Logfile from Two Moons. Session 1 Elfquest has connected. Shelbor has left. FireHunter wavers:) and grins at the silence Elfquest says "AYOOOOOAH" Moonshade says "Heyla Pini-people." IceFire has left. Wolfpup says "AYOOOOOOAH!" Fairlight welcomes the Pinis Falyeril has left. Coldmist smiles, "Good morning :)" Leila says "Ayooooah!" Shelbor has arrived. Wolfpup nods to the High Ones Snowstorm smiles, "Ohayo!" Fairlight says "Happy 25th to Elfquest!"" Rosewind says "AYOOOOOOAH" Elfquest says "Whooooof! Hello all, and forgive us if there's a lag between replies; it's EARLY here!" Solsky says "Welcome" Guest1 has arrived. Fairlight says "Early? Are you in Hawaii?" Elfquest says "West Coast is early enough!" Fairlight grins Leila is PST and considers it early here. *grin* Guest2 has left. Nightsong has connected. Autumnsong has disconnected. Neppie says "its a Happy Day" FireHunter bahs and is ready to go to bed now on PST:P Wolfpup says "well, Happy silver anniversary. The new cool swag in the Wolfrider shop is great." Elfquest says "It is indeed a happy day - and a wondrous one, and a sobering one." Felerian has reconnected. Elfquest says ""Swag" - heh, you make it sound like we're a pirate outfit!" Wolfpup laughs Fairlight says "Booty, then"" Felerian says "yawn" Malandor says "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! :)" Guest2 has left. Elfquest says "By the way, we must make an announcement here - even though it says on the EQ.com web page that we'll be here for two hours, we made a last minute decision to retry the web-radio interview at 9 am here, noon EST, so this session may be an hour." Wolfpup says "I was wondering how you were going to do 2 things at once" Elfquest says "Thank you Leila, you're on our side!" FireHunter figured:) Neppie says "LOL" Guest1 has disconnected. Fairlight says "You mean you can't simulatanously conduct a telephone interview and chat with a horde of fans? What is the meaning of this????"" Leila cheers! And yawns! ;) Elfquest says "Well the interview wasn't set up until very last-minute, so..." Rosewind chuckles and snugs. Neppie says "I agree with Fair" Skywise stuffs chocolate in Leila's gaping maw. Guest1 has left. Guest2 has left. Neppie says "Elfquest is Omnicient" Coldmist grins IceFire has arrived. Elfquest says "Fairlight has always had a somewhat different take on things... ;)" Wolfpup sits down and gets comfortable Elfquest says "EQ may not be omniscient, but we're working on it." Leila snickers. Fickle fans. They're only holding FOUR chat sessions here today... shoulda made 'em run 24 hours like the "original" plan. ;) Fairlight says "In the meantime, omnipotence will do..."" Snowstorm shakes her head at Elfquest... Traest chuckles. Snowstorm smiles though. =) Wolfpup raises an eyebrow Neppie says "LOL" Rosewind eyes Snowstorm. "You be nice crazy one." :) Serpent settles for gourmet cocoa. umbravulpes has connected. Shaevairc has arrived. Elfquest says "Now Snowstorm has us wondering what's to shake?" Fairlight says "Declare Elfquest a religion. Forget that Djun's day ever existed...." Neppie says "I second the motion" Wolfpup looks confused Wolfpup says "Elfquest ISN'T a religion?" FireHunter chuckles Moonshade says "It's a way of life." Snowstorm shrugs, "I'm always nice... My head, at you. =) Or I could shake your hand, your arm, or your books... there's a lot I can shake... the thing is, do you really want me to shake anything of yours?" Wolfpup snickers Serpent says "I'm so surprised we got them to come. I remember years ago when I was trying desperately to get them to join us on an old network called The Sierra Network." FireHunter says "Nah, Djun's day helps to work the humans towards wanting the samekinda peace as the elves" FireHunter says "I think" Elfquest says "Serpent, the tools for making such a chat have improved tremendously since then!" Wolfpup says "the Pinis are full of surprises, Serpent." Elfquest says "Snowstorm, if you're up to it, go out and shake up the world and make them all aware of EQ!" Snowstorm cringes at old chat rooms... Exile has connected. NightRose has arrived. Eladamri has arrived. Neppie does that everyday if she can Fairlight says "As long as no cajones are involved, count me in." Wolfpup says "I for one, would like to know if EQ has any surprises in store for us this year" Snowstorm chuckles, "ATM, my dissertation is all I'm up to.." Snowstorm says "Shaking, that is." Elfquest says "Fairlight, whatever you're able to bring to the discussion... :)" Serpent says "You'd be surprisd....I was the moderator there and we had full mute/ban capabilities. It was a gamers network through and thorugh." Snowstorm thinks of shredding too when she thinks if it... Elfquest says "Wolfpup, we're literally waiting minute by minute for certain people to let us know certain things that will shake up EQ's world for the foreseeable future!" Cutter has arrived. Fairlight praises the concept of moderation, due to the hot water it has oft rescued him from Moonshade hellos Cutter. Serpent says "I also played Cutter and Skywise there for quite a while." Wolfpup smiles Serpent says "Hey Cutter." Cutter waves hello. Coldmist hugs Cutter Rosewind tiggerpounces everyone who slipped in since the last time she pounced. :) Strongbow says "Hey, Cutter" Elfquest says "By the way, is everyone here aware of the big San Diego comics/media convention coming up this summer?" Cutter Hellos. Rahna has arrived. Shelbor looks down at the hyperactive elf. "Wolfrider, right?" Coldmist wished she could attend the convention Serpent says "Anyone want to reminice about the first time they read ElfQuest?" Rosewind sniffs Shelbor. "What tipped ya off?" Wolfpup says "is that your way of saying that EQ is going to be there?" Snowstorm thinks that Germany is far away... Cutter says "I'm aware of it, sadly I can't attend it though." Moonshade thinks g Malandor knows of it, don't know if I'll make it. Moonshade thinks Germany is closer and cheaper than San Diego at this time ;) Neppie says "I've never been to a good comiccon" Rosewind sighs "I'm on the oppisite side of the country. :(" Coldmist grins at Moonshade Neppie says "I usually don't have the money" Cutter is too. Elfquest says "Wolfpup, not only will we be there, but I wanted to ask everyone for ideas on how to make it a spectacular con with respect to EQ's 25th!" FireHunter is with Neppie:) Fairlight says "lasers" Wolfpup says "nudity!" Fairlight says "lasers always look cool." Elfquest says "Nah, Fairlight, we don't want a repeat of what happened in Rhode Island..." Fairlight says "Free beer." Wolfpup is just kidding Serpent cringes. Fairlight says "Picknose's old mouldy ale"" Elfquest says "Wolfpup, that would be an entirely different sort of convention!!" Serpent says "I'm a Rhode Islander." Neppie says "Free Kisses" Wolfpup wonders what happened in Rhode Island FireHunter says "active audio in the background of posible elfquest happenings in the book? err,,uh yeah" Rosewind says "A concert gone wrong." Elfquest says "Neppie, that might be arranged. :)" Shelbor says "Hold an EQ costume contest, with original art the prizes." Neppie giggles Coldmist says "A concert with people that sing the Elfquest songs :)" Cutter says "Have Winny in a kissing booth! She'll wantt to kill me if she hears that but... oh well. She normally wants to try to off me." Moonshade says "Another "postcard" :) I loved the one with Nightfall and Cutter and youngin's, but I lost mine some 20 years ago, so..." Rahna says "Or make up new elfquest songs. An EQ limerick contest. Um..." Elfquest says "Shelbor, that's something we've been thinking of." Eladamri has disconnected. Snowstorm says "Heather Alexander, Julia Ekler would be better, coldy..." Fairlight says "Wulff gets my vote. Nudity is a splendid suggestion."" Shelbor beams... Serpent says "Oh I like that song idea." Eladamri has connected. Skywise elbows Cutter. "No no, Skywise kissing booth. Pfft." Rahna thinks a costume contest would be a blast. And I'm down with free kisses, yep! ;) Elfquest says "Moonshade, we could do a postcard, yes!" Cutter has to agree on the songs, too. That would be rather interesting. Leila grumbles about having to find a way down to San Diego, now... ;) FireHunter chuckles Neppie would pay money for a seat in a Strongbow kissing booth Northwind has arrived. Moonshade smiles - I'm sad I missed the last poster! I have, er, 10 and 15... missed 20. Fairlight says "You could have Elfquest Wigs made, and give them away. then take photos of the crowd once the infection has taken hold."" Leila grins at Fairlight, "An EQ costume contest and Nudity could potentially be one and the same." Nightsonggrumbles since she can't get to that con, "Or I would have to fly all the way just for that.. but, no money." Serpent doesn't want to be biased but he would have done a bit more for a Wolfrider's Reflections. "Full cast....more instruments." Elfquest says "Five years ago, for EQ's 20th, we asked people to do drawings for the convention program book - it went well, looked great, and we'd like to do that again." Wolfpup says "how about having all the artists that have worked on EQ as guests?" Shelbor says "Filking contest, too?" Felerian has partially disconnected. Wolfpup perks up Snowstorm says "ONLY if they CAN sing, Shel." Cutter says "Filking?" Shaevairc says "@ Serpent, Wolfrider's reflection is perfect" Wolfpup says "convention book drawings, yeah!!" Snowstorm says "There are days i'm GLAD that I'm at Reg for the con we're going ot." FireHunter likes the singing idea. Snowstorm says "Filking is singing." Serpent says "I guess just hearing Julia Ecklar sing all the male roles kinda threw off my enjoyment of the CD." Strongbow suggests have a contest/exhibition for people's -Original- EQ songs? Elfquest says "The convention is bringing us in as guests, but we can try to get as many of the other writers and artists there too." Snowstorm says "The songs for the EQ album are sung by a filker... Julia..." Neppie says "How about a half-wolf costume contest too" FireHunter says "tahts what Elves are to sound like Serpent:)" Northwind pops up and waves to all. Rahna nods to Strongbow, that's what I was saying, exactly. :) Featherwing has connected. Guest1 has arrived. Snowstorm says "Remake it with Joey Shoji or someone singing the male parts? " Moonshade says "But for those of us who are too poor/too far/ etc, would any of this be available for us not attending the con?" Rikkert has connected. Cutter says "The costume idea is good too." Moonshade says "Or... make plans to attend an East Coast con ;)" Neppie says "I'm in the middle" Nightsong says "or a europe con?" Fairlight says "Weblogs and photos would be a good way to get it all to the masses" Elfquest says "Also, I doubt anyone will remember San Diego con 1981, but there were over 60 peole dressed up in EQ costumes for the masquerade contest - we overran the place! Can we make it over 100 this year? ;)" Shelbor says "Heh. Have a 'Worst EQ plot idea' contest. :-)" Leila says "Bet you could... ;)" Coldmist hmmms and honestly ponders coming, "Wanted to visit a friend in Sacramento anyways ..." Wolfpup remembers seeing the costumes from that year in the back of the comics FireHunter nods yes active video site. FireHunter says "would be cewl!" Featherwing says "hello evryone" Rosewind hugs Northwond. Hi Snowstorm grins at Shelbor, "Worst is in the eye of the beholder..." Serpent sighs. "All the good conventions take place on the west coast.....Rhode Island has a convention center now too..... Featherwing says "lot of people in here... cool" Shelbor says "As determined by a panel of judges familiar with EQ." Rikkert says "hi" Strongbow says "Boston has Convention Centers too...so does NY :)" Elfquest says "There are some decent conventions in NYC, I think." Neppie says "No one wants to come to Cincinnati" Serpent says "Yeah but RI has never had a comic book convention." Snowstorm does wanna come. Wolfpup frowns Skywise will go when there's one in Canada. ;) Moonshade says "Philly has one... and there is DragonCon in Atlanta." Wolfpup says "or Pittsburgh" Snowstorm says "I'm FROM Cinti. =P" Elfquest says "I connect through Cincinnati every time I fly to the west coast! ;)" Leila nots at DragonCon. Keep meaning to get to that. Moonshade says "It's nice, Leila. :)" Neppie says "Then, stop by to say hi...hehehe" Leila says "Er, nods. Dratted fingers. Dratted telnet. *grin*" Snowstorm says "I hope you don't go through the Delta Terminal EQ... that sux." Elfquest says "Never had a problem with it, Snowstorm..." Wolfpup says "I had a connecting flight there once." Elfquest says "So how many people here would like to do an Elfquest 25th anniversary drawing for the San Diego program book? I dare say I could get a copy for everyone who contributes." Serpent says "Well I've got a question for EQ if nobody minds.....what happened with the toys? Did somebody drop the ball?" Cutter is usually stuck driving everywhere he wants to go and since San Diego is at least 3 days from home.. that's kind of out at this point. Wolfpup raises a hand Cutter can do a drawing. Fairlight says "I'm sure just as many people would contribute as did to the calendar." Moonshade says "I would" Wolfpup says "count me in on the program book" Elfquest says "Ah, a question - I have been waiting an eternity for a question. ;)" Fairlight says "there's not shortage of fanartists" Rahna DOES! Heck yeah! I would contribute something! Coldmist would like to do that too ... "Or is that just for people who will attend the Con?" Exile settles in and tries to catch up on conversation :) Rahna backpedals and dittos Coldmist's Q. Elfquest says "Coldmist, no, anyone at all can contribute!" Skywise doesn't draw. Rahna says "Awesome." Coldmist smiles, "Then count me in :)" Wolfpup says "will you post the info on elfquest.com for submissions?" Featherwing says "count me in!" Elfquest says "Serpent, the short answer is, yes, someone dropped the ball." Cutter says "Awww. I was so looking forward the Series II." Elfquest says "Wolfpup, yes, I will have information on elfquest.com for anyone and everyone who wants to contribute - the more the merrier." Wolfpup says "Does the long answer have anything in it about a series 2?" Serpent says "I thought something was seriously wrong when I went to pose Leetah and her entire upper body fell off." Exile says "No Rayek figure, then?" Autumnsong has connected. Autumnsong gives a sleepy little yawn as she opens her golden-brown eyes. Elfquest says "The company that produced the toys was a new company, and had they run their management better, they probably would have learned a lot from their mistakes (and there were not many) with Series 1, but..." FireHunter says "well leetah is delicate:P" Wolfpup says "there are other companies that make action figures." Featherwing says "I can't even get them over here" Featherwing says "snif" Elfquest says "Exile, we're nearly certain there will be a Rayek figure... and all the rest. It will just take more time, and will come from a different campany." Shaevairc says "question: what about the movie?" Wolfpup says "I guess the question is, did they sell well enough to warrant a second series with a different supplier?" Cutter got lucky enough to grab a set of the Series I figures. FireHunter eeks and hides Featherwing says "lucky you, Cutter" Serpent says "I had my uncle who works at Hasbro fix everything that broke on my Leetah and Cutter." Strongbow was only able to get the Tyldak figure... Wolfpup had to get figures from Canada. Cutter had to fight to get them, Featherwing. Elfquest says "Serpent, maybe we should talk to your uncle!" Featherwing says "I live in backward exiled Belgium and can't get anything over here" Fairlight says "Can any info at all on potential new lisencing partners be released? When will I get my "Skywise does it in his headpiece" Mug, bumper sticker and mousemat?"" Cutter says "There's an idea!" Coldmist says "That's one problem I wanted to point out too. It's so hard to get the new Elfquest things in Germany. Carlsen so lacks of caring about it, that it's really a shame .... And most people from Europe (especially Germany), don't have credit cards, because we have a slight different system with who gets one, and who doesn't" Elfquest says "Ah, someone had to be the first to ask about the movie..." Exile says "I like the Tyldak figure, it's quite the eyecatcher." Northwind throws out a hopefully question: "Not to detract from the topics of cons and figures but when will the _perfect_ EQ GN 1 be out?" Shaevairc says "*smile*" Serpent says "Perfect?" Leila says "Perfect?" Wolfpup blins Solsky says "Photoshop" Wolfpup blinks Northwind says, "Erm.. yeah... full, glorious color." Serpent looks over on his shelf at his hardcover editions. Elfquest says "Perfect, in quotes, is Wendy's way of referring to it looking just as she's always envisioned it." Strongbow says "The individual comics are in color, Northwind. :)" Snowstorm says "Those were out long ago though I like my oldest copies best." Leila says "Oh, very cool, EQ. :)" FireHunter likes his oldest too:) Wolfpup says "is Wendy there? Tell her that her work is already perfect!" Snowstorm says "I think those had warp on the side... donno as they are in Cinti... The color is better and less muddy than the newer version." Cutter agrees with Wolfpup. Malandor has GNs 1-9 in color hardback - all my friends oooh and ahhh over them, but can't get their own in color.. are there plans to make another color run of the GNs? WindDancer has arrived. Northwind says, "I know, but Wendy's going to be redoing them in amazing color and reprinting it as a GN, right?" FireHunter cheers with northwind! WindDancer waves in. FireHunter eeks I meant wolfpup(doh) Shendia has arrived. Coldmist loves her Bastei comics best. Printed on a sort of linnen veli has connected. Savah has arrived. Leila nods at Malandor, "Most of mine are paperback, but same thing. I'm sad that several are falling apart at the binding, so I hope to replace with hardcovers eventually. Fairlight says "The pshopped elfquest pages look great." Snowstorm nods and agrees with Leila about the binding. Northwind exclaims, "Mother of Memory!" and waves a greeting. Featherwing says "I totally agree" Kahvi says "Hey Savah :)" Savah grins and waves. Snowstorm runs from Savah! =) Rikkert says "Quesion: will you at some point in time (soon) place a list of titles on your site of the comics you published as WaRP or WARP. I mean including Elflord and all. I would like to know what to search for." Guest2 has left. Yuki has arrived. Elfquest says "The first issue of the new EQ graphic novel will - so we are told - debut at the San Diego con." Leetah has arrived. Serpent says "I know that re-printing them in B&W is cheaper but I can't help feel sorry for the people who are reading it for the first time. It's like buying a B&W tv after years of Color." Gem has arrived. Leila says "Oohs, did I miss an answer to the movie Q? Or are we all just firing fast and furious at pooe EQ here? ;)" Guest2 has arrived. Guest2 has disconnected. Leila says "Pppr" Fairlight says "The first issue, so you are told..... Who's publishing it?"" Cadence has arrived. Leila says "poor. I hate telnet. ;)" Wolfpup tells Leila we all knew what she meant Shaevairc has reconnected. Shaevairc has left. Shaevairc has arrived. Elfquest says "Rikkert, it's possible, though on elfquest.com we like to concentrate on Elfquest." Skywise noogies Cadence. veli has disconnected. Cadence tacklepounces Skywise Yuki meeps. Moonshade says "I always liked the black and white, personally. The inking has always been very good - the transformation into color was always striking." Northwind says, "When's the San Diego Con? *blinks cluelessly*" Ashi goes home. Ashi has left. FireHunter thinks EQ almsot had a 3d depth with the color veli has connected. Elfquest says "Fairlight, at this precise moment, we have to hide behind a no-comment. We're waiting on word just as you are. Could know in a few hours, literally." Shendia doesn't think we have to do ooc in here. Waves to 'Elfquest' and peers. If you're in there, R.P., heya! Long time no talk! veli says "what was the question? My browser crashed..." Savah has the first five in b&w issue of the new ones, though I have spotted hardbacks of the color versions that I so very much want. Gem says "Richard, do you ever come to less well known cities? Like Wichita or Memphis?" FireHunter Isn't gonna say it, Nope,,,BAH, It's SNOWING!!! FireHunter says "sorry:)" Fairlight says "It must be a scary and exciting thing to do" Wolfpupvotes for more q00l swag Snowstorm smiles at FireHunter, "I'M JEALOUS!!!" Cutter says "If you guys went to Memphis, I could get there." Featherwing says "Richard, are the cons only in America?"" Gem says "As could I, I've got family there and grew up there." Coldmist is glad that spring is on its way here, no snow anymore ... but people attending Carnival these days will end up in rain, mwuahaha Snowstorm could too from the horrid place she is residing. =) Wolfpup says "will there be a 25th anniversary pin?" Elfquest says "Gem, we tend to go where we get paid to go! Time and finances are always considerations. :)" Rahna says "Good question, Wolfpup!" Nightsong has disconnected. Wolfpup grins Nightfall has arrived. Gem says "If I had the money, I'd pay you! *G*" Strongbow has a question as well, "Will there be any more calendars?" Shelbor says "Have the Pinis ever been invited to a WorldCon?" Featherwing says "I go with Gem..." Neppie says "Getting paid = GOOD" FireHunter ums and urges Gem,,,go for it:P Fairlight says "Though plans are obviously fermenting left, right, and center, do any of them involve a computer game?" Cutter would pitch in with Gem. :D Elfquest says "There's already a 25th anniversary pinback button in production, and we will very likely make a pin as well." Wolfpup squirms excitedly Shaevairc says "I don't want to sound impatient... but what about the movie now? ^^" Elfquest says "Featherwing, we've gone to conventions all over the world, but again, subject to time and other factors." Rikkert has disconnected. Gem says "I want to hear about the new Wendy comic! The one she is supposed to draw." Guest1 has disconnected. Elfquest says "Strongbow, we're counting on more calendars." Serpent says "I'll second Fairlight's question. I tried writing EQ as a text adventure many years ago." Featherwing says "I need to move to America..." Leila squeals! Wendy-drawn comics! WindDancer goes home. WindDancer has left. Elfquest says "Stelbor, Wendy was guest of honor at a Worldcon in Boston some years back." Malandor wants to know one thing! (angry finger at Elfquest) Why not more Aroree stuff! You have drawings availabe on elfquest.com of just about everyone except Sad Eyes! Any plans to correct his hideous shortcoming? :) Elfquest says "Fairlight, very likely, though publishing plans come first." Shelbor remembers that, now. "Was there, took photos." FireHunter is jelious. Fairlight says "Of course, the real question is what *kind* of computer game... Lots want a traditional spreadshe..er.. role playing game, some want an action chop-em-up, others (including me) want an open ended explorable thingy..."" Wolfpup taps a foot impatiently,waiting to hear about the new EQ comic Shelbor says "Aroree is one of my favorite characters from the series." Rosewind asks: Any news on when the EQ movie will be released? Gem says "I think Elfquest would be best done like the Final Fantasys'" Rikkert has connected. Serpent says "Elfquest as a Morrowind Mod...." Featherwing says "I agree, Gem" Savah gently reminds all her children of the hunt at 11cst/12est am. Elfquest says "Wendy says the new EQ comic is a continuation of where things left off at the end of Full Circle." Featherwing says "Could work nicely too, Serpent... great idea." Exile says "Savah, hunting? :)" Savah says "No, just running it." Elfquest says "And it will be a graphic novel, not just a comic - at least 320 pages." Wolfpup says "WOO HOOOOO!!!!!" FireHunter says "WOWS!:)" Cadence cheers Gem says "Yeah! No one will ever draw as well as Wendy and some of us die-hard fans have been suffering without her." Snowstorm could've sworn that GS was running it but could be mistaken. =) SparkDance says "kewl" Wolfpup is in awe Malandor woots. :) Kier has disconnected. Rikkert says "thats a lot all at once. GREAT" FireHunter Agree's again with Gem!:) Leaffall has arrived. Northwind has reconnected. Cutter does love Wendy's art. Rahna second s- thirds - whatevers - Gem's comment. *swoons for Wendy art* FireHunter says "No offence to the other artists!~~:)" veli says "Will that be THE Final Quest?" Gem says "A whole graphic novel. My gosh, I won't come out of my room for days." Elfquest says "About the movie, really the only thing we can say is to point you to the last thing we said at elfquest.com, about the delay because of the loss of financing. However, as soon as we have word about what we can publicly say about publishing, we'll have word about movie possibilities too." SparkDance says "haha same!" Neppie says "is the movie that bad??" Exile says "And did I miss the end of Menders tale? I've been out of the loop for too long." Wolfpup sighs Savah wonders if we can start up a "make the EQ movie" fund! Cutter says "That's the first thing that made me look at ElfQuest because I didn't like 'comic books' when it was first presented it to me but, I adored good artwork.. then the story caught me and I've been hooked ever since." Coldmist says "I also liked a lot of what other artists have done with the mini-series, such as Two-Spear. It was unique, and therefor wonderful" Elfquest says "Wendy says NO! The new graphic novel is not the Final Quest - that one is a long way off yet." SparkDance says "thats kewl Savah!" Rikkert says "It almost looks like the movie is jinxed" Gem says "Before I got on, I have been reading the whole saga over from start to finish in honor of this big day and I just read the FIRST issue where you talked about the movie! *G* It was in 1994, Hidden Years 14" Elfquest says "Exile, no you didn't. It's still waiting for a place and time to be published." Exile nod at Elfquest :) Elfquest says "Rikkert, it took Road to Perdition over 10 years to make it - and they weren't even trying for a movie." Featherwing says "" Could anyone tell me about the comics related to Suntop? We only have a few HY and the main Elfquest comics... I really need to know..." Wolfpup thinks tht nobody could be as disppointed about the non-progress of the movie than the Pinis veli is waiting for Mender's Tale, too :( Neppie says "yeah, what happen to Suntop?" Gem says "I have faith, but boy do I get teased about the movie from my family. They all know how long I've been waiting and go..."So, no movie, huh? When will you give up." *sniffs*" Elfquest says "Gem, some day we'll write a book all about the making of this movie, and it'll be a bigger roller-coaster ride than anything at Six Flags!" Strongbow says "There's a tale in the latest GN, Featherwing..." Strongbow says "About Suntop, that is..." SparkDance says "I have a question, I readone comic and Suntops name was Suntop and another his name was Sunstream..why?" Neppie laughs Shaevairc says "but will the movie be in comic style? I hope so" Rikkert says "Well I prefer a good prouct at a later time to some dissapointing product right now. So take all the time you need is my opinion" Strongbow points Sparkdance to his last comment... Featherwing says "what does GN stand for???" Strongbow says "Graphic Novel" Traest says "GN = Graphic Novel'" Gem says "The only thing that frightens me, Richard, is I read that you were planning on combining a lot of the story into one movie. Recognition of Cutter and Leetah AND the King of B" Featherwing says "I feel stupid now..." Serpent has reconnected. Gem says "SORRY, King of Broken Wheel. Is that true?" Elfquest says "SparkDance, if you reread Full Circle, you'll understand the name change." Featherwing says "All I know is Suntop left and they found him again with the palace..." Wolfpup says "the Pinis will make the best choices. You can be assured of that." SparkDance says "okay" Serpent says "Has the success of Lord of the Rings made you change the script in any way? I always thought Elfquest would be better off as a series of movies, mirroring the graphic novels to the letter." Elfquest says "Gem, that's just one of many many rumors. If you don't hear it from us directly or on elfquest.com, take it with a pound of salt." Savah oohs and likes that idea...but geeze, wouldn't that take a while! Guest1 has left. Guest2 has left. Serpent has partially disconnected. Snowstorm says "Taking a while is better than making a hash of things though. " Cutter thinks if the first movie did well in theatres (and I know I'd have to go see it at least a half dozen times) that any production company would have to be insane not to do the rest. Rahna grins. "I think that even as a series, SOME stuff would wind up being cut or changed to better suit the different format, but that's just one elf's opinion. Elfquest says "Serpent, the LoTR sucesses have mostly given us a reason to think that an EQ movie might work very well as live-action/CGI - as well as animation." Featherwing says "I agree with Snowstorm... :-)" Cutter agrees with Snowstorm on that one. FireHunter wells with serpent sept broken down into happenings liek the quest, then WInni's plot and so on:) Leaffall is from the old old days of the original 20 and if there is one thing you learned back then was that it is always worth the wait =) Rahna says "Elfquest CGI? I may expire from glee." Cutter says "Talk to Peter Jackson, maybe he'd want to take it on!" SparkDance says ":)" Fairlight says "Question. How consciously is Elfquest written with the structuralist (Campbell, Levi Strauss, etc) understanding of myth in mind? Is it dangerous to switch their analysis from an analytical tool into a creative one?" Elfquest says "Cutter, we may just have that chance. ;)" Serpent says "I was planning on getting into filmmaking as a child to do a live-action EQ.. I would have done a Dark Crystal though." Gem says "Well, I read an interview about Jackson and he says he is done with fantasy, that he could never top LoTR" Fairlight says "Is gollum part of the reason Live action/CGI is being considerd?" Shelbor says "I think that while LA/CGI would work, animation is more suitable to the source material." Gem says "I vote animation, too." Cutter cheers! SparkDance says "I agree with Gem" Featherwing says "I agree" veli says "me too" Elfquest says "Fairlight, you tell us! We're just telling a story. If it happens to fit into someone's formula, that's great! But we're not doing it consciously." FireHunter nods, I like the EQ form! Wolfpup says "yaknow what? as long as it's not paper dolls on sticks, I'll be happy with whatever format the movie finally makes it to screen in." Cutter likes it too. Gem says "Yeah, I'd watch stick figures." SparkDancelikes it also Cutter says "I'd watch handpuppets." Coldmist laughs and thinks .oO(Elfquest in South Park style ;)" Shelbor says "In EQ story is almost always more important than the appearance." Cutter says "Ugh!" FireHunter dohs Traest laughs Wolfpup considers that Shendia might consider watching the books talk, even. stationary... Rahna giggles. Actually, paper dolls on sticks might be kind of fun, for a SHORT film - not feature length, of course... ;) Gem says "I'd watch the Elfquest movie I already have with little pictures moving across the screen..*snicker snark*" Rahna says "Wendy-drawn paper dolls on sticks, tho. ;)" Savah waves out to go back to the village. Savah has left. SparkDance says "i'd wath anying with EQ in it" FireHunter says "who could resist that Rahna!" Gem says "I always wanted a Leetah doll growing up." veli says "paper dolls on sticks would be better than children riding dogs, imo" Fairlight says "I ask because a lot of writers and directors do like that model, but do so quite consciously, talking about it quite a lot in interviews. EQ always felt very true to me, in the manner of all good stories, in a way that Star Wars, Lion King and other "heroic journeys" didn't. A personal thing, I'm sure." Serpent says "I did that for a school project once. I had other students record character voices for the Bridge of destiny scene, edited them together and filmed the comic book along with the voice track." Stormsinger has connected. Rahna loves the 'children riding dogs' thing, in a twisted, 'cheesy B fantasy meets childhood backyard Play' sort of way. ;) Rikkert says "I saw an ASCI-version of star wars just last week. Maybe that's the solution" SparkDance says "Serpet kewl idea!" Serpent says "Made it easier for the other students to see what I was so thrilled about." Rosewind asks: Will you be putting out any new figures. Like the Cutter figure on Elfquest.com? FireHunter thinks though if yo ugot the 3d model of an EQ figure and put it onto a RL persons figure that could make a realy good movie too. veli says "The old or the new Star Wars?" Elfquest says "Not only Gollum, but all the tricks used in LoTR could work to EQ's advantage." Stormsinger says "hello" Moonshade says "Uhm... I would want to watch good animation in the style of Wendy, as has been happening for many years. CGI doesn't seem appealing - and the love of Wendy's work is what has been keeping me buying and looking all these years, the story (unless written) has not. I did not read Barry's work because the art scared me." Shaevairc has partially disconnected. Moonshade says "But that's just my 2cents." Gem says "Well, do keep in mind. Star Wars lost a lot with all the CGI...primarily good acting." Elfquest says "Rosewind, we hope to be able to announce new figures soon - but we won't be making/selling them." Stormsinger says "someone has taken my nickname on this mush ;-)" Elfquest says "Gem, amen!" Moonshade grins at Stormsinger. Wolfpup thinks Moonshade is being silly Yuki muahas. "Then, with a animation style movie, we'd rope the new generation in too!" Guest1 has left. SparkDancegrins at every one Fairlight says "There was a big difference between FOTR and Two Towers. The first had that silly scene with Galdriel exploding and emitting beams of computer graphics. Then Two Towers made it all better." Shaevairc says "I'd agree to Moonshade's statement..." Gem says "All, I know is PLEASE don't make it for kids..PLEASE!" Snowstorm raises an eyebrow at Stormsinger. Moonshade says "Eh, Wolfpup, you get to reading something for 20 odd years and you become picky. ;)" Guest1 has arrived. FireHunter AGree's with Gem! little bit Kidish is ok:) but not Mushie!:) Serpent says "I dunno...American audiences have a tendancy to think all hand-drawn animated movies are for kids no matter what the rating." Strongbow agrees with Moonshade. The art really does make the story. I read the Blair comics when I first got them, but I cannot, to this day, remember what happened except it was sort of about Windkin in the Jungle. The other comics I can quote the issue number. Shelbor wonders if Mark Hammil (SP?) was considered for any of the voices. :-) Cutter thinks that if a good enough director.. someone that pays attention to the details (like Peter Jackson for example) took it on, that the story wouldn't loose it's meat, so to speak, no matter the format. Wolfpup says "I've been reading EQ since 1981, and I'm not that picky" Rikkert says "Wendy's art is great, don0t get me wrong, but Barry Blair's work is also great" Shendia has left. Fairlight began reading elfquest in 1988, courtesy of England's Titan Books Shendia has arrived. Gem says "Mark Hamill would be great as one of the trolls." Neppie has disconnected. Shendia snorks. Rosewind snickers. Elfquest says "Mark Hamill did express that he wanted to do Picknose's voice." Moonshade says "It's all personal choice - I didn't like Blair. No biggee." Rahna nods at Moonshade. "I am woefully out of date on what's going on in the EQ qorld, because I have been unable to justify to myself buying the books that Wendy didn't draw. The art has always been as important to me as the story. it's an amazing story, and it's told through beautiful artwork. I haven't read most of the post-Wendy stuff. Cutter grins. Wolfpup says "well Rikkert, it's not bad." Gem says "Hehe. I knew it!" Exile goes all crosseyed, imagining Hamill as picknose. Strongbow says "" Elfquest says "There's a great deal of information on elfquest.com even if you don't have the books, though!" Serpent says "I didn't like Blair's stuff either...couldn't tell what gender some of his elves were." Wolfpup reminds everyone that Elfmom is only one person. Cutter says "He does good voices, Exile." Gem says "Well, if you think about it. Hamill didn't age well and he does KIND of look like a troll." Gem says "I'd love him with boils, though." SparkDance says "LoL" Yuki says "Hamill could do it, he did the JOKER!" Rahna notes to Serpent that the recent anime films have been changing that in the US, Serpent - First Princess Mononoke and now especially Spirited Away are starting to change that perception a bit. FireHunter laughs at gem Coldmist did like Jozef Szekeres' art best, as well as Brandon McKinney, and the one that did the computer art for Wild Hunt ... Leaffall says "You have to take the different artists as who they are. I didn't like Blair's work all that much until I met him, and saw him draw. I had a new appreciation for him afterwards." Serpent says "Princess Mononoke was only shown at an art house theatre here in RI and Spirited Away ran for a week." Wolfpup wonders why everyone second guesses the Pinis Moonshade says "That's true - whoever did all the cross-referenceing on eq.com did a wonderful job. Painstaking job. :)" Shelbor says "Hammil did an elf in an animated movie, pre _Star Wars_." Antonie has connected. Kier has connected. Kier has left. Kier has arrived. Rahna isn't saying Wnedy should be super-human, Wolfpup. But I do have my own opinions of EQ, and my opinions involve Wendy's artwork. I don't see how she could be offended by knowing that there are folks who have a preference for HER magic. Elfquest says "Moonshade, thank you! :)" Gem says "I felt same way as Rahna until I started re-reading my comics again. This time I'm not so upset about Wendy not drawing them. The first time I read them, I cursed and fumed, but now I see the story of Shards and am enjoying it much more." veli says "The old wavedancers looked like they were designed to break at the waist" Nightfall nods. "Yeah, Miyazaki has drawn American audiences in, but honestly, they didn't show it at enough theaters! They give it the select theaters run, then send it straight to DVD..." Rikkert says "There is only one type of eq-art i really don't like, all the other I can live with, like, love, adore, think is great. Its just like life... You can't have everything" Rahna nods to Serpent, "And that's a start. And in my area, they both played much longer." FireHunter just htinks the other artists dont hve a boundaried art line to keep the charcters contrasted to FireHunter just thinks even marissa has connected. Guest1 says "I'd just like to say HAPPY 25TH!!!" FireHunter cheers with guest!:) Gem says "YEAH!" Elfquest says "Thank you all, for the good 25th anniversary wishes!" Featherwing says ""Yeah!"" Northwind adds her voice to that howl! Cutter just adores Wendy's artwork and is trying to find a place to order the new Wendy artwork from. The King and Queen of Night are awesome! SparkDanceCHEERS TOO! Guest1 says "AYOOOAH!" Strongbow says "Cutter, thanks for reminding me about those. Birthday checks come soon ;)" Gem says "I have an addy of the art I can give you later, Cutter" Stormsinger is Firesong btw Wolfpup says "Rahna, please note that I didn't say I liked anybody's work as much as Wendy's. She is my favorite EQ artist. Just saying that she's only one person, and here are all us fans clammoring for more and more and more EQ." Shelbor says "There's still too much pigeonholing of certain genres in the US. Many people complained that _Jurassic Park_ was too violent for children, ignoring that it wasn't for children. (A friend waiting in line to see it spoke of one woman who quieted her pre-teens by telling them they were going to see Barney.)" Cutter adds his voice to the howling as well. Elfquest says "We're going to have to log off this chat for now - but we'll be back in a couple of hours. We're going to do the web-radio interview now. If you want to listen in, point your browers/players at www.wxbh.com" Northwind has partially disconnected. Coldmist says "As long as Wendy Pini doesn't train artists to draw exactly like her, everything is fine :)" Exile waves to Elfquest! Gem says "Yeah, well. I warned my grandmother that Jurassic Park wasn't for a 4 year old, and I ended up being forced to take him. He had nightmares for weeks." Guest1 says "this howl is from London, Europe! Who else is from outside the US here?" Serpent says "Cool." Snowstorm says "Take care!" FireHunter turns uip his speakers!:) Shelbor says "" Wolfpup waves SparkDance says "you said it" Shelbor says "Bye!" Snowstorm says "Good luck!" Wolfpup says "see you later" Rosewind snugs Elfquest Leila says "Have fun! See you later!" SparkDance says "bye! :)" Featherwing says "I am!" Northwind waves to EQ - Go get 'em! Solsky has disconnected. Fairlightis a BRIT FireHunter says "Good radioing!" Cutter waves. Elfquest says "Like Arnold, we'll be back!" Stormsinger is german SparkDancewaves Featherwing says "bye!!" Guest1 says "good luck with the interview!" Fairlight says "Tata" Snowstorm says "Without the car, please! =)" Cadence waves "Good luck' Traest waves to Elfquest :) Rahna snugs. :) Kier says "L8r EQ" Shendia waves to EQ. SparkDancewaves Cutter waves. Shelbor snickers at Snowstorm. Fairlight says "I am from Ingerland"" Moonshade wanders off. IceFire says ":waves to Elfquest" Gem says "Okay, so that was unbelievably cool." Moonshade has left. Rahna hops out of the spam for a bit, until the ext chat. :) Strongbow says "Thank you, Elfquest" Serpent hugs. Elfquest says "Later, all! AYOOOOOOAH!!!" SparkDance says "wheres thta?" Rikkert says "ttfn" Strongbow goes home. Strongbow has left. Rahna goes home. Rahna has left. Guest1 says "Fairlight - tremendous!" Elfquest has disconnected.