Log Date: April 1994 Log Cast: Clearsight, Blackmorn Log Intro: Although he and Clearsight have Recognized, Blackmorn decides to himself to _not_ fulfill Recognition's demands until Clearsight has fulfilled the demands of her own Walkabout, and found her name-sign. Blackmorn equates her Walkabout with the Wolfriders' own way of soulname vigil, and will not allow himself to join with Clearsight until he feels she is ready. He convinces her to sleep, but their rest is fitful, not disturbed even when Savah and the healer Skybow periodically check in on them. Not even Savah's gentle probing - and the aged one's joyful realization of the Recognition that occurred - stirs either of the pair from sleep. Only the resumed demands of their soul-bond draw them out of exhausted slumber.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clearsight stirs softly, making a tiny sound... Blackmorn draws a breath, and tightens his arm slightly around you.. You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight dreams, images shooting through her thoughts like a fast-moving plains fire through her veins. As if she herself had wolf-sharp senses, the wolf's scent, the feel of his fur, the lines of his form achingly near fill her mind.... You locksend ** <_Need_ intermingled with confusion, the unfamiliar strength of it threatening to sweep once more through her thoughts the moment she stirs awake... > ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight murrs, a barely audible sound, and moves against you as if intent on pressing her cheek against your shoulder as tightly as possible.... Clearsight's arms tighten awkwardly around you, and her shoulders shake. You locksend ** <_Verit_, like molten amber, dries her throat... burns in her breast... and turns her knees to water... > ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn forces himself awake abruptly, body tensing as his eyes dart around the cottage, reorienting himself once again. Clearsight stirs groggily against you. Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight pulls her eyes open, her gaze lifting to your face. You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight is immobilized, caught by the sight of you and the feel of your body against hers.... Clearsight opens her mouth to speak, but all that emerges is a breathless almost-syllable: "Bl... " Blackmorn reaches hesitantly to brush fingers across your cheek, studying every feature.. every line.. Clearsight whispers, "Are... you... al... " Blackmorn nods, a finger cutting off the word, lain across your lips, still looking, and touching. You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn shudders, and closes his eyes, head bowed slightly. Blackmorn locksends ** ** Her eyebrows are darker than her hair, you realize, even without looking at her... near-black, though with some small strands of silver in their fine curves. And her lashes _are_ black, long, fine, and feathery, around the fathomless blue eyes that seem to hold all shades of blue at once, and a firmament of starlight within them.... Clearsight swallows hard, and whispers hoarsely, "Wha... ?" You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn opens his eyes again, and draws another breath before speaking, with a dry throat "Changed, you have.. Mender's done well..." You say "Ch-changed...?" Clearsight blinkblinks, as if she'd forgotten... Blackmorn nods, lifting his hand to your hair. "Darker.. like you sent... and longer...no marks.." Blackmorn whispers and sends at once ** Beautiful ** Clearsight's face flushes, her cheeks turning a slightly redder gold... captivated, half-hearing your actual words yet with her inner 'sense' responding whole-heartedly to the warmth of the praise, she gazes at you.... Blackmorn Easily overlooked, and preferring it that way, Blackmorn does as little as possible to draw attention to himself. His eyes, large and deep gold-flecked brown, perhaps betray his true nature, and if you could only gaze into them long enough, you think you might perhaps be able to penetrate to the core of this elf's being. Dressed in somber slate grey breeches, and a roughly tanned leather vest, his body is quite visible. It shows the mark of one accustomed to doing what he must to survive. Hard muscle and strong bone. Three long scars wrap around his right side at his ribs, but he still moves as fluidly as ever. His hair, dark brown and full, flows loose over his back and shoulders, draping to mid back. Soft boots cover his feet. He regards you almost as if from a distance, and yet, there is incredible warmth and compassion behind those eyes. Carrying: Dirk Hand drum(#3907) Carrypack(#3905) Long Knife His face has returned to it's natural color, perhaps a bit red-tan from the sun here. His eyes have cleared, and the only trace of his illness, is the bandage which still dresses his right shoulder. Blackmorn meets deep blue with crystal clear ambergold eyes, slowly smiling, despite the confusion that flickers across his vision. Clearsight whispers, "We.... we have to... " Blackmorn seems dazed a moment, then he blinks. "Finish..the .. your Walk has not been finished." Clearsight blinkblinks... and makes a tiny wordless groan, as if in confused protest...? Then: "But... " Blackmorn says "The Walking first... that is the way it must be.. you came.. your tribe would ask it, yes?" You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. You say "My.... my Sign. I..." You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** This place.. where the wind blows... here? ** Clearsight frowns a little, dazedly, trying to get her bearings.... "I... I think... so... " Clearsight with a great effort pulls her gaze away from you, looking in random directions... Blackmorn sits up a bit, releasing his hold. "Then.. we should find this place.. if that is where you should go.." Clearsight trembles, daunted, as you release her, but she slowly sits up, herself. "I... I have... not... succeeded in the Wandering... perhaps... it is time, now, for... a S-Seeking... " Blackmorn says "A Seeking? To find this place.. and this Sign.. I think would be.. best, now." Clearsight rubs a hand across her eyes, still seeming confused and disoriented; her hand instinctively seeks yours. "I... did not know... if it was the Seeking time... " Clearsight mumbles, "I... am not sure... I am strong... enough right now... must... fast... " Blackmorn holds your hand securely in his. "Fast?" Clearsight's wide eyes focus on your face, as she struggles through a nod... "Should not... eat... " Blackmorn shakes his head slightly, eyes searching yours. "It is too hot here.. and too dry. To not eat would be.. dangerous." Clearsight bites her lip, and whispers huskily, "That... is... needed, for the Seeking... " Clearsight's words come from her as if pulled. "The... Seeking... must be met... with... only... 'me'... " Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight gives a small cry, and abruptly embraces you. "My... brave guard... " Blackmorn blinks, and then closes his arms around you, and lowering his head to yours, breathing in your scent, eyes closed as a light shudder runs along his spine. Clearsight looks up at you, cupping your cheek in her small hand. "I... if I... must Seek... before... w-we can do this... other thing... then... Seek, I must... " Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight trembles, swaying against you, as she whispers, "Should... we... go out to look? Or.... ask...?" ** ** Blackmorn says "We.. might look. I think.. if we do not harm anything, She..She would not mind." Clearsight nodnods shakily, and draws in a long breath. "We... look, then... " Blackmorn nods, and with that, he pushes himself to his feet, unsteadily, reaching down to help you to your feet. Clearsight clasps your hands tightly... pulling herself erect. Blackmorn nods, to a thought, and gives your hands a gentle squeeze, then leads the way slowly through the door. Blackmorn re-enters the visitors' court from the cottage area. You re-enter the visitors' court from the cottage area. Visitors' Courtyard(#668RJ) This walled courtyard is paved with several sizes of circular tiles scattered in seemingly random patterns. Between the stones moss and thyme grow, creating a pleasing contrast with the cream and brown colored tiles. In the center of the court, a small live-oak grows, gracefully sheltering a small fountain and pool. Planters full of bright colored flowers alternate with wide stone benches along the edges of the courtyard. Clinging vines of grape and wisteria veil the walls and along the south edge of the court the covered arches of a shaded pavilion beckon you out of the sun. Contents: Blackmorn Obvious exits: Guest Cottages(N) Crossroad(W) Clearsight stumbles out slowly after you, clasping your hands, looking about in all directions. Blackmorn turns to leave the Visitors' Court. You turn to leave the Visitors' Court. Crossroad The paved pathway widens here and the circular paving blocks are set into the sandy soil in a seemingly random pattern. The bright tangles of the Waterfall begin to come out as the dimming red light of sunset fills in the hot summer skies. You can go into the nearby Visitors' Court for a temporary home, or go South to the Dancing Square. To the West the paved pathway wanders towards caves in the nearby hills. To the North the path leads past the well and out onto the desert.. Contents: Blackmorn Obvious exits: Winding Path(N) Dancing Square(S) Boundary Path(W) Visitors' Courtyard(E) You step out of the shaded courtyard into the sunny crossroads. Clearsight's gaze sweeps her surroundings, as she trembles a little on her feet. Blackmorn drops hold of one hand, and slides an arm around your waist, the movement almost natural. "Now.. where to go.. to look?" Clearsight struggles not to fall down at the contact - still trembling, a bit. But, slowly, her gaze goes northward, and _up_..... Clearsight's eyes lift to the distant curving shape on the edge of the village, and her breath catches a bit, in her throat... Blackmorn follows your gaze, and his eyes narrow slightly. "There?" he breathes. Clearsight swallows hard. "I... I think so... " Blackmorn nods slowly, and swallows himself.. "Then.. we will go.. there." Clearsight turns, and looks up at you, slowly. A bit of confusion flickers through her eyes.... Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight's eyes tear over as she whispers to you, "I... I must... be alone... when I Seek... " Blackmorn frowns, and the send that leaks from him is simply **** "Alone..you.. I never wanted.. do not want to leave you alone.." Clearsight cries more strongly, and presses her face against your shoulder..... You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn bends his head to yours again, fingers curled in your hair and holding you even closer, trying his best to send comfort, muddled by his own desires. Then, ** The Walking was to be done alone as well.. but still you allowed me to travel with you.. may this not be done the same way? ** Clearsight murmurs anguishedly into your ear, "I... only wish... t-that it could... but... " She trails off, and continues, in send, ** ** Blackmorn breathes a deep sigh, his arms tightening slightly, and nods. "If.. it must be..But I will at the least take you to this place. And I will be near." Clearsight nods hastily, fervently. Her voice is barely audible. "Yes... " Clearsight lifts her head, awkwardly, again looking up to the distant bridge... "I... will need... " Blackmorn says "Name it.. and we will find it.. that much I can do." You locksend ** <'Need'... the word as she utters it causes a swirl in her thoughts, and she sways... > ** to Blackmorn. Clearsight's eyelids droop a little, as she struggles to continue. "T... time... to prepare.... must fast first... " Blackmorn looks around, and seeing nothing but huts and roads, says "Someplace.. quiet and cool. Yes? Where there will not be sun to drain and hurt.." Blackmorn locksends ** ** You say "A... cave?" [Clearsight sees Chaimon - an Underworlder - walking out of the Garden of Shade and Sweet Water. Remembering her unexpected sensings from the earlier conflict between Mender and the Underworlder healer Shayilbey, she is unnerved.... ] Clearsight glances briefly at the figure that emerges from the gardens, and whispers huskily, her brow furrowing, "Not... there." Blackmorn nods. "Nowhere that is.. not good. A cave, if need be.." Blackmorn turns on the path, toward Sun-Goes_Down, your hands still in his. "Will you go with me, now?" Clearsight nodnods, shakily. "Y... yes... " Blackmorn nods and walks on then, slowly. Blackmorn has left. The path is wide and straight here, worn by many feet on their way to and fro in the canyon. To the west are the caves where the local wolfriders dwell. To the east the crossroads and the main part of the village. Boundary Path The sheltered valley gathers you close in rocky arms. The village is nestled in a hidden canyon of red-yellow sandstone and prickly cactus turned garden oasis by the precious well that brings water from the depths of the earth. The bright tangles of the Waterfall begin to come out as the dimming red light of sunset fills in the hot summer skies. Contents: Blackmorn Obvious exits: Lookout Ridge(UP) South BoundaryPath(S) Wolfrider Cave(W) Crossroads You finally arrive at the wolfriders caves. Blackmorn heads west, entering the Wolfrider Cave. You climb up into the Wolfrider Cave to the west. Visitor's Cave(#683RA) A long narrow cavern with room for a dozen or more. Piles of fur and even a few mattresses like those used by the Sun Folk are strewn about the chamber. You may link here if you wish. Contents: Blackmorn Cedar(#3478HIJep) Obvious exits: Out Blackmorn lifts his head slightly. "Stale in here.." Clearsight wrinkles her nose, looking around. Blackmorn sighs quietly. "But, it will serve, I suppose.." He sits, drawing you down and back against him... Clearsight sinks down beside you; she bites her lip in concentration.... You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight's thoughts whirl... so hard, to concentrate, to look _inside_, when _Verit_ blazes in every corner of her mind.... Blackmorn shifts a bit, watching you.. Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight whispers, "Help... me...?" Blackmorn turns fully to you, and he puts a hand under your chin, looking into your eyes. "In any way I can.." Clearsight pulls in a breath... "Help me... focus... I-I can't think... I need... " Her eyes, liquid and limpid, regard you pleadingly. Blackmorn nods slowly. Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight tremblingly pushes a hand through her tumbled hair... she sits up, slowly, her legs crossed under her. But her hand reaches for yours. Blackmorn takes your hand. **** Clearsight's fingers close tightly around yours.... You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight's thoughts shiver in protest as the presence of _Verit_ lessens... but, the other, subtler need gains strength at that lessening, directing her attention up to the starstrewn sky over her private glade... Blackmorn continues to send peace, and ease of mind.. doing his best not to interfere.. or allow anything else to intrude. Clearsight's eyes drop closed; slowly, her features relax, until there is only a faint knitting of her dark eyebrows. You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** An upsurge of cool wind, lifting wings unfurled.. ** You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight at last sits immobile as darkness grows deeper outside... as the jackwolves of the village rouse for their nightly hunting and howling. Her features grow composed.... settled. You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn murmurs. "Fly.." You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. [To be continued....]