Log Date: April 1994 Log Cast: Clearsight, Blackmorn, HoneyGold, Tumbleberry Log Intro: Having touched Clearsight's soulname in the middle of an intense dream, Blackmorn has been roused to freeing them both from the tangle of wrapstuff into which the Preservers in the valley in which they've been lost reside. Bullying a couple of the Preservers into helping him, Blackmorn has managed to rouse Clearsight in her turn -- and the young elf maiden is horrified to discover the extent to which she'd lost herself in the flower and mushroom dreams. Now, the pair of elves make what preparations they can to leave the valley and continue on Clearsight's Walkabout.... ---------- Clearsight is quiet through much of the time just after her awakening, troubledly trying to comb her fingers through her tangled hair. Blackmorn plucks the flowers he can find easily, from his hair, which Tumbleberry quickly replaces, despite his protests. Clearsight looks up gravely, and clambers to her feet. "May I...?" she asks, reaching a hand to Blackmorn's hair. Honeygold flits silently up to a closer branch, still hiding. His golden wings the barest glimpse, then hidden. Clearsight eyes Tumbleberry and frowns. "Please," she asks distressedly, "do not." Blackmorn looks up, and nods. "Please.." Tumbleberry flits /Is no good? Tumbleberry take good care of silentdark highthing!/ Clearsight plucks crushed petals out of the dark brown strands, awkwardly trying to comb them out at the same time. Her eyes still darkly troubled, she says quietly to Tumbleberry, "No flowers, please." Blackmorn adds his voice to Clearsight's. "No more flowers, bug." Clearsight finally lowers her hand, and looks up at Blackmorn shyly. "I... got all I could find. I need a comb." Tumbleberry's wings droop slightly. /Okayokay/ Tumbleberry perches on Blackmorn's knee. Clearsight, her fingers trembling a little, tries to smooth her own hair again. Blackmorn smiles gently. ** It will be enough.. we will find a comb.. for both..** Clearsight looks up at her companion again. She pauses for a moment; then, shudderingly, she nods. "W... we should go." Honeygold peers up from behind a leaf..and quickly ducks. Blackmorn nods, and brushes Tumbleberry from his knee, and stands, more fluidly than he has for a time. He gathers up the tent and carry pack, and hands Clearsight her drum, careful. Clearsight accepts it, and murmurs gravely, "Thank you... " Clearsight slips her drum into her carrypack, and the carrypack onto her shoulder. She glances to Blackmorn; simply, she nods. "Let us go... " Clearsight looks up the hill into the surrounding shroud of mist. Her slender shoulders set. Blackmorn nods, and looks upward as well. ** Careful of the footing.. ** Blackmorn climbs.. Honeygold follows..flitflitflit, quietly. Tumbleberry perches on Blackmorn's shoulder. Clearsight follows, carefully. Her blue eyes are unusually stormy, determined. As the two travellers climb, the mist closes in around them.... Clearsight peers through the murk, seeking the proper places to put her feet. Clearsight glances down over her shoulder into the valley for a brief moment, and in that moment, looks troubled again. Then, with continued determination, she presses up the mountain. Blackmorn maintains a sendlink with Clearsight, gentle and unobtrusive, but present, not wanting to lose her, like the trip down. Tumbleberry flitflits /Tumbleberry sing! BreEEEEEdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeDEEEEEEttt!/ You send to Blackmorn, Clearsight's thoughts are tinged with weariness, and depressed worry beneath that. But she touches your mind as if seeking an anchor, a foothold.... A flutter behind you, tiny wings beating at misty air. You sense in a send, Blackmorn is strong, approval formost at the notion of leaving the valley behind and continuing on. There is a shaded spot, but otherwide, the touch is familiar. Clearsight scowls faintly - again, an unusual expression for her - at Tumbleberry's singing, but she does not comment upon it, focusing only upon finding her way. "Blackmorn," she calls, "can you see?" You send to Blackmorn, Clearsight knows that your eyes are better than hers, and turns her thoughts to you with a kind of anxious trust. Blackmorn sends back ** Enough.. the path stays clear.. ** Clearsight trudges onward till at last the enclosing mists provide enough clarity for both elves to find their way... and, here, on the eastern side of the mountains, can be seen the beginnings of an expanse of grasslands. You travel south, nearing the edge of the forest. Forest Edge The southern edge of the forest along the Great River borders on a green grassy land, open space that intrudes almost to the river's shore in places. The contrast is remarkable, on one side green darkness and on the other sunlit meadowland. Obvious exits: Forbidden River(N) Out of the Forest(S) You arrive from the north. Blackmorn approaches you from the north, by the riverbank. Blackmorn has arrived. Clearsight lifts a worn-looking gaze to the relievedly open sky, and murmurs, "High Ones... " Blackmorn lifts his gaze as well, but the relief he feels is led by Clearsight's. There is a faint undercoloring of uneasiness with so much open space. Honeygold flits, distracted..Cover... Honeygold lingers at the forest edge, watching the highthing move into the Open. Tumbleberry ooohs and flitflits /Is bigbig sky! Is sooooooopretty!/ Clearsight glances to Blackmorn, and tells him earnestly, "This is close to my own Plains... " Honeygold flits after, as far behind as it dares. Blackmorn nods, and lifts his chin slight, scenting the air. ** Open...like in your sends.. ** Clearsight's eyes lighten a little; she flashes her companion a grateful glance at his attempt to understand. "The stars are lovely at night, over the grasslands," she murmurs. Clearsight then looks south and east. "And that way is our path... " She shifts restlessly. "I don't want to stop travelling, yet... let's go!" Grassy Meadows Open grassy meadows, greener than those to the east, provide pasture for all manner of wild creatures. Obvious exits: To the Forest(N) Windy Canyon(SE) Blackmorn approaches you from the forest's edge to the north. Blackmorn has arrived. Blackmorn scans from side to side, even quieter than usual, exposed. Clearsight's eyes are lifted skyward as if in supplication. A light passing wind ruffles her hair, as she moves through this open land without hesitance. Windy Canyon You are standing in a great windy canyon, which runs from the northwest to the southeast. The bare stone walls rise nearly vertically on either side of you. From the southeast, a warm dry wind blows through the canyon. Obvious exits: Grassy Meadows(NW) Windy Canyon(SE) Blackmorn has arrived. A flitter of gold..then hidden. Tumbleberry flits from Blackmorn's shoulder to Clearsight's hair. /Is clearsky like silversoft highthing brighteyes./ Clearsight, as she strides, begins to sing softly. It is a sweet and plaintive song, speaking of home, and the ways of the Plainsfolk... with the Preserver in her hair, she glances sidelong at it distrustfully, but continues to sing and to walk. Windy Canyon The canyon branches and turns here. Sparse vegetation grows high on the canyon walls, beyond reach. The warm wind blows in from the south. Obvious exits: Windy Canyon(NW) South end of the Windy Canyon(S) Blackmorn approaches you from the northwest end of the canyon. Blackmorn has arrived. You sense in a send, Blackmorn's steps lighten, and he drops his guard slightly, trusting in your confidence and faith in the area. You send to Blackmorn, Clearsight's thoughts answer yours with the mental equivalent of clinging tightly to your hand. Windy Canyon The canyon makes a final twist before opening here, leading out into a vast sandy plain to the east. The wind blows in from the desert. Obvious exits: North end of Windy Canyon(N) Wall of Stone(E) Blackmorn moves silently towards you along the canyon from the north. Blackmorn has arrived. Clearsight, here, pauses amidst the rocks, her gaze sweeping out to the sandy expanse to the east. "We should camp here, and travel again when night falls... it will be too hot to travel during the day," she says gravely. Honeygold slups against a rock,forther back the canyon, and wipes its forehead. Whew. Blackmorn scents the air again, drier and hotter here. He nods, if not decisively, at least in agreement. ** As good a place as is here, I imagine.. ** Silentwing arrives from the east. she is covered with dust and looks thirsty. Silentwing has arrived. Clearsight goes about setting up her tent, and she adds to Blackmorn, "It will be hotter, there, than it will be on our Plains... we will need much water, and we should stay in the tent when the sun is in the sky." Silentwing Silentwing is a hawk... no, nothing like her larger cousins of the Mountain, but a hawk nontheless. She is a strange avian, howver... for unlike any oridinary bird, 'wing never utters a sound. Her plumage is also highly unlikely for any normal huntress, composed of feathers of grey and white, instead of brown and gold. Blackmorn nods. ** Is there a place.. a water place, to gather before we travel? ** Honeygold flits, distressed..then seeks a shady nook in the sheer rock walls. Clearsight scans the canyon, and says thoughtfully, "A spring, perhaps, near here. We should search, then sleep.... " Blackmorn nods. ** Agreed ** Searching is done, as the two elves carefully scan the nearby rocks. Water is scarce here, but there is at least one tiny well-hidden trickle, which a relieved Clearsight uses to fill her waterskin. Silentwing slowly glides, high above. The sun descends past the Sun-Goes-Down horizon, bringing with it darkness, and the emergence of stars, bright against the black canopy of the sky. Waiting until the highthings are gone, Honeygold flits over to the water, eyeing its surroundings closely. Blackmorn sits, eyes lifted to the stars, in silent contemplation.. Clearsight's eyes lift once more to the star-strewn sky; there are no clouds, this night. She stands with a look of quiet yearning in her face. Silentwing vanishes into the darkness, off to nest... until the next day. Clearsight murmurs softly, "Blackmorn, look. Those are the stars I would see over the Plains." Blackmorn sends openly *Like the VastDeep, near the holt, but in the sky...* Blackmorn lowers his gaze then, and watches you stargaze, a warm smile coloring his features. Clearsight glances at you shyly, sensing your smile and the emotions behind it, and smiles shyly herself. For a long while, though, she watches the stars, before retreating reluctantly at last to the shelter of her tent. Blackmorn sleeps by the tent opening.. The sun rises early the next morning... and even here in the shade of the rocks, the sun's heat is palpable. Clearsight busies herself during the light-time hours mending tears in clothing, or in her tent. And at last, the pair of elves is ready to travel again, as sunset brings with it cool enough temperatures to venture out into the sands. Wall of Stone Cliffs overshadow you, forming the edge of the High Plateau and a barrier that even the desert cannot surmount. The sheer rock wall rises farther above the desert than a skilled bowman can shoot and except for a few caves low in the base of the wall there is no way in or over the cliff. You can go North, to search the caves in the face of the cliff; SouthEast to the distant shelter of Sorrow's End;East along the grim and towering Wall of Stone; or West towards the ragged canyons that cut into the high Plateau and offer a path to the central portions of Two Moons. Off to the South is a vague ancient trail, leading to the jungles many, many days' hard journeying away. Obvious exits: South(S) Windy Canyon(W) Along the Wall(E) Small Cave(N) Caravan Trail(SE) Blackmorn emerges from the windy canyon to the west. Blackmorn has arrived. Clearsight glances out across the sands, frowning thoughtfully. "We must decide our way," she says earnestly. "It would be best to spend as little time as we can walking across the sands... but south and east is the way we need to go, I think. That is where the dreams pull me." Clearsight adds solemnly, "The stars can tell us our way, though." Blackmorn sends openly *Perhaps there is a way around the sands then.. where shade still falls.."* Clearsight agrees, "We will have to conserve our water as we can, so if we can find places with green growing things, that will help." Clearsight, this night too, still seems worn about the eyes, an undercurrent of dejection threaded through her solemn tone. She moves and speaks with a kind of harried intensity. Blackmorn watches Clearsight with mounting concern, always the 'not right' threading through. ** Those will be good places to rest. Let us go..the sooner we arrive, the sooner it is done ** Clearsight nods... and seems to decide, as she heads out across the starlit sands. Barren Wasteland(#3448RJ) Out here in the desert, the unforgiving sun beats down on the baked earth with an almost tangible malice. The parched sands seem to be home to none of the usual desert creatures, and the shadows of the dunes call to you with irrisistable promises of shelter. Once the sun has faded, the peace of the moons will flood the barren dunes with sharp-edged blackness, and the chill desert air will bleed all warmth from the grey sands. You can just barely make out, to the north, the vague shimmering outline of cliffs, although it might just be a mirage. Southwards leads a faint track that could be an old trail of some sort. Obvious exits: South(S) North(N) You send ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn has arrived. Honeygold flits, exhaustedly..still hiding. Blackmorn scents the air, almost constantly now, seemingly on edge at the change in surroundings, and the drive behind Clearsight...confusion, and a sense of duty, and need. Clearsight admits something as she walks, her voice soft and grave, "I... sometimes fear I will not find my sign... " Faint Trail Through the Barren Wasteland Somehow, through the blistering sunlight, you can make out a track that seems to run north and south... The heat and your unquenched and unquenchable thirst make it hard to know for certain whether it's just another mirage or not. Obvious exits: South(S) North(N) Blackmorn has arrived. Blackmorn sends * You will find it, fledgling..I know it.* Clearsight hastens onward, but does flash a brief glance to you, eyes softening for a moment. You brace yourself against the desert heat and head south, following the faint trail. Foot of the World's Spine Mountains You are standing at the base of the World's Spine Mountains. To the north is a vast, desolate plain, while your passage to the south is blocked by the mountains themselves. To the southeast you notice a wide pass that may lead your further on. A harsh desert wind blows in from the north. Obvious exits: SouthEast(SE) North(N) Blackmorn trudges in from the north. Blackmorn has arrived. Clearsight looks faintly relieved as the trail seems to bend towards the east again. Wide Pass Through World's Spine Mountains This wide pass is nearly an entire days' ride from one side to the other, from what you can tell. The sun is still hard and heavy here, but the looming presence of the mountains to either side seem to lessen the drain of the barren waste. Obvious exits: South(S) Northwest(NW) Blackmorn has arrived. You head through the pass. Southern End of World's Spine Pass The mountains tower above you as you find your way through this wide pass. The heat of the sun is absorbed and radiated by the rock, making the heat almost unbearable. Small patches of dry brush grow up the slopes, but provide no cover. To the south, the pass opens onto a wide plain. Obvious exits: South(S) North(N) Blackmorn enters from the north. Blackmorn has arrived. Clearsight looks around, the long travel at last wearying her. A rock clatters, somewhere above. Clearsight murmurs, "There must be a way east again.... " Clearsight takes a pull from her waterskin. Blackmorn 's gaze flicks upward at the sound, his body tensing immediately, stepping closer to Clearsight, hand dropping to his waist and the knife there...she must not hear it... A shadow moves, above...a faint growl, barely heard. Blackmorn's eyes narrow, scanning the rocks above, his only sends a commane **Still** A scratching of..claws? on rock, and then.. Clearsight snaps her gaze up and stares wide-eyedly at Blackmorn. *?* A black shape launches from above, a desperate attack from a starved animal. /Eeeeeeep! Highthings movemove fast!/ It is HoneyGold's voice and it zips into view. With a growl, the mad-eyed mountain cat throws itself at the closest prey. Blackmorn registers the shape an instant later.. he bodily shoves Clearsight away. **GO!!** Clearsight cries out, reaching for the small knife that Blackmorn has given her. Tumbleberry shrieks in astonishment, flittering up several feet. HoneyGold, however, zips undauntedly towards the snarling feline shape. The foam-mouthed cat tears into Blackmorns shoulder as it slams into him, making both tumble and fall..rolling. GrOORoooRRWL! HIsssSS! Blackmorn whuffs as he is knocked backward and down, thudding into the ground and pushed backward, arms instinctive locking around the cat a moment, then scrabbling for his knife, but eerily, no sound made. HoneyGold flies into the cat's face, trying to blind it with wrapstuff. /HoneyGold scratch! HoneyGold sting! Chase away nastybad foammouth growlercat!/ Tumbleberry rallies, after a beat, and joins the other Preserver. The cat snarls, and swipes at the preserver,distracted from its prey for only a heartbeat. Clearsight stares, her face gone stark white under her tan. She frantically seeks Blackmorn's dropped bow. In that heartbest, Blackmorn manages to free his knife, and plunges the blade into the beast, but in the rolling, misses the mark, so must drive again. The two Preservers chatter angrily; Tumbleberry eeks as frothing fangs nearly rip its wings. Claws rake and teeth bite as the wild cat fights. Half blinded by wrapstuff, the otherwise lethal swipe misses its mark, though tearing into Blackmorns arm. Clearsight fumblingly nocks an arrow to the bow... then focuses on the cat, and her hands suddenly go steady. She fires. Blackmorn drives the knife into the cat's side again, heedless of the arrow for a moment. SHRIEEEK! The cat whirls, clawing at the sudden pain in its side. Then the knife strikes, and with a twitch, and a snarl..the cat slump, quiet forever. HoneyGold chatters angrily and SPLOOTS one last gout of wrapstuff into the creature's face. Blackmorn stays tense beneath the cat, eyes narrowed to catch even the slightest muscle twitch, in case the cat is not dead...gradually..he relaxes, and shoves the cat off to his side. Clearsight stares at the cat for a long moment until she is assured it will not move again. Then, eyes huge in her thin face, she tosses the bow aside and hurries to Blackmorn's side. Honeygold flutters down on a rock, weakly. Blackmorn sits up slowly, eyes on his ruined shoulder and arm a moment, before he lifts his gaze to Clearsight's face. He manages a faint smile. ** Good..with the bow.. ** Clearsight looks with a stricken gaze at Blackmorn's torn flesh and clothing. "It hurt you....!" Her face is white with terror. Tumbleberry peeps in a tiny voice /Silentdark highthing b-be alright?/ Blackmorn nods, looking back to his shoulder.. "Aye.." He shifts a bit, a wash of pain paling him a shade, freezing him a moment. He closes his eyes. **Clearsight...help me off with the vest...can be cut..for cloth..** Honeygold flutters up, slowly. /Is nastybad growlers in outside..H-Honeygold say so.../ Clearsight's mouth quivers, but her hands remain steady as she moves to fulfill Blackmorn's request. Blackmorn sends openly *How much water is left in your skin, wanderer..? Fetch mine..wash and wrap..* Clearsight stammers, "I-I have some... " Clumsily, she first cuts the removed vest into uneven strips, then does her best to wash and bind the damaged shoulder and arm. Honeygold flutters worriedly nearby. Clearsight shoots her gaze around the area, as if half-worried that another predator might leap out of the rocks. "H-have to find shelter... " Blackmorn hisses through his teeth, but manages not to flinch or draw back, and the shadowed sending comforts even as it shields. HoneyGold declares stoutly /Should not have left valley! HoneyGold said so!/ Clearsight yells, astonishingly sharply, "Be _silent_, bug!" The golden Preserver pouts, and ducks down out of sight. Tumbleberry timidly flits to Blackmorn's side, but remains utterly quiet. Blackmorn sends openly *Move to.. shade..shelter.. aye...* Blackmorn draws his legs up under himself, ready to stand. Clearsight blurts anxiously, "C... can you... walk?" Blackmorn forces a smile again, before climbing very slowly to his feet, not moving as he steadies his balance. Then he nods. ** Aye.. ** Clearsight gathers up dropped belongings, eyeing you uncertainly, before nodding at last. "W-we need to find water... come... " Clearsight moves off a few steps, still eyeing you worriedly. Blackmorn shuffles after you, eyes clouded in repressed pain. You leave the pass, and head out onto the savannah. Base of the World's Spine Mountains You are at the base of the World's Spine Mountains, which loom above you to the north. Directly north of here is a wide mountain pass, which leads through the mountains as far as you can see. Sprawled out to the south is a wide savannah, its low dry grass stretching out to the horizon. A depression in the grass appears to be a trail, heading due south. Obvious exits: South(S) North(N) Blackmorn enter from the pass. Blackmorn has arrived. The Preservers flutter along hesitantly behind, whispering to each other. Clearsight never lets herself get too far ahead; a few hours pass before she seems to feel they're far enough away from the pass that a repeat of the cat's attack is less likely. Clearsight looks over her shoulder, worriedly, at you, pausing yet again as she asks, "Do you... want to go on? You should rest... " Blackmorn looks up from the ground just in front of her feet. Despite the heat, he does not sweat. "Hmm...rest, yes..." Clearsight nods quickly as she goes about setting up her tent. Clearsight sets the rest of her belongings down, and then comes to your side, hesitantly reaching for your unwounded arm. "Come... come sit down... please?" Blackmorn nods slowly, and smiles a bit. "Sit...with you, aye." You say "A-are you thirsty...? Do you need water?" Clearsight helps you sit down as carefully as she can, her eyes dark and somber. HoneyGold at last ventures up again, /Highthings should have sparklewaters and berrysweets! No find here in nastybad outsideplace!/ Clearsight scowls at the golden Preserver, and tells it with steel in her words, "You. Will. Be. Silent." Tumbleberry flits /Tumbleberry go find good cool water!/ Clearsight then unrelentingly ignores both Preservers, and tells you hesitantly, "I... should look for more water. Will you be... alright?" Tumbleberry flits right up in Clearsight's face. /Is silentdark highthing, is _my_ highthing, _I_ go!/ Blackmorn nods slowly, then looks over to the preservers.. Clearsight stares at the green Preserver, and the frosty set to her expression relaxes somewhat. "Help me... take care of him, then. You can't carry as much water as I can. Stay here and be with him." Clearsight rises, gaze returning to Blackmorn, and she says anxiously, "I-I will return quickly. Please, send, if you need me....?" Tumbleberry nodnods. /Willdo!/ Blackmorn sends openly *Need you..if something happens...* Clearsight looks at you searchingly, and brushes her fingers across your cheek for a moment. ** Clearsight then hastens off. HoneyGold pouts to itself for a bit, then determinedly flies after the girl. Tumbleberry flitflits and perches on Blackmorn's leg, pacing up and down, a preserver patrol. The young Plainsrunner ranges out through the surrounding grasses, wide eyes scanning the area for any sign of the tiny springs she knows that she would find in similar grasslands in the lands she calls her home.... Blackmorn leans back against a bundle, eyes closing, the mask hiding the pain dissolving while Clearsight is off searching for water...he shivers slightly. Tumbleberry flits up his chest, peering intently at him. /Silentdark highthing no is good? Make wrapstuff keep all stillquiet?/ Resolutely, Clearsight ignores her tiny golden companion, as HoneyGold strives to convince her that they should return to the sheltered valley. Eventually, the Preserver seems to get the idea that silversoft highthing is _not_ in a negotiable mood.... Blackmorn opens his eyes slightly, and looks down to the green preserver. His voice is rough "Fine, bug..sleep now...no wrapstuff." Clearsight relaxes somewhat as HoneyGold, in an evident attempt to mollify her, offers to help search for water. The two fan out a little through the grasses, and after perhaps a quarter of an hour, find a greener spot in the grasses where a hidden spring bubbles. Relief welling through her eyes, Clearsight kneels, and refills both skins... Tumbleberry continues to pace back and forth, up and down Blackmorn's chest. Clearsight, waterskins filled, hastens back towards the distant tent. HoneyGold flits smoothly along her, eyeing her hair yearningly, but not flitting to land in it. Whiteridge enter from the pass. Whiteridge has arrived. Whiteridge pads in, tongue lolling fromm his mouth in the heat, head lowered to the trail of his elf-friend. He gives a quiet whuff and picks up the pace, as the scent is fresh and strong, leading to Blackmorn's feet. Tumbleberry flitflits up as Whiteridge sticks his nose in Blackmorn's face, scenting him thoroughly. /Biggrowlerthing be quiet. Silentdark highthing sleepydreaming/ Clearsight looks up as she nears the tent once more, and her face brightens slightly at the sight of the wolf. She comes to Blackmorn's side, though, eyes seeking his face. "Blackmorn...?" You send ** to Blackmorn. Whiteridge looks up at Clearsight, and there is recognition in them, then he turns his muzzle back to Blackmorn and nudges him gently. Tumbleberry flits and lands on Clearsight's shoulder. /Is sleepydreaming!/ Clearsight ohs softly, as Tumbleberry scolds the wolf. "Whiteridge," she breathes softly, offering a hand to the creature. Blackmorn makes a quiet sound, and he stirs, eyes opening slowly. "Mm.." Clearsight shhhs softly. "I found water," she tells you. Blackmorn lips his lips slowly, and nods. "Water.." he repeats, quietly. Clearsight holds the skin close to you, and entreats you gently, "Here, drink... " Whiteridge lies down in the shade of the tent, watching both elves, and the greenthing. Blackmorn lifts his head, and raises his good hand to rest on the back of yours, drinking a small bit, then he drops his head back again, his eyes still on yours. ** Thank you... ** Clearsight helps you drink, not moving her hand from yours until she tries to set the skin aside. Clearsight watches you; worry and concern are palpable in her gaze, as she whispers, "We will travel slowly, so that y-you will have time to heal... " Blackmorn says "Have to find..find your Sign...no time.." Clearsight moves her fingers to smooth your hair. Earnestly, shyly, she says, "I will not let you harm yourself further, by traveling when you should not... " She glances to your shoulder anxiously. "I-I am not a good healer." Blackmorn follows your gaze, then he looks back to you. "Will heal..." Clearsight swallows hard. "Yes, but... " Clearsight finishes huskily, "I am worried for you." You can feel it, too, the frantic concern in her thoughts and in her eyes, turning her blue gaze dark and smoky. Blackmorn reaches up with his good hand and brushes your cheek gently. "Be fine, fledgling...just..need to rest.." Clearsight nods then, shakily, but determinedly. "Rest, then, and we will travel again tomorrow... " Blackmorn nods, and drops his head back, his hand trailing off your cheek gently. Clearsight settles a fur about you, lightly. She remains a silent presence at your side, watching over you, as you drift off to sleep... HoneyGold whispers a tentative question to Clearsight, daring to land on her shoulder. /Silversoft highthing not sleep?/ Clearsight murmurs, a set to her thin features, "Not until I am sure he is sleeping well." Tumbleberry holds onto a lock of Clearsight's hair, on her other shoulder. Blackmorn draws a deep breath, and his brow creases a moment, then relaxes again.. Clearsight glances to either Preserver, and then to the wolf nearby, before resting her gaze on Blackmorn's face once more. Tentatively, she brushes his hair back from his forehead, watching his face. Clearsight whispers softly, "Rest... brave wolf." Blackmorn sends ** You send ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn's face relaxes again.. Blackmorn sends ** Clearsight nods softly, watching you. She takes your good hand in both of hers, holding it to her cheek... her brows knit together as that 'sense' she possesses, that knowledge that makes things 'loud' inside her head, gives distressing hints about your state. Clearsight whispers to the Preservers, "I am worried... " Tumbleberry flits. /Why worryworry silversoft highthing. Is sleepydreaming..wethings take care of./ Clearsight restlessly shifts, murmuring uncertainly, "I-I do not like this... " Tumbleberry strokes silersoft highthing's hair. /Is okay? Clearsight swallows hard, and mutters, "He doesn't feel right." Tumbleberry chirrs /Silversoft highthing is tired. Sleep and will all be good soon/ Clearsight sighs, feeling her own weariness creep up on her even as HoneyGold repeats Tumbleberry's plea for her to sleep. Obstinately, she remains awake for a while longer, keeping her companion's hand clasped in hers... but at last, she succumbs to her own body's needs. She curls up near you, allowing sleep to overcome her.... Tumbleberry nodnods /Wethings watch highthings, make safe/ HoneyGold pouts. /Should not have left nice stillquiet valley!/ Tumbleberry rests its hands on its hips. /Is gone and no valley. Sosilly HoneyGold help or going home?/ The golden Preserver eyes the two highthings, and waggles a finger at Tumbleberry. /Should have kept highthings safe and snug in wrapstuff!/ HoneyGold grumbles, but adds firmly, /Will get highthings go back again! HoneyGold say so!/ But it settles down, to keep an eye on the sleeping ones.... The night passes, and yields to morning as the sun begins to creep over the eastern horizon. The tent that shields the two elves, however, casts shade over their sleeping forms. HoneyGold chirrups softly /Waketime for highthings?/ Tumbleberry shhshhs! Blackmorn shifts a bit in his sleep, making a quiet sound.. Clearsight stirs... and awakens quickly. Startlement flashes through her eyes as if she had not expected to sleep; at Blackmorn's movement, she immediately sits up, and looks him over. Tentatively, she calls his name. Blackmorn's skin has paled even further than the pain made it the night before, and if touched, burns as if he has been sleeping in the sunlight, althought he is bathed in shadow. At the sound of his name he makes another quiet sound... Blackmorn sends ** Clearsight pales herself, alarmed. "Blackmorn?" she calls again, more loudly. You send ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn sends ** Blackmorn's eyes flicker open a few times before staying opened... "Mmm...?" Clearsight fumbles for the nearest waterskin, and pours out a few drops onto a cloth. "Blackmorn," she breathes, relievedly, "h-how are you feeling?" Clearsight brushes the damp cloth across your forehead as she speaks. Blackmorn frowns a moment, and his eyes slide closed again, then he opens them again, very dark golden brown eyes. His voice is ragged. "Tired...need to sleep.." Clearsight says quickly, "Then sleep." She dabs your face with the cloth. Blackmorn smiles faintly. He murmurs "E..easy, fledgling..rest too..have to leave for your walk soon.." Clearsight says solemnly, "I have rested. W-we'll leave when you are ready." Blackmorn chuckles softly, slipping back into sleep. "Will miss the trees.." HoneyGold pipes /Nicetrees back in valley! Go back there?/ Clearsight scowls at HoneyGold, who immediately shuts up again. Blackmorn eyes flit open again. "Valley?" With that, his head drops back, and he sleeps again. Clearsight sighs quietly, and settles down to wait. She nibbles briefly on some of the rations from the packs, then frowns at the scarcity of their provisions. "I will have to try to hunt," she murmurs determinedly, getting to her feet. Whiteridge gets to his feet at mention of the 'hunt'. Clearsight glances at the Preservers, and tells them firmly, "Guard him! HoneyGold nodnodnods! Tumbleberry nodnods too. /Wethings do!/ Clearsight glances at Whiteridge, and she smiles a little. "You will hunt with me?" She moves to take up Blackmorn's bow... then considers, and changes her mind, arming herself with her sling instead. Whiteridge takes a step away from the tent, by way of answer. Clearsight paces out from the tiny camp, fingering the small store of stones in a pouch at her side, as she scans the grasses that blow in the early morning breeze. "Ravvit, maybe," she murmurs. Whiteridge drops his nose to the ground, scenting out the familiar word.. Her stance shifts slightly; she watches the wolf, biting her lip a little as she tries to read the creature's body language. "I hope we can do this together," she whispers, and fans slowly through the grasses in Whiteridge's wake. Whiteridge gives a sharp puff of breath and dashes off after something..a few lopes away, a longearred ravvit springs from a bush and races away, Whiteridge in chase. Clearsight gives a gasp, and sprints after, on her long lithe legs. Clearsight transfers a stone into her sling, looking for the small furred shape. The ravvit doubles back toward Clearsight, running crazily in fear, darting for a hidden burrow entrance.. The maiden sets her teeth, and whirls her sling, aiming... the stone flies. Whiteridge overruns the ravvit and whirls around, back to the fallen ravvit..he lifts his head and peers back at Clearsight. Clearsight allows herself a rare smile. She mutters, "Longrunner would be proud," and she goes to inspect the kill. Whiteridge watches the elf approach, then trots off to sniff out another, flushing the ravvit as before, and running this one down himself. He brings the ravvit back, in slightly less than pristene condition, but.. Clearsight looks up at her lupine hunting partner, and simply nods approvingly. "That, for you, hunter," she tells him, "and this for me and Blackmorn." With her own catch in hand, she retrieves her shot stone, and hastens back to the tent..... Whiteridge carries the ravvit off elsewhere. Clearsight asks the Preservers, as she sits down to skin her rabbit, "How is he?" Tumbleberry chirrs /Is sleepydreaming stillquiet/ Clearsight as she works seeks out your face, anxiously, considering whether to wake you to make you eat, or to let you sleep... decision made, she says softly, "Blackmorn?" Blackmorn sends openly ** Blackmorn frowns.. and breaths a quiet sound of confirmation.. Clearsight lays aside her skinning knife, and wipes her hands clean on her breeches, then leans over to shake you very gently. "Blackmorn...? I have food... " Blackmorn blinks his eyes open, and turns his face toward you, focusing on you. "Wha..? Time to go...?" Clearsight lets out a faint relieved sigh, and ventures, "If you are feeling up to walking. I have fresh meat, though...?" Clearsight gestures towards the freshly skinned rabbit. "See?" Blackmorn says "Hunting?" Blackmorn tries to sit up a bit. "Have to hunt.." Clearsight shhhhhh. "No, no, I've hunted...! With your wolf. We caught the ravvit." Blackmorn smiles faintly easing back. "Back...in the holt, is he? Good.." HoneyGold chimes in, /Saw! Silversoft highthing hit fursoft hopthing with rock!/ Clearsight blinkblinks, and looks searchingly at you. "Not in the Holt... Whiteridge is here, with us. Well, right now, he is eating his kill." Blackmorn nods slowly. "Away from the pack...he is not pack..." He smiles a little at something Clearsight repeats earnestly, "I have food, here. Are you hungry?" Blackmorn says "Hungry? No...eat..." Clearsight frowns a little, but nods. She ventures, "You will need to eat something, to keep up your strength... let me know, when you need food. If you can walk, we will go soon." Clearsight after some thought takes up her kill, and moves out a little ways from the camp. She spends some time carefully clearing a small open place among the grasses; there, she constructs a tiny fire, downwind of the tent. There, she cooks her breakfast. Blackmorn sends ** to Blackmorn. Clearsight at last returns to the tent, and kneels beside you. She asks gravely, "How do you feel?" Blackmorn looks to his arm. "Water?" he inquires. Clearsight nods, reaching for the waterskin, and holding it up for you to drink. "Here... I filled the skins, again." Blackmorn shakes his head and moves the ruined arm with his good hand, painfully slow. "Must clean.." Clearsight ahs as comprehension dawns. "I will do it... lie still." She gently presses you down again; biting her lip, she moves the bandage on the arm. The Preservers flit close, watching. HoneyGold eeps as the ugly gashes under the wrappings are revealed. Blackmorn frowns and closes her eyes, laying his head back again. When the bandage is removed, the wound is no worse than it was..the shoulder lain open, and the upper arm, but the flesh around the punctures is swollen and fiery red, hot to the touch, and there is clear infection. Clearsight winces, whispering, "I-I do not know what to do... " But she moves to wash the injury as best as she can. Clearsight's thoughts race. Something flickers in her memory, and she gives a little gasp. "No, wait... Blackmorn, listen to me... " Blackmorn draws a deep breath as the wounds are cleansed. Clearsight says intently, "I learned something, w-when I was with the Go-Backs. When one of them was hurt, in fights with trolls, sometimes the hurt would... go bad. And they would have to take a bit of fire, to burn the badness... " Clearsight glances at your shoulder, and stammers, "I-I think I need to do this, for you." Blackmorn opens his eyes, and turns to look at you.. "Burn.." He breathes.. "Aye..do it..." Tumbleberry hides behind HoneyGold. Clearsight very clearly does not like this idea in the slightest, but nevertheless, she moves to do it. "I-I will have to use the knife" - she pulls the dirk from the sheath at her side - "a stick will not get hot enough. I will be right back!" Clearsight runs out to the remains of her little cookfire, and with her teeth gritted, gathers fuel enough to rekindle the blaze. She spends nearly half an hour, holding the blade in the little flame.... HoneyGold chitterchitters distressedly. Blackmorn drifts into sleeping again.. Clearsight comes back at last; the knife, in her hands, is not quite red with the heat of the metal, but the look in her eyes speaks of its readiness. She resumes her place beside you. You send to Blackmorn, Clearsight reaches for your mind, worriedly, a mindhand trying to clasp your thoughts tightly. Tumbleberry flits into Clearsight's sight. /Nonono..is sleepysleeping! No burning!/ Clearsight eyes the bug, and mutters tightly, "His hurt is going bad! Can't you see?! He'll only get worse if I don't do something now!" You sense in a send, Blackmorn groggily recognizes the touch, and clasps tightly back, unsure of the reason, but does so nonetheless. Clearsight, with that, braces her free hand on Blackmorn's other shoulder - and presses the flat of the hot blade against his wound. Blackmorn comes awake with a roar of pain, pressing up hard against Clearsight! Clearsight's eyes well up with tears as her deep-sense shrieks with the other elf's pain. Uttering a choked sob, she pulls him into her arms. Blackmorn reflexively clutches hard at Clearsight's back, biting back waves until the pain wears down again, eyes tightly shut, drawing breaths through his nose. Clearsight fumblingly, with one hand, lays the knife on the ground and pours water over it to cool it, then holds her companion to her with both arms. You send * I am here! It's alright...!* to Blackmorn. Blackmorn sends ** There's a dampness in your hair as Clearsight weeps, clasping you firmly. Her hands and her mind try desperately to soothe..... Clearsight whispers, "Oh, Blackmorn... I-I-I am sorry... " Blackmorn coughs quietly. "No..no apolo..gies..fledgling.." Clearsight, heedless of the blood staining her leathers now that she has held you so tightly, whispers tremulously, "I-I have to... bind your shoulder, again... " She tries to lie you down again. Blackmorn releases you slowly, the sends that flow from him showing there is more to his clinging than the pain, beneath..but he lies back and breathes an easy sigh. Her face still tear-streaked, she works quickly to rebandage the torn arm and shoulder. She whispers as bravely as she can manage, "That should help... " The Preservers, watching the entire procedure with wide eyes, chitter. HoneyGold murmurs, /Fix silentdark highthing?/ Clearsight breathes, "I wish I could... ! I am not a-a healer... " Blackmorn manages a soft smile. "Gentle fledgling..thank you..." He reaches across himself, letting the smile fall away, but eyes still on you, to brush the back of his hand across your cheek." Blackmorn says "Will find one, Clearsight.." Clearsight takes your hand, and clutches it tightly. "Yes," she answers huskily, "we w-will find you a healer." [To be continued....]