16 April 2002, spring near festival, plainsrunner territory who: shadows, nightfall, redlance Summary: Redlance and nightfall have gone to a spring nearby to bathe. Redlance falls asleep, and Shadows enters to bathe. They talk, and when Redlance wakes all three talk to each other idly. 4/16/02 03:52 AM Spring A tiny spring bubbles to the surface here, in the shadow of the gnarled pine tree. A sort of basin has been worn into the earth here, filled with clear cold water. Clumps of wildflowers grow nearby and wild cress clings to the water's edge. Fragrant pine needles litter the ground . The little stream winds it's way south towards the Plains River. Shadows has decided to make his presence known again as he finds a nice spot to sit by the spring in the shadow of the tree. Nightfall sits by the spring, listening to the gurgle of water and the sigh of the trees. She turns and gives a peaceful smile to Shadows. ** Shade, friend. How goes? ** Shadows sighs, ** I'm sorry.... ** He looks at her and smiles a little, ** It is peaceful here. ** Nightfall continues to smile. ** It is. I am sorry about earlier, running out so quickly...but....well... ** Shadows pulls his hair around and notes its a bit oily, a bit mixed with twigs and wolf hair and rather in need of a wash, ** Do you mind if I clean up? Its.....its a habit I got into while a slave underworld.....least I think that's where.... ** Nightfall shakes her head. ** No, please go ahead. The water's cold, but it does feel rather good to clean up. ** She smiles to herself, hugging her knees close against her chest. Shadows slowly undoes the clothing baring his scars and wounds. He then slides into the water and sighs, looking at the grime on his body. He grimaces at the braid, ** This is going to take forever to undo.... ** Nightfall chuckles a bit. ** Just do it slowly. It takes time. If you need help, I can help you. ** Shadows grins a little at Nightfall ** Could you? It'd be nice to have someone nearby. ** He moves closer to Nightfall to let her have access to his long grey hair. Nightfall nods and reaches out to begin untangling the long braid. Her fingers are slender and deft, and they move skillfully through the hair, finding the original weave and separating it out. ** I'm pretty good at this...practice, I suppose. ** Shadows dunks his head under the water and raises his head slightly again to get some air. He shivers and rubs his skin, trying to get the worst of the grime from him. Nightfall chuckles and continues to work on the braid, fingers now halfway up its length. ** Quit wiggling and I'll have this done... ** Shadows grins a bit as his hair is undone for him. ** Its gotten pretty long. ** He can't help but fidgit a little more. Nightfall hms absently as she loses herself in the task of unwinding the braid. When she gets to his scalp, she sritches her nails underneath the hair, to give air to it. Shadows looks at Nightfall and sighs slipping under the water again with all his hair flowing behind him. He starts rubbing his scalp and hair to get it cleaned out. ** Tell me when I look clean enough. ** Nightfall nods. She also points to a small pouch off to one side, leftover from her bath earlier. ** There's some soap sand over there, if you like. ** Shadows swims over and quickly nabs the sand. ** Thank you...** He starts to rub it in his hair, behind his ears, over his skin. He rubs rather hard getting all the dead skin and oils off his body. He tries rubbing his scar covered back, getting most of it. Feet and everything scrubbed he slowly dunks completely under the water to rinse off. Nightfall chuckles. ** Feel better? Come dry out now. ** Shadows crawls out of the water over by Nightfall and shivers a little. ** I should make sure my clothing is cleaned before I put it on. ** Nightfall sends openly ** Of course. But air dry a bit before you put anything on. ** Shadows does as he is told washing a few items of his clothing which are a bit soiled. He scrubs them and once satisfied, lays them out in the air. Grinning now, he crawls over to Nightfall to use her as a pillow. Nightfall quietly pets the long hair and smiles to herself. She looks a little sleepy, but at peace. Shadows is enjoying his hair being played with as he lays there nekkid, using Nightfall as a pillow. Redlance swims up through the water, done with his nap by the side of the spring and cooling off now... He slides up onto the bank nearby the 'couple' and smirks "Enjoying, Shadows?" teasing tone to his soft voice as he props up on his hands, leaving his lower body underwater... Nightfall grins and reaches out a hand to her mate. ** He was just washing up, and I offered to undo his braid for him. He seems to have as much trouble with it as you do. ** Shadows cracks his eyes open and shoots a glare at Redlance, ** Its yer turn to be jealous. And yes I'm enjoying this. ** He snugs a big closer and sighs contentedly. ** Its a very long braid. ** Nightfall glares down at Shadows. ** That isn't very nice. I could dump you right back in that water. ** Redlance smirks "Or I could just help..." he murmers, the only one talking at the moment it seems... He slides up out of the water, baring a glaring patch of red on his white skin for an instant before he slithers up the bank on toes and hands to settle in next to his Lifemate, just dodging around Shadows nimbly... he smiles softly and lets his eyes sink closed to share a send between them... Redlance locksends ** He really likes you, Beloved... ** You locksend ** I know... ** to Redlance. Nightfall smiles and leans against Redlance's shoulder. "Have a good nap, bright one?" she asks him, her hand resting on Shadows' grey hair, her other hand reaching for her lifemate's hand. Shadows frowns at Nightfall's comment and lowers his head, ** I'm sorry....I shouldn't have said that or glared. Please don't be mad at me.....** And note for those unfamilar with Shadows, His back is badly scarred, wrists, ankles and neck all show scars from chains and there is a slight pink mark through one eye. He sighs, ** I shoulda been nicer. ** Redlance nods quickly, his hair puffing a bit as it unsticks from it's dried position. "Very nice. You were there." he smiles with those cherubic cheeks, and his eyes sparkle brightly. He looks down at Shadows and sort of half shrugs letting it all flow past "Not angry at all. Nightfall goes where she wills..." he smiles momentarily up at her "Wherever she wills. I don't hold her too me, she's my mate, we have a cub..." he seems to swell a little at that particular comment, rather obviously proud of the fact... Nightfall pets Shadows' hair once more. ** It's ok. Be glad we're friends. We're not going to hurt you and you should remember that. ** She chuckles at her mate, her hand squeezing his. Such a proud papa. Shadows tries to smile a little, ** Least you have each other....I'm glad yer both so happy together ** Shadows rolls over slightly so that he is laying completely on his stomach Nightfall sighs. ** Just...try to get used to being around others. Calm your anxieties and perhaps you will find someone you can be around extensively. ** Redlance shakes his head and gives a little sigh, then shoots a glance to Nightfall and nods at the younger male's hair. "Everyone has someone, Shadows, that's what Recognition is for... and if it's not to your liking, then find your love elsewhere... we fought for ours." He sets his mouth in a firm line and fixes his eyes on his Lifemate... remembering... Nightfall nods in quiet assent, and draws a bit closer to Redlance. "Sometimes you have to, beloved. And Shadows, you should definitely try to fight for your own strength of self." A hand strays her to her belly, where she once carried the proof of their successful fight to share what hadn't otherwise been given them. Shadows becomes more withdrawn and sits up to grab his still damp clothing, starting to slip them on. He keeps his back to them, getting really quiet. Nightfall looks surprised, mouth partially open, expression puzzled. "You ok, little one?" she asks Shadows. Redlance tilts his head and trains his eyes on Shadows, focusing the gleaming emerald orbs on the younger elf's back and watching him with a kind of curious intensity, mimicking Nightfall's question with only a look and an expression, as usual letting her do the talking... Shadows shakes his head, **Never let them get close....it always hurts worse later ** Nightfall sighs. ** That's not always true, but if you feel that way... ** Redlance again mimics his lifemate with nothing more than a concerned look and a firm set to his jaw, shaking his head... You locksend ** Zlay, I've already told you we aren't out to hurt you. ** to Shadows. Shadows nods to something unsaid, ** I know...I know, everyone says it but I'm afraid." Nightfall sends openly ** You have to use that fear, then, to make you stronger by facing it and trusting someone. ** Redlance gives a little shrug, tilting his head **If you're afraid to be hurt, you'll always be alone... but how can you stand being alone? Aren't you a wolf-rider?** He squeezes Nightfall's hand, shooting her an agitated look... when people are unhappy, he's uncomfortable... Nightfall sighs and watches Shadows gather his things. She leans against her lifemate, her eyes half-closed now. Redlance frowns softly and squeezes his love, sending **Nightfall, Beloved... up now, time to trundle off to bed... no more sleeping in this open or we'll wake looking like we did on the trip to the Sun Village...** giving her a little jostle and pushing up to his knees, gathering their things... Nightfall yawns and nods sleepily. ** Yes beloved, I'm going...I'm going... ** You locksend ** Go to bed, Shadows, and think about things, ok? friends and love and trust. ** to Shadows. Nightfall sighs and yawns. Nudged by her mate, she gets up and gathers her things and follows Redlance back towards the encampment and her tent. You walk towards the Rolling Hills in the west. Redlance arrives from the spring in the east. You walk towards the Temporary Encampment. You step quietly into Nightfall's tent. Redlance quietly enters Nightfall's tent. Nightfall climbs into the furs to sleep. (end scene)