Log file from Cutter. 01/04/2000 0:19:54 Title: Confronting Sir Zirek Characters: Zirek and Cutter Synopsis: Cutter catches Zirek leaving the holt after he slipped in under the Glider ban. Hill Standing atop the slope, you have an incredible view of the SilverRun river, to the west of the holt and to the Northeast you see the huge branches of the immense father tree in the distance, reaching upward to the sky. The land here rises softly in a gentle slope, then drops off steeply to the river bank which hems in the western side of the holt. The land around you is covered over with rich green grass and dotted with sweet smelling flowers. As the daystar sets the air turns chilly in the NewGreen evening. Zirek has apparently gotten rather sloppy in covering his tracks when he sneaks into the holt to see Minx. He comes strolling out of the holt proper as pleasantly as you please, carrying his boots over his shoulder. He seems to have made himself quite at home. Cutter seems to have been expecting Zirek as he stands leaning against a nearby tree, long arms crossed in an almost lazy fashion over his narrow chest. His bright, blue, lupine eyes carry a hard glint in them as he watches the Glider slip out of the cover of the forest and his jaw sets as his brows draw into a heavy scowl. His send is clear and crisp as the chill air of the whitecold season as he straightens and somehow manages a wolfish stalk in Zirek's direction, no matter that the stance doesn't seem to match his height at all. **I was beginning to wonder if you were going to come out before the daystar rose.** Zirek stiffens, suddenly getting exactly the same expression on his face when he'd barely reached an eight-of-turns and was doing something he knew was against the rules. It wasn't all that long ago, after all. Still, the lad straightens his shoulders. ** Ah. Cutter. I'd wondered when you'd catch on. ** He's not belligerent, not contrary, just quite clearly breaking the rules with full knowledge of what he's doing. Just as headstrong as when he was a cub here in Lostholt with his equally headstrong dam. Only now he's not a harmless cub, but a former Chosen. One who knows your daughter's soulname, who helped her kill a glider and then escape. One who professed love for your family, but willingly returned to the clutches of the very Black Snake who has tried again and again to destroy you and yours. Cutter stops just in front of Zirek to regard him with that unchanged glare that speaks volumes without aid of send or voice. **It didn't take all that long really. Though I had hoped that you would have caught on to my watching you before I had to confront you.** His hands, shaped by the very Black Snake that you've aided in the past, draw into determined fists at his sides as a low growl emits from deep within. **Stay out of LostHolt. I've been kind enough to allow you to stay this close to the forest. Don't make me send you back to your .** the send is as low and dangerous as the growl letting you know that he means business, no matter that, even in send, he nearly chokes on the word referring to the Black Snake. Zirek ducks his head, eyes looking away in an unconscious guesture of submission. He scratches his still-bandaged shoulder of his useless arm absently. ** Not my Lord. Not any longer. I've told you that. No longer a Chosen, no longer a Hunter. What am I supposed to do, Cutter? Keep living on the edges, hiding in the shadows? It's not my way. I'm a warrior. With no tribe to protect any longer. ** He scuffs his foot a little. ** If you want me to go, I'll take my family and go. But you get to tell Minx, okay? Fair's fair... ** His send is a bit wry, and you're quite aware of what your hotheaded grandcub will probably have to say about that. Entirely too much like Bearclaw. Maybe even more than Ember was. Zirek sends again. ** I'm sorry, Cutter. You're chief and in spite of how stupid I think this little rule of yours is, I should obey it. I won't set foot in your holt again. ** At the mention of Minx's probable reaction, something changes in Cutter's expression, though it is only a slight one, it is a change. His jaw clenches once more and then he relaxes a bit before glancing off over the top of the hill and nodding his head. **One thing at a time, Zirek. At least I didn't throw you out of the father tree.** he sends with a hint of subtle humor underlying the last bit. **I know Minx wouldn't have appreciated that.** Zirek stifles a laugh and rubs his nose, still not meeting your eyes. ** No... you're probably right. ** Cutter nods as his hands relax out of the fists at his sides. **I don't care if Minx wants to come out here to be with you. That's her business. As for you... You've betrayed my trust in the past and that's not something I can easily put aside.. not anymore.** he sends sounding more than a little tired and perhaps a bit uneasy entrusting you with that bit of information. Zirek runs the fingers of his good hand through his hair. ** I understand. ** And, strangely, he actually seems to. ** My family and I will leave as soon as we're packed. ** Cutter lets out a long sigh.. **I didn't say for you to leave. You don't have to but, if you want back in the holt with my invitation behind it, you've got to give me reason to trust you again.** Zirek's hand balls into a fist now, and he finally meets your eyes. ** How can I do that, Cutter? You're right not to trust me. I never /mean/ to mess things up, but I always do. And you know what? Minx wants to come with me when we go. But what am I anymore? A Chosen who can never return to the Mountain? A traitor to both sides? By the shadow of the great ice wall, if I were a chief, I'd send someone like me to the farthest side of child moon! It all seemed to make some kind of sense at some time, but now... Ah, dung. You're right. ** Cutter seems to ponder that for a long moment trying to find some sort of answer but, in the end can only nod understanding at least some part of it all. Zirek paces a little. ** If you will allow my family to go safely into the holt, I'll go away. Would that be sufficient? ** Cutter's brow draws low into something akin to a confused scowl and he shakes his head, **I can't learn to trust you if you're nowhere around.** he sends finally. Zirek grins lopsidedly ** I don't know that I should try to get you to trust me. ** Cutter shrugs his shoulders, **And I don't know if I want to.. so, I guess that leaves it up to you.** he sends while doing his best to fight down the beginnings of a smile. Zirek scratches the back of his neck again. ** So, ah... any idea when your lovely lifemate will be back? I am getting real tired of this arm. ** Cutter glances, once more, in the direction of the hilltop as if hoping to see Leetah there and sighs longingly when she doesn't appear. He shakes his head, **Soon, I hope.** he sends and rubs the back of his neck seemingly upset by his lifemate's prolonged absence from his side, then again, maybe it's something else that's bugging him. Zirek tilts his head. "I can go get her if you want." Cutter shakes his head, **No, she'll come back when she's finished with her visiting.** he sends with a sigh, knowing how Leetah and Shen Shen can be when together. Zirek scratches his arm. "Just as well, I guess. I'd have to sneak to the Mountain for Talon and hope that Woodshadow doesn't find out." He sighs a little. "I miss my bird." Cutter studies you thoughtfully for a long moment after that revelation, then nods in understanding, **Though those birds seem to bring us nothing but, trouble, I understand.** Zirek grins a little. "Yeah. Maybe I should get a pet wolf." He teases. Cutter's brow lifts as a snort of laughter emits from him, "They're more than pets, you know," he observes somewhat dryly. Zirek nods emphatically "I know! You can ride them, too." Cutter looks toward the stars and shakes his head, "They're like brothers to us. We don't ride them simply because they're trained for it. They let us ride them." Zirek looks at Cutter a little closer. "Yeah. I know. 'Shadow's a 'rider. When we Recognized... I think I got a little closer to understanding. Well, um... " He rubs the back of his neck. "I can't say I really /understand/ it, but it's as much of your nature as bein' a warrior is mine." Clumsy words, but he's trying at least. Cutter smiles, a bittersweet expression, as he nods his head and studies the toes of his boots for a moment. Perhaps it has something to do with the warrior comment, something he's had to be but, would rather forget about. A flash of pained memory crosses his face but, in the shadows cast by the fringe of pale locks, it would be difficult for any to see. Finally, he nods again and lifts his gaze back to yours, **I suppose that's the best way to think about it.** Zirek yawns and stretches slightly. He tries to think of something else to say. ** Cutter, I'd never hurt Minx, or Ember, or any of your tribe. Not knowingly. Just know that. ** Cutter's lips quirk into a lopsided smirk as he nods, **It's a good thing I know that already or I'd have tossed you out of the father tree no matter what Minx said.** even though there is an uneasiness and a hint of humor behind the send, you get the impression that he's as serious as death itself, and more than capable of doing just that if he felt the need. Zirek nods, respect in his look. ** Understood, my chief. ** He gives a little GoBack salute and wanders towards 'Shadow's tent. Cutter nods and watches you for a moment before turning and slipping into the forest, almost as silently as he did before the change but, to a Wolfrider's ears, he's almost as noisy as a Glider.