11/25/2002 03:48 PM Logfile from Cutter. Title: This isn't Finished Cast: Strongbow, Moonshade and Cutter Synopsis: Cutter tells Strongbow that Leetah would like to attend the festival with him and Strongbow disagrees leaving the two elves at odds once again. Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJ) A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size. It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy but new growth and thick strong branches cover the worst of the scars left by the terrible blaze. Weeds and night blooming wildflowers grow in natural disorder around the trees roots. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwining to form a dense canopy high above the ground, serving to keep the ground cool from the summer heat. All is quiet in the heat of the summers afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens, while others choose to sleep outdoors. It is late, most of the hunters have returned to the holt and have sought out their mates or have found quiet places in which to watch the rest of the night pass overhead. Cutter returns to the base of the father tree with a small treehorn buck slung over Ashefur's back. He hands the buck off to a couple of other elves who then move off with it to skin it and butcher it. Granted, the cold weather is still quite a way off but it is never too early to smoke some meat for the storeholes. He sighs then and glances around the silent clearing before reaching for an all too familiar mind, **Strongbow.. I need to talk to you.** The archer-chief isn't too far off, having done his own bit of hunting. Five birds are tethered together as the tall elf steps into the area by the Father Tree. Four are handed off, the other is kept with him...no doubt as a meal either for himself or for his aged wolf. Light brown eyes glance at Cutter for a moment before he sits and begins plucking. Feathers are divided into two piles: One for the stuffing of pillows and decoration, the other, more perfect ones for fletching. But Strongbow is here...and he is listening. Moonshade walks out of the Father Tree. Moonshade has arrived. Cutter moves over to the massive trunk of the father tree and leans against its familiar bark. He looks up at the branches and leaves overhead, studying them for a long moment before he sends to the elder-chief. **I am going to Sorrow's End when Mender leaves here.** Strongbow does look up as Cutter sends. Deft hands pause on the dead bird as he regards Bearclaw's son, ** Why? ** is the only question he asks for the moment. Cutter doesn't shift his gaze from the leaves high above as he sends a reply, **They will have the festival soon and I would like to speak with Savah.** Finally, his gaze slides from the summer green overhead to the brown eyes regarding him, **Leetah will be going too.** ** No. ** It's as easy as that, really. The archer-chief looks back down to his plucking and inspecting of the feathers. Cutter frowns and continues on, **Doreel and Oriolle are nearly healed now. Mender says that they will be finished with the healing before he leaves. You should have no immediate need of any of us.** ** When Doreel and Oriolle are out of the Holt, then Leetah can leave. ** But while they're here...and awake, Strongbow doesn't want to be caught short with the healers traipsing across the desert. Cutter's frown deepens just a bit, **Ynderra will still be here.** Strongbow looks up once more, ** Ynderra can't contain Doreel alone. No. ** Cutter shakes his head at Strongbow's denial, **You have so little faith in your tribe,** he sends then turns and starts up the tree to the den he shares with his lifemate. Apparantly, the decision is accepted... for the moment. Strongbow pauses once more to look up at the departing Cutter, ** I have faith in my tribe. But I know what Doreel can do. You felt it as well...I won't unleash that again. ** Cutter pauses on his way up the tree and looks over his shoulder at Strongbow, **Then you have little faith in the healers' abilities to make him well.** His expression is set in grim lines and it is poignantly clear that he is not at all happy with Strongbow's decision. **Yes, he can do much but, he has gone without healing for so long.. none of us have seen him as he should be when healed.** ** I think he is nearly as demented as the Snake. But I gave Rillwhisper leave to try and heal him...with three healers and guards watching over him night and day. ** He's already losing one healer to go back home. He can't afford to lose another. ** Would you leave the Snake with Ynderra to watch over her? ** Strongbow thinks Ynderra is a fine healer, but the more the better. Cutter turns fully around to face Strongbow, **No, but Doreel's mind is even more fractured than her's was. You suppose that he will be another Winnowill. What if he is not? What then, Strongbow? Will you still keep him at spearpoint and provoke him into doing something desperate?** And just how is he suppose to think of what he -might- do with something that - might- happen? ** I don't know. But I do not want him waking up and harming the tribe. ** Does Cutter even know what Strongbow went through when he was held captive in the mad elf's Grove? A slight rustle in the branches offers the tell-tale sign of someone's approach. This someone is Moonshade. There is a pause, then she comes into sight, resting on one of the low branches of the denning tree. Cutter nods, **If he is well, Leetah will come with me. She has not seen her mother and father for far too long.** He's not asking for permission anymore. He's stating what will happen if certain criteria are met. His cerulean gaze slides over to Moonshade and he dips his head in a slight nod of greeting at the peaceful tanner. Strongbow shakes his head once more, ** If he is -gone- from the Holt, she may leave. ** There is a bit of a difference. Just because Doreel may be healed, the archer-chief isn't going to suddenly welcome the elf into his tribe. It's not the way of the wolfriders, nor is it the way of the wolves. Moonshade returns the nod to Cutter. Although her stance is casual, there is a tightness in her shoulders. She glances between the two and gives a small slip of a sigh. Cutter's scowl returns but, he doesn't say more.. at least not openly. You locksend to Strongbow, Cutter is scowling even in his send,**You will turn this holt into what you hate most by closing it off, chieftain.** He still hasn't quite come to terms with calling Strongbow 'my chief' so chieftain is the best he's going to get. Strongbow locksends ** Into what I hate? And what is that? I will re-teach the tribe how to live by the Way, Cutter. Something you have forgotten. ** You locksend ** You will turn us into just another version of the Gliders or the Underworld by closing us off from everyone else. ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** I'm not closing the tribe off. We weren't closed before the Fire. But neither will I allow anything dangerous to threaten -my- tribe! ** Strongbow glances over at Moonshade's appearance, offering her a wordless send of welcome before he turns back to the plucking of the catch...no doubt locksending with Cutter as well. Cutter's expression becomes calm as his gaze lights upon Strongbow's face once more. **Nearly everything is dangerous.. will you cease the hunts then, allowing none but yourself, or only a chosen few, to provide for the tribe? Will you then stop us from going to visit other tribes? There are dangers on the open trail, you know. Will you do nothing to help the other tribes deal with the impending danger that threatens us all?** The archer-chief shakes his head once more...the cub just isn't getting it, is he? ** I have given the others the information we know. That the beasts did not come from the Mountain. If they choose to go there to see for themselves, it is their hides. ** He did give that warning. ** And I am not stopping you from going to visit Sorrow's End. I am only stopping Leetah while Doreel is in the Holt. You allowed him in, Cutter, not I. ** Cutter continues to remain calm. **But you will do nothing else to help the others. You will remain here.. 'safe' within the holt while other elves die needlessly.** He snorts as Strongbow points out that he allowed Doreel to be brought into the holt, **I allowed him in but, I am chief no more. Toss him to the winds then, chieftain. Then the holt will be safe from that danger.. but, Rillwhisper will not abandon hope that he can help and she will go to see him healed completely which will put her life in jeopardy.** A russet eyebrow arches...Strongbow doesn't seem to be rising to the bait just yet, ** And you're not concerned. Wanting to take Leetah to visit her mother and father. ** Does Cutter realize how long it has been since Moonshade and Strongbow have seen their son? Their -only- surviving cub? ** A Chief doesn't leave his tribe when they need him. ** Cutter very nearly rolls his eyes skyward but manages to prevent himself from doing so. He simply shakes his head turns, and makes his way into the branches overhead. Though it is not stated by word or send, the impression is left that this discussion is not yet finished.