Logfile from Two Moons. Session 3 Elfquest has connected. FireHunter says "Equal oportunity chat:)" Thitida-No-Chey says "Rikkert: Oooh! :) So the Danish Girl's name Rikke must mean Wealthy Girl...! *giggle*" Serpent says "It really is worth it if your an Elfquest addict because it's ongoing." NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Vosse waves at everybody Vilnolinlaughs Coldmist says "Okay, on to the third session :)" Ayerth @woots. "It's on." Serpent says "Hello Pinis!" Elfquest says "HEYO to all again!" Vilnolin says "it is?" FireHunter welcomes ElfQuest:) Vilnolin says "hi" Savah prays to kami-sama that she will clean her room if her isp will just hold. Ayerth says "Welcome to our addiction, Pini's." Rayek says "Welcome back. :)" Savah says "WB, guys." asrana says "hello Elfquest :)" Vosse welcomes the Pini's Fairlight says "Greetings. Some of us are not going away." Vilnolin says "hi for the first time" Elfquest says "Sorry we're a little late, but there are Big Things happening literally minute to minute today." Frixx says "???" Thitida-No-Cheybows down in eternal worship of the EQ god/goddess FireHunter says "ElfQuest is Wendy and Richard Pini. For those who dont know" Vilnolin says "it's really not a problem, i don't think anyone minds" Rikkertbows to the pini's FireHunter cheers, bit things is good news!:) FireHunter says "well most of the time" Vilnolin scratches head and is confused again Vosse is also here for the first time. Thanks for being here on a time ppl in Europe (like me) can also join. :)) Kahvi smiles, "Well, feel free to tell us what is happening - if that is possible." Serpent says "Have either of you played on this Mush before?" Frixx says "or just bigthings..." yanaka bows to EQ and almost fall down this fine tree hamilasdaje says "i'am unworthy :)" Ranna also jumps up and down at finally meting the pinis Elfquest says "Well, these Big Things are definitely going to be good news." Vilnolin says "really?" Goldeye has arrived. Goldeye has left. Vilnolintries not to look too excited Goldeye has arrived. Vosse claps her hands "tell us.. tell us.. tell us" Ayerth says "This sounds like something worthwhile. Any possibility of sharing?" dragonsfire says "niftyness tell please" FireHunter starts pacing and forgets about the now and starts planning for what he knows nothing about and biting his nails:) Elfquest says "Serpent, no we haven't - we're terrible at RPG!" Neko has arrived. Ranna says "you prefer to controal all the characters?" Jadelion has connected. Serpent says "You've tried it before then?" FireHunter laughs at Ranna Goldeye says "Elfquest, you two should try it, it can be a lot of fun!:)" Savah laughs. "I tried to get Richard on once, but guess it wasn't more fun than work." Dix has connected. Ranna says "it's much easier that way" Dix fhew. Ayerth says "Or a great drain on any free time you might have, if any." Vilnolin says "i like rpging i have a site, but everyone gets way too bloody confused" FireHunter says "some people get inspiration for ther ematerial be it art of text from mushing:)" Vosse nodnods Vilnolin agrees Reed unafks and grins at yanaka sitting up in the tree with her now Rikkert says "And that even though you proberbly have a RPG game at the office. You could make it a nice Friday-afternoon-relaxing-after-a-hard-week-of-work-thing!" Shaevairc says "now what about the news?" Vilnolin looks confused Elfquest says "Ayerth We'd love to, we're on the phone with some of them right now, but we have to play by the rules. We will however, have a major announcement Monday or Tuesday." Vilnolin says "me?" Goldeye says "a major announcement?" Dix abstained from MUSH for almost four years. Mua ha ha. Hi, "Elfquest." Ayerth says "Wonderful!" Vilnolin looks hopeful Goldeye blinks, "sweet." dragonsfire says "shibby" Thitida-No-Chey says ".... Shibby....? Oh no.....!" Vilnolin says "is the announcement good?" Dix woo HOO, something to print. (more evil laughter) Serpent is serving mugs of dreamberry wine. Frixx has reconnected. dragonsfire says "i read to much web comics" yanaka says to reed look at all these people o.o Elfquest says "Vilnolin, we think it's VERY good." Ranna takes one say oh wait, isn't this poisious to humans? Vilnolin grins Serpent says "Ok, I have a question about those pockets of bad magic....do they have specific rules or are they just pockets of magical chaos?" Vosse looks at the Pini's with a smile from ear to ear. This is just great. Hey, got a question. The novel, #6, is it ever going to be printed? Serpent says "Not this dreamberry wine." Reed grins at yanaka and bounces the branch a bit Kahvi says "do you mean pockets, or pools?" yanaka says "eeps!" Tavie says "Semantics." Elfquest says "Serpent, they are more pools of chaotic effect, rather than specific rules." Nienke has connected. Ayerth says "Well, Pini's, let me just say that I really appreciate you two taking some time out of your busy schedules to spend time with us. Any questions you're absolutely sick of hearing?" Vilnolin shugs to FirHunter, "i am incapable of sending stuff... too confused" Elfquest says "Vosse, if we have anything to say about it, it will." Vilnolin agrees, awestruck asrana says "Pini's, can you tell what's going on with the movie?" Reed says "oh those pockets of magic I was thinking about them just the other day after listening to the song about Madcoil"" FireHunter chuckles Savah says "movie info at the website! lotsa info!" Vilnolin says "that's the 200 dollar question, the movie" Tasmonia says "Recent info?" Elfquest says "Ayerth, mostly we're kinda tired of being asked about the movie, but we understand everyone's champing at the bit!" Leila has arrived. IceFire says "only 200 dollar? ;)" Vilnolin laughs Elfquest says "We wish we had more to say, but..." Fairlight says "Time for a fairlightian question: Is the effect of magic inversely proportional to the square of its distance?" Savah says "It's a low-funded question." Serpent says "Was it specifically the lightning strike that was the catalyst that created madcoil or could it have been any number of things?" Ranna laughs Neko says "there should be a faq obj in this room and at the top it should reguarding the movie... :)" Savah thinks so too! Tasmonia says "I have an idea" Elfquest says "Fairlight, maybe yes, maybe no. That's a Warpian answer." Vilnolin says "i don't. too much physics" Tasmonia says "nevermind...let me think about it for a second" Fairlight says "It is indeed" Reed thinks of the pools of magic are sometimes manipulated by unseen forces around us Vilnolin grins Elfquest says "Serpent, it could have been other things." Vilnolin says "like by aliens? like, cropcircles?" Ayerth says "Any new publications in the pipe for this year? I'm sure there are, but can you let us know what you have planned?"" Frixx says "sometimes they just tickle" FireHunter says "magic clearly depends on many things:)" Vosse whooooohooooos! If you don't mind I've got another question (one of the zillion...). About soulnames. Parents and cubs know each other's soulname right? But would a half brother also know the name of another half brother? And if the parents know the soulname, don't they use it when the cubs grow? Because in the stories some elves have to look for their soulnames. At least that's I remember some stories. Vilnolin raises hand "Can i ask something?" dragonsfire says "On the subject of novels, are you going to do a novelization of Quests End like you've done of the first three?" Dix cackles quietly, "Warpian answer" indeedy. Elfquest says "Ayerth, that'll be covered in the Major Announcement. :)" Reed says "the parents eventually forget the soulname" Ranna says "yeah, I'd like to know that too, vosse" Reed says "it sort of fades from memory" Vilnolin still raising hand Frixx says "and the MA is???" Rayek says "Vilnolin, just ask your question. Don't wait to be called on." Tasmonia says "Well what >won't< be covered in the Major Announcement?! ;P" Serpent says "Just ask Vilnolin." Dix laughs, Frixx, we don't get to know til Monday or Tuesday. Vilnolin says "ok. tried to be polite" Tasmonia says "Wolfriders aren't polite!" FireHunter says "Your good to Go Vilnolin:)" Vilnolin says "how did you guys get your start? I mean, i" Savah says "there are more than just wolriders in the world. ^_~" Kahvi says "People so much interested in the essence of Elfquest really should get the Wolfrider's Guide, one of the best things ever published for Elfquestians :)" Rayek hi5s Savah. Reed grins "Who said Vil was a wolfrider? " FireHunter says "yes but it's out of print" Ayerth says "Here's a question from long, long ago. Will BloodSongs ever be released, or do we get to wait for the Pini Estate Sale?"" Vilnolin says "i'm an author, and i've been published, but you guys... you guys are a thousand times better than anything i've gdone" Tasmonia says "sheesh...just kidding guys" Vosse ohs? So when do parents remember the soulname of their cub again? Tasmoniahangs tail Fairlight says "q: Are there significant populations of elves on Abode as yet undealt with canonically (or non canonically, for that matter)" dragonsfire has disconnected. Vilnolin says "and Vilnolin is Tolkien elvish for 'Skywise', so, yeah, i'm a wolfrider" Tavie is the author of her own destruction. Savah says "tas, lighten. we're all friends here." dragonsfire has connected. Frixx says "at what time Fairlight?" Tasmonia says "no worries...I know" Fairlight says "Any time - it's a fluid continuum with the palace" FireHunter says "wolfriders do have there lader;)" Vilnolin sits down to watch everyone Tasmonia says "I second Fairlight's question" FireHunter says "ladder even" Elfquest says "Dragonsfire, if we can, we will." Frixx says "before first crash... after Final Quest?" Vilnolin sighs "i always got lost in the uproar" grins Immin has arrived. hamilasdaje says "another question: will there be a new filk cd?" Ranna says "quest's end is my favorite, I hope you do" Elfquest says "Ayerth, Bloodsongs is something we'd love to do too, there's just so much!" FireHunter grins at Vilnolin "I read your pose:) Vilnolin looks confused Serpent says "Eeewww...forget Filk...how about a tribute album with more different styles of music." Vilnolin says "do i have to re-ask my question?" hamilasdaje says "even good." Shaevairc says "Filk is the music that goes along with fantasy, nothing else..." Rayek says "No, Vilnolin, just be patient. :)" Elfquest says "Fairlight, we doubt it." Serpent says "Folk.....or Irish music fits better." Vilnolin laughs "I;m not, normally. but, for you guys (all of you) i will Fairlight It's very nice to hear that you'd like to do a Bloodsongs production. Champing at the bit for that one. Not literally champing at a bit, of course, though some might be. Tasmonia says "I have a question for Wendy--is she here?" Ayerth says "I'm sure some of the more adult groups online are. ;P" Elfquest says "Hamilasdaje, We've talked with some performers and producers about that, it's on the back burner for now." Goldeye looks at Elfquest........."I think she is:)" Barb has connected. Guest1 has left. Serpent says "Heck, you could probably get another album of pure fan-made music." Guest1 has left. Elfquest says "Forgive us if we're slow in replying, we're talking stuff on the phone back with Important People in New York." Elfquest says "Tas, Wendy is here." Vilnolin says "i'm in ny!" Ayerth says "They can time it pretty well, can't they?" Vilnolin grins sheepishly "sorry." FireHunter says "Are you talking on the Phone!?:) Vil:)" hamilasdaje says "what is Bloodsong" Elfquest says "Where in NY?" Immin has left. Dix giggles. This is Warp for you: phoning, chatting online, probably doing seven other things too. ;) Vilnolin says "whiteplains" Elfquest says "Eight and counting!" Tasmonia says "Wendy, are there some things you still struggle with in terms of the art for EQ? What have been some of your recent victories/accomplishments in terms of the art?" Vilnolin says "probably spelled it wrong. too much physica" Frixx says "just tell us your phone number 8-)" Goldeye says "I used to be in NY, Niagara Falls." Elfquest says "That's just down from Poughkeepsie!" Thitida-No-Cheywas in WhitePlains once... I think...! Savah is stuck in alabama, so no cool cons...wah. Elfquest says "Wendy'll be back in a moment - she's gone to fax some stuff." Vilnolin looks bemused "all of you were there?" Tavie says "I'm in NY." Serpent says "Here's another one....the issue came up recently by folks on this MUSH that ElfQuest elves don't place much significance on the act of kissing. Is that true?" Fairlight says "Wendy: Could you describe some of the rituals you have with drawing - I mean, the mechanics of setting a scene, layouts, then building upon it with tighter pencils and inking? With what do you ink - and how have you brought photoshop into the equation?" Tasmonia says "I think I'll be going to grad school in Ithaca--then maybe I can to to Balticon and finally meet the Pinis" Ayerth says "Bloodsongs is something mentioned from a long time ago; an anthology of more naughty Elfquest-based stories...."naughty" in a sexy way." Elfquest says "serpent, that is correct." Vosse grins "I always thought Poughkeepsie was a fake name... LOL. But hey, then again I'm not from the USA. Ranna says "Or is the kissing thing just wolfriders?" Rahna has arrived. Rayek volunteers Kahvi for a Bloodsongs story. Zarah has connected. Frixx says "where the heck is Poughkeepsie (rhetorical)" Kahvi smirks evily Tavie says "Poughkeepsie is famous. Vassar's there, and some chef school." Elfquest says "Ranna, we've tried to avoid having kissing be the Big Deal among elves that it is to humans, as a social custom." Fairlight says "Halfway between Albany and NY, I think." Reed would be great for a Bloodsong story Rikkert says "Doesn't somebody on tv say Poughkeepsie to stop stottering? OH i know, the short guy from Ally McBeal" Shaevairc says "Serpent: Filk can be everything..." Dix snirks. "Poughkeepsie is sorta north of Montgomery and south of everything else in Upstate." Serpent says "I just found it odd because well....don't wolves regurgitate food to their young?" Reed grins shamelessly Vilnolin says "do you guys have any tips for a fantasy writer? especially one who has had two vampire novels turned down?" Elfquest says "Ayerth, erotic as opposed to prurient." Kahvi says ">you< have to know, Rayek ;)" Ranna says "I try to keep 'in canon' with rp, but not everyone does" Ayerth says "Of course. Naughty in a good way. =)" Rayek looks innocent. Ahem. Tavie says "I do: stop writing vampire novels." Elfquest says "'some chef school'... mutter" Dix uh, no, maybe it's south of Montgomery too. I had to go past it to get to Montgomery. Tavie says "What?" Tavie says "What's it called?" Nienke says "Strange Question: do you look more like a troll or an elf? *grin*" Fairlight says "What's wrong with prurience? In sex for its own unadorned sake as an emotional and physical union?" Vilnolin laughs "I write sidhe novels... their elves that are allergic to iron Elfquest says "Is someone equating regurgitation with kissing? Or did we miss something??" Serpent says "But does that make kissing any less pleasurable to them?" Tavie says "Someone's not been kissing right." Guest1 has left. Dix falls over. "Which person are we talking about when we ask if they look more like elves or trolls?" ;) ;) ;) Elfquest says "Vilnolin, just keep writing and writing and writing and reading and writing and..." Vilnolin pat's elfquest "you're about as lost as i am." grins Frixx has partially disconnected. Nienke says "All :P" Frixx says "prurient... (dictionary) ...right" Tavie says "Troll." Rikkert says "I am more Trollish" Tasmonia says "Is it possible for prose writers to self-publish the way many comic writers have?" Rahna definitely does not personally associate kissing and regurgitating. I think I missed it too. ;) Vosse wonders about the soulname thing. So Elfquest: do parents forget the soulname of their cubs eventually? And would family like halfbrothers, even when they don't know each other, know each others soulname? Serpent says "Sorry about that regurgitation reference....I guess it's just some memories of a discovery channel thingy about where the kiss came from." Tavie says "But those little rubber trolls with the purple hair." Vilnolin says "may nickname nin school is 'the paztic fairie', so i think more like elf" Nienke says "I' more Elfish, I like trees better than caves ;)" yanaka has disconnected. Tavie says "That wasn't the question. I like trees better too." Vilnolin says "and that was spaztic, not paztic" Tavie says "Spastic?" Elfquest says "Serpent, they do things with all parts of their bodies that are pleasurable. Let's leave it at that. ;)" Guest1 has arrived. Elfquest says "Tas, anything is possible. Certainly that is." Vilnolin says "yeah, was in a midsummer's night dream, and kept yelling 'it's red'" Vosse grins at the answer of the Pini's. Frixx keeps checking the dictionary Leetah has disconnected. Elfquest says "Vosse, we're not certain that parents knowing their cubs' soulnames is canonical." Serpent says "Aye....I think that was in the RPG manual." Tavie belches. Smells like pears. Leila says "So that is something from the anthologies, and not necessarily canon?" Eeew. Elfquest says "The RPG manual certainly isn't all canonical." Vilnolin looks confused at the words never known befroe "i'm going to take a leaf out of frixx's book and grab a dictionary. Vosse needs to check the dic for 'canonical'. Elfquest says "Leila, yes." Barb has disconnected. Ranna says "In one of the prose books, Rhanee hears it during birthsong, right?" Zarah says "A friend of mine is relaying questions to me through Yahoo, cause her computer's ancient." Ranna says "her cub's soul name" Savah refrains from asking questions about wolf-elf relationships, in the context of timmain...eh... Vilnolin says "there are prose books? where have i been?" Elfquest says "Ranna, I only edited them, I never read them! ;) (says Richard)" Zarah says "Remanth says, "what happens between Winnowill and Rayek?" Ranna laughs Ayerth chuckles. "Richard, you're totally blowing the majority of the people here with your expansive vocabulary." Dix notes that it's in the anthologies, but mostly in the early times - i.e. Rahnee - maybe elves lost the ability (or Wolfelves, anyway) to know their childrens' soulnames in time. Tavie says "'Blood of Ten Chiefs' series of short stories by various fantasy writers, and some novelizations of the first few graphic novels by W & R." Elfquest says "Zarah, lots!" Rayek says "Yeah, what happens between Winnowill and .. wait." Fairlight says "How does knowledge of the Elves' world filter through the ether to you guys? Is it mostly planned, developing though its own force of logic, or is it more inspired/intuited as time goes on?" Tavie says "He's such a show-off." Vilnolin laughs "i am so lost." Elfquest says "Ayerth, I eschew obfuscation." Dix patpats Rayek. Ayerth says "could have fooled me. o.o" Goldeye laughs Vosse is sorry but doesn't understand the 'canonical' thing. The dic says it's something with priests.. but that doesn't make sense. Help? Vilnolin says "i knew what that meant" Elfquest says "Fairlight, it's simply a reflection of whatever" Elfquest says "whatever is within us, what we see, feel, learn." Frixx says "obfuscating this is..." Dix says "When Elfquest says canonical, they mean "true according to the word of Elfquest law." that's pretty close." Tavie says "Canon refers to things that are "officially" recognized within the context of the work in question." Leila thinks the similar names (Rahna/Ranna) are a little confusing, but thanks, Richard! :) Ranna says "Itisn't in the canon, that is, the offical works" Dix says "Things can be published that aren't canonical, like Worldpool stories." Reed sits on her branch by herself and hope yanaka returns again... Elfquest says "Vosse, in this context, 'canonical' means 'it's the real thing'." Dix says "And still be, ahem, legally protected." Vilnolin says "i hate to bring in another fandom, but they say it allot if you read lotr fan fiction" Elfquest says "Be right back..." Tavie says "Ewwwwww." Frixx says "remember canons of Gettysburg..." Vilnolin waves to pinis Ayerth says "Is there a "Big Book of Stuff we Can't Do" stored in your home somewhere, Richard? Some guidelines that you have to follow? Or do you just keep all of that in your head?" Dix uhm, those are cannons, with lots of Ns Ayerth says "If so, could you publish it to give us RP'ers some insight? =P" Zarah locksends Remanth Dix wants to know that one too, Elfypeople. :) Serpent says "I probably wouldn't exist here if there was." Vilnolin says "that would be good if he could give us that book..." Frixx says "just thinking of old letters..." Vilnolin frowns "i certainly wouldn't" Schaduwlach has connected. Vosse thanks for all the explanations. :) Nienke says "Hey Schaduwlach! :P" Schaduwlach says "Heeeey Nien!" Vilnolin says "do all of you know each other?" Serpent is entirely out of questions. He goes back to tending the bar. "Dreamberry wine on the house!" Frixx says "certainly not" Nienke says "Yes Vosse" Felerian has connected. Vosse whooohoos and hugs the other Dutchies around here. Ranna says "I don't think I know anyone here" Nienke says "Dutchies or Dushi's? ;)" FireHunter grins "Vosse is in heaven:) Ranna says "personally, that is, ahven't rped with them" Serpent has disconnected. FireHunter says "EQ and dutch:)" Schaduwlach says "ofcorse Vosse XD" Savah knows the MUSHer and 1/2 of the pinis, but that's it. asrana says "i certainly don't know anyone in here" Thitida-No-Chey says "Ranna : Don't feel bad about that, neither do I! :)" Pass the duchie on the left hand side... Rikkert says "yes we do" Savah says "MUSHers that is." Serpent has connected. Vosse grins Rikkert says "small country, only 16 million people" Serpent says "Agh...hit the wrong button." Vilnolin politely asks for a mug of dreamberry wine Ayerth says "Uh, oh, the Pini's are silent. Something's happening." Rahna says "He said he'd be right back. :)" Vilnolin says "they said theid be gone for a mainute" Serpent serves up a mug for Vilnolin. Vilnolin says "let's all answer" Frixx says "thought Abode had 2 billion..." Ranna says "big exciting things with the people in new york I hope" Nienke says "or they don't like Dutch people ;)" Ayerth says "Ah, missed that." Rahna says "Hopefully good exciting things. ;)" Vosse yeas, heaven. EQ and dutchies... LOL Dix curls up on the couch. What do you mean, what couch? This couch, this one right here that I brought with me! Sandstorm says "They said they'd be right back." Sandstorm says "They said they'd be right back." Sandstorm says "They said they'd be right back." Vilnolin says "nope. just tired form a vert long day. i've been to europe, i like you guys" Elfquest says "Back - sorry - karking fax machine." FireHunter hands you the hammer Ayerth laughs. "You press the green button to send, dear." Serpent cranks up the jukebox in the corner by pressing a button behind the bar. Fairlight says "Fix the faxin fax machine" Elfquest says "Anyone asked a question in the meantime, please repeat?" Goldeye hands Elfquest the saw after they receive the hammer. Schaduwlach says "Hello Elfquest again XD" Elfquest says "Ayerth, thank you ever so much..." Vilnolin says "we were just comparing countrise" Ayerth says "Is there a "Big Book of Stuff we Can't Do" stored in your home somewhere, Richard? Some guidelines that you have to follow? Or do you just keep all of that in your head?"" Dix and Ayerth want to know if you have a Big Book of Stuff You Can't Do. :) Tasmonia says "apparently half the population of the NLs is here" Ayerth says "If so, can you publish it so we can get some insight?" hamilasdaje says "I've read the page about the new coloring of the first episode. Dont like it very much. It is so cold." hamilasdaje says "The old coloring was so great... (the first, not that from Marvel)" Elfquest says "Ayerth, no, I keep all that stuff in our heads. Safer there." Schaduwlach says "*lol*" Nienke says "EQ is good promoted in Holland ;)" Frixx says "ah.. the Donning days..." Rikkert says "Question: Will you be doing chats more often now. It seems to be going well, and you down alway have to do 4 ;-)" Vosse nodnods and smiles Ayerth curses softly. "Well then....do you take bribery?" Vilnolin pouts "and here i thought we could actually have a guide line." Elfquest says "Hamil, all art is in the eye of the beholder - this new edition will be Wendy's vision as she always wanted to see it." Tasmonia says "Which new edition is that?" Elfquest says "Rikkert, everything's negotiable!" Dix ... new edition? Catch me up, which potential new book are we talking about? Vilnolin says "cool. i love new editions" Ayerth says "will there be signed, numbered additions? I want." Frixx says "Does it mean brighter colors?" Elfquest says "Ayerth, everything's negotiable!" Vilnolin says "if their not super expensive" Tavie says "Someone kick him, he's on autopilot." Schaduwlach says "hehe Nienke :p dit is echt zo moeilijk te volgen voor me XD" Elfquest says "Dix, the new colored graphic novels we've talked about." Ayerth says "Speaking for myself, I'll spend around $100 for a good limited edition." hamilasdaje says "than its OK. but please dont make because computer colored sales better" Nienke says "Hehe I know Schaduwlach" Ayerth says "yes, per book. I have entirely too much money. ;P" Tavie says "You poor thing!" Vosse awws at Shaduwlach Tavie says "I'd be glad to take some of it off your hands." Vilnolin says "i wish i had your problem" Traest feels sorry for Ayerth. :) Elfquest says "Someone asked a question about art challenges to Wendy? Could you repeat that?" FireHunter would spend 35 or so for a color GN on average if they had them!:) Tasmonia says "I always thought the FTP versions were pretty reasonably priced, considering that they're hardbound and glossy" Ranna says "The new color editions are the one thing I want as much as the movie" Tavie says "Ditto, Tasmonia." Savah waves out. Tasmonia says "It was my question...just a second as I recompose it..." Savah has left. Tavie says "Ditto, RAnna." Elfquest says "Tas, yes they were. Underpriced for the market, unfortuately." Rikkert says "GENERAL QUESTION Have you ever paid absurd amounts for EQ-items?" Ayerth says "Someone's selling the collected signed donning online for around, I think, $450 or so." Tavie says "Someone kick me, I'm on autopilot." LegendaryShannon has connected. Vilnolin says "machines? here? were they invented already?" Zarah says "I'm buying those Colored GN as soon as they're out." Elfquest says "We need to start using eBay more for all this stuff we've accumulated..." Ayerth raises hand. $500 for a sketch of Leetah from e-bay obscene enough? Vilnolin laughs FireHunter boggles Schaduwlach says "*hugs Vosse*" Tasmonia says "Wendy: I was wondering what current challenges you face with the art of EQ and what some of your recent victories/accomplishments have been artistically? What problems have you overcome?" Frixx says "in Finland every eq item is pays absurd amounts of money..." LegendaryShannon says "hello again" Ranna says "yeah Pinis, you could amke a killing" Tavie says "I paid $4 each for the first three D-S editions. You'll never find that kind of price now." Ranna says "Make, sorry about my typing" Fairlight says "Also, how have your brought photoshop into the artistic process?" Vilnolin says "like when hamburgers were 10 cents" asrana says "Frixx, that's true!" Rikkert says "Ayerth: Yes, but it's a one of a kind. I did get offerd 3 original Fire-eye scetch-pages, for about $90 a piece, but didn't have the money. I touched the though" Zarah wonders if a Wacom tablet is used in the making of Elfquest novels. Tavie says "Man, Elfquest is huge in Scandinavia. I wonder if it's because trolls and stuff were invented there/" Tavie says "Am I lagging?" Zarah says "What lag?" hamilasdaje says "the best is the inking. got a original EQ in only ink. wonderful!!" Vilnolin says "they don't sell the books anymore here. they have to be ordered through the website, and forget any merchandise. *pouts*" Thitida-No-Chey says "Tavie : in Scandinavia??? Which part are U from?? :)" Frixx says "the trolls just hid in the northern forests..." Goldeye says "perhaps they are trying to catch up:)" asrana says "it doesn't seem to be huge in Finland" Schaduwlach says "Vosse, dis de (2e x vandaag) 1e x dat ik hier kom eigenlijk ;p" Barb has connected. Sandstorm watches the screen roll like a ball down a hill in Cincinnati... Mender has arrived. Vilnolin says "have you ever noticed the u.s. has no 'legends aside the native american ones?" Tavie says "I'm from New York, but I have friends in Scandinavia and if you just look at the online demographic, lots of .fl and .se and what-have-you in their addresses." Rikkert says "I myself got the numbered/signed Hidden YEars 9.5 for $20 And i still feel it's one of the best comics of them all" FireHunter says "well we are fairly young" Coldmist says "Schaduwlach, please keep it to English, or page the person you are talking to in Dutch" Frixx says "saako taalla puhua vieraita kielia?" Tavie says "The hell we don't, Vilnolin!" Mender has left. Zarah agrees w/ Rikkert Serpent says "Hey about the doomed Saturday morning cartoon. Was an episode ever finished?" Frixx says "sorry" Ayerth says "Richard and Wendy: Is there going to be another "Fantasy With Teeth Tour for the 25th anniversery? I made it to the last one." Tavie says "American folklore comes from more than just Native American tradition/" Elfquest has disconnected. Vilnolin looks confusidly at Tavie Schaduwlach says "I'm sorry :$" Thitida-No-Chey says "Tavie : hmmm! I never saw ElfQuest until I stumbled across it accidentally... Accidents can be good too! :)" Coldmist says "oops" Kaer has arrived. Fairlight says "Ah yes, the legendary Elfquest animated shorts....." Kaer has left. FireHunter chuckles Goldeye says "oops" Thitida-No-Chey says "Frixx : hvad SIGER du?!" FireHunter says "someone tripped over a power cord" FireHunter says "probly;)" Dix watches Elfquest lose its connect somehow. Elfquest has connected. Tasmonia says "It must be those blasted preservers!" Ranna says "whew" Zarah says "I just confirmed a Road trip to San Diego w/Remanth, should be fun!." Goldeye says "WB Richard and Wendy" Ayerth says "Richard and Wendy: Is there going to be another "Fantasy With Teeth Tour for the 25th anniversery? I made it to the last one." Elfquest says "Sorry, got booted. Happens even to High Ones." Rayek chuckles. Ayerth says "Do you use AOL?" Serpent says "Hey about the doomed Saturday morning cartoon. Was an episode ever finished?" Vilnolin grins sheepishly "i only reallty know folklore from my tribe... sorry if that was a blanket statement." Tavie says "All your circuits are belong to us." Dix batbats Tavie with one paw. :) Frixx says "just praise the famous video..." Elfquest says "Anyway, to answer Tas' question: Wendy says Photoshop has freed her to pursue an even more powerful graphic style, and she's thrilled with the new EQ colors." Tavie says "Makes sense. And the popular conception of folklore does tend towards that of the indigenous-culture sort. But it's a lot more than that." Ayerth says "Are those what she did the front pages of the website with?" Tasmonia says "So will all the work be done on computer now? No more fabulous inking?" Frixx says "the colors are fine on the screen, but on paper?" Zarah huggles Adobe Photoshop Elfquest says "Ayerth, we'd love to but our plates are so full this year with new material and new 'old' material for you." hamilasdaje says "ok. i was wrong. sorry :)" Rikkert says "Today's fron page looks GREAT" Vilnolin says "what new story lines have you guys drafted?" Kahvi says "Photoshop is great, I am sure the comics will turn out just uber-great" Elfquest says "Tas, you will see the very same linework as always, but the special effects in color will be new and wonderful." FireHunter yeahs be surprised the type of prints you can get off a machine these days! Rayek goes home. Rayek has left. Elfquest says "Serpent, nothing was ever done for Saturday morning." Tasmonia says "Thanks for the answer, EQ." asrana says "I like the inking better because it shows every little detail" hamilasdaje says "yepp" Serpent says "I just noticed that animation cel in the Gatherum and I had to ask." Vilnolindoesn't like cpu coloring, mostly because all of her works turn out horrible FireHunter grins "Some very tiny imperfections canmake things Perfect No Asrana?:) Frixx says "but Wendy is THE master of black ink (whines)" Elfquest says "Vilnolin, Wendy's doing a continuation from 'Full Circle' for starters." Ayerth says "Another question: Where are you doing this chat from, anyway? Your office? Spare bedroom, what?" Zarah says "Wendy's the master of color too!" Elfquest says "Ayerth, from a hidden bunker deep within Blue Mountain." Frixx says "that she is, Zarah" hamilasdaje says "and of story" Dix laughs. Yeah, Where ARE you? Fairlight says "How far off is the Final Quest?" Tavie says "Are you wearing shoes?" FireHunter knew it Ayerth says "Hey, I've been there. Great headroom. ;P" Vilnolin grins "cool" Reed just looks down at Ayerth amazed at his curiousity Goldeye says "they have to hide with all the fans out there:)" Zarah locksends with Remanth Elfquest says "Fairlight, far off, at the moment. Got too much else to do." Tasmonia says ">is< there a Final Quest anymore?!?" asrana says "FireHunter that's right :)" Vilnolin says "does anyone know if comic stores are still selling the comics? none of the ones by me are" Serpent says "Ya know, another memory just came up regarding an ElfQuest video game. Back when Rogue's Challenge came out I entertained the idea of turning that battle into a Double Dragon-style game." Coldmist says "You have to keep on poking them, Vilnolin :)" Ranna says "yeah, I found some reprints at my comcic store" Elfquest says "Vilnolin, well, the comics stopped in 1998. Comics shops are still selling the books, though." Rikkert says "QUESTION: WHen you went from color-comics back to B/W-comics, was it planned beforehand to let it be at that part of the story of New Blood? because it had a special effect!" Ayerth says "Usually special orders are it, Vil. They can get the books from Diamond." Thitida-No-Chey says "Serpent : THAT could be fun!" Frixx says "but New Bllod" Vilnolin says "i don't want to poke them... they might get hurt." Elfquest says "Rikkert, that was a happy serendipity!" LegendaryShannon has disconnected. Frixx says "but New Blood was the only one" Zarah says "You can get bookstores to order Elfquest graphic novels" Nienke says "wat is dit dan precies normaal?" Ranna says "My Borders always has them, they have a big graphic naovels section" FireHunter says "sometimes it's cheaper online though. but other times it's not:)" Ayerth says "Or go to www.elfquest.com. ;P" Nienke says "oeps :$" Tasmonia says "Is the switch to color for personal/aesthetic reasons, or because color sells?" Elfquest says "Ranna, we love Borders' stores for that." Ranna says "me too!" Elfquest says "Tas, both!" Rahna says "Me too. :)" Zarah loves Borders too, "'tis my second home! Ranna says "i couldn'tbeleive it the first time I saw them" Vilnolin pots because there is no borders near her... and she even has a gift card to it Rahna wishes there were one closer to her home. FireHunter has never even heard of borders:) Elfquest says "With online shops (including eq.com) there should be no trouble getting the books." Tasmoniathanks the powers that be for all the great comic book shops in the Minneapolis area Ayerth says "Question: We know Richard's favorite character is Skywise. Do you have a fave, Wendy?" Vilnolin says "no. cept my mom when on a book spree and bought about 10 at once..." Ranna say to firehunter "Very like barnes and Noble" Frixx says "Ayerth are you serious?" Vilnolin grins at richard's fav Ayerth says "It's a good question, ain't it?" FireHunter Ahs! Tavie says "Narcissist." Elfquest says "Ayerth, Wendy says as she always says, Cutter speaks for her, but she loves them all. Richard says the same regarding Skywise - no 'favorites'." Ayerth says "thought so." Ranna says "Does eveyone else have favorites?" asrana says "I've gotta go to sleep now. It was an honor meeting you Pini's :)" Nienke says "DART!" Frixx says "Kullyn Kenn" asrana says "Good night everyone!" Vilnolin says "we all have characters that represent or speak for us... but, you can never really bring it all down to one" hamilasdaje says "night" Tavie says "Night Asrana." FireHunter says "Cutter, treestump, Suntoucher." Vosse nodnods "Strongbow!!" asrana has disconnected. Zarah says "night night" Zarah sighs Schaduwlach says "I'm going too" Vilnolin says "my name speaks for the character i can most relate to" Schaduwlach says "mzzls(K)(K)(K)" FireHunter wishes all that are going a fair well and that they remember to have FUN!! Ranna agrees with Vilmolin Schaduwlach has disconnected. hamilasdaje says "wolfriders. all of them" Vilnolin says "(i said before it means skywise in tolkien elvish)" Vosse bye Schaduwlach! Tasmonia says "Wendy, do you ever get completely sick of elves?" Nienke says "DOei!" Elfquest says "We've found that at different times in the story, different characters have spoken for us in various ways." Ranna says "ohh, good one!" Tavie says "Check out her new artwork. Not elves!" Elfquest says "Tas, when she does, she turns to doing the dishes." hamilasdaje says "but great" Vilnolin says "tavie, where is new artwork?" Tasmonialaughs heartily Vosse pouts "too late to say Schaduwlach goodbye..." Tavie says "Elfquest.com" Ayerth thought you had trolls for that... Tavie says "Previews." Vilnolin nods "should have realized that..." Goldeye says "Hey Wendy, have Richard do em once in a while!:)" Tavie says "No dishwasher?" Elfquest says "Everything we want you to know is on elfquest.com, you just have to go there and navigate a bit." FireHunter laughs Frixx says "there is a mermaid with long black hair..." Ranna says "Yay for EQ.com, I love it" Tavie says "It's very well done." Elfquest says "Goldeye, he does!" Tasmonia says "Wendy, how long were you in California/when did you get back?" FireHunter Ohs, thought GoldEye ment richard should draw the elves:) Goldeye says "lol" Ayerth remembers back in the day....EQ.com is coming. ;P Frixx says "Wendy is back?" Elfquest says "Tas, we're both back and forth constantly." Tavie says "I think Richard should draw a whole comic. It would be highly surprising and amusing." Tasmonia says "I third that motion!" Ayerth says "no, that stick figure is Skywise. See his head?" FireHunter bets after so many years he might surprise us:) Elfquest says "Tavie, I'd only have to sell one at $50,000. to make it worth it." Tavie says "I think Richard can probably draw better than we think he can." Ayerth says "Wendy: That looks like you traced a cheerio."" Thitida-No-Chey says "Tavie : I'd like to see that too! *eyes Richard*" Tavie says "Ta-ha!" Rikkert says "I came up with Elentir! I used Tolkien's the Silmarillion and tried to get the two halfs correct by looking at other names. It means Starwatcher" Tasmonia says "For next year's calendar, I think I'll recruit soley non-artists" Tavie says "I think that would be amazing, Tasmonia." marissa has connected. Tavie says "I love to see what people who don't fancy themselves artists can come up with." Vilnolin is fluent in elvish marissa says "Hiya guys and girls, I'm back" Zarah says "Allo Marrisa" Tavie says "Hi Marissa." marissa waves kindly to everybody. Frixx says "isnt that elfin?" Tavie says "Elf-ese." Ranna says "Bravo Vilnolin" Vilnolinis so not a good artist. "But, that's why i love the comics so much. between elfquest and tmnt, i have a room full of comics!" FireHunter says "Problem is I look at wendy art then draw and go,,BLEH!" Rahna says "If it's Tolkein, it's elven. If it's Pini, it's elfin. I think. ;)" Tavie says "But it inspires you to draw." Vilnolin says "no it's elvish. and thank you Ranna *bows*" Elfquest says "Rahna, you got it." Ayerth has an idea. "Why don't you publish an small book. "Two Moon Tales." TAke some of the better Roleplays here and give them a EQ treatment? Ranna says "Yeah, tolkien changed his to the 'v'" Tasmonia says "Tavie, it certainly does! EQ has inspired me to do so many things" marissa says "Richard, what time is it at the moment with you?" Vosse was also inspired by Wendy to draw. :) FireHunter says "I mean there are several good artists here I am sure that compare themselves to wendy art and go, Boy I can't draw:)" Thitida-No-Chey says "Firehunter : makes 2 of us then..." Tavie says "The important thing is that you're inspired to create something yourself, and practice and get better." Ranna says "Oh, wow, I like that idea a lot Ayerth, best of the web" Vilnolin says "we should make a book as a gift and send it to WaRP with all our characters and 'new tribe' and fanfiction" Nienke says "Question: how do you keep the characters act like themself? I mean when I write the person character keeps changing.." marissa says "It's twelve o clock at night in Holland." Elfquest says "Ayerth, we've made a strict policy of using only those ideas that come from within ourselves - that way it's both a lot simpler, and a lot safer." Zarah nods Goldeye nods Vosse whoohooos "another Dutchie!" Nienke says "WHO?" IceFire says "00:03" marissa woohoos right back. Vosse grins and points at Marissa marissa says "picky picky picky" Ranna agrees, understands reasons Nienke says "Holland is taking over EQ ;)" Frixx says "midnight in Moscow (actually 01:00)" Elfquest says "Nienke, Wendy says each character has certain personality traits that are like musical notes in a symphony - that's why you can always recognize, say, a Beethoven symphony. You have to learn each character's notes completely, and then let the music flow." marissa says "Stop pointing at me!" Vilnolin says "yeah. using others ideas can lead to big trouble" Ayerth says "True, it does keep a nice can of worms sealed, doesn't it?" Nienke says "tnx eq :)" Vosse stops pointing and pouts marissa says "Aww, come now, don't cry.." Kahvi says "I think a lot of people have started drawing because of Wendy Pini's art. Wendy has been an inspiration for so many, and have opened many people's hearts. I just think most people just forget that they shouldn't aim to draw exactly like Wendy, but should create something unique as well. I think that's why most people don't like the series that were not drawn by Wendy. 'Everything that is not done by Wendy, is not Elfquest', but people forget the unique-ness about every artist's work ... just my two cents." Elfquest says "How late are some of you going to stay on??" Vilnolin says "well, Elfquest, do you like the fan-book idea?" hamilasdaje says "midnight in hamburg. my clock is late.." Serpent says "Well I feel quite satisfied with the questions I've asked. I'm gonna go take a break myself or I'm gonna burn out." Vosse hrmfs "I don't cry..." marissa says "ehhh... you really wanna know?" FireHunter says "So if this chat goes well, are you planning on more of this globlal get together of sorts?" Zarah says "I love Lorraine's artwork in Elfquest" Elfquest says "Kahvi, thank you!" marissa says "I hopeso" redmike has connected. FireHunter is on his weekend and plans on staying home for a gooooooooooood house cleaning and such:) Frixx says "how about forever?" marissa says "Yes, Lorraine is quite good." Ranna nods emphatically at Khavi Tasmonia says "It would be really great if there was a chat dedicated entirely to art-questions, like a mini art course" Vosse chuckles "as long as it's possible" Tavie says "It's 6 already. I should get out of my pajamas." Thitida-No-Cheyshould go sleep sometime soon... Long day tomorrow, with lots to do Elfquest says "Firehunter, sure - we've got the rest of EQ's 25th anniversary year to consider." Tavie says "We should move the chat over to isketch and challenge Wendy to online pictionary. ;)" Thitida-No-Chey says "go TO even... damn, my spelling isn't the best this time o'night! :P" FireHunter cheers,,and errs calmly "cewl:) Tasmonia says "yes! great idea, tavie!" Vilnolin says "you know, i don't know many authors that would chat with fans... i think you guys are really special to dedicate so much time to your fans" Tavie says "Maybe one day. Pictionary-chat with Wendy." Thitida-No-Chey says "Tavie YEAH! GREAT IDEA!!!" Serpent is off to learn how the Morrowind Editor works. Elfquest says "Not a positive effect, staying up so late?" Tavie says "No cheating. Mouse drawing only." Kahvi smiles, "There is nothing to thank :) If I could back just one percent of what you have done for me -- even if not willingly -- my heart would feel all content. Sounds dramatically, but I just had to say that." marissa says "those Elfquest guys are not ordinary vips" Serpent has left. Vilnolinnodds in agreement Thitida-No-CheyJust sits and chuckles a little Elfquest says "Vilnolin, we're not that special, but we do appreciate all you all have done over the years, supporting EQ. That deserves something back." marissa says "Thanks for driving to Phouaghkeepskie..." Vilnolin says "i wish all authors could be so nice. *smiles* and come up with such great ideas" Tasmonia says "Yes, you are that special! Don't you understand that?" Thitida-No-Chey says "Marissa: It's harder to pronounce than it is to spell! 'g*" marissa applaudes Wendy and Richard. hamilasdaje says "cant spell it." Vilnolingives standing ovation Tavie says "The close fan contact is very special. It keeps people coming back." marissa says "It's a hard name to spell and say." Tavie says "Puh-kip-see. Easy." hamilasdaje says "yepp" Goldeye says "Question for Richard and Wendy: You've dealt with some real tough issues over the years, what was the toughest to get through with Elfquest?"" Ranna says ""yes, you are special, Elfquest is one of the most wonderful things I've ever read" Elfquest says "Don't underestimate Wendy only using a mouse - that Winnowill poster she did, was done that way." Tavie says "That is incredible." Tasmonia says "holy cats!" Elfquest says "Goldeye, give us a moment on that one...," Vilnolinagrees with tavie Tavie says "Now, how about only a trackpad?" Rikkert says "some authors do chat or read mail. Mostly relatively new or young authors. And people who care about their creations and about the people who get to see/read/listen/whatever to it" Dix sees nothing wrong with mouse-drawing. Some people, like me, never did get used to tablets. Frixx says "WOW" FireHunter wows! Zarah says "I can't get used to tablets either :(" Tasmonia says "Okay, I take back most of my bad-mouthing about computer coloring now" Dix says "Though...if Wendy hasn't TRIED a tablet she certainly should. ;) Everyone should try it at least once. " Vosse wows marissa says "I can't live without those drawing tablets.." FireHunter says "touchscreen:)" Thitida-No-Cheyis quite good with mousedrawing... Hurts her wrists like H*ll but... :) Elfquest says "Goldeye, probably the toughest issue has been, the issue of killing - when is it justified, under what conditions, and how does it change you?" Dix eyes FireHunter. Show me the money. :) Tavie says "I'd love to try a tablet out. LOoks really fun. I'm always disappointed when I'm in an isketch game with people who use them, though. Unfair advantage." Elfquest says "Dix, she's a whiz on a Wacom these days!" FireHunter hmms "maybe thats why I can't afford one either:) Goldeye says "ouchm yeah was a tough one........." Vilnolin says "Richard (i am assuming it's you online) what inspired you to start elfquest? any novels or stories or myths inspire you?" marissa says "the tablet I have is about an a4 in size.." Dix oooh! Thanks. Tasmonia says "are there any characters you regret killing?" Elfquest says "Vilnolin, we're both right here. And the answer's been in so many interviews and web sites we're going to let that one slide." Larias has arrived. marissa says "We all are greatful that Skywise survived.. thanks Richard." Zarah says "The best thing about the tablets is- you can vary the paint width, color, and opacity just by applying pressure with the pen. Depends on what options you use." FireHunter goes into a frenzy "OneEye... Oh pooor pooor oneye:) Elfquest says "Tas, every one of them." Tasmonia says "Okay...now i feel a little better about Skot" Frixx says "i glad Gertler did not kill Rayek" marissa says "the dream Skot had was tragic and hautingly beautiful.." Ranna says "I'm so sad for Rayek now" Elfquest says "There isn't a single character in EQ, good or bad, whose death we didn't mourn." Tasmonia says "I cried when I read that issue of Dreamtime (about Skot)" FireHunter passes around the tissues Tavie says "Me too." Zarah takes a tissue marissa says "yeheheees... sob" Dix awwwws. That's sweet. "Would you say any of them - the chars who died - served the purpose the storyline needed them to, in dying, but that you'd have rather chosen someone else to be the dying one?" Nienke says "Why did you let them die than EQ? :S" Tasmonia says "And of course One-eye...I mean, sheesh, I was seven! That was tough to handle" Tavie says "Part of the story." Ayerth says "Probably because the story would be false without it." marissa says "I really cried over Lord Voll.." Tavie says "His betrayal made his death easier for me. :P" Elfquest says "Dix, each death was carefully thought out, argued over, and resigned to. Each death served exactly the purpose it had to." Vilnolin says "death is a part of life, and eq doesn't seem to be a fairy tale" Vosse thought that was one of the best things about EQ. That Characters get born, evolve and die as well. Ranna says "I cried over everyone, even the trolls" Sandstorm envies people with the ability to cry over things like this. =0 marissa says "No he didn't betray.." Vilnolin says "that's waht makes it so good" Frixx says "luckily I read about One-eye in the RPG beforehand" FireHunter knew lord voll was coming, Ties up the chief of the wolfriders,,thats what you get;) Ranna says "But I was glad you wrote it like that" Dix nodnods, thanks. marissa says "Yes.." Zarah says "I cried for Cutter missing his family, and when he found Leetah, and so many other things." marissa says "The deaths made us grow, too. Not only the Elfs" marissa says "Elves..." Vilnolinnods Rannanods too Elfquest says "Your reactions are exactly the reactions we could hope for. You prove that good storytelling breeds great readers. :)" Tasmonia says "I know it's corny, but there are teardrop stains on so many of my EQs" FireHunter says "Question, why did you decide not to have the palace go "back" into time since rayek could bring it forward?" Tavie says "We are rather fabulous." FireHunter says "and it had obviously thrown itself backwards anyways:)" Ranna says "I second the question" Zarah hugs Wendy and Richard Elfquest says "Tas, Wendy says 'and on so many of the pages that she drew!'" FireHunter has his theories though:) Zarah says "I love you people." Ranna says "I mean, besides making the plot work better" marissa hugs W and R too Vilnolinsits and waits for her question to be answered while seconding Firehunter's Elfquest says "Firehunter, Rayek wasn't about to let the Palace go back to where/when Cutter was." Tasmonia says "I'm getting choked up again--you guys are so amazing!" Tavie smells a group hug coming, starts edging towards the door. Ranna laughs marissa says "GROUPHUG!!!" Guest2 has left. Vilnolin dodges and clibs into a tree marissa says "oww..." Zarah laughs FireHunter figured that or his emotional expiration from taking the palace so far forward was too gone to fix it all and he knew it woudl take years to get that power and urge back. Tavie says "See? You're scaring the guests off." Frixx feels squeezed Elfquest says "Welcome to www.touchyfeely.com!!!" Ayerth says "Besides, it would cause _so_ many headaches with the canon of the tales. ;P" Guest2 has arrived. Guest2 has left. FireHunter says "after all his powers did leave him" marissa laughs out loud. Tasmonia says "Elfquest, will we see more art from the two new artists, Sonny and Carol Lyon?" Traest shudders at the thought of temproral paradoxes in EQ. Tasmonia says "is that her name?" Elfquest says "But at that time, no one else could pilot the Palace." Ranna love Carol Lyon dearly Tavie says "Tempural paradoxes would be bad, too. All that deep-fried confusion..." Elfquest says "Tas, you betchum, Red Ryder!" Elfquest says "Wok, don't run, to the nearest exit, Tavie..." tolan has connected. Ranna says "Yeah, what do you think this is, Star Trek?" Tasmonia says "Yay! As a student of Plant Bio, I'm particularly fond of Carol's work" Tavie says "Ouch!" Ayerth says "I think the saddest EQ story I read was the one in, I think, Mythadventures. The one with all the elves surrounding the palace, circling it to recognize." Rikkert says "My personal feeling is that death is never pointless in elfquest unless its point IS to be pointless (to show that part of life). That's oe of the things that makes it good" marissa says "Hi Tolan" Moonwalker has connected. marissa says "Hi Moonwalker" Elfquest says "Tas, Carol's education is in scientific art." Ranna says ""yeah, I loved that one" Vilnolin says "elfquesters, do you read fan fiction? or look as fan art?" Ayerth groans. "Let the puns commence." Frixx says "but not canon Ayerth" Elfquest says "Ayerth, huh?" Tavie pokes Ayerth in the side. Moonwalker says "Greetings, all!" marissa says "Wendy, how do you feel about fanfiction?" Tasmonia says "I really liked reading what she and Sonny had to say in the Summer Special" dragonsfire has disconnected. Tasmonia says "I love interviews" marissa says "Anne Rice forbids fanfiction" Zarah says "I read RPGs and look at EQ eyecandy." hamilasdaje says "i think the sadest story was the war in sorrows end" Guest2 has left. Ayerth says "Sorry, just babbling." Ranna says "I mostly read fanfic of characters in the rpgs I play" Elfquest says "Marissa, we appreciate that fans put the energy into it, but we don't read it for legal reasons." Sandstorm says "No you weren't!" Dix wondered if there was an answer to "Will there be more art forthcoming from Sonny and/or Carol?" Coldmist says "Anne Rice does? I just know Anne McCaffrey is very ... well, don't want to speak that out *goes to wash her mouth*" dragonsfire has connected. Tasmonia says "the answer was Yes, Dix" Dix nods, thanks. Elfquest says "Dix, yes, I said 'you betchum'" marissa says "She made them close down the parts on fanfiction about the vampire chronicles" Elfquest says "Which means defintely yes." Dix notes McCaffrey is much more permissive than her lawyers would like her to be. I will now officially let go of that tangent. :) Vilnolin says "elfquesters, would you all accept a fan book?" Tavie says "Accept, yes. Like, depends." Kaer has arrived. Zarah sighs and waves goodbye Vilnolin says "like, from all of us?" Zarah says "I gotsa go earn play money now, nice talking to you all." Kaer waves to Zarah. marissa says "bye." Leila says "How could the Pinis edit it if they couldn't read it? *giggle*" Elfquest says "Vilnolin, are you asking us here that question?" Ranna says "worldpool practically felt like one, and I loved worldpool" Vilnolinchuckles at tavie Zarah copies the conversation.. takes a while marissa says "Is there more from worldpool coming?" Vilnolinnods... unsure "yeah marissa says "How do you copie this conversation?" Nienke says "I gtg, see yah al with the next chat ;)" BerryWhisper has connected. Tavie says "That's right, laugh. Laugh. Go ahead." Elfquest says "Marissa, it's a good concept and we'd like to expand on it." Sandstorm believes that the inventors of the story should have the right to say yea or nay to the use of their creation. Not asking permission is theft... something she is DILIGENTLY trying to POUND into some rather hard heads of her students...Plagerism ... Nienke has disconnected. Shaevairc has disconnected. Larias has left. marissa says "Why are you people leaving!!" Kaer says "Some people have to pay the bills, marissa." Thitida-No-Chey says "... They left, you can't ask them?? *G*" Vilnolin says "i agree. i mean, fan fiction is good (i even write it) but, some of the things done in it are so questionable, you wonder if your offending the author (s)]" FireHunter says "not that this is worth loosing your house though:)" Ranna grins Rikkert says "QUESTION: The stories in the BoTC-anthologies... Did you guide the author to the contence of the story (i.e. "The story should be about..." or did you just let them work out their own storyidea and then say "It's (not) possible"?" marissa says "Some have to sleep..." Elfquest says "With regard to fan fiction and art, we're of the mind that it's all right as long as those who do it play by the copyright and trademark rules. If ever it got out of hand, we would be forced - as others have been forced - to restrain it." Thitida-No-Chey says "How would it get outta hand?" Tavie says "I have to go too. I've gotten absolutely nothing done today. The pull of the internet is too powerful." marissa says "What are the copyright things for that? Name the creators and make no profit from it?" Tavie says "Have fun, all." Elfquest says "Rikkert, some authors wanted to adapt the prose stories, some others wanted to do their own original stories." Ranna says "bye Tavie, nice to meet you" Neko waves and heads off to hunt a longtooth. marissa says "bye Tavie" Kaer waves to Tavie Vilnolin nods. "it's cause people SHOULD give credit where its due." Tavie says "You too!" Frixx says "so right Vilnolin" Vilnolin says "bye tavie" Zarah waves bye to all marissa says "Definately" Tavie has disconnected. Zarah has disconnected. FireHunter says "it's out of hand if someone publishes plots to books and such so no one needs to read them or the art is totally on the net so no one needs the books for that either:)" SparkDance has connected. Neko goes home. Neko has left. SparkDance has left. SparkDance has arrived. marissa says "er..." BerryWhisper says "Hello everybody." Elfquest says "Copyright questions can get huge and complicated very quickly. Richard will put some words on elfquest.com soon. It's not at all as simple as the answers coming here." SparkDance says "hi" Tasmonia says "Any chance of more Wendy Words and Matter of OPINIon?" marissa says "Hiya all." Vilnolin says "oh! my mom says she loves your work, warp, and she hopes you all keep writing. and she wants to know when the movie is coming out *grins* she's been doing that with harry potter so dno't mind her" Moonwalker says "I'm of the mind, if it's not from the creator, or directly approved by the creator, I hold no interest." Elfquest says "Tas, yes and yes. We've both been swamped but have both really wanted to say some things, so yes and yes." marissa says "Moonwalker, I don't agree with that.." Ayerth says "QUestion: Do you have any appearances planed for this year, at all?" Rikkert says "Well, at least they said who the next Dumbledore is gonna be" marissa says "People all over the world can have good ideas and make a twist or turn in a plot that one might like." Moonwalker says "...and that's ok, marissa." Ranna says "who?" Leila tends to agree with Moonwalker but people like all different things. marissa says "Ok, Moonwalker." Elfquest says "Ayerth, the one we're certain of is that we'll be guests at the San Diego con mid-July. Other than that, we're still planning." Rikkert says "the guy that starred in the great bbc-series "The Singing Detective" Give me a sec and i'll look up his name" Vilnolin says "Question, any conventions near NY/NJ?" Vosse is going to get some sleep. Elfquest: thanks for your time. Will you come to Holland one day? marissa says "I think fanfiction is made out of your heart and mind for yourself, how you like to see things and it might be nice to share it with others." BerryWhisper says "Stop in Denver PLEASE :)" FireHunter wavers to vosse! Frixx says "is San Diego the main EQ event of the year?" Vosse whoohoos and hugs FireHunter Kaer ahems, "Just to let you all know, the Cat Elves will be staging a longtooth hunt in a little while. I'll let you all know when we reach the room designated watchable by the wizard staff... there is a catelf object in the scroll room. Hope some of you come to watch." FireHunter blushes:) SparkDance says "you should come to DC :)" Elfquest says "When we know where we'll be, we'll post the news. Keep checking elfquest.com and subsribe to the e-newsletter!" Coldmist hugs Vosse too :) Tasmonia says "I vote for a World Tour (that stops in Minneapolis!)" Kaer steps out. Kaer has left. Malandor says "Elfquest, question, have you ever been asked to visit anime conventions? Or do you visit them on your own accord? I know Otakon in Baltimore's pretty big, there's one in Cali too." Vosse hugs Coldmist as well and feels loved. :) Elfquest says "Frixx, seems that way to us." Ayerth says "come to A-kon. I can get you invited. =)" marissa says "Aww... vosse and coldmist..." Vosse hugs Marissa as well Vilnolin says "ok, now my parents are yelling at me to have dinner. thank you all for talking, and thank you, WARP, for talking to us, and for the advice." Elfquest says "Malandor, we've not yet been asked to attend, but we'd enjoy it." marissa says "Thanks ... I was lonely for attention..." Coldmist smiles at Marissa Vosse grins "hehe, I noticed... ;)" Rikkert says "Dumbledore will be played by SIR MICHAEL GAMBON. And he was great in The Singing Detective, Not something for all, but a very good story. (1991 i think)" FireHunter says "night Vil!" FireHunter says "remember have FUN! all" marissa says "g'night" Thitida-No-Cheydumps a smelly tuna fish in marissa's lap! marissa says "ehhhh?????" hamilasdaje says "night" Vilnolin says "night" Vosse poofs off to her bed. "Sleep well all!!" Thitida-No-Chey says "there's attention for ya! :D" Vosse goes home. Vosse has left. marissa curses silently. Thitida-No-Chey says "heh heh heh" marissa says "You mean hightthing!!" Sandstorm hehes and slides out the door to go on an IC hunt! "Nice talking to you!" Clawthorn has arrived. Sandstorm has left. Thitida-No-Chey says "HEY! I'm no hightting! I'm just a mean looking drow thing! *G*" Ranna says "Well I have to go, Thank you Pinis, for everything. Thank you mushers, for hosting this, I'll be back sometime, this is cool. Thanks rikkert. I'd like to talk to all of you more, e-mail me "Ranna__@hotmail.com" (double underscore) Bye!" Ayerth dittoes. "off to the jungles. Guest1 has disconnected. marissa says "bye Ranna" FireHunter says "come back anytime:)" Vilnolin says "ok, i'm stuck here" Tasmonia says "Question to Elfquest: what question would you like to answer? Or rather, what do you think is important in the world of EQ right now that people should know?" Ayerth has left. Ranna has disconnected. Dix laughs. I ask them that all the time. Thitida-No-Chey says "GOOD question! :)" marissa joins Tasmonia i Vilnolin has disconnected. Rahna likes that question, Tas. :) Guest1 has left. Guest2 has left. marissa says "eh?" Guest1 has arrived. Elfquest says "Tas, we'd like to know more of your opinions, feelings about which characters you'd like to see more of." Thitida-No-Chey says "Marissa : more tuna? :" SparkDance says "i like that question too:)" marissa says "NOOOHONONNNNONON!" Tasmonia says "Really!!!?? Whoo hoo!" Malandor grins. "Do I need to mention Aroree again?" Rahna votes for NIGHTFALL! ;) tolan says "Ooh! I'll vote on that one: Sunstream! :)" Thitida-No-CheyWANTS TO SEE MORE RAYEK... ehem... Nuff said! Dix JINK. Not that I like her so much, but her whole storyworld sort of slipped away there. More of that. Sunstream, too. marissa says "Redlance." marissa says "I love Redlance... really" Tasmonia says "I would really like to see more about TWo-Edge. I think he is one of the most fascinating and complex characters in EQ" Thitida-No-Chey says "Marissa : Uhm...Salmon then? *G*" Frixx says "lots of futurequest" marissa says "Twoedge really is." BerryWhisper has disconnected. marissa says "No fish whatsoever?!!]" Thitida-No-Chey says "*sighs* Okay...." BerryWhisper has connected. Tasmonia says "And less Scouter (hehehheh)" marissa gives a victorial grin. Frixx says "Scout is not so bad" Thitida-No-Cheydrops halfdead cow in marissa's lap dragonsfire says "Tier and seconds the less scouter" tolan snickers Elfquest says "There is a storyline being worked on right now, no planned date of release, but still a lot of stuff already written, working title "the Quest for Kahvi" that involves Two-Edge, Aroree and Venka a whole lot." marissa picks up the cow and slaps it into thitida's face! BerryWhisper says "I want more SunTop" Tasmonia says "I had suspected as much...." Malandor lights up. "Aroree!" :) Dix ! Woo hoo. marissa says "Shuff up!" tolan agrees with BerryWhisper ^_^ Frixx says "thats great! Time to meet the ol tinkerer again..." Thitida-No-Chey says "Venka....? oooooh! Almost as good as Rayek!" Moonwalker says "When was the "Return to Xanth" published?" dragonsfire says "ooo was wondering what had happen to them" Tasmonia says "May I ask who the artist(s) is/are?" marissa says "I want to see more of Rayek" tolan says "no pressure though of course ... ;)" Elfquest says "Moonwalker, 1991 or so." marissa says "And more Teir!!" Clawthorn says "I am a bit worried about Cutter ... A change I have noticed -- which probably was not intended -- is, that the main characters were pushed too far into boxes, and became at one point super-heroes/-ines, and super-evil ... I am missing the multi-fascetion about how the characters were at the beginning, and I am afraid that Cutter will never die. Sorry, that sounds weird, maybe...." hamilasdaje says "ember" FireHunter says "Teir still freaks me out 8)" FireHunter says "Kinda like Haken,,only younger:)" Kahvi wheeeheees, "Quest for me!" Moonwalker says "Whoa. I'm really behind! I thought that was wonderful. Looking forward to the conclusion." SparkDance says ":)" marissa says "But Teir is a fascinating character." Frixx says "Clawthorn Winny died..." Elfquest says "Clawthorn, take a look at 'In All But Blood' again - lots of characterization in there, no?" marissa says "Who is Haken?" SparkDance says "yep yep..i wonder if she'll recognize him..." Clawthorn hasn't had the chance to buy it :( marissa says "In all but blood was beautiful!" Tasmonia says "Who will do the art for the Two-Edge arc?" Dix wants to see more of Teir too. I agree with Clawthorn that Cutter is becoming boxed in as a character, but I think that's intentional. He's been boxed in by his own mangling of the Way, what he's done to himself to survive. Goldeye says "Haken was a Firstcomer I believe, or am I wrong?" dragonsfire says "I'd like to see more Clearbrook too" Goldeye looks at Richard and Wendy....... FireHunter says "He was firstcomer:)" Elfquest says "Frixx, no she didn't!" marissa says "Ohh, wait a min, Haken was that Rayek look alike?" Frixx says "Haken was in the circle of nine" Elfquest says "Tas, we don't know yet." Thitida-No-Chey says "... Winnie's a Zombie..." Rikkert says "QUESTION: Somebody i bought a comic from said they didn't like it much anymore, because Elfquest had gotten to much war-like in their opinion. What's your view about that?" SparkDance says "EQ can you tell us who Ember will recognize?" Elfquest says "Rikkert, our opinion is "huh"?" marissa says "Marissa joins Goldeye in staring at the Pini's" Elfquest says "There was no battle in any of the 'IABB' tales." FireHunter says "Marrissa you can pose with ":"" Tasmonia says "SparkDance, good luck with that question!" Elfquest says "Spark, sure we can. But we con" Frixx says "the elves are in the middle ages, very war-like time period" Elfquest says "won't" tolan says "hehe" SparkDance:) Dix uh, King's Cross? FireHunter says "Marrissa you can pose with ":"" FireHunter says "sorry" Elfquest says "Dix, that was a Worldpool tale." marissa says "Excuse me, alas time is fading and I need to sleep... Bye Richard, Bye Wendy, bye you all, You make my world go round. ;)" Dix knows - I'm trying to figure out what Frixx is talking about. Frixx says "VERY worldpool..." Coldmist ran out of coffee, oh no .. Moonwalker says "It appears break-time (not to be confused with "Dream Time") is over. I hope to see you all later." Elfquest says "ARRRGH! No coffee?!?!?" marissa says "Oh, and keep the fish down this seasson." Thitida-No-Cheyhands Marissa a going-away-salmon marissa says "Bye..." FireHunter feeds Misty lots of dreamberries :P Tasmonia says "Elfquest: do you have any good book recommendations?" Elfquest says "We're at that point too, need a break. We'll be back for the next session." marissa has disconnected. Elfquest says "Tas, whatever you like. ;)" Dix notes Rikkert said something about war-like period and Frixx said "middle-ages war-like time period" and I was trying to make sense of it. hamilasdaje says "no cofe? my condolence!" Coldmist says "whew, time to make new coffee :)" Moonwalker has disconnected. FireHunter just soaks his eyes for a while 8) Guest2 has arrived. Elfquest says "we'll see y'all at the next installment! AYOOOOAH!" Elfquest has disconnected.