Logged by Northwind Log Mar1903 Northwind Shadows Belyn Bramble.txt Title: Sacrifice? Pt2 Summary: Northwind brings Shadows a bushtail and tries to convince him to eat. Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size. It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy but new growth and thick strong branches cover the worst of the scars left by the terrible blaze. Weeds and night blooming wildflowers grow in natural disorder around the trees roots. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwining to form a dense canopy high above the ground, serving to keep the ground cool from the summer heat. All is quiet in the heat of the summers afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens, while others choose to sleep outdoors. ** Shadows? ** Northwind sends, approaching the Father Tree. The annoying and arrogant bushtail swings from one hand. She hopes he's there.. Or perhaps she will look in the Denning Cave... Belynrath catches the send from just outside the clearing, like a buzzing whisper. He creeps that direction, the guards watching him closely. Settling himself in the underbrush, he watches, studying Northwind carefully. Shadows sleepily sends from one of the branches of the father tree. Apparently someone is concerned with napping at the currant time. ** Wha... ** As the sight of the squirrel registers as food, Belynrath's tummy grumbles. He grits his teeth, and shrinks down a bit. Above him, the guards grin at the noise, and Belynrath's reaction. Northwind slides off Sunrest's back before he comes to a full stop. Tilting her head back to look at the drowsy elf, her free hand on her hip, the other holding up the bushtail in clear sight. ** I've got something for you ** she sends, an invitation to come down -- before she climbs up... Shadows yawns and curls up tighter. ** Ask Strongbow who to give it to. ** Belynrath can think of someone. Forcing his mind to focus on the task at hand, Belynrath studies the squirrel. How was it killed? What method was used? Was it quick or slow? Bladed or bludgeoned? Poisoned or constricted? A frown puckers the pale elf maid's brow. ** This is for you ** she sends, a little more forcefully than she usually does. ** You promised to eat if I found meat ** she reminded, slightly accusing. This meat had not come by easily and it irks that it was so easily brushed off. Shadows frowns, ** Strongbow will not let me eat first....Ask what should be done. I do not wish to be sent away because I tried to eat meat before others. ** ** You will sicken if you do not eat! Will you sacrifice that, and your plantshaping gift and the good it can do for the tribe? ** she sends back sharply. Belynrath bites his lower lip as his stomach rumbles again. He shakes his head lightly, and continues trying to figure out just how that furry thing was dropped. Shadows looks down at her, ** Don't you understand? I can be sent away for good for eating that squirrel without Strongbow's permission! ** Belynrath can't get a good look, and figures he'll get closer. Standing, he moves into the clearing, **I can understand his plight, huntress. If this tribe's Lord has commanded he not eat meat until the rest are sated, I commend his self-control.** Northwind nods to some private send with the chief. ** Strongbow says you do not need his permission to eat. He can not drive you out of the tribe for eating, having said that ** she sends to the grey elf. A strange sending makes her turn. ** Belynrath ** she acknowledges before climbing the Father Tree to reach the shadowed elf. It's awkward going, one-handed climbing. Shadows sits up a bit, ** Do not hurt yourself. ** Belynrath moves to the base of the tree, watching as Northwind clambers up, like it's something he really hasn't considered. He nods his return greeting. **I was curious, if you'll permit the query, how the creature you have was killed.** Handhold, foothold, another foothold, handhold... She sends to Belynrath in images as much as words ** It was shot with a bow and arrow -- ** One foot slips and her hand flails wildly for a grip- Belynrath absorbs the information, frowning. He hasn't a clue how the weapon is used, let alone how to craft one for his own use. **They are reasonably quick?** Shadows sighs and looks at Northwind. He quickly reaches out to grab the flailing hand. ** You did not have to come up. ** Belynrath counters for Northwind, **You seemed disinclined to come down. I would be honored to have such brought to me by so capable a huntress.** Flattery, one thing Belynrath knows well, and it can get you anywhere. Bramble has connected. With Shadows' help, the pale elf maid settles herself on the branch beside him. Before she can retort, Belynrath sends from the Father Tree clearing. His words soothe her ruffled temper. She holds an arrow-pierced bushtail in one hand, which she now dangles by its tail before Shadows. Her face is an impassive mask. ** Eat ** she says tonelessly, masking her anger and...hurt. Shadows looks at the gift and then Northwind. A soft smile appears on his face. He moves his head to her shoulder and closes his eyes tightly. ** Thank you... ** Belynrath didn't get an answer to his question, but doesn't press the matter. Instead, the tall underworld moves to find more edible things in the area. You locksend ** My thanks, Underworlder. And yes, bow and arrow are fast. It is something I need to learn as well. The Chief is reputed to be the finest archer there is. Perhaps he - or one of the tribe - can share more with you. ** to Belynrath. Northwind stiffens at Shadows movement. She pushes him away, though gently. ** Eat ** she repeats firmly. Beneath the leather mask that hides his features, Belynrath's eyes narrow at a locksend. He returns it, finding some early spring nuts. Bramble springs lightly over a root as she enters the area near the base of the Father Tree. Her bow is slung across her back, clearly on her way eventually to go hunt. She pauses and regards the other elves gathered with a quick grin and a soft "Heyla". Belynrath locksends ** I meant not the weapon, but the creature. ** You locksend ** It was fast as well. *smiles* ** to Belynrath. Belynrath locksends ** I see. And who is this new arrival? ** You locksend ** I do not know her. ** to Belynrath. Shadows smiles at Northwind and looks at the food. He looks back at her, ** Would you like some? ** ** No. ** The lone one looks down at strange elf that appears. ** Ayooah ** she sends in greeting. Belynrath's eyes narrow at a locksend. He glares at Bramble, **I know I am but a guest in this House, but I would ask, please identify yourself.** You locksend ** This is all - ALL - for you. It is not meant for you to share with -anyone-. You promised me you would eat if I found fresh meat. Now, please, please eat. For me. Please. ** to Shadows. Shadows looks at the food item.....and finally brings it to his mouth, ripping at the fur with his teeth at the arrow wound. Exposing the treasured morsel, he rips off a bit and begins chewing. Shadows locksends ** Thank you for caring so. It means alot. ** Belynrath winces at the sent howl; an audible groan escaping him. Above him, two elfin guards sit in the trees. At his defensive stance and the wince, they bring their bows up, aimed mostly at him. He sends again, to someone else. Bramble quirks an eyebrow. No way are "guests" going to make her feel like a stranger in her own, if adopted, holt. ** I'm Bramble. ** She bares her teeth in a mocking grin ** I live here. Who are you? ** You locksend ** You can thank me by finishing that kill. ** to Shadows. Shadows locksends ** I will.....Do you want the hide? ** You locksend ** No, keep it, if you like. ** to Shadows. Northwind nods at a locksend from Shadows. Reassured that he will eat the kill now, she rises gingerly to her feet and makes a careful - two-handed this time - descent. Sunrest, her wolf-friend, turns from sniffing the new elf and comes at her silent call. She needs some time alone, after that long hunt. She nods politely ** Northwind ** she identifies herself. ** Ayooah ** is all she says in parting. She needs to be alone.. needs.. Belynrath eases up and straightens, bringing himself to his full height, **Belynrath.** He doesn't elaborate. Just his name, and nothing more. He notes the bow and arrows, and beneath the mask a brow quirks. NOTE: At this point, Northwind's typist had to leave, so here ends the log. Shade.