If... if you're sure... ** to Ekuar. You sense in a locksend, Ekuar's mind is settling, now, into the familiar fuzziness, weary around the edges. Truth is there all the same, with a clear wisdom beneath. ** Sure? Here's what I'm sure of: There are paths all around you. Eh, maybe you're not sure which one to take, maybe one or another is pulling at you so hard you think you've chosen. But trust in this. Listen to me, let me guide you, like you might if you were blindfolded and I was leading you by the hand. Hm? I'll do my best, Brownskin, to help you set your foot down straight. ** You locksend ** Alright... ** to Ekuar. Ekuar's thumb ceases its rhythmic stroking, and he pats Rayek's hand a few times, benignly. "And that's why you need to do as I tell you for a bit, hm? Let your mind settle. We'll keep on our little walk, get some air." His eyes twinkle. Rayek nods slowly, uncertainly. The half-vacant look hasn't left his eyes, but neither has the earnest trust. He begins, awkwardly, as if having no idea how to properly voice this question, "What... what should I... do?" Ekuar lifts his fingers one by one, enumerating. "Eh! Walk with me, so we can find a good place to be quiet... and just to -be-. Talk to me, so I can hear how you sleep, and what your mind says to you. And don't be afraid to-- eh-- let the silence settle in. It's not solitude, no indeed. It's a good quiet. A healing quiet, even when it hurts." He tips his head endearingly to one side. "All right? Can we start with that, my Brownskin?" Rayek smiles, uncharacteristically shyly. "Just... you and I... I like that..." Ekuar bobs his head. "Oh, I like it too, eh yes! My idea of a wonderful time." He winks. "But don't forget our friend and-- ah-- caretaker." He gestures very slightly at the iridescent Preserver, a chuckle under the words. Petalwing giggles, playing with Rayek's hair. /Petalwing here! Petalwing take good care of highthings on walktrip!/ Rayek promises, "I won't forget..." He smiles again, absently, then blinks at Ekuar. The words still sounding quite foreigh coming out of him, he asks, "What should I do now?" Ekuar glances out of the cave, appraisingly. "Brownskin, are you tired? You could sleep just a bit, eh, if you like. Rest your head on my shoulder, and I can wake you when it's time to leave." He extends his arm to Rayek, welcomingly. Rayek pauses, remembering. "My... sleep's been strange..." Ekuar nods thoughtfully. "Yes, hm, so you said." He considers. "Shall I sing to you? Would it help keep the inside quiet, if I were making a bit of soft noise on the outside?" He shoots a gentle but unmistakeable look to Petalwing. "And it'd be, eh, just me singing, this time. We're saving our friend the preserver for a... louder moment." Rayek murmurs vaguely, "I've... had bad dreams, Ekuar... I... wake up, and I'm so... tense, but I can't remember why..." Ekuar rubs his chin. "Dreams, eh? Your insides are stirring around, that's for certain, Brownskin. I think maybe when you're ready, they'll be easier to grasp and remember." He glances out of the cave again. "Until then, my dear, there's no point in trying to fight with them. Dreams, mm, they're powerful. Why don't we just keep on, if you feel you can? You can help me through the sandiest parts, and we'll both get so good and tired, we'll be able to drop in the next safe spot and sleep like a pair of stones!" [Thus, the trio gathers its supplies and sets out again... End log.]