Logfile from Two Moons. Session 2 Tavie says "And I wonder if the Go-Backs were ever able to comb enough reindeer-fur to spin..." Leila says "In that case, good Q for the Pinis. 'Cause I haven't the foggiest! ;)" Cadence points to the chatter box. "If you go in there you can talk, and hear what they say without spamming the room.' Solsky has connected. veli has arrived. SparkDance says "wow! 60 ppl" Frozzie has connected. Guest3 says "hi frozz :-D" Rahna nabs a nice, cozy cushion and drags Kaer into he rlap for the next chat session. Frozzie says "anke! i see you!" Wolfpup says "tavie, I always wondered how the sunvillagers made their clothing. We've never seen a loom or anything. Where do they get the cloth?" Frozzie says "i'm overly happy now XD" veli says "aahhh..." LegendaryShannon steps back to get some breathing room! veli says "this chat's really confusing" Tavie says "I think there had to have been looms. I wonder why we never saw them." Frozzie says "yes it is... i'm glad i'm finally in" Tavie says "Maybe it was just never important enough to figure in the background of a story." Wolfpup says "The only thing I remember seeing is a little embroidery loop." SparkDance says "well how else to they have clothes?" Neko has arrived. Leila says "We don't see elf toilets, in general, eihther. DOes that mean they don't have them? :)" veli says "frozzie?" LegendaryShannon says "Of course they spin and weave. Don't need magic for that." Guest3 has disconnected. Tavie says "There's a lot of daily-life stuff we don't see" SparkDance says "maybe they don't need to use the bathroom?" Fairlight says "I think they probably discharge in the woods. Like bears" Frozzie says "frozzie is afke ;D" Wolfpup says "Well, we see how the Wolfriders make their clothing, I'd have thought that the forest folk would be curious about the Sunvillars clothes" Elfquest has connected. Fairlight says "Hola" Tavie says "In one of the novels there's a description of Dart peeing." Rahna says "Only the ones that HAVE woods, Fairlight. :)" Blackbird has connected. Tavie says "And there's the mention of wolf drek in book 7. So we know it exists. ;)" veli says "hi" Leila cheers! Welcome back, EQ! Guest2 has arrived. FireHunter Yeahs!@.@ LegendaryShannon says "How was the interview?" newdad has connected. Frozzie says "haa, merel is now here too :)" Fairlight says "We're discussing elf excrement" Wolfpup waves at the High Ones findorus has disconnected. Skysilver has arrived. Blackbird says "heeey" Leila says "Actualy, elf textiles." Wolfpup says "hi again" Blackbird says "thanks frozz" IceFire has disconnected. FireHunter says "For those wondering ElfQuest is probably the Pini's:)" Fairlight says "Good interview, BTW. I became very confused on the second caller" Elfquest says "The interview went very well - we hope to have it on the site soon." Traest woots. "For those of you just joining us, Wendy and Richard Pini are on as Elfquest." Tavie says "It started out as textiles I dunno how we got to refuse." SparkDance says "Lelia ask your question!" Leila says "Things That Exist that Wendy Didn't Speciically Draw. :)" Malandor asks: Where are the Aroree prints? Goldeye has arrived. veli says "What's so funny about "Schnitter?"" Tavie says "Dagnabbit, that was gonna be MY handle." FireHunter sorries Traest didn't mean to jump ahead:) LegendaryShannon says "Yes, Elfquest is the Pinis!" Oriolle has arrived. Guest2 says "hello?" Elfquest says "Not probably, FireHunter - definitely!" Leila says "My question, Spark?" Malandor has arrived. SparkDance says "about the textiles" FireHunter just got through saying how he's not gonna guarantee alot;) Frozzie says "you guys type too fast ;D" SparkDance smiles Goldeye says "hello Guest2" Elfquest says "What does someone want to know about textiles?" Elfquest says "Or elf poop?" Traest laughs. "They were wondering if elves had looms and toilets. :)" LegendaryShannon says "Wendy & Richard, they want to know if elves sew." Frozzie says "i don't like it when i have to keep my dictionary at hand o_O" Elfquest says "Arrgh - twenty-five years and all we can talk about is elf poop..." Tavie says "We never get to see a loom-- but they do weave, right? Is there any knitting? I want to see some elf knitting." findorus has connected. Coldmist laughs Guest1 has left. Guest3 has left. SparkDance laughs Goldeye laughs too. Fairlight says "Yes, about the diuretic scene from GN 2..." Fairlight chortles Leila says "I believe the question had to do with whether or not they had textiles, looms, and if they knitted or crocheted." Tavieturns green. FireHunter laughs findorus has disconnected. Fairlight says "Do they cross stitch? Embroider?" Tavie says "Pooh, crochet, I can't get the hang of that. Who cares. " SparkDance says "i am quite curious" veli says "wasn't there a loom in "Moonshade"?" Elfquest says "The Wolfriders do weave, leather strips and such. But they don't use a loom. The Sun Villagers do, though, a lot." LegendaryShannon says "There is probably a war on between the knitters and the crocheters." FireHunter notes Leila is right:) Leila says "Moonshade wasn't canon." Elfquest says "Leetah embroiders - you can see it in Book 1" veli says "poor Ahnshen" Tavie says "Yeah, like the crips and the bloods-- the crocheters and the two-needlers." Leila laughs! Kaer smiles. umbravulpes has connected. Shaevairc says "serious question from the Shae *wave*" Frozzie has no idea what everyone's talking about, except that it's about poop Elfquest says ""Moonshade" was canon." Goldeye says " Oiy, I remember her emboidery from comic magazine 1" Wolfpup says "where do they get the thread, from the zwoots?" Fairlight says "I got confused inthe interview. What is the difference between "Joellyn Auklandus" and "Corbie Mitleid"?" Tavie says "'Moonshade' was lovely, too." veli says "Yaaahho!" Leila says "Oh, my understanding was that that book WASN'T! I stand corrected. (And yes, it WAS lovely. :) )" Tavie says "Plant fibers, didn't they say?" Kaer nods in agreement. SparkDance says "yeah...where do they get thread?" findorus has connected. LegendaryShannon says "Shaevairc ask away." Antonie says "Frozzie, hi, it's about weaving, i believe!" findorus says "hello" Elfquest says "They use plant fibers." Wolfpup says "clever little buggers." Wolfpup smiles Frozzie waves to antonie SparkDance says "yep leaver!" Frozzie says "hiii :D" Elfquest says "The book might not have been, but the story was. Also, they likely have some kind of silkworm available." findorus says "aren't they all though" Antoniewaves back - Hi Afke!@ Frozzie says "yeah, now it is o_O but i still have no idea what knitters is" Tavie says "I've read about friends combing their dogs and spinning yarn from the hair. I bet they could get some nice wolf-hair sweaters that way." Kaer says "Possible." Elfquest says "Knitter is Schnitter's little brother..." Antonielaughs at Tavie Fairlight lol SparkDance says "do Go-bak" Kaer lol ederwinksqueeks with delight at the idea of a wolf sweater! Wolfpup giggles Leila says "So the things that happened in 'Moonshade' are considered to have 'really happened' to the WOlfriders, SUn VIllagers, etc.? :)" SparkDance says "do Go-backs make clothes the way Wolfriders do?" Elfquest says "Such a sweater would SMELL in the rain, though!" Goldeye says "To Richard and Wendy Pini and all the rest of the Elquest team ...Happy 25 years of wonderful story lines and just an all around good feeling to them. Thanks for creating it!!!" Leila slaps her sticky shift key. Taviechuckles. Antonie says "Frozzie neither do I - but knitting is "strikke" in Norwegian if that helps :)" Elfquest says "Goldeye, thank you!" Blackbird says "lol" LegendaryShannon says "It's Audry here BTW. :-)" Shaevairc says "I got a question from a friend of mine about copyright: Her elven tribes are unique, as well as the land and she has her own high ones. The only thing in common with Elfquest are the two moons, the fact that there ARE high ones and that the elves can send, have four fngers and pointy ears. Everything else is original and there are no charaters of the original Elfquest involved. So does the text need a copyright remark?" Guest2 says "hello" Frozzie says "yeah, but i'm still confused on how it came up ;D" Blackbird says "knitting is breien geloof ik" Skywise has arrived. findorus says "well I wish the Elfriders another 25 long and wonderful years!" Blackbird says "of knutselen" Oriolle, staffer in disguise, duly notes the canon-ness of 'Moonshade' for later reference. Strongbow and Moonshade's players are definitely going to want to make a note of that. ;) Wolfpup says "one character I'd like to see more of in the comics is Timmorn" Blackbird says "somthing like that :-)" Tavie says "That's a Richard question " Nightfall has arrived. Frozzie says "merel: thanks" Elfquest says "Shaevaric, if there are concepts involved that are from EQ (like the two moons, the world, the high ones, etc.) then there must be a disclaimer legally that says that the story uses Elfquest concepts, trademarks, etc." Shaevairc says "thank you" LegendaryShannon says "Shaevairc, good question." Elfquest says "Timmorn will be coming up in future stories." Kaer nods. Elfquest says "We love the scruffy guy too." Antonie says "Yay for more Timmorn/BoTC stories!!" Wolfpup says "Cool! Can't wait to see them!" Tavie says "Isn't it funny that if you grow with the books you start taking notice of different things that become important to you. I never thought about elfen textiles until I learned to knit." Reed has arrived. Malandor just wants his Aroree art, that's all. :) veli says "*cough* fluffy" Frozzie yays for Rahnee Savah has arrived. Antonie says "question to Wendy/Richard: Have you ever thought of doing a story specifically for the European market?" findorus says "ok are Wendy and Richard both ion here under different names or are ehy under the same name?" Kaer bows respectfully for Savah's entrance. Wolfpup says "about copyrights, does somebody need permission to embroider EQ characters on their own clothing?" rosannez has connected. Reed leaps up into her oak tree and watches the goings on below Kestrel has arrived. Zarah ponders "Final Quest" Fairlight says "If I get a tattoo...." Kaer says "Both same, I expect." Traest says "Wendy and Richard are both under Elfquest." LegendaryShannon says "Elfquest is both Richard and Wendy" Tavie says "Wouldn't that assume that they've been doing stories for an American market?" Elfquest says "Antonie, we did! Heart's Way was done for Carlsen and the other Euro publishers first." Tavie says "Karen?" Exile says "Wasn't the Skywise story European at first?" Guest2 says "Frozzie am I Schaduwlach?" findorus says "good question wolfpup" Snowstorm has arrived. Antonie says "Oh, I actually knew that! Thanks!! I loved that story :)" Frozzie says "esther, you are guest2" Blackbird says "hey schaduwlach" Suntop has arrived. Frozzie says "hearts way... what was that about?" Frozzie tries to remember rosannez says "Hello!!" ederwink says "Question to elfquest. What is the next book that is going to be released?" Elfquest says "Wolfpup, as long as you're only making something for your own use, you don't really need the little c in a circle, but it's good to have anyway." Kaer says "Soon, we hope." Rikkert has connected. Antonie says "Frozzie, the one with SKywise and the three sunfolk maidens" Frozzie says "oh yeah, i have that one :)" Frozzie says "i like the black and white version better" Goldeye says "Richard, how many reponses to your email did you get with the ideas of either a chatter like IRC or a talker or MUSH like this one before you two decided on coming here?" Elfquest says "Ederwink, the next thing out will be the 25th anniversary special edition of issue #1 in color. After that, plans are still being finalized." Rikkert says "Hi all!" Frozzie says "which is now in "in all but blood"" Tavie says "Do you know, I think I've seen two versions of that one because in one the nipples are omitted in the hot-springs scene." Antonie says "I wonder what was the specific "european market" idea... the nudity?? ;)" Elfquest says "Goldeye, at least 100 replies." Reed says, "I would just like to say "Thankyou for sharing your world with us Wendy and Richard"" Wolfpup has disconnected. Frozzie laughs Goldeye raises her hand, "glad I was one of them:)" Woodbiter has arrived. Leila passes along a question from an anonymous question-donor. What sort of restroom facilities DO the various elves have? Tavie says "I guess I know which one was the 'European' version." Woodbiter has left. Nightfall catches Woodbiter, grunting with the effort. Frozzie says "antonie: just what i thought" FireHunter notes that for everyone typeing 'Say ' you can jsut type '"' Wolfpup has connected. Elfquest says "Tavie, yes, the American version is nipple-challenged." FireHunter says "it's come up several times:)" rosannez says "question to Elfquest: I was just wondering, does Leetah eat raw meat now?" Tavie says "Sad, that." marissa has connected. Gem has arrived. Zarah says "whatever.." Frozzie says "firehunter: thanks" Zarah says "It works!" FireHunter says "no problem" Antonie says "I didn't know the nipples were censored in teh American version - feel sorry for you guys ;)" Tavie says "She calls it tartar." Guest2 has disconnected. Wolfpup says "wasn't that just a lock of hair?" Frozzie says "i only noticed when i bought in all but blood ;D" Coldmist grins at Antonie Elfquest says "Rosannez, Leetah is still primarily a vegetarian, but she has partaken at times with the Wolfriders." Kaer smiles dryly, "We'll live, I imagine." Tavie says "I must've seen the Euro one first, somehow. Maybe in Sweden. Because the lack of nipples was jarring." LegendaryShannon says "Imagine what they look like in the Japanese version. No nipples there." Elfquest says "Tartare!" Kaer laughs. Guest2 has left. marissa says "Hi Richard" Malandor says "Richard and Wendy, will there be Aroree drawings made available in The Art Shop in the Wolfrider Shop? There's everyone on there except her. :)" ederwinklaughs Antoniewonders why female nipples are taboo when male are not findorus says "Wendy one of the new Prints showing up around one of them titled Winged Flora, was she created before, during or after EQ? To me she looks a little like Leetah" Guest2 has arrived. Elfquest says "Malandor, it's possible." Rikkert says "sorry i just came in, but what comic has different versions in Europe?" Goldeye says "Is the Elfquest animated movie out yet or is things still being worked on with it?" LegendaryShannon says "Antonie because we women get away with looking at more ;-)" eqfanart has connected. Frozzie wonders along with antonie veli says "Are you still going to reprint the novels and BoTC-books?" Frozzie says "eqfanart = amanda?" Wolfpup says "there's one print at the Wolfrider shop of a very Bakshi looking elfin warrior. Is that new, or Wendy,did you draw that a long time ago?" Elfquest says "Wendy says that Flora (and the other two) were done before EQ by several years." Antonie says "Shannon, true, good for us :D" Gem says "I'd really like to see some lithographs of all the Wolfriders together...like you used to insert into the comics." FireHunter wells the defence is that males chests aren't glands marissa says "Do you remember me, Richard>" veli agrees with Gem Elfquest says "Veli, we have plans for all our books, prose and comic format." Nienke has connected. Zarah plans to buy every EQ novel veli says "thanks ^_^" Leila says "Oh, men have 'em. They just don't deveop, usually! ;)" Tavie says "Does anyone know if the toys are still available? I never did get any." Elfquest says "Marissa, yes, I've been getting the artwork you've emailed." SparkDance agrees with Zarah Gem says "I see the toys on Ebay all the time." findorus says "my girlfriend and I also noticed that one of them looked like Winnowil from when she was living in the Sea" Goldeye has most of the Elfquest novel:) Rikkert says "Question: Whasn't the Blood of Ten Chiefs novel nr 6 (almost) complete? Will it be out in the forseeable future" marissa says "and? How do you like it?" Tavie says "Ebay. That'll work." LegendaryShannon says "Tavie some are available on Ebay" Elfquest says "Tavie, alas, the toys are for now only available if and how you can find them." Tavie kicks a rock. Wolfpup pats Tavie on the back Elfquest says "Findorus, yes, that print is inspired by Winnie." Tavie says "I snoozed, I losed." findorus says "what of the Movie, have the High Ones shown there light as to how it will continue?" Elfquest says "Rikkert, we'd love for that volume to come out. We're working on it." Kaer says "I have a question which has probably been asked many times before... what has been your favourite fan-art or fan-fiction down through the years? Any memorable ones?" Gem says "I'm only heartbroken that Skywise was to be in the second batch of toys and now we must wait!" Wolfpup says "tavie, I just got my set of series one about a month ago." Antonie says "i guess we're all dying to know about the movie..." Tavie says "Bragger." Reed really wants to see that 6th Bo FireHunter says "Good one Kaer:)" Wolfpup says "Nah, just letting you know you can still find them, if you persevere" Reed says, "Bot" LegendaryShannon says "Kaer, that's hardly a fair question." Goldeye says "Regarding Series Two for the Toys..............is that out yet? I hope...." Tavie grins. Reed says, "BoT ...even" Wolfpup says "took nearly 2 years for me, Tav" Traest forwards a question from another chatter to Richard and Wendy. "Some time ago there was talk of Wendy releasing more, er, intimate drawings of the elves. Is this still in the back of your minds? Not looking for porn, but just something showing the intimate side of elves." Kaer chuckles, "Perhaps, but if there is an answer I'd be most curious." Elfquest says "Kaer, we love all the fan efforts - we enjoy the art, but can't read the fiction for reasons of legality, copyright, and so on." Tavie says "What I really, really want is a new Wendy-done calendar. I have the ugliest thing sitting on my wall at work and I refuse to replace it with anything but the best." Trollkiller has arrived. Kaer ahhs, "A pity." Guest1 has arrived. marissa says "nice name... erhm" Gem says "Yes, a new calendar would be great!" Exile greets Trollkiller, Dawnishly. LegendaryShannon says "Traest, didn't you see the Lovemates calendar? That was intimate!" Tavie says "I never looked at the fan calendar, though. I should give it a chance, anyway." Elfquest says "Traest, all we can say to that is perhaps. ;)" Frozzie likes the fan calendars Traest laughs. "I have two copies of it. That question was forwarded to me by A Shy One. :) Leila hasn't seen the fan calendar. I've been so out of the loop. ;P marissa says "yes, the lovemates calander was really beautiful." Rillwhisper has arrived. SparkDance also likes the calenders Oriolle has left. findorus says "but what about the movie? Is tehre light at the end of the tunnel again yet?" Kestrel snugs Rill. marissa says "I've got Richard to thank for that one.." Antonie says "Tavie please do look at the fan calendar - I did June :D" Tavie says "Now I HAVE to see." Rillwhisper plunks over by Trollkiller. :) SparkDance laughs Cadence would love to have more calendars!! Elfquest says "Findorus, yes there is light, but because of the delays we wrote about on eq.com, it's still a far-off light. But it is there." Traest says "And there goes the previous TwoMoons number of simultaneous connections record...." Gem says "I missed out on the lovemate calendar...I was so sad, I have all the others, but that one went so fast. I have most the pictures off webpages though." ederwink says "and i did january. but its a real bad pic..." Guest2 has disconnected. Savah chuckles as some questions get recycled. marissa says "Are they still doing work on the fancalander" Exile plunks with Rill and TK, trying to keep up with questions. Elfquest says "Did we break a record here?" Goldeye cheers on the efforts of the EQ movie.....yea! Rillwhisper grins. Yeah, we just topped our connection record. Tavie says "How about an officially-released computer desktop calendar, backgrounds, screensavers..." Leila says "We broke a record!" Traest nods. "Yes. :)" Schaduwlach has connected. Savah woots! "We broke it!" Gem says "What was record?" SparkDance leaps for joy! Antonie says "which record?" Traest says "We're at 77 people right now, old record was 76." Schaduwlach says "hello?" Tavie says "I didn't break nut'n. It wasn't me." veli says "I think the Pin-up calendar was the best one" Leila says "AWESOME! Oh, that's cool! THe record of how many people had been logged in at one time before. THe number just keeps rising!" Gem says "Wow." Elfquest says "Tavie, we'd love to but we're in talks with companies to license that sort of stuff now." Exile says "Somebody was making screensaver and wallpapers once, I think. DIdn't see anymore come of that?" Reed swings her feet and smiles. Tavie says "Oh good. Talk faster." Blackbird says "schduwlach, youmade it :-D" marissa says "schaduwlach, are you from Holland?" Frozzie says "there's another 2003 fan calendar, if some haven't seent hat one yet: http://frozenrain.sa-af.com/art/2003/" Nightfall got a few fan-made winamp skins. Schaduwlach says "yes!!!!" Antonie says "oh, that's a great calendar... go look, people!!" marissa says "I am too" Rikkert says "marissa, I am" Schaduwlach says "Wow I' happy again;)" Frozzie likes the greatest moments best SparkDance says "wesay y'all type to fast...*whew*" Kaer applauds the record breaking. marissa says "See, Richard how many dutch fans there are" Antonie says "and while you're at it check out the whole frozen rain site - its's great!" Frozzie says "although i would've chosen other moments I think :)" Blackbird says "here's anothor one" findorus says "now wait a miute" rosannez says "Me too!!" Kaer says "I don't think Richard has counted them personally, marissa..." findorus says "January looks good" Nienke says "Me too!" Blackbird says "lol" Elfquest says "Let me just toss in another little warning about doing things like skins - you can do them for yourself but cannot share them." marissa says "smile..." Nightfall says "can't share them?" Fairlight says "There are tons of Elfquest mods out there, but the people who make them tend to not advertise them. I've found things including: Winamp/WMP skins; Sims Skins, Quake Skins; maps of Abode for various strategy games" ederwink says "oh thanks findorus. its defintaly not my best." Tavie says "Tend not to advertise because they're illegal." Nightfall says "Even if there are warnings about the pics NOT being the person's property?" findorus says "so is Junes" Zarah has disconnected. Elfquest says "It's not legal to put them on your site and let others download them. That's all I'll say." Antonieis afraid of seeming ignorant but has no idea what skins are Schaduwlach says "you're just going to fast for me ;)" Gem says "What is a skin used for?" LegendaryShannon says "I was about to say, if you ever see anyone attempting to sell Elfquest desktops, wallpapers, skins -- contact elfquest.com!" Reed says, "I told my mother I would say 'Hello!' for her. She isn't able to be online." Rikkert says "Question: Richard, do you get to see the translated versions, i.e. the dutch publications?" Elfquest says "Skins hold your guts in, :)" veli says "A new look for a media-player or the like" FireHunter nods, but self drawings compltely at there own hand is ok? or no? Fairlight says "Of course. But most proprietors tolerate mods as a kind of fanart. Skins wrap onto other products to turn it wholly or in some limited way into a reflection of *another* thing." Nightfall sighs. "That's kinda not fun. They're not being sold..." Zarah has connected. Kaer chuckles, "They should have an online web facility, like the ones that check your web site for good code and design... something that looks over your site and can declare your ElfQuest site violation-free." LegendaryShannon says "a skin is the design on a program, like the wallpaper on a webpage." Gem giggles Elfquest says "Rikkert, yes, we get copies of all the translated volumes. Can't read them much, though." Nightfall says "fan calendars, fan art, etc, are distributed freely..." marissa says "A question for the Dutch publications? After the end of Shardswill there be more published?" Goldeye says "I know this is going to sound real nuisancey, but Richard and Windy Pini, I'm 38 years old now, will be 39 in September......I've been an EQ fan since I was 17, prolly like a few here as well. I have to admitt especially to Wendy that her Elf artwork has greatly inspired my own portrait art work and character sketching over the long years and I truly want to give all credit where credit is due." Tavie says "It's best to have a standard policy and stick to it even if it sometimes seems unreasonable, I think. You start setting precedents and it's hard to get untangled." Frozzie can't keep up Zarah says "What's the frozenrain site again? My Mush program crashed.." Fairlight says "Elfquest is definately a mentor to me, to jump into the subject of the interview. I'm 25 in June 28..." findorus says "Wendy, on the radio interview earlier did you mean it when you said that that one guy, Timothy from Albuquerque, NM, sounded like Cutter is that what he is ment to sound like? for Real?" Traest says "Also, to answer a question the Pini's got asked on the interviews, we have people online from at LEAST the following countries: Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Malaysia, Japan, UK, Finland, and the USA." Gem says "I'd just like to thank Elfquest for helping me survive High School." Elfquest says "Nightfall, it doesn't always have to do with money, but also with the value of the copyright itself, that's all." ederwink says "Question to Richard. did you take a copyright class or somthing of that sort?" Frozzie says "this http://frozenrain.sa-af.com" Zarah says "Thank you!" marissa says "Richard knows how much Elfquest changed my life ;)" Savah says "Canada too." Reed nods from her branch, wholeheartedly about the inspiration and mentorship. Aroree has arrived. Kaer says "One has to, ederwink. ;)" Tavie says "I wonder where my Swedish friends are." Schaduwlach says "I must say something from my little sister :p well Hello :p" Gem says "There is tons on the net about copyrights...even government pages." Elfquest says "Wendy says, Timothy had a tonal quality both masculine and youthful that I picked up on, but no, he's not exactly Cutter." Reed hops out of ooc Antonie says "i'm NOrwegian :)" Wolfpup says "tavie, I think they are in sweden" Frozzie says "yeah, i've seen a whole lot of them... i've bookmarked the clearest ones" Rikkert says "I ask because i personally feel that in the latest dutch albums the pages just don't look as good as they used to. Asi they are torn apart" Moonwalker has disconnected. Tavie says "Not the same. ;)" Elfquest says "Welcome, world!!!" Tavie sticks her tongue out at Wolfpup. Antonie says "no, even better!! :)" Wolfpup laughs at Tavie Blackbird says "thankt" Elfquest says "Ederwink, no, but I've had to learn it all very quickly and thoroughly." LegendaryShannon says "COPYRIGHT In America, you have to actively protect a copyright to keep it, so Warp Graphics is required by law to warn people against production and distribution of fanart." Kaer says "A necessity, I'm afraid." veli says "any plans of getting published in Japan?" Zarah falls over, "My cookies!" Zarah runs Tavie says "Which they do." marissa says "What news about the movie is there?" Leila wants to see Japese Preserver fonts! *snicker* SparkDance says "EQ you might have already had this question but whihs your fav graphic novel?" Leila says "Japanese." ederwink says "shannon, coool!" Antonielaughs at Zarah Malandor says "Is fan-art subject to copyright, or is it just making skins, etc. from actual Elfquest source material?" Schaduwlach says "My sister want's from me that I say: Who likes Skywise?" Tavie says "Japan has enough comics." Elfquest says "Veli, we would LOVE to be published in Japan." Tavie giggles. findorus says "well I have to go, it has been a pleasure meeting you and I hope to be on later tonight. I have to go meet my Lovemate for Lunch" marissa says "I like Skywise" Gem says "Skywise is the best of the elves." Nienke says "Me too!" Rikkert says "Is Wendy here by the way? Or anybody else of the EQ team?" Wolfpup says "bye Findorus" Nightfall says "actually, elfquest would be interesting in manga form..." findorus has disconnected. Tavie says "Who DOESN'T like Skywise?" ederwink jumps up and down and says "me me me. i love skywise!" Blackbird says "skywise is cute :-)" Gem says "I've seen some Elfquest inspired manga." LegendaryShannon says "COPYRIGHT Malandor, it is not the fanart but the distribution of it to others that is illegal." marissa says "Elfquest is interesting any way!" Schaduwlach says "Skywise is my favorite(ore something;p)" Fairlight plugs the Skywise Appreciation Society at http://gazers.discobunny.com Aroree is inordinately fond of SKywise herself, but that goes without saying. *ehhem* Frozzie i'm more of a pike fan, sorry ;) Wolfpup says "skywise snorks me off sometimes." Elfquest says "Malandor, copyright is a bit complex, and is tied in with trademark law as well. Here's not the place to get into a major discussion." Elfquest says "Rikkert, it's Wendy and Richard." Reed puts her two votes in for Strongbow and Redlance in that order. Clearbrook my fav. female with Moonshade next Gem says "Wendy, what were you like as a teenager?" Elfquest says "Nightfall, keep your eyes open! ;)" Nightfall says "Actually, last i checked, free distribution walks the line. paid distribution is illegal...it's a similar situation one finds when dealing with fansubs of anime." Tavie says "Now, now. There's no need to pick your favourite Helen..." Schaduwlach says "Pike is cute too :p" Nightfall chuckles. Antonielaughs at Gems question marissa says "Now I finally have a change at communicating with Wendy as well!" Fairlight invokes Alan's Axiom in which No Discussion can withstand discussion of copright and remain interesting. SparkDance sh rosannez says "I like Ember best" IceFire has connected. LegendaryShannon says "Nightfall, it's all pretty complex." Wolfpup snickers at Fairlight SparkDance likes One-Eye Fairlight says "I just made it up" Goldeye likes them all. Elfquest says "Gem, Wendy says younger, and cute, and somewhat of a loner." veli says "The copy of 'Essential Elfquest' I bought from ebay.de was listed as "English Manga"..." Gem says "Did you always draw?" Frozzie says "question to Elfquest: please enlighten us about the movie ;)" Wolfpup says ""english manga"?" Fairlight says "You could call it 'manglish;" Exile says "I'm oldfashioned, would just like more comics in the EQ universe." Neko says hello to Elfquest. Frozzie says "i still don't know anything" SparkDance laughs Tavie says "Heh, that's cute." Reed again nods her agreement about being a loner Elfquest says "LegendaryShannon, thanks for the assist!" Wolfpup says ""Manglish? I thought that's what's spoken online"" marissa says "I wouldn't classify Elfquest as manga... it's a complete unique style!" LegendaryShannon says "Wendy, did I tell you it's me Audry?" Schaduwlach says "Wendy who' s you're fav. charcter ? ( ore something (Kirsten)" Antonie says "I wish there were more comics like EQ..." Gem says "I was loner, too. But only one in redneck TN who had ever heard of an elf." Guest2 has left. Elfquest says "Gem, always, since I was two years old." Reed says "always feeling different...set apart from others around me"" Nightfall says "Info on the movie is at the website." LegendaryShannon says "Wendy, tell them how you were influenced by manga 25 years ago!" Antonieagrees with Marissa Tavie says "Manglish is what they speak on that show with Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Corolla." Rikkert says "Question: Except for the movie ofcourse, what are your future dreams / goals? What way would you like to go?" Aroree has left. marissa says "thanks antonie" Gem says "How did Richard and you meet?" Thorn has arrived. Fallblossom has connected. Fairlight says "I'd call Elfquest pre-raphaelite. The principle of delicate strength and idealization is just the same."" Nightfall says "english manga can still be manga. It's the style of it that makes it manga...(speaking as a sad sad anime/manga club president)" Nienke says "EQ, what do you think of online holts? Would you join one if you didn't wrote EQ?" Elfquest says "Legend, not so much by manga, but by anime, which at that time was very difficult to come by." Elfquest says "Gem, in the pages of a comic book." Wolfpup says "go speed racer go!" veli says "gem: Wendy wrote a letter to Silver Surfer" Gem says "Good Answer!" rosannez says "Cool question, Nienke!" Frozzie wants to know what nienke asks too marissa says "We all know the story.." Antoniesmiles at Fairlight's academic thoughts... and agrees marissa says "Very romantic!" Tavie says "That's legendary, that letter. I love modern folklore." Zarah likes Zarhan Fastfire Gem says "Not all of us know story." veli says "Stuff of legends" Tavie says "Tell it again, Grampa..." Nienkegrin Savah wonders if either of you ever attend anime cons for fun? marissa says "sigh..." Neko says "25 years ago? Speed racer was about the only anime. :)" Elfquest says "Fairlight, Wendy says Pre-Raphaelite gene-spliced with Jack Kirby." IceFire has disconnected. Savah says "25 years ago? just speed racer? not bloody likely." Kaer chuckles. Tavie says "What's the most annoying question you're consistently asked by fans?" newdad has disconnected. Fairlight says "Not really academic. The thing I love most about Wendy's art is its presence. It emotes, it lives, it sits there like a glorious thing and prohibits "Academic" thought until the book is closed." IceFire has connected. Gem says "I'm going to guess about the movie." Frozzie says "hahahaha :D" Elfquest says "If you want to know more about EQ and manga, go to www.sequentialtart.com - there's a great article there about EQ as America's first manga." Blackbirdthinks all elves are cutsay lol Exile oohs at the URL. Tavie says "No, don't label it manga. If my sister can decide that I've been reading manga all these years I'll never live it down." Blackbird says "lol, i thought i had deleted that sentence" Antonie says "Fairlight, agreed..." Elfquest says "Tavie, it is Where's the movie? We wish we could move faster, but what is, is." veli says "was "A Gajin in Mangaland" finished?" Goldeye says "I wouldn't call them cutesy, but definitely refined" LegendaryShannon says "Fairlight, great description" ederwink says "blackbird, not all elves are cutsy. look at poison elves" marissa says "hahaha, tavie" Eladamri has disconnected. Savah says "nothing wrong with manga!" marissa says "I love read and live manga" Blackbird says "poison elves?" marissa says "I breathe manga, and draw it" Blackbird says "I dont know about them" Tavie says "I know. It's a personal grudge I have about my sister's japanization of everything in her life. I tend to overreact. ;)" SparkDance looks onfused? poison? Wolfpup says "there's something cute even about poison elves" ederwink says "blackbird, its another comic book series" Solsky says "do you have dates on new books?" Zarah says "As long as the movie's true to the Elfquest story, I don't care how long it takes1" Gem says "I'm not overly fond of Poison Elves, ears are too bloody big." SparkDance says "i am with Zarah" Frozzie says "i've read about poison elves in an old stormholt newsletter once, but it didn't appeal to me" marissa says "The movie will have to compress the story.." Goldeye says "here here Zarah!" Elfquest says "Solsky, not just yet other than the 25th anniversary special to show up at the San Diego con this summer." Guest2 has left. Gem says "It doesn't HAVE to compress the story." marissa says "It's sad... but there's no other way" Wolfpup says "cute bit Drew Hayes did for the back of that one EQ issue, though" Elfquest says "We'll post news as soon as we have it." Antonieagrees with Zarah and Goldeye Fairlight says "poison elves strikes me as more Blair-esque than Pini-esque. Great giant rabbit joke, thou" Frozzie doesn't really care if the movie will follow the true EQ story.... I'm more worried about voices o_O SparkDance says "it an be long...i don't are how long..its EQ!" Elfquest says "We have a screenplay we love already." ederwink says "wolfpup, what one comic was that?" marissa says "I'm curious about the music too" Kaer says "Voices?" Blackbird says "me too frozz" Frozzie says "movies are not the same as books, people should realize that better" Wolfpup says "ederwink, don't know the issue #, sorry" Elfquest says "The voices will fit the characters as we hear them." Gem says "You don't want famous people guys, cost more. New voices, new spirits...that kind of thing." Fairlight says "Character is more important than plot. Come now, lads and lasses, y'know all this...." Antonie says "will it be a disneyesque type movie with lots of signing?" Frozzie says "i hope so, i'm very curious :)" marissa says "Wendy will the animation be anime like?" Blackbird says "i dont think any voyce would fit :-)" Zarah thinks Mel Gibson has a nice voice, lol Goldeye says "I'm curious on who's going to do Cutter KinSeeker:)" Kier has disconnected. Schaduwlach says "Frozzie I realized that ;)" Elfquest says "We can't really say more about the movie, or speculate." rosannez says "Who has read anything of Tara K. Harper?" Tavie says "Okay, but if Julie Andrews isn't on the cast list, I'm walkin'." Gem says "Um, I don't think we want a musical." Elfquest says "Tavie, get your walking shoes on." marissa says "say You really are secretive ;)" Thorn fears images of a wolfpack up on hindlegs, doing a choreographed number... Kaer grins, "Mel Gibson for the part of a troll? ;)" Antonielaughs at Tavie Savah says "julie andrews can't sing anymore." Frozzie always imagines the voices to low... I think :D Blackbird says "LOL" Zarah says "Hey!no" Savah says "I think you should try and snag anime voice actors!" Antonie says "I prefer no singing!" Kaer says "True." Tavie sprinkles joke-y emoticons into the preceding statement. Elfquest says "Marissa, it's not because we want to be, but because there are still many details being worked out that we are not allowed to talk about." marissa says "there must be songs!" Antonielaughs at Thorn Zarah says "Hells no, he ain't no troll!" Blackbird says "oww nooo" Wolfpup says "Elfmom, what was your first elfin experience - the thing that turned you on to elves?" marissa says "I know, richard, ;)" Gem says "Please, no Disneyesque. Worked for them for 5 years, if it looks/feels Disney, I'll cry." Rikkert says "question: If you could, would you redo a part or a scene of the whole EQ-saga? Any part that, looking back, didn't come out as you intended" veli says "an Elfquest-musical???" Cadence grins at Thorn. " A little can-can number?" veli panics Kaer says "Think of it as a stretch for him as an actor" Riasha has disconnected. Zarah laughes Shenshen has arrived. Goldeye says "oh boy" marissa says "Wow! you worked for disney??" Elfquest says "Wolfpup, Wendy says as a 5-year old, reading fairy tales illustrated by Arthur Rackham." LegendaryShannon says "Movies are very difficult to get off the ground, especially animated ones. Contracts have to be signed, people hired, work done, and none of it can be discussed until a project is complete." Frozzie says "rikkert: interesting question" Fairlight says "Rackham!!!!!" Tavie says "Did they give you your soul back all at once or are you still paying for it in installments?" Wolfpup says "ahh. Rackham is one of my favorites, too." Gem says "Nothing too exciting...just at one of their stores...but if you had heard Three Amigos sung for the 1000th time during Christmas season, you'd understand." Tavie says "Three Caballeros." Kestrel says "Rackham was a wonderful illustrator :) Nice." Gem says "Yeah, that" Kaer sighs, "I certainly hope that ElfQuest isn't planning to release Lucas-style Special Editions of anything they want to rework?" Tavie fears she has just been busted in a geek test. Gem says "I hate that movie." marissa says "Gem, what was it like, working for Disney?" Suntop is with you there, Gem. Worked for them for 4 years. If I ever have to hear Goofy singing 'Hot Hot Hot' again, I may jump off the nearest building. Gem says "Lots of lots of lots of rules" FireHunter just chuckles and sorries for it:) Elfquest says "Rikkert, when Cutter throws himself in front of the arrow to save Timmain, she would have done it in one panel instead of two." rosannez says "question: do you know anything about the books of Tara K. Harper?" LegendaryShannon says "Marissa, I worked at Walt Disney World." Fairlight wonders why everyone is so obsessively interested in Elfquest as a commodity rather than as a True Story. Gem says "Suntop! *G* What about I wish I had an Elephant for Christmas!" marissa says "Wow!" Rikkert says "Frozzie: Thanks I try to, now that I get the chance to ask them" Frozzie says "only that? :D" Snowstorm frankly liked the children's book _A Gift Of Her Own_ as an educator... but that's just her. "Disney... sigh..." marissa says "I really like Disney world..." SparkDance says "okay who here did not work for disney??" Elfquest says "Rosannez, sorry no." Frozzie can't think of any questions Kaer notes that side conversations, questions, and chats can be taken to the Chatter Box as so not to overly spam this chat session. Tavie says "The world we live in, Fairlight. It's been integrated into our collective conceptions of storytelling. We want the accompanying McDonald's figurines." Leila says "Everyone is welcome to be interested in Elfquest for whatever reasons drive them personally, Fairlight." marissa says "Wish my future comic will be a succes" Frozzie is more into online RPG holts right now Zarah says "My favorite moment in Elfquest is the fight between Cutter and Rayek after "Kings of the broken Whell"" Wolfpup says "Elfmom, how do you feel about Maxfield Parrish and Alfonse Mucha?" Gem says "My favorite moment is when Cutter and Leetah reunite in KoBW" LegendaryShannon says "As my husband says, everybody works for Disney sooner or later, and goes home crying." Frozzie agrees with leila Kaer says "Any more questions for RIchard or Wendy?" Savah hasn't. "Just books a million... Gem says "Shannon is right. I was "let go" because I wanted to get marreid." Zarah says "Ohh, that's another good part, Gem" Gem says "married even" Elfquest says "Zarah, Wendy says that's close to her favorite too!" Tavie says "Just one. If you could be any kind of tree..." rosannez says "It's just that the second name of the leading character is Ember, she is bonded to a wolf, has a twin brother and is a healer" Elfquest says "Wolfpup, wow!" marissa says "I cried with the tales from In all but the Blood" SparkDance says "my fav part was when.... i dunno" Frozzie says "my favourite is wehn crescent dies, because i had to cry" marissa says "Skywise and Cutter together are touching my soul" Zarah says "What's Wendy's favorite part in Elfquest?" SparkDance says "i cried too ;(" Gem says "I love Parrish, but Mucha is a bit odd to me." Coldmist really liked the picture of Cutter as a wodden shadow with his family, and the wood marked with the counting of Cutter, and as he sends, **You made me human** .. that was what touched me most, besides from when Rain died Wolfpup says "Elfmom, are we on the same page here with Great Artists?" Wolfpup smiles Tavie says "Last page of book 8. You and the wind, Fahr. Hands-down favourite set of panels." Frozzie says "everyone scene that makes me cry, i love" Wolfpup agrees with Coldmist. Elfquest says "Zarah, Kings of the Broken Wheel" Gem says "I cry whenever I read that...it just can't be read without tears." Frozzie says "like when the elves go back to their birth-forest in full circle" Wolfpup says "that's the most powerful image in all of EQ" marissa says "I was broken hearted at that woodcut" Fairlight says "Never heard of either artists myself, pup. WIll have to take a look!"" SparkDance says "i even ried when Rayek stole Cutters family" arkady_som has connected. LegendaryShannon says "Rosannez, what were you saying?" Wolfpup says "Fairlight, go to the library RIGHT NOW" Fairlight grins Fairlight says "I have google" marissa says "Wendy, what will become of Rayek? He is such a moving character" Exile says "9.5 was teary-eyes time." Gem says "What is Wendy's favorite moment in EQ history? *strains to hear*" Zarah I love the detail you put into your artwork! I get stuck on a page so long just taking everything in Frozzie agrees on the wooden puppet part: that was touching Elfquest says "There's an entire genre of illustrators from the turn of the century - Mucha, Rackham, Dulac, Beardsley, Parrish - that are worth looking at." FireHunter nods and agree's it's powerfull!:) Reed nods solemnly "I thought I'd pass out it was such a shock when I read about him stealling off with Leetah and the cubs marissa says "I also but so much detail in a page, I keep on drawing!" Shenshen says "I'd just like to say thank you to you both Wendy and Richard. You've made such an impact on me through the ElfQuest stories and the art.. Wendy, you've been an inspiration in my own artwork." Rikkert says "The whole death of Starjumper gets me every time" Goldeye wants to hear of Wendy's favourite moments in EQ histrory too LegendaryShannon says "I know many artists who are fans of Mucha" ederwink says "oh god i love maxfield parrish" Elfquest says "Marissa, Wendy says she absolutely has his story worked out, and get out your handkerchiefs!" Exile echoes Shenshen on that. Fairlight says "Thanks, Elfquest. I really should update the history piece I wrote a few years back." arkady_som says "I finally made it!!! *cheers*" marissa says "oh dear..." marissa says "sob sob.. poor Rayek..." FireHunter says "welcome Arkady:)" Frozzie gets a tissues beforehand Tavie says "Are you guys going to just kill off favourite characters when you decide to stop? Because I'll cry, I really will." Elfquest says "Welcome to all who've joined since my last welcome! :)" Coldmist just smirks elfe_danny has connected. Gem says "Who wants to hear about Rayek! I want more on Skywise! Or even Clearbrook! Rayek always hogs the limelight!" Fallblossom says "Question for Richard and Wendy: Does looking back on how long EQ's been around ever make y'all feel old? :)" marissa says "Thankyou frozzie" Tavie says "No elf... must die..." Tavie says pathetically. rosannez says "in the books of Tara K. harper the leading characters second name is Ember, she is bonded to a wolf, has a twin brother and is a healer" Elfquest says "Tavie, didn't you know? They all get run over by a truck." Tavie runs off in tears! FireHunter laughs yanaka has connected. Zarah falls over and laughes Exile is scared to hear about handkerchief stories about Rayek. Poor abused Elf! marissa says "Shut up! Rayek is a very intruiging character!" arkady_som chuckles Yeah, a big mac truck Elfquest says "Fallblossom, we'll answer after our dose of Geritol." LegendaryShannon says "EVERYONE let's give Wendy and Richard a Wolfrider's howl in thanks for everything they've done. On three. One, two..." elfe_danny says "hello" Frozzie howls marissa says "ahoooyaaah" Gem says "AAAYYYAAOOHHH!" Neko says "They did that future stuff so they already all died. :P" rosannez howls Schaduwlach says "what shall happened to Skywise when Cutter dies?" LegendaryShannon says "THREE" Wolfpup says "a Wolff brothers truck, no doubt" Rikkert says "Question: Wendi and Richard, what do you like to read?" Zarah says "AAAYYYAAOOOHH!!"" Goldeye howls AAAYYYAAAOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH Fairlight says "Q: Is there a single panel or work of art that Wendy is most proud of? Or, perhaps, an issue or GN..?" arkady_som grrrrs ;) Savah claps... Tavie says "Uh oh, you asked the 'old' question. How about: how does it feel to have your fan base stay so young?" Schaduwlach says "Ayyyyyoooooooooooaaaah!" ederwink says "ayooooooooooh!!!!!!" IceFire says "AAAYYYAAOOHHH!" Elfquest says "Rosannez, Oh???" marissa says "" Zarah HOWLS veli kicks chat LegendaryShannon says "Ayoooooooohaaaa!" Shenshen lets go with a pretty good howl.. "She's been practicing since living with Cutter's tribe." Kaer doesn't howl but manages a decent Cat Elf rrowr in his own fashion. Frozzie says "hehehe :)" FireHunter AAAAAAAyoooooOOOOOOoooOOOAAAaaaaHHHHAahhhhhhAASSS:) Antonie says "AYOOOOOOOOOAH YOUUOA YOUUUU!" SparkDance says "AAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAHH!" marissa says "Ahjoooha" Gem says "Don't ever say they are dead...that's bad karma!" Zarah says "I sound like a dying dog, sorry" Nightfall says "Ayoooah!" Rahna rrrrowrs! Fairlight says "Achoo, Ah!"" marissa says "that was dry.." Tavie says "'Ey, you. Uh..." Frozzie says "i've got a cold, sorry :D" Reed agrees with Gem. "Clearbrook rocks" Kaer says "Zarah, don't make me think of 'Ol Yeller'" Flashfire has arrived. SparkDance says "if they all get run over we'd have elf pancakes!" Elfquest says "Schad, that's a very powerful story yet to come." Coldmist hugs Flashfire ederwink says "ah that howl cleared the senses" Zarah giggles arkady_som says "Clearbook has to be one of my favorite characters" rosannez says "I don't know if it's obvious, cause I cant find anybody who has read elfquest and Tara K. Harper" Elfquest says "Rikkert, a little bit of everything. Right now, the TV Guide." LegendaryShannon says "Thank you Rosannez for repeating that." Thorn fails to howl, but looms quite effectively in the background Reed waves at Flashfire from where she sits in her tree Riasha has connected. Flashfire greets. rosannez says "it's really something very different" Elfquest says "Tavie, we're all getting older, one day every 24 hours." marissa says "Hi Riasha" Antonie says "WaRP, when are you coming to Europe??" Frozzie says "i'm missing questions o_O and i do read the answers" rosannez says "but it struck me" Schaduwlach says "*lol*" Nienke has reconnected. marissa says "yes! come to europe" Nienke has partially disconnected. Prior has arrived. Tavie says "I don't want to get old. Someone remove my wolf blood." marissa says "Please stop at Holland!" Flashfire flops down on a pile of furs and gets comfy-like. Rikkert says "Wendi and Richard, what do you like to read?" SparkDance says "someonegive me wolf blood!" Frozzie says "marissa = dutch?" Cadence is a sea-elf, no howling here Rikkert says "Question part 2: Ok then, what do you like to watch?" Tavie says "Better say Tara K. Harper or we'll never get out of here." Elfquest says "Antonie, when some nice publisher buys our tickets and all the rest!" elfe_danny says "spricht jemand deutsch" Fairlight thinks Riks question is a good one... Skywise grins. Kestrel says "I've noted it as well, rosannez - but never read the books. Two mooned world, right?" Gem says "Ohh, here's a good question...If a train is leaving a station at 500 mph and another train is leaving in the opposite direction at 600 mph....Oh wait, wrong chat! Ha! Seriously, I think this is awesome! I've never been able to "meet"" veli says "ja" Antonieracks her brain for nice publisher-friends... marissa says "Alright! I'll try to work on your tickets!" arkady_som says "You really don't want wolf blood... makes you crave doggie food :P" FireHunter thinks they said they just need the right insentive, and financial aiding would probably be a good one:) Rillwhisper has read Tara K. Harper's books and never got Elfquest vibes off of them. Kaer takes up a collection for the Pinis and starts jingling a can full of quarters. Elfquest says "Wendy asks, why do so many people misspell her name?" Gem says ""meet" you, but now I can at least say I "sort of did"" arkady_som says "LMFAO" Kaer says "Do we?" marissa says "What who?" Tavie says "Never read Peter Pan?" rosannez says "No, i dont think its a two mooned world" Frozzie says "I don't misspell :)" ederwink says "whos name? wendy's?" Guest2 has left. Guest3 has left. veli says "they mix her up with Wendi Strang-Frost?" Schaduwlach says "do we? :s" Goldeye think it's more typoes than anything else Leila says "I've seen Wendi, WIndy... I don't know. One would think "Wendy" is pretty straightforward, as far as names go." FireHunter says "not all fans are adult probably?:)" marissa says "Who msay Wendy." Reed blinks. "Whoes name?" SparkDance says "typos..i agree" Antonie says "I think its usually spelled Wendi in German?" elfe_danny says "hallo veli" Kaer looks puzzled, "I would think so too." Gem says "I pronounce your name wrong. Penny...not PI-NI" Frozzie says "Y is most common to me o_O" Wolfpup says "could be a language t hing." LegendaryShannon says "she's definitely a Wendy-lady" Reed says "ahhhhhhhh" Kaer says "Possibly." Tavie says "I don't understand why everyone mispronounces Pini. I really don't." marissa says "ahhahaha" Savah giggles. "Wendy lady..." Fairlight says "I thought, for many years, it was 'Piney"" Fallblossom says "It's because Wendy is so cute, everyone thinks that 'y' isn't cute enough?" Tavie says "It doesn't make any sense." Guest2 has arrived. Gem says "Maybe they want her to have an Elfquesty name." Reed says "my rl name has been mispelled so many ways" Schaduwlach says "I alway's say "Wendy"" Savah blehs and needs to wash her tuna lunch of her hands. SparkDance is with Reed marissa says "Me too!" Antonie says "Reed- so has mine - it's pronounced AntoniA!" Frozzie says "my name is always pronounced wrong, even by dutchies o_IO" LegendaryShannon won't even go into her name Goldeye looks at the Pini's..........."boggled yet?" Tavie says "Just don't rhyme me with 'savvy' and we're friends." Antonie says "Frozzie - ditto! :)" Elfquest says "Replying to an earlier question, who has time for TV???" arkady_som says "The idea of watching Savah washing tuna off her hands is somewhat odd" marissa says "Try and pronounce my name: Marissa Delbressine.," Blackbird says "what do you mean aasay arg... why cant I just type normal" Reed grins down at Antonie veli says "Brandon McKinney will come to Germany. ^_^" Fairlight says "What was the most rewarding part of working on Elfquest. "All of it"? :)" rosannez says "Everybody wants to spell it like rozanne or rossanne, weird" Blackbird has disconnected. SparkDance laughs at tavie Blackbird has connected. Elfquest says "Basically, you're right, Fairlight - as well as what were the most frustrating parts." Gem says "Oh, here is a new question: Any new pets?" LegendaryShannon says "Wendy/Richard, a good question asked was what do you read?" Elfquest says "Gem, just the one pomeranian, still." FireHunter chuckles Elfquest says "We answered that." Rikkert says "so you just read the tv.guide to keep informd on all the tvshows you are unable to watch due to lack of timen ;)" Flashfire has reconnected. Leila says "ut tastefully skipped the toilets, I notice. ;)" Frozzie mostly reads, since she can't even keep up with that ;D marissa says "Wendy, Richard, do you ever come to these rooms on other occasions?" Elfquest says "Rikkert, yes, it's an exercise in self-control! :)" LegendaryShannon can't believe she's getting lost in a chat room. SparkDance is with Frozzie..people type tooo fast..;) Gem says "I doubt they'd admit it if they did marissa...after today..hehe." Coldmist smiles at Shannon Elfquest says "marissa, it'" marissa says "yes..." Flashfire has partially disconnected. Antonie says "Wendy & RIchard, are you being innundated with hopeful artists who want to draw for WaRP? I'm not about to, but i'm asking for a friend who might... :)" Frozzie says "lol at legendaryshannon ;)" Zarah wonders if an elf has ever skied Gem says "I watch Buffy, I don't miss Buffy, but that's about it." Rikkert says "Hmmm, maybe I shoul d try it" Reed says "I'll have to tell my daughter that. She loves dogs but I'm very allergic to them. We do have a house rabbit, Tucker. He looks just like the bun-bun Amber has in the Raft tribe here. :)" Elfquest says "Marissa, it's possible but as we can all see, it takes a lot of time!" Suntop does wonder, Elfquest, if you had any notion when you first started the comics, that it would grow so much, spanning toys, movie deals, and an international fan-base? marissa says "The fans really appreciate it." arkady_som says "I got a question... when will we see more of the "interactions" between Timmain and Skywise?" Fairlight says "Elfquest had some big legal battles over the years. Do you regret the wrangles that self-ownership can attract - or perhaps see it as part of the ups and downs of having creative control?" Tavie says "I just read about house rabbits. I had no idea this was a common thing. Now i want a house rabbit." Elfquest says "Antonie, yes we do get submissions by email and snailmail a lot." Frozzie says "dutch tv is crap, sooo... not much to watch :)" Blackbird won:wonders if she can type now ederwink says "I usually whatch some TV but i never miss The Simpsons or Conan O'Brien" Flashfire would just have one suggestion: More Timmorn stories ;) Young, old, whenever. Kaer says "Let's let them answer a few questions before asking more." Goldeye says "Richard and Wendy, did you ever adopt another wolf after the one you had adopted passed away?" SparkDance says "who wants to watch TV when you have EQ?!?!?!" Blackbird says "wow" Nienke says "Frozzie you don't like GTST :P?" marissa says "Only the anime series on dutch tv are nice sometimes." Elfquest says "Suntop, no, we really only wanted to tell the story and not go broke doing it." arkady_som says "Didn't Dutch TV have a series a while ago called "The Kingdom"? I loved that show..." Rikkert says "QUESTION: Did the recording of the radioshow go well this time (and will it be on the website asis the first part?" Zarah says "Timmorn!! I want to know more about him too" elfe_danny says "Hallo yanaka!" Gem says "I've been to a wolf farm in Alaska...I don't agree with them. *sniffs*" Frozzie spits on GTST Tavie says "Elfquest has maintained a great web presence. I really appreciate that, as a fan." IceFire says "gtst Blegh!" Blackbird says "lol" Schaduwlach says "GTST???? *ulllggh*" Antonie says "arkady, The Kingdom is a brilliant Danish mini-series by Lars von Trier" SparkDance says "GEM ARE YOU SAYING UR ALLERGIC TO WOLVES??" Wolfpup says "not that I'm counting, but that's like 4 of us that are Timmorn fans." Frozzie says "dutch television creatord have bad taste ;D" marissaspits on gtst too Elfquest says "Arkady, simply giggle giggle snarf wink." Rillwhisper slips out. Can't keep up with the chat, folks, and I've got to do staff stuff. :) Gem says "No, I'm saying I don't like seeing Wolves in cages and tied up for tourists" Goldeye says "only four?" Rillwhisper has left. marissa says "ooohhh, poor wolfies!" Guest2 has disconnected. SparkDance says "ooooohhh i was misunderstood" Fairlight says "Question: Are you surpised by the creativity of Elfquest's fans?" Elfquest says "Fairlight, we don't regret anything. We've learned from all of the wrangles." arkady_som says "Thats not funny R/W LOL" Frozzie says "no, i like timmorn too, but he's just not my favourite :)" Fallblossom has disconnected. Elfquest says "Goldeye, the Wolf PArk has kindly let us keep adopting Betsy's children and grandchildren." LegendaryShannon says "Antonie it never hurts to submit a portfolio or have one online, but it really helps if you apply for *any* comic job if you include something OTHER than fan art." rosannez says "British series are cool" FireHunter says "the Text novels realy are great with teh emotional aspect of an elfs mind, all the mention of timmorn jsut braught that to mind, ok i'm done:)" LegendaryShannon says "Antonie con't it's important to show any potential employer that you can do life drawings, for example." Schaduwlach says "Uhm Why are the Wolfriders" Elfquest says "Rikkert, yes, it went well, and will be on the site eventually." Schaduwlach says "uhm bagger" Tavie says "Why ARE the Wolfriders? Good question." veli's favourites are Bearclaw and Scorch Tavie giggles Antonie says "cheers, Shannon! I'm actually happy being a hobby-level artist, but I completely agree... And I do other stuff than fan art!" marissa says "I wouldn't want to work for others... I want to draw my own tales... sigh.." Goldeye says "yes sweet! My own daughter lost her Wolf she adopted, I think at the same park, and they've placed her fundings towards her wolf's siblings." Elfquest says "Fairlight, always." Gem says "Marissa...you usually have to work for others before you get a following of your own." Frozzie is busy with her own port folio SparkDance says "i have a near-wolf" Frozzie says "or else i'll never get started" marissa says "I know that..." Schaduwlach says "aaargh ik kan niet meer typen :s" marissa says "rustig maar" Blackbird says "youre not the only one schduwlach" marissa says "I'm talking with a producer right now..." Rikkert says "Great, because the first part was really interesting. Not living in the states I raerly get a chance to get some direct info from you" Kaer quietly slips out to be more available for tribal questions but will be back later with more smart aleck questions. ;) Antonie says "Frozzie if you ever publish, you MUST let me know!!!" LegendaryShannon says "Marissa, it's still good to have a portfolio." Reed writes stories for the holt WindHowl. I envy the illustrators and they envy my stories. Kaer has left. Gem says "Richard, I was astonished to find out you were a teacher. How long did you teach?" marissa says "He may want to publish my work." Tavie says "Everyone read Henry Jenkins' _Textual Poachers_. Great book about the creativity and active nature of fandom." Frozzie says "antonie: you'll probably one of the first to know ;)" Elfquest says "Gem, I taught high-school astronomy for 4 years. Only seemed like 8..." Snowstorm bows out to go RP! "Ja ne, meenah!" Fairlight says "Question. There's a scene toward the end of Bakshi's 'Wizards' that's blatantly packed with Wolfriders. Is there a scientific explanation? ;)" marissa says "Legendary shannon... thanks." Elfquest says "Tavie, yes, it's a wonderful book." Gem says "I've been teaching 2 years, it feels like 4...so I understand." Felerian has disconnected. Wolfpup says "and Richard is wise about many things, not just the sky" Rikkert says "QUESTION Will elfquest go back to the comic-format in the forseeable future?" Snowstorm bows to Elfquest, "Arigato Gozarimashita!" Snowstorm has left. Shaevairc says "as Mercedes Lackey wrote some of the WR songs, do you have connections to her?" LegendaryShannon says "Marissa, working for others is a good start, but especially it's an opportunity to improve your skill so that when you do YOUR stuff, it's really good." Reed says "Oh the songs!" Flashfire tries in vain to follow the non-English stuff. Not working. Nightfall blehs. "Good books, somewhat sorry fan personality. Antonieused to love the Mercedes Lackey Valdemar series Elfquest says "Snow, doo itashimashita!" Schaduwlach says "why are the wolfriders become the wolfriders, and not," Zarah says "Wendy, how did you develop your skills as an artist?" Elfquest says "Rikkert, there are plans for some changes." marissa says "thanks Shannon" Tavie says "And any creators that can recognize the positive effect that fandom has on people, and has a good attitude and generous nature toward their fans, that makes me love them all the more." Elfquest says "Shae, we used to, but not for a long while now." Gem says "I know that at my comic shop, I tell them anything that comes in with EQ on it, I want it...but nothing ever does. I miss the old days of a comic a month." Reed says "I never thought much of them till I finally asked for it as a christmas present from my family. I never have stopped listening to it since." marissa says "Shannon, do you draw too?" Elfquest says "Zarah, look into eq.com, in the interviews section. Lots of good stuff there." Zarah says "Oh! Thank you" LegendaryShannon says "Marissa, I'm a writer, but I know comic people :-)" Fairlight says "The magazine-sized format got a lot of good press, didnt it? Would an "Elfquest" magazine perhaps be one possibility?" IceFire says ":)" Fairlight says "mixing old and new stories" Schaduwlach says "why are Wolfriders the "Wolfriders" and not, for example the "Snakeriders" ?" Nienke says "question: Do you have a favourite character to draw?" SparkDance says "EQ...why did you pick elves?" Nightfall waves out for her hunt. ayooah. Gem says "Oh, a mag format woudl be awesome" Nightfall has left. Elfquest says "Legendary does know, yes. ;)" Schaduwlach says "*lol*" marissa says "Richard, remind me to send you the animation of my clip" Tavie says "Let's mix it up a bit; does RICHARD have a favourite character to draw?" Gem says "Skywise!" arkady_som says "Ewwwww.... not snakes!!! Gods I would go crazy" Suntop waves out as well. Thank you for lending us your time and patience, Elfquest. Elfquest says "Nienke, Wendy says lately it's Strongbow - has a new costume she really digs. :)" Zarah says "Does anyone know if there are any Elfquest Oekaki boards out there?" Skywise says "Me. ;)" Flashfire says "Marissa, I'd bet he's swamped. Might want to write it down yourself ;)" LegendaryShannon says "go Tavie!" Fairlight says "Isn't Richard an airbrush wizard?" Antonielaughs at Tavie's question but then wonders if Richard maybe draws secretly at night? Elfquest says "Spark, because they are both human and 'other' which makes them fascinating." Tavie says "Everyone draws, even if it's just phone doodles." Frozzie says "QUESTION: are they wolfriders because wendy was good at drawing wolves, or did wendy GET good at drawing wolves, because they're wolfriders?" marissa says "Heh, youre right flashfire" Elfquest says "Tavie, yes, a paycheck." Tavie says "Just like everyone sings, even if they're not all that fat guy with the beard on tv." Tavie says "Bad um bum!" Fairlight says "Question for Richard: You've written a lot of Elfquest prose stories. Do you have any plans to write any other fiction, perhaps a science fiction novel?"" LegendaryShannon says "Let's all remember that while Wendy drew, Richard did some pretty tough self-publishing stuff. Yay for Richard!" Elfquest says "Fairlight, I used to be. Might still be,." Schaduwlach says "Snakes are very lovely *grmbl*" Blackbird says "lol" Gem says "Let's not have them writing other stuff! Just more Elfquest stuff! Yikes! We will never get more Wendy stories that way, if they do other stuff." marissa says "Winnonwill?" Antonielaughs at Frozzie's wolf-drawing question Elfquest says "Frozzie, Wendy says no, the wolves originally looked like busses. We wanted wolves because they are so social." SparkDance says "snakes?lovely??you've had too much dreamberry wine.. :)" Gem says "I own two snakes, but I'd still step on Winnowill if I could." Frozzie says "antonie: well, i've always wondered :)" Docfur has connected. Tavie says "Do people tend to minimize Richard's creative contribution, or does the balance that we perceive between the business and the creative aspects of your job mirror the reality?" marissa says "busses?" Suntop has left. Frozzie says "thanks richard :)" Docfur is back Antonielaught out loud at the idea of wolf-buses Fairlight liked the bus wolves like he liked stocky wolfriders and gobacks. They trampled the humans and took the kids to school as well. Docfur says "oh crap. I'm back just as the session ends" marissa says "hi docfur" Elfquest says "No, no plans for other writing, says Richard." Docfur says "hi" Frozzie laughs at antonie LegendaryShannon says "Richard is a writer and a good one!" Savah says "EQ, met sonny straight and he drew skywise for me. Cool guy!" Reed rolls her eyes as her daughter comes in from school and says "How do you know that's Wendy and Richard?" gave up the futile attempt to explain it to one with mind set already. she's my girl alright Goldeye says "yes he is........." marissa joins Antonie, rolling over the floor SparkDance says "yea!! docfur!!" Schaduwlach says "Winnowill can be lovely aswell :)" Elfquest says "Tavie, we think what you see mirrors reality pretty well." Tavie says "Bad jokes. It HAS to be them." Rikkert says "QUESTION: Are you two still living at different sides of the USA?" Flashfire says "That's proof enough, Tavie." Zarah sighs Elfquest says "Reed, you tell her we said so!!" marissa says "I hope Richard and Wendy can spent enough time together" LegendaryShannon says "Reed, tell her because the announcement for this chat was made on elfquest.com, which is RUN by Richard/Wendy." Wolfpup says "yes, Richard loves to pun-ish us" Antoniehas to go now... Flashfire can always appreciate the joke that's good enough to get slugged in the shoulder for it. marissa says "bye Antonie" Elfquest says "Rikkert, we're back and forth a whole lot." veli says "Shouldn't it be parents criticizing the fan-activities of their children'' ;)" Zarahwaves bye to Antoniehas arkady_som says "PLEASE don't get Richard started on the puns... PLEASE!!! ;)" Traest can verify at the least Elfquest is being driven by someone answering rpini@elfquest.com email. :) Reed grins and does just that. *grins big* Antonie says "Bye everyone, and thank you, WaRP for 25 years of great adventures!!" Tavie says "Bye Antonie" Frozzie waves to antonie edfrogz has connected. Fairlight says "Tata ant" Gem says "Do you ever just want to hide, Wendy and you? I mean like Vonnegut? I mean, I don't want you, too...but you seem so tireless." Guest2 has left. Frozzie says "erin!" Antonie has disconnected. Zarah says "Hi edfrogz, remeber me?" Elfquest says "Gem, every **** day!" Shenshen slips out and waves, "Once again, thank you Wendy and Richard.. I'm so glad you didn't become a hairdresser, Wendy." Frozzie points at herself "it's afke" ;D Zarah shakes head at bad spelling errors marissa says "bye" Zarah bye SparkDance says "bye marissa" edfrogz says "hello" Shenshen goes home. Shenshen has left. Skywise follows after Shenshen. ;) eqfanart says "afke, erin!" LegendaryShannon pictures Wendy as a midwestern hairdresser gabbing the latest gossip...yikes! Skywise has left. marissa says "I'll be back for the next chat.." Tavie says "DO you ever hide? Is there some sort of secret island that we can publish and distribute the address to?" Gem says "Wendy and Richard...you are VERY important people. Today was evidence of that enough, but if you ever doubt if it is worth it, remember us." Wolfpup says "was there a chance of Wendy becoming a hairdresser?" Reed nods in agreement with Shenshen Wolfpup boggles Suntopp has connected. umbravulpes has disconnected. marissa has disconnected. Frozzie waves at amanda elfe_danny says "Wendy and Richard, would you be so pleased to give me your E-Mail adress?" Elfquest says "We are on for a little longer, you know." Fairlight says "Of course, Wendy's current job lets her be haurstylist, fashion guru, makeup artist...." Rikkert says "QUESTION: It must have been a straign on your relationship, all that distance. Chatting wit someone is still different from holding them in your arms. Would you say it has changed you, and if so, How?" veli says "she said so in the interview" edfrogz says "i am trying this out give me time it's weird" Elfquest says "Anyone can write to 'elfquest@elfquest.com'" eqfanart waves back Elfquest says "We can't promise replies all the time, but we do read everything." Frozzie says "erin: it takes some getting used to, yeah" Tavie says "How much email do you get a day?" Reed says to Fairlight "Absolutely" Guest2 has left. Elfquest says "Fairlight, Wendy says 'You got it.'" arkady_som says "Hey...I remember eqfanart and edfrogz..." Gem says "I know the first time you replied to me I felt like I'd been granted a special wish." Zarah says "me too! I felt the same way" Reed grins at Gem Elfquest says "Tavie, about 500 emails. 450 of them are spam, though." FireHunter says "Alot of people are online for lunch and will Posibly be back in the afternoon more:)" eqfanart says "Hmmm... is that a good thing? ;)" edfrogz says "we are acients now" Tavie says "Sounds like my inbox." LegendaryShannonlaughs Guest2 has arrived. umbravulpes has connected. Frozzie says "it's 21:12 h here ;)" Ren has connected. IceFire says "eek that's way to much spam" Fairlight says "450 spam! ARgh!!!!" Cadence goes home. Cadence has left. Goldeye agrees veli says "21:06" Elfquest says "We'll go for another half hour and see how things are." Schaduwlach says "21.05 :s" yanaka says "hi afke nice you are here! i like your art very much! thanx" arkady_som says "Well, yes its a good thing, because now we can relate "Brightmetal" back to Elfquest standards ;)" Neko says "How do you like the Mush?" FireHunter says "It's 12:07 here;) evenin military;)" Tavie says "You need to set up a spam filter. Block out everything with the word 'elfquest' in it..." Guest2 has disconnected. LegendaryShannon says "remind me to tell you about a spam blocker i recently used some time" Frozzie says "hey yanaka: who are you? :)" Docfur says "QUESTION: is there any plan for a remake of the EQ "NOW" watch?" Elfquest says "Arkady NO brightmetal!!!" Fairlight says "This question has a potentially high irritant factor, but .... how is the Tarot deck going?" Leila loves that watch! Goldeye says "lol" Docfur does too rosannez says "I always wonder what people can write to authors and such, I would never know anything to write" Zarah cheers for the Tarot Card eqfanart Agrees with Elfquest Flashfire chuckles, remembering the samples from the 1998 SDCC. Elfquest says "Doc, you bet there is." Reed remembers finder her husbands stash of old comic. All in plastic sleeves and then the several EQ ones. I told him "You can't just store these here!' Tavie says "I'll take a regular deck of cards, please. Less trobule to design, and I wants my solitaire." Exile says "Ooh, good question. I'd like the Tarot deck!" Docfur cheers arkady_som says "GAH! Why does Richard always punish ME?!" Flashfire says "That year was the first year I got into EQ. Hard to believe it's been 5 years already since then." Elfquest says "Fairlight, it's on hold in favor of new stories, graphic novel, etc. says Wendy." edfrogz says "so anniversary going well today?" Nienke says "Queestion: I do some computer programming, is there a chance for a EQ-pc game?" LegendaryShannon says "rosannez, if you tell them you appreciate their work, that's more than enough. :-)" Gem says "Yes, when are those tarot cards coming out?" Thitida-No-Chey has connected. Ren says "Yay! New stories!" Fairlight says "Thanks. Good news is always trumped by better news...!" Wolfpup says "Wendy & Richard, I've mused many a time that Elfquest, when it began, was not planned to be so metaphysical, so spiritual, so tied together in millions of ways. Did you find that the story just fell into place, sort of predestined as you went along?" Reed says "cards would be cool. I wish I could have gotten hold of one of the rp games"" Kestrel wants to thank Wendy and Richard for their time, and bows out. Elfquest says "edfrogz, it's going well, it's being hectic." Kestrel has left. Fairlight says "" edfrogz says ""nods head"" Elfquest says "Wolfpup, Wendy says it has gone as it has gone. We just got out of its way!" Tavie says "Remember that chick who lived in a tree for a year as a protest? Did you sue her for copyright infringement?" SparkDance says "you can find ythe RP game on ebay" Docfur laughs Frozzie says "tavie: what was that about?" Elfquest says "Tavie, no, but we'll consider branching out." Skysilver says "Is it true Wendy would dress up as Red Sonja? I want to see pictures of Wendy in her Red Sonja dress!" Gem says "I've seen pictures of that, I think." yanaka says "to frozzie i'm from germany and read just half an hour ago in a eqfanart newsletter about this chat to be coming. so here i am" arkady_som says "Here comes the puns..." Zarah says "I super glued my ears so they'd be pointy for Halloween.. Are there any GOOD elfquest type ears out there?"" Frozzie says "skysilver: i saw a photo once :)" Flashfire says "There's a bad one. Nice." Tavie says "See, Arkady? I got me some, too." eqfanart shakes head at the really bad pun Goldeye says "Richard and Wendy, what was it again that inspired you the most to come up Elfquest?" Gem says "Yes, I'd like to beg for a costume shop!" Flashfire will just leaf that one alone. Tavie says "I'll take some pictures of Wendy as Red Sonja. Homina." Frozzie says "yes, i have good ears :)" LegendaryShannon smiles Ah the Red Sonja years! arkady_som laughs at Tavie FireHunter grins yes good elf prostetics:) Elfquest says "Skysilver, someday we'll be happy to post pix of Wendy in Red Sonja full armor, but it ain't no dress!" Skysilver says "kewl beans!" Gem says "I dressed up as Princess Leia for most of my youth. I thought that was my name." Schaduwlach says "*lol*" Elfquest says "Zarah, yes, some costume stores have good ears, but they're called Vulcan ears." Frozzie laughs at Gem LegendaryShannonafk Reed says "with all the talk about plastic surgeries lately ...I've thought about how good I'd look with points to me ears. ^_^ I do have a disstinct point on my right ear that is natural" edfrogz says "are their any characters of EQ you wish you hadn't killed off?" Rikkert says "Question: Was it hard to make the unnumbered part of DREAMTIME? It's so personal in an uncamouflaged way." Frozzie says "i probably have vulcan ears too, but they still work well" Fairlight says "Make your own ears with nose putty. Get some base and powder. :>" Flashfire says "Unfortunately in our society, I think real pointed ears would make someone too "weird"" Wolfpup says "Elfmom, have you ever changed your view on tattoos?" Exile says "I hear ear surgery is all the rage after LOTR. More pointy eared elves." Guest2 has left. Tavie says "It's getting way too nerdy in here, now." Coldmist says "me and my friends ran around in wolfrider costumes in our forest in my childhood ..." Tavie says "You've all crossed a line." rosannez says "I lovee that picture of Leetah as Leia and Luke Skywise" Elfquest says "Rikkert, Wendy says because it was so personal, it wasn't difficult at all. It was just feeling, and that feels good to get out on paper." Tavie grins. Zarah says "I never heard of Vulcan ears before, thanks! It's better then scratching off old super-glue, lol" arkady_som says "Legolas....*drool*" Gem says "Yeah, I don't think I'd alter my body for Elfquest...My students would laugh to hard at me." Fairlight says "I think the wonderful thing about our society is that anyone could walk down an average high street and NOT have anyone look twice at their pointed ears." Zarah says "Thanks for the pointy ear tips Fairlight" Tavie says "What's her view on tattoos?" SparkDance says "i used to be in love with Legolas and then i found EQ." FireHunter thinsk you need Larger ears to realy look like a good Elf:) Flashfire says "Well, out across the bay in San Francisco you could get away with it ;)" Elfquest says "Wolfpup, Wendy says yes, she's changed her views - after all, she did sign someone's tattooed butt!" Tavie says "What was your view?" Wolfpup laughs Gem says "I'm in love with Legolas AND Skywise...I'm sure they would get along." Suntopp says "ewww...signing butts?? lol" Gem says "Poor Wendy" arkady_som says "Hey, as long as its clean, its all skin" SparkDance gag Wolfpup says "Tavie, Elfmom said in an interview once that she didn't like tattoos." Flashfire says "Celebs get asked to sign all sorts of things." Elfquest says "Gem, she says No, it was a very cute butt!" Tavie says "Tattoos are fun." Gem says "LOL, well then, that's different!" Serpent has arrived. Blackbird says "was it richards? lol" SparkDance:) FireHunter ROTFL Skysilver says "LOL" Serpent says "Hello all." Elfquest says "I've signed various body parts too, says Richard." arkady_som says "LMFAO" yanaka says "hello srepent" Wolfpup raises an eyebrow Elfquest says "No, Richard has no tattoos. But he knows how to appreciate at least some of them." Gem says "If I saw you I promise I'd only ask you to sign my comic" Flashfire says "QUESTION: So Richard, any more nights like that one at Mother, or whichever the club was called? ;)" Tavie laughs! Reed hangs onto her tree branch and tries not to fall off from all her chortling Docfur says "Would WARP Consider making high-resolution (1280x1024 down to 800x600) desktop pictures (wallpaper), and releasing them on the website for download? I understand that issues may exist regarding copyright to a certain extent, but I would just love to plaster my computer with Elfquest." Nienke says "I had an EQ tattoo :D well henna *grin*" Elfquest says "Flashfire, none yet." Flashfire says "Probably safer that way ;)" Tavie says "There's a KITH line about someone getting the watergate transcripts tattooed on their back because their lover likes to read in bed. BUt now we're way off-topic." Frozzie says "docfur: just scan really really big" Fairlight says "You know what I" Elfquest says "Docfur, if we can clear various copyright issues, we will." SparkDance says "yea!!!" FireHunter Wavers and idles, Be Back Soon Docfur says "That's awesome! I look forward to it! :D :D :D" LegendaryShannonwants to see Richard dressed as Elric Sandstorm has arrived. Goldeye says "sweet!" rosannez says "docfur, why dont you just scan some pictures?" Fairlight says "You know what I'd like to see? An Elfquest BAR, with all the appropriate accoutrements and design. Like the H.R. Giger bar, but elfy." Elfquest says "Legend, that was long ago and far away, Richard says." ederwink says "i made an ink elfquest tattoo. but for some reason it washed away... lol" Docfur says "because my scanner broke :(" arkady_som agrees with LegendaryShannon Gem says "I'd just like to see Richard dressed normally. It's so hard being out in middle of nowhere where comiccons don't exist." Serpent has left. Suntopp says "THAT'S a dedicated say great idea fairlight!" rosannez says "OOhh mine did that too!!" Tavie says "I'd like to see Richard dressed normally too, but apparently he's always at a cowboy-boot and string-tie convention." Ren says "Question: Is there, or is there ever going to be, a pc game for Elfquest?" Frozzie loves her scanner and hugs it FireHunter chuckles it woudl have to be a Troll Brewrey! Flashfire says "I don't think a Wolfrider Cafe would go over too well. Can't do raw meat too much. :)" Elfquest says "Gem, well, we will put pix of San Diego on the eq.com web site when it's time." Guest2 has left. Serpent has arrived. Thitida-No-Chey says "... I'd like to see an EQ pc-game!" veli says ""Law and Chaos" was beautiful... I'ld really like to buy some of the new prints, but are they for sale in Germany?" Frozzie is all for a troll cafe :) FireHunter says "all bartenders called Old Magotty instead of Bar keep!:)" Elfquest says "Ren, we'd love one, and we're working with people on that." Tavie says "No, an EQ *Mac* game." FireHunter eeks ok i'mgone! Zarah says "me too, Thitida!" Reed just had a thick rare steak last night Docfur says "Evil scanners! Hmm! I may just have to ask them about creating an OS X/WinXP Icon set. Is that possible?" Gem says "That's not the same Richard. I've only ever wanted to meet a few famous people. You have always been at top of list. Harrison Ford second...hehe." Serpent says "I think I might work on an EQ Morrowind Mod as I said earlier." LegendaryShannonagrees that Law and Chaos has some gorgeous artwork Elfquest says "Veli, all of Wendy's new prints will be available soon in the EQ shop online." Reed says "Red meat it does the body good" SparkDance says "yep!" Sandstorm has a silly question just because he's been wondering, "What, exactly, determines the winner of a challenge like the one that Strongbow and Cutter had?" It's a mystery to him. :) Docfur agrees with Tavie wholeheartedly. He wants to play EQ on his Mac Suntopp says "they're selling fast on e-bay ya know" Ren says "no not all bodies (sighs at her own)" Reed says "Got Dreamberries?" Gem says "I missed the San Deigo Comic Con, 20th anniversary by a DAY! One DAY! I was with another person and she wouldn't go. *sniffs* I'd only been to San Deigo once, that once...never again." Rayek has arrived. Tavie says "Warp is a Mac-friendly company. That's what makes them so cool. IT's not the damn elves." SparkDance says "grr i have to go" Docfur grins Savah has left. SparkDance says "Shade and Sweet Water" Elfquest says "Sandstorm, the same thing that determines the winner or such a challenge in a wolf pack - there is some quality that makes one superior." Reed wavies at Rayek from up in her tree SparkDance has disconnected. Flashfire says "While a computer game would be cool, it'd be quite an undertaking." Coldmist says "Oh, that's a good question anyways .. Who won the Logo Contest?" Cutter has arrived. Reed says "yes a computer game..oooooooooooooooo" Flashfire says "And if you have voice acting, you don't, don't, DON'T want it to be like the old video ;)" LegendaryShannon says "Don't waste money buying the new art on Ebay!! It will be available soon in stores! It's better to buy in stores b/c then they will want to stock MORE EQ merchandise." Solsky says "will recognition be out soon its got an isbn" arkady_som says "An Elfquest computer game would be pointless..." Elfquest says "Flash, that's why we're working through real professional intermediaries." Gem says "Yeah, the ebay art is too expensive." Thitida-No-Chey says "...EQ computer game ala Super Mario Bros... ?" Tavie says "All computer games are pointless." Elfquest says "Coldmist, I couldn't decide so all the finalists won!" Gem says "I like the one with Fire in it best." Shaevairc says "*lol*" Serpent says "I've got another question....how is it that the Wolfriders could fight like 3 of the Go-Backs when Cutter himself had never before even killed a human?" Trollkiller has disconnected. Nienke says "Super Cutter *grin*" Gem says "Cutter has killed a human" Zarah says "I would want an Elfquest computer game like FINAL FANTASY. FF's are the best RPG games" Elfquest says "Thitida, we want to make an EQ game that is unique to what EQ is." Cutter says "I didn't really mean to, y'know?" Rayek snorts. A likely story. arkady_som says "I disagree with that Tavie, because some storylines are meant for interaction... EQ, to me anyway... is a sit and watch what unfolds" Flashfire baps Cutter. Meanie. Gem says "Yes, Final Fantasy is only way to go." ederwink says "this caht is way to chaotic for me. i'll see you guys later" Docfur wants a Petalwing Plushie Flashfire says "Arkady - it'd depend on the way the game was designed." rosannez says "Monkey Island is cool!!" Elfquest says "Serpent, ever see a wolf cornered? ;)" Cutter swats Flashfire, "Mind your manners, son.". Guest1 has disconnected. ederwink has disconnected. Tavie says "Oh, I don't think it would've spawned so many fan endeavours if that were entirely true..." Thitida-No-Chey says "Zarah : I wouldn't know... :) Only PC-Rpg I toy with is BG... :)" Gem says "Yeah well, Rayek tried to kill all the Go-Backs! *sticks out tongue at Rayek* That's worse!" rosannez says "a game should have humour" Flashfire pfffts. Zarah nods enthusiastically, "I love FF as much as Elfquest" veli agrees with rosannez Fairlight says "A unique EQ game is really important to me, not genre RPG. Something that is new and original from the ground up, as receptive to exploration and wonder as the comics." Flashfire says "rosannez - again, it depends on what the game is meant to be." arkady_som says "After FF7, I was done with the series..." LegendaryShannon says "rosannez I am a HUGE Monkey Island fan. The only truly funny game I know of." Serpent says "True....I just thought that the go backs would have more hands-on experience." Tavie says "A game can take on some of the story elements from Elfquest and still have enough open for interaction." Thitida-No-Chey says "Shannon : Monkey Island RULES!" yanaka says "yesyesysyes petalwing plushie! good idea! can i have one too,please?" Fairlight says "Like the board game -- which you built as you went along, by exploration. That was a great idea, if not too fun to play" Ren says "Another question: Are there ever going to be more novels (they stopped at the Blue Mountain quest)" Gem says "No no, Skywise doll! Huggie doll!" Frozzie is a bit away Tavie says "You've got hero-types and villain-types and adventure-scenarios in all of the stories." arkady_som says "Now that I would buy yanaka" Frozzie says "eeps, i can't follow anymore" Elfquest says "Serpent, when you don't put any thought behind your actions as a fighter, you're not necessarily as skillful." rosannez says "ooooohh, my sweat is vaporising as the temperature is rising and I can not feel my legs below my knees anymore" Schaduwlach says "hugs Skywise doll too" Zarah says "I would like an Elfquest game to have the same visual awsome-ness as an FF, is all" Elfquest says "Ren, yes, the quest will be finished in prose." Docfur would like a Petalwing Plushie AND Skywise doll Tavie says "Better get up and walk around." LegendaryShannon says "Don't forget that there is already an Elfquest board game and an Elfquest RPG book." Gem says "It's hard to imagine a finished Elfquest." Tavie says "Well said." Docfur says "agreed" Guest1 has left. Guest2 has left. Goldeye says "Question to Richard and Wendy: What do you think about all the fan related topics, art and suchlike, do you ever get a chance to ask them questions instead of answering questions?" Elfquest says "Legend, though they are out of print now." Suntopp says "Oh, please don't ever end the quest..... :(" Flashfire says "They could do a Final Quest, but that doesn't necessarily mean the stories are all done." Tavie says "They're gonna. They're mean that way." arkady_som says "There are not happy endings, because nothing ends" Fairlight says "Drunks always lose fights, no matter how angry and strong they are. It's all in the mind. Even when there are massive imbalances in strength. Fisticuffs are no more physical than chess, they just have physical consuqeunces for failure." Serpent says "Lots of stuff on here came from the RPG book I think." Tavie says "They're gonna kill and maim and make us all cry." Gem adds prayers to Suntops. veli says "*nods* But getting the "Final Quest" would be good, because I want to see "The Rebels" continued..." Flashfire says "I'd rather have it end at some point than not at all with no idea how the story wraps up." Guest1 has arrived. Gem says "Gag..I'm sorry, I hated the Rebels." Elfquest says "Goldeye, we appreciate all the sincere creative effort fans put into their sites, art, writing... But we have to admire it from a distance; to do otherwise would suck up the last remaining free time we have!" Malandor says "Elfquest - Question: MANY years ago I was at one of those country markets where people sell whatever they make, etc. Some older lady had made stuffed Elfquest figures and was selling them, and had a huge 'life-sized' Timmorn one, all big and soft and furry. She (I'm guessing) didn't have copyright permission to do it, but would such a thing be on the radar for official elfquest merchandise?" Tavie says "Not me. I'd like to create the ending myself, or not, and have it always go on." Reed says "My family has gotten to where we enjoy the Harry potter books on cd and are going to get the Tolkien books on cd. How about all Eq works on CD" elfe_danny has disconnected. edfrogz says "gem agree with you" Coldmist says "I don't think Elfquest will ever die, as long as it's being remembered and carried on by the fans, just my opinion on that" Flashfire says "Life-sized Timmorn? Word." Zarah agrees with Coldmist Exile says "I would be happy not to have Elfquest wrapped up myself... I was vaguely disturbed at Rebel and the hints of the end of EQ there. Hmm." Suntopp says "WENDY, do you have a favorite character?" Elfquest says "malandor, no, she certainly did not have our permission, but we do think they would make great dolls." Docfur says "oh Wow! Somehow I doubt that Timmorn would be very huggable, though, what with the claws and all" LegendaryShannon says "Malandor so basically you want to cuddle up to a life-sized Timmorn. ;-)" Tavie says "Well, sure. That's true. But knowing how Cutter dies, that'll be intensely emotional. There'll be real grief happening." rosannez says "how can you read of of your computer?" Flashfire says "See why I like Timmorn? ;)" veli says "The Final Quest isn't the last story to be written, if I got everything right ;)" Elfquest says "Reed, that's a good idea!" Gem says "No no...*covers ears* No Cutter dying." Fairlight says "QUestion: Do you ever get weird shivers when you see all the recycled "retro" thundercats/smurfs/atari clothing and stuff in trendy stores, and wonder if the Rankin Bass "Thunderelves" might have been a good idea all along?"" Wolfpup says "CD comic books are great" Guest2 has arrived. Elfquest says "Docfur, Timmorn is quite fluffy, but not stuffy. :)" Skarpegg has connected. Gem says "Considering that Wendy is getting ready to add her stuff to Hot Topics...you will see that stuff." Cutter waves to the newly joined. Elfquest says "Tavie, yes." Zarah huggles Timmorn Docfur says "is he huggable, though?" Thitida-No-Chey says "Way! Norwegian ElfQuest! *giggle*" arkady_som says "Hot Topic, to me, has redeamed themseleves by future sellings of Wendy's work ;)" Tavie says "Ooh, that's fun." Flashfire says "More fluffy after he's gotten out of the dryer, right?" Reed grins real big and is glad to be so helpful. rosannez says "if everybody dies or so, i'll burn the copy in wich it happens" Tavie says "Pick up a Care Bears tee shirt, pick up an Elfquest tee shirt..." Fairlight says "Tavie: Yes..." Cutter snickers at Flashfire and recalls a drawing involving a dryer. Elfquest says "Fair, we were approached by Rankin-Bass back when, and turned them down." Flashfire covers Cutter's mouth. LegendaryShannon says "watch the wolves eat the care bears..." Skarpegg says "Hi!" arkady_som says "I SOOOO want the new 25th Anniversary shirt..." Frozzie says "rosanne: i don't believe everyone will die in one issue ;) it would be boring" Gem says "When they Froze Han in carbonite, I swore I'd never watch Return of Jedi, but I'm glad I did. I'll stay till the end, but curse and swear along the way." Malandor says "Docfur, this one was large, and filled with softstuff. Had claws (again out of something soft). He was labelled 'Timmorn' so I guessed that's exactly where she got him from. Was priced at $250 though. :(" Docfur would have bought him anyway Flashfire says "How good a likeness was it, Malandor?" Prior has left. Elfquest says "Arkady, thankee very much! We have ours on at the moment. THey'll be available all year long." Serpent says "Rankin-Bass might have actually stayed close to the source material. They let Peter Beagle write the script for The Last Unicorn." Wolfpup says "I've published some comic work for others on CD, if you'd like to see some examples, let me know. I think EQ would be great on CD. Full color and everything." Malandor says "Very good, actually." Flashfire would've been sorely tempted to buy, but it would've been putting money into the pocket of someone benefiting off the ElfQuest name and image. arkady_som sways back and forth happily Fairlight says "Elfquest CDs!" Fairlight says "Where" Elfquest says "We greatly admire the script for Last Unicorn, but not the visuals." Malandor says "Aye, is why I'm hoping R and W Pini come out with some on their own! (hinthintnudgenudge)" Gem says "*chuckles* It's kind of how when the Wolfriders met Timmain, Overwhelming." Docfur grudgingly agrees with Flashfire Tavie says "They're making a live-action sequel, or remake, or something." Flashfire can get with that. I'd sink some money into it if it was put out by Warp. eqfanart says "A quick thanks for the ladies shirts! Very stylish." Serpent says "Remake." Tavie says "With the voice cast from the first but in different roles." Neko says "I liked the book better" Exile mms. More Elfquest CD's would be good. LegendaryShannon says "ditto Elfquest on RankinBass" arkady_som says "I've read and watched the animated The Last Unicorn... powerful stuff for children to watch" Zarah says "I love the Last Unicorn!!" Gem says "I heard that, too...about the remake. Even going to get some of actors from original to actually act" Elfquest says "eqfanart, thank you too - that was Wendy's idea/nudging!" Zarah mom is distracting her Exile must slip offline now, her player's hands are all achy. Glad to have 'met' you, Elfquest =) Fairlight thinks that any production of elfquest, be it cel, cel-shaded, cgi or live or whatever combination, must impress visually! Rikkert says "QUESTION: So, about those Elfquest Video's.... (HAHA. JUST KIDDING!)" Exile has disconnected. Exile curls up and falls asleep. Gem says "I'd like to say those Elfquest videos where HORRIBLE!" Elfquest says "Rikkert, DIE!!!! (just kidding)" Tavie says "Are you ever going to republish the graphic novels in colour?" Flashfire says "The one. And yes, it was." rosannez says "ilchhh EQ on cd, what's the use of that? You can't take your pc into your bed can you?" Suntopp says "LOL" Flashfire says "Fortunately I've purged the voices from my mind." Elfquest says "Tavie, indeed." Reed says "Last Unicorn I read before the movie and I like the fact that it sticks pretty darn close to the book . The theme music and other pieces moves my soul"" arkady_som chortles "Not very nice of you Rikkert" Tavie says "I really, really, really, really, really, really want fresh colour copies and they're impossible to find." Gem says "I waited two years for mine to arrive." edfrogz says "well gotta go got stinky baby diaper to change....have fun and congrats EQ" Serpent says "My girlfriend almost bought the video for me on Ebay but I stopped her." edfrogz has disconnected. Gem says "I like my pin more than that vidoe." Ren says "stinky diapers (shudder)" Gem says "video even" rosannez says "I was very young when I saw the last unicorn, but it's very beautifull" arkady_som sings "WALKING MANS ROOOOOOAD" Zarah says "I remembered watching TLU when I was little, mostly remembered Amalthea's eyes.. When I heard a TLU midi, I just had to buy the movie and read the book" Fairlight says "Has jink's parentage come up yet? I point this out so that the triumvirate of irritating questions is completed. Movie, video, Jink's dad." Elfquest says "There are Big Plans afoot for newly recolored GNs." Flashfire thinks the video is like a car crash. You can't help but watch when you get a chance, but you feel dirty afterwards. Zarah wonders about Jink Tavie says "When? When?" Goldeye cheers! Tavie says "Hurry! Hurry!" Docfur says "Elfquest, do you still have a dog? If so, which coast does she/he live on, what is his/her name?" rosannez says "I saw the dutch version: magie magie, doe wat je wilt" Wolfpup says "yeah, who are Jink's parents, anyway?" Elfquest says "Fairlight, no comment." Gem says "THAT WAS perfect Flashfire" Zarah grins Flashfire says "Nice try, Wolfpup ;)" Elfquest says "So, Flashfire, I should put it out on DVD, right?" Cutter snickers. Gem says "NOOO" Tavie says "That's what DVD was made for." Flashfire wouldn't recommend it ;) arkady_som laughs Ren says "Are there going to be more stories about when Cutter and Skywise were younger?" Gem says "You'd see a revolt" Frozzie says "was it so bad?" Gem says "Cutter, Skywise, Cutter! Have you figured out yet where my preferences lie?" Elfquest says "Ren, possibly." Frozzie never saw it o_O Serpent sees massive DVD piles burning in the streets. Thorn has a spouse who will be changing her name to Amalthea (though only partly due to TLU) Suntopp says "I'd like to see many more Suntop stories...hin, hint.....LOL" Elfquest says "Suntop has a big part to play in upcoming stories." Gem says "Nightfall stories, too" arkady_som says "Well Richard... you aren't that far off the mark. After the movie is released and the DVD comes out for that, that VHS could be an "extra" :P" Suntopp says "EXCELLENT! thanks much!" Zarah says "SunStream, or Suntop?" Thorn loved TLU, when he finally say it (last year), but... can see why it wouldn't work for Elfquest. Goldeye says "ooores! That would be so cool, Suntop has a great deal of potential" Frozzie says "i was never really interested in suntop, until full circle... he's really lovely in that story" veli says "Rebels stories, Wolfrider-stories... *g*" Tavie says "I need to reread that." Gem says "How can you not love Suntop! I mean, Ember is all fire, but he is Leetah's mirror...I think." LegendaryShannon says "Let's bury the VHS and just be done with it!" Reed 's office looks like a WolfHaven with all the puzzles and pictures on the wall Tavie says "Ember, shmember. Just because they're twins doesn't mean you have to compare and contrast. ;)" Flashfire says "I think a lot of people didn't like Suntop because they couldn't figure him out. He wasn't a big action type of character. More mystical." rosannez says "Ember is soooooooooooooo cool" Reed 's computer even howls like a wolf Tavie says "Mythteriouth." Serpent says "I just hope the movie isn't released around Christmas time. People who know nothing about Elfquest might thing it's a movie about one of Santa's elves or something." Gem says "I can't help it, I love Ember. She has Teir!" Docfur says "is Cutter's part as a prime mover in the EQ series "done" now? He seems to have faded before the younger generation of leaders." Elfquest says "Flashfire, exactly." Frozzie says "sorry, i feel more for elves who are not in the spotlights... just my opinion, those are more interisting :)" Ren says "Yeah its nice to see charactors that dont just fight" Skarpegg has disconnected. LegendaryShannon says "I liked Suntop more than Ember, but that's just me. :-)" Elfquest says "Docfur, far from it!" rosannez says "I also love Joyleave a lot" Docfur says "Cool. :)" Gem says "It's hard to pick. But, Suntop does cry alot more." Zarah says "I can't decide which charcter is really my fav." Elfquest says "Frozzie, secondary characters often lend spice to the main storyline." Tavie says "I'm more intrigued by those we get to see less of. Rainsong. Brownberry. Lotsa potential in the minors. That's why Zhantee's story in Dreamtime was so powerful. He grew from minor to major." Suntopp says "WAAAH!" Neko says "I like stories focused on cutter and the group rather than their children and such." Flashfire says "Personally, I'm interested to see where things go with Suntop. There's nothing wrong with an emotional, sensitive character who doesn't run around with a sword or bow and arrow." arkady_som says "Redlance is my all time favorite charactor" Goldeye has no EQ favourites because all of it is her favourite. Frozzie agrees with tavie Fairlight says "Will the Elfquest saga return to focus on Cutter and Skywise? Or will they retreat into the background in the way, for example, that Ender did in the Ender's Game suquels?"" Gem says "I want to see stuff on Foxfur and Joyleaf, too. I'd love like a whole mess of comics devoted to Bearclaw's time" Elfquest says "Fairlight, C&S will always be the main characters." Gem says "and WHO Is Pike's parents?" Fairlight says "I think my question came out wrong." Gem says "are even" Fairlight lol Reed says "Foxfur is the bomb in females I think. Even in such a brief bit we've seen of her." Tavie says "Rain and somebubblebuddymumble." Ren says "Yay! (cant imagine an elfquest world without Skywise)" yanaka says "my favorite is two-edge... =)" Wolfpup has reconnected. Flashfire says "Gem, type '+family pike' to see what it is here. I believe it's consistent with canon." Zarah says "What's Clearbrook's daughter called?." Coldmist would really like to know who Rainsong's, Shale's, and Pike's mother is. Tavie says "Twedge is sexy. So tortured." Elfquest says "Fairlight, meaning, they will always be in the spotlight." Malandor likes Aroree, then Winnowill, then Clearbrook. Fairlight says "Yes. Foxfur is the bomb. And so, so many other characters...." Wolfpup says "I'd like to see more stories about Shale" Gem says "I cry when I read about Shale and EyesHigh, too." Fairlight says "Yes, you anticipated my real question. More a thing of spotlight, yes." Nightfall has arrived. Rayek says "Cutter Cutter Cutter, it's always about Cutter." Schaduwlach says "wieuw Shale and EyesHigh!!!" Suntopp says "You know, none of us will EVER get enough of ANYTHING EQ!!!" Zarah wonders about Rillfisher Serpent says "You're not the only one Gem." Docfur says "One last question, and I won't pester you anymore: How to Strongbow's leggings stay up?" Coldmist grins at Rayek arkady_som giggles at Rayek Flashfire senses a bit of envy in the Desert Rat. Gem says "Hmph...*at Rayek*" Tavie says "Spirit gum." Reed once again grabs her branch and holds on chuckling at Rayek Wolfpup says "we're like a pack of vampires" Cutter grins and winks at Rayek. Thitida-No-Chey says "docfur- LOL!" Elfquest says "Rayek, Wendy asks 'Where would your sorry ass be without Cutter?' ;)" Ren says "Hey are we ever gonna find out if Skywise and Timmain are recognized?" Flashfire snickers. Cutter jerks a thumb at black hair, "He's always been such a jealous rival." arkady_som says "I don't wanna hear ANYTHING about vampires... *twitch*" Goldeye says "lol!" Gem says "HA!" Suntopp says "docfur, must be the garter lol" Tavie says "Ditto. No vampires." Elfquest says "Docfur, they're hip-boots. World of Two Moons Doc Martens. :)" rosannez says "Is there ever going to be a half elf, half giraffe?" Rayek says "Elfquest: Ask her *what* Cutter be without me. ;)" Flashfire blinks. Fairlight lol Rosy Tavie says "Now THERE'S a question." Gem says "Just can't take it that Leetah loves Cutter more...mahhaha." Cutter snickers and cheers Elfmom! LegendaryShannon says "Anyone who is coming to Comiccon -- consider doing some cosplay! Let's see if we can get the place teeming with Cutters and Leetahs for the 25th Anniversary!" Coldmist says "It's your fault anyways, Rayek" Docfur says "Cool. Thanks!" Wolfpup says "Will Two Edge recognize in the future?" Guest3 has left. Zarah says "Hmn.. Cutter. He looks so nice with Facefur." Rikkert says "QUESTION: I Know there are 3 versions of HY 9.5 (a signed/numbered, a silver and a purple one). DIDyou do this with other comics as well, or only with this one because it's so special (and great)" Tavie says "I'm having a one-woman 25th anniversary party in a continuous ten-foot mobile radius around me. You're all invited." Frozzie dislikes facefur ;D arkady_som says "A cosplay for Cutter and Leetah....rated NC-17" Kahvi has arrived. Silverclaw has arrived. Zarah says "Oh! I wanna know if Two-Edge will Recognize too!" Ren says "Who would he recognize? A troll or an elf?" Elfquest says "Rikkert, that was our only foray into that sort of thing." Flashfire says "To be honest, way back when the 20th anniversary hit I was hoping to do a really good Timmorn costume for the 25th, probably along the lines of the 'Cats' costumes, but you know what they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men..." Reed thinks long hair on maies is soooooooooo sexy. Her husband even grew his hair long for her. Docfur says "do trolls even recognize, Ren?" Frozzie says "an elf :)" Flashfire says "Trolls can't." Rayek says "Ha. Fault's subjective, Coldmist. And it depends on your definition of 'all'." rosannez says "Leetah is just nuts, she should have kicked Cutter and Rayek and take them both" Elfquest says "Zarah, we definitely will explore his yen for Venka." Ren says "No idea but isnt there always a first for everything?" Gem says "Yeah, they recognize jewels" Thitida-No-Chey says "Reed - Heh, kewl, you should see my brother's scalp then... ;)" Frozzie kicks anyone who says anything bad about trolls Zarah says "lol, Venka's so nice to him." Gem says "If I was Leetah, I'd have picked Skywise, *wicked grin*" Schaduwlach says "*lol* Trolls are cute ;p" Gem says "Bad Troll?" Suntopp says "Gem, there was no "picking" lol" arkady_som says "Well Gem... doesn't she already sort of have Skywise?" Frozzie kicks gem ;D Docfur is waiting for EQ pinups Gem says "Alas, I nkow." Gem says "Know even." Cutter nudges Suntopp, "There's no choosing Recognition, silly." Elfquest says "Hey everyone, we'll repeat what we said in the first chat - we'd love as many as possible of you to be at the San Diego con in costume; we'll have prizes and all sorts of neat stuff. Also, we want drawings for the program book as well!" Gem says "Hmm...good point." Fairlight says "What kind of drawings?" Fairlight says "Guidelines?" Tavie says "Cons look scary." Goldeye says "You got it!" Frozzie says "i can't, i live on the other side of the ocean :(" Ren says "No choosing recognition? Um are we forgetting Redlance and Nightfall?" Nightfall says "cons are fun." Gem says "Wishes for millionth time in her life that she could draw." Wolfpup says "well Packmates, I really must go. Thank you, Richard and Wendy for the lovely chats today, and warm congratulations on an incredible job." Nienke says ""San Diego *sight*" Zarah says "San Diego, when?" LegendaryShannon says "I'm sure they will have information on the website." Silverclaw says "Drawings?" Flashfire says "The 20th anniversary was fun. Maybe I should see about getting down for this one with the camera again." Elfquest says "Fairlight - black and white, EQ 25th anniversary/celebration theme, 8 1/2 by 11 size." rosannez says "I hope Ember regcognises Rayek" Tavie says "I've been to anthropoloy conventions. Now there's a bunch of geeks." Zarah says "I live near Chicago.."" Zarah cries Cutter eyes Ren, "They didn't Recognize... they were helped by Leetah." Nightfall hms? "That was a unique circumstance. They *did* purposefully exchange soulnames." Fairlight says "Thanks." Suntopp says "don't get tenical, that was a special situation" Reed says "I just love to look at it and on and on....we were at the hair dressers and this guy came in....next thing I knew my daughter was shoving me and saying "Stop staring mom!" she knows about my hair fetish" arkady_som says "If I remember correctly, someone posted some rather not so nice *giggles* comments about someone who dressed up as Skywise on a T-Shirt site..." Elfquest says "There's convention info at www.comic-con.org" Gem says "Kansas...NO WHERE Kansas...*cries* Teacher salary." Ren says "Well it was kinda recognition." Zarah says "Danke, Elfquest." Flashfire ohs, and thanks WaRP again for publishing a few of the pics after the '98 SDCC :) yanaka says "ember/rayek and cutter will explode i guess!" Elfquest says "Bitte!" LegendaryShannon says "COMICCON If you want to know more, visit http://www.comic-con.org" Rayek might explode. Nightfall says "well, RL&NF kind of had a forced recognition by leetah, if i remember right." Gem says "Chilled blood...what if Ember recognized Rayek...*falls over in fit*" LegendaryShannon says "Comiccon will be held July 17-20" Cutter lights a firecracker and tosses it off behind Rayek.. then whistles innocently. Wolfpup waves goodbye and 'sends' gentle mind-touches to everybody Docfur says "Thank you WaRP! Thank you so much for answering my questions!" Silverclaw says "You need one of these cons down in AR. San Fran is too far away for even me." rosannez says "it would be a nice circle" Tavie says "Bye WOlfpup!" Docfur waves goodbye Docfur has disconnected. Rayek *boom* Sandstorm says "Bye!" Serpent says "I want to know what Skywise was whispering to Cutter about at the end of book 7. Something about Leetah...." Gem says "We love you Wendy and Richard!" Tavie says "I should go study." Schaduwlach says "Bye?" Tavie says "Consarnit." IceFire asks: how was your stay in germany - Erlangen Comic Salon - a ways back and when will you get to this region again Zarah says "Thank you Wendy and Richard Pini!" Frozzie says "yeah, what DOES leetah do? ;D" Wolfpup has partially disconnected. Gem says "I think I know...Leetah apparently is the best "ahem" Lay...ever." Cutter waves to the Elfmom and pop, "We'll see you later, I'm sure." Nienke says "Question: Why don't you all come to the Dutch EQ-days? ;)" Elfquest says "IceFire, it was a great time." Flashfire says "QUESTION: Speaking of San Fran..I'm a little behind on news. Are W&R coming to that? WonderCon, I think it is. That's right across the bay" Suntopp says "Thanks so much Elfmom & Elfdad!" Flashfire says "Put it this way - Cutter felt like nutmash afterwards ;)" Elfquest says "Frozzie, wouldn't you all loooooooooove to know. ;)" Tavie says "Come to Taviecon. I'll make a pie." Ren says "Richard and Wendy...is there any chance of you going to any conventions in Virginia?" Frozzie says "rofl yeah" LegendaryShannon says "If you go to Comiccon book your room EARLY. Hotels in the area get completely filled." Gem says "KANSAS!" Elfquest says "Tavie, just hold that 10-foot area still!" Thorn got out of Kansas. *heh* Flashfire thinks Tavie + pies = splat, a lot of it. Cutter says "For those of you who are interested, we'll be having a RP session in Lostholt. You may watch from the Scroll Room which is just off of this room." Tavie says "Okay, I'm taking the wheels off my chair right now." Frozzie says "yeah, we have an EQ day in the netherlands" Elfquest says "Regarding conventions, time is so very tight this year we have to be very picky, but we will try to do as much as possible." Tavie says "Flashfire, I thought you were familiar." Gem says "Thorn, I'm very, very jealous." Flashfire says "Yeah, used to be on the AOL boards, and some of the EQ newsgroup." Taviewinds up her throwing arm. -------------------[} SPLAT Tavie says "Been a while since i've done that." Tavie says "Good times." Tavie says "(That was computer chair, by the way.)" Gem says "LOL. I'm a Southerner, from my youth. Don't quite FIT in Kansas." veli is completely confused now yanaka says "tavie: but this flying pie looked good" Cutter departs the chat to get everyone ready. Tavie says "I made some really good friends on those boards. They really helped me through my difficult teen years. So never, ever underestimate the transformative power of fandom. It's very important." Nightfall says "EQ: any east, southeast cons you might consider?" Rikkert says "QUESTION: Do you belong to any newsgroups, or are you busy enough with your own mail and all your work?" Cutter goes home. Cutter has left. Reed is from southern Indiana, right across the river from Louisville, Kentucky arkady_som says "All this talk about pies is making me want those discontinured TMNT green pudding pies..." Tavie says "r.a.c.e has been sort of quiet for awhile now." yanaka says "tavie may i have one too? (looked tasty)" Suntopp has disconnected. Tavie says "All newsgroups ebb and flow." Frozzie is hungry too XD Elfquest says "Rikkert, I watch the newslists and groups, but don't have a lot of time to participate." Goldeye says "Hey Richard and Wendy, how much snow did you guys get in Poughkeepsie this year? I bet the elves really liked that again:) Grins and remembers a particular comic magazine:)" Tavie gets an armload of pies and splats 'em at everyone who's hungry. SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! LegendaryShannon says "Wendy/Richard here is a question I imagine people would like answered...will you be doing signings at the convention?" Zarah shivers IceFire says "Nienke als we het (kunnen) betalen komen ze:)" Schaduwlach says "hungry??? o_0" Elfquest says "Goldeye, about 4 feet, all told." Frozzie says "not in my face! in my mouth! **points**" Tavie says "Snow was elf-high." Flashfire grins, and needs to go AFK for a bit, then is going to get in on some of the RP. Reed lifts up her feet as the pies fly by Flashfire has left. Gem says "I hope you don't make people pay to sign...they do that for Star Wars. It's too expensive" Elfquest says "Legend, you bet. Several, no doubt." Solsky has disconnected. Rikkert says "Icefire: Op mijn bijdrage kan je rekenen ;-)" Goldeye says "lol." Silverclaw quietly enters Silverclaw's Tent. Silverclaw has left. Traest says "Elfquest, please answer this question that we here at TwoMoons have been going back and forth about: How tall /is/ Winnowill? We're told 5 feet or so. :)" arkady_som says "I once saw a licence plate that read AFK BRB" Elfquest says "Gem, never! We're guests of the convention and happy to do all we can for the fans." Riasha has disconnected. Gem says "Thank goodness. My friend went to a comic con once and paid 60 bucks for several Star Wars characters." Nightfall says "traest, GS said Richard said Winny is GS's player's height. All told, nearly 6 feet." Elfquest says "Traest, you're right." Nightfall says "Dunno if that's right, but..." Leila says "YEs, we were told 5' but when looking at the art and doing the math from that, wee don't come up with 5'." Nightfall says "5 feet, really?" Frozzie can't think in feet Riasha has connected. Elfquest says "Leila, art is subjective. ;)" Gem says "Ha, I'm taller than Winnowill! I'd crush her like bug! *giggles*" Traest says "5 feet = 1.53m" Ren says "How can someone get an autograph if they cant get to conventions?" Leila says "I Know, but there's some consistency to it. ;)" Tavie says "Why is it important to have an exact height?" LegendaryShannon says "5 feet is tall in elfland" arkady_som says "I think 5 ft is more according to the High Ones standards" Tavie says "Ren, just track them down and present your ass for signing. :)" Gem says "My friend went. I wanted Chewies signature and he said I had to pay 10 bucks for it. Hmph" Nightfall says "ah, 5 feet. ok. good to know." LegendaryShannon says "Anyway if Winnowill shows up at the convention *cough* she's be five foot one" Elfquest says "But it had better be cute!" Zarah says "Then how tall is Timmain?" Frozzie says "oh, then i'm probably 6 feet too o_O" Tavie says "That's an unfair clause." Elfquest says "Everyone had their fill for a while? We're thinking now's a good time to break, and be back in a little over an hour, at 2 pm PST, 5 pm EST" Fairlight says "It's eye, as well. In dreamtine, the elves look under 4 feet tall. In Siege, even the Wolfriders look over 5 feet - at least to me." Tavie says "It's hard for people to judge the cuteness of their own ass!" Ren says "Lemmie rephrase that...how can someone who is too poor to travel get an autograph?" Zarah says "I need a break" Fairlight says "go lunch :)" Frozzie says "i was dressed as winnowill once" Wolfpup has disconnected. Tavie says "Damn. NOw no excuse not to study archaeology." Elfquest says "Ren, perhaps we can offer something over the eq.com site." Leila says "She's only a foot taller than Cutter, then?" Gem says "I'm afraid I won't get to see you again, Wendy and Richard. *hugs* I have a dinner party tonight *sighs*" Serpent says "I thhhink all my quessstionsss have been anssswered ssso far..." arkady_som says "I won't be online then... but will be for a little while longer" Goldeye says "have a good rest Elfquest!" Tavie says "This was a good diversion. Thanks, all." Serpent says "Oops....went into my lisp there." Elfquest says "Thanks to all who've been here, and we'll look forward to more in a bit!" Frozzie says "i need sleep now o_O" Gem says "Thank YOU! Thank you! For everything!" arkady_som says "THANKS AGAIN RICHARD AND WENDY!!!! *hugs and kisses*" Neko says "thanks for stopping by" Nightfall has left. Goldeye says "Thanks so much!!!!" Traest says "Rest well Elfquest, we'll have another bunch rady for you in a bit. Thanks. :)" rosannez says "thanks!!!!" arkady_som has disconnected. veli says "thank you very much!" Zarah says "Thank you!!"" Reed says "Me too gotta go hug that daughter of mine and see about my sons day. Will be on as Amber to do some rp too." eqfanart says "Wendy, my (soon to be thwapped upside the head) boyfried has requested you wear the animal-print dress ala the 20th anniversary @ Comic-con. 'She looked hot.'" Frozzie says "hehehe, bye :D" asrana has connected. Zarah says "AAyyoooahhh!" Guest1 has disconnected. Serpent says "Bye ElfQuest." Riasha says "thank you so much!"" Schaduwlach says "bye bye *snif*" Serpent has left. Elfquest has disconnected.