The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 1/25/98 Log Cast: (People) Kassima, Sionelle, Richenda, Kindre, Kassima, Willow, Alnar, Miryenne (NPC), Mehlani, V'dan (NPC), Emlyn, Maylia, J'lyn, Ro (Firelizards) Akadi Log Intro: 'Tis the season to be proddy, fa la la la la, la la la la... Or something like that. At any rate, Milleniuth, the green lifemate of Kassima's charismatic young cousin E'rian, is decidedly proddy. And this has resulted in a most dramatic milestone in the life of the young lass E'rian, along with his older brother K'star, have been courting in Telgar Weyr as of late: Mehlani has received her very first kiss courtesy of green Milleniuth's rider. However, as it happened, E'rian's dramatic display of affections, which proved that when he gets proddy he gets proddy beyond a shadow of a doubt, had a witness. That witness, as it happens, is a green rider as well. Whose dragon, as it happens, is also proddy. And who has been rapturously inspired by E'rian's gestures of worshipful admiration to the girl of his dreams, and who, as it happens, now hopes to do something along those same lines for the girl _he_ adores. As it happens, though, in this particular case the object of V'dan's affections has even less warning about his intentions than Mehlani did of E'rian's.... ---------- You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Sionelle walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Sionelle has left. "Take care of yourself, Kindre my dear," Richenda replies wearily. "And do remember, please, to have something more substantial than a muffin later?" Kindre chuckles, "Kassima! You arrive just as I'm about to leave. Our timing is poor these days." Rolling her eyes like a youngster to its mother pushing a sweater on him or her, she grins at Richenda. "I will, I promise," she says before moving out to the bowl. Kindre walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kindre has left. "I am never doing that again," are Kassi's first words as she troops through the cavern, that bizarre red flag-thing still tied to her head and the ends fluttering over her shoulders. "Nay if'n the skies and the seas would swallow me up if'n I didn't. The *only* blessed mercy is that V'dan didn't come along this time. Remind me t'thank Chymeth for being proddy at a good time for once, eh? Oh, and g'deve and stuff, too... Kin! 'Twill see you later, then--oh, blast. Foo, foo, foo." Richenda calls after Kindre, "Your promises are like whipped cream: sweet and without substance. I'll find you later!!!" Willow takes up her glass of cider and moves to a chair more out of the way. Away from attention. Alnar peers at Kassi, "Why do you have a hankie on your head?" Richenda turns toward Willow, looks her up and down, and inquires brightly, "You're new here, so who are you? I'm Richenda, by the way. Assistant headwoman and she who heals dragons." Kassima blinks, and peers up at her headband. She can't see it, of course, but that doesn't prevent her from trying to see the top of her head nonetheless. "Oh, this isn't a hankie," she assures him. "'Tis an honorable trophy of valiant warfare. Though I'll have t'work on getting the blueberry stains out of it, I imagine." Alnar stares, still puzzled, "Pardon?" Willow turns to Richenda, stopped again on her way to a chair. "I'm Willow, Assistant Headwoman Richenda. I've lived here several turns now. As I've explained to Kindre." Richenda's eyes narrow significantly. "You have? Have you now? You have? Indeed you have? Have you really? Honestly you have? Good gracious and Cousin Carry's corset." Willow seems abit timid after the rush of words. "Yes, Ma'am. My parents work the small fields and where ever they can farm around the weyr. I'm not one for the living cavern. Or atleast not till recently." Kassima explains breezily as she collapses into her chair in something of a sprawl, "'Tis the flag we stole from Mart's team in dragon-tag, back at the festival. Which was lovely, by the by. 'Twas the six-day round trip I could've done without. Nay that I have aught against Ofira, Ceria, Girad, or even Simaeva or Ylysse, but six days straight travelling with *any* people would make me go insane. If'n," she amends, "'twere nay already too late. Which it is, in my case. Bleah. Have I mentioned how much I abhor meatrolls now?" Illumination floods Richenda's expression. "Good, good," she cheers, "as I rather hate the idea of not knowing someone for whom I should care. What did you say brings you into the chilly confines of our hearth-lit cavern, hmm?" Alnar listens to Kassi carefully, mostly following, "Why didnt you just go between?" Willow says "My mom. She sort of wants me to meet people more." Richenda hmmms, then asks, "Well, were you intending to hover about here at Telgar, or what? Wash dishes and clean clothes and sweep up? All of that?" Kassima is only too willing to natter on about her trip to a fresh audience, so natter she does. "Ofira and Ceria are both expecting, y'see, and Ofira needed an escort so that she could attend Baker matters while she was there. Perfectly legitimate, and 'twas glad t'provide the service, but... aigh. The entire end of the Festival was a mess. I think those berry preserves brought me bad luck, truth be told." Richenda's eyebrow shoots up. "Ceria's expecting??? By WHOM, might I ask?" Kassima starts a bit from her sprawl at Richenda's exclamation, one end of the scarf trailing over her eye. "Eh? Oh, you'd nay heard? Her weyrmate, D'thon--or so I'd imagine; I didn't ask her, a'course, but that's how rumor would paint it." Richenda rests her forehead on the table. "I am," she mutters, "too old to keep up with all of you youngsters." Alnar nods as accepting as any weyr-brat of the news of more younguns, "How can preserves bring bad luck?" Willow says "Well I was going to do Farming, but I guess it would be better if I maybe helped in the kitchen to keep me around more. I'll talk to my mother about that." Richenda shakes her head to Willow, though the head's still on the table. "If you're here, you'll work for Siani and me, not for your mother. Is that all right with you?" Willow says "Well my family lives here to. But I understand." Kassima beams cheerfully at Richenda. "Oh, drink enough of the Water, and I'm certain you can catch up. Or even out-spawn us all, save mayhaps for M'kla. Or F'hlan; had you heard that he's t'be a father again? Just four more spawnlings from him, and I win m'wager!" Turning to Alnar, she immediately starts ticking things off on her fingers. "I lost the flight betting pool, I didn't get t'fleece Mart at poker, I had t'sleep on the ledge since I wasn't *about* t'go wandering into Nie's weyr when Kemith and Nraith had lost, I didn't get much sleep because I kept having nightmares about 'Lex and the Dance of the Scarves... need I say more?" Alnar looks puzzled still, "But how did the preserves do all that!?" Richenda excuses herself, returning moments later with a knot that has the black and white of Telgar and the pattern of a resident. "Here, wear this. And speak to Rennick about your duties as well, or he'll have my arse. Not that he doesn't already." Kassima adds morosely, "Plus, Kaylira *insisted* on singing 'One-Hundred Blueriders Out On the Ledge' *all the way home*. And Ylysse just *had* t'join in with the greenrider version, but I couldn't stop t'whap her silly since we were mid-air and all. Bad things just started t'happen after I made those preserves. What other explanation could there be?" Alnar considers, "You had a bad day?" Kassima holds up three fingers and waggles them. "Three! I had three. Nay *bad*, precisely, but... weird. Aye. Weird's a good word for 'em. That last night a'fore the trip was the worst, though. You can't imagine the horror until you try and picture A'lex dancing the Dance of the Scarves. Then you'll understand." Alnar shakes his head, "I dont know what the dance of the scarves is." Kassima nibbles her lip, considering how best to explain. "Well, I'm nay about t'dance it in front of a 'Cavern full of people. Miryenne!" she yells over to a wingmate. The auburn-haired woman looks up just in time to catch the red flag that Kassi has tossed to her. "Show him the Dance of the Scarves, would you? Y'know, like Marinda and her Dancing Veils?" Richenda leaves the knot near Willow and says, "I'll be getting back to the laundry. Clear skies, all!" Richenda goes home. Richenda has left. Alnar watches, young eyes open wide and curious. Miryenne, who has remarkably less shame in her soul than Kassi, takes the scarf and climbs to her feet. Holding it in front of her face, the bluerider starts to sway, swinging her hips and sashaying around the table. Some of her male wingmates start to applaud, but she pays them no notice-- though she does wink to one appreciative-looking lady brownrider on the edge of the crowd. "That," Kassi explains sagely, "is the Dance of the Scarves. I think you can see why m'nightmares were so horrific now." Alnar doesnt seem to understand the appeal, given another 5 turns and things might be different, "It looks kinda silly." "It makes an effective bargaining ploy, though," Kassi remarks, catching the scarf when Miryenne tosses it to her and tying it back around her head with a flourish. "You just threaten whomever you're bargaining with t'have a man--it works better that way--dance this dance for 'em. They're nay silly. They know such a sight would scare off all their customers. We persuaded a Weaver t'loan us three scavenger-hunt items that way." Alnar shrugs, "Okay." he finally accepts, still baffled. Kassima chuckles and adds, "Besides, the expression on 'Lex's face when I promised the Weaver he'd do that in return...! Well, 'twas worth the nightmares. Barely. Did you attend the Festival, Alnar?" Willow moves out of the room quietly. Alnar shakes his head to Kassi, "I was bad, so I couldnt go." Willow walks off towards the kitchen. Willow has left. Kassima quirks up both eyebrows, leaning back again in her chair and toying absently with her braid. "You were bad? What'd you do?" Mehlani walks here from the Inner Cavern. Mehlani has arrived. Alnar mumbles something entirely too soft to hear. It is with a bemused and wary gaze that Mehlani creeps into the cavern, glancing about her before she fully enters; when she catches sight of no one but Kassima and Alnar in immediate view, the girl looks distinctly relieved. Kassima cups one hand around her ear. "What was that, lad? Couldn't hear you... g'deve, Mehlani," she calls over to the hatted girl. Alnar sighs and replies louder, "I put a hopper in Nikki's cot." Mehlani bobs her head slowly to Kassima in greeting. Having established the general safety level of the cavern, she comes on in readily enough, heading for the klah. There's a blinking of dark green eyes at that, followed by a chuckle. "Bet she screamed loud enough t'wake the dead," Kassima comments amusedly. "At least 'twould nay have been so frightening as a bug or the like, though, I'd think... well, 'tis sorry I am you had t'miss the festival. Mehlani, are you looking for someone?" At the klah, Mehlani promptly and rapidly shakes her head. Alnar nods, "Balin wanted to put a tunnelsnake, but we thought we'd both get whipped for that one." Kassima grimaces at Alnar. "Aye, and rightly so. Hoppers are harmless, but if'n you'd put a 'snake in hers, she'd likely put a 'snake back in yours, and 'twould like as nay try and bite your toes off or some such thing. *Then* where would you be?" To Mehlani, she gives a thoughtful nod. "If'n y'say so. I only asked because you look a bit nervous about something." Implied in her tone is her curiousity about just what that something is. Alnar grins to Kassi, "Naw, Nikki's too scar'd of snakes to get back at us." There's a beat or two, as Mehlani carries her klah to a nearby chair and sinks down to sit upon it, still occasionally glancing left and right, as if expecting... something... to creep up on her. Reluctantly, she bobs her head to Kassima. Kassima points out, "But she *could* form an alliance with someone who wasn't afraid, and take up a vendetta against you. Vendettas can be frightening things. Why, because of them, men have ended up being dressed as women and chased around beaches with knives!" She speaks with the certainty of personal experience about those last two. Tilting her head, she wonders of Mehlani, "Has someone been bothering you, lass? If'n 'tis so, I'm certain Kiat will have 'em flayed soles to skull when he hears." "Oh no... no one's... bothering me," Mehlani mumbles. _Well, not exactly..._ And she gulps down a mouthful of her klah. Alnar turns his curious eyes to Mehlani. "Did something bad happen at the Weyr while 'twas gone, then?" asks Kassima next, sounding concerned. "Richenda didn't say aught, nor Kindre, but I only spoke with them for a moment...." Again, Mehlani rapidly shakes her head. Kassima exhales in a nearly-silent sigh, by now thorougly confused. "So, what's the problem?" Mehlani pauses, her klah mug held in tightly gripping slender hands, and casts another look left, another look right. Then she leans towards Kassima, and blurts softly, "Milleniuth is..." Beat. Beat. "... proddy." Blink. Blinkblink. "Oh," Kassima replies at first, intelligently. Followed by a more understanding, "Oh! About time, I should say. She's waited long enough about it." A pause. "Has Eyr been upsetting you, then?" She knows her cousin well, you see. Alnar leans in to whisper to Kassi, "Who's Millier-whoever?" "Oh, no! No... he... uh..." Mehlani trails off, and turns deeply crimson, shrinking down a little in her seat. Kassima murmurs to Alnar, "Milleniuth's the green of m'cousin, E'rian." To Mehlani, she just makes a face. "I take it he's been making a fool of himself, then. Well, it runs in the family--though Thera escaped most of it. Those two! That explains why Kes was so insistant about staying at the Festival, though, even after that business with Elisanth." She chuckles under her breath. "Poor Kes. Did Eyr do aught I should be prepared t'try and convince the Weyrleader he shouldn't be killed for?" "He... um... gave me... flowers... and, uh..." Mehlani is blushing even more vividly now, and her voice gets progressively softer with each word she utters. "... another gift, and... he, um... sang... and, uh, k--" Blink, then. Her eyes widen. "K-kes?" Alarm flickers in her face. Kassima whistles lowly. "Faranth, the lad sounds about as bad as V'dan... and *that* is saying a lot. At least he didn't do aught t'harm you, did he?" Leaning one elbow against an armrest, she nods, the ends of her scarf bobbing. "Aye. There was," she sighs, "a goldflight, while we were at the 'Reaches... one I lost a wager on, I might add. Indyth lost, Belaryth won, and Kes got staggeringly drunk--but absolutely refused t'go home. Now I see why." Her klah forgotten, even as the mug remains silently steaming in her grasp, Mehlani stares anxiously at Kassima as she recounts events at High Reaches Weyr. Shy though the lass might be, she immediately comprehends the meanings behind "a goldflight," and she asks plaintively, "Please... is K'star alright now?" She has, it seems, also completely forgotten E'rian's recent activities, or at least that they were the subject of conversation half a minute ago. "I think so," is Kassima's reply to Mehlani's concerned inquiry. "I just got back from the 'Reaches m'self, and haven't checked in with him yet, but Indyth assured Lysseth that all's well. His hangover was so terrible the next morning that he had t'stay on an extra day, poor lad! He didn't trust his ability t'go *between* with that headache. I suspect his Wingleader probably understood." Speak of the tunnelsnake, and he appears... well, sort of. If V'dan, green rider of Chymeth, can in the slightest be compared to a tunnelsnake, and the stumbling course he follows into the living cavern can really be termed 'appearing'. His arrival is doubtless hindered by the fact that he is carrying a completely disarrayed bouquet of flowers in one hand, and of all things, a _drum_ in the other; as he stumbles in, he sends flower petals flying in all directions. But he doesn't seem to notice. V'dan bellows out ecstatically at the top of his lungs, "MY LADY!" And at the bellow, Mehlani abruptly jerks, her gaze snapping up and away from Kassima towards the exit into the Bowl. She is only marginally relieved to discover that it is V'dan and not E'rian who's making his entrance, but once this is established, she just... stares. Oh, no. Oh, *no*. A flash of absolute, desperate panic--*not* an expression commonly seen on Kassi's face--is nonetheless seen in the greenrider's eyes at the entrance of her perpetual lackey. "You didn't tell me *he* was still proddy!" she yelps, already shrinking back into her chair and trying to hide. It may be a futile attempt, but her survival instinct demands it. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn't bellowing at her. Right. And bovines fly. V'dan, however, seems to miss Mehlani entirely. His dark hazel gaze latches immediately onto Kassima, and he attempts to dash in love and adoration straight across the cavern to join Lysseth's rider. He manages, en route, to trip and send himself flying headlong at Kassi rather than run, and with a resounding *CRASH* of his drum, he falls in a sprawl of instrument and scattered blooms at the front of her chair. But, undaunted, he scrambles up -- he was going to kneel anyway, so this only serves his purpose -- and he hastily fishes into his pocket, pulling out a much-abused hide. Consulting said hide, he pulls in a breath and proclaims, "Densest lady whose repast is all the fright of my shattered existence, at last I have found you!" Kassima's chair is fortunately turned so that it isn't facing the table, since she shifted it to make conversing easier, or the serving folk would likely not be very pleased with V'dan right now. Unfortunately for Kassi, that distraction isn't available. Spitting out a flower petal that landed in her gaping mouth, she stares down at the greenrider like a deer who's facing a pair of ultra-bright (not that ultra-bright is a good adjective for V'dan) headlights. "*Densest* lady?" she has to repeat, too stunned to run as she quite probably should. She's indubitably paralyzed by the horror of it all. Akadi glides in from the bowl. Akadi has arrived. Akadi flits in quietly, finding a perch. Mehlani just... _stares_ at V'dan, finding this uncannily familiar, even if deeply twisted and strange. As Chymeth's rider is not in the slightest focused on _her_, she starts inching her chair very, very cautiously out of the way. V'dan, in the meantime, blinketyblinks, glancing at his notes, and thinking, _That didn't come out right..._ But no matter! He starts scrambling to gather up the profusion of crumpled blossoms and starts presenting them to Kassima, handful after handful, flinging them into her lap adoringly. And while he does, he gushes, glancing at his equally crumpled hide every so often, "Fearest of the Fear, please partake of the effusion of my presence at your grateful self--" He squints at the hide, and discovers to his dismay that he can't read any of the next line at all. Time to ad lib! "--but I really really really had to bring you these, to welcome you back!" Emlyn walks in from the bowl. Emlyn has arrived. Imagine, for a moment, how a woman might look if presented with a giant, deformed spinner, drooling poison, with an axe in each hand and Loathesome Things squirming all over its body. That look doesn't hold a candle to the disbelieving and rather shocked horror in Kassi's expression. Dear Faranth, what will happen when the others hear about this...? Several of her wingmates are already snickering quite loudly. With a sneeze as the flowers are suddenly heaped upon her person, she manages to squeak, "Um, thank you?" Will that be enough to make him go away? A girl can always dream. Maylia walks in from the bowl. Maylia has arrived. Emlyn passes through the entry, returning greetings with her usual cheerful smile. She secures herself a mug of cider. Elated, Chymeth's disheveled and petal-bedecked rider lights up. She THANKED him! Time for the song! He scrambles again, this time to fetch the drum, and as best he can manage, he kneels with it, at Kassima's feet. And he rhapsodizes, "Chymeth helped me write a song to honor your return, most mischievous lady...!" Kassima catches sight of the entering greenriders out of the corner of her eye, but she can't seem to break out of her trance of horror enough to wave. Maylia is, however, shot a look that's a cross between 'Save me!' and 'Run away! Run away!' Even pleas for existance are forgotten, though, at Those Words from the greenrider. "Write. A. Song?" she repeats. "You... wrote me a song?" The horror... the horror...! Maylia ambles in, headed straight for the klah pots, as usual. Only, this time she appears like she really could use some klah. Chymeth's rider, kneeling before Kassi, gets blinked at. Hallucinating? With a shrug, she continues. V'dan bobbobbobs his head with such enthusiasm that he looks to be about to snap his own neck. "It's not _nearly_ as good as E'rian's for Mehlani was, I mean, he's your cousin and he is therefore almost as Perfect as you, but I couldn't help but take inspiration from him...!" Mehlani, creeping out of the way, immediately turns scarlet at V'dan's gushing, never mind that he's not even gushing at her. Uh, nobody heard that, did they? Maylia, mug in hand, flops into a seat. And blinks again. She isn't hallucinating. That's V'dan, before Kassi, kneeling and proposing to sing. With a drum. She shakes her head, indicating as best she can that there is no way she could possibly save her mentor from this. So she sits back to watch, and sip her klah. Emlyn is pausing by the drinks table. She murmurs to Maylia, "Thank Faranth, Pleiath's mating urges never have -that- impact on me." Sure, unending tears, incomprehensible fury, unquenchable friskiness. But no poetry. And with that, V'dan hoists the drum up to prop it on one knee, perhaps mercifully obscuring his adulation-suffused features and the scattering of flower petals that has managed to get into his unruly hair. "Please favor me with just a moment of your time," he begs, and with that, he sucks in a breath, and lets it out, beginning to sing, "My KASSI went off to High Reaches" -- *WHAM!* He bangs a hand on the drum. "My KASSI flew off across Pern--" Kassima actually looks hopeful for a moment as V'dan's neck appears to be near snapping. But, no luck. Sharditall. "E'rian's for Mehlani?" she repeats numbly, stealing a glance towards Mehlani. "Inspiration? *Perfect*? Me? I--" But she doesn't get a chance to finish. The flower-petals in her lap shake with the full force of the drumbeats, to say nothing of her yelled name, and the greenrider is once again paralyzed by the full *bizarrity* of it all. Maylia jumps as V'dan strikes the drum, sloshing hot klah over her hand. She's awake now. Really. Any answer she would've given Emlyn is drowned out by the... ah... singing. *WHAM!* "Oh, LYSSETH, please bring back my Kassi--" *WHAM!* "'Cause for my sweet Kassi I burn!" *WHAM WHAM WHAM!* V'dan, apparently utterly oblivious to the din he's making, bellows out his... song at the top of his lungs, his voice cracking a little on the highest notes. Emlyn takes a seat beside her wingmate, Maylia, and simply watches the show. She sips her wine and blinks with surprise at the single drumbeats, but soon is used to them and merely nods as V'dan 'sings'. Akadi looks at V'dan with what only could be described as an aghast expression, even on a firelizard. Kassima slowly covers her eyes with her hands, repeating over and over again--inaudible, of course, over the 'singing'--"This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening." That mantra seems to be her talisman against the humiliation of it all, though it doesn't work all that well if what can be seen of her flaming face is any indication. Maylia carefully mops up her spilled klah, leaning close to Emlyn. "If I -ever- start doing that, lock me up in my weyr? Please?" she begs. She cringes at the shrill, cracking high notes, but is otherwise looking rather stunned. Akadi ducks her head under a wing. Emlyn answers Maylia, "I promise." After a pause to allow a drum solo to die down, she asks her companion, "How soon until Tierth feels the urge again?" "Bring back" -- *WHAM!* -- "Bring back" -- *WHAM!* -- "Oh bring back my Kassi to me, to meeeeee!" V'dan bangs away delightedly on his drum, looking suspiciously like a three-Turn-old who's discovered a toy, and for that matter, playing with about as much coordination, as a few of his drumbeats aren't even in time with what can only be loosely labelled his singing. "Bring back" -- *WHAM!* -- "Bring baaaaaaack" -- *WHAM! -- "Ohhhhhh bring back my Kassi to me!" *WHAM WHAM WHAM!* Maylia thinks a moment, and then a moment longer as the racket makes it nearly impossible to do so. "Ah, several sevendays, I believe." Wince. "Hopefully longer. And Pleiath?" "V'dan! V'DAN!" Kassi yells, finally snapped out of her trance by the sheer loudness of the drumbeats. Her hands are, in fact, clapped over her ears. A shame even that won't block the skull-rattling noise. "That's very kind of you! Thank you!" she adds, trying to be heard over the last few notes in order to forestall--horror of horrors--a repetition of this chorus. She's approximately the color of an apple at this point; if V'dan keeps it up, one might just see whether it's possible for a person to blush all the way to purple. There is a noticeable exodus from the living cavern as V'dan continues his serenade. Emlyn remains. She answers Maylia, "Soon, I should think. She's about as predictable as Fall, and I've finally gotten to the point where I can tell when she's having an impact on my moods." Another pause, followed by, "Not that I'm able to break out of her influence, but at least I know -why- I'm behaving oddly." As Kassi tries to break in on the song, Emlyn raises her mug up to drink. And with that, V'dan, blissfully unaware of the way he's set several pairs of ears ringing, shuts up. But only to shoot gawkily to his feet, his gaze hooting outside for a moment, before he returns his rapturous gaze to Lysseth's rider. "E'rian did it _much_ better," he babbles, "but I've only had a few days to practice, I hope that'll be okay... oh!" He scrambles for his hide again, consults his notes -- the man actually took _NOTES_ -- and gets an expression positively incandescent with joy at whatever he reads next. Uh oh. Mehlani, by now, has reverted to an old habit of her childhood: she's hiding under a table. Maylia holds her breath, hopefull not only for Kassi's sake but also for her own ears', that V'dan's finished. And exhales in a sight of relief. It's over. She stifles a laugh, leaning over to quietly inform her wingmate, "Actually, E'rian's was quite good. Helped that he can sing, too." "Aye," Kassi agrees weakly, removing her ears from her hands with a wary expression. She's clearly unsure whether or not it's safe to do so, and little wonder. "A few days," she repeats slowly. "A few days. Um. Aye. That's perfectly all right, V'dan. 'Twill *more* than suffice, believe you me." She eyes him distrustfully as he starts glowing even brighter than his Chymeth. Akadi slowly brings her head back out from under her wing, giving the loud human a suspicious look. She preens the wing then leaps from her perch... obviously getting out while the getting is good. Akadi flits through the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Akadi has left. J'lyn walks in from the bowl. J'lyn has arrived. "Thank you, oh, THANK YOU," V'dan gushes, his eyes radiant. _Now_ is the time! He leans forward, with surprising swiftness -- the same sort of swiftness he and his lifemate, against all reason and logic, manage to fight Thread and go entirely unscored, each and every single Fall -- and bestows upon Kassima a heartfelt, lingering, and rather sloppy smooch. J'lyn wanders in and quirks an eyebrow at V'dan. Emlyn grins as V'dan plants a wet one on Kassima. She turns slightly to wink at Maylia. Seeing J'lyn, she lifts a hand in greeting. "Are you a music lover, J'lyn?" J'lyn nods a little leerily at Emlyn. "I try to be. Why? What am I getting myself into?" Maylia just stares, amazed. She is about to see Kassi do something horrible. She just knows it. Absolutely, positively no way Mehlani is coming out from under that table yet. Not when the cavern is full of green riders. At most, she risks peeking out from her hiding place, trying to ascertain when, exactly, she can flee. Auuuuuuuuuuuuuugh! Kassi doesn't literally scream, but she does jerk back in her chair--quite by reflex, you understand. If there's one thing she wasn't expecting, it was a smooch from her usually more or less sane (if geeky) lackey. In doing so, she manages to tip the chair over enough so that it, and she, goes crashing backwards, flower-petals and all. Ro walks here from the Inner Cavern. Ro has arrived. Emlyn indicates V'dan as she answers J'lyn. "You'd be surprised at how successful some of the cross-training has been. Some ... " She pauses as Kassima goes crashing backwards, then resumes, "some riders are as entertaining as the harpers." "My lady?" babbles V'dan, rather astonished, blinking guilelessly down at Lysseth's rider, immediately scrambling to try to help her to her feet. "My lady! Are you alright?" Ro walks silently into the living cavern, keeping to the shadows. Maylia, klah forgotten, gapes. That's about all she's capable of. Kassima spits out a few flower-petals, scrambling to try and get free of her chair so that she can flee this raving lunatic while the getting's good. "Fine!" she yelps, while twisting about to kick her way free of the treacherous furniture. "Fine! Fine! Abso-sharding-lutely fine!" Her twists succeed only in rolling her over so that the chair now pins her to the floor, and flowers scatter everywhere. "Why me?" is the muffled wail from somewhere amidst the mess furniture, flowers, and greenrider. Ro pieces together events from what she sees as best she can. J'lyn gets himself a glass of Benden Red, and settles into a chair, winking towards Maylia and Emlyn. "Some people just get a little more carried away and emotional than they should when they get ... artistic." Oh, well, in that case... V'dan, beaming the beam of a man in the throes of love, scoops up his drum again, and entreats, "Would you like..." He heaves a large, dreamy sigh. "... an encore?" Emlyn comments to Maylia and J'lyn, "Personally, I'd just let the fellow have his way, if I were Kassima. V'dan's, er, -affection- seems harmless enough." Maylia watches petals go poofing everywhere, furniture spinning, and Kassi rolling on the floor. Debating whether or not to get involved and try to help her mentor, she shakes her head rapidly at the threat of an encore. Oh dear. "Harmless?" she asks the two greenriders near her. "He's gonna sing again, that's not harmell." Try as she might, she cannot avoid grinning a little. "NO!" comes the shout from many of the riders who staunchly refused to flee the Cavern when the concert began. Kassi's own hasty, "Nay!" is rather drowned out by this. "Um, I mean... 'twas such a marvelous song that I doubt any of the serving-lasses could stand t'hear it again without swooning. Pierron wouldn't be very happy if they broke all of the dishes." Yeah, that's the ticket. Inch by inch, she seems intent on dragging herself and the chair under the table, where she just might be safe. "I have a poem, then!" V'dan cries hopefully. "I could read that, if you want! 'My Most Magnificent Marvelous Kassima's Eyes.' Twenty-three stanzas!" Emlyn chokes a little on her wine at V'dan's announcement of his poem's length. "Er, much as I like Kassima's eyes, I think I might pass on an epic poem praising them." She kicks her legs off the bench where they've been stretched out and begins to stand. There can be no denying it: that muffled sound from Kassima's direction was definitely a whimper. But, with some effort, she manages to recover her aplomb and keep herself focused on that goal of freedom. "You'd probably wear your throat out, reciting that much," she says desperately. "I wouldn't have you do such a thing just to, err, praise *me*, V'dan." That might well be the only poem ever written to praise her virtues, but when it comes from V'dan, even Kassi's natural curiousity isn't enough to overcome her knowledge of certain embarrassment. J'lyn quirks an eyebrow at V'dan. "If you feel you can run faster than me, V'dan, go ahead and start that poem." Maylia winces again, shaking her head. "Twenty three?" At V'dan's comment, she chokes back a giggle. Chymeth's rider gushes, apparently completely and totally oblivious to J'lyn, Maylia, Emlyn, and the rest of the riders in the cavern, "All this and more I would do in your service, Kassima, sweet darling, heart's own, light of my life, joy of my heart--" His face turns even more radiant as he manages to remember the various endearments E'rian had been tossing around, but he breaks the moment by prattling on, "--cream of my crop, queen of my clutch, pick of my pack, forever and ever, I'll be at your side, your loyal aide!" And he grabs up Kassima's nearest hand, smooching it over and over, starting to work his way up her arm. Emlyn pauses to watch V'dan. She turns to Maylia and J'lyn, saying, "Yep, if I were Kassima, I'd put him out of his misery. Of course, I'm not Kassima." She goes to put her mug away, saying as she passes the scene, "Have a good afternoon, you two." J'lyn stands up, and tries to make himself look menacing, but collapses in gales of laughter at the mwah-mwah-mwah-ing that Kassi's arm is getting, and the look of disgusted terror that is so out of place on his co-wing-second's face. J'lyn grins and waves to Emlyn. Emlyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Emlyn has left. Kassima emits a sound that is remarkably like a chicken's scream when it sees the axe descending toward it's head, and manages somehow to struggle her way lose of the chair, the table, V'dan's grip, and all the other things keeping her from either fleeing for her life or killing her wingmate. He's too valuable to kill, so she chooses the latter course, pelting *away* from the madman and hiding behind her co-Wingsecond. "Help me, a'fore I snap and kill him!" she pleads. He's supposed to care about the welfare of other Thunderbolt riders too, right? J'lyn slightly regains his equillibrium and walks (sort of) over to V'dan. "Alright, V'dan. That's enough. I don't think that Kassima is too keen on being accosted today." Maylia, trying to keep from giggling and tears forming in her eyes with the effort, tries to give Kassi a comforting smile. It's over. Except for the rumours. Kassima doesn't *cower*; it wouldn't be at all like her to cower. She just sort of crouches behind J'lyn's abandoned chair, one stray flower wielded threateningly. She apparently subscribes to the philosophy that *anything* can be a weapon if you're desperate enough. "Come back, beloved!" V'dan blurts at Kassima. "I haven't sung the forty-eight stanzas in honor of Lysseth, and each verse for all your fire lizards yet!" He evidently is still completely oblivious to J'lyn, and he dashes after Kassima, his heart shining in his eyes, throwing open his arms wide, as if bent on embracing Lysseth's rider to him. "And I have to give you the ring!" Maylia slides to a chair a little closer to Kassi, and plucks a petal from her hair. Stunned, she blinks at V'dan. "The ring?" she softly asks, and now edges a way a little. "Faranth, I hope Chymeth rises *now*." Kassima starts running backwards as soon as V'dan dodges past her co-Wingsecond, still clutching the flower as though her life depended on it. "You're proddy!" she yells. "You don't know what you're saying!" Pause. She halts in her tracks for the barest split second. "The *ring*?!?" J'lyn grabs V'dan by the scruff of the smaller man's neck and lifts him from the ground, V'dan's feet running futillely in the air. "V'dan! I said enough!" J'lyn's face scrunches into a scowl. "And I mean for you to listen and understand me!" Okay, _now_ he registers J'lyn's presence. Dangling in Lorieth's rider's grip, V'dan... well, dangles, even as he fishes into a pocket and comes up with something small and silvery and sparkling. "But, but, but," he pleads, "I have to give my love the ring!" J'lyn turns the smaller rider around to face him. In a dangerous half-whisper, he says, "And I said, I don't think she wants to deal with you right now." Kassima is, as it can probably be told by the amount of it she usually wears, something of a sucker for jewelry. However, even the promise of jewelry isn't about to get her any closer to yon madman than she has to be. "Why in Faranth's name," she demands, "would you buy me a ring?" She really must be a masochist if she wants to know the answer to that one. "But... but... but... how can I ask her to be my weyrmate if you don't let me give her the _ring_?" V'dan babbles to J'lyn, and as Kassima addresses him, as _Her_ dulcet tones fall upon his ear, Chymeth's rider wriggles around to gaze over at her adoringly. The only sound audible from Kassi now is an entirely undulcet screech, followed swiftly by a *thunk* as the fainted greenrider once again meets the floor. J'lyn's face turns stony and unexpressionless. "V'dan. When I set you down, you have about a half a heartbeat to get out of my sight. Do. You. Understand?" Entirely aghast as Kassima keels over, V'dan blurts, "But... my lady... but..." As J'lyn makes himself clear in words even a proddy rider can comprehend, Chymeth's young rider starts turning red-faced, his eyes hangdog and teary. And he finishes plaintively, "My lady?" Maylia now acts, and dives to the floor next to where Kassi has fallen to. "Kassi?" She asks, eyes wide. Hovering over the passed-out rider, she perhaps guards her mentor's hands from any attempt at beringing her while she's incapable of defending herself. Kassima is definitely out cold, between what she just heard and the knock her head managed to receive when she became better acquianted with the floor. She does stir a bit after a moment, with a faint groan. "Auuuugh." Maylia waves to a nearby rider, requesting water. Not that that actually does anything, but it makes her feel usefull. Pillowing the fainted Kassi's head with her hand, she starts removing petals from her hair, casting a bewildered look towards J'lyn and Chymetn's rider. J'lyn nods to Maylia, seeing that she's helping Kassima. "I asked you a question, V'dan." Clearly every fiber of V'dan's being rings with the need to hasten to Her Marvelousness's side, but, cowed, he mumbles at J'lyn, "I understand..." Kassima cracks open somewhat dazed eyes as the flowers are removed from her hair, which was already looking weird enough with that red flag so flamboyantly tied around it. "I just had," she mutters, focusing on Maylia with bewilderment, "the most bizarre dream... why am I on the floor?" J'lyn goose-steps V'dan over to the door and releases him, watching his scrawny little butt disappear into the bowl. And the moment J'lyn sets him down, V'dan casts a woebegone look at the crumpled Kassima, his eyes brimming over with dejected tears. He hangs his head and creeps off outside, to the dubious refuge of a very proddy Chymeth, leaving his drum and a storm of scattered flowerpetals behind. Maylia shushes Kassi, shaking her head gently. "You don't want to know, really. But you're going to have quite the headache, I'd guess." Under her table, Mehlani peeks warily out, sticking her behatted head out into view. Is he gone? Kassima grimaces, nodding a faint agreement with that assessment. "Did I fall?" she asks. "From m'chair again?" This is a fairly regular occurance with her, one might surmise. J'lyn ducks down at the little head peeking out from under the table. "Mehlani, what are you doing under there? Maylia nods, a slight grin on her face. "You fell, though not from your chair, this time." With delicacy, she frees another flower bud from her mentor's hair. Seeing that V'dan is, in fact, gone, Mehlani looks up and up at J'lyn and murmurs tinily, "I was hiding." J'lyn smirks, and offers a hand up. "Hiding from what, you silly little thing?" "There are flowers," Kassi realizes slowly, "in m'hair. There are *flowers* in *my* hair. There is something very wrong with that...." She blinks, eyes widening as her memory starts to return to her. "Please tell me that was just a dream?" Maylia hands Kassi the flower bud in answer. She's not going to tell her that no, it wasn't a nightmare borne from a sudden aquaintance with the floor. Mehlani gets to her feet, her small hand clasping J'lyn's large one, and she peers first at him, then at Kassima, then at Maylia. Determining that the only green riders in sight appear to be those in possession of their reason, she finally murmurs to Lorieth's rider, "I didn't want him to see me." J'lyn picks up a stray flower from the table, a firedrop in full bloom, and hands it to Kassi. "Here. For you, from Cove Hold." J'lyn picks up a moondrop bud just beginning to open and tucks it behind Mehlani's left ear. "And if he ever bothers you again, little one, you come find me." Kassima takes the flower, gazes at it for a moment, and then shudders. Just shudders. "There are reasons why I avoid V'dan when he's proddy, and you've just seen all of 'em. I thought she'd have flown by now...." Her somewhat bemused ramblings are broken by the offering of a flower, and she grins wryly up at J'lyn, taking it and tucking it behind one ear. "Thankee, Jal. I owe you two--one for the flower, and one for V'dan. I do *nay* know what gets into him when he's proddy." "Oh, V'dan didn't bother me," Mehlani blurts. "It's just that... uh..." And she trails off. J'lyn finishes up his wine and sets the empty glass in the washbasin for some poor unsuspecting LCG to wash. As order... more or less... returns to the cavern, Mehlani casts a shy silent glance to Kassima, and then steps to the woman's side. "Are you alright?" she asks softly. Kassima sits up with a flashed smile of rueful thanks to Maylia, wincing as she touches the forming bump on her head. "Oh, aye," she assures Mehlani with a wry chuckle. "You'd think I'd be used t'psychotic greenriders by now, but... gah. That's the most bizarre psychosis I've ever seen. Wanting t'weyrmate t'*me*?" She just shakes her head in disbelief. "Weird. Is that what E'rian did that got you so upset, lass?" Mehlani might be seen to blush, deeply. She starts to shake her head, and then she whispers timidly, "Not... quite..." "All of that minus the weyrmating bit?" Kassi surmises; she does indeed know her cousin well. 'Lani reaches up to tug her hat lower over her eyes, even as she mumbles, "He wasn't... quite... so...." The daughter of F'hlan, bronze Tzornth's rider, would never call anyone clumsy; it is Mehlani's principle that if nothing nice can be said about someone, nothing at all should be uttered. She finally finishes, "Well... more or less." Kassima has no such scruples, and immediately fills in the blank, "V'dan-like. A good thing; one of him in a Weyr's enough. D'you want me t'give him a talking, lass? Once he's nay proddy anymore, I mean. I doubt 'twould do much good right now." Maylia grimaces. "As I recall, E'rian's singing was a touch better." She volunteers. "V'dan sat here and took notes, through it all, though. On his riding jacket, when he ran out of hide." Kassima blinks at Maylia. "That crumpled piece of hide? It couldn't possibly have been legible. At least that'd explain 'O densest lady whose repast provides the only fear in m'shattered existence,' or whatever he said." J'lyn grins, and says, "I need to go make sure that fumbling idiot doesn't get himself into more trouble. I'll see you folks later." Maylia tries to stop a giggle, the resulting sound being close to a snort. "That'd explain it. That and the smearing of the charcoal stick he was using to write with." She winks at Mehlani. "Although, you both had similar reactions to being kissed." J'lyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. J'lyn has left. "E'rian sings very n--" comes Mehlani's mumble out from under her hat, though she immediately cuts herself off at Maylia's sly observation. Kassima grins up at Mehlani, mischief already starting to twinkle in her eyes again now that the terror has passed. "Oh, so you jerked away and fell backwards, too? I'm terribly sorry t'hear that--I take it you're all right now?" Maylia shakes her head, enjoying the teasing. "Well, not quite. But she ended up on the floor, though. Must've been quite a kiss." The brown hat, all that's visible of Mehlani's head and face since she has her gaze pointed solidly at the floor, shrinks down a little. Mehlani's probably blushing even yet, but the hat is blocking it. Mehlani manages to get out a muffled reply to Kassima, nevertheless, "'Malright... yes..." "Well," Kassi remarks, finally getting to her feet with the intent of returning to where her chair has fallen, "I'll talk to Eyr. I'm certain he'll be horrified to have caused you any distress." That would reduce his chances with her, after all. "Shells, but I'm glad that Simaeva volunteered t'watch after Khari today t'let me recover from the trip. I doubt she'd have liked those drumbeats a whit." "Oh... he... he did nothing to be horrified about!" Mehlani blurts, looking up. "Please... it's... alright..." Maylia adds, "Not to mention tumbling to the floor twice. And a screaming Khari, added to the caterwalling he passed as singing." She ughs, shaking her head with a grin. At Mehlani's stammered protests, she raises her eyebrows. Kassima states flatly, "If'n he'd made me fall while 'twas holding Khari, I'd have flattened him, wingmate or nay wingmate, V'dan or nay V'dan. With me, 'tis one matter--but endangering m'child...." She shrugs, but it's clear that her tolerance for such things is nil. "Oh, 'Lani? Well, you can tell him that once Milleniuth's risen... though I'd nay do so until then if'n 'twere you. He probably wouldn't understand." Mehlani shyly drops her gaze at Kassima's advice, murmuring only, "He was... very... sweet..." Kassima has to grin at that, even as she rights her fallen chair and seats herself in it with a sigh. "He has charisma t'spare, that one. 'Tany rate, I propose we change the subject ere anyone can hear and start rumors about all of this... though I daresay 'tis too late, anyway. Maylia? How went things with you during the rest of the festival? I lost track of you after you went bug-hunting." Festival... Festival. Mehlani's brow crinkles, as she suddenly recollects something that Kassima had said to her before the Dread Interruption of V'dan. "Please... excuse me," she murmurs to Maylia and Kassi, turning abruptly to slip out into the Bowl. Mehlani walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Mehlani has left. Maylia returns to her own seat, and frowns at her cold klah. "After bug-hunting?" She asks, then thinks a moment. "Oh, I just wandered a bit, but I'd dawn sweeps the next morning, and straps to check, so I headed back here. Did you enjoy the festival?" Kassima nods. "Aye... though the preserves I made at the Baker class seemed t'bring bad luck. Lost m'flight wager, didn't get a chance t'fleece Mart, had t'sleep out on Nie's ledge instead of in the weyr, and then Kaylira decided t'sing 'One-Hundred Blueriders Out On the Ledge' all the way home. She doesn't know many numbers, so a'course she just kept repeating one or two verses over and over. Which spurred Ylysse t'sing the greenrider variant, and Khari fussed a lot of the way... then I came home t'what you witnessed. Gah. Remind me nay t'do that again, would you?" Maylia deadpans, "Don't ever do that again, mentor-mine." Before grinning. "Who did win that flight, anyways? Tas never did say..." Kassima snorts in amusement, then half-grimaces. "Oh, Belaryth. Which is a fine thing for him and his rider, and I'm certain he flew well... but it cost me marks, shardit. This is, I believe, the second gold he's caught; he sired one of Lrisseth's clutches, too." Maylia blushes slightly, not mentionning why who won the flight slipped her mind at the time. "Belaryth? How many'd you loose?" She asks. Kassima's grin broadens a bit, as she's readily able to guess at the cause of the blush. She doesn't mention it, though; instead, she replies, "Two and a quarter. I diversified m'wagers, with a half each on three of the dragons and a quarter each on three more." Kassima admits drolly, "That wasn't the wisest of things t'do, but 'twas so certain... well, anyway, I'll have to hope for the best at the Igen hatching t'fill m'pockets again." Maylia chuckles, rising. "You'll have to instruct me in the ways of wagering, Kassi. That's something I've never learned." She doesn't add that she won't be betting against Kassi at the hatching. She knows better than that, already. With that, and a grin, Maylia heads for the bowl. "Tierth calls." she explains Maylia walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Maylia has left. Kassima chuckles at Maylia, eyes glinting. "Always glad to instruct someone in wagering," she remarks under her breath, getting to her feet and heading outside herself. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. [End log.]