The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) 1967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 12/17/96 Log Cast: Lal, F'hlan ---------- Lal comes up the steps from the Bowl outside. Lal has arrived. Lal is about to go and shake the curtains, when she spies F'hlan. "'lo." Bronze dragon is the first thing visible in this weyr; bronze dragon, and bronze dragonrider, the former gleaming with an oiling in progress, the latter clad in rumpled and oil-streaked clothes. F'hlan looks down from the stool he's currently perched on, and smiles. "Good day, Lal; can I help you?" Lal shrugs. "I dunna want t'bother..." Tzornth, opening his outermost eyelids, rumbles lazily in greeting to the visitor. F'hlan steps down off the stool and takes up a rag, to wipe oil off his hands. "A break would do me good, anyway," he replies amiably. "You're not bothering." Lal smiles at Tzornth, and then says to you, "Oh. Well. I just had a little question." The older rider gives a patient nod, an eyebrow crooking slightly, his gaze interested. Lal says "Well, sir, I wanted t'know...yer opinion o'bronzeriders. In general." F'hlan blinks; evidently, he hadn't expected that at all. His brow furrows slightly under his forelock, as he gestures an invitation for you to claim the stool if you'd like. In the meantime, after a bit of thought, he says, "Well, keeping in mind that I can't really speak for any bronze rider but me, are you asking me what kind of men I think bronze riders are?" Lal sits down, and folds up her rather large legs. It looks kinda funny. "Well...yah. I mean...I havena had real good expereinces wi'em." The dragon nearby opens his next layer of eyelids, apparently growing more alert as he takes note of the conversation in which his rider has become involved. From somewhere a little farther away, though not in immediate sight, a fire lizard chitters, and another answers back. F'hlan leans slightly onto his right leg, his features going gravely musing. "I'm sorry to hear that," he says, and his earnest tone suggests he means it. "But to answer your question... well. I'm sure you've heard your share of tales about what bronze riders are 'supposed' to be like." He turns, searches around, and claims another low stool, onto which he folds his leanly boned frame. Lal nods. "An' they seem t'be true--least wi'MOST o'th'ones I know--present company 'cepted." Lal sighs. F'hlan's mouth curls up on one end, slightly self-deprecatingly. "I won't ask which tales you're exempting me from." Brown eyes twinkle, just a bit. "I will tell you this, though. I have known bronze riders with whom I have been honored to serve Pern; I've known others that have made me have to fight to keep my calm, especially if they've been under my command, or men under whose direct command I've served. Often, they've been the same man." Lal shrugs. "I guess." F'hlan goes on earnestly, "I think I could say the same of riders of any color, though, not just bronzes. We're... just men. Does that help, any?" Lal shrugs. "Yah. Doesna matter. I'm leavin' soon anyways." F'hlan's dark eyebrows quirk a little higher; he nods, once, soberly. "Thunderbolt Wing will be sorry to lose you. So will my daughter." Lal smiles a little sadly. "I'll miss both. But it's best fer....everybody." Lal shrugs. "I'm sorry t'waste yer time." "You haven't," comes the calm reply. "May I tell Mehlani letters would be welcome? Or visits, when you settle in to your new place?" Lal nods. "Oh, I'll visit....I dunna write too good." F'hlan inclines his head, content with that. "I don't know where she'll be, if the Harpers and Herders keep at her." A slightly wider smile. "But I daresay she'll ask me to bespeak your Areseth, should she move to a new location." Tzornth rumbles, as if to put in, 'And I would, of course.' Lal smiles. "Thankee sir. I will...miss her alot. But she's a fine girl. She'll be just fine." Quiet fatherly pride softens the bronze rider's features; again, he nods, once. "Do you have a transfer date set? I expect she'll want to see you off." Lal shakes her head. "Sometime after Ista's Search, sir." You say "Alright." A pause, then, encouragingly, "Is there anything else I could answer?"" Lal blinks, and wipes her eye. "Well.....naw. I dunna think so." Lal blinks. Her eyes unfocus. "My. Seems th'weyrleader has requested me." Lal nods. "'Scuse me'thankee." Brown gaze searching, F'hlan studies you. He then nods once more, this time more briskly. He rises, and says readily, "You're welcome," as you go.'. Lal heads down the low steps to the Bowl outside. Lal has left. [End log.]