Log Date: April 1994 Log Cast: Clearsight, Blackmorn, assorted Preservers Log Intro: Clearsight of the Plainsrunners is now accompanied by the Wolfrider Blackmorn on her Walkabout -- but the two of them have become stranded in a strange remote valley, inhabited by tiny winged creatures... and full of equally strange flowers that have rendered them sleepy and full of dreams. The two elves have found themselves staying in the valley, thinking only vaguely of leaving 'later', and the Preservers seem bent on keeping them there.... ---------- Copse(#5500RA) The copse is ever in a deep, emerald twiligh, faint traces of light penetrating the dense leaf-covered branches above only rarely. Huge, sweet-smelling flowers grow on vines that twine among the trees. The ground is covered in a soft, deep mossy carpet. Contents: Nest(#4958A) Obvious exits: Out Clearsight(#769POUce) There is something elusive about this elfin female: she seems prosaic enough, an unobtrusive figure with a quiet demeanor and a certain careful consideration to her movements. Yet, even as she seems sharply aware of her immediate surroundings, she is distant, as though her mind dwells on other matters. An almost fragilely lean build makes her seem taller than she actually is; fragility seems reflected, too, in the huge dark blue eyes that dominate her peaked, scarred face. Shoulder-length pewter-hued hair frames her features, dangling in her eyes in front. Her skin is faintly golden of tone, not as dark as that of a Sun Villager, nor as pale as that of a Wolfrider. When she speaks, it is in a shy, soft voice. She is clad in a simply-cut, close-fitting tunic of undyed brown leather; the ties at its neck and the wrists of its sleeves are trimmed in small bits of ravvit fur. With this, she wears ragged-looking brown breeches, and thin, worn boots. Her hair is braided through with deep purple flowers, the scent of which swirls heavily around her head. There is a soft, oddly languid expression in her eyes.... Blackmorn locksends ** Clearsight..fledgling..? ** You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight's thoughts stir groggily... *......?* Blackmorn locksends ** Not hurt are you? I will find.. ** Blackmorn joins you in the emerald twilight of the copse. Blackmorn has arrived. Blackmorn stumbles in, slowly, blinking the haze from his eyes. Blackmorn looks at you for a moment. Clearsight lies curled up under the vines, draped all over in the deep purple flowers. Not only does she have them braided in her hair, but there's a wreath of them tied around her neck. Blackmorn Easily overlooked, and preferring it that way, Blackmorn does as little as possible to draw attention to himself. His eyes, large and deep gold-flecked brown, perhaps betray his true nature, and if you could only gaze into them long enough, you think you might perhaps be able to penetrate to the core of this elf's being. Dressed in somber slate grey breeches, and a roughly tanned leather vest, his body is quite visible. It shows the mark of one accustomed to doing what he must to survive. Hard muscle and strong bone. Three long scars wrap around his right side at his ribs, but he still moves as fluidly as ever. His hair, dark brown and full, flows loose over his back and shoulders, draping to mid back. Soft boots cover his feet. He regards you almost as if from a distance, and yet, there is incredible warmth and compassion behind those eyes. Carrying: Long Knife Blackmorn's hair is pulled from it's usual tail, and is woven through with flowers of various rich shades of purple and pink, the petals littering his shoulders as well. His eyes are usually warm and light, a color closer to warm amber... Clearsight looks up and smiles, slowly, sweetly, as the pair of identical blue Preservers perched in her hair giggles. "Black... morn... " Blackmorn kneels clumsily beside Clearsight, the vaguest flicker of concern flashing through his eyes again, then disappearing. At the smile, however, he smiles in return. "Still here, fledgling.. thought you'd gone.." The Preservers pipe happily /Silversoft highthing no go! Stay with! We keep warm and snug and safe!/ Clearsight shakes her head dreamily. "Didn't... go far... " Blackmorn nods, petals drifting about his shoulders, and smiles. "But we should now.. quiet place, but there is another place.." Clearsight turns slowly on her back, to look better up at her companion. She blinkblinks dreamily... "Go... time to go, now....?" Rainsweet, one of the blue Preservers, chirps /Go pool maybe! Have sparklesilver waters?/ Blackmorn nods, and offers a hand to sit up. "Time to go on.." Clearsight frowns thoughtfully, automatically reaching for the offered hand. As she sits up, she ohs! and gives a tiny giggle. "Everything is... spinning... " The other blue Preserver, Sweetrain, giggles from its perch on Clearsight's head. /Highthing all sleepyspinny, no go yet!/ it pipes importantly. Blackmorn chuckles, more a send than an actual sound. "Feels strange, but nice.." He tries a few times to rise to his feet, then frowns a bit, pushing upward with his free hand as well.. Clearsight giggles again, one hand lightly twining in her flowerwreath. "Ooh," she breathes, as Blackmorn sways. Rainsweet flits up to light on Blackmorn's head, chittering cutely. /We give nice flowers to silversoft highthing! Quietdark highthing want flowers, too?/ Blackmorn regains shaky balance, then loses it as quickly, staggering as he turns his head a bit too quickly to follow the preserver's flight upward. "Flowers? I.. don't need...better for Clearsight.. I should hunt." Blackmorn mumbles "White...White.. wolf-friend...Whiteridge.." The two blue Preservers both chitter /Nono, no hunt for quietdark highthing! We bring berrysweets and treesweets, for highthings to eat!/ Clearsight hums absently, playing with the wreath of flowers about her neck, and giggling at Sweetrain's rebraiding of yet another fresh flower into her hair. Blackmorn shakes his head, a bit more strenuously. "Meat.. better for walking.." Blackmorn blinks and shakes his head again, his eyes a bit more focused when they open again. "Hunt... will you be alright here, wanderer?" Clearsight smiles up to Blackmorn dreamily, informing him, "You are... very pretty, with... flowers in your hair!" Blackmorn raises his hand to his head. "Flowers..." HoneyGold zips out of the nest, bearing a pair of purple flowers. It halts, and eyes Blackmorn, and giggles! /Flowers for quietdark highthing!/ Lighting on Blackmorn's shoulder, it sticks both flowers behind his ear. Clearsight giggles, watching, her eyes childlike and bright. Blackmorn blinks a bit, then pulls a flower from behind his ear, peering at it closely. "More flowers... why so many flowers?" he asks the golden 'bug'. "Flowers are not good for eating..." HoneyGold giggles happily, perched on the highthing's shoulder. /Good for looking at! Good for making pretty!/ Rainsweet and Sweetrain both chatter happily in agreement! /Made silversoft highthing all pretty!/ Clearsight languidly smiles up to HoneyGold and asks it, "You will... still help me... look for my... sign?" Blackmorn smiles a little at that, blinking around at the fair. "Then make her pretty while I hunt..." He pulls the flowers from behind his ears, and lets them drop from his fingers into Clearsight's lap. He blinks again at that. "They know your Sign?" HoneyGold pulls itself up importantly! /Honeygold know! Honeygold give sign to pretty silversoft highthing!/ Clearsight's already wide eyes go wider, and she looks awedly up at the bug. Blackmorn focuses blearily on the golden bug. "Tell her?" HoneyGold zips down happily to light on Clearsight's head, and it grabs two tiny handfuls of her pewter-hued hair. /This is Sign! This help Honeygold remember belonging-time!/ The other two Preservers chirp /Pretty silversoft hair!/ Blackmorn blinkblinks, and drops back down to one knee, gaze shifting from the bugs to Clearsight and back again. "Hair..?" Clearsight tilts her head a little, frowning vaguely. ".....?" HoneyGold nodnodnods! /Is pretty silversoft hair on pretty silversoft highthing!/ Blackmorn's brow creases in confusion. "How is.. hair... a namesign?" Blackmorn murmurs "Silversoft?" then shakes his head a little... Clearsight seems confused herself, glancing from Blackmorn to the bugs and back again. HoneyGold pipes encouragingly, /Is silversoft highthing! Honeygold know! Honeygold say so!/ Clearsight says uncertainly, "I am... not sure... " Blackmorn says "You will know it....yes, fledgling?" On Clearsight's shoulder, Rainsweet chatters /Silversoft highthing still all sleepyspinny, no need think! Honeygold know!/ Sweetrain nodnodnods vigorously in agreement. Clearsight looks blankly from Preserver to Preserver; her blue eyes are clouded and confused. "Don't... know... this Sign... " HoneyGold chirruples assuringly, preening Clearsight's hair, /Honeygold know! No worry about Signs for pretty silversoft highthing!/ Blackmorn shakes his head, scattering petals again. "Then it is not for you... we will find it on the walking.. we should go now.. it is soon too hot for travelling.." HoneyGold zips up to hover in front of Blackmorn's face, and it waggles a scolding finger at him. /Nononono! No go! Is no safe in big scary greenplace!/ Rainsweet pipes /Bigthings there!/ And Sweetrain agrees, /Biggrowlers!/ Clearsight frowns vaguely at the mention of 'bigthings', and asks, "What... are... bigthings?" Blackmorn blinkblinks. "Safe? I can keep.. I will keep watch for.. bigthings? What are biggrowlers?" Blackmorn looks to Clearsight. HoneyGold lifts one tiny hand as it flits up two feet over Blackmorn's head. /Bigthing!/ it pipes. /Has nastystick, hurts softpretty highthings! Honeygold remember!/ Clearsight pales, and whispers in a tiny voice, "Hu... mans?" Blackmorn frowns. "No humans..." The blue Preservers nodnodnod solemnly! /Nastybad bigthings! We hide from! Stay safe and warm and snug!/ Clearsight finds herself scooting back into the shelter of the vines; her eyes have gone huge again, and she whimpers, "Do not want... to go near... humans... " Rainsweet and Sweetrain chitter soothingly to Clearsight. /Aw! Pretty silversoft highthing safe and snug here! We take good care!/ HoneyGold nodnods firmly, flitting back down to Blackmorn's eye level again. /Is not safe in big green scaryplace! Should not go!/ Blackmorn blinks and inches a bit closer. ** Humans will not find you or hurt you, wanderer... not to worry.. you have my word. ** Clearsight looks dazedly up to Blackmorn, and relief seems to melt through her eyes as he sends. Clearsight gives a tremulous little smile, achingly sweet. "Blackmorn will... guard me... " Blackmorn smiles a bit as Clearsight relaxes. "Aye.." he breathes. "Better.." HoneyGold declares /And Honeygold will guard highthings! Yesyesyes!/ Sweetrain and Rainsweet chant happily, almost a little litany, /Keep safe and snug! Take good care of highthings!/ Clearsight giggles a little, shyly, and watches the Preservers as if entranced. Blackmorn watches the bugs, sitting down fully, and close to Clearsight, wiping the back of his hand across them again. He draws a deep breath and lets it out again slowly, one eyebrow arched slightly. Clearsight smiles dreamily to Blackmorn and asks, "Did you know... they all have names...? Honeygold, and Sweetrain... " Rainsweet pipes /And Rainsweet!/ Blackmorn cocks his head a little to one side. "Rainsweet..like flowers... bugs or flowers?" Clearsight giggles softly, pointing at the Preservers. "Them...! Their names...!" HoneyGold nodnods proudly! /Am Honeygold!/ Blackmorn peers at the golden bug. "Honeygold...suits you..." HoneyGold preens, and sings happily /Bree-DEE-dee-DEET!/ Blackmorn blinkblinks. "Singing?" HoneyGold states firmly /HoneyGold sing very nice!/ Clearsight giggles softly, as Rainsweet and Sweetrain 'sing' along with their golden leader. Blackmorn grins, exposing the tips of his teeth. "Clearsight sings softer.. nicer.." Clearsight smiles dreamily to Blackmorn, humming, as the Preservers cry, /Silversoft highthing sing song?/ /Yesyesyes!/ Clearsight settles herself braiding a flowerchain in her hands; this delights Honeygold and its companions, who quickly flit to find her more flowers. Her head slightly tilted to one side, Clearsight then beams, and drapes her handiwork around Blackmorn's neck. Clearsight sings softly, "I will sing... for the place of flowers... where the wolf and the bird rested, in peace.... " All three Preservers bree-DEE-deet joyously along with Clearsight. Each in its own key. Seemingly blissfully unaware of the tiny winged ones' disharmony, Clearsight gazes up at her companion, an uncommonly tender look softening her features. Blackmorn frowns just slightly at first, but then his expression softens, and his hand reaches up to hook a finger around a flower stem. HoneyGold beams happily at the two flower-bedecked elves. /Is good!/ Clearsight hums dreamily, smoothing a lock of dark hair back from Blackmorn's forehead. With her gaze unveiled, her eyes are fathomless, captivatingly sweet... Blackmorn smiles warmly, meeting Clearsight's gaze. In belated response to Honeygold's comment, he nods slowly and murmurs "Very good..." HoneyGold and the other Preservers tee-hee-hee softly and flit up to the overhanging vines, to watch. Clearsight twines her fingers in Blackmorn's hair, smiling gently, unconsciously broadcasting a hazy send of contentment. Blackmorn's hand drops to Clearsight's cheek, his eyes half-lidded in warm contentment, the soft smile still on his face. "No need to go just now..." Clearsight breathes in a flower-scent-laden breath. "It's... nice here!" she agrees softly. "Can go later... " Tiny Preserver voices giggle agreement. /Yesyesyes!/ /Go later! Stay now!/ Clearsight tilts her head towards Blackmorn's fingers, murmuring, "So slow... and dreamy, here... feel like I'm... dreaming... " Blackmorn looks up to the vines, and the multicolored bugs. "Is there a place to hunt? Berries and flowers are nice... but for staying, meat is nicer.." HoneyGold chatters decisively /No need hunt, quietdark highthing...! Can get treesweets! Better than meat!/ Rainsweet and Sweetrain agree happily /Yesyes! Highthings rest! We get treesweets for nice highthings!/ Unbidden, the two blue Preservers flitter off. HoneyGold flitters down happily to light in Clearsight's hair, vivid against the silver strands and the purple blooms woven into them. /No need get all fussfusted hunting! Is nice here, yes? Highthings sit!/ Clearsight smiles dreamily to HoneyGold and echoes, "Nice here... " Rainsweet and Sweetrain shortly return, each fluttering erratically as they carry armloads of varicolored mushrooms. /Treesweets for highthings!/ one of them pipes, before both giggle and drop their offerings into Blackmorn's lap. Blackmorn takes a mushroom between his fingers and peers at it confusedly, then sniffs at it, frowning just a little. "This is food?" Clearsight grins muzzily, watching the little creatures, while HoneyGold twines new flowers into her hair. All three Preservers nodnodnod happily. /Treesweets! All good!/ Sweetrain grabs one of the more ordinary-looking brown mushrooms, and tries to feed it to Clearsight. She giggles, and obediently nibbles at it. Between swallows, she informs Blackmorn, "Tastes... kind of smoky... " Blackmorn takes a hesitant bite out of the mushroom he holds, tasting it. "Like... smoke, yes.. warm smoke.." HoneyGold flitflitflits. /Highthings like? Is good?/ Clearsight smiles up to HoneyGold. "I like... " Blackmorn says "It is.. good." HoneyGold beams happily! Blackmorn leans back a little, propping himself on an elbow, nipping another piece off the mushroom. Overjoyed, Sweetrain and Rainsweet take turns trying to feed the 'treesweets' to both elves, while HoneyGold watches importantly from Clearsight's hair. Clearsight watches giddily. As Rainsweet pops another mushroom fragment into her mouth, she swallows, and then says, "Thank you, Sweetrain...!" Rainsweet waggles a blue finger, and giggles. /Am Rainsweet! Silly silversoft highthing!/ Blackmorn mumbles, between small bits "Easy to confuse when you look the same." Clearsight giggles back, and lets herself be fed. She giggles again to Blackmorn, and nodnods agreement. Clearsight inspects each mushroom as her blue attendants break it up into tiny fragments to feed her. "All different colors," she murmurs dreamily. "Everything here... is different colors... all the flowers... and the treesweets... and the bugs... " [To be continued....]