From: Traest - Coding Wizard [traest at] Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 8:50 PM To: tm-chiefs at Cc: tm-wiz at Subject: Chiefmeet Log (06-Nov-2001) Council Chamber(#7RFJU) A circular chamber deep in the heartstone of Two Moons. A large chamber, yet sound does not echo here. A round table is here, with chairs for all. There is a long bench to one side for visitors or petitioners. This is where the Council of Elders meets to discuss the future of Two Moons. There just happens to be an espresso machine set off to the side. It doesn't have a sign because, as everyone knows, wizards can't follow directions. Contents: Stardust Leafshimmer DawnStar(#8574PJce0) Thorn Fyrn(#6481PJXc$04) Quickblade(#6122PLce-04) Cutter Firesong Surfsinger(#8463PJOXce$-0) Penalty Box(#8838Jeht$) Chatter Box(#10420Jet$) Hush Box(#9580Jet$) Obvious exits: Staff Offices NuMajik Code Closet Traest says "Opening log. This log will be emailed to tm-chiefs upon completion." Quickblade nods Traest says "Alrighty. First off, welcome everyone. Sorry for the short notice and I deeply apologize for my own tardiness - car stalled out on me on my way home from work. We will be using a queue to help keep things sane - page me to get in on it." Traest says "First off, as most of you (are now) aware, TwoMoons opened its doors in November 1991. We actually still have people around from that time, too. :) The wizards are wanting to celebrate this anniversary, and it's a good impetus for us to get some good MUSH wide TPs going." Traest says "To that end, we started off with the first random rec in a long time. As I noticed in the +mail, we're planning on ending the month with a 'fireworks' show." Stardust raises her finger. Traest says "I know a couple people have items they wish to discuss besides this - please hold those until after the main topic, as some people are on limited time." Traest says "Sorry, TP stands for TinyPlot. :)" Traest says "The wizards are interested in everything and anything. Anything that serves to stir RP up over a longer time frame even more so. I know one chief has mentioned the idea of condensing tribes down - we can certainly look into that as well." Traest says "So much for the introductions, lets get down to business." Traest guesses he'll actually open the floor for now, if things get too hectic we'll go back to the queue, but that shouldn't be required. Traest also imagines a lot of conversation occured on the Chiefs channel that he missed, if anyone wants to reiterate any points/ideas/etc that were brought up there, please go right on ahead. Thorn takes a moment to shake his cane at all the young whipper-snappers, and get it out of his system. DawnStar finds the ex-laz and geritol for her mate.. along with a hearing horn for him.. Firesong says "Well, we just had a festival at Sorrow's. Don't know how successful that was. (Didn't have any characters that could go.)" Stardust grins Stardust says "Wing won ;)" Stardust says "In balancing game" Surfsinger says "The Raft have a week-long party planned for the second half of the month that could be co-opted. We're intending to introduce our Raiders." Stardust says "But there weren't so many folks around rp'ing..." Quickblade chuckles and speaks.. "Well, I know as far as the grove, it's pretty quiet as we're going through... re-structureizing, But in tribal RP, Quickblade will be stepping up as IC chief. Quickblade cancels the chuckle, as that was for like 5 poses ago Malandor notes the Underworld is planning to have a formal dance 'sometime soon' - that could coordinate here as well... Firesong says "The Gathered are always willing to have a party." Malandor says "The idea has been tossed around to invite surfaceworlders, give them another shot, but that has yet to be decided ICly." Leafshimmer ponders ... and thinks with all these parties, maybe Briarholt will get attacked... ;) Stardust says "I think that Wing's idea is pretty good... having a little 'war' with other elf tribes..." Traest says "What was Wing's idea?" Cutter says "LH has a TP firing off.. that I'm hoping to have last through the end of the month, the ending of it could tie in pretty nicely with those planned fireworks." Fyrn notes the gobacks are going to be taking over all your homes, 'sometime soon' - we're not coordinating it though. Cutter notes that Fyrn is dreaming. Quickblade is just hoping the grove isn't on the list of condensable tribes Stardust says "Not Wing's *slappingself* Windkin's idea!" Stardust is just a _bit_ tired... Firesong says "Hmmm, we could have a mush-wide hallucination." Traest hmms. "I know at one point in time there was also a mega-meanie being planned, but I haven't heard anything about that in a couple weeks." Traest chuckles. "A strangeness in the anti-magic-whazat, perhaps, Firesong?" Cutter says "That certainly has promise.." Firesong laughs, "Yeah." Quickblade nods Fyrn says "And the goback can be the heros of the day, and rule the world." Cutter pats Fyrn and hands him a cup of coffee. Traest says "So, should we have the hallucinations-triggered-by-magic-strangeness then? That's certainly doable." Cutter has another idea that could tie in with the fireworks as well.. but, yes, the hallucinations really does sound interesting. Quickblade grins, "Sounds fun, and it's cured by the fireworks Traest ooohs.... "Or it causes the fireworks?" Fyrn says "No, it's cured by gobacks." Firesong says "Palace could be involved in it somewhat" Traest nods to Firesong. "Yes.... yes it could..." Quickblade says "Or caused, BY the Fireworks" Leafshimmer could wish she hadn't just left the Palace then.. :) but that would be neat if it could be worked in. Cutter thinks the palace should shift to a location that's more central on the map.. that's how it could figure in. Stardust grins Firesong says "Like Lostholt, Cutter? ;)" Traest hmmms. "There's another idea, have the fireworks trigger the events." Stardust has her own thoughts about the palace... Traest says "Oh? Speak up." Quickblade nods, sounds cool Traest LAUGHS. "Fireworks causing hallucinations while the fireworks are still going on. Oh THAT would mess with people. :) Cutter says "You know.. It's more than welcome to land around LH but, that's not necessarily what I was meaning. Though if it landed, it'd be great to have a player for Rayek to bump into.. heh." Stardust grins and nods Cutter lags. Stardust too Stardust extremely Quickblade lags too... "I wouldn't mind the Palace landing near the Grove... Though I've been wanting to do something to bring the grove closer to LH, an aliance of sorts..." Traest nods. "Since I've been asked - I have no set time for the fireworks/etc. I was thinking of firing them off whenever there's 'a lot' of people on line, unless you all want them at specific times? DawnStar lags Fyrn says "Specific s'vous plait. Give us time to cooridinate other plots etc etc." Cutter says "It's possible for such an occurance to span several days... especially if the shower is the remains of a planet or something like that... Oooo! That gives me an idea!" Firesong looks at Cutter expectantly. Fyrn says "You've finnaly come to your sense and agree with me that the Goback should rule the world?" Quickblade says "Blow up a moon?"" Stardust has disconnected. Traest blinks at Quickblade.... Firesong says "But than we wouldn't be twomoons" Fyrn blinks at Quickblade, "I thought you were the weakest link." DawnStar says "If it is the remains of a planet, wouldn't that affect all the tides and such?? Cause havoc for the holts near the vastdeep at the very least?"" Quickblade nods "Though it would explain the magic thingy... Traest says "Perhaps not a whole moon, but we could have something hit one of the moons and the debris from THAT causes the fireworks and the magic weirdness, and a permament reminder." Traest says "Take a sizable chunk out of a moon." Surfsinger says "You'll screw up weather patterns and whole lot of other things, realistically, if you do that. I'd have to vote no on killing or maiming a moon." Quickblade nods and throws one more joke in for good measure "Carve the words "Chairhead" into one?" Fyrn says "That would through the axis of that moon off and send it A) hurtling into space, B) hurtling into the planet. A large size crater would be more realistic." Cutter shakes his head, "It can take years.. eons even for debris from a planet to reach another. We know that the coneheads' planet died and they had to leave.. what happened when it finally died completely? It's possible that the fireworks show is debris from that planet, which could actually explain the hallucinations and even cause ones like Suntop, Winny and Savah to experience other things as well." Traest nods to Surf. "True enough. Although we could have the fireworks also hit the moon, just leave a visable-from-Abode crater or two... Traest tilts his head at Cutter... "Realistically speaking, the odds of that are about a quadrillion to one. But, it does explain a lot of things very nicely, and makes for an interesting backdrop... Thoughts, everyone? Fyrn says "We could do it in the form of Mickey Mouse?" Leafshimmer thinks it makes a very interesting backdrop. And fun rp. Cutter says "Nah, it'd have to be in the form of the WaRP symbol, Fyrn." Quickblade sticks with the "CHA" Firesong says "I think that would be cool. Would it leave planet fragments, or all be burned up?" Traest says "Another excellent question. The Quest For Planet Fragments, or are we getting too close to Shards for comfort?" Cutter says "You know, if some of the fragments actually landed, that could also bring some interesting occurances to Abode." Quickblade nods. "Would make for lots of great RP. I have no problem ripping off great stories..." Cutter says "I don't know about anyone else here but, Shards was cool, IMNSHO." Traest notes there might even be an explaination for some planet fragments finding Abode, perhaps being attracted to the Palace... Quickblade says "It could be the IC explinations for condensing tribes too"" Firesong says "I think as long as we don't have Djuin, and trying to rebuild the palace from shards we'd be fine. (Besides if you have to rip off a story, rip off a good one.)" Surfsinger says "I'd sooner play the Shards plot than quest after meteors." Cutter says "Why, Surfs? It's all the same stuff." Traest'd rather avoid direct from-the-book stuff. Lets us write our own stories. Cutter says "The palace is part of that world. Imagine.. brining other fragments to the palace.. hmmm..." Quickblade grins "It would be interesting if the planet shards gave elves who normally don't have vertain magics, magics from their family line..." Fyrn says "We could start having alien encounters." DawnStar makes her excuses and slips out to go to bed. "Night" Cutter waves, "Rest well." Fyrn says "They could abduct people and do weird experiments." Quickblade says "g'ni'"" Firesong says "I don't think so, Fryn." Traest waves to Dawnstar. Surfsinger says "I prefer the write-our-own method, too. But, I don't like futzing around with moons and plants and whatnot... I would rather have natural meteor showers that play out lots of pretty lights and then just add in other stuff of a more natural base. I'd like to avoid the potential for armeggedon scenarios. After all, were celebrating 10 years of being /open/. We don't want to close because we killed the world." DawnStar goes home. DawnStar has left. Traest says "We're not talking about sizable chunks, I wouldn't think. Small pebbles would be all that'd survive to surface... anything larger WOULD be armaggedon...." Cutter was suggesting small meteors.. maybe the size of a beach ball at most when they hit the ground, not 'Armeggedon' size ones. Quickblade nods "Same thing.." Firesong says "metorites have been falling on earth forever and we're still here." Cutter nods. Firesong says "Armeggedon was an asteriod." Cutter peers at Fyrn, "We're doing EQ here, not X-Files. I don't wanna have to dress like Mulder." Quickblade hmms "Cutter in a suit..." Surfsinger says "Regardless. I wasn't referring specifically to the movie, though I suppose the analogy is apt enough. My point is that I want to see us avoid that particular scenario. Smaller things I'm cool with. Destroying the canon world goes against my grain. I'm not a big canon queen, but I do like a certain amount of consistency with the basic universe rules." Quickblade is confused now Firesong says "Well, except for Fyrn, I'm not sure any of us wants to mess with the basic universe rules." Cutter nods in agreement with Firesong there. Fyrn says "How is that messing with Universe rules?" Fyrn says "If the coneheads traveled space, who's to say others don't?" Surfsinger says "There's the Neverending from the Jinx stories." Traest nods. "So, lets see here, in summary: some bits from the home planet, attracted by the Palace, gravitate to Abode. Most burn up on reentry, a few larger pieces hit the ground, causing perhaps localized fires at worst. The meteor storm, being made of chunks from the planet, would cause strange hallucinations and/or magic disruptions/bursts, and make a pretty light show. Firesong was kinda joking about the fyrn part. Quickblade says "What about the unlocking of magics from the bloodline..."" Traest considers. "QB: That might be possible if the person were in close or direct contact with a fragment. Quickblade nods Cutter says "That does make sense." Traest nods. "Alrighty. So, did we want to try for specific times for this to start? As was mentioned, the light show would continue over a number of RL days, we could say for it to happen the last week of November? Traest says "Start it on that Monday night to give Americans chance to come back from Thanksgiving?" Cutter thinks that would be a good idea since Thanksgiving will be out of the way and there's not another holiday for a few weeks after. Malandor says "How will where the planet chunks land be decided?" Traest imagines there'd be a fair number of smaller pebbles all over the surface...? Fyrn ews as he finds a site that has the math behind how big a crater an x sized object going at y speed would probably make. Cutter thinks then looks to Traest, "You know.. the bigger ones ought to be a little difficult to run across. Perhaps choose random rooms outside of the actual holts?" Traest nods. "They would be pebbles, literally. I'm afraid beachballs would most likely be too damaging. Quickblade says "How about tennis or golf balls" Traest could do that. Create a small number of larger chunks, and randomly @tel them places? Traest says "Places owned by any of the terrain builders?" Cutter nods. Traest says "We could make the bigger ones say... baseball sized?" Quickblade hmms "Speaking of builders, I have to get access to the grove builder" Fyrn is checking on that. Cutter looks at Traest, "What's this about the big meanie you were talking about earlier?" Surfsinger says "The meanie would be my brainchild." Quickblade hmms and recalls that he wanted to be a big meanie a few years back... Cutter turns to Surfs and grins, "Do tell?" Firesong couldn't manage being a little meanie, so a big meanie is probably out. Quickblade says "Ot's too much of a PITA getting people to take one seriously, cause I'd love to play a big meanie..."" Surfsinger smiles wryly. "I don't know how many of you were around for the seawitch plot I ran a couple of years back, but he's along the same lines as Tethysia was. For a quick overview of his history, check out +info Zalehrin. He's to be a powerful magic-user that it should take a whole big bunch of elves (i.e. a mushwide collection of tribes) working together to defeat. I'd start out with random magic-creature attacks (a la "The Wildhunt") and then move on to more personal confrontations, climaxing in him vying to take control of the Palace in a manner similar to Haken or Rayek." Cutter oooos, "This definately has possibilites.." Zalehrin has arrived. Zalehrin bows. Quickblade sighs "If I could only get Tayenn approved..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ten thousand years is a long time to find onesself stranded on a world, in a place one doesn't belong. It does things to a mind, to a soul. Terrible, horrible things. More so when that sould so desperatedly desires to return to the stars from whence he came. When the Place of the High Ones crashed on this world with two moons, and the vile, brutish creatures we came to know as humans destroyed the others, still my parents survived. How or why, I cannot imagine. But, they did. Perhaps it was due to Father's ability to ignite fires and frighten the monstrous beasts away. Perhaps, more, it was due to Mother's healing touch, her unequalled, yet ulitmately useless, healing touch. She couldn't save Father when the humans finally overran our camp and killed him, killed so many of the others. She couldn't even save herself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Additional Info Topics Available: Next ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------- Info Subtopic: Next ----------------------------- Before he died, Father lit his last fire. Ultimately, I think that is what killed the humans. At least, it drove them away. But it left me alone. Alone for untold millennia. Loneliness, however, is of no consequence. For, I am strong. The blood of both my parents runs true in me. I am as much a High One as they -- for all that I was born in this forsaken place. And I shall prove it! I have not wasted the years I have spent on this dull rock. I have spent the turns, the thousands upon thousands of turns, learning ot use the magics my parents could not control. I have reached far into the hidden depths of my soul and found wellsprings there beyond their feeble reach. Through experimentation and practice, I have honed my skill. I have held some few of the traitorous creatures that forced our fall from the heavens to aid me and support me and I know, beyond any doubt, that I shall escape the vast prison this detestable world is to me and my kind. I shall return to the stars of my parents' births, for they are my birthright. But, before I go, I swear by the souls that fill the Place itself, I shall, I SHALL wreak havoc on the beasts that destroyed my people, my fellow High Ones. I shall unleash on the face of this brutish world all the horrors it has unleashed upon me, and I shall leave the monsters here to sturggle with the consequences of their own brutish trespasses. For I am Zalehrin the Starfallen, last of the High Ones. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Firesong says "Ahhh, so the idea is he wants to punish the humans, steal the palace and leave." Zalehrin nods. "Yes. And destroy those of our race that are at all tainted." Surfsinger says "Which pretty much means everyone." Firesong says "Ahh, missed that in the info." Surfsinger says "It's not there specifically in the info. I wanted to keep him a little mysterious." Firesong says "That works too." Malandor says "Do UWers, SunFolk, Gobacks, Mountain count as Tainted, or...?" Surfsinger says "Yes." Firesong says "Is there anybody who is not tainted?" Zalehrin says "They have fallen from the ideal. Though, the Gliders and UWers specifically may be more easily redeemed than the rest." Quickblade hmms Cutter sighs and decides that it just might be time to sharpen New Moon. Zalehrin says "Not really. Zale's an equal-opportunity villian." Malandor hmmmms. Malandor thinks this could be very interesting indeed. Cutter agrees. Firesong says "Very interesting." Quickblade decides to bring up Tayenn.... I havent' gone quite as far, But Tayenn is the father of one of my alts, banished to the bowls of the Blue Mountain by Winnowill 3,000 years ago... He'd be a powerful Rockshaper, perhaps a partner?" Zalehrin says "Y'see, Zale here is of the opinion that the pure blooded elves that are shrunken in size are that way because they are no longer High Ones. The tall pure bloods are more likely to be considered Kin by him." Quickblade says "No partner?"" Zalehrin says "Not one from the past, no. I've been in isolation for the last several (countless) centuries. Anti-social, you know." Firesong says "Most villans types are" Zalehrin says "Oh, and as a twist... I'm hoping to have Boneshaping among the magics I get approved. My home would be a smaller replica of the Palace made out of the bones of my victims." Firesong says "Creepy" Malandor mmms. "Nice taste. :)" Zalehrin thought so. Quickblade meant a new partner... That maybe Tayenns rockshaping ability would be an asset to him. Firesong says "Was there anything else we wanted to talk about?" Zalehrin doesn't know. "I actually purposely avoided rockshaping, in favour of boneshaping, just to be 'different'. Though, anything's possible. I'll be really honest here. Most of what happens, from my point of view, will tend to depend on IC, on-camera RP. Not always, but often." Cutter says "That's creepier than Winny ever thought of being. At least she just melted Two-Edge's father." Fyrn is hungry, he's going to go get food now. Traest had nothing else, Firesong, just leaving it to open discussion. Does anyone else have any other points they'd like to bring up here? Quickblade works tha same... IC based... "Anyway, I really want to get Tayenn's fate out of the way... Right now, he's just mysteriously dissapeared..." Cutter wonders if that fireworks display is what's going to bring Zale out amongst us? Zalehrin says "It could." Quickblade says "Plus, meanies poking around every once and a while is good for RP."" Quickblade says "And if one lands near the mountain, could cause enough of a magic thing to help Tayenn out of where ever he is..."" Cutter nods, "This could get very interesting." Surfsinger says "It'd be nice to see villians that can hang about for a while, too." Malandor nods. Cutter nodnods. Cutter says "Yes, it would be nice to have a recurring villian." Quickblade would need some tips on how to present tayenn to the Wizzes though..." Firesong says "And random monster attacks can liven things up." Zalehrin states this for the record, just so it's in the log: "This character, while powerful and a with a full personality, will ultimately be something of a glorified plot device. Just so you know." Cutter chuckles, "That was sort of obvious, Z." Zalehrin says "This means I'll be open to discussion while at the same time trying to remain true to that personality." Cutter grins and nods. Traest nodders. "Alrighty then. Anyone else have any additional comments before I cut log? Quickblade states the same thing, and fears the copycat accusations.... So far, Personality is thought up, but he's is deffinatly a plot device. And just to close up a family line story..." Zalehrin chuckles. "The advantage I'll have is that I won't be a BC, and therefore may not be as constricted in what I can and can't do." Cutter shakes his head, "Not at this time." Firesong is pretty much pettered out. Surfsinger thinks that about covers it for her. "I'm open to negotiations regarding Zale. +Mail Zalehrin directly about it. I'll set him up to forward mail on to me." Quickblade is done too. He just needs to talk about some intertribe stuff with Cutter, and an alt to talk to Surfs.. Traest nods and cuts log then.