Log file from Skywise. 3/20/2000 1:57:22 PM Synopsis: Skywise is up on the hill and Shenshen comes along. The two start talking and... stuff. ;) Then Furr shows up, and.. I'll let the log speak for itself. Logged by Skywise. Hill Standing atop the slope, you have an incredible view of the SilverRun river, to the west of the holt and to the Northeast you see the huge branches of the immense father tree in the distance, reaching upward to the sky.. The land here rises softly in a gentle slope, then drops off steeply to the river bank which hems in the western side of the holt. The land around you is covered over with brown and drying grass, dotted here and there with colorful stray leaves from the neighboring trees. It is a cool autumn afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens. It's not surprising, that the 'gazer has again found his way back up on the hill. Seated in the knee-high grass, only Skywise's upper body can be seen. And of course, his head is tilted back and eyes focused on the sky above. The last of the wilting summer flowers have passed on to dried weeds now, so Shenshen's nimble fingers have found something new in which to make a wreath out of--the long dried grasses. Of course, the best ones grow on the hill, so that is where she's headed this dark. A few stumbling footsteps announce her path even before she's visible, as well as a muffled yelp or two. The village maiden does not have the eyes of the wolfriders, and it's all the more painfully aware when she tries to find her way around on a dark night. Skywise draws his eyes from the stars and looks towards the sound, grinning to himself. The scent brought to his nose is familiar, so he sits up to watch the maiden stumble along. Not offering any help, he is so gallant that way. "Watch out for that stump." he comments, shrinking his head down as he closes one eye to see if Shenshen actually manages to avoid the thing. Shenshen gasps in surprise, peering about in the darkness. "Skywise! Are you up here?" The footsteps immediately stop, and then, her hushed voice asks again, "Where is the stump?" Another muffled step and then "Ow! Um...nevermind." Reeds snap as she plucks them from their companions. "Looking at the stars again, silver-hair?" A soft chuckle reveals Skywise's amusement, and he finally takes pity on the maiden who can't see in the dark. Not much of a rustle, then he suddenly appears at Shenshen's side. "Uh huh, I've come up with something fascinating." he tells the maiden, offering his hand to guide her around the stump. Shenshen gives a squeal of fright, putting a hand to her breast. "Oh, great Sun but you scared me, Skywise." The reeds in her brown hand are almost crushed by her anxiety. But then she grins, reaching out to bap him in the arm with the plants. "Something fascinating? More star-watching?" Skywise playfully tries to duck the bapping, grinning cheekily. He's not sorry he scared you, and you would know it. "Aye, see the stars have a great important purpose!" He ignores the darkness, cause he can, trying to tug the maiden along to a spot to sit down. He's eager to impart on this bit of theory. Shenshen follows with a giggle, allowing him to tug her hand and drag her over to his favorite star-watching spot. "What sort of purpose do they have? They're just a bunch of little sparkly things in the sky. Baskets serve a purpose. Leather serves a purpose. Herbs serve a purpose. What do stars do?" There's a teasing lilt to her playful, hushed voice. Skywise turns his silver-gray eyes to the maiden, then snorts softly. "Humph." Sitting down, he starts pointing out a few of them sparkly things on the sky canvas. "See, when these stars stand in line with the Mother moon, the Fire-bugs mate." "Which stars?" That sounds rather...well, neat. Shenshen's olive eyes immediately tilt back to look at the winking lights in the sky. "Those? Or those? They all look the same to me." She flounces over to sit next to Skywise, arranging the fringe on her leggings for a moment before looking at him. "I didn't get to see the fire-bugs mate last turn." A playful pout edges on her lips. Furr is silently watching the pair of you from his bush. Skywise gives a well-known grin, putting a hand to Shenshen's shoulder to push her back in the tall grass. "Lay back, I'll show you." Offering his own shoulder as a cushion between the ground and Shenshen's head, he uses his free hand to 'draw' out the line of stars. Which are not aligned just now of course, too late in the summer for that. "Those stars, right there. Have you ever seen them mate, at all?" he then asks, his eyes gleaming. Shenshen's delightfully wicked laughter echoes on the hill. She obligingly leans back, cuddling her body close to Skywise's as he points out the stars. She gives them a faintly interested look, then glances back over at the stargazer, grinning. "Why no, I haven't. What do they do when they mate? Do they light up even brighter? Or fade out?" One finger begins to wrap around a lock of her curly hair in a teasing, flirtatious manner. "And maybe we should change your name to something other than Skywise, if you seem to watch the bugs mate so often." Furr rustles the foliage a bit. Skywise need no more encouragement then that, to share the ritual of mating fire-bugs. He even lifts up to allow Shenshen to see his face. And he smoothly ignores the rustling of the bushes. "First, the male has to impress the female. By flashing and dancing in the air." He winks, close to standing up to really prove a point. "The female get to pick which one she fancy the most, and they dance together in the moon and star light." His voice turns a little saucy, his head lowering toward Shenshen's. "And what would you call me?" he asks quietly, clearly flirting back. Furr rolls his eyes in his bushy home. Talk about sappy. Furr extends his legs from BushHome with a loud rustle. A torrent of giggles spill forth from Shenshen, and she tilts her head, regarding him in a scrutinizing fashion. "Hmm....I think....I might call you...." One finger taps against her lips, her eyes still resting on him. Her senses not as keen as a normal wolfrider's, she is oblivious to the sound in the bushes. "I think I should call you...." As the bushes rustle loudly once more, that catches her attention, and her words choke off in fright. "....something is in the bushes!" Skywise lifts his head and turns his gaze towards the bush, grinning from ear to ear. Didn't he at a point mention he'd manage to distract Shenshen? "It's just that hot-head from Mantricker's time." Helping Shenshen up, he even points out the exact location of the peepin-tom. Furr wiggles his toes as he snorts, "I'm not a hot-head" Shenshen gasps in surprise, a frown furrowing on her dark brow. "Great Sun. Not again!" She stands, dusting off her bottom with her hand, her gaze watching where Skywise points. "Furr, what are you doing in the bushes?" The maiden baps Skywise's arm lightly, grinning at him, and sharing a private send. Shenshen locksends ** I think he's following me everywhere! Does he do that to you? ** Furr swishes his feet back and forth while remaining under the bush, "This is my home." Skywise is very helpful, his hands brushing over Shenshen's bottom too. He answers the send and look with a cheeky grin. "Is it now?" he asks Furr. The 'gazer don't seem to care one way or another, he's had his fun with this elf. You locksend to Shenshen, Skywise snorts mentally. ** I'd follow you too <>. I spose he don't like me much. ** Furr offers plainly to the slu..err stargazer, "It is." (Sorry, I had to leave that comment in there.) Shenshen giggles, slapping Skywise's hands away playfully. "You don't get to do that unless I get my chance also!" She points at his bottom with a wink, then turns her attention back to Furr after a moment, clearly puzzled. "Why are you living in the bushes, Furr? There are plenty of dens in the Father Tree." Furr continues to wiggle his feet ignoring the elves antics, "I prefer it out here" Skywise shrugs and turns his bottom to Shenshen, eyes sparkling in mischief. "It's nice out here." Definitely a good spot to make a home. And the stars is great company, really. He is however, not about to ignore Shenshen's antics. Furr locksends ** It won't work you know. ** You locksend to Furr, Skywise chuckles mentally. ** How would you know, you tried it? ** Furr locksends ** Tried what? ** You locksend ** What is not working. ** to Furr. Furr locksends ** It does not bother me if you persue her. ** A pert slap to his behind is the answer to Skywise's posing. "Your rump is just fine, o Bug-gazer." Shenshen giggles, though her mood is somewhat dampened by Furr's strange actions. "I don't understand. What's wrong with the Father Tree?" Her twin topknots tilt to the side as she cocks her head, trying to understand Furr's mind. Furr pops his head out from under the bush, "I am not wanted there so I shall stay here" Skywise's eyes gleam even more, as he looks over at Furr. "Well then!" Must be the answer to a private send. He jumps a little at the slap to his behind, then turns to fuzzle with the topknots. With a soft playful growl, he goes about nibbling at Shenshen's shoulder. At Furr's words, he lifts his head and nearly laughs. "Y'know. If you quit telling everyone they are not following the Way and quit challenging them, you might be welcome." Don't expect anyone to be friendly to one who is not. Furr says "I made only one challenge" Never one to resist a bit of blatant flirting or nuzzling, Shenshen's all to willing to let Skywise playfully maul her. Laughing, she tugs at one of his earlobes. "Hey! That tickles!" She glances over at Furr as Skywise speaks to him, giving him a mildly sympathetic look, though it's overcast by the rather cheerful flirtacious look that she tosses at Skywise. A send passes through between them again, and she slides one hand into the front of his tunic. Shenshen locksends ** Aww, be nice, Skywise. You'll hurt his feelings. And he doesn't have anyone. <> ** Furr crawls out from beneath the bush raising to his full height, "I expect this sort of teasing from the whitehaired one, however I would not think you could be so cruel Shenshen", with that he turns and walks down the hill. It's a wolfpack, this Holt. If the Alpha has allowed the stranger to stay, no one of the pack will argue it. Skywise grins widely and just pushes the issue aside, it's Furr's choice to make good with the pack or not. That and Shenshen has him distracted, with both send and touch. He nods quitly and glances over at Furr again. "Y'know, she's been nothing but nice to you. It's your own doing, making friction." You locksend ** I am being nice, Shenshen. But as you can see, he takes it all wrong. ** to Shenshen. >From afar, Shenshen's tender heart is melting. **I feel so bad for him!** You locksend ** We're all here for him, Shenshen. He just choose to insult us at every word. ** to Shenshen. Shenshen pulls away from Skywise, a hurt look on her face at Furr's accusation. "What do you mean? I'm not being cruel, am I?" Always sensitive, she looks absolutely crushed at the wolfrider's hurtful words, giving Skywise a bewildered look as Furr walks away. "What did I do?" Furr calls back behind him as he leaves, "As you say 'pup" Shenshen locksends ** Maybe...maybe I should go talk to him? ** Skywise moves his hands out, not at all suprised at the behaviour. "Nothing, Shenshen." As he's called pup, he starts snickering though. "See what I mean?" You locksend to Shenshen, Skywise seem a little protective, but is not about to run /your/ life. ** Be careful neh? ** Since he has really bad experience with this one. Anyone who attachs a quiet elf like Woodlock, has to have a screw loose. You sense in a locksend, Shenshen's -hmph- of dismissal is almost audible in her send. **He wouldn't harm a flea, Skywise. I think he's just scared. Maybe I'll go talk to him. Just give me a moment.** Shenshen's gaze follows Furr, then, glancing back to Skywise, she takes a few steps after Furr. "Wait, Furr. Do you want to talk about this?" She stumbles through the tall grass, her night-sight not exactly kind to her. Skywise nods silently to a private send, looking to Shenshen. If the maiden is hurt by this elf anyway, he'll have both Leetah and Cutter on his throat. Not a very attractive situation. Furr snorts, "I have nothing to say to you Shenshen go..be with the whitehaired one" A hurt look flashes across Shenshen's expressive face, and she flinches. "Well....okay." Almost visibly deflated at the thought of hurting someone that trusted her--and for reasons she doesn't understand, she turns back to Skywise, giving him a mute, appealing look. Shenshen locksends ** Do something! We hurt his feelings! ** The whitehaired one has resumed the gazing of the stars, though his keen ears pick up the conversation easy enough. At a send, Skywise sighs and looks after Furr. What he'll do for the one's he cares for, High One's he should have a medal for this. "If you're sticking around the Holt, it would help you if you start making friends with the pack rather then pushing away a friendly effort." Shenshen locksends ** <> Thank you, Skywise.<> ** Furr turns slightly, "Is it your custom then to hurt another then to offer a veiled apology and claim it is the other's fault for not forgiving? "You bite first, expect a bite back." Skywise shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. "I've no reason to apologize to you, veiled or not." Why would he change his personality and impishness, to rub this one who barges in to the Holt claiming no one here is of good wolfblood. Shenshen's sympathetic expression fades, a huffy one retaking it's place as Furr speaks. "What do you mean? Skywise has done nothing to you!" She gives a flounce, tossing her hair as she turns back to Skywise, commenting. "I don't know what you're talking about, and if you're not going to explain, I can see now why I shouldn't waste my time trying to be your friend." Furr snorts as he starts walking back, "I have been bitten back.", he points to his swollen eye, "And bitten back", shows the bruise on his throat, "And bitten back again!", shows the bruises on his chest by ripping open his tunic, "These first ones I earned myself", he points again to his chest, "These others were gained me while showing throat to your fellow tribesmates! Must I let you all beat the wits out of me before I am treated anything less than a pet!" Furr smirks at Shenshen then at Skywise, "If his intentions to you are true then I offer my apologies but I suspect his reason for being here with you now, at least in part, is a slight towards me" Skywise arches his thin brows. "Doubt they'd bite you if you showed throat." He'll stand on his tribesmate's side, before believing this elf. At the last comment, his brows goes down and he seem amused. "I have nothing against you, and who she chooses to amuse herself with is /her/ choice." Not like there's a shortage around here, really. Shenshen turns to Furr, her eyes widening at the sight of the bruises. Someone must have gotten rather mad at him. "Why does it matter who I am with? Nobody owns me, nor am I lifemated." A puzzled look crosses her features. "And what do you mean, a slight towards you? What do you mean?" The olive eyes narrow suspiciously, and she casts a look over at Skywise, hands going to her hips. You locksend to Shenshen, Skywise feels he need to explain, and does so. He relays the happening, with him and Woodlock cooling off Furr. (See log, assume he sent you the whole thing without holding anything back.) Furr shrugs indifferently, "Perhaps you should ask the Silverhaired one. Skywise tilts his head, sending privatly to Shenshen. Maybe he /is/ relaying this to the maiden. Shenshen's look is distracted, her mind lost in a send. After a moment, it clears, and she blinks rapidly, turning her gaze back to Furr. She seems to have only halfway heard what he said, an incredulous, angry look taking over her round features. "You -attacked- Woodlock? Why? He wasn't doing anything!" The hands on her hips drum their fingers angrily against her waistband. "Are you rabid? How could you attack him?" Furr sends again as he rarely does, preferring words, ** I was not right in my mind my thoughts were still trapped with my loved ones. In my madness I went to seek you out to join me when I left. The silverhaired elf and the one you mentioned taunted me until I could take no more and I struck out at the other elf ** Its not at all strange for Skywise to be picking on other elves, and he was not hostile in his wording towards Furr at all. His eyes sparkle a little, but he says nothing to what Furr sends. "Leave?" Shenshen sputters incredulously for a moment. "But...but...why would I leave? Leave my sister? Leave the tribe?" If she left for anywhere, it would be back to Sorrow's End. Leave, indeed! "Elves don't attack elves!" Disbelief rings out in her voice, as well as hurt. "You attacked a friend of mine....a tribesmate. Why would you do that? I thought we were friends." Furr frowns as he looks at Shenshen, "I didn't know what I...no that is not the right words...I did not want to be here then, I wanted to be with my kin so I lashed out at yours. For that I have apologized and I apologize again. I...I ..am at a lose for what else I can do to show you all that I am sorry.", his shoulders slump and he darts his eyes to the ground. "Could start by stop snapping at everyone." Skywise suggests, grinning as he just puts the hostilities aside once again. All he is guilty of, is picking on the elf, nothing more. Oh, and dunking him in the river, but that was well deserved. "I spose we're the closest thing to be your kin, huh?" So, stick together, much better solution. Shenshen moves forward to place a hand gently on Furr's shoulder, sensing his sadness. She gives him a comforting little pat. "It's okay, Furr. But you've got to remember that this is our home. Well, not really my home. I just stay here for now. My home is in the Village. But that's really not important." Shenshen begins to ramble, still patting awkwardly. "This is Cutter's home, and you shouldn't really attack him or his tribe in it. It's very impolite." She beams a smile over at Skywise. "You're probably right! Why, if you're from Man-whoever's tribe, and that's Cutter's ancestor, I suspect you're probably related to a few of us. Strongbow, maybe, even." That's what she'd guess. The temper seems to be similar. Furr cringes away from Shenshen at the mention of the Archer his hand reflexively going to his throat, "I will do my best to fit in here", is all he offers. Cutter pads out of the underbrush at the base of the hill. Judging by the look of things, he's just left the pool as his hair still retains a great deal of the dampness from his little dip. Rainrunner walks quietly beside him with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. A lop sided smile curls his mouth as he sends, **That's good to know.** Skywise stretches his hands over his head, doing a little jig or what have you, by himself. To him it sounds like everything is solved then. Shenshen turns in surprise at Cutter's send, beaming a cheerful smile at him. "Shade and sweet water, Cutter! Furr saw me and Skywise on the hill and stopped to talk to us. We were going to watch the fireflies joining-dance." Her look becomes sly after a moment, and she glances back at Skywise. "We haven't missed it yet, have we?" She stands and brushes off the knees of her pants, idly plucking a rather fine looking blade of the long grass as she does so. Furr nods slowly at the Wolf chieftain but says nothing. His eyes are cast away from Cutter in fact his whole posture is rather demure at the moment. Well, in fact they missed the whole thing a few moons back. Seeing it's autumn now. "Heyla, Cutter." He grins cheekily to his soul-sib, as he 'dances' over to Shenshen and slips his hand about her waist. "We missed it, but I'll image-share with you?" he suggests, his eyes sparkling playfully. Cutter's smile widens a bit as he glances back and forth between Skywise and Shenshen shaking his head, **No.. you're a little early, yet.. ** he answers for his soul's brother and chuckles as his feet carry him toward the three elves standing atop the hill. The wolfchief's fingers work at fastening the ties on his dark vest as he watches Furr's posture with a raised brow for a moment before turning to regard the stargazer and his lifemate's sister. Shenshen looks crestfallen for a moment. "We missed it? Already? But it was so quick!" Her disbelieving eyes scan the hill. Nope. No fireflies. Her lower lip thrusts out in a moue of disappointment. "But I wanted to see them. And I'm not so good at image-sharing, Skywise. It turns my brain to mush!" But her arm slips around his waist and her playful look returns. Furr stands there looking rather odd having nothing to say. He glances at his bush wondering if he can get there without some sort of reprimand. Cutter looks to Furr and sends with a quiet tone, though that does little in the way of dampening the natural air of leadership in his send voice. **You're welcome to stay and learn of 'our' Way, Furr. We won't try to stop you if you choose to leave but, there is much you could learn if you're willing to open your ears and listen instead of dwell on what has gone before.** Skywise is not to reprimand, his mouth curving up in a wider smile at Shenshen's words. Mushy alright. "I don't mind mush." he comments, teasing of course. He glances between Cutter and Furr at the sendings, then resumes fondling Shenshen with his usual playful humor. Shenshen's hands idle between actually slapping Skywise's hands away playfully, or encouraging them with little caresses of her own. "Well....if you promise to show me, I suppose we could do some...sharing." A teasing wink accompanies the innuendo. Her round-eyed gaze darts over to Cutter and Furr, and she beams a smile at the two of them. "See, Furr? Cutter's not mad at you. And you should be glad, too, what with you attacking Woodlock and all. He would have been furious at anyone else. Isn't that right, Skywise?" Furr chews his lip a bit as Shenshen offers that tad little bit of knowledge oh joy thanks a lot Shenshen. Skywise nods, his own hands shifting between avoiding the slaps and catching the caresses. "I'll show you more then that." He winks, sliding an arm about Shenshen's shoulders to tip her back a little. Still the playful one, he even gives a low 'rrr' in the maiden's ear. Cutter glances at Shenshen and Skywise, gives a slight smile and just shakes his head at the two of them. He then turns back to Furr setting a steady gaze upon the elder. Shenshen gives a small squeal--though more of delight than fright--at the mock- growl. "Skywise!" Her fingers slide inside the front of his tunic to tickle his sides. She whispers in his ear, loud enough for the others to overhear. "Be serious! Cutter and Furr are talking. They're making amends. I think." Furr almost falls over at an unexpected send. Cutter's brow furrows a bit and it's obvious that he locksends to Furr as he finishes with the ties on his vest and crosses his arms over his chest. Skywise tries to wipe off that cheeky grin, as he feels Shenshen's hands on his skin. Whaddya know, as she whispers in his ear, he merely lowers his chin to nip at Shenshen's earlobe. Of course, he then straightens up and tries a serious expression. Seeing the other two do the locksending bit, he arches his brows and peers at Shenshen. "Alright, how about you and me make.. something else?" Wink wink, nudge nudge. "Mmmm, something else? Like what?" Shenshen's interest veers, unavoidably, back to the flirtation at hand. Her hand slides up to remove the metal-headband from his face. "We could make....herbs. Or maybe.....a basket....or.....boots." The last is offered with a giggle and a wink over at Cutter. Oblivious to his serious mood, she teases her sister's lifemate. "You got any suggestions, Cutter?" As Furr is rather silent, her attention becomes distracted away from him--Skywise is much more entertaining, after all. Cutter nods slightly in Furr's direction and a brow lifts as yet more locksends pass between the two. His attention is distracted slightly by Shenshen's question and he flashes a quick smile over at her, "Hmm.. maybe you can teach Skywise a new trick or two?" he suggests with a merry twinkle in his eyes. Skywise's fluffy white hair bounces as its freed from his headpiece's confinement, bangs dancing into his eyes. "I had other things in mind." he responds to the whole line of rather dull things to do. At Cutter's comment, he humphs and lets his fingers tickle over Shenshen's ribs. "Sure, I'll learn." He then leans his head down, to whisper softly in Shenshen's ear, his eyes gleaming impishly. You whisper "Teach me how to warm your furs? <>" to Shenshen. Furr snarls slightly at a send before folding his arms "Skywise!" Shenshen's voice is a teasing scold, and she squirms to get away from the tickling fingers. "If you don't know how to do that by now, I should think you're in quite a bit of trouble." She winks at him, then puts the headband against her cheeks, pressing it to her face in an imitation of wearing it. She pauses to flash a smile at Cutter. "He knows more tricks than I do, probably. But maybe we could compare...." With one hand holding the headband to her face, the other reaches up to grasp a gentle handful of Skywise's fluffy silver locks. "You might look good with topknots, you know. Just like mine!" Cutter's attention quickly returns to Furr and his expression appears to convey the fact that his less than impressed with Furr's sudden display of aggression. **Not to me, you haven't.** he sends openly, clearly sounding a little annoyed all of a sudden. Skywise's eyes narrow a little when his hair is tugged on, making a slight grimace. Of course, he's not in pain but who really knows that? "Aye, we can compare." He's all for that idea, no doubt. Though, on the second idea his eyes widens a little and he starts shaking his head. "Sweet, I think you look better with them topknots." His eyes sparkle, "And with that headpiece on too." Of course, to Skywise, Shenshen would look good in (or out of) anything. Shenshen locksends ** So how about I wear your headband and you can wear....well, let's see. Nothing? <> ** Furr scowls darkly at Cutter his skin taking on a flushed tone, his brows knitting slightly. You locksend ** Could do that. <> ** to Shenshen. Shenshen's attention is diverted from the flirting play as Cutter's send jolts through her mind. Distracted, she lowers her hand from Skywise's hair, absently taking down the headband. "Is something wrong, Cutter?" Her quiet voice raises a question in the night air. "Should we...should we leave, maybe?" She's not a wolfrider, but she can smell a hint of a challenge. Cutter shakes his head at another send from Furr and glances over at Shenshen and Skywise grinning with mischief shining in his cerulean eyes, "Just that Skywise might want to try those topknots.." He purses his lips thoughtfully and lets his hands fall to his hips, "You never know, stargazer, you just might like them." Shenshen locksends ** <> Hmmm....you make a tempting argument! ** Skywise lets Shenshen be distracted by other comments, putting his gaze on Cutter. Fluttering his eyelashes, he sashay's much like how Shenshen moves (when its not dark), towards Cutter. "If you like them, I might try it?" Shenshen bursts into a fit of giggles, her hands going to her hips. "I do -not- walk like that, Skywise! Hmph!" She gives a small toss of her auburn ringlets, a mock angry look on her face. "Just for that, I think you /should/ wear the topknots. We can switch hairstyles for a day." She winks at Cutter and Furr. "Don't you think so?" Cutter bursts into a fit of laughter at Skywise's antics and a long arm shoots out to catch the stargazer's shoulder with an easy comraderie. "I'd have to see it before I'd know whether or not I liked them," he replies then glances over at Shenshen with a bright grin, "You do when you've set your eye on some young male," he informs her, then glances over at Furr with a hint of a smile hovering at the corners of his mouth. Furr turns away but did not smile his hands pumping open so as not to remain closed fists. He nods to a locksend. Skywise rests a hand on his hip, face beaming with naughty gleam. "Doesn't she though?" He nudges Cutter's abdomen gently, winking up at him. "I see Leetah do it too, when she knows your nearby." He darts away after that comment, scooping an arm about Shenshen's waist and reaching to maybe steal back his headpiece. "Walk?" he asks her, teasing gently. Shenshen's arms cross over her chest in a scowl. "I do not do that!" With a small pout, she tosses her hair again, opening her mouth to say something. A send gleams in her mind, and she glances over at Furr, her mouth closing again with a hurt look. She doesn't resist as Skywise loops an arm around her waist, turning to look at him. "Walk? Sure." Her own arm slides around his and she offers him a smile. You locksend ** Maybe you should start biting back. ** to Shenshen. Cutter's brow lifts as Skywise nudges him and laughing points out that particular similarity between the sister. A grin spreads slowly across his face and he nods as a burst of laughter comes from him at Shenshen's retort. The laughter is shortlived though as he catches her look of hurt, then his gaze shifts toward Furr with a question evident in his features. Furr isn't looking at Cutter his gaze is cast towards Shenshen Skywise's playful embrace turns more protective now, his eyes glancing to Furr before ignoring him. Shaking his head and even tries to turn Shenshen away from the elf, giving a far more gentle smile to the maiden. "We could always test the water again, leaf-eyes." Long distance to Veridian: Skywise chuckles Cutter's gaze travels back and forth between Shenshen, Skywise and Furr. He knows that something's going on between the three but, obviously nobody's letting him in on it. He frowns. Cutter locksends ** <> ** Shenshen gasps in shock at Furr's send, oblivious to the gentle words of the Stargazer. She bursts into hurt tears, glaring at the offending Wolfrider. "I am sorry I ever tried to be nice to you! Why are you so hateful?" One brown hand swipes across her cheek to wipe at the angry tears that spill out, her other hand clenching into a fist. "How can you say such things?" Her voice is a tremulous quaver, and she turns away, her easily bruised feelings showing plainly on her face. She pulls away from Skywise to stumble ahead into the forest. You locksend to Cutter, Skywise seem rather annoyed at this point. ** He keeps hurting her, she's nothing but nice to him. ** And you know by now, Skywise really has a serious problem with this elf who keeps /attacking/ on all levels, the members of this tribe. Furr hurmpfs as he turns away from the pair to move closer to Chieftain. Skywise stands there for a second, giving Cutter a long look. Just barely managing from snarling, he moves past the two and heads after Shenshen. This is how this elf keeps 'friendships' going? "The Hill suddenly seem.. tainted." he murmurs, likely towards Cutter, as he passes. You locksend ** Shen, don't go! ** to Shenshen. Shenshen locksends ** Am I that bad of a person to know? Why would he say such horrible things to me? <> He says he doesn't want to know an elf like me! ** Cutter frowns and turns toward Furr, **What do you think you're doing?** he sends, confounded by how short a memory the elder elf seems to have. His lips curl into a slight snarl and there is a faint trace of challenge in his send. Furr blinks as he turns to look at Chieftain, "What?", he says blankly A send has Skywise stop in his track and turn his eyes over his shoulder. "You told her /what/?" he suddenly growls, turning around completely and predatory like starts back up the path. It takes a lot to make Skywise this angry, but this elf seem to push all the right buttons. "And you call yourself a /wolfrider/?" he continues, his eyes narrowed to slits. Cutter locksends ** What was sent to her? ** Furr blinkblinks at Skywise, "What what??" You locksend ** That he didn't want to know an elf like her. <> ** to Cutter. Cutter glances back and forth between Skywise and Furr frowning as he wonders what was said. His brows suddenly shoot straight up as he receives a send from the stargazer and his gaze turns to Furr, **What's wrong with knowing an elf like Shenshen?** he asks. Sure she has her annoying moments but, well.. she /is/ his mate's sister.. and she's even good for a laugh every now and again. Most of all, she's kind to /everyone/. Skywise continues to stare-down at Furr, not at all pleased by this. Furr takes a step back from the pair of you as he looks about, "That is between Shenshen and I.", he looks at Silverhair again, "It has nothing to do with her not being a Wolfrider" Cutter scowls and turns to fully face Furr, **Then what has it to do with.. ?** he queries the shorter elf with no small amount of impatience in his send. His hands rest on his hips as he waits for the answer. Furr takes a step back from the pair of you as he looks about, "That is between Shenshen and I.", he looks at Silverhair again, "It has nothing to do with her not being a Wolfrider"'. Furr looks to Cutter as he sends directly to the Chieftain. Skywise draws his lips back, not hiding his snarl now. "Shenshen is as much part of this Holt as anyone, even if she's from Sun Village. But she /never/ hurt anyone. This is how you treat her friendship?" He throws his hands up, flicking a glance to Cutter, before he turns and heads back down the hill. You locksend ** I'm not staying here with him. ** to Cutter. You sense in a locksend, Cutter seems to nod, **Aye, Shenshen needs someone to comfort her.. and it seems that she wanted your company to begin with. <>** Cutter straightens and glances after Skywise then turns back to Furr still frowning slightly but, his stance is not nearly as aggressive as before. **Shenshen does not deserve your anger and she, like any other maiden of this holt is free to choose who she will be with. It is not for you or I to say who she can or can not spend her time with. Was that not the way in Mantricker's time?** His arms cross over his chest as he sends with a gentle but, firm rebuff, **You have done everything you can to insult the lot of us. It is no wonder that half the tribe wants to see you run from LostHolt. Sends like that don't help matters any.** Furr snorts in absolute disgust, "That is it!!! I do as you ask I get nipped at. I try friendship only to have pups like that white hair nip at me with his little slights and jabs! And now it is my fault because I do not play their game?? I do not seek Shenshen's attention! A snort comes from Skywise, as he continues away from the two. He probably caught that outburst.