[Natil's Note: This log was contributed to the archive by the player of Soulweaver; the log is from her point of view. I have expanded upon her original intro to give some context for what's going on at this point in the Plainsrunner history.] Log Date: 9/19/94 Log Cast: Aureole, Briarcatch, Soulweaver, Blackmorn Log Intro: Starwing of the Plainsrunners has been consumed by the illness that overtook her, and now, although their child Aureole has been healed of the illness, she has been left deaf by it -- and Blackmorn has been left in a black melancholy, determined to take his child away from the Plainsrunner canyons, and to seek out the Palace and Starwing's spirit within. He has smuggled young Aureole out of the canyons, but he has not gone undetected. Soulweaver and Briarcatch have finally tracked Blackmorn and Aureole to the South Marsh Camp. Aureole is thin, dirty, exhausted, and crying. She clings to Briarcatch. Soulweaver feeds her, and the child finally drifts to sleep in Briarcatch's arms.... ---------- Aureole's thumb creeps up into her mouth once more, as she nestles against Briarcatch's chest, her tiny body at last relaxing. Briarcatch locksends ** You see? Mad. What father treats his child this way? What child fears her father? ** Soulweaver flicks a glance upward, toward Blackmorn, her lip lifting to display the tip of one fang. You locksend to Briarcatch, Soulweaver's send is abrupt. ** I see. I must... reconsider what I will do. ** Soulweaver rises, looking at the thin, dirty child, her eyes deeply troubled. You locksend ** I am prepared to challenge him, if I must. But... let me think.** to Briarcatch. Soulweaver rests her hand briefly on Briarcatch's shoulder, then turns and begins to set up her small tent in a sheltered area. Briarcatch nods to Soulweaver and goes back to watching Aureole. You locksend ** Feel free to sleep in my tent, with Aureole. She needs the shelter more than I do. ** to Briarcatch. Blackmorn locksends ** I chose for her good. ** Soulweaver peers up into the branches, her eyes hard. You locksend ** She is thin and exhausted and afraid. What good is this? ** to Blackmorn. Aureole gives a tiny sound that might be a sigh of contentment, were it not muffled by her thumb. Soulweaver stalks stiffly to the foot of the tree. Soulweaver crosses her arms and stands, legs braced apart, looking upwards. Blackmorn locksends ** I hunt for her, she will not eat it. Tell me I am needed. I keep her with her sire, her Pack. She fears me for no reason. For that cub. ** You locksend ** It is right for her to be with you; you are her sire. But it is also right for her to be with Briarcatch, of her mother's blood. You made her choose between those she loves, after too many of her loved ones have died. She saw Starwing die. She was there when Windsinger went mad. She needs peace and stability, now, not divisions and challenge. ** to Blackmorn. Soulweaver's eyes clear slightly, looking more elfin. Blackmorn makes a sharp gesture with his hand. Blackmorn locksends ** I cannot be so many places at once! ** You locksend ** Why must you find the Palace now? What is time to Starwing's eternal spirit? She can wait for you, forever. We will all be with her, in time. ** to Blackmorn. You locksend ** You could stay in the canyon. Let Aureole grow, learn to hunt. Perhaps she would choose to come with you, for the Palace, when she is grown. ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** That is not my place. I am not a grass-grazer, sister. ** Blackmorn locksends ** I have an oath to keep. ** You locksend ** I am no grass-grazer, you know that. There is hunting to be done, blood to drink, whether there are trees or not. ** to Blackmorn. You locksend ** And your oath will cost Aureole her peace. ** to Blackmorn. You locksend ** You can choose your pack, as I have done. Come back with us. Wait... your oath will keep. Hunt with me, raise the child. Journey later. ** to Blackmorn. Briarcatch smiles, and lets go of a breath he was holding. Soulweaver looks upwards, her hackles lowered, her expression one of entreaty. Soulweaver looks briefly toward Briarcatch. You sense in a locksend, Blackmorn's 'focus' shifts, but his eyes do not. ** She fears me. One cannot teach through fear. ** Soulweaver looks up again, resting one hand on the tree's trunk. You locksend ** Time can erase fear. With you, and the rest of us, nearby, and the placid seasons in the canyon... she will grow, and heal, and become whole and happy. ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn shakes his head, just slightly. Soulweaver leans against the tree, her eyes closing. Her face darkens with sorrow. You locksend ** Please, brother. For her sake. For your sake, and mine. We can be a pack, and help each other. ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** ... There are stars here, but not like hers.. in the canyon.. ** Soulweaver lifts her head again, peering up sadly. With a graceful pull, she swings onto a low branch. You locksend ** A part of her will always be with you... and part of her is alive in Aureole. Come back with us. Live in the canyon, honor Starwing. ** to Blackmorn. Briarcatch looks up. "Soulweaver, what.. be careful.." Soulweaver rests her head wearily against the trunk of the tree. She glances down at Briarcatch and shakes her head gently. Blackmorn looks down at Soulweaver. Blackmorn locksends ** She knew me for what I am. ** Soulweaver's eyes are soft, dampened with a film of tears. Briarcatch sighs quietly and reaches down and strokes Aureole's hair as the kit sleeps. You locksend ** She knew you, and accepted you. I can do no less... you are of my blood. There are disagreements and growls, but at the end, there is only Pack. The pack is together. Starwing was your pack... now her canyon, her people, are yours as well. ** to Blackmorn. Aureole nuzzles against Briarcatch, sleeping properly for the first time in days. A tear spills from Soulweaver's eye, and she dashes it away with her forearm. She runs both hands through her shaggy hair. Blackmorn locksends ** My people. ** You locksend ** I have very little Plainsrunner blood... and yet, I den there, and they are my pack. And you, and Lhovrik... we are together, and strong because of it. You can be who you are... and still be together with us. ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** Strong? ** You locksend ** The Pack is strong. Burdens are shared among us. All are fed. There is strength, and peace. ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** I..cannot answer now. My oath calls. ** You locksend ** It cannot wait? ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** Perhaps. ** You locksend to Blackmorn, Soulweaver's send is gentle. ** Maybe we can all return together, to the canyon... or, maybe you could continue on your journey, fulfill your oath, and know that your child and your pack await you in the canyon with open arms... There need not be division and pain. ** Briarcatch leans back against his rolled up furs, making himself comfortable,looking around idly. Blackmorn locksends ** She is all I have. And she is not enough. ** Soulweaver stretches her arms as far around the tree-trunk as she can, seemingly embracing the tree, looking overhead in Blackmorn's general direction. You locksend ** You have me, and the pack... but I understand what you mean. The of eyes-meeting-eyes. Could the pack look after the child for you, and you return to the calm life of the canyon once you have made your peace with Starwing's spirit? ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn locksends ** She will not be equal. ** You locksend to Blackmorn, Soulweaver's send is faintly confused... ** Equal? ** Blackmorn locksends ** She is wolfkin. Do you think I have not heard them whisper? The rocks tell secrets. ** You locksend ** That does not matter. I den in the canyon, as well. My strength is hers. But...I have never been treated as less than canyon-pack, despite my blood. In fact, my wolf-side has brought me respect, and pupils who wish to hunt well. Aureole can live the same as I... peaceful, and content, hunting the plains by moons'-light. ** to Blackmorn. [The scene had to end there; Blackmorn's player idled and was eventually bamfed. What will Blackmorn decide? Tune in next time... :) ]