"A Voice of Reason" 11/28/1996 Cast: Winnowill, Demell Event: Demell ventures to play a song on his flute for Winnowill, who then challenges Demell to become a voice of reason within the Mountain. Main Hall This great room in the interior of the mountain is dome-shaped, much like a great bell, and the stone walls curve up to an eventual meeting far over your head. Stone columns stretch from ceiling to floor, or from wall to wall, in odd locations and arrangements. The floor is smooth, the stone walls textured, and far inthe shadows ventilation shafts dot the walls, lending the drafts from outside free rein to flicker the torchlight. On the far end of the room from the hallway that curves back towards the outer rooms sits the Throne of the Lord of Blue Mountain, a massive piece of artwork done in shades of blue and purple. Contents: Winnowill Pedestal Throne Pillar Column Obvious exits: Into The Air Northeastern Hall Western Hall Southern Hall Demell glides in slowly, playing his flute as usual... Winnowill sits in Her Throne, dark eyes smiling grimly as she sees you enter. **Greetings, Lord Winnowill...** Demell sends softly, his head still bent over the flute, playing a very old melody from the beginnings of the mountain... Winnowill sends openly ** Greetings, Demell. You play well today. ** Demell chuckles softly, the music twittering gently with his laughter. **Thank you, Lord. It pleases me that you enjoy my playing so...** Winnowill's eyes glint with darkness. ** Perhaps I should ask you to be my - personal musician. ** Demell looks up, the music ceasing as he blinks a few times. **Your..Personal musician?** he sends in awe. **My Lord, I would be honored.** Winnowill's smile darkens slightly. ** Good music should never go - unpunished... as Azeure might say flippantly. ** **Unpunished, Lord?** Demell sends curiously, his bone flute held in a loose, three fingered grip. He blushes slightly... **My Lord, I do not understand...** Winnowill smiles thinly with her own amusement. ** Azeure would do doubt find playing for Me a punishment. ** **Oh no Lord!** Demell sends, shaking his head vigirously. **Playing for you would be...well...a great honor, to say the least.** ** Good. ** A flourish of her hand, and Winnowill indicates the stair at her feet. ** Do sit and play when you feel the desire. I should greatly appreciate it. ** Demell smiles broadly, floating up and settling gently at Winnowill's feet. **Is there anything you would care to hear, my lord?** he asks, raising the flute to his lips, **Or would you like to be suprised? I desire to play for you.** Winnowill tilts her head, pondering. ** Surprise me, Demell. ** **Very well, my lord...** he sends, his face turning thoughtful. His eyes light, and he begins to play...a stately tune about the beauty of the Mountain. Winnowill listens quietly, her dark eyes scanning the room with only slight amusement remaining in them. Demell notices this. Without stopping the song, he sends quietly, **My Lord? Is something amiss?** Winnowill sends openly ** Not unless you consider two of My Chosen not responding to My sends. I imagine they have other things pressing, and will return send in time. ** Demell's eyes fall...**My lord, if i may venture an opinion...?** Winnowill sends openly ** Please do. ** Demell stops the song for a moment to think. **My Lord, they are your chosen...you call, and they should obey, no matter what pressing matters they are involved in. A reply is the least you should expect, if not an appearance in person.** Demell bends and continues the song... Winnowill listens approvingly. Demell smiles around his flute...**I am glad that you approve, my lord.** Winnowill nods. ** I do. If others put thier talents to use, think how lovely our home again would be. ** Demell nods...**It would be like a dream...perfect.** Winnowill sends openly ** Perhaps My people need a voice... to remind them of that... ** Demell sends openly ** Yes...I have seen many who have lost hope in the mountain...those who see it as a place of death and danger, not a place of safety and life. ** Winnowill sends openly ** Perhaps you should be that voice, Demell. With your music, you might remind the others. ** The music halts suddenly... Demell blinks...**me?** ** You. ** Demell smiles broadly... **Winnowill...** he coughs...**Excuse me, My Lord, I...I would be honored. ** He is smiling broadly, his eyes shining, and his sends are tinged with something much deeper than honor... Winnowill smiles thoughtfully. Demell continues playing for a while, nearly shivering with delight. Here he is, sitting at his Lord's feet, playing her a song, and she wants HIM to be a voice of reason... Winnowill smiles to herself. So easy, yet so hard... Yes...the truth sometimes is hard... Truth? No... truth is easy. The lie is that which is hard to face. The lie dissappears in the light of truth, however...the trick will be to expose the lie. But which is the lie? The Light.... or the Dark? It all depends on your point of view, doesn't it? Indeed. Long song, isn't it? Demell is still playing... Winnowill listens as quietly as before, her lips curled in what appears to be an easy smile. Finally, the song slows...and stops. Demell sits at Winnowill's feet, head lowered, breathing heavily from the exertion of playing for an unknown amount of time. **Do you approve, My lord?** Winnowill sends openly ** I do approve ** ** Rest yourself, Demell. There is no need to kill yourself for your art. ** She reaches out, cool fingertips touching your shoulder, healing tingling through to ease your lungs. Demell smiles as his burning lungs lessen, then return to normal. **Thank you, My lord Winnowill.** Demell stands slowly and bows to his lord. **I shall retire then..until tomorrow?** Winnowill nods. ** Thank you, Demell. Your music has given me much to think about. ** Demell bows again. **I am at your beck and call, Lord...if you ever wish to hear my music, do not hesitate to call.** Winnowill nods. ** I shall call, Demell. ** Demell nods. **Farewell then, lord.** he sends. And with that, he turns and glides out of the room...proud. [End log.]