Log Date: 12/4/02 Log Cast: Strongbow, Scouter, Dewshine (emitted by Scouter), Skywise, Moonshade Log Intro: With a good portion of the tribe gone to the Festival in Sorrow's End, those that remain hold a Howl for the passing of Strongbow's wolf-friend, Kindle. Log by Strongbow's player. ---------- Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJ) A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size. It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy and you can see some of the scars left by the terrible blaze on the branches as leaves turn yellow as flame and red as blood. Brown weeds and night blooming wildflowers lie dead or dying in natural disorder around the trees roots. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwining to form a canopy high above the ground, though most of the leaves now decorate the ground and crunch under your feet. It is a cool autumn afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens. Contents: The nights have begun to get cooler now that the leaffall season is progressing. There is a crispness to the air, a scent of change and the warmth of being in a den and under furs. The forest floor is littered with gold and scarlet and orange and brown, the rustling of the dead and dying foliage giving even the most practiced wolfrider a challenge in remaining silent. It is on this clear night that Strongbow, the Chief of Lostholt, strides into the area, his brown eyes scanning the Father Tree as the tribesmembers are summoned. Scouter, still not sure what to make of all this, comes out of the Father Tree as he is called. He crouches on one of the lowest branches to wait the others coming. This is the Way, but his elven side of that wolfish nature is torn between emotions. Strongbow was a friend and tribesmate...and Chieftan in his own right now, so his support is felt clearly in his sending of greeting. Even if he morns Cutter leaving the holt. ** Ayoooah ** And the scout's mouth tilts into a bit of a smile as Dewshine steps out behind him and lays a hand on his shoulder as she echos his send. Dewshine tilts her head to one side and a smile touches her lips as well. Coming from the direction of the hill, Skywise knew this was coming so seems less than surprised when the summons comes. Not even trying to be silent as he makes his way towards the father tree, the leaves crackle and crunch beneath his feet as he makes his approach. Noting Scouter and Dewshine hanging around the lower branches, and Strongbow on the ground itself, the stargazer sends his own greeting. ** Ayoooah! ** Sitting on one of the low branches of the denning tree, Moonshade sits, arms circled around her legs. Her violet eyes do not leave her lifemate's form. She is somber. He isn't as charismatic as the former Chief, nor his father. But this is not a time for storytelling. Seeing members of the tribe show up, Strongbow's eyes lock on his lifemate's for a moment before he looks to the others, ** When there is Life by the Way, there is also death. One of the pack has died. Her time with us, as a wolf-friend is over. ** His send is heavy with the emotion of losing his wolf...a wolf brought to him through peril by his lifemate. A wolf who was chosen to bond with him...who did so through some of the archer's most trying times. His eyes shimmer as he continues, ** Tonight we howl for her. For Kindle. ** Scouter nods silently and his hand rises to hold Dewshine's against his shoulder. He keeps his crouch among the low tree branch, waiting for their Chief to begin the howl. A locksend tells him to look to the right where Briarpatch pads into view among the trees. Tears break from Moonshade's eyes and trickle down her cheek. She raises her head to look towards the sky. Old Kindle was a wolf bond as loyal as any - friend and family both. Frostfire lays not far away from her, and she is comforted by her own bonds presence in this time. She yearns to howl - it too will help. Not far behind Skywise, his own wolfbond trails making a rustling noise. Heading towards the father tree, he nods silently at Strongbow as he sends, moving to lean against the base of the tree. Skylark pads over towards Skywise, moving to a sitting position beside his bondmate, both pair of lupine eyes fixed on Strongbow. Strongbow waits until the wolves have joined the elves before filling his lungs and tilting his head towards the sky. Deep brown eyes close as the archer-chief lets out a loud, piercing howl. This first one he must do on his own. The sound is odd, coming from the silent elf, somewhat hoarse and breathy from lack of use but all the more poignant for the use of it. Moonshade's honeyed voice rises mournfully, her right hand resting lightly at her neck, eyes closed - just feeling. Scouter watches and then closes his eyes. The sound causes an instinctual catching of his breath. But he waits for the second howl to echo his own. In the trees, wolves howl and Briarpatch is one of those Scouter is sure. Just as sure as the one he hears rise with his own is Dewshine's. A tear runs down the maiden's cheek, she had known this loss not too terribly long ago, recent enough not to have the feelings lost to the Now. Not long after the others begin to howl, Skywise joins his voice in with the others. Silver eyes close as he tilts his head towards the sky which often calls to him, and his wolf joins in the howling as well. The sound of the howls drawn together is haunting, yet beautiful. As the first howl mingles with the others, the archer-chief opens his eyes and moves towards the branch where his lifemate sits. Two tears trickle down each cheek, but he doesn't wipe them away. Only a few steps are taken towards her...but enough to take her hand. A second how begins, a little freer than the first, carrying his farewell to his wolf-friend. After the howl, Moonshade shares a send with Strongbow and then slips down to meet with Frostfire. Soon, she is walking out into the woods - perhaps to check on the leathers she left to cure... perhaps just to be alone to bond with Frostfire. Skywise opens his eyes after the first howl, ceasing his own and allowing for Strongbow to howl his farewell to his wolf friend. Skylark follows the lead of his bond, tilting his head to the side at Strongbow before the wolf pads off towards the forest himself - not long after Moonshade into the starlit darkness there. Scouter's howl comes to an end as one by one others blink out as well. Its Strongbow's own howl that rises now, alone and Scouter stands in silence. His hand keeps Dewshine's and he pulls her close to overlook the Howl. Briarpatch has said his farewell and now has already disappeared into the forest. The lone voice continues as a descant to the night until breath has faded. Opening his eyes once more, Strongbow lifts a hand to wipe at his face before turning to those remaining. There is appreciation in his expression for those who shared his grief. Skywise stands in silence as well, grey-silver eyes fixed on Strongbow as his howl comes to an end and all that remains is silence. He pushes himself off from the lean of the tree he was using to rest himself, and turns to head into the darkness of the father tree. Strongbow knows that the stargazer is likely leaving, as he was informed earlier in the day, so his departure should come as no surprise. Scouter's smile is soft, noding in silence to Strongbow before he and his lifemate disappear back into the Father Tree, giving the Chief time alone to set his heart right. The Chief remains, standing alone, watching the others as they depart and then turning to the forest. He doesn't follow his lifemate or the wolves, but merely watches. One more tear escapes his eyes before he takes a seat on one of the roots to mourn. Skywise comes out of the father tree after some time, leaving the archer-chief to mourn his loss as he himself prepares to head towards Sorrow's End. A cloak over his shoulders to protect from the chill of the night as well as the light of the daystar as he traverses the desert, and enough of his belongings to make it there - he comes out without Shenshen. Strongbow turns about at the scent, taking in the stargazer's garb, ** So, you decided to go. ** It is a simple sentiment, not demeaning, and not cheerful either. Just a statement. Skywise gives an abrupt nod at the question, since it's quite obvious that he's leaving. ** Yes. ** Besides, not only is his soul-brother there, there's plenty of maidens and a great view of the night sky to add to the overall enjoyment for him. ** To speak with Cutter. ** As was discussed before. The archer-chief gives a nod, expecting as much. ** Keep him safe, Skywise. He is a member of the tribe. Don't let him forget that. ** Sure he won the challenge...but that doesn't mean he despises the younger elf. Skywise gives a sly grin, and nods at the statements. ** You know I always have. ** He sends, the two may have had many adventures together, and each got the other out of toil more than once. Apparently, this is Skywise's turn at bringing Cutter back to the tribe, after he sorts out his feelings. Turning fully, Strongbow regards the stargazer but isn't ready to let him leave yet, ** Don't let him seek reassurance from others. He needs to find it from himself...or it will never come. ** And now he can go. Skywise arches a brow at that, and shakes his head. ** He needs to find his own answers, I can only help so much. ** He sends, and tugs his cloak around himself to head off into the darkness unless Strongbow has anything more to say. Strongbow lets the stargazer go with a nod. Hopefully he'll be able to help...he doesn't like seeing Cutter insecure either.