The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 4/4/98 Log Cast: (People) Rylan, Mehlani, Kassima, A'lex, Ro, Maylia, Manira, K'star (NPC), Kailia, Myshel, V'dan (NPC) (Dragons) Indyth (NPC), Veyath, Chymeth (NPC) (Fire Lizards) Mehlani's fair, Twink, Thunder Log Intro: (Continued from log leilanth-flight-2.txt.) It is the day of Leilanth's rising at Telgar Weyr, which has proven to be rather stormy a day in more ways than one. In the aftermath of the flight thus far, Ximena, mother of bronze rider A'lex, has gotten far more information than she ever wanted about her son's love life, and was last seen sobbing in the living cavern while A'lex and Kassima shouted at the top of their lungs at one another, making Weyr youngsters Sandar, Ro, and Rylan surmise that the two riders were actually in love. While the shouting was going on, two Duskfire Wing riders, S'lah and Sh'roun, were spotted by Ro to be hauling a drunken K'star between them, off on some secret mission into the inner caverns... and meanwhile, Mehlani, finally risking emergence from the beasthold, has determined that the flight is over. The Weyr runnerbeasts duly tended, the girl makes her way back towards the living caverns, intending to get in a bath and get the muck off her clothes.... ---------- You walk south. Southern Bowl(#396RJL$) Contents: Sahl Emmy Rylan Lysseth Obvious exits: Living Cavern Central Bowl Weyrleaders' Complex Outer Infirmary Guest Weyr Records Room Rylan waves to Lani, "Hi hi" Mehlani treads cautiously down from the central bowl, peering this way and that under her hat brim. Holl's still on her shoulder, and there's a flurry of wings following her; the rest of her fair has caught up with her, as well. The girl blows out a breath as she finds the Bowl fairly unoccupied, and smiles wanly at her brother. Rylan says "Where ya been?" "I had to calm the runners," Mehlani says softly, drawing near. "They always get... nervous, during bloodings...." Rylan ohs, "I see....going somewhere now ?", he asks. Mehlani glances down at herself, and then looks up again, her expression slightly sheepish. "To the baths," she answers earnestly. Rylan oh, "Well you later?" Mehlani smiles tiredly and murmurs, "Quite probably..." Holl, on her shoulder, croons to the boy, and as most of the rest of her fair zips on into the cavern, Mehlani bobs her head in quiet farewell-for-now, and slips after them. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern(#750RJM$) Contents: Kassima A'lex Pierron Obvious exits: Lower Caverns Kitchen Bowl Kassima points out as dryly as one can while so badly drunk it's a wonder they don't make sloshing sounds when they try to walk, "You've certes proven that trying t'make lives into nightmares has been your style *a'fore*, and you seemed t'be enjoying it enough out there." She waves in the vague direction of the Bowl, or thinks she does. Actually, she more waves towards Pierron, who's rather startled by the movement. "Else why would you have kept on doing it?" Kassi and A'lex sit with a casque of wine between them talking amiably. Heralded by several of her fair on the wing, Mehlani slips tiredly into the cavern. Her clothes are rumpled and dirty, and she's got the look of someone who has been working in the stables for the past couple of hours -- undoubtedly trying to calm several agitated runners reacting to the dragons that'd been blooding in the feeding grounds. The lass has a hand on bronze Holl on her shoulder, as she creeps by. A'lex shakes his head, did she know that he put the whoopie cushion on Peirron's chair the other day? "Shhhhhh, *THAT* kind of mischief is fun!" You walk towards the inner cavern. Inner Cavern(#1272RJL$) Obvious exits: Steam Baths INFirmary Candidate Barracks Corridor Weyrfolk Quarters Living Cavern You enter the tunnel leading out to the steamy springs. Telgar Hot Springs Contents: Ro Tierth Obvious exits: Inner Cavern Bowl Mehlani slips in, murmuring thanks to the drudge she'd intercepted in the corridor for the bathing shift and robe she'd been given, and taking a moment to change out of her mucked-up clothes and hand them over to the woman. The drudge bobs her head at 'Lani and scurries off about her business, and 'Lani then turns, surveying the baths, exhaustedly. Ro opens an eye long enough to smile "H'lo 'lani." Around 'Lani, just about all of her fair is in evidence -- bronze Holl, brown Munki, both blues, and three of her four greens. Only Arki is nowhere in sight, and this probably has something to do with the general good humor of the seven remaining 'lizards. As her fair swirls in on multi-hued wings to play in the water, 'Lani comes forward to slip into the pool where Ro is. "Hello," she answers softly. Ro hiccups, then looks suitably embarrassed "Did y' enjoy the flight t'day?" She takes a sip of wine from her glass. Mehlani blinkblinks at the younger girl, and offers a slightly lopsided, shy smile. "I... well, I tried not to pay attention, I had to calm the runners." She settles into the water, reaching for a handful of soapsand to scrub herself down. Ro says "Oh, well." She pauses for a bit before continuing "Um, Prometh won." A minute later she adds "Oh yeah, Kassi and A'lex are in love. Dunno how Channie's gonna take it."" Mehlani blinks. Twice. Her delicate brows start rising over her blue eyes, and she finally manages, awkwardly, "Ah... I... see...?" 'Lani, looking distinctly bemused, tries to fathom the ramifications of Ro's, ah, news. She's only passingly familiar with the assorted liasions that come and go amidst the riders of Telgar Weyr, but she knows enough to think that the notion of Kassima in love with anyone is surely... mistaken. As she scrubs soapsand lightly over her arms, she asks Ro hesitantly, "What... brought this on, do you know?" Ro shakes her head "Nah. A'lex just came out of the LC, a while after the flight, and they just started into one another. Maybe the flight caused it. Dunno. I was lookin' at Sandy." Mehlani blinks. Three times, this time. Her eyes going round, Mehlani considers Ro, and blurts, "You, ah... were?" Ro peers at the lass curiously, obviously a bit tipsy "Were what?" "Um... looking at Sandar...?" asks Mehlani hesitantly. She pinkens a bit. "Was he doing something interesting?" Ro blinks "Oh, yeah, Sandy. Nah, not really, he just had the wine flasks. And he's nice to lean on. Yep, just the right height to lean on." Her words are just a touch slurred. Mehlani drops her gaze, shyly, and starts working on scrubbing her other arm as her fire lizards chase one another back and forth through the steam, hides glistening as moisure condenses on them. Blue Brodi somehow manages to trip over his own wings and go plummeting, once, into the pool near 'Lani; the girl pauses long enough to deftly pluck the little blue out of the water, and he burbles gratefully to her. Taking a moment to scrub a bit of sand into his hide, just to tend it, Mehlani then considers Ro thoughtfully. "I, ah, see...?" And she ponders. "He'll probably get taller." Ro nods "I seem t'be gettin' taller, too. How tall d'y' think I'll get?" Ro giggles for no reason. Mehlani considers this with all due gravity, peering over at her friend. "You're as tall as I am, now... I think perhaps you might get taller." She smiles tentatively. "I think I might be done, myself..." Maylia decides she's finally soaked for long enough, and pulls herself out of the hotsprings. The two chattering girls get a grin flashed in their direction as she nabs a towel to dry off. Ro giggles again, then, on a totally unrelated subject "D'you think there'll be a gold egg?" Mehlani smiles tentatively to Maylia, as she alternates between scrubbing Brodi and scrubbing herself. 'Lani undoes her braid, attracting the notice of her greens, who flitter over to try to play with the loose ends of her hair, and in between trying to keep her hair out of the beaks of Elsi, Wili, and Rianet, Mehlani muses, "Perhaps... we have five golds, now... but it is the height of the Pass. We might need another." Ro nods and points to the flask of wine on the ledge behind her "Want some?" At that, Mehlani blinks a little, and smiles timidly. "It goes to my head." Maylia pulls on her tunic, falling down to her thighs, and gathers up the rest, with her towel about her shoulders. She pads over to close to where the girls are, bare feet slapping wetly on the rock. "I've some more wine, too, if you'd like." She offers. Ro snorts "'nd what's wrong with that?" [And meanwhile, speaking of drinking -- back in the lower caverns, after Mehlani has left....] "That's what I'm *saying*," Kassi repeats patiently between gulps of wine, whatever lucidity she once possessed by now surely naught but a memory. "If'n you have fun, and he has fun, then why nay just admit it and pair off together? There's naught wrong with admitting when you love someone." Yep, Kassi's pretty far gone. A'lex nods to Kassima, "Exactly! There's no reason to be afraid of it, ye just need to go for it! Right?" He's so happy that his friend is finally admitting her passions... A'lex refills _AGAIN_... "S'more?" A'lex says casually, "Ye know, my older brothers used to lay on the floor under the tap and just let it fall into their mouths..." A'lex adds, "The wine of course, not the taps..." Kassima's brow furrows as the long, dark confusion of the soul once more sets in. "Uh... aye, if'n y'mean you in a general sense. I think. Mayhaps." She brightens at the mention of this brotherly game. "I like that notion! It might waste some of the wine, though... but 'tany rate, aye, I'd like a refill." A'lex nods, "Okay then, lay down, I'll fill ya up!" Kassima's eyebrows slooooooowly arch upwards. "Wha' was that, 'Lex?" Please tell her you didn't just say what you just said. A'lex looks at the Greenrider, "Get on your back and open your mouth, I'll go slow so you can swallow as we go, don't worry, I've seen this done before." Kassima just rests her fingers on her temples for a moment, shaking her head. "I've really got t'stop spending so much time around L'cher," she mutters, ignoring the stifled whoops of laughter from some of the even less pure-minded riders off in the corner. She decides that asking any more questions might be less than wise, and instead declines. "I think I'll just stick t'drinking from the mug, if'n 'tis all the same with you." A'lex fehs, "Chicken." He fills her mug anyway though, grinning stupidly, as only drunks can. "But shards it's good wine." "I've been called a lot of things a'fore," Kassima muses, happily leaning back in her chair with her third giant mugful of wine. "But I don't know 'bout chicken. Still, I'd rather drink the wine than drown in it, eh? You could waste good wine that way!" A'lex nods, "True, true, trrrrruuue my friend. But then, we've another whole casque of it eh? But still, I'll probably n'er get another gift from me da like this one again. Although the other 'Tenders in the area always happen by when I do my scheduled visits home... Da's a bit famous in the hills now, having sired a Bronzeling and all." He giggles. Rylan walks in from the bowl. Rylan has arrived. Rylan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Rylan has left. Kassima asks hopefully, "Think there's any chance I could go with you on one of those visits home? I might be able t'wheedle more wine out of 'em." Never mind the lifelong trauma that she gave A'lex's mother just a few hours ago. A'lex has apparently forgotten it too, "I don't see why not, as long as Lysseth doens't mind a little mauling by my nieces and nephews..." "Lyss would hate that," Kassi cheerfully reports. "The silly lump's still upset 'bout something. Methinks 'twas you calling me a lunatic earlier. She has the exclusive right t'do that, y'know. Mayhaps you could just get s'more wine and bring it back here? Just remember... Mart gets really sick if'n you give him wine." That would mean that giving him wine as a weyrmating gift is definitely a no-no, 'Lex. A'lex slaps his knee with laughter, "Then it's probably best not to do that eh?" That would mean that giving him wine as a weyrmating gift is definitely a no-no, Kassi. Manira walks in from the bowl. Manira has arrived. Manira walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Manira has left. Kassima beams at 'Lex, crookedly. "Aye, aye. A shame; most people like t'toast their weyrmatings and all, so 'twill be a disappointment for you, but... ach, nevermind. You'll burn that bridge when you're coming to it. How much wine's left in these casks? 'Cause, t'tell you the truth, I do believe I am fairly well sloshed out of m'skull right now. You?" A'lex's head wobbles oddly, "Aye, but I'm sure I shant be half as dissappointed as you, eh?" He knocks on the side of the casque at a few different points. "This casque is still nearly 3/4 full! I guess we'll have to finish is at another time, cause right now, I've NO clue how I'm getting back up to m'weyr! Nraith is up there pouting, and won't come down." "I suppose 'twould be nice t'be toasting your weyrmating, aye, but why would I be more disappointed?" Kassi wants to know. Her attention, though, is on the wine. "Know what y'mean. Well, I s'pose Lyss could take you up. She keeps saying I need to... lemme quote, here... 'bloody well get back to the weyr a'fore I make even more of a wherry's rear end of m'self.' She's been listening t'S'riv, I'm thinking." A'lex howls! "Wherry's rear end! Actually, I think I'll go sleep on the floor where ever my mother's gotten to. That way she won't be wandering around getting into trouble when she wakes in the morning. But thanks for the offer." Manira walks in from the bowl. Manira has arrived. Manira says "sorry Kassima. And thanks for the advice" Kassima nods, still beatific. "Hey, don't mention it, 'Lex. And tell your mother I'm sorry for whatever set her off like that, eh?" A'lex looks at Manira, "Telgar's duties to ye!" He then turns back to Kassima, still silly drunk, "Feh! She'll more than likely have forgotten about it in the morning! She's just road tired." Manira says "not really but I havn't been here before" Little does he know... Manira says "okay" Manira A dark haired gil "Duties, duties, duties," Kassi belatedly sing-songs, then beams at 'Lex. "Right. Why, look at me--I've forgotten it already!" Not that this is any great accomplishment, as drunk as she is. A'lex beams right back, "Well, I guess I should go find her." A'lex stands and staggers off... somewhere... A'lex walks towards the inner cavern. A'lex has left. Kassima yawns and refills her mug one last time, with some difficulty since her hand isn't precisely steady. "G'night, g'night, g'night," she sings rather tunelessly on her way out to the Bowl. Kassima walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima has left. Manira walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Manira has left. [Meanwhile, back in the baths....] Mehlani glances up at Tierth's rider, then at Ro once more, blushing pinkly. She opens her mouth to reply, then closes it again, thinking; she's tense and tired, and the hot spring is helping, but if she's cautious with the wine, what harm can it do? "I'll have a little bit, then," Mehlani murmurs. Ro smiles and fills her glass, then stoppers the flask and slides it Mehlani's way. Maylia eases herself down to a seat on the thermal-warmed rock, unstoppering her wine. But seeing as the two appear to have enough between them, she takes a swallow from the bottle. "Thank you," 'Lani murmurs politely, and leans back to open up the flask. She does little more than a careful sip or two, enough to let the stuff within slide warmly down her throat. Ro smiles "It's Benden Red, just brought out from the crafthall. Mehlani seems to approve, smiling softly, doing no more than her initial two cautious sips. "I'm... surprised all the bronze riders haven't drunk all the wine in the Weyr..." Ro shakes her head "I grabbed two skins b'fore they even saw it. This one and one for M'kla." "Is she alright?" 'Lani asks anxiously. Ro frowns "The healers are worried. They're only gonna let her have one small glass of wine each day, so I figured I'd get her the best I could find." Mehlani earnestly nods, saying quietly, "Father sent a note to her. M'kla used to be my father's wingmate...." She trails her fingertips along the water's surface, creating ripples and letting her fire lizards chase them. Maylia takes a long pull at her wineskin, and offers it to Mehlani. "They're right, you know. Just a little bit of wine won't hurt her, but too much..." Mehlani sets Ro's flask aside and quietly accepts Maylia's, murmuring a thank-you to that, as well. And she nods gravely. "I hope that she will get well soon... she is only just a little older than Father...!" She bites her lip. Ro nods and says "Me too. Don't think we'll see much of 'rina for a bit, and I've no one else to keep T'gota's hands off o' me." Maylia looks as serious as she can, and nods. "She's getting the best of care, she is. Despite what some might think." She considers this for a few moments. "If she's careful, she should be fine. What?" The greenrider sounds a little outraged. "I'll take his hands off of him, he so much as touches you!" Mehlani takes two cautious sips of Maylia's 'skin, trying to drink with care in the heat of the baths. She pauses, though, frowning slightly to Ro. "T'gota?" she breathes. Ro waves away Maylia's consern "I just avoid that part o' the cavern when tis my turn t' serve." Maylia's eyes narrow. "You let me know if y'need a hand, Ro. Alright?" Ro nods "Tisn't a problem so long as my cheeks don't get black'n'blue. 'nd I don't mean the ones on m'face." She takes a gulp from her glass. Maylia mutters something rather softly 'bout something on a certain rider getting black and blue soon... Mehlani murmurs lowly, "I've... avoided that, so far!" Ro babbles on "If'n my hands weren't full of trays I'd o' slapped 'im silly, rider or no." Ro snorts at 'lani "You're a weyrleader's daughter. O' course you've avoided it. No one'd dare." 'Lani can been seen to blush again, more rose than pink, this time. She ducks her gaze down and mumbles, "They _sing_ to me, and give me gifts, instead. I... I suppose that is an improvement, but..." Her blush deepens. Ro points out "'nd they're cute and yer own age, too." Maylia can't help but chuckle at 'Lani's discomfort. "Singing to you's, well, it's louder, though. Everyone sees it." She allows. "But at least, unless you faint, it doesn't leave you black and blue. 'Lani blushes even further, deciding she probably shouldn't comment upon the thought that flashes through her head. Instead, she takes one more sip -- no, rather, a gulp -- from Maylia's skin, then hands it back to her and focuses on finishing off her bath. "I... ah... um," she mumbles, eloquently. Ro giggles, any darkness in her mood washed away and forgotten. Maylia smiles, taking the wineskin back, and raises it as if in a brief toast to the two. She glugs down a few swallows. Something seems to rouse a few of 'Lani's fair. Bronze Holl and green Rianet both lift their heads at something unseen and unheard, and abruptly lift off out of the water, hopping *between*. Their human blinks after them, puzzled, as blue Enri and green Wili then vanish after them. [And meanwhile, in the Weyrfolk dormitories...] Dormitories(#1277RA$) The tunnel widens into several long caverns, lit with glows, that contain the residents' dormitories. The left cavern contains the cots and possessions of the female members of the weyr, the right half holds the those of male members. Both halves have rows on rows of cots and presses, and a few other small items personalizing each space. A mirror hangs at the end of either hallway, along with a washstand, sweetsand, and jugs of fresh water. A blackboard against one wall has been placed for the leaving of messages for various residents. Ventilation is provided through shafts that may contain fires when thread is near. The nurseries are off to the south, and the sound of harper songs and babies crying is nearly continual from that direction. All of the rooms are kept diligently clean by the busy Lower Cavern's men and women, and fresh herbs fill the air with a sweet aroma. Most of the people in the room seem to be asleep in their cots, and the glows have been covered for the night. Contents: Kyril Lost and Found Cabinet (OOC) Obvious exits: Inner Cavern There are several pops overhead, as several of Mehlani's fire lizards leap out of *between* and zero in on her cot. Bronze Holl is in the lead, closely followed by green Rianet, blue Enri, and green Wili. The four alert green Arki, who has curled up on the chest of the figure lying prone on that bed, and the pale green hisses balefully at the incoming 'lizards. There's a faint groan from said prone figure as the green hisses, not all that far from his ear. Unsurprisingly, the sheer quantities of wine he drank have likely given him a headache that's more than fit to beat the band. "Shhhh," he mutters halfheartedly, and only half realizing what he's saying at all. We are talking one very, *very* drunk brownrider, here. The rest of Mehlani's fair follows in short order, the eight fire lizards converging on the cot, all of them peering in varying degrees of curiosity at the intoxicated brown rider curled up there. Arki hisses again, but is finally nudged off Kes by command of Holl, and she goes darting to lurk under the cot instead, eyes whirling palely orange. [And meanwhile, back in the baths....] Ro fliks water around with her toes "Now, I wouldn't mind if'n someone were givin' me gifts and singin' t'me." Mehlani starts to smile to Ro, but her gaze has gone distracted, her head turning off in the direction of the dormitories. "What...?" she murmurs, mostly to herself. Kailia walks in from outside the room. Kailia has arrived. Kailia walks in, "Heya!" Kailia shucks her stuff and hops in. Mehlani has risen half out of the pool now, frowning distractedly to herself. She gives Kailia an absent, grave little smile, and murmurs to the room at large, "Please... excuse me, something in the dorms..." As she gets out of the water, droplets streaming off her legs, the rest of her fair hops *between*. Kailia slides into a hot spring. Maylia smiles at Kailia as she comes in, between confused glances at Mehlani. "Where're you off to?" She asks, bewilderd. Ro looks at Mehlani, her expression frankly curious "Somethin' wrong?" "I'm... not sure," Mehlani says, reaching for the robe that the laundry drudge had given her, and twisting her hair back into a loose braid as she goes. "My fair is giving me odd impressions... excuse me...." [And shortly...] You head towards the corridor to the weyrfolk quarters. Dormitories(#1277RA$) Contents: Kyril Callie(#7160p) Lost and Found Cabinet (OOC) Obvious exits: Inner Cavern Maylia walks in from the inner cavern. Maylia has arrived. Twink flits in from the inner cavern. Twink has arrived. On bare feet, clad in nothing but a bathing shift and a robe over that, Mehlani comes padding damply into the dorms, looking about in general bewilderment. From the direction of the girls' half of the dormitory, the sound of several fire lizards can be heard, and Mehlani heads that way. Twink flies in, crhrpling and looking worried. Maylia pad in, barefoot, hair still dripping just a little. She's obviously just come from the hotsprings, and is only wearing a longish tunic. A wry look of frustration is on her face, as apparently 'Lani didn't hear her calling to wait up. She hurries after the girl. It looks like someone has left 'Lani something on her pillow... and it's nothing quite so innocent as a bedtime mint. Bedecked by fire-lizards and a hat that's just barely managed to stay on his head, a restlessly dozing K'star has been thoughtfully left as a gift on the girl's cot--or so the 'Happy Turnday, Mehlani!' sign that's been attached to the front of his hat might lead one to believe. For now, he's still oblivious, though occasionally he murmurs something almost intelligible. 'Lani's name is often heard in these mutterings, one might notice. Ro walks in from the inner cavern. Ro has arrived. Kailia walks in from the inner cavern. Kailia has arrived. Maylia stops dead in her tracks. "Lani? That's... that's K'star?" Way to state the obvious. Mehlani glances over her shoulder to murmur a distracted apology to Maylia as she approaches her cot... and then stops dead, as the sight of what's... or, rather, who is lying there reaches her. Holl and Rianet and Enri all look up, chirpling anxiously at her, in a sort of 'we did right to alert you, right?' kind of tone. At the sound of his name, the aforementioned brownrider stirs a bit, bleary hazel eyes that clearly show his wholly and utterly intoxicated state trying to fix on this green *thing* that's taken up residence on his chest. One huskily murmured "Wha...?" is his ever-so-articulate and intelligent reaction to the situation. Kailia shakes her head, "Drunk brownriders in the dorms. Now what's next?" Mehlani blinks, four or five times, and then manages to gasp out, "Yes..." to Maylia. Eyes gone round, she edges towards the cot, blue gaze sweeping up and down it, and accordingly up and down K'star and her seven visible fire lizards. Wili has displaced Arki on Kes's chest, and she croons cutely to brown Indyth's rider. Maylia's brows peak up, and she takes a step back. Then another. Well. A brownrider in 'Lani's bed. She looks more than a might bit confused. Mehlani looks no less confused than Maylia, especially by the note pinned to Kes's hat proclaiming "Happy Turnday!" She shoots a deeply startled glance to the other young women who have followed her into the dorm, and mumbles, "I... ah... I..." Ro giggles near hysterically "What -were- you doin' durin' that flight, 'Lani?" "I have a green thing on m'chest," K'star realizes. In his rather inebriated state, he makes no attempt to suppress the brogue that he shares in various degrees with his other family members. "Um." Naturally, this is rather confusing to him since he can't for the *life* of him remember how he got here. "Meh... Mehlani? 'Zat you?" Even drunk, he'd recognize *that* voice--and as his eyes actually manage to focus on her for a moment, he brightens perceptibly. Looking her up and down, he continues, "You... wow. You look just... wow." Eloquency is not in it for him tonight. In a slurred, uncertain voice, he finishes, "But... what... you're in m'weyr?" "I was in the _stable_!" Mehlani blurts, then, as Kes makes some headway into consciousness, she hastily kneels by the cot, shooing 'lizards out of her way. "K'star, yes, it's me," she offers, not quite daring to touch him. Ro wobbles over to get a better look. K'star repeats, in a much less confused and generally happier tone, "You're in m'weyr. How'd you get up here? Indyth bring you?" His brow furrows under the lopsided hat... for that matter, how'd *he* get up here? As yet, he hasn't noticed the other girls--Mehlani is the complete and total focus of his drunken attentions. Lucky her. Maylia smothers a giggle, taking another step away. "Um..." Mehlani chews anxiously at her lower lip, glancing at the others for support, before she risks meeting Kes's glassy gaze once more. "This... _isn't_ your weyr, Kes," she explains, blushing vividly. Ro's unsteady gait brings her a little too close, bumping into Mehlani before she looses balance completely and lands on her rump with an oof! Kailia stifles a laught the best she can.really she does. Really. Mehlani yelps as Ro knocks into her. She instinctively grabs at the cot, then swallows hard as this means she's just narrowly avoided falling right onto K'star. As it happens, she's wound up only half a foot or so over him, and she blinks a few times down at the rider, still blushing brightly. Kailia loses it. She bursts out laughing, doubling over and falls down onto her cot. She wipes the tears from her eyes. "Oh, this is just way too funny." Ro is giggling herself silly, but she is stifling it, so it isn't too loud. "But it's *got* t'be," K'star insists plaintively. "Where else would I be?" As 'Lani nearly falls at him, he blinks once or twice in delighted confusion, and decides to take advantage of the situation to lean up and kiss her. Never mind that others are watching. He doesn't notice or care. After all... this has got to be a dream, since 'Lani's visiting him in his weyr like this. Fire lizards go scattering in all directions as Kes lurches up enough to drop an arm around 'Lani's shoulders, and as 'Lani finds herself dragged down into a rather passionate if heavily wine-scented kiss, she squeals. Between being kissed in general and the amount of alcohol on Kes's breath, it's enough to make her reel, and when she comes up for air she can barely manage to gasp out, "Kes, you, I mean... this is the _dorm_, not your weyr...!" Ro looks up at the ceiling, trying to puzzle out what is wrong with this picture. Hmm. Kailia is now in that stage of laughing that makes no sound, but the most delightful facal expressions. Now, *that* makes Kes blink. Once he's recovered from the kiss, anyway. "Dorm?" he asks, a bit thickly. "Dorm? Why would I be... no, no. This is m'weyr. We're always in the weyr in this dream, remember?" He beams up at her, a heartbreakingly charming smile for all that it's rather... well, mindless. Ro gets an upside down view of Kailia's contorted, polychromatic face and looses it, laughing so hard she can't breathe, much less make a much noise. Maylia nearly cackles, hand over her mouth but not doing a lot to stop her giggles. "A'course," K'star does note in a puzzled fashion, "there usually aren't people laughin' in this dream, either." "You... you dream... about me?" Mehlani breathes, thunderstruck, and momentarily distracted from the fact that three sets of eyes are all on this little spectacle. K'star is now decidedly bemused. He's certain this isn't how this dream is supposed to go. But, when in doubt, play along. "Aye, 'Lani... a'course I do. You're wonderful! How could I stop thinking about you, even asleep?" As his thoughts wander, he starts to croon another song, somewhat tunelessly. "I got m'mind set on you, I got m'mind set on you...." He repeats this a few times. Those are apparently the only words he knows. Ro laughs harder, if possible, gasping for air between, and managing a few words "Dreams ... wet ... spurt." Tears are coming to her eyes, she's laughing so hard. Ro adds in "SHEETS!" Of course she isn't making sense. It's been too rough a day for that. Kailia is currles up in a ball now, clutching her side. " .......foot!" K'star manages to look beyond Mehlani for a second to blink at Ro in utmost confusion. "Don' wanna know," he mutters to himself. "Don' wanna know." The gales of laughter bubbling up behind her make Mehlani turn crimson. Then, with Kes's arm still draped heavily around her, she turns back to the young rider and tells him anxiously, "Kes... you're in the dorms. Don't... don't you know how you got in here...?" Maylia does manage to avoid collapsing. Barely. She leans against the wall, torn between giggles and shock. Ro doesn't even try to get up off the floor. It would be a totally useless effort. Ro someone manages a wolf whistle. Is this really Ro? What is she going to have to say for herself in the morning. The thought likely hasn't crossed her mind. K'star shakes his head, with a faint groan as this makes his head swim terribly. "Auuuuuuuugh. Dorms. Nay, can't be in the dorms. Don' know how I got here, wherever here is, but can't be the dorms. I'd remember dorms." He smiles sweetly up at 'Lani, though. Gutter-minded though her companions may be, his drunkenness lends him an aura of utter naivete. "Like it here, though, wherever here is. Liked sleeping here. Reminds me of you." Yep. His better judgment has flown the coop. Kailia shakes her head, back and forth, just clutching her side, alughing her heart out. Wait until Kassi hears abut this! From under Mehlani's cot, Arki hisses in general petulance at the noise, while the rest of the fair resettles. Holl and Rianet, longest familiar with the brown rider, perch closest to Kes and 'Lani. The girl, in the meantime, worriedly studies K'star, but her features soften noticeably at that sweet smile with which he favors her. She lifts a hand to his head, intending to straighten out the hat that's practically already fallen off, but the note still pinned to it seems to change her mind; 'Lani's fingers brush across Kes's brow instead. "You can't sleep here," she whispers gently. Even the light brush of 'Lani's fingers is enough to send the hat toppling, revealing Kes's windblown locks of light, sandy brown hair. Yes, he *does* have hair. This concept of not sleeping here does not seem to be one that he comprehends. "But... why nay?" he finally asks in perfect innocence. Well, okay, maybe not *perfect* innocence. Maybe not innocence at all. Let's just call it sincerity and leave it at that. Ro laughs "I don't care if'n he does. He's not half bad t'look at." Holl and Rianet helpfully intercept K'star's hat as it goes rolling off the other side of the cot -- plaything, as far as the 'lizards are concerned. There's a bit of a scuffle as five of Mehlani's fair converge on it at once, and although 'Lani does try to peek over Kes's prone form to make sure his hat isn't about to get eaten, Kes himself is holding rather more of her attention. "_I_ have to sleep somewhere," she explains shyly, not daring to meet the rider's hazel gaze, now. Maylia sees that 'Lani's doing alright, and heads off, her chuckles still sounding back to the dorms. Maylia walks off towards the Inner Cavern. Maylia has left. Kailia peers, "Humm, we can just keep him here to take care of our every need?" she giggles, the laughter having subsided a bit. "Or rather, Mehlani's." "Oh. Why, that's simple," K'star beams, pleased to have finally found a puzzle he can solve. "You could sleep here, too. There's room enough." As before... if not precisely *innocent*, at least he's *sincere.* Ro blinks a few times and asks innocently "What needs?" 'Lani casts a decidedly nervous glance along the length of her cot, trying not to notice how most of her sleeping place is already occupied by six-foot-yum of brown rider. Mehlani then risks looking back to Kes, her mind racing as she tries to think of ways to convince him out of her bed. "Wh-what I mean is, shouldn't... shouldn't you be with Indyth?" Her hand is lingering at K'star's forehead, and the lass is looking distinctly flustered. K'star coaxes most plaintively, "I mean... 'tis nay that you don't want t'be near me, is it?" That thought seems to rather upset him, and his hazy, pleading eyes are as fixed on Mehlani's face as their muddled state will let them be. "Indyth's fine... fine, fine. Didn't chase. He's okay." Problem solved, see? Mehlani's expression practically melts at Kes's pleading tone and eyes, and she smooths his hair out of his face, murmuring, "I... like you... very much, Kes... " K'star smiles blissfully, reaching up one unsteady hand to cup Mehlani's cheek. She likes him. She really likes him. All is right with the world, except.... "Then what's th'problem?" He'd have to ask that one. Ro reaches a hand up in the direction of Kailia after a failed attempt to stand. Kailia seeing that Mehlani is well, um, occupied, she decided to go get something to eat. Kailia pulls Ro up, almost falling over the other way. Kailia walks off towards the Inner Cavern. Kailia has left. Ro smiles at the pair and wobbles out to get herself some klah. Ro walks off towards the Inner Cavern. Ro has left. [Meanwhile, in the lower caverns...] Myshel walks in from the bowl. Myshel has arrived. Myshel wanders into the Living Cavern, and looks around, trying to find some juice. Spying the food table, he pours himself a glass, and settles himself onto a bench against a wall in a corner to let the tears out. Myshel sips his juice, staring at a spot on the floor, but not seeing anything. Myshel finishes his juice, and gets himself another glassful. Heading back to his seat, Myshel turns to sit down, and one of the curses of adolescent boys's growth spurts occurs: his pants don't quite fit correctly, and a large *RRIIPP* echoes throughout the Cavern. Furiously red, Meesh now has quite the embarrassing airflow through his trousers, and sits down VERY quickly, sloshing juice all over himself. Myshel sighs, and looks up to the ceiling, as if to say 'Why me, and why here?' Kailia walks here from the Inner Cavern. Kailia has arrived. Kailia skips on in, looking rather hungry. Ro walks here from the Inner Cavern. Ro has arrived. Myshel looks up. His eyes widen, his face turns red, and he drops his head and tries to look like part of the scenery. Not easy to do in a relatively deserted Cavern. Ro wobbles out of the lower caverns wearing a fluffy robe and wet headed, and her gait suggests she's had more than one glass of wine. Pierron puffs with pride as Kailia gives him the chance to demonstrate his skill. Pierron carves a slice from the wherry that is baking in juicy plumpness over the hearth, and serves it to Kailia. Pierron puffs with pride as Kailia gives him the chance to demonstrate his skill. Pierron dips into a pot on the oven's top and serves Kailia a plate of mashed, buttery tubers. He adds a scoop of wherry giblet gravy to go on top before serving them. Kailia taker her food over to where the unfamiliar young man is sitting ans plops down. "Hello there." Ro smiles at the green-clad boy "Evenin'." she says "Mmm, you look kinda familiar. D' I know you?" Myshel shakes his head without looking up. "No, not from here." Ro shrugs and meanders over to get herself a mug of klah. "So, why're y' here for, then?" she asks amiably, if slight slurred. Myshel clears his uncomfortably dry throat. "My mother." Kailia peers, "And, who, may I ask, is your mother?" Ro nods and sips her klah, giving the boy a thorough looking over above the rim of her mug. Myshel sips what's left of his juice. "M'kla," he whispers. A concerned look appears on Ro's face, her youthful brow furrowing. Kailia lets out a soft ohhhhh, "Have you see your mother yet?" Myshel nods a bit. "Yes." Kailia ahhhhs, "And how is she today, if I may ask?" Myshel says "She's fine. Tired, but fine." Ro nods and walks over, a little more steadily now, to rest a hand on the lad's shoulder "Aye. She's tough as an old watchwher. Y'needn't worry." Kailia looks at Ro, agreeing, but not quite in those words. "I'm sure she'll be fine. And you're an apprentice healer yourself?" she says, noticing the knot. Myshel smiles a bit sadly. "Aye, that she is. But it's part of my job to worry." Myshel looks a bit worried, as leans carefully forward to look out the door as best he can. Myshel says "Um... Is there anywhere close where I can fall asleep? I just got hit with an awful tired spell..." Ro blinks and says "Um, well, there's the guest weyr if Kassi and A'lex aren't usin' it, I suppose." Myshel looks a bit harried now, and tired at the same time. "Where can I fall asleep?" Kailia points out to the lower caverns, "Try the men's dorm?" Myshel nods. "And where is that?" Ro nods "I'll show you the way, if'n you like. Kailia says "Go out to the lower caverns, then to the weyrfolk's quarters. You should see some dorms. There are some cots, ohe yeah, that'd be better, RO."" Myshel nods, and stands, then realizes something a bit belatedly, and slaps his hands over his posterior, flesh hitting flesh. Myshel takes his jacket off and wraps it hastily around his waist, still a bright red. Ro's attention is drawn to the movement, but the realization takes a few moments to sink in. Kailia blushes, "Erm, I could get you something from stores, if you'd like." She trying really hard not to laugh. Really hard. Myshel dashes as dignified as he can down the hall. Myshel walks towards the inner cavern. Myshel has left. Ro turns red, but also winks. Kailia watches the departing young man, "Well, and on that note, I'mm off to bed. G'night Ro." Kailia walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kailia has left. Ro walks towards the inner cavern. Ro has left. [And back with Mehlani and her drunken brown rider...] "Wait, don't--" Mehlani yelps over her shoulder, as Kailia and Ro retreat, distracting her from the young man slumped in her cot. It's with palpable nervousness that she looks back to Kes, round-eyed, beginning to get a little panicked. "You... I-I mean... Kes, don't you think... you should be in your weyr, if you're not... f-feeling well?" K'star really is truly befuddled. If this is a dream, everything's going entirely wrong... but it's just too unbelievable to be reality. "I feel fine *now*, 'Lani," he replies, still slurred. "Kinda groggy an' dizzy an' stuff, but, y'know. Naught sleep wouldn't cure. Or the sight of you." The really awwwww-inspiring thing is, he's too drunk to be attempting gallantry. From Ro's bed, Thunder croons softly before turning over and going back to sleep. Mehlani's eyes turn positively limpid, and she can't help but smile down at the rider. But she's also still blushing, her face heating under Kes's palm. "Oh, Kes..." It's quite the lower-caverns-girlish thing to say, save that Mehlani's expression holds as much caring concern as it does admiration, and thus she's saved from looking vapid. "Listen to me... don't you think... you should sleep in your weyr? You're probably going to feel awful tomorrow, you know, and... it'd be... well, awful, if you have to have a hangover in front of everyone...!" Slowly, the sense of Mehlani's words filters into the mazed mind of the brownrider. "Oh," he says intelligently. "I... guess that'd nay be a good thing. And if'n you say I should... then there're just three problems wi' that." He hold up one finger, a bit unsteadily. "One, you'd nay be with me." A second finger joins the first. "Two, I don't know where m'hat is." And lastly, a third finger is proceeded oddly by, "And five, I'm nay entirely certain that I can walk." "Oh... here..." 'Lani pulls back from Kes long enough to scurry around to the other side of the bed and retrieve the fallen hat from her fire lizards. She shooes the 'lizards back out of her way again, and now, on the cot's other side, presents the hat for K'star's inspection. Gravely, she murmurs, "Here you are..." K'star accepts the hat from 'Lani and gravely replaces it atop his head before leaning in to kiss her again, of course. "Thankee," he murmurs simply. The girl doesn't seem to mind being grabbed and kissed a second time; she's still blushing deeply, though a little less than she had when Ro, Kailia, and Maylia had been in the room. She finally pulls back, though, and whispers awkwardly, "I, um, I'll help you... get up, if you need me to..." K'star sighs, still looking a bit mournful that he has to leave at all. More than a bit mournful, really. "I guess I could use the help," he admits sadly. Myshel walks in from the inner cavern. Myshel has arrived. 'Lani nods earnestly, straightening up, reluctant to disentangle herself from Kes's arms even if she _is_ trying to coax him out of her cot. "Alright.... um... one moment..." She ducks to her press at the end of the cot and hastily dives into it, pulling out a pair of breeches to pull on under her robe. Once she has them laced, she turns back to the rider still slumped in her cot... and sees Myshel dart in... and freezes. Ro walks in from the inner cavern. Ro has arrived. Waiting for her heart to settle down, even more flustered now, Mehlani turns shakily back to Kes. Now that she's wearing pants as well as her bathing shift and robe, she's a little more decently clad, and she takes K'star's nearer hand in hers, gently coaxing him towards sitting up. "Come on... come now..." Ro walks in not far behind Myshel. She smiles Mehlani's way. K'star is only too glad to take Mehlani's hand, though his audible groan when his position changes is not a happy one. "Did anyone get the vintage of the wine bottle that hit me?" he asks rhetorically, clapping his other hand to his pounding head. Mehlani glances towards Ro and manages a weak, nervous little smile at the other girl, as she twists deftly about to slide her shoulders in under K'star's arm. "Slowly, dear one," she whispers. "Hang onto me...!" Ro giggles softly. By the silvery sparkle of her eyes she is genuinely amused. Ro lifts an eyebrow. Mmm, interesting choice of words. Ro says "I'm glad m'eyes were open when you said that. M'mind's been playin' tricks on me of late." Quite content to have his arm about Mehlani's shoulders, K'star hugs her as best he can (considering that 'coordination' isn't his middle name right now), and kisses her on the cheek once to boot. "Gladly," he says, stealing a still-bleary, bemused glance at Ro. Evidently unaware of the words she's used, 'Lani blinks distractedly at Ro, most of her attention on trying to help Kes get his feet onto the floor. As several fire lizards chirrup in general confusion, she then works on the rather more daunting task of getting K'star to stand up. "Can you stand? Up now..." Ro murmurs "If'n the two o' you want some, uh, privacy, I kin go back t' the livin' cavern." "I can try, heart o' mine," is K'star's gallant response. His legs wobble, the knees *just* managing not to buckle. There was a good reason that his two Wingmates decided to just go ahead and drag him in here in the first place. "You don't mind if'n I hold onto you, d'you?" "I-I'm going to get him to his weyr," Mehlani blurts out to Ro, blushing deeply, managing to get the gist of _those_ words from the other girl. "It's alright... oh!" As K'star staggers, she staggers along with him -- after all, he has eight inches on her, and it's not the easiest of tasks for her to be supporting the rider. Ro blinks "You're goin' to his weyr?" K'star curses faintly under his breath as 'Lani staggers. To make her fall too wasn't his intent. He holds on more tightly, as though to help support her even as she supports him, and leans his cheek momentarily against the top of her head. Sighing, he murmurs, "Sorry... m'sorry." "It's alright," 'Lani breathes, clutching at K'star with both her arms now. Around him, she blurts towards Ro, "_Kes_ is going to his weyr, but... but he just needs a little help, is all... Kes... can you walk?" Ro tilts her head "Y'want my help?" Ro seems entirely oblivious to the fact that the only stitch of clothing she is wearing is a nice, fluffy robe. It has actually been a rather long night, and the thought just hasn't caught up. Kes eyes his feet as though expecting them to betray him at the first chance. "Maybe," is his verdict. "If'n... you're willing t'help me, that is." To prove his point, his knees wobble again, and he holds onto Mehlani with both arms to help keep his balance. It's scary to be sloshed beyond all logical thought and then be told you have to try and--gasp--*walk.* Hastily, Mehlani peeks around K'star's lanky form and bobs her head at Ro, mouthing, 'please' at her. She's got a secure enough hold on the brown rider at the moment, but this may well be just because she hasn't tried to get him to move yet. Ro nods and slips over to the brownrider's other side, her own slight wobbliness fading because of the klah she's had, and easily compensated for by the whipcord strength gained working in the stables. K'star sighs with relief that he's not quite so wobbly anymore, thanks to Ro--though he looks a bit disappointed to not be alone with 'Lani anymore. All things have their price. "I think m'weyr is... up, somewhere," he reports vaguely to the women. Ro gives 'lani a significant look "I hope y'know the way, 'cause I don't." "We've got you, K'star," Mehlani says softly, clearly. "Just... hang onto us, and... we'll walk, alright? Just a little bit at a time...!" As Ro takes up half the task of supporting the inebriated young man, 'Lani gets a bit of breath back into her voice, and she promises, "We'll just get you outside, and you can call Indyth, alright?" Ro follows her friend's lead. "Anything for you, 'Lani," K'star answers, watching his feet. "Indyth'll come. He always does. He's a good dragon... aye, a good dragon. Good, good dragon." "A _very_ good dragon," Mehlani agrees gravely, managing to get Kes into enough motion to progress a few steps away from the cot. Blue Brodi squeals as he very nearly gets stepped on, however, and Elsi and Wili chase the little fellow across the floor just in front of the rider and his self-elected escorts. Ro nods "I'll have to meet him." K'star notices the 'lizards in front of him just as he's taking one more shaky step. To his blurry eyes, it looks like there're about a dozen 'lizards skittering about. "Whoa!" he yelps as he tries to pull back, rather than squish one of the poor creatures. Either he'll lose his balance and fall on the floor, dragging the women with him, or they'll manage to hold him up and things will continue as planned. The scary thing is, if Kes were aware of these two possible fates, it's hard to say which would appeal to him more. Ro is thrown off balance by the unexpected shift of weight "Whoa!!" "Kes?!" Mehlani pipes in startlement. As first K'star and then Ro wobble, slender 'Lani can't exactly keep steady herself. She feels Kes pulling her backwards, and starts tilting over, trying to keep herself and her charge upright at the same time. Without success. Done in by the power of Mehlani's 'lizards, Kes falls backwards onto the floor with a grunted, "Oof!" Fortunately, he's already so dazed that a bit of a knock on the head isn't going to make much difference. "'Lani?!" he asks anxiously. "Are you all right? And you, um... you?" He doesn't want to admit that he has entirely forgotten Ro's name, you see. In fact, he can only remember his own because Mehlani keeps repeating it so often. Ro's hands futilely claw the air for a moment as she falls backwards. She lands on her rump for the second time this night, only this time it's already sore and she doesn't have so much wine in her to dull the pain "Ow!" She gazes up at the ceiling gathering her wits about her "Well, this looks familiar." "Oh no!" Mehlani scrambles down to sit beside K'star, leaning over him worriedly. "Never mind me, are _you_ alright...?" Fire lizards have gone scattering in all directions again, and Mehlani flicks a scolding glance at every little winged creature she can spy. There's an agitated hiss from Arki as Munki and Rianet manage to invade what she'd claimed as her private sanctum under 'Lani's cot. "I think so..." Kes starts to reply, trying to sit up--and he then falls back down, with a groan. Because of 'Lani's proximity, and the fact that he's wobbling as much as a newborn child, his head lands in her lap this time rather than the floor. "Could I just stay here instead of trying to move?" he asks, again rather plaintively. "'Sa nice spot." Lucid, he ain't. Ro rolls her head to the side to see what's going on. Mehlani eeps, as K'star nearly knocks her over before sliding down into her lap. She's thrown her hands back against her cot behind her to catch her balance, but as Kes comes in for his landing, she sits up a little straighter. Gazing down at the brown rider, she protests, "Oh, Kes, you can't sleep on the floor...!" K'star smiles up at 'Lani, doing his best to meet the eyes he can see right above him. "Sure I could," he argues. "'Sides, I like the view." Ro burst into a fit of giggles. Oh, _my_. Mehlani turns crimson, not entirely certain whether K'star is just meaning her face, and far too embarrassed to ask. "What I mean... is... I mean... y-you'd have to let me... move..." Oh. Crestfallen, but trying not to show it, Kes gallantly manages a nod. "Wouldn't be fair t'ask you t'suffer for m'comfort. I'd never want you to suffer, heart o' mine." With that, he starts the struggle to get back to his feet. One can only wonder just how many Bollian drinks the poor man consumed. Ro winks at Mehlani from her place on the floor "Lucky you, lass, havin' a cute guy fall right int' your lap." "Oh, be careful..." Mehlani is still decidedly more dextrous and limber than K'star is, and she catches him in her arms before he falls over again. "You don't make me suffer, Kes!" To Ro's comment, she blushes hotly, once more. K'star smiles the smile of one who is very, very happy indeed to be in the arms of the object of his affections, never mind that she's only steadying him so that he can get to his feet. "Good. Couldn't live with m'self if'n I did, 'Lani." Eventually, through much manly effort, Kes manages to get to his knees... then his feet. He's wobbling pretty badly, but standing--this walking stuff does get a bit easier with practice, after all. Ro struggles back to her feet. "If only I should be so lucky. You get Kes and I get T'gota." She doesn't seem to be letting it bother her, though. She is more joking than anything else. Mehlani stands along with K'star, her arms still supporting him, but as Ro chimes in her opinion, 'Lani blushes yet again. "I-I haven't... I mean..." She trails off and then practically babbles up at the brown rider, "D-d-do you want to try again?" Ro cautiously takes up her position on the other side of Kes again. Kes just nods, doing his best to stay on his feet. "This has never happened t'me a'fore," he tries to explain, gesturing down to his wobbly feet. "I don' intend t'let it happen again. Parts weren't so bad, though." Another sweet smile is favored to Mehlani, and a sort of bemused, but generally pleasant one to Ro. Right. She's crazy. He can deal with crazy people. He grew up in a whole den of 'em, after all. "What's never happened?" Mehlani asks, almost afraid to, but oddly fascinated nonetheless. As soon as she is sure enough that Ro has hold of Kes's other arm, 'Lani starts coaxing him gently forward again. She sends out a firm mental urging for all of her fair to Stay Out of the Way, in the meantime. Ro begins the slow trek forward, steadying the brownrider as much as she is able. "Me being this wobbly," Kes replies, too out of it to even ask what she *thought* he meant. Concentrating as best he can--after all, 'Lani wants him to do this!--Kes manages to make some fairly steady progress across the room, and doesn't once break out into yodelling. This is a considerable accomplishment. "There you go," Mehlani praises, almost tenderly. With Ro's help, she gets K'star to the door, and as she coaxes the rider through it, she says very gently, "I think you might be wobbly because you're... drunk, Kes...!" You walk off towards the Inner Cavern. Inner Cavern(#1272RJL$) Obvious exits: Steam Baths INFirmary Candidate Barracks Corridor Weyrfolk Quarters Living Cavern Ro walks in from outside the room. Ro has arrived. "Drunk," K'star repeats thoughtfully. "Drunk. That would 'splain a lot, right now." One would think this hadn't occured to him before. "Were you drinking, Kes?" There's no recrimination in Mehlani's query; her voice remains soft and concerned as she and Ro help him along. "Do you remember?" _She_ doesn't need to ask. She can tell he's been drinking from the smell of him. No, 'Lani's interested only in seeing if _Kes_ can remember, while she gets him out to his dragon. You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern. Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern(#750RJM$) Contents: Pierron Obvious exits: Lower Caverns Kitchen Bowl Ro walks here from the Inner Cavern. Ro has arrived. "Methinks 'twas," Kes says vaguely, his voice still rather thick--to say nothing of thickly-brogued. "We went... Boll. We went t'Boll. I drank something there, and that's pretty much all I can remember 'till I woke up in your bed." He seems content with this memory gap for now. Far more interesting to him is the trial of trying to navigate through the LC, even with the help of Mehlani and Ro. Inwardly thankful that the cavern appears to be mostly deserted at this hour, 'Lani directs some of her attention towards trying to make sure K'star doesn't go tripping over any furniture, felines, fire lizards, or his own feet. "You'll remember more later, I'm sure," she murmurs, guiding Kes towards the Bowl. "You should call Indyth, alright, Kes?" You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Southern Bowl(#396RJL$) Contents: Manira Emmy Obvious exits: Living Cavern Central Bowl Weyrleaders' Complex Outer Infirmary Guest Weyr Records Room Ro comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Ro has arrived. K'star mumbles, "I think he's still out here...." And indeed, brown Indyth is resting not far from the Living Cavern--and his bugle of relief upon seeing his rider safe and sound, not to mention with Mehlani, is enough to cause the poor rider in question to wince. "Yeah, that'd be him all right." "Let's get him over to Indyth," Mehlani murmurs -- clearly to Ro. She smiles tremulously at the big brown, marking his location more by the pale glow of his eyes than anything else about him. Ro nods and smiles slightly "Now I get to see this Indyth I've heard so much about." as she makes her way steadily toward the indicated dragon despite struggling to keep the rider upright. "Hello, Indyth," Mehlani calls out softly. "See, we've brought your rider...!" Indyth helps matters considerably by lumbering up closer to the Cavern, so that the women won't have to drag his lush of a rider quite so far. He favors each of the three with a whuffle, presumably of thanks--or of mild chiding, in K'star's case. "Indyth says we should go," Kes sighs, his voice slurring yet more. Fatigue is taking its toll. Turning, he asks of Mehlani, "Are you certain you won't...?" Ro tenatively reaches out to scritch the brown with her free hand. Indyth, not quite as much the sloshed and melodramatic sort as his rider, accepts the scritching philosophically. He's never been one to ignore the attention of a pretty girl. As Kes shifts in their grasp, Mehlani blinks, resteadying herself. She's still got the rider's arm draped around her shoulders, and she automatically reaches with her other hand to steady him, as well. "Come... with you?" she whispers, again in that half-frightened, half-fascinated tone. Ro asks Mehlani "How're we gonna get him strapped in?" K'star opens his mouth to say something... but then thinks better of it, and just nods. Some things don't, after all, need to be spoken. So intent is he on his regard of Mehlani that he does not (fortunately?) register any remarks about strapping him in. Oh dear. Registering both Ro's question and Kes's pending one, Mehlani swallows hard, looking deeply torn, apparent even in the darkness. She finally chooses to answer Ro first, even if indirectly, by asking Kes, "Can... can you get on Indyth alright?" Not one to overexaggerate his own abilities even when drunk, K'star simply says, "I can try. He wouldn't let me fall, if'n I can." Which is pretty much an admission that his chances of managing straps in his current state are just about nil. "Alright, then... here, we'll help you," Mehlani promises, turning K'star about. She glances at Ro to make sure the other girl is still working with her on this, and does her share of pointing Kes at his dragon's flank. "Indyth? C-can you... sit down a little, or something?" she calls up anxiously to the brown. Indyth rumbles a gruff, but not unkind affirmative, lowering himself to lie as close to the ground as can comfortably be achieved. "You're too kind t'me, Mehlani," is all Kes says, readily accepting her guidance. "Of course," Mehlani whispers. There's no mistaking the tenderness in her tone, now. "Here, here's Indyth's leg, just... climb up, alright? You can make it..." Ro does her best to help the rider up, while murmuring and appreciative thanks to Indyth, mentioning in a somewhat babbly way what a sweet dragon he is. As Mehlani bids, so will Kes achieve, or try--as they say, what love can do, that dares love attempt. Or something like that. With the help of the two women, he does manage to get somewhat sprawled atop Indyth's neck, in what would really be a comical pose if you stepped back and looked at it. "I'm up," he reports down to them. "I think." Mehlani bites her lip as Kes finally makes it... more or less... up to Indyth's neck. She glances at Ro and whispers anxiously to her, "What do you think..." And then, she adds just as anxiously to the dragon, "Indyth... do you have him?" Ro looks at Mehlani, her eyes stormy grey with concern "If'n they were to stay on the ground, I wouldn't worry, but I'm afraid he might fall off, no matter how carefully Indyth is. Look at how he toppled in the dorms..." Ro asks "How high up is his weyr?" The notion of a K'star-shaped spot on the Bowl floor disturbs Mehlani deeply. She squints up into the night sky, trying to make out against the dark walls of the Bowl the equally dark ledge entrances of the air-based weyrs. "He's in Duskfire Wing... high up enough... oh... oh shells. Indyth..." And she turns back to the dragon, lifting up a hand to anxiously stroke his muzzle. "Can we come with... to help him? Please?" Indyth rumbles at Mehlani's first question, but it's a vaguely uncertain rumble. Frankly, he wouldn't trust his rider to do diddly squat to save himself right now. "Indyth's calling me all sorts of names right now," Kes reports, a touch groggily. Lying face-down against dragonhide is all well and good, but it means he's constantly presented with a view of how far down the ground is--maybe not that far when sober, but drunk.... "He also says that you're both welcome. Climb on up." And the smile he gives Mehlani then almost, almost manages to break through the layers of fog around his mind to make him seem sober for an instant, charming, crooked, and ineffably sweet as it is. Ro shakes her head and climbs carefully up, bare feet and all. "Thank you, Indyth," Mehlani breathes in deep relief to the brown. Then she hurries round to the dragon's side and climbs up as well. She's _also_ barefoot, but this doesn't seem to stop her much -- if anything, it simply lets her get better purchase against Indyth's hide as she deftly and lightly scrambles up onto his back. And she moves to lift Kes up a little, coaxing, "Here, let me get you strapped in, alright? Hold still..." "Your wish is m'command, sweet lady," is all Kes says. He does his best to hold still. This is a little difficult, given his tendency to wobble and shake, but at least he doesn't wobble or shake his way clear off his dragon. Ro begins fastening buckles as Mehlani holds the rider upright. "Do you have the straps, Ro?" Mehlani asks the other girl softly, while turning around to settle herself in front of K'star. Seeing that Ro is indeed on the job, Mehlani breathes a grateful thank-you to her frined, and turns to settle herself down into place before K'star, strapping herself in as well. "We'll get you safely up to your weyr, Kes," she promises earnestly. Ro nods "I've got 'em, he'll not slide off now." as she turns her attentions to strapping herself in. Her Da would be totally devastated to find a Ro shaped splat on the bowl floor. Since K'star would be beyond devasated to find a Mehlani-shaped splat on the Bowl floor, he loops his arms lightly around her waist, just to make sure she's safe. Never mind that he's in no state to ensure safety, really. "Home, Indyth," he calls to his brown, and the beaten-leather hued dragon rumbles once before rearing back to launch himself up into the air. With K'star secured between them, and K'star's arms about her, Mehlani gets herself secured in time for Indyth's leap aloft. It doesn't startle her too much, this second ride on this brown dragon. Most of her attention is ahead on their destination -- and the rest, spent on being Aware of K'star's presence behind her. Ro tries not to be aware of the brownrider's presense in front of her, and given the hour, she very nearly succeeds. Indyth lands on his ledge, placed high up in the western Central Bowl wall, with a faint rumble to let those aboard know to brace themselves for a landing. The ledge itself is fairly clear of clutter, and might provide a safe place to climb down. "We're here," Kes announces, half out of reflex and half out of a sort of absentminded surprise. Ro seems prepared for the landing, having been on her father's blue many a time, and weathers it well. She inquires in a muted tone "Are you two alright?" "Fine," K'star sings out. "Fine, just fine and dandy... peachy, really. Tired, groggy, and with a headache big enough to knock over Leilanth, but peachy anyway." Could this possibly be connected to the fact that he still has his arms around 'Lani? Nahhhhhhh. Mehlani, also a dragonrider's daughter, is long used to landing dragons. She murmurs an affirmative to Ro, and starts to move to unfasten the straps she'd buckled about herself, only to realize... "Kes," she says shyly over her shoulder, "you... um... you need to let go of me, alright?" Ro unbuckles her own straps without difficulty, then starts to work on those of the lad in front of her. Oh, right. Necessity once again rears its ugly head. Reluctantly, K'star does so, nodding a bit sheepishly and a lot wearily to 'Lani. "Need any help?" he asks, never mind that he would probably only make a mess of things if he tried to give it. "We're fine," Mehlani assures the rider solemnly, as he wobblingly pulls away from her. Getting herself unbuckled, she then helps Ro finish off the job of unbuckling Kes, before turning to slide past him down off the dragon. "Alright... just... come on down. Can you make it?" "Indyth wouldn't let me fall." This is one of the few things Kes has said tonight that both makes sense and he sounds quite confident in. Indeed, the brown raises his left forelimb as near to his neck as he can; Kes has but to slide down onto that, and from there, he's gently lowered to the ground. Of course, he's teetering on the forelimb by the time he gets there. "Is *this* m'weyr, now?" After all, he was sure it was *last* time. Ro slides down as well, her robe sliding up in the process. Her -eep- of dismay can be heard long before her toes touch the ground. She quickly rearranges it, her cheeks flaming brightly. She just hopes Kes is too drunk to remember this in the morning. Infinitely grateful that she took the time to pull on a pair of pants before this little excursion, 'Lani moves to help Kes off Indyth's foreleg. "It's your weyr," she assures earnestly, while murmuring another soft thank-you to the dragon. "You can go to sleep here." K'star nods. He does have to admit, "I think I'd like that... sleep, I mean. I'm a bit tired of everything being so confusing." His half-smile is rather wry; this confusion business has had *some* benefits. Blinking a little as her eyes adjust to the light level of the weyr, Mehlani steps briefly away from K'star, long enough to find a glow basket and turn it, enough to give a little more light to see by. This makes Indyth's couch readily visible, and Mehlani returns to K'star's side, taking his arm and turning him in that direction. "Come on over here, then... sleep right here, with Indyth, alright?" she murmurs. Ro has still to recover from the shock of her robe sliding up, and has yet to say a word since. Indyth has indeed already elected to retire to his couch--he's had a long vigil, after all--and their dragon's couch is one thing familiar enough for even the drunkest rider to remember. "Sounds like a plan," he agrees. He's rather easy to lead along right now. "Are you going to sleep here, too?" Hard to tell whether that's to Mehlani or both Mehlani and Ro. In the meanwhile, Kes's brown rumbles with the draconic equivalent of sardonic amusement at Ro's predicament. It is not, fortunately, very far for Kes to go, the distance between him and his dragon's couch. 'Lani manages to get the brown rider over there without too much difficulty, though her technique for getting him onto the rider-sized pile of sleepfurs at one end is as much dropping K'star as gently easing him down. "Don't... don't worry about that right now, Kes," she blurts, trying to sound soothing and calm, and not _quite_ succeeding. "You just... just close your eyes and rest, alright?" From the air, Veyath flies over from the north end of the bowl. From the air, Veyath wings over the spiky cliffs to the south towards the springs. Ro eyes the dragon. She may not be able to hear his thoughts, but she knows that tone. She takes a deep breath and forces herself to untense. Upon a quick inspection, yes, she did do a decent job of getting her robe rearranged. K'star nods. As has been stated, he's easy to lead along right now... at least, when the one holding the lead-rope is Mehlani. "G'night, 'Lani," he says softly--and as an afterthought, calls, "And g'night, you, too." He still doesn't remember Ro's name. Mehlani kneels down by K'star, relieved to get him down at last. She considers, then gently removes his hat, setting it not far away, just within reach for when he wakes up. And then she moves to take his boots off him, and to get him properly covered up. It might be springtime in Telgar, but this doesn't mean it still doesn't get drafty in a weyr at night. K'star smiles drowsily at 'Lani, the warm furs, warmer hide of his dragon, and general prone position already working their magic on his alcohol-besotted brain. "Too kind t'me," he repeats through one last yawn. "Too kind by far...." Ro recovers enough to help her friend with the boots. From the air, Veyath wings up from the south surrounded in clingy wisps of steam. From the air, Veyath flies towards the north end of the bowl. Mehlani's answering smile is a shy one, accompanied by the expected blush. She glances at Ro, then allows herself to gently pat Kes's brow... and then to lean over and kiss it, as though he were a small child. "Good night," she tells him. Ro averts her eyes, not wishing to intrude on anything she would be best off not seeing. She leans against one wall and stares out at the night sky. Mehlani then straightens up, back to kneeling, and then lifts her gaze up to Indyth... only to draw in a breath as she sees the dragon's apparently gotten himself quite comfortable, curled up protectively there by his rider. "Indyth?" she calls timidly. "Indyth, are you..." She glances down to K'star to verify that he is, indeed, going to sleep, before getting cautiously to her feet and looking for the dragon's eyes. "Indyth, are you still awake?" K'star as indeed slipped into a state of deepening unconsciousness, fortunately for him. Whether he'll remember all of this or think it was just a dream after all may be a thought for debate. Indyth, eyes glowing a dim, cool blue, turns his head towards Mehlani; answer enough, most likely. Not having the heart to ask Indyth to move away from his rider, Mehlani considers the brown anxiously, then creeps over to Ro. "I... I hate to ask him to leave him," she whispers. "Maybe... he'll bespeak another dragon for us, to get back down? Call the watchdragon, maybe...?" Ro nods sleepily, her brain not processing things all that quickly. Indyth rumbles faintly. It's readily apparent that, ask or no ask, he won't leave his rider. Beyond that, he seems content to wait and see what solution the two girls will devise. Awkwardly, but with the same earnest fervor she's shown K'star all evening, Mehlani smiles to Ro, then creeps back over to Indyth. Looking up into his nearer eye, she shyly touches his dark hide and whispers, "Will you... call another dragon for us? To come get us...?" Indyth tilts his great head, apparently considering. He's a hard dragon to read. Without his rider on hand, one can only guess at his thought processes... but the pause before he finally gives a reluctant rumble of assent suggests that, for whatever reason, he's not entirely certain he should fulfill this request. It takes a moment, but eventually the unforgettable and infamous V'dan and Chymeth do arrive. V'dan looks even *more* unkempt than usual, and extremely tired, but seems in a peppy mood anyway. "The watchpair were called to escort a few drunk riders back to their ledges," the great geeky one explains. "So, you're getting us instead. Hope y'don't mind." Mehlani lets out a soft sigh, mostly of relief... though she does give a lingering glance down to K'star's now soundly-sleeping form. In her personal code of Behavior Towards Dragons, any request granted must be shown due appreciation. She smiles timidly to V'dan to acknowledge his and Chymeth's arrival, but stays by Indyth long enough to reach up and scratch his eyeridge, with gentle fingers. "Thank you," she breathes softly. "I know you'll take care of him...!" Only then does she turn. Straightening her robe, she approaches the green and her rider with a surprising amount of grace under the circumstances, and says very earnestly, "Thank you both for coming, V'dan. Will Chymeth convey us down to the lower caverns?" Ro follows Mehlani, remaining quiet for the most part. There's a pause while V'dan just blinks at the sight of Mehlani and Ro, of all people, standing on K'star's ledge while partially clad. "Huh? Oh... yeah, sure. That's what Indyth told Chymeth you needed." As tactless as ever, he can't help resist pointing out, "D'you two realize that you're wearing robes?" Just in case they may have missed this. Ro makes sure her robes she still in place before replying "I'd never have guessed. What a shock." Her voice is deadpan flat. Somehow, something about V'dan's demeanor seems to settle Mehlani, who offers the poised, polite reply of, "It had come to our attention, yes, thank you. You and Chymeth are very kind, for coming so quickly." Not knowing V'dan and his green _nearly_ so well as Kes and Indyth, Mehlani gravely waits for the rider to indicate that they may approach his dragon before she does so. V'dan shrugs. "Hey, y'know, always a pleasure to serve and stuff. Weird, but we've never been called kind before." Glancing down at his rather slimy looking brown-tinged green dragon--*not* the most attractive of ladies--he belatedly thinks to add, "Oh, yeah, and Chymeth's fine by your coming up whenever it suits you. Just watch the robes." 'Lani bobs her head gravely to V'dan. As he rambles, which evidently doesn't surprise her very much, she quietly approaches Chymeth and starts to climb aboard her. Once she's safe on the green's back, she looks for straps with which to buckle in. Ro straps herself in behind Mehlani after clambering up carefully. Mehlani turns and glances back at Indyth, once she's secure, and calls softly to the brown, "Good night..." She doesn't really expect a reply, but she's not leaving without acknowledging her friend's dragon. Since V'dan is quite used to being called on errands--he's just a go-fer kinda guy--there are straps for three extra passengers available. "All buckled in? Good. Don't forget to watch the robes, now. G'night, Indyth!" he yells over, receiving a mildly annoyed rumble in return that modifies to a softer and less irked warble when it's directed towards Mehlani. "And awaaaaaaaaaay we go! Ho, Chymeth--up, up, and away!" Leave it to V'dan to resort to theatrics. Crouching, the green leaps to spring rather awkwardly into the air... becoming, as is her wont, fluidly graceful once she's found her wing-rhythm. Go figure. 'Lani keeps glancing back into the weyr, until Chymeth wings out of range... and only then, does the girl direct her attention to the coming landing. Southern Bowl(#396RJL$) Contents: Manira Emmy Obvious exits: Living Cavern Central Bowl Weyrleaders' Complex Outer Infirmary Guest Weyr Records Room Ro has arrived. Ro says "He'll be fine, 'Lani." just loud enough for her words to not be completely carried away by the wind." Once Chymeth has safely landed and dropped off her passengers, Mehlani lets out a long, slow breath. She looks rather dazed, now, and she turns slowly to Ro, murmuring some sort of polite pleasantry to V'dan as the young man rambles his way through letting them dismount. "I know," she tells the other girl softly, once Chymeth and her rider have lifted off again. "I just..." Jor sails here from the north. Jor has arrived. Jor sails north. Jor has left. Ro desends from dragonback, this time having the presence of mind to climb down rather than sliding. "I used... to help Father with flights," Mehlani finally admits softly. "Bring him wine... and find Momma for him. But it's... _different_, with Kes..." Her gaze drifts briefly back up in the direction of K'star and Indyth's weyr, before returning to her friend. [Very tired, now, the two girls sneak as quietly as they can into the lower caverns... where Ro and Mehlani part company, for Mehlani wants to make sure that K'star wakes up with some of the hangover remedy she's gotten very good at making. Ro lets her go, leaving 'Lani to her thoughts. Much bemused by the entire evening, 'Lani quietly assembles a pouch for K'star, and calls her fire lizards to her to take it to him... and convinces half her fair to stay up there with him, to keep him company. And at last, with a bit of the remedy saved for Ro as well, Mehlani sneaks off to bed, unable to keep herself from thinking of what it might have been like if she _had_ let Kes stay in her cot.... End log.]