The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) 1967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 9/19/96 Log Cast: Fahloran, Mehlani Log Intro: Pensive over his father's adminition to think about what he'd do to resolve an argument with Mehlani and Devlin if he were a dragonhealer and they dragonriders, Fahloran seeks out Devlin to apologize for calling him "Squeaky" -- and then faces the daunting task of apologizing to his somber little sister, who's been upset over the whole incident ever since finding out about it. Investigation reveals that Mehlani has been spending a huge portion of her time in the Weyr's beasthold, and thus, Fahloran goes to seek her there.... ---------- Fahloran comes in from the runner pasture. Fahloran has arrived. Quiet enough in the beasthold today, but not so much that the noise of small hands working at filling feed buckets, and small feet padding purposefully to this stall and that, can't be made out with ease. Fahloran wanders about, bit of straw sticking out of his mouth. Mehlani comes padpadding around a stall corner, hoisting a bucket that arguably is almost as large as she is. Then, spying her older sib at the door of the hold, she pauses, and blinks. Fahloran This towheaded young boy sports huge, liquid brown eyes, a shaggy mop of soft, reddish-blond hair that frequently gets into his face, and the thin, wiry build of an active and quickly growing child. His gaze is direct and curious, frequently wry, often surprisingly alert and knowing for a boy his size, and his sage looks seem somewhat contradictory with his waifish appearance. This lad is, on the other hand, often jumping and running around at top speed, pointing at this, chattering about that, and in general being a loud and happy kid. He is 12 Turns, 10 months, and 16 days old. Carrying: Isha Fahloran yawns. "Hiya, 'Lani," says Fahloran, tossing the bit of straw away. "How are the animals?" Mehlani blinks again, then finally says softly, "They're hungry, so I have to feed them." Fahloran nods, jumping up onto the fence. "Mind if I watch?" he asks. The girl shakes her head gravely, then turns to hoist her bucket over to the feed bin. Once there she starts scooping feed into the pail, in small but steadily moving handfuls. Fahloran watches his sister and sighs quietly. "'Lani, has Dev spoken to you recently?" he asks, taking the plunge. Mehlani pauses. Then, without looking up from the feed bucket, she shakes her head tinily. Fahloran frowns. "I spoke to him. I don't like it when you don't talk to me," he says, his liquid brown eyes sincere. "I apologized to him." Mehlani looks up, slowly, biting her lip. Fahloran falls silent, not sure what to say to his far too serious sister. Mehlani finally pipes, "Then you and Devlin won't be mad at each other anymore?" Her gaze is clouded, anxious, her little brow furrowed in a way that greatly resembles F'hlan's. Fahloran nods. "We were never mad, really, 'Lani." Mehlani considers this news, her little face flickering, as though she is uncertain as to how to look or what to think about all this; there's relief there, but also clear unsureness. She studies her older sib, gaze limpid, searching. Fahloran sits quietly as his sister scrutinizes him, used to this from her while she makes up her mnd about things. Mehlani finally lifts her little hands away from the bucket. Still biting her lip, she runruns over to her brother, and quite abruptly hugs him, burying her face against his shoulder. Fahloran nearly falls off the fence as Mehlani hugs him. He hugs her back tightly, huge brown eyes becoming teary. "I am going to miss you, 'Lani," he whispers. [End log.]