1/24/98 Summary: After chatting with Tilleen and Elyana in the Aerie, Larias heads down for a conversation with Lord Winnowill. Characters: Tilleen, Larias, Elyana, Reelah, Zirek & Winnowill Aerie At the very summit of the Mountain you find the clearest signs of the transformation initiated by the Dreaming gliders at Winnowills bidding. The rocky surface is still shaped in intricate loops and whirls, echoing the wonder of the great Egg. Half familiar shapes can be sensed as much as felt among the twisting and folding surfaces..some utterly alien, other of a disturbing familiarity. Pain cries from the walls, but so do joy, and wonder, and the dizzying echoes of the long gone Dreams. The gargantuan latticework forms a dome to crown the Mountain with shapes that from afar might seem to be the roots of some twisted tree. Even here, the tiny cracks can be seen criss?crossing all surfaces. The loops and folds open out to the open sky in unexpected places, and ways. Though none of the openings are larger than the armspan of a glider, and most much smaller, there are still few places left shadowed. The light of the sun and the moons weaves intricate shadows, that changes in fascinating ways as time passes. In some nooks and crevices there have been placed furs or pillows, telltale traces of the gliders spending hours and days in dreamy contemplation of the sky. A winding stairway leads Down to the main parts of the Mountain. Tilleen makes it to the top of the long, wide stairs. Larias is tending to some hunting spears. Tilleen wanders in humming an almost, but not quite, discordant melody. The tune has a strange and unique quality to it. Larias looks up from her busywork, you can easily tell theres actually little if anything that needs doing. She nods her head lightly, ** Tilleen ** Tilleen nods dryly, ** Hello Larias. I trust you are wll today. ** Larias cocks an eyebrow at the 'dry nod' ** I am just fine today, I trust you are fairing well under our Lord as well? ** Tilleen sends openly ** I am fairing quite well, thank you. ** Larias sends openly ** I guess that is a good thing to hear.. your being fair and all. ** Tilleen sends openly ** Why do you say that? ** Larias chuckles lightly, ** How would I know what fair means to you? I am not you afterall ** Tilleen nods, ** If you were me, you would not be insulting Chosen before the half-breeds. Larias cocks a brow, laying the final spear against the others, ** I am not you. ** Tilleen sends openly ** No, you are not me, and I am not you. ** Larias sends openly ** The half-breed and I have discussed the behaviorisms of the Chosen Azeure before. ** Larias sends openly ** Should I speak less freely around you than one of them so as not to offend your sheltered mind? ** Tilleen sends openly ** It does not offend my sheltered mind. However, it shows a poor Glider that would insult the Lord in front of the half-breeds or any others. ** Larias smirks, ** I have never insulted our Lord in front of Half breeds or others... Azeure on the other hand has. That is one of the many reasons I dislike him ** Tilleen sends openly ** When you insult a Chosen, you insult the Lord. She picks the Chosen, you do her injustice to insult her good judgment. ** Larias sends openly ** She does not know all that her Chosen have said about her, that includes Azeure and myself. He may serve his duties as a Chosen quite well, but, he does not love his Lord as he should ** Tilleen sends openly ** If that is such, he should be punished, however you actions make the Lord look bad in front of the less worthy half-breed. ** Larias sends openly ** Our gracious Lord has put up with much from him, and yes, he is faily intelligent as far as his duties go, but much to what must be his dismay, that seems about where his intellect ceases and his egotistical, arrogant, self serving ways begin ** Tilleen sends openly ** That being the case or not, it is not wise to display anti-Chosen opinions before the half-breeds. It is unwise to encourage them to think badly of the Chosen as it encourages them to think poorly of the Lord of the Mopuntain. ** Larias looks up at the ceiling of the Aeire, almost as if rolling her eyes, ** My my, if you know so much, why has the Lord not placed you in the position of Chosen. The beastial little flea infested screwballs respect this Mountain not at all, and its Lord even less. Especvially when Chosen such as Azeure decide it would be a lovely time to snag them from there home and lives. Larias sends openly ** It was not on Lord winnowills orders that the beasts be brought into the Mountain ** Elyana makes it to the top of the long, wide stairs. Elyana wanders up, looking around somewhat confusedly. Tilleen sends openly ** It wouldn't seem to me that we should harborfurther ill will towards the Lord either, just because they are not bright enuf to see that the Lord is mighty, doesn ** Tilleen sends openly ** doesn't mean that we should make their delusions worse. ** Larias is standing by a small set of hunting spears, each laid carefully against the wall, possibly in preparation for a short hunting trip. Tilleen stands near the door, idly sending periodically her little bits of wisdom(?) for Lri to ... learn from. Elyana blinks at the speech, and wonders what it's about.. She sits down to listen. Larias looks at the entering child and smiles lightly her way, she looks back briefly to Tilleen, before working some leather ties around the hunting spears. You locksend ** I shall be more than happy to discuss this with you later, the child has no need to hear any of this. You in your.. wisdom.. should be aware of that ** to Tilleen. Tilleen locksends ** I agree ** Elyana wonders, ** What're you two talking about? ** Larias smirks at the light bearer, ** Then a bit of wisdom has at last been lit upon you rather than burnt at the end of your stick ** Tilleen smirks Larias turns towards Elyana, a light smile on her face, one that might be strained, or maybe just tired, ** We were discussing the Wolfish halfbreeds ** Now you've really caught Elyana's attention.. Reelah leaves the nesting ledge. Reelah moves off into Hall of the Chosen Eight. Larias sends openly ** Are you interested in the Wolfish ones? ** Elyana nods! ** Most are very bad, but some, like Ekana, are nice. ** Tilleen watches this conversation quietly. Larias sends openly ** And what makes Ekana better than the others? ** Elyana considers.. ** She doesn't look like the little ones.. And she acts like one of us. Kind of. ** Larias sends openly ** She did not always look like one of us, our Lord shaped her that way, so she would fit in amongst her sire's kin better... ** Elyana nods, ** She told me.. ** Larias sends openly ** So, according to you, the way she looks is what make sher better than the rest of them>? ** Elyana shakes her head. ** She isn't little and.. ** Ely struggles for a word to express her thoughts. ** Wolfish. ** Tilleen sniggers Larias chuckles a bit, ** The wolf runs nearly as strong in her as it does the male still locked tight in the cage ** Elyana sends openly ** But he acts more like it. ** Zirek leaves the nesting ledge. Zirek steps out, looking concerned. Larias grins and nods, ** He allows the wolf in his blood to run his will, Ekana, apparently has better control over hers. ** Elyana sits, interested in the conversation/almost debate. Elyana wonders aloud, ** Why? Why can't he be like Ekana? ** Larias sends openly ** Why can't we all be more like our Lord? The choices we make, the experiences we live through... they all help determine who we are, but in the end, you are the only thing that chooses who and what you are ** Tilleen sends openly ** I think we would all be the wiser if we were even jsut a little more like our Lord. ** Larias nods her agreement with Tilleen's statement Elyana did not seem to understand the first, but does figure out the second. Zirek hovers, sending. Larias goes back to quietly getting a set of spears ready for a hunting trip. Zirek hovers, still sending. Tilleen laughs and wonders what you mean Zirek moves up to the nesting ledge. Reelah moves up to the nesting ledge. You locksend ** My Lord, there is something of great import that I would like to discuss with you ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** Then I await in my Throne. ** Larias smiles plesantly to all who remain, she finishes tying off the spears, then nods her quick farewell, heading for the stairs. <> You float down into the main hall. Main Hall The room rises up round, walls idle in their shape, with little regard to gravity, and fluid stone columns drip from the ceiling to floor, curving and twisting into deep blue shadows. The massive room is dim, lit only at the far side, where rises the skeleton of a great bird, hovering protectively over the throne of Blue Mountain's Lord. Deep, wide stairs rise up to greet the throne, stopping many feet below, leaving no evident manner of ascending the seat. From time to time, elves flit in and out, through hallways and through narrow, ribboned holes in the walls, high above the floor. Larias glides in from above the Main Hall, alightly delicately on the dais just below you, immediately dropping into a low, respectful bow. Winnowill reclines in the Throne, still clad in the strange sight of white and silver. ** Yes, Larias? What is it you wished to discuss? ** Larias quirks a brow briefly, quickly dismissing her Lords latest whim, ** My Lord, the WolfRider Ekana/WolfFlame would like me to aide in her and her friends departure. Secretly of course, though I could never do such without speaking with you first. ** Winnowill tilts her head. ** And what did you say of this? ** Larias shrugs, ** I said I would aide them as best I can. It has seemed to me that only the Chosen are keeping them here, and for their amusement, thus leaving their duties undone. I have heard not your word on the matter, and have sought it out ** She looks bored. ** It was Savith's request that he see his daughter. I cared little for thier return. ** Larias sends openly ** Then you do not mind if I aide them in their departure ** Larias sends openly ** Maybe the other Chosen will pay more attention to their duties after they are gone ** ** You will need a distraction for them. Be... creative. ** (Winny Sent) Larias nods thoughtfully, rising to her full height finally, ** I was aware of that, do you have any suggestions or shall it all be left up to my discretion? ** Winnowill locksends ** Several Chosen have become... shall we say... lazy. Just make certain they learn. ** Larias's eyes narrow a bit, a rather slow, slightly tilted smile forming on her lips. You locksend ** I will... Oh yes, I most certainly will. ** to Winnowill. Larias takes a step back, giving you another respectful bow, bending from the waist, ** May I have your leave then to make the proper plans? ** Winnowill nods once. ** Indeed. Oh... and one thing more, Larias... ** Larias looks up at you, ** Yes my Lord? ** Winnowill locksends ** Make certain it appears that one of the WolfRiders did it. Remember to think small. ** You locksend to Winnowill, Larias chuckling lightly, ** And tall.. one is nearly my height now my Lord ** Winnowill locksends ** Indeed. Now go... and keep me informed. ** Larias gives you one last bow and a lilting smile as she turns to go. You locksend ** I will keep you as informed as I possibly can my Lord. And the Chosen will most certainly get a message ** to Winnowill. Winnowill locksends ** Excellent. ** Larias steps off the dais, the glides up into the air, heading off to work on her new task. You glide up into the air.