Log Date: April 1994 Log Cast: HoneyGold and other Preservers, Blackmorn, Clearsight Log Intro: The young Plainsrunner Clearsight, who has been wandering the land on her Walkabout for several years now, has taken on a companion ever since leaving Wolfhaven Holt -- the Wolfrider Blackmorn, who cares for her, and to whom Clearsight herself is growing closer. The two of them have set out from Wolfhaven, heading east, as Clearsight intends to go to Sorrow's End and knows that it lies in that direction. But she and Blackmorn become lost in a mist in the mountains. Clearsight throws off a couple of frightened sends which alert Blackmorn to what direction she'd vanished ... he comes after her, and finally stumbles down the hill to find a dazed Clearsight where she has apparently tripped and fallen, scattering all of her possessions around her. To the surprise of the two elves, HoneyGold and the fair of Preservers that follow it -- the only residents of this hidden valley -- are quickly alerted to the arrival of the 'highthings'. Neither Clearsight nor Blackmorn have the faintest idea what Preservers are, so they are quite boggled at the creatures. After a full day's journeying and the struggle through the mist, both elves are tired -- and do not notice the effects of the strange flowers that fill the valley, making the air heavy with their pollen and scent. Clearsight is affected more than Blackmorn, almost forgetting her own name once; Blackmorn, totally baffled, is content to stick around for the time being, not having yet noticed that his bond-wolf Whiteridge has disappeared. Both elves are now reluctant to go, thinking only in vague terms of "going later". As the fair has happily scattered assorted flowers all over them, Clearsight has fallen asleep in Blackmorn's arms, and he is cradling her protectively.... ---------- Hidden Valley This tiny hidden is nestled between the steep sides of three mountain peaks, all but unreachable from the outside world. White clouds drift above, curling around the mountaintops and blocking the valley from view from above. There is an eternal twilight down in the bottom, a soft silvery one. A small waterfall cascades down from one of the rocky sides of the valley, falling into a small pool from which flows a sparkling {brook. The brook disappears into a small copse of dark green trees, evergreen and sheltering. A small berrypatch is on the other side of the brooklet, framing a miniature meadow filled with sweetly fragranced flowers. The white mists above are penetrated by a few rays of golden sunshine that glitter on the waterfall and make the trees glow a deep emerald shade. Contents: Carrypack(#3905) Hand drum(#3907) Dirk Small grass-hued tent(#5250IOQ) Cloak(#5251) Obvious exits: Berry patch Pool Copse Climb out HoneyGold emerges from the copse. HoneyGold has arrived. Blackmorn lies curled up against one of Clearsight's fallen bundles, and Clearsight is curled in his arms, her cheek pressed against his chest. His face is pressed lightly against her flower-strewn hair, and they both seem to sleep... HoneyGold flits. /Silversoft highthing still asleep?/. HoneyGold flits closer, curiously. Clearsight mmmmmms groggily, nuzzling against Blackmorn. HoneyGold flits closer, landing on the fallen bundle. HoneyGold Fluttering eagerly around, this golden preserver curiously watches its surroundings with large dreamberry-colored eyes. Glittering golden wings hold swirling patterns of purple, and a deep violet petal is wrapped jauntily around its head. HoneyGold flutters it's wings cautiously edging closer to touch the silversoft hair. /All safe and snug sleepyhightthings./ Clearsight's eyes slit open, slightly - why is it so hard to wake up....? - and she blinkblinks vaguely in the direction of the Preserver. Clearsight murmurs dreamily, "Oh... hello... " HoneyGold flits. /Is all awake? Honeygold fetch berrysweets and silversparkle waters for nice highting./. Blackmorn stirs slightly, and a violet petal falls out of his hair. Several preservers poke their heads up from the large flowers on nearby trees, chittering happily among themselves. Clearsight mmmmms, smiling a little... warm, here, in Blackmorn's arms. "Is it... morning...?" HoneyGold flits. /Is lighttime, highthings sleep long! Is good, Honeygold take care of./. HoneyGold busily orders the other preservers around, and with much giggling and flitting they go about collecting berries and flowers. Clearsight blinkblinks, and tries to sit up. The tiny movement seems to rouse Blackmorn, who looks up foggily. Clearsight is his first sight as he awakens, and he smiles at her languidly, murmuring, "Wanderer... " Clearsight looks back, and smiles with equal langour to Blackmorn. "Our little friends... have come back... " Leafdrop and Rainsweet flit close, carrying a large flower between them. It seems to be filled with water. Flitting close, they offer it to Clearsight. /Silversoft highthing drink!/ Clearsight glances back to HoneyGold, and tries to blink herself awake. "It would be good... to eat something... we should... leave soon... " Clearsight ohs, and smiles to the green and blue Preservers. HoneyGold looks upset, flitting around to hover in front if Clearsight, scolding. /No go! Highthings belong! Highthings sleep here, take good care of. Honeygold remembers! Like belongingtime!/ Blackmorn lifts a hand, rubbing it across his eyes. "Aye, wanderer... " he murmurs. "Break camp... " A timid pink preservers peeks briefly out from behind a large leaf, and ducks again almost before it is seen. Clearsight blinkblinks at HoneyGold confusedly, as the water-filled blossom is placed in her fingers. "What do... you mean...?" She sips at her delicate little 'cup'. A chubby little lavender preserver flies out of the berrypatch, zig-zagging erratically under it's load of rainbowhued berries. Grinning happily, the preserver dumps it's load in Blackmorns lap. /Tumbleberry take good care!/ Blackmorn sits up, slowly, as if trying to figure out whether he can, and then blinkblinks at the lavender Preserver. ** Wha...? ** he sends instinctively, and then makes the same noise aloud. Clearsight tells HoneyGold earnestly, "You are... very nice... but... we have to go, soon.... " HoneyGold pokes Clearsights nose with a tiny finger. /No go! Honeygold say so!/ Two seemingly identical preservers, sky-blue with red wings, carry a flowercup filled with water to Blackmorn, while the rest of the fair flit between pool and berrypatch, bringing more berries, and more purple flowers to entwine in silvery and dark hair. Clearsight blinkblinks fuzzily at HoneyGold and protests, "It is... my Walkabout.... time." She glances over to Blackmorn for support; her companion nods slowly. Blackmorn mumbles, "Have to go to... Sorrow's End... " He glances down at the flowercup pressed into his hands, and, finding himself thirsty, he drinks... HoneyGold flits over to Blackmorn, landing on one shoulder. /Can walk about here. No go up, is all not safe/. A faint breeze blows, bringing with it the sweet, heavy scent of flowers. Clearsight gets the scent-laden breeze full in the face, and she blinks foggily. Clearsight then looks up, and smiles dreamily. "Blackmorn will.... guard me. He promised... " Blackmorn smiles a little at that, and murmurs back to Clearsight, "Aye, wanderer... " The waters taste oddly sweet. Despite the coolness of it, it makes you feel warm..lazy... Tumbleberry returns once more from it's berrypatch, a happy smile on the small round face. Flitting over to Clearsight, it tries to feed her a deep red berry. /Pretty silversoft highthing!/. Clearsight's gaze drops to the flower in her hands, and she smiles at it in vague fascination, watching droplets hang on the delicate petals. She doesn't see Tumbleberry coming, and suddenly there's a berry in her mouth. Blackmorn smiles fuzzily to Clearsight as he lurches to his feet. "Sit, and rest, wanderer... I'll... gather your... bundles.... " The preservers all laugh happily at Tumbleberry, then flit of to find berries of their own. Leafsweet hovers by Blackmorn, trying to feed him one. Clearsight gasps a little, and automatically tastes, and bites, blinking in faint startlement. Blackmorn lifts a heavy-feeling hand, trying to brush off the Preserver as he awkwardly leans over to retie the large bundle that is Clearsight's tent. "No, bug... " HoneyGold clings to a strand of Blackmorn hair, looking indignant. Scratching it's head under the curled petal had, there is a look of intense concentration on it's face. Clearsight, berry eaten, smiles vaguely to Tumbleberry. "That was... good... " HoneyGold flits up to a preserver, so dark blue it is nearly black, and whispers intensely. Tumbleberry claps tiny hands happily. /Get more for silversoft prettyhighthing!/ Blackmorn finds his head spinning, though, and he crumples to one knee by the tent bundle. Clearsight smiles again to the Preserver, but looks over to Blackmorn. "Black... morn... are you... alright?" The other elf answers foggily, "Feel so... odd... I... " Clearsight ponders, and, slowly, seems to come up with an idea... "Maybe more water... " Blackmorn mumbles under his breath that he should hunt. Rainsweet and Leafdrop chitter happy agreement, flitting off to fetch more flower-water. Clearsight slowly and swayingly lurches to her feet, glancing in the direction of the waterfall. She takes a few faltering steps. HoneyGold returns, with the darkskinned, silent preserver. Calling out, it summons the other preservers. Blackmorn rubs his hand across his eyes again, head turning instinctively to Clearsight... Clearsight pads unsteadily towards the sparkling water. Over her shoulder, she smiles dreamily to Blackmorn. "Will get... water, for you... " HoneyGold hovers, and the preservers all go very quiet, watching. Clearsight makes it to the water. Clumsily, she kneels, automatically looking down into the shimmering runoff. Clearsight murmurs softly, "Pretty... " She looks around, vaguely realizing that she has no cup or container save for the huge flower she still clasps. Smiling, she dips the flower into the water. HoneyGold and the darkskinned preserver flit closer to Blackmorn, while Tumbleberry tries to convince the shy, pink preserver to /Come fetch berrysweets for silversoft and silentdark highthing!/ Blackmorn looks up fuzzily to HoneyGold and its companion as Clearsight brings her flower back up from the water, filled to its top. Clearsight cups the laden bloom in both hands; smiling absently, she totters back towards Blackmorn. HoneyGold flits. /No leave, silentdark highthing..sit! sit! We take care../. Clearsight kneels down at Blackmorn's side, and presents him with the water. Blackmorn smiles to Clearsight, murmurs, "Thank you, fledgling... " and sips at the offering. Clearsight, her eyes huge and soft, beams. Tumbleberry has arrived. HoneyGold looks pleased, and flits up to land in Silversof highthing hair again. /Is right! Eat, drink, sleep! Honeygold look after./ Clearsight looks up fuzzily to HoneyGold and smiles. Blackmorn, sipping the water, goes slowly more foggy-eyed. Tumbleberry grins happily. /Tumbleberry will fetch berrysweets!/ Tumbleberry has left. Clearsight murmurs to HoneyGold, "You are... very nice... " Tumbleberry has arrived. Tumbleberry flits in with arms loaded with berries. Blackmorn's eyes drop shut; he slumps back against the tent bundle, the flower dropping from his limp fingers. Clearsight's gaze drifts to Blackmorn's features; slowly, she lifts a hand, and tenderly smooths his hair back from his face. Tumbleberry This chubby, applegreen preserver has violet wings and eyes, and a perpetual happy grin on it's round face. It will happily 'fetch' you berries from it's patch! Clearsight murmurs softly, "Handsome... brave wolf... " HoneyGold smiles happily, and starts rebraiding the flowers in Clearsights hair. /All happy, now..Bree-Dee-Dee!/ Blackmorn makes a small soft noise at Clearsight's touch, his face turning in her direction. Clearsight looks up and giggles a little, at HoneyGold. "Silly... " HoneyGold flits. /Honeygold fly sit on biggrowlers tail!/. The perservers chittergiggle, apparently knowing this story well. Rainsweet lands on Blackmorns shoulder, peering at him curiously. Blackmorn seems almost if not completely asleep. Clearsight foggily looks from Preserver to Preserver and asks Honeygold blankly, "What is... 'biggrowler'?" HoneyGold flits again, round and round in circles. /Growler try to catch Honeygold, run all round, and round and round..go all dizzy!/ HoneyGold hovers, scratching its head. Clearsight watches HoneyGold flit in circles, till she is dizzy herself from the blur. She murmurs, "Oh.... " HoneyGold flits. /Is all bigfurry sharptooth, and go "GRUFF!"/. You say "Don't... do that... I'm... dizzy...!" Clearsight blinkblinks, and ohs to HoneyGold. She frowns a little as the explanation makes no more sense than the word... Clearsight sways slightly where she sits, and looks around, but wherever her gaze falls there is a Preserver. She smiles vaguely. HoneyGold giggles, and lands on Clearsight hair once more, cradling among the flowers. /Growler go all dizzy, go *thump*! HoneyGold demonstrates, plunking down. Clearsight giggles up to HoneyGold, languidly. "That... sounds silly!" HoneyGold leans forward looking solemnly into your eyes from above, upside down. /Honeygold very brave!/. Clearsight finds her hands empty, and giggles, slowly lifting a finger to the golden Preserver. "That is... your name? Honeygold?" You say "Do you... all have... names?" Clearsight looks around slowly, trying to see all the Preservers. Leafdrop emerges from the copse. Leafdrop has arrived. Leafdrop Leafdrop is green, with gold wings and an acorn hat jauntily perched on its ehad. If the preservers get too much trouble, you can always try to 'scatter' them. You just spot the shy pink preserver as it ducks into its flower. Clearsight smiles, and murmurs, "So pretty... many colors... " Clearsight tries to touch the nearest of the little winged creatures. Rainsweet emerges from the fog surrounding the pool. Rainsweet has arrived. Rainsweet All bright blue skin, pale blue wings, and glittering yellow eyes is this giggling preserver. Most usually found flitting around the waterfall, it enjoys bringing any who ask 'water'. If the preservers get too much trouble, you can always try to 'scatter' them. Clearsight smiles vaguely, catching a glimpse of the pink Preserver. "What is... the 'belonging time', though...?" Rainsweet has left. Leafdrop has left. Tumbleberry has left. HoneyGold fixes scatter, sort of :) /Honeygold remembers..when highthings come down to green-scary place, long-ago./ Rainsweet emerges from the fog surrounding the pool. Rainsweet has arrived. Clearsight tilts her head, considering... "Oh... the... High Ones...? You knew... the High Ones...?" Her eyes widen, awed. HoneyGold nodnods solemnly! /Take good care of Highthings, in belonging-time./ Clearsight then seems to realize... "Oh...! A highthing is... like me? An... elf?" Rainsweet will fetch sparklycool water for nice hightthing! Rainsweet moves over to the pool. Rainsweet has left. HoneyGold nodnodnods! /Is like silversoft..all high thing!/ Rainsweet emerges from the fog surrounding the pool. Rainsweet has arrived. Rainsweet returns hauling a deep purple flower filled to the brim with sparkling water. Clearsight giggles a little as Rainsweet flits off to fetch water, and asks HoneyGold, "Why not... say 'elf'?" Rainsweet gives Clearsight the water-flower with a happy smile Clearsight smiles to Rainsweet and sips at the water. You say "Or use... an elf's... name...? My mother named me... Clearsight...." Leafdrop emerges from the copse. Leafdrop has arrived. Tumbleberry has arrived. Tumbleberry grins happily. /Tumbleberry will fetch berrysweets!/ Tumbleberry flits in between the brambles of the patch, singing happily. Tumbleberry has left. HoneyGold ponders this... Tumbleberry flits out from the brambles of the berrypatch. Tumbleberry has arrived. Tumbleberry flits in with arms loaded with berries. HoneyGold flits. /Is high thing!/. HoneyGold giggles. /Is Clearsight-highthing!/ Clearsight smiles as chubby little Tumbleberry arrives, and tells HoneyGold patiently, "Just... Clearsight... " Leafdrop starts singing. /BREE-DEE-DEE!/ Clearsight adds to Tumbleberry, "I can't eat... all of these... " Rainsweet starts singing. /BREE-DEE-DEE!/ Clearsight giggles as multiple Preservers break into 'song'. You say "You are all... very silly... I wish I could take you, to... Sorrow's End..." HoneyGold giggles merrily. /Just-clearsight-highthing!/ Clearsight finds Tumbleberry's latest offering in her hands, as the chubby Preserver entreats her to eat the nice berrysweets. She smiles as she downs one. Leafdrop starts singing. /BREE-DEE-DEE!/ You say "Alright... *giggle*... Clearsight-highthing..." HoneyGold burrows into silversoft hair, calling for the shy pink one. /Is nice highthing!/ Rainsweet starts singing. /BREE-DEE-DEE!/ Clearsight giggles as she is covered with fresh flowers, and she sways slightly as she tries to reach for the nearest of the flittering Preservers. "Oh...! I feel so... " HoneyGold flits. /Happy!/. Clearsight pauses, trying to figure out how she feels. Then she smiles slowly, dreamily. "Happy," she agrees. Leafdrop starts singing. /BREE-DEE-DEE!/ You say "Maybe we could... camp another day... Blackmorn is still asleep, and... I haven't dreamed...." HoneyGold peers out from the hair. /No dream?/ Clearsight shakes her head slowly. "I... haven't dreamed about... my Sign...! Or... him... " Automatically her gaze drifts to Blackmorn's face as she seems to consider. Nightwing emerges from the copse. Nightwing has arrived. Clearsight giggles softly and adds, "It feels like... a dream, here... soft, and warm... " Nightwing Dark, midnight blue, almost black is this silent preserver. Huge, reddish eyes regard you intensely. The wings show faint traces of a lighter blue. If the preservers get too much trouble, you can always try to 'scatter' them. Nightwing flies closer, speaking at last. // Sign? // Clearsight nodnods gravely to the dark Preserver. "I... have to find... my Name!" You say "The... Sign... will show it to me." You say "That is... why I have to go, to... Sorrow's End... I will... find my Sign, there...!" HoneyGold shakes its head, leaf-hat nearly fluttering off. /Find sign here! Honeygold help look!/ Clearsight blinkblinks, and giggles a little. "I... suppose... we can look... I haven't... looked here... " She totters to her feet, and giggles again as she sways dizzily. "Oh! Everything... is spinning... " Leafdrop flits up into a branch and perches there looking down. Tumbleberry starts singing. /BREE-DEE-DEE!/ Clearsight tells HoneyGold solemnly, "Show me... this place...? I will... look... " The fair giggles, and flits closer, scattering flowerpetals and small feathers. /Rest here! Look tomorrow!/ HoneyGold ponders. /Honeygold can show../ Clearsight spins around slowly, her gaze drawn by the flittering fair; charmed, she smiles, and then blinkblinks to HoneyGold a little confusedly. HoneyGold flits. /Comecome!/. HoneyGold disappears into the copse. HoneyGold has left. You venture into the dark, emerald green light of the copse. Copse(#5500RA) The copse is ever in a deep, emerald twiligh, faint traces of light penetrating the dense leaf-covered branches above only rarely. Huge, sweet-smeeling flowers grow on vines that twine among the trees. The ground is covered in a soft, deep mossy carpet. Contents: HoneyGold Nest(#4958A) Obvious exits: Out Clearsight comes slowly after the Preserver, swaying on her feet. Nest A large comfy nest filled with soft feathers and flower petals, roomy enough to hold a hand of preservers. HoneyGold flits. /Look here?/. Clearsight looks around languidly. "Pretty... " Clearsight, swaying, finds her face brushed by one of the flowering vines. She smiles, inhaling a blossom's scent. "Look... " she agrees foggily, and then asks, "What... are we... looking for...?" HoneyGold flits to land at your shoulder, whispering into your ear. /Look for silversoft highthing namething..Honeygold make silversoft all happy./ Clearsight smiles and nods vaguely... "Name, for me... show... me...?" Clearsight turns around slowly, in the dim green light, trying to peer through the shadows. HoneyGold flits over to a branch, alighting on it. /Pretty highthing all tired..sleep now, look later!/ You say "Who is... Silversoft....?" Clearsight finds herself swaying, and her legs buckle beneath her. She crumples over into the vines, but doesn't quite fall asleep; she turns her head, looking for her small companion. Clearsight mumbles, "Right, for me... to be so... sleepy?" HoneyGold lands on your chest, looking down at you solemnly. /Is right..sleep like cradlebaby, Honeygold keep safe and snug and happy./ Clearsight smiles sleepily. "And... you will help me... find my... name?" HoneyGold flits. /Honeygold promise..Honeygold find!/. Clearsight tries to lift her hand, to the little creature; her fingers move as if through water. She nods slowly. "So... sleepy... but I haven't... dreamed... " Clearsight adds earnestly, "Need to... dream... to find my name... " Rosebud flits out of the nest. Rosebud has arrived. Rosebud This shy, dawn-pink preserver is never seen fully..always hiding in a flower, or behind a leaf, or flitting among the branches. Shy, but curious, it nevertheless stays close. If the preservers get too much trouble, you can always try to 'scatter' them. HoneyGold smiles happily, as the shy rose preserver finally dares venture close enough to touch silversoft hair in wonder. Clearsight's eyelids go very heavy, but she smiles dreamily at the little pink Preserver. Clearsight murmurs, "Must be... dreaming now... " HoneyGold curls up happily against the sleeping highthing. Clearsight murmurs dreamily, "Maybe... I am dreaming... and you will tell me... my Sign, HoneyGold... " HoneyGold flits. /Honeygold will...tomorrow/. HoneyGold giggles.. HoneyGold heads out of the copse. HoneyGold has left. Nightwing joins you in the emerald twilight of the copse. Nightwing has arrived. Clearsight blinkblinks, watching the fluttering of the Preservers just overhead. Clearsight smiles vaguely; her hands have fallen, one to her side, one draped lightly across her belly. [To be continued....]