The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 5/6/98 Log Cast: (People) Kassima, Saskia, Asrai, Kailia, Neliea, Mehlani, Krista, Richenda, Arallia, Jayna, Asher, Ursa, Sandar, R'val, Ptodek, M'kla (Firelizards) Mehlani's fair, Asrai's hatchling, Arallia's hatchling, Jubei, Twink Log Intro: Thus far, Mehlani has worked harder as a Candidate than she ever has before in her life -- and that's saying something, considering the work habits of the daughter of F'hlan. Her industry has even caught the attention of a young man in the Weyr who's suggested she consider 'getting into trouble' a time or two. But neither Mehlani nor any of the rest of the Candidates, even those at Telgar Weyr, quite have a grasp of what kind of work they can bring down upon their heads when a surprise inspection is launched upon their barracks -- especially when one of the participants of the inspection is a Kassima under the influence of her proddy green dragon Lysseth... ---------- Your location's current time: 21:09 on day 16, month 10, Turn 22, of the Tenth Pass. It is a autumn evening. You part the curtain and step into the Candidate Barracks. Candidate Barracks(#258RAHJ$) This cavern has a rather low ceiling, with many openings for air, since this becomes an abode for a large number of people before every hatching. Every inch of the floor is kept clean, although little of it can be seen due to the many rows of cots that fill most of the space. The central part of the cavern is rather dim, as most of the glows are on the walls. Little decoration is evidenced except for a few personal effects. You wouldn't call it uncomfortable unless the unusually low ceiling for a weyr makes you claustrophobic. On the wall, scrupulously maintained, is a list of Candidates and their assigned chores for the day. Tampering with it is rumored to be an offense punishable by death or latrine duty for the rest of one's life. A large portal on one wall, closed by an equally large door, leads to the tunnel descending to the hatching sands. Another door, covered by a curtain, leads out to the Inner Cavern. Contents: R'val Kailia Kassima Richenda Asrai Krista Arallia Neliea Candidate Supervisor Roster Saskia Obvious exits: Lower Caverns Kassima starts to sing softly under her breath, "Mine eyes have seen the roasting of the dead-meat Candidates...." She tries to suppress a smile as more and more Candidates fail at areas of the inspection. Those marks *will* be hers. Oh, yes. They *will* be hers. Saskia gives Kassima a look. Asrai shrugs, giving Neliea a sympathetic look. Seeing Lani enter she shoos her over to her cot. "Inspection." She says shortly. Kailia shakes her head, "Kassi, I pity the candidate that does pass, if one does. You may never forgive him or her." Neliea pales and quickly wipes her hand clean on her trous. Oh, just let there be no tunnelsnakes in there. Mehlani comes darting in, bleary-eyed, clearly having just emerged from the steam baths. She's hastily donned her clothing and is clinging to her bathing shift and towels rolled into a bundle in her arms; her hat rides, as per usual, on her head, but she's got her boots in one hand and is walking barefoot. Several of her fire lizards are flittering around here -- what of their number, that is, aren't already huddled under her cot and peering out at the proceedings with wary eyes, which is doubtless what drew 'Lani in here in the first place. Mehlani takes one look at everyone and everything, and then shoots her gaze back to Asrai and bobs her head mutely. Krista pulls out the drawers of her press that have a neat top layer but the clothes under neath arn't quite folded, "I did my best for a five minute warning." Kailia snorts, "Should be clean all of the time, Candidate." Richenda's gaze narrows....just _narrows_ at the arrival of the collection of firelizards and bellows, "RED STAR!!!!" before nudging Krista's press with her toe. "I can see. Practice folding in the laundry tomorrow afternoon...AFTER regular chores. Saskia, I dread this immensely, but what have you done with your things, hmm? Ready for inspection, are we?" Krista says "That was my best excuse too." Saskia nods to Richenda, "Yes ma'am. Indeed, ma'am." and gulps softly. Mehlani, for a few moments, just stands there dumbly, frozen in apparent nervousness; she swallows as Richenda's bellow promptly disperses each and every single fire lizard that looks to her, leaving her entirely alone. She swallows hard and then inches to her cot. Kassima mutters sardonically to Kailia, "Fat chance of any of these passing. The day any group of Candidates comes close to being acceptable in their first inspection, I'll eat B'fus's kilt. Without ketchup, nay less." Ewwww. Quixote shrieks and launches himself from her shoulder, disappearing *between* at once; the tiny hatchling green follows suit within a few seconds. Kassi turns her highly annoyed look on the Candidates, indubitably blaming *them* for this somehow. Thankfully, Asrai's newest hatching is basically in the coma of a stuffed newborn. Asrai shakes her head as the little brown lets out a *belch* in Reply to Richenda's bellow and resettles himself. Richenda snaps her fingers at Saskia, indicating that her patience is ebbing. Rennick must be waiting with a bottle of wine somewhere. Saskia runs over to Richenda,"Here ma'am." Arallia's newest hatchling is also in a stuffed newborn coma, thankfully and Ara just clutches at her dustbunnied clothing. Jayna eyes her fellow vi--Candidates with sympathetic trepidation. Neliea stiffens and is grateful that her flit didn't wake up. Two squaks in one day would leave her deaf. "Open your press right now, Candidate," says Richenda with the sort of love a firelizard holds for a tunnelsnake, "so I can put Mehlani out of her misery and get my mortified self away from this blackened pottydump that you've made of my Barracks." Saskia nods quickly and opens her press slowly. Asrai chuckles softly at Richenda's wording. Saskias press is empty save for a pair of threadbare trous and tunic. Mehlani stands there by her cot, clinging to her bundled shift and towels and boots, and swallows again. Inspection. Um. Well, she'd better put her things down if she's going to be asked to open her cot, shouldn't she? Her eyes quite huge under her hat brim, she leans down to place her boots where they need to be; her movements are stiff, as if her limbs are feeling heavier than usual. Kassima remarks idly, "Would've called it a moldering cesspit, m'self, but beggars can't be aught but compost." Richenda lets out a long, long, long, long, exasperated breath and again addresses the non-Candidates accompanying her. "We have clothing and food and furs for all, and yet this young lady is wearing these things. Can you all believe it??? Saskia, for shame. When you're helping out Neliea in the stores tomorrow, get a few items of clothing for yourself. And Kassima, while I'm writing up these orders, can you all have a look at Mehlani's press for me?" Saskia blushes bright red, "Yes ma'am" and ducks her head. Hearing the sentence, Jayna looks sympathetically at Saskia. Asrai looks over at Lani, following Kassi to make sure the greenrider doesn't eat the poor girl. Arallia also throws a sympathetic look over at Saskia. Saskia mumbles something about Jorenan buying her some clothes, but she got Searched. Kassima's fierce smile bares a number of teeth. "Gladly, Richenda." Pushing herself away from the wall, the black-clad rider steps over to where 'Lani stands, her wherry-skewer slapping against her leg. "Open the press," she commands in a voice that brooks no argument. Her expression bespeaks volumes: this had just *better* not be an overly-clean press. Neliea lowers her eyes and rapidly glances in sympathy over at Saskia. At least she won't be alone tomorrow. Richenda's glare at Saskia indicates that further comment is about as welcome as a cold necessary seat in the middle of winter. Saskia swallows and falls silent. Mehlani straightens back up again as Richenda utters her name. And she's lived first at Benden Weyr, then at Telgar, long enough to know exactly what kind of frame of mind Kassima is in. Not even daring to breathe, 'Lani opens up her press as bidden. Revealed within are a small stack of articles of clothing: a few blouses and breeches. Something in five, count 'em, five different colors that might be a skirt. Two books of some kind, resting atop a box at the very bottom. And, nestled atop everything else, the battered old form of a stuffed toy wher. Asrai smiles, peering inside the press. "Looks pretty good to me, Kassi." Kassima pokes idly through the stuff, not really enough to disturb anything--just enough to get a good look. "Could be piled more neatly," she says brusquely, "and you're going t'bloody well have t'clean out some room in here if'n you hope t'stash a robe. Is that a stain on your clothing that I see, or is it a shadow?" Asrai peer at the shirt in question, trying to make out the stain. Seeing the spot Kassi ment she looks up to Lani for an explaination. At least she looks like /she/ hopes its a shadow. Not entirely certain whether Kassima means the clothes she's wearing, the clothes in the press, or the bundle she's still bearing in her arms, Mehlani nods uneasily at the advice given, then murmurs, "I..." She swallows. "I mean... what's in there is clean, though I probably missed some of the firestone d-dust on what I've got on..." Kassima, by contrast, looks decidedly disapproving--yes, disapproving--of the relatively neat state of things so far. "See that you keep it that way, then," she snaps, "and keep yourself in better state. The Candidates represent the Weyr just as much as any rider, Crafter, or resident, and a may a messy and difficult-to-explain to one's mate disease strike anyone who dares think otherwise. Now. Get down and sweep this cloth under your cot, Candidate." She tosses Mehlani a handkerchief from one of her shirt-pockets. It is, of course, black. "And if everything's not clean, Mehlani, I reckon you'll have to rewash them all to be sure," Richenda notes to Mehlani, "along with the rest of the laundry you'll be doing tomorrow afternoon. Asher, is your press ready for inspection? Well, never will be instpected." Jayna shakes her head sadly. The black handkerchief test. She sighs sympathetically. "Yes ma'am," murmurs Mehlani tinily, though still quite audibly. She accepts the kerchief, hunkers stiffly down to her knees and then crouches down low enough to run the cloth beneath her cot. To Richenda, too, she adds a tiny "Yes'm." There is a hint of sympathy in Asrai's eyes, but she knows the reasons behind these inspections as well as any other rider. Kailia leans against the wall, a wide grin on her face. She's not even trying to cover it now. Asher summons the usual vacant smile for anyone who addresses him--this time Richenda--and gives his dark head a shallow bob. "Of course." A smile curves his mouth, even though it isn't funny in the least. He extends his hand, showing the contents of his press with casual indifference. Old clothing, one pair, has been tucked here without care, and a pot of oil for his firelizards. And a comb. Saskia gives Mehlani a sympathetic look, but for once the sound of her voice is not heard. Before she has even begun her defamation dissertation on the press Richenda pokes Asher with her writing implement. "Excuse me, Candidate, but you said Of course...did you mean, 'Of course, ma'am'? I hope you did. I'd hate to think you treated me with the casual disregard that you have with this disaster you call a press. Kassima's booted foot taps the tempo of impatience against the floor. "Well?" she demands, evidently irate by how long this is taking. "Out with it. Is the cloth dirty, or isn't it?" Asrai looks with mild reproff upon Kassima. By her look she obviously doesn't think Kassi should be doing this inspection..not in the mind state Lysseth has her in. Another vacant half-smile. "Of course, ma'am, I don't." Asher expels a gentle breath, and tries to summon up a more true-style of smile. "It is a horrid mess, isn't it, ma'am?" Kassima shoots Richenda a glance that says, clearer than words, 'I told you so.' Asher gets a glare fit to boil the blood to the point where even *between* couldn't cool it. It is a good thing for this one that pyrokinesis is indeed impossible. Mehlani rolls awkwardly to a crouch, then rises up again, peering anxiously at the cloth. She then holds it forth, trying not to shake it or disturb anything that might have come up clinging to it, and murmurs to Kassima, "There isn't any light-colored dust on it..." Kailia shakes her head at the young man. Asrai smiles, "Not a wonder what with all your firelizards helping to keep it clean with their bodies, Candidate 'Lani." Ursa emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Ursa has arrived. Richenda smirks Kassima's way as she pokes and prods at the press. "Oh, no, oh no, it's not a mess. If you want to see a mess, go see the latrines nearest the children's rooms and nursery tomorrow afternoon, my DEAR Candidate and you will see mess. But then, that's why I want you cleaning them. Understood?" Kassima scowls blackly at this. She's out to find dirt, and by Faranth, she *will* find it. "Sweep the cloth over the press, under the press, over the bottom of the press and cot both, and around the floor immediately surrounding your cot," she commands. "Then show me that cloth again. And, pull the coverlet down on your cot so that I can see whether you've made it in any remote facsimile of the proper fashion." Kailia grins, "I'd like to verify the mess there, if I may." Saskia gulps. She had latrine duty today. Arallia winces when she hears Asher's punish..duty, latrine duty that is. "Thank you, Kailia." The headwoman greets Ursa with a thin-lipped nod that seems at home with her dangerously glittering eyes. Asher seems instantly delighted with Richenda in an bizzare way. His smile grows--no, he beams-- and he lifts his fingers in a sort of salute. "Of course ma'am. Oh, oh. Of course." Ursa steps in, lingering near the door. She leans against the wall, eyes slowly taking in the sight and the inspection. Though she won't have any of them in her wing for some turns yet, it's already her business to keep an eye on them. Asrai's lips purses slightly at Kassi's attitude. Seeing the inspection nearing its conclusion, Jayna straightens up and looks straight ahead. Richenda's forefinger shoots out toward Asher for another poke. "Something amusing you, Candidate? You find this fun? You think this is a laughing matter?" Hey, at least Kassi hasn't threatened to disembowel 'Lani if the Candidate doesn't comply. Yet. This is an improvement over previous Turns. Mehlani flicks a brief wisp of a glance at Asrai, not daring anything even remotely related to a smile, not with Kassima's attention focused upon her. She bobs her head to Lysseth's rider, and moves as quickly as she can manage to obey her. The black cloth follows the dictated course, over and under, over and around. 'Lani has to crouch again, and her movements remain ever so slightly awkward for some reason, but after a few moments, she straightens up to display the cloth for the green rider's inspection. Distinct nervousness might be spotted along with weariness in her delicate features. Asher tips his head at Richenda, going slightly vacant-eyed again; unfocused. "Oh, no ma'am." He might have a bruise from those pokings in the morning hours. "I am most certainly not laughing, ma'am." "Good," Richenda counters in a snarl, "because I've noticed a day of stirring numbweed will puncture most people's sense of humor. You'll see about that tomorrow at dawn, won't you?" Kailia shakes her head, "I might have to agree with you a bit, Kassi. He is on the disrespectful side." Jayna winces at Asher's sentence. Kassima asks Richenda in a low tone, "Mayhaps the stakes of the bet could be changed t'that chance t'kick a certain insolent rump into a manure pile, as I mentioned a'fore?" Turning back to Mehlani, she regards the cloth with narrowed eyes... and, at last, a smile of wicked triumph; a faint line of dust does mar it, probably from way, way back in the back where no sane person would think of cleaning. "I see," she says simply. "Go show that to Richenda, Candidate." Asher ahs slightly, tipping his head the other way. "See about which, ma'am? The latrines, or the numbweed, in the morning?" Oh, how tiring, how confusing. He looks just a little disassembled in the head at the moment. Maybe he's tired. Asrai rolls ehr eyes, but reinforces Kassi's command with a jerk of her head towards Richenda. Ursa taps her toe impatiently while she nods her head approvingly. From the expression on her face, she expected about what she sees. Richenda breathes in deeply. "Numbweed morning, latrines afternoon. And dishes tomorrow night. Have you any more questions, Candidate?" Mehlani bobs her head again, to Kassima and Asrai, and there's only one word for her expression now: stricken. She then turns and steps to Richenda, stumbling once, pausing uncertainly and holding up the cloth, waiting for the Headwoman's attention to shift to her. Asher ohs softly as this is clarified. "No thank you, ma'am." He tries his very hardest not to be pleasent, not to smile, as this seems to offend. He doesn't enjoy making people offended. He's got his eyes on that writing stick, ready for another lighting jab. "Commands shouldn't require reinforcement," Kassima notes to Asrai in a flat voice; it's nearly the mildest tone she's used today. "Kailia, I couldn't agree more. Which is why I want t'kick him into a muck-pile first chance I get." And oh, but her smile is venemous. Richenda becomes cognizant of Mehlani's nearness and snares the cloth from her fingertips for an examination. "Not the worst I've seen, but I expect that, after you and the others have swept this place clean, you'll be sure nothing comes up on the cloth, won't you?" Just for good measure, as she speak, she pokes Asher again. Asrai doesn't answer Kassi, what's the use at this juncture. Mehlani murmurs tinily, "Yes ma'am." That seems to be about all she's capable of saying, at the moment. Asher suddenly seems to notice that he's being spoken about. His head turns and his back ceases to slouch, the barest of frowns marring his pale face as he searches through faces. Oh, yes. The flashy one with the knives. "Ouch," he mutters distractedly as he's jabbed. Than he looks to see what that was. Oh, Richenda. "I meant, 'Ouch, ma'am.'" The last thing he needs is to be scolded again. Jayna sighs, fingering the sock on her pocket. She eyes a stray dustbunny that floats from beneath her cot. She stompts it, efficiently but gently. Kassima smiles the smile of the feline who has gotten the cream. Those marks are in her sights even now. Her gaze wanders again towards Asher; her smile turns positively poisonous for the brief moment before she turns her attention elsewhere. "Looks like a complete series of failures, eh Riche?" Richenda looks weary as she addresses the riders and Kailia, her face mottled by temper or by embarassment at the barracks' state. "I'm sorry for you all having to see the people for whom I am responsible in the barracks for which I am responsible being so slovenly. I know that the Beastcraft's coops are better-maintained than this sty. If you have advice to give me on how to make certain these .... people know they're supposed to keep this place clean, do tell me." Kailia points to Sandar, "Ahhh, forgot one." "I've had enough." And Richenda sounds as though she means it. Sandar gulps audibly. Ursa drawls dryly. "Kerlyn once had me do ten pushups for every stain and mark she found. It took me several days to finish my total." Asrai nods, stepping forward. "Perhaps you'll let me take over from here, Richenda. A little talking to might put things in perspective for them.. If that doesn't work..then more drastic measures might be taken." Mehlani stands there near Richenda, not having dared to move from the spot, and her face falls visibly at the Headwoman's words. She mutely curls the cloth into her hands, and although she doesn't actually cringe, her face does a grand job of relaying the impression that she's just been punched in the gut. Jayna shuffles her feet and looks humiliated. Not to mention really, really worried. Ursa snorts. "They need far more than a talking to," she says. "But if you'll excuse me." She turns and leaves, her boot heels clicking on the stone floor. Ursa heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Ursa has left. Sandar glances back at his cot, now wishing he hadn't decided to take a nap after bagging firestone this afternoon, thenturns and looks around shifty eyed at the angry inspectors. Kassima smiles again. She's good at drastic measures. "Oh, do let me talk t'them if'n Asrai's spiel doesn't do any good, Headwoman. Perhaps I can inspire a sense of duty in the buggers." Richenda offers Asrai her clipboard and stick with tha air of a person who's anxious to leave. To Ursa's suggestion she simply says, "Done deal. Please count every stain and mark on these clothes before you let them go and mark them down. I want them to know I will not be embarassed before all of Pern by having ragamuffin Candidates on the sands. Excuse me, everyone. Kailia, Asrai, Kassima...they're all yours. R'val, I'll trust you to keep them all in line. Right? Right." Asher folds his hands in his pockets, black head, complete with red streaks, bowed slightly. But he's looking down because he doesn't want to smile. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he feels slight sympathy for Sandar. R'val smiles at Richenda faintly, "Do my best, ma'am." Richenda does a stage whisper to R'val, hand on his shoulder as she passes him. "Don't let any of them escape." Neliea shifts from foot to foot and stops before any one sees her. Unfolding her hands, she wipes them on her trous and blinks in worry. A brief glance to Sandar and then back to the floor. Kassima rests her hands casually on the hilt of her wherry skewer and the handle of her Emasculator, relaxing a touch as she gets in contact with her weapons. "Thankee, Riche. I'm certain we can... handle them." Kailia grins, "Not a chance." Aurian shifts nervously from foot to foot as she waits. Asrai takes the clipboard. She turns to the others. "I think I can handle this alone. I get a chance to talk to them, alone.../if/ that doesn't work..then you all can have them." Kailia Long brown hair falls over Kailia's shoulders, the hints of red glinting in the light. Hazel eyes framed with some of the longest lashes you've ever seen are the most dominant feature in Kailia's face. They sparkle with hints of gold and green. Soft features fill the rest of her face. She is of average height, if not a bit on the tall side. She is slender, and you can see hints of muscles formed by hard work. Today, Kailia wears a tunic of soft baby blue, the material somewhat sheer and airy. It had different types of ribbon sewn onto the neckline, accentin the V shape. The first strip is a varigated mix of green and blue, the colors fading back and forth just right. The next strip is a pattern of small purple flowers, with tiny green leaves. Below that, the ribbon has a pattern of baby blue birds on a lavender background. The same ribbon is sewn around the bottom of her tunic. The sleeves are long and tie at the wrists with thin green ribbon. Underneath the sheer tunic, Kailia wears a deep green tank top. Her pants are made of a deep blue wherhide, they fit closely to her legs. Oh her feet, she wears a pair of scuffed brown boots, rather marring the outfit, though they are polished the best they can be. On her shoulder, Kailia wears the black and white knot of Telgar Weyr. She appears to be around 16 turns old. Carrying: Lordie Kailia's BPC "Who died and put you in charge of us, Asrai?" Kassima asks sharply. "Or of whether or nay we may address the Candidates?" Jayna remains at attention, but her eyes follow Richenda as she leaves. She watches Asrai, warily, but ready to take the punishment she deserves. Her cot was, truly told, sloppy, after all. Richenda heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Richenda has left. Asrai sighs, not having wanted to do this. "Wingleader, you are not really in the right mind to have any sort of conversation with the candidates..lest it be one on what proddiness can do to one's temperment. May I /please/ talk with them alone?" Kailia looks up, "I am one of her assistants, I should be here." Asher quirks a dark brow. He rather wishes they'd decide whether or not they would be lectured by one, two, or all of the riders present. All, he hopes. The riders are more diverting than sleep, in any case. Sandar's cot was quite nicely made, in order, and all of his clothes were folded - well, there were folds in them, anyways - and stashed under his bed. Now, if only there weren't that big black Sandy-sized smear on the pillow, and trailing underneath the covers, from this afternoon's nap. Sandar closes his eyes and wishes the smear *between*, but when he opens his eyes, the smear's still there... and there's a bronze firelizard tugging at the sheets, rumping them up further. Sandar acks. "Jubei!" he hisses when he hopes nobody's watching. "Cut that out!" Kassima drawls out, "Methinks I can judge whether or nay I'm in m'right mind better than you can. I'm certes in enough possession of m'senses t'know when a group of slovenly slime-spawned 'snakes have turned the Barracks into a festering cesspool. Go ahead and talk to them, but if'n you think you can order me out... you'd best have a second think coming, Wingleader." Asrai sighs, looking to Kalia. "Can you tell them exactly /why/ they need to be so neat? How it ties in with being a dragon rider? I have complete rrespect for your position Kailia, I just wanted to chat with them about the aspects of this inspection that deal with being a rider." She looks to Kassi, clearly not happy with where her simple suggestion has lead this. "Kassima, might I please have a private conversation with the candidates?" Twink has arrived. Twink swoops down towards Kailia. Asher looks positively delighted, and closes his dark green eyes and tries not to listen. Someone save him from his own terrible sense of humour and curiousity. He's going to stand here, oh yes, and behave, because if he doesn't than they'll reward him by letting him go back home. And we all know how droll that can be. He rather misses being poked at, though. At least while he was being jabbed, he knew that something constructive was being done. Aurian glances to her own cot, its only a little bit messy really. That is if you never mind the various containers of firelizard oil, numbweed, and creams. The bits of green leaves, drying leaves, and crushed leaves in small piles. Kassima folds her arms, leans back against a wall, tilts her head to consider for a moment, and then says, "Nay. If'n you like, though, I'll save m'interruptions up until the end... since I would like t'speak with them also, Asrai. I believe I have that right." Kailia shrugs. "Well, at least let me spit this out. Candidates, what if there's an emergency. Unsusal threadfall or the like. If your things are a mess, how will you know where to find it? Humm? Knowing where your things are and being able to find them could make a big difference." Sandar groans quietly as Jubei starts rumpling with the sheets, perhaps building a comfortable nest-like bed for himself, then snags some of Sandy's shirts from below the cot, and builds a little pile. Sandar waves his hands frantically at the bronze, who chirps happily at his sillypet's recognition of his wise bedmaking. Asrai shakes her head at Kassi. "I don't agree with this, Kassi. I'll find some other time to talk with them." She shoves the clipboard at Kassi and walks out. She doesn't look back as she leaves. Asrai heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Asrai has left. R'val slips out wordlessly. R'val heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. R'val has left. Kailia shakes her head, "Well, Kassi. And that is that." Mehlani's fair is still nowhere to be seen. She only stands there, the black cloth being twisted slightly in her dainty fingers, doing her best to pay attention. Twink has left. Kailia smiles as Twink flies over and lands on her shoulder. Ptodek emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Ptodek has arrived. Ptodek bursts into the room, stopping to look around at the people. M'kla emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. M'kla has arrived. Ptodek says "Kassima!!!" Ptodek Ptodek is a young boy 14 Turns, 2 months, and 10 days old, with dark mussed up hair and mischievous green eyes. He wears new clothing-- the tunic a deep forest green color, and trousers dyed a yellowish-bronze. The grey leather belt with a dragon buckle matches the color of his boots. Carrying: Firestone Aurian sidles a bit closer to her cot, trying to keep the water damaged jacket out of view. Asher lifts his red-streakd head and blinks at the noisy entrance. Oh, of course, /they/ get to run about...... Kassima calls after Asrai without so much as a hint of repentance, "Your decision, a'course. Everyone has a right t'be unreasonable." With a nod to Kailia, she turns to the Candidates and eyes them somewhat coldly. "Candidates. I'll make this as short as I can. While you are here, Standing, wearing a Telgar Weyr knot, you represent the Weyr. To the Holds, to the Crafts, to *everyone who comes t'see you*. *Is* that clear? The Weyr did nay Search you because 'twas looking t'bloody well humiliate itself, if'n you've somehow gotten that idea stuck rattling around in your heads and dying of loneliness up there. We expect you t'be presentable at all times. We expect you t'keep things neat and tidied, for precisely the reasons that Kailia mentioned. And we *expect* that you will nay try and act with insolence towards those of higher rank. That is one of many reasons why 'tis important for you t'shape up, and shape up *now.*" M'kla comes in, with Ptodek, and two others in tow. A sniffling girl who will answer to Markie, and a wideeyed boy named Stamson. M'kla's brows quirk at Kassima, and she snorts, but says nothing for now. Ptodek blinks at the harangue, and tries again. "Kassima! It's me Ptodek! Remember?" Mehlani, like just about every other young person in view in the Barracks, seems to manage only a fraction of attention for M'kla's entrance and that of those with her. 'Lani's gaze remains riveted on Kassima; the girl in the hat is still silent, stricken, and seemingly rooted to the spot in which she stands. Kailia pokes the young man, "Not now." Sandar hangs his head low at the chewing out, wincing slightly at certain words. M'kla makes sure the other two are settled....and then sneaks back out while Kassima has delusions of T'garrick. Ptodek bites his lip and falls silent. Kassima casts a disapproving look over her shoulder as her name is called. One eyebrow arches upwards. "Ptodek," she says simply, the greeting not precisely warm. M'kla, of course, gets a salute sharp enough to shave with. "I believe that's everything. Richenda will gladly elucidate for you just what will happen if'n you don't. Chores are a first-time offender's punishment. You don't want t'know about the second time. D'you all understand me?" Aurian glances straight towards her toes. Toes are such wonderful things. Tips of boots even better. Her hair falls over her face as she nods, "aye ma'am." Neliea blinks and remains at attention, it's useless to do anything else right now. Nodding minutely, she mumurs, "Yes ma'am." Kailia speaks up, "And it's much worse if you muss up another so they get in trouble on purpose. Don't even think about it." Ptodek swallows and nods carefully. Asher blinks at Kassima's lecturing, the sentences parting and flowing past him without actually breaking agianst him. A sieve, he is, lately. He heard though. He heard. Oh sharding curiosity. He stops himself from injecting and asking what the second offense would bring. He really struggles. Sandar nods quickly to Kassima. "Yes, ma'am," he agrees, then grimaces, hoping she doesn't notice he just ma'amed her. Hearing others do the same relieves him only slightly. Kassima snaps in a less clipped, more heated tone, "And *don't* fardling well call me ma'am. The name's Kassima. K-A-S-S-I-M-A. Kah-SEE-muh. Can we say it? I think we can." Ptodek smothers a grin. Asher echoes instantly, "Kassima!" Isn't he a clever parrot? Sandar can say it, but he wisely remains silent like he should have done in the first place. A 'Lani-like grave nod is all she gets this time. Aurian jumps a bit. Her eyes wide with startlement. She does manage not to yelp however. M'kla leans against the doorway, and watches the greenrider. Neliea quickly looks up and nods, "Yes Kassima." She quiets and hopes that it'll be safe soon, if such a thing exists. Kassima nods curtly, and takes a deep, deeeeep breath. It's been a long and pretty thoroughly horrid day, but she can still realize when even she's being just a *touch* unreasonable. "Thank you," she manages, with a touch of sincerity, though Asher gets a sharp look. "'Tis a personal preference of mine, this nay-ma'aming thing. Anyway. Kailia, did I miss aught that I should've said?" Kailia shakes her head, "You know, I do believe I'm rather glad I'm not in you all's shoes." Sandar wishes he was in his shoes. They're currently tossed carelessly at the foot of his bed. Asher looks a little flustered. Oh well give him a funny look. He can say it, can't he? He tosses his head to clear the hair from his eyes and folds his hands behind his back. Kailia looks thoughtful, "Just don't forget the extra duties tomorrow. They ought to be perfect, ot Richenda may have your heads." Ptodek gulps. Extra duties? He missed that part. Sigourney emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Sigourney has arrived. Sandar mumbles something about the inevitability of that anyways, but soon clamps his mouth shut and hangs his head, perhaps because he's feeling ashamed, and perhaps because he doesn't want to get any more attention than he's already brought upon himself. "Or something other than their heads," Kassi agrees, tapping the handle of her Emasculator meaningfully. "I'm certain that everything will be done without flaw. And *without* resorting t'cutenesses like the dyed soap I've heard rumors of, unless you want t'see what Riche's like when she's annoyed. I wouldn't, if'n 'twere you. All clear?" Sigourney flitters in with a cheep, perching on the lintel. Mehlani, once more, nods mutely to Lysseth's rider. Sandar nods solemnly. Aurian chews on a fingernail as she listens to the continued beratement. She looks whistfully towards the cutain out. Asher nearly passes out at the dyed-soap's mention. He's the victim, not the criminal here. This time. But a saucy grin and nodding bob of the head to the instructions. Neliea nods slowly, still stainding too straight, but better than slouching. Dyed-soap? She wasn't part of that, but she's a candidate. Maybe she is. Kassima frowns at Asher as she sees him grin. That lad is just racking up more and more points on Kassi's deep-defecation-list. "Fine, then. M'thanks t'you and Riche, Kailia, for letting me talk to them." She even manages a nod, to try and add sincerity to the words. Kailia nods, "Our pleasure." Sandar grimaces at the word pleasure, as though it shouldn't be said in this room at this moment. However, he's looking a tad less white now that the schooling is over. Kassima whirls smartly on her heel to head out the door, with another one of those crisp-as-frozen-lettuce salutes for M'kla, the lucky woman. Ptodek blinks and looks around at the others. Kailia nods, "Well, you all have a lovely evening cleaning up in here." Kassima heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Kassima has left. Sigourney trrrrrillls amusedly, then hops off her perch and flits out, a flippant cheep drifting on the air behind her. Sigourney heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Sigourney has left. Aurian watches the whirlwind otherwise known as Kassima leave with some visible relief. Mehlani, still rooted where she'd been standing, glances unreadably at Kailia... then at M'kla. Kailia heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Kailia has left. Sandar looks at his once somewhat crisp looking bed, now Jubei's rumpled up nest, and sighs again. Ptodek ventures a "Hello" to his new fellow-candidates. "I'm Ptodek, I came from Benden." Neliea lets out the breath that she was holding for the past few minutes. Looking around slowly, she's un certain of whether or not it's safe yet. M'kla drawls quietly, "An that is what a greenrider is like when she's ye have any questions?" Sandar, who would ordinarily cheerfully be greeting the newcomer, simply gives a simple wave. "Hey there. Welcome to Telgar," he tells the lad. He shakes his head to M'kla, again quieting down as the group is addressed. Asrai emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Asrai has arrived. Asher beams out a half-formed smile. "I have one. Is it simply my bad sight, or does she want to flame me?" Ptodek raises his hand. "Can we get something to eat?" he asks timidly. Aurian speaks up with a slight squeak, "You mean she's not always llike that?" She again looks relieved. Mehlani shakes her head mutely to Torinth's rider. She just keeps standing there. And seems to be wobbling a little, at the knees. Asrai walks in, juice glass in hand. She takes a look around, relaxing slightly as she notes that M'kla is the only non-candidate present. M'kla snorts quietly, "Kassima is usually half-mad...tonight, she was half prodded, though she spoke the truth. Just more loudly and with more swagger than most and usual." Neliea weakly smiles over at Ptodek, "Hi.", she looks back to the others and smiles at Asher and stays wisely quiet. M'kla says "But...tis a good example of what a dragon's emotions can do to ye when you're still young." Asher looks disappointed. "Oh," he says, slipping his hands back into his pockets silently. Asrai smirks, it seems to be her favorite expression resently. "Well, did everyone enjoy their first suprise inspection?" she nods to M'kla, "And for some it never goes away." Ptodek snickers. M'kla chuckles, "Surprise, eh? In this heap...shards, We're lucky there weren't beatings...but it's a good lesson. About half of ye will become dragonriders." Aurian rubs the back of her neck and sighs a bit, "Aye. Bunches." She nudges one of her herb sacks with the toe of her boot. M'kla says "An that means discipline...which I'm nay sure Kassima actually got to. Weyrling inspections are e'en less kindly, I fear." Ptodek straightens his shoulders, determined to be in the proper half. Mehlani mentally orders her knees to stop wobbling; her right one steadies, but there's a slight tremor in the left before she's standing entirely still. Her eyes gone dark as twilight in her pale face, she shifts her gaze from M'kla to Asrai, uneasily. Asrai gives herself a shake, having the grace to look slightly embarressed at the comment. "Excuse me, as I mentioned before...that was also a prime example of one type of manifistation of Greenrider Proddiness. Also, there is a very good reason why were are so hard on the inspections. Taking care of a dragon takes up much more time and requires a lot more work then anything you've been used to so far." Asher goes down on one knee, pulling the rumpled things from his press and revealing his things beneath--pristine and perfectly kept. You see---Asher is a perfectionist. He looks at the dirty clothing he borrowed and begins to fold them as he listens. Got to return them now. M'kla gives Mehlani a bit of a smile, "Dan't give me that broken look,'ve been know better, don'tcha?" At least /her/ voice is kindly. Aurian listens silently, figuring the lecture is stil continueing. "Yes'm," murmurs Mehlani tinily. Her face, however, is still white as a sheet, and she's clinging to that black cloth she'd been left with as if her life depended on it. M'kla chuckles, but looks like she has to visibly restrain herself from offering Mehlani a hug...she being the child of an old friend and all that. Asrai nods, "Also, the need for you to clean the latrines...discusting, isn't it? Well, its nothing compared to weyrling droppings. They don't start to deficate between for some time after they are hatched..and its done right in your living area.." M'kla chuckles, "Aye..and they're meat think runner turds are nasty." Asher stands again, running a hand over the blankets he'd purposefully rumpled. They slip back into a smoother order now, and he stands with the roll of dirty and borrowed clothing silently, listening to the riders speak. Ptodek makes an awful face. M'kla moves and takes a seat on some poor candidate's cot. Asrai nods, "And the endless chores, the yes ma'ams and sirs, no ma'am and sirs. You need to be able to respond to a command without thinking about how it might affect your nails...or your clothes, or anything like that. As a rider, one day your life could very well rest on how quickly you respond to an order." Ptodek glances down at his nice new clothes. Aurian rocks on her heels as she listens. Her head tilting. M'kla nods to Asrai's words. M'kla snaps, " ease!" Asher gives Asrai a look that slowly swirls from vacancy to interest. My word, someone is speaking a healthy dose of common sense. Aurian yanks herself straight. Asrai smiles, "I just thought that some perspective might make things easier. They do ask a lot of you...its true. And its not always..ok, rarely pleasant. But your life, and the life of your dragon, should you impress, may hinge on the lessons you don't even realise you are learning." M'kla gestures, "Sit down, lass...before you fall." Aurian runs a hand through her hair, then moves a couple of the various containers off her cot so they don't fall when she takes a carefult seat. Asrai points to 'Lani, "Firestone beating...builds muscles you didn't even know you had. Very necessary muscles. Believe me, you don't want to have to deal with the ground crew's head you bonked by dropping a firestone sack you couldn't toss the required distance." she makes as if peering down and wincing as the imaginary sack makes contact. she looks up, "'Woops' is not an acceptable conclusion." M'kla nods, "Better. 'At ease' means ye sit down and rest...there are times thread falls so often you won't get three hours sleep between it. It takes ye two candlemarks to stoke your dragon's flames...a fall can last up to six hours. Two more candlemarks to clean up your dragon." Mehlani's right knee wobbles a little, and then both of her knees wobble, as Asrai's attention suddenly shifts to her. She swallows, then nods, a trifle shakily. M'kla waves a hand, "At ease...the lot of you. I'm talking now, and I'm not in any mood to make ye hop." M'kla says "Add to this, fall every fourteen candlemarks or less...and ye can see, it doesn't leave you a lot of time to rest. And ye'll be more tired than ye are /now/." M'kla says "Threadfall's serious business, and we've another thirty turns of it." Asher drops, at that, back onto his cot soundlessly. No need to waste time standing when you could be sitting. Aurian tucks her hair behind her ears as she listens, her body leaning forward a bit. A position she seems to be absolutely familiar with. Mehlani gives M'kla another, shakier nod, and stumbles to her cot. Her steps aren't entirely steady, and once she actually reaches her cot, she turns and sinks stiffly down onto it. Her face is still quite white. Asrai nods, agreeing full heartedly with M'kla. "Exactly. And when times get tough, just remember that a dragon though tyou'd a pretty good chance of seeing this through and ending up with a lifemate of your own. That makes /two/ lives that you will be personally responsible for." she chuckles softly at Lani, "And for Farenth's sake...find out where they keep the numbweed. Ask a healer...very politely..if you can have a small jar. We don't expect you not to hurt..hurting good, means the muscle building is working. but we aren't aiming for cripling." M'kla nods to Asrai's comment. Mehlani manages another nod at the riders. M'kla chuckles suddenly, and gestures to Asrai, "Let's let them go, lass...they're half asleep." Aurian murmurs to some of the others, "I have numbweed. i brought some with me from the hall." She pulls her legs against her chest while she reamins on her cot. M'kla nods to Aurian, and stretches as she gets up. Asrai grins, "But if you don't use it..don't blame us for all the aches and pains the morning after." She looks around at M'kla's commant and chuckles softly. "You're right. One last thing before I go. Teamwork does wonders for chores." She then stands with her juice and joins M'kla. "After you, ma'am." M'kla smiles to the little bluerider, and moves to leave. M'kla heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. M'kla has left. Asrai heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Asrai has left. Aurian flops back on the bed. She gasps out one word, "Shards." With the last of the riders gone from the room, Mehlani doesn't shift position from where she's stiffly sat herself down, leaning at an uncomfortable angle. Her eyes shudder closed, and from the look of her, she's started trembling in reaction. Aurian rolls on her side to look at Mehlani, "Well I feel like firestone was broken on my head." Mehlani can't quite manage a reply yet. She nods shakily, and after a moment or two, there's two *pops* signaling the advance guard of her returning fire lizards. Bronze Holl and green Rianet wheel down to her, eyes whirling lightly yellow, and Rianet croons softly as the pair of them land with the girl. Aurian opens up one of the ceramic pots she has and rubs the numbweed into her hands. She blinks still a bit dazed. Weakly, 'Lani looks up and smiles wanly at the pair of fire lizards trying to climb into her lap. She reaches to stroke Holl with a heavy hand, then confides hoarsely to Aurian, "I... usually hide, when Kassima is proddy...!" Aurian coughs, "Ummm there was no where to hide today." Mehlani nods again, a bit less shakily this time, as Rianet insistently nuzzles at her other arm. Aurian murmurs breathlessly, "Want some numbweed?" Mehlani mumbles, "I think I'd need a whole lot..." Over her soft words, Holl creels. Aurian gets up from her cot relatively reluctantly and places her entire pot on the edge of your cot, "Take it I can get more." Mehlani blinkblinks a few times, blue eyes turned positively dewy. "Thank you," she breathes. "Journeyman Vannis... in the Infirmary.... he's very nice... he'd have more..." Aurian nods to Mehlani, "I'll volunteer to help him make it, and spend a couple hours in there daily, I'll get plenty for the candidates." She smiles a touch and then starts folding up the bundles of herbs back at her cot. The bronze and the green fire lizard both chirple in apparently pleased tones at Aurian; then, still smiling a little, Mehlani bobs her head to the other girl. And, stiffly, she moves to undress herself, at least partially. The battered brown hat that 'Lani seems to remove only for sleeping comes off, as does her shirt, leaving only a halter beneath. She leans over awkwardly to get her first few fingerfuls of numbweed, and the moment she smears some on one shoulder, she inhales sharply, tears springing up in her eyes in sheer relief. Aurian tilts her head at Mehlani's as she finishes putting away the herb pouches, "Firestone can be a real hard duty, I'm going to get something to drink from the cavern..." She watches with some concern, "You want me to bring you something?" Mehlani keeps slowly smearing the stuff across her shoulders, and as Aurian speaks up, she pauses, trying to catch her breath. It's obvious that this wisp of a lass is experiencing, for the first time, exactly what it feels like to have every muscle in her shoulders and back be on fire, and then to suddenly stop, with blessed, blessed peace. "If... if you want," she whispers. Aurian smiles sympathetically at her, "Klah, juice, redfruit, meatrolls, something for your firelizards?" She felt the same not too long ago. "Juice," murmurs 'Lani. She is, even when smearing numbweed on her dainty frame, a girl of few words. Her eyes are full of gratitude, nevertheless. With a slight nod, Aurian pivots, "I'll be right back." She strides out. Aurian heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Aurian has left. [And shortly...] Aurian emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Aurian has arrived. Aurian enters carrying a pair of mugs and a carefully balanced plate. Mehlani's position on her cot has altered, and so has the number of her fire lizards present. The blues and her brown have returned, and two more greens are perched on her press. 'Lani herself has managed to straighten into something resembling a vertical position, smearing the last of the numbweed along her biceps, and sitting there trying to decide if she should let herself flop over now. Carefully dodging some of the busily cleaning candidates, Aurian returns to offer Mehlani her mug of juice, "Here.." "Thank you," Mehlani whispers. She seems more capable of moving her arms now, perhaps because she can no longer feel them. Wrapping her hands around the mug, she begins taking cautious sips. Aurian lifts a napkin from the plate, "I snatched these," The napkin is lifted away to reveal two freshly baked berry bubblies. She grins wickedly, "I figure we deserve them.." Mehlani blinks. Then manages a large, if lopsided and tremulous, smile. Three fire lizard heads whirl in Aurian's direction, as the presence of potential snacks is noted by 'Lani's fair. Aurian chuckles and sips at her juice, "Your welcome." She breaks off a piece of one of the pies, "I'll take the mess back to the kitchen so we won't leave them here to attract tunnelsnakes." Mehlani shudders, and two or three of her fire lizards hiss softly. But she also accepts a bit of pie, breaking off tiny morsels for her flocking fair to nibble out of her fingers. Aurian licks some of the sticky fruit juices off her fingers. She hmmms Aurian cleans up the mess around her cot. She then starts helping some of the others. Mehlani, eventually, gets her part of the pie distributed amongst her fair... making sure she doesn't leave crumbs, and nor do her winged ones. She does what she can to aid some of the stricken younger Candidates in settling down for the night -- one or two aghast whispers of 'Are ALL green riders like that when they're proddy?!' can be heard -- before she finally crawls into her cot to collapse herself. [End log.]