The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) 1967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 12/7/97 Log Cast: (People) Jorenan, Mehlani, Jayna, A'lex, Ofira, Maylia (Fire lizards) Holl, Jayna's fire lizard Log Intro: Turnover has come to Telgar Weyr, and with it, the Weyr at large has happily celebrated upon the frozen lake in the Weyr Bowl. Much merriment ensued, particularly surrounding the antics of Mehlani's bronze fire lizard Holl -- and his shameless stealing of the beloved battered brown hat pretty much constantly seen atop the head of one K'star, brown rider, of whom Mehlani has found herself growing increasingly fond. K'star's amiable reply to that hat-stealing attempt, despite Mehlani's profuse apologies, has been to give the hat in question to the girl... thus, all without Mehlani's current knowledge, setting off quite the string of rumors around Telgar as to the young brown rider's status with her.... ---------- Jorenan nods to Mehlani, his eyes as solemn as hers usually are. "Nice hat," he says in place of a greeting. "Thank you," Mehlani replies earnestly, aiming herself for the kitchen, to see if she can acquire a meatroll for her fire lizard. She emerges shortly thereafter with two, one for herself as well, and the girl parks herself at a chair to partake in lunch. Jayna juggles Shadow, who's sleeping in the curl of her arm, and waves to Mehlani. She nods agreement with Jorenan. 'Yes, very nice hat!" Jayna, too, receives a soberly murmured "thank you". Holl is apparently excessively pleased with something today, his eyes bright blue and green, whirling happily. He croons brassily. Jorenan watches the interchange between Mehlani and Jayna thoughtfully. His eyes come to rest on Holl and his excessive cheeriness. "Still happy about the hat, are you?" he asks the little lizard. Jayna looks quizzically at Jorenan, Mehlani, and Holl. "Holl likes the hat? Is that why he's so obstreperously cheerful?" Mehlani nibbles quietly on her meatroll, and Holl, as if perfectly aware of what Jorenan inquires of him, flaps a wing and croons again. Mehlani swallows down her current bite of meatroll, then murmurs ruefully, "He stole it off K'star's head. It was very naughty of him." Jorenan snorts. "You loved it," he says to Mehlani. To Jayna, he explains, "K'star is Mehlani's beau." Jayna ooohhhs, and smiles broadly. "Well, congratulations to you, Holl. . . that was quite a snatching!" Mehlani straightens where she sits, and, her blue eyes widening, stares in shock at Jorenan. "What?" Jayna looks confused. Jorenan looks innocent. "Well?" he asks Mehlani. "What else would you call it?" On Mehlani's shoulder, Holl looks quite, _quite_ pleased with himself, and lets out another long, sweet croon. Life is good! "I..." The hat dips down into Mehlani's eyes as she straightens, and the girl reaches up to push the brim back again. Another girl might actively gape; Mehlani comes about as long as Mehlani would to such things, still staring round-eyed at the young Baker. "He, he only gave me the hat, it was a nice gift, but..." Jorenan snorts. "And he only nearly took my head off if I wouldn't leave you two alone. He likes you, Mehlani, and that's a fact." Jayna giggles. "Hmmm. I haven't seen K'star around. He's a Telgar rider, I take it?" In a very tiny, shy voice, Mehlani tells Jayna, "He Impressed at Benden and came here with the rest of us; he is a Weyrling." But she is still staring at Jorenan, and she blurts out, "But--" A'lex walks in from the bowl. A'lex has arrived. A'lex grins at everyone in the room as he enters and takes off his coat. Jayna slaps her forehead. "Of course. K'star! I didn't have much to do with him. . . .he was always doing chores somewhere else." Jayna grins at A'lex. "Shall I hang that up for you, Wingleader?" A'lex looks aghast for just a moment, "Uhhhh... no, that's okay. But thank you anwyay, Jayna." Jorenan grins at Mehlani's appalled looks. "Careful, your eyes might fall out." Jayna smiles at A'lex. "I was teasing. Don't faint." Mehlani blinks rapidly, seven or eight times, and reaches up to pluck the hat off her head; she brings it down before her and stares at it bemusedly. On her shoulder, Holl leans over and PEERS at it too -- if Mehlani finds it interesting, it must be fun -- and helpfully puts in another croon. A'lex breaths a sigh of relief, "Oh, good..." At Mehlani's motion, Jayna glances over. "Hmmm. . . .what kind of a hat /is/ that, anyway, Mehlani? I've never seen one before." "You... you must be mistaken," Mehlani blurts at last to Jorenan, still clutching the hat. "He has other hats, he said so... he was only trying to be nice, even if Holl was being very naughty...!" On Mehlani's shoulder, Holl unrepentantly coos. Jorenan gets up and puts his hides away. He is still grinning at Mehlani's utterly bemused face. "It -is- a nice hat," he agrees. "But he likes you." Then he's called away; apparently it's time for some Baker lesson or another. Something to do with rendering herdbeast fat. That ought to be entertaining. Jayna scratches her cheek and looks evaluatingly at Mehlani. Uh-huh. . . .something's up here, definitely. Ofira walks here from the Inner Cavern. Ofira has arrived. A'lex hangs his own coat, thank you, and wanders over to the drinks table, poors some klah and moves over towards the group, choosing a spot which isn't WITHIN the conversation circle, but isn't far enough away that he can't chime in ocasionally. A'lex salutes Ofira, "Ma'am." Mehlani, looking suspiciously pink, blinks after the ever so conveniently fled Jorenan, then shoots a wide-eyed look at Jayna, asking blankly, "What?" Jayna nods respectfully to the Master. She'd rise, but there's a firelizard snoring on her arm. Ofira comes in quietly, smiling to those she passes and goes to peer into the kitchen. Satisfied that now one is burning or destroying anything, she turns and nods to A'lex and Jayna and murmurs a hello to Mehlani. Jayna grins. "You never thought about it before? I mean, you and K'star?" A'lex looks at Mehlani with a bit of an evil grin crooking one corner of his mouth, "Who likes you 'Lani?" Jayna gently deposits the snoring Shadow on the table and leans in toward Mehlani. "So, what's K'star like?" Mehlani, startled by Ofira's arrival, jumps a bit and hastily bobs her head to the woman. But the girl is turning pinker at A'lex's and Jayna's questions, and is apparently unaware of the way she is now clutching the hat in her hands, quite nervously. She swallows once, then whispers, "He is very intelligent..." Jayna smiles. "You're crushing your beautiful hat, 'lani!" Maylia walks in from the bowl. Maylia has arrived. A'lex waves to his Wingsecond, "Maylia!" On Mehlani's shoulder, Holl bats Mehlani's cheek with the edge of his snout, and warbles at her scoldingly. Mehlani blinks, then for lack of anywhere else to put it, puts the hat back on her head, where it drapes a bit at an angle, just a touch too large for her. Now unoccupied, her hands clasp one another, still quite nervously. Ofira waves to Maylia, watching A'lex and Jayna and Mehlani curiously, wondering what the great interest in the battered hat is. Maylia walks into the living cavern, pulling off her gloves before helping herself to a bowl of stew. At the call of her name, she looks around, smiling. "Heyla!" she calls. Jayna winks at Holl. "Holl, tell me about K'star. . . . you like him?" On Mehlani's shoulder, Holl croons! Jayna smiles and waves at Maylia. A'lex grins at Holl, "Well then, there's a vote in his favor, now... who is he, I missed that part I think..." A'lex says "Oh, you mean K'star?! He's really nice!" Maylia carries the bowl of stew over to the small group, smiling at the crooning Holl. "I think he likes him!" Mehlani flicks a glance at her bronze, aghast, and attempts to distract the little beast by giving him a bit of meatroll. Holl gleefully accepts the bribe, and looks, if anything, even more pleased with himself. Ofira listens to the chatter of the young people with half an ear, keeping an eye on Mehlani. Jayna pushes Shadow aside. His stomach is bulging, and he's snoring away. A'lex mutters to Ofira, "I... blush..." Mehlani keeps her gaze shyly averted, focusing almost desperately on the welcome distraction of helping Holl finish off their lunch. She's still blushing, though, and as A'lex and Maylia and Jayna exchange their comments, Mehlani doesn't utter a word. Ofira smiles, She mutters to A'lex, "... I just... see them... much. She's..." With a sigh, A'lex stands, "Well, I need to get back to my hidework, I'll see y'all for supper." Ofira nods to A'lex, "See you later." A'lex places his dirty klah mug in it's proper place... then heads for the door. Ofira finishes her tea and gets up, "Alright," she smiles to the young women, "I have a free hour. What's it to be? Klah candies with nuts? Or cream filled pastries?" Jayna grins. "I should probably let you bakers get to it." She moves to scrape Shadow off the table, which he seems to have become part of. Mehlani, with utterly uncharacterstic speed, practically inhales what's left of her meatroll. Delighted, Holl gulps down the rest of his, and Mehlani mutters at the creature, "You are _still_ being very naughty!" Then, the lass peers shyly over at Ofira, out from under the hat brim. Jayna glances at Mehlani, and whispers. . . "You're a baker, aren't you?" Ofira laughs, getting no answer, "Well, I /suppose/ I could do sauteed greens with garlic, since the other ideas dont' seem to appeal to any of you." Mehlani shakes her head at Jayna, beginning to look relieved. Perhaps at the change of subject. She gets to her feet and blurts to the room at large, "I should go get back to work...!" Jayna looks dubiously at the Master. "Uh, ma'am. . . . I've got the /biggest/ sweet tooth you ever saw. But I'm definitely no baker!" Jayna grins. "But I'd be more than willing to get near your dough." Ofira's hands go to her waist and she shakes her head, "Yes, I know," she says patiently, "I was asking which of those desserts you preferred, as I have a free hour for once, from my hidework and I though I'd spend it baking." Mehlani, thinking no one is looking, fidgets with the hat she's wearing for a moment, chewing her lip, looking deeply bemused. Then, she pipes awkwardly, "Um... excuse me!" And without any further preamble, she abruptly flees. [End log.]