Logfile from Myriel - 092504 Logfile name - Myriel rejoins Lost Holt 1 Cast: Myriel, MoonPool, and Strongbow Synopsis: Myriel's spent several turns with the Mist Valley elves. She goes along for the hunt to find meat and feed the starving tribe of elves and humans who live nearby. The hunting party hunts south of the mountain, well hidden and tucked away from main pathways. MoonPool has wandered off and Myriel must find her, delivering bad news about MoonPool's wolf Brownbrow who is dying. Myriel finds MoonPool and also finds Strongbow, a member of her tribe Lost Holt. Their reunion is bitter sweet as she finds out news about why the tribe is again at Blue Mountain. Field before Blue Mountain(#277RJ) A single mountain stands almost unnaturally into the air before you, grand and solid. Boulders and uneven, sheer rock faces threaten those who wander too close. Huge cracks split the mountain's roots, down to the assortment of rubble at its feet and up, hundreds of heights toward the mountain's spindly peak. In either the brightness of day or under the light of twin moons, the entire mountain and all the rocks about it have a definite blue tint. The field, dotted with boulders, seems to end at the mountain itself. One of the larger cracks obviously delves in deeper, forming a short, narrowing cave. Contents: MoonPool Briar's Tent Marengo Strongbow(#1377PJXce0) Softstep(#2089VYaps$) Firewater's Tent(#1737JUe) Sorrow's End Camp(#211J) Huge Tent(#298AJLVe) Sabor Obvious exits: Shallow cave South Marengo lifts her head, and it angles to face Strongbow, mostly anyway. A confused expression settles on her face, and she shakes her head, trying to make sense of his private sending. But then, MoonPool offers a diversion, so she doesn't have to think to hard, ** Safe passage. ** The departure statement, maybe that will work and be ok by everyone? Myriel followed a scent trail behind MoonPool. She finds her easily and sends, ** Huntress.. your wolf.. he.. ** Mild distress in her send, the thin elf looks from MoonPool to the others in the clearing. She recognizes one, "Strongbow?" Strongbow glances up at Moonpool as she makes ready to leave. But the archer remains crouched in front of Marengo, while his wolffriend Kindle keeps her head on Marengo's knee. **Good hunting,** he replies before the voice turns his head toward Myriel. Eyes narrow. Now, why is that elfess familiar? Kindle doesn't know het, that's for certain, and the wolf turns, sniffsniffing, settling herself protectively between Myriel and Marengo. There's a question in his eyes as his head tilts to one side, mind rippling out with question. MoonPool turns her head towards Myriel as worry crosses the huntress' face. She clutches the bones in her hand tightly. "Is he all right? Where is he?" she asks quickly, rushing towards Myriel. Someone new, someone with bad news. Marengo moves her head more in the direction of the one just arriving who knows Strongbow, and MoonPool, who is now worried about a wolf. A quick shake of her head is given, trying to clean out cobwebs and keep up with events as they unfold. Myriel hesitates as she turns her eyes away from Strongbow to look at MoonPool. She places a thin hand on the huntress' shoulder. Her eyes close half way and lower in great sadness. "Very soon," she whispers. Her message carries the heavy note of loss to come for the young elfess before her. Strongbow watches the interplay, silent. The body language, the words, make it clear. The wolf's time has come, hasn't it? MoonPool tilts her head to the side as she closes her eyes. She nods and walks around Myriel, the pheasant bones still clutched tightly in her hand. MoonPool heads towards South. MoonPool has left. Myriel watches MoonPool walk off. She sighs heavily and wishes she'd brought better news for her. Remembering where she's at she looks up again. Her eyes return to Strongbow and she smiles briefly. ** Do you remember me? ** The archer stands, leaving Kindle to watch Marengo and moves over. His eyes study the elfess before him. He sniffs her a bit, and walks around her once, sniffing as he goes. **Familiar,** his mind supplies. **You're familiar.** But he doesn't remember. Not clearly. Myriel looks the archer over and quirks a smile. ** Myriel, Tyleet's cub. My sister is Ynderra. ** She steps closer so the archer can get a good whiff of her. Strongbow inhales the scent. That, coupled with the name, reminds him. He smiles. **Yes. I remember now,** he replies as haunting memories of that cubling crawling all over come to mind. **My eyes see with joy,** he replies, reaching out to ruff her hair in something akin to an embrace. Myriel smiles now and lets out a laugh much like a happy yelp of a wolf. She clasps her hand around Strongbow's arm. ** My hands touch joy. ** The simple phrase conveys a yerning for long lost family and friends. Strongbow's arm tighens slightly, bringing Myriel in for a warm embrace before letting her go and stepping back. His wordless send is the welcome of those lost family and friends, and the warmth of the love of a tribe. And any worry there may have been for this particular elfess is gone. Myriel returns the embrace and looks at Strongbow. ** Where is MoonShade? Where are the others? ** She looks around as she asks hoping to spot one of them. Strongbow grins wolfishly. **Hunting or eating or joining,** he replies. **But none are in the Mountain any longer.** And that, trust me, is a GOOD thing. **You're taller,** he comments finally. Myriel tilts her head to the side. ** The Mist Valley elves have fed me well, until the draught. Good to hear that no one is in the mountain. Is that why you're here? ** Strongbow nods at that, though a frown replaces the grin. **Partially,** he replies, eyes sliding toward the mountain. **It's a long story,and one I'm not good at telling. Besides, you're still a cub.** Myriel makes a face. Somethings never change. ** Well, if you won't tell me, who else can I ask? ** She more stands by Strongbow, the more familiar he feels to her. His sendings, stance, scent.. all enhancing her memories of him. Strongbow brings a hand up to pull the chewed twig from his lips. He smacks lightly, and rubs his face fur a moment before putting the chewed twig back into his mouth. **Ask,** he sends, a faint ripple of annoyance touching his mind. **If you really want to know.** Myriel smiles and stiffles a chuckle. Works every time. ** Who did the Black Snake take into the mountain? ** The tribe has a long history of 'elf-nappings' that the questions should really end with 'this time'. Myriel's turns her head to look at the looming mountain nearby. Her face is blank of expression. Strongbow huffs faintly, moving to find a seat on a blanket his managed to find. Dropping to the fur, he waves Myriel to him. It's storytime with Strongbow. Gather round cublings! **Invited,** he begins. **She sent a Chosen asking for help, and I sent Nightfall, Moonshade, Skywise, and Treestump here to see what she had to say.** And the story begins. Unfortunately, Strongbow is NOT a storyteller. No doubt this is going to be convuluted, at best. Myriel sits down beside the archer. She sits crosslegged, crossing her hands across her chest. She makes a face to the word invited and listens to Strongbow's tale, as best as the archer can tell it. **I would never have thought is possible, but it seems there are elves out there that are like the bad litter of the Snake, those muck-eating Cavedwellers, and a pack of rabid humans,** Strongbow continues, frowning again. **And twins. They were near Lostholt once, but didn't do anything there. But is seems we weren't the only holt they visited. By their hands, they've destroyed the GoBack's Lodge, Gathered Holt, and our once-home, thr Forbidden Grove.** Myriel nearly falls backwards. Her mind reels with the news of other dwellings destroyed. And it wasn't the Black Snake who did it. ** Destroyed? Three? How is that possible? Who are these twins? ** Strongbow shakes his head lightly. **I don't know,** is the reply, Strongbow's eyes are troubled. **And I don't know what the Snake plans to do to stop them either, but if they have Her running scared...** Very few times does Strongbow's mind falter on a thought, but this time, it does, for the archer doesn't seem able to wrap his mind about an elf the could make WInnowill tremble, let alone two of them. Granted, there's no love for the Snake, but he's tasted her powers before. That was enough. Myriel sits up straighter and shivers, a chill running down her spine. ** And you're here to help her stop them? ** She includes the aforementioned tribemates in her sending. Strongbow doesn't answer for a moment. His eyes settle upon the mountain. **I suppose I am now,** he answers finally. **I wasn't at first. Moonshade was here, and I wanted her out. That was all there was to it. But they're right. These elves have to be stopped.** He sighs. **Joining forces with the Mountain is still hard for my mind to understand, though.** Myriel nods, ** Then I'm with you. ** She declares her intentions simply and firmly. There is no wavering or hesitation in her sending. ** One snake is enough. ** Strongbow grins softly and reaches out to give Myriel's shoulder a squeeze. **The choice is yours,** he sends simply, though the underlying emotions are warmth and gratitude. Thankful, he is, for having another loyal tribesmate at his side, though worried for their safety. Squeeze given, the archer pushes himself to his feet, and heads toward the treeline, a wordless send bearing his lifemate's countance declares his intent: locate and cuddle Moonshade.